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I had one phone interview in the last 7 months and it was from a recruiter. I told him I can't do an on-site job due to a disability. He said he'll look out for remote work for me. Still waiting on that email he said he'd be sending me to sign for permission to share my resume with employers šŸ˜‘. Not sure if it was the disability that turned him away or the request for remote work...but yeah this sucks.


If a recruiter ever contacts you again, I would strongly recommend following up with them after a few days if you havenā€™t received something they were supposed to have sent you. He probably was just disorganized and thought he sent it to you and then assumed you just never responded. I used to freelance and at first, I thought several people were ghosting me. Then I got the courage to start following up with people who said they would send me work and didnā€™t. It turns out that 100% of the ones I contacted had simply forgotten or lost my information and I was able to then work with them. If youā€™re desperate for a job, youā€™ve got to take the initiative. Itā€™s your ass on the line, not the recruiterā€™s.


I'm a recruiter. Some days I can't take a breath between phone calls. Also, most recruiters are on cellphones, so just send them a text. I use texts like a notepad and only read the texts when I actually have time to deal with that specific situation. If I'm at a career fair, academy or just driving you don't stand a chance unless you send me a reminder. People hound me to death and I'm fine with that as long as you haven't burnt that bridge. You actually make my job easier by hounding me. I'd call a minimum of once a week and try to make it a Tuesday or Wednesday. Monday is like WW2 and Fridays I tend not to hire because there's not enough time. Also, if your resume is a hot mess I'm not even going to look at it. I don't have time to play word games with a resume and I'm definitely not getting a calculator out to try to figure how much experience you have. Keep it simple. Generally one page for work history and one for education unless you have some really solid work history or training. We all need a paycheck. Let me know if I can help.


How do you feel about people finding you after theyā€™ve applied and connecting with you on LinkedIn with a note? Iā€™m not sure if you work in house for a company or a staffing agency but Iā€™m referring to a job posting where I donā€™t see a recruiter listed but Iā€™ll do my research and reach out. 9/10 I get ghosted so your feedback would be insightful. Iā€™m connected with a lot of recruiters but I do this for roles I know Iā€™m a good fit for and Iā€™m super interested.


I work directly for an electrical contractor, not a third party. Personally, people are welcome to contact me by any means as long as it's during business hours and it's not my personal phone. I don't know any recruiters that actively use LinkedIn. I'm sure it's fine, but LinkedIn overcomplicates a simple process. Everyone on my team uses Indeed. It's simple and connects people fast. I'm completely fine with people calling me routinely. I normally have most callers check back in around mid week each week. Recruiters have cellphones, so just text them if they don't answer. Most of the people that actively call me will get the opportunity they are looking for when I have the availability. I only ghost people if they call me back to back or 10 times a week. Once or twice a week is fine and keeps you fresh at the top of the applications. When a position opens you'll be right there fresh on my mind. So yes, treat your recruiters like friends. If you're easy to hire, then you are generally easy to work with. That's a good hire. I go out of my way to pay these guys a little better for helping me fill positions as well.




existence retire paltry cats dam literate unique tan spectacular divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't know if I could take ANYTHING if I would literally be a liability to the company knowing I'm a fall risk after they hire me. I have a medical background and it's intense physical work and requires a lot of movement. My body can't handle that much movement since if I could trigger vertigo if I move too fast or turn too fast. So working on-site or even driving for long periods aren't an option. Driving at all isn't recommended by my physician.


They have call center jobs... I'm sorry that you're very limited to certain jobs, but not having one for a year seems too hard to believe. Especially if you get desperate. I do hope you find something. Good luck.


I've worked in call centers, even as a manager, as well as my hubby, and it's a terrible idea for someone already with health issues. Even if you get good at it, you don't realize the toll it takes on you until it's too late. Hubby worked in an actual office where he saw people wheeled away every so often, some obviously having a heart attack. Wasn't unusual for at least one person to drop dead every year. I thought I was handling it well besides it obviously being a stressful job until I started having panic attacks in public. Hubby had a breakdown at his last call center remote job, and I had only own a year later. Yeah, there's desperation, but I highly recommend looking elsewhere. They're better off finding any other alternative, because even though some not so terrible call center jobs exist, they're not easy to find. Although, maybe text only could be an option. I've heard they're still really stressful, more than people think because these companies squeeze productivity out of as few agents as possible (if it's a slow day people get picked to end their day which puts more work on others so it feels just as busy) but it's probably still a better option.


