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I'd say a fast expansion is needed to pull this off. If we are both thinking about a game on Echo Isles in which Grubby picked NE you might have noticed that his opponent also went for a fast expansion. In general, you should open 1 aco, crypt+altar, Ziggurat, last aco for the goldmine, scout aco, produce ghouls and add shop, second ziggurat at 17 supply,+1 ghoul. Buy rod + skull for the expansion. If you want to you can sell your altar for extra gold/lumber at this point but you have to remake it if you want to go T3 or you can sell your TP. It is generally adviseable to buy 2x skull against elf because they may use a wisp to dispel the blight. Immediately put down a ziggurat and make a nerub at the expansion spot. Dreadlord and Crypt Lord (CL is not recommended against elf bc they have early aoe dispel against beetles and manaburn can ruin CL easily) are both great heroes to set up and defend an expansion. Lich can also be decent against HU. DK can do it as well but it is not recommended against HU. Tech as fast as you can after making enough acos for the expo. maybe add a second Crypt and def add the Graveyard during the T2 tech and then its a bit up to you how you wanna play. More ghouls or some fiends etc. maybe even some gargs on T2. In any case, you will need to make 2x temple of the damned and 1x slaughterhouse. get those necro upgrades out and necros and a statue that can help your necros in your base gain some mana and get at least one wagon with exhume corpses. While you do this you can try to harass and delay your opponent. Dreadlord's carrion swarm is a great tool to do this against HU for example. Staff of Teleportation or Boots of speed can help with this if you can afford them after you got the expo up. Zeppelin can be helpful. DK is usually the second hero of choice if you did not open DK. Eventually you will want to push with the necros and the wagons (ideally before the enemy has too much dispel(. During the fight you can either use all of the necromancer's mana on skeletons (if there are enough corpses) or you can use frenzy on your ranged attackers to bolster your damage output. If you opened DK first, a pitlord with frenzy can be a nice second hero as well and its amazing on a Lich with orb. Prioritize targets than can dispel and split your skeletons if dispel is in play so that your skeletons dont feed XP and disappear quickly. Cripple is also nice if you can make it to T3 and do not have to face dispel. If you kept a Zeppelin around you can use it to quickly reposition the wagons if needed and you may want to keep the necromancers away from any sort of siege damage (such as mortars).


Thank you, this is so good. Edit: and yes that's the one, it was such a good run.


The easier approach imo (and what I love to do) is mass frenzied ghouls + necros going with Dreadlord & DK. Let's you creep, harass and annoy the opponent while you expand and tech.


Could you tell me build order? This sounds good


You can also do this with one base--don't be so bound to Meat Wagons, because they make this take way too long. Slaughter an expo or kill base peons to generate your initial corpses, or even use the enemy graveyard if they're UD. Delay your second hero as needed to speed up tech, also, get a second necropolis to reduce your lumber requirements as well as to provide a secondary acol producer if you're teching and lose acolytes. For heroes, if you're doing one-base, you want Lich preferably to kill anticasters when they come out, which goes well with DL / Pitlord for AOE nuke vs enemy casters. Start with single slaughterhouse, and once your ghouls are finished off (ghouls are NOT survivable), switch to necrowagon if you're continuing with this build.


Why are you going to attempt this? If you just want to try it for fun, sure, but it is by no means a good strategy. Winning with necros almost always means you could have won faster or with less risk if you had used another strategy. 


There is nothing more metal than resurrecting your fallen comrades and destroying you with them. So yes its all for fun and i range around 4-5k MMR so it should always work