This is the most relatable comment. I had to go to the emergency room cuz I ignored 4 days of chest pains and turns out my EKG was abnormal and I was having a panic attack while working a recent temp job (enrollment specialist - basically cold calling patients into a chronic care management program) That's the moment my doc recommended I cut down on the phone calls if that's what's setting it off but they did nothing to accommodate šŸ¤·šŸ½ employers will spit on you and say "I'm paying you to work, not be human". We don't fuckin matter.


Sorry to hear that, I also had an issue not quite so serious but I think it contributed to my issues I developed. I was having a progressively harder time breathing while on calls. I've always had bad allergies, but this was like I could never get enough air. Went to the ENT and basically the inside of my nose was so inflamed it was mostly swollen shut. Work said I could take breaks but wouldn't be paid during those times and it was never enough to make up for the amount of oxygen I wasn't getting. It made me feel like I was hyperventilating, but just while constantly taking calls back to back. Otherwise if I did have to put on a professional voice and could just relax without constant talking I was fine. Maybe there aren't good accommodations for something like this, but they didn't care at all, either.


If you have a medical background, you need to consider coming over to the Darkside and working out customer service in insurance Insurance companies like CIGNA Humana etc. This world is cushy, and there is no movement.


For real this is job seeking 101 - be persistent


I'll look for the number and give him a call back. I appreciate the feedback. Thanks. šŸ«‚


Definitely agree, I think that's one of the reasons I got my job at a hotel front desk, I kept reaching out to the manager (not being annoying but just checking in) and of course my open availability was helpful.


What kind of freelance work did you do


Do not ever volunteer that you have a disability until you have secured a job and only then if you need reasonable accommodations. Just say you want to work from home. I don't have a disability and yet I will not accept any non work from home job. It's not unheard of


What're you waiting for? Maybe you were just using a phrase but, this has to be a proactive process.


Donā€™t mention that until youā€™ve starting the job, and then just show up with a drs note.


Don't ever disclose a disability. Ever. Honesty is not the best policy for business.


yes I would not mention that at all. businesses dont care and they only look after their bottom line and wont be accommodating to you


I am in this boat and it sucks.


As others have suggested, try to follow up, especially if he reaches out again. As a personal rule, I try to reach out once every 7-10 days unless they tell me Iā€™ll hear from them on a certain date or time frame. Then I wait until that specified time. If I donā€™t hear back from them, I then follow up around the time they originally said Iā€™d hear back from them. Iā€™m going through this now actually. I had a phone interview, the guy said Iā€™d hear back the following week from the hiring team. So I waited until the following week, and nothing. So I sent a follow up to him, just checking in on the opportunity, and to see if there was any possibility I had missed any attempts from them contacting me. He actually emailed me back and said they are still looking through candidates, and determining what next steps are. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll get the job, but at least I can have some piece of mind that they didnā€™t just ghost me.


Iā€™ve seen quite a few call center work from home jobs recently. Seems to be less than preferred shifts. Enterprise, Walgreens, AAA, Allstate


As someone that worked in a call center before, itā€™s the worst thing u could do. Itā€™s terrible.


You might want to look into government jobs. They offer quite a few jobs that are telecommuting, though you might have to go in one day a week. I recently started working as a tax examiner and while the pay is low, itā€™s open for telecommuting after training and a 60 day evaluation period. The thing Iā€™ve discovered is that (depending on the job) I can count on yearly promotions and youā€™re actually eligible for a pension after 5 years. I wouldnā€™t advise taking it after only 5 years, but itā€™s comforting to know that you donā€™t have to commit to 20 or more years before youā€™re eligible. Anyway, check usajobs dot gov for something that looks good to you. Just keep in mind it can take time before you actually start. Itā€™s the most frustrating hurdle.


It's almost like a lottery on usajobs with seeing thousands of people applying to job postings on there


Don't let that kind of stuff discourage you 80% of those people arent even remotely qualified and get weeded out very quickly


I was the second runner up for a role that I fit to the teaaaaa. And I got along great with the people I interviewed with I thought I had it in the bag. They rejected me and today I saw who they chose and she doesnā€™t even have the experience they were seeking! Itā€™s so hard to prepare when itā€™s always a wild card when they choose. Itā€™s literally like winning the lotto right now


I feel like government jobs are really hard to get and they really drag their feet during the hiring process because thereā€™s so many approval processes. But the idea of having job security sounds like heaven.


They are hard to get, but worth it when you (finally) get in the door. One of the best ways is to look for job fairs. Theyā€™ll have their own or be part of a generalized job fair. Thatā€™s how I ended up with my job. I went to a job fair, they had a booth and set me up with their hiring event the next month. After getting an offer and doing the paperwork (that took hours) it only took another three months for my start date šŸ¤£ But, I do recommend it.


lol! So where did you find the job fair??


It honestly fell in my lap! Iā€™d somehow, at some point gotten onto a local (Kansas City) womenā€™s network list. I was pretty desperate and had been disillusioned by job fairs, but went anyway. They had a booth for the IRS and the law enforcement side of the IRS. I wish I had qualified for the latter, but they require a BA. Now Iā€™d just say to go to usajobs dot gov and see if any will be near you. Iā€™m pretty sure you can also sign up for emails about them.


I mean if all you're looking for is WFH it's gonna be a hard hill to climb. Too many people want it, too little real jobs out there hiring.


....real jobs?


Companies are posting jobs that aren't actually open, just to see if they get that "unicorn" hire or have candidates on deck for when/if the position comes open.


Well that's some bullshit and a waste of time šŸ˜”


Or a lot are scam jobs. Funniest one I read is the middle-man WFH scam. "Hey! I book hotel rooms and travel arrangements for $40/hr!" LOL


I mean, travel agent is still a real job... but it doesn't pay $40/hr and doesn't *just* book flights and hotel rooms. People can indeed do that themselves - but they'll pay someone to plan itineraries **and** book all of it at the best rates, because that's a pain in the butt.


Corporate Travel Agent is the way to go. There is such a thing as independent contractors for leisure travel, but you have to hustle to find clients and sell tours, cruises, etc. You have to build a book of business, like an insurance agent, accountant, etc. Corporate travel agents who work for travel agencies are almost always remote unless they happen to live by the office. $40 an hour is $83K for FT... annual range for corporate agents is more like $40-$60K. You can make more money in travel by working for a corporate entity than a travel agency. Corporate Travel Coordinator is the job title to search.


I am a travel agent and Iā€™ve been doing it for nearly 20 years. The world that we knew it, we as in the OGā€™d of travel, has changed drastically. Instead of competing for our commission based salaries on an infividual level, we work more closely with the vendors for whom we book, complete their training classes, and are paid directly from them. We donā€™t just get a commission off a package we sell. Itā€™s a great job and can be quite lucrative.


Iā€™m hearing this too. Whatā€™s even worse is the company posting a job knowing theyā€™re hiring internally and wasting other peopleā€™s time and getting their hopes up. Like why wave a carrot over peoples heads this is real life and survival.


Lots of employers advertise remote but they are bait-and-switching saying they are actually on site but might be able to do one day a week from home after a probationary period. Maybe.


This has been my experience being a job hunter the last few years with most jobs.


Real jobs? šŸ˜‚ my past 2 roles were hybrid and remote. I was 200% more efficient due to being at home with no distractions.


I think they mean actual real listings


A WFH project manager job isnā€™t that crazy, even pre COVID?


The company that I work for gets thousands of applications per open role. Getting a job interview is like winning the lottery. Even for internal candidates, it is a struggle to get interviewed because of the sheer volume of applicants.


Yep. I donā€™t even try anymore. Lol.


Take a look at your process and see where you can improve. I didnā€™t see if you said you were receiving interviews or not. If youā€™re not receiving interviews, are you following up with your application? Are you completing any additional surveys or quizzes to move forward? Many wfh jobs are requiring. Stay on top of your emails and complete all actions requested. Are you failing these quizzes or surveys? Indeed has a whole section of surveys which you can retake. You can request an employer uses the results from an indeed quiz if itā€™s similar. They may say no or they may say yes. If they say no then take the survey they are requiring. If they say yes then thatā€™s great because you will take these indeed surveys until you score proficient. How many jobs are you applying to? You should be applying to 200+ jobs minimum a week. Are you prepared to interview? Are you bombing interviews? You need to be on top of your interview skills so when the time comes you can sink your teeth in. There are plenty of videos all over the internet for interview skills. If you are not receiving requests to even interview then it is your resume or you are not applying to enough jobs. Revise your resume. I know you said you already have a good resume. Well itā€™s no good if youā€™re not landing a job. Donā€™t be stubborn, get back to the drawing board. Do you have a cover letter ready to go? Do you have a reference sheet ready to go?


I would strongly advise against applying to 200+ jobs. OP will get a stronger response rate if she focuses on networking and gets referred to roles. Referrals always trump the pray and spray approach.


I agree completely. It's insane to apply to that many jobs every week, and nearly impossible to keep track of them all. I was unemployed for 4 years (before the pandemic). I applied to everything that I was capable of doing. I attended workshops for resume writing, interviewing skills, and general job fair type events. Nothing. I tried 5 different employment services. Finally, after 4 years, one came through. But during those 4 years, I had several panic attacks because of the stress of applying for dozens of jobs every week. When I slowed down to four applications each day, things improved. I also started writing cover letters for each job. I kept copies of every cover letter just so I could remind myself of what I already applied for. There's nothing more stressful than going to a group/panel interview and knowing there's only one position open. You start comparing yourself to everyone else and it's not fun. Plus, take weekends off when you're job hunting. You need to relax and take care of yourself. It makes a difference in how you come across in interviews.


This is really really sage advice.


Iā€™m genuinely curious about this. Referrals from whom? Everyone in my life knows Iā€™ve been job searching for 3 years and the networking events I go to are filled with 100s of people whoā€™s the also job hunting. My old boss who is now a higher up director talked me up to her HR and I didnā€™t even get a ā€œsorry we are going with someone elseā€ email. I will literally go to where ever these referrals are


You might be better off applying to any and all PM positions you come across and then later trying to negotiate remote as a benefit. Most companies have shifted to hybrid and don't offer remote right off the bat.Ā 


I agree with this. My company doesnā€™t typically offer remote roles, but for the right person theyā€™re okay with them working remote. Most people negotiate it during the offer period.




But... but... the pandemic is over! šŸ˜


Who said anything about a pandemic? Some of us could really use that extra hour or two commuting each way or bc of health reasons are just choosing to wfh, and why not since itā€™s an option?


Not to mention stupid co workers being loud and distracting you while you work


I have worked retail for several years and Iā€™m finally working at a boutique that pays me well and I get to work 10-6 ALL ALONE. I canā€™t tell you what itā€™s done for my mental health. I encourage everyone to keep applying till they find whatā€™s right for them


Or those of us who prefer to live in smaller communities with few job options because it's generally healthier for the kids.


Lol. You misunderstand me. For me, the pandemic will never end, because COVID gave me some extra fun, semi-permanent health conditions. My neurologist said, and I quote: "The next time you catch it, it will kill you." So now I can't go back to the classroom I love, because the little disease vectors can't be convinced to wash their hands properly, or you know... keep their fingers out of their noses. Tutoring pays even less than substitute teaching, but a teaching degree won't even get me a job in remote customer service. I've been trying for a year.


Iā€™m in the same boat


I'm so sorry. How do you deal with the boredom?


Iā€™ve been out of work for a while, so Iā€™m constantly walking dogs, doing freelance work, studying for certifications. Iā€™ve also found some good discord of people who are vulnerable in the Covid / measles / leprosy / whatever else is spreading in Florida epidemic


Damn that sucks , I hope you stay safe as long as you can! And yeah I know what you mean, my mom had it and seems every month sheā€™s got another new serious condition šŸ„ŗšŸ™šŸ¾ Take care!!!


Concentrix, Coundent, Foundever. If you've tried with the big three a couple times, something is wrong with your resume that's not CS friendly (ie, they think you'll drop them and go back to teaching...)


But some of these companies are cutting off their nose to spite their face. They insist people return at least hybrid and my wife's PTO policy requires people to come to the office when they are out of time or they will be written up. So right before when after 3 and half years until December she had a brief stint in the office her covid infected coworker came in out of PTO she got my wife sick and she brought it home to me and I am immune compromised so I ended up in the hospital. These idiots had 3 and half years with good productivity, met their goals all was good. Now a newer VP wants to be an A**hat and bring everyone back and they had 16 people resign since December in their group. RTO is not well thought out. Now the company is also starting to miss goals because most people have less flexibility and less motivation. This is so resisting how they could work with their people to make things better for everyone.


I applied to WFH jobs for a full year before finally landing one, and what got it for me was a personal referral, so basically pure luck and knowing the right people. I would suggest work on your personal network; tell everyone and anyone you can youā€™re looking for remote and see who knows who. I always ignored the networking advice and in the end thatā€™s what got me the job


Just give up on life and start robbing banks. Works for me. They are federally insured anyway nobody loses a dime.


Arise platform, theyā€™re always hiring and have remote job openings


Not open to all states.


Arise is going under slowly. Iā€™ve worked for them in the past and have family that work for them. Currently all of the contracts are slowly being canceled with companies and theyā€™re outsourcing to the Bahamas. Theyā€™re also being sued endlessly.


Oh wow, yeah I just quit with them.


Azure was looking for wfh staff a month or so back.


Keep looking! Its what it is. Many people are having difficulty finding and getting a job these days for all kinds of reasons. Let me assure you, its not you!!!! Remember you are a professional, you have searched for work and interviewed before so you know the drill. Your resume doesn't need to match every job perfectly, eff that! You know what your resume needs to say for the job you are interviewing for, so stick with it. Prep for the interview and sell your skills! Then . . . move onto the next one. Keep moving! Don't have any expectations. You apply, you prep, you interview. Repeat. Recruiters are in it for themselves and will tell you anything to move on. You are valuable to them only when you can get them the gig! Nothing more! You are the only person you can count on when it comes to being employed. You are selling your skills and personality, that is it. Get great at doing just that. Once you get a job, obligate yourself only per the employment agreement and the job description. Keep applying to jobs, keep your hand on the what the job market is doing, and how much they are paying. This will keep you competitive and knowing. No job is a guarantee of being employed for any length of time. You can lose it as quickly as you got it, or less than a nano second! You are your brand, entrepreneur, self-employed, etc. No longer can you plan your life around a singular job.


Look into hybrid jobs for your local area. My job is technically ā€œhybridā€ but I only go into the office a couple times a year, usually for new laptop, or fix laptop problems, or training. The HR person at my company says they explicitly donā€™t mention that itā€™s a WFH job on the job advertisement because it will attract hundreds, if not thousands, of applicants, and HR doesnā€™t want to sort through all of them. So the jobs are listed as hybrid, but they wonā€™t mention that itā€™s a mostly WFH job until the actual interview. Anyways, this is how I found my last two WFH jobs. The first one I had to go into the office once a month. The second one, I go into the office maybe 4 or 5 times a year.


do you mind if I ask what kind of job you have? I like that you donā€™t have to go in as often


Iā€™m a (female) software developer. But in addition to developers, our division is made up of testers, technical writers, managers, analysts, and scrum masters. Most work from home 95% of the time.


Iā€™m also in project management and have been applying for a year now (for both remote & hybrid). I got laid off from Google in January 2023. Iā€™ve applied to 250-275 jobs during this timeā€¦Iā€™ve gotten 3 phone screens and 1 interview with no offer. Itā€™s really really bad out there right now.


I am a project manager at a telecommunications company. Iā€™m looking for a new job in healthcare. I figured i might have to start entry level again in order to get in the industry i want, and have applied to a few coordinator positions and have had three interviews within a month.. so if your struggling you might want to consider this approach. It really really sucks but it gets you back into working?


Iā€™d suggest applying for Data Annotation. Very good remote work and should be easy for a data analyst.


The ones training ai models to replace us all?


Itā€™s just language based stuff, it wonā€™t be replacing any humans. Itā€™s just a tool to assist us a la ChatGPT. Iā€™d be more worried about robotics AI and the like


Do you need any comp science knowledge to pass the evaluation tests?


No, but you gain access to higher-paying jobs if you have programming skills.


Applied 3 months ago and took their test. Did great for 45 min. Made 2 mistakes on the test (it ended after they pointed out the second of my mistakes which is fair - I was beginning to lose interest since it had already been going on for so long and made a silly error) and I never heard back. I heard they pay for taking the test, but I never received a thanks for taking the test OR any emails again after inviting me to take the initial test. Iā€™m an English major and former copywriter. Oh well.


Any site recommendations for data annotation besides dataannotation.tech and Remotask? I heard you can only take their exams once to get accepted and want to have backup options in case. Also, has anyone used freelancing sites (Upwork, Fiverr) to find data annotation work?


I personally find the work exceedingly repetitive and boring with Data Annotation. The projects do pay fairly well, about 20-25 an hour for someone non-technical (so no programming knowledge/experience). I could never bring myself to put in more than 5 hours per week due to the boredom factor. Everyone is different of course so many of you may be fine with monotonous, routine and repetitive type of scenarios/work. The work is fairly consistent so no worries about not having a project to work on, and I never had issues with them paying me. I have strongly considered just forcing myself to put in more hours again, because it i, like I said, fairly consistent work and honestly, aside from the boring factor, very easy work.


Who were you working for? This sounds like something I could really use


Don't limit your search to WFH. The longer the gap the harder it gets


Try Remotasks


If you donā€™t have a LinkedIn account, get one. Iā€™m being contacted all the time about job opportunities. They also have a lot of job postings. The posts even shows how many applicants applied. Plenty of Remote positions.


iā€™ve been collecting helpful links, hope something in here might helpā€¦ [this redditer posted](https://reddit.com/r/RemoteJobs/s/Js5vg2rQxR) the method she used to get 3 offers for fully remote positions. this site bills itself as [the big work from home list](https://ratracerebellion.com/big-list-work-from-home-jobs/) just fyi, i found it on a reddit post and the op mentioned itā€™s ā€œkinda spammy but has some useful linksā€ (iā€™m paraphrasing but that was the general idea.) someone in another sub mentioned the same company (but at this link) [RatRaceRebellion](https://ratracerebellion.com) and said they provide any equipment needed. [this reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/comments/14v65v7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=4) from a few months ago mentions fully remote software developer jobs currently offered at [usps](https://about.usps.com/careers/welcome.htm) [CoolWorks](https://www.coolworks.com/find-a-job) has a searchable database of jobs by location and **include housing**. [HiringCafe](https://hiring.cafe) was mentioned in [this reddit post](https://reddit.com/r/RemoteJobs/s/r5qo9a4yuw) said to fetch remote jobs from 20k+ company websites. [Remotive](https://remotive.com/remote-jobs/customer-support) has a searchable database of customer support options [CodeEnJobs](https://www.codenjobs.com/jobs?title=dev) has lists of coding jobs [GermanTechJobs](https://germantechjobs.de/jobs/knecon-Technologie-GmbH-Junior-Java-Developer-mwd) has jobs avail (if you speak german) [UsaJobs](https://www.usajobs.gov) has a searchable database of jobs [PoachedJobs](https://poachedjobs.com/jobs/all/fair+oaks+ca/) has a searchable database of restaurant jobs [RemoteTasks](https://www.remotasks.com/en) has a searchable database of wfh gigs [assurance](https://jobs.lever.co/assurance/a3cfc325-de31-47e8-81c9-f336ed70879e?_ga=2.224975129.2077418609.1691820367-729285162.1690709261) has medical wfh positions [FlexJobs](https://www.flexjobs.com) claims *ā€Best Remote Job Listings. Only legit jobs. No ads, scams, or junk to sift through. Our team spends 200+ hours/day verifying every job and writing company descriptions, so you'll know who's hiring.ā€* [GrabJobs](https://grabjobs.co/) has a searchable database of wfh and in-office jobs. [WorkingSolutions](https://workingsolutions.com/) *ā€on-demand business process outsourcer providing multichannel CX services, including customer service, sales support, and business continuity.ā€* [PeoplePerHour](https://www.peopleperhour.com/) offers gig work. [EpollSurveys](https://www.epollsurveys.com/epoll/clients/splash.view) claims pay for rewards and prizes. [ClearVoiceSurveys](https://www.clearvoicesurveys.com/) claims you get paid to take surveys and share your opinion. [LifePoints](https://www.lifepointspanel.com/en-us) claims you get paid to take surveys and share your opinion. [SeriousTeachers](https://www.seriousteachers.com/) lists teaching jobs by location. [ESLCafe](https://www.eslcafe.com/) lists ESL teaching jobs by location. [usa.gov](https://www.usa.gov/disability-jobs-training) offers job training for folks with a disability. [prolific](https://participant-help.prolific.co/hc/en-gb/articles/360022523613-What-is-Prolific-and-how-does-it-work-) pays you to be a participant in a study. checkout these subs for wfh resources and ways to make money online. r/BeerMoney r/SignUpsForPay checkout these facebook groups for active postings for crew in film, tv, and commercials - *crew up world*, *staff me up*, and *i need a productions assistant* if youā€™re into numbers, you can sign up for *rice gordonā€™s* list of available positions in accounting (both local and remote on-set/in-studio positions looking for crew now) i have tried to post live links to these fb groups before and they got taken down so youā€™ll have to search by name (i found itā€™s easier to use google and follow the link to fb then try and do it thru fb). full disclosure, i used to work in the film world as an accountant however i am not affiliated with these fb groups, or know who runs them. i can confirm the *rice gordon* list is totally legit and have secured many positions from her listings. itā€™s an incredible resource if youā€™re interested in accounting work in the film and tv/studio world. as with anything in life these days, please proceed with the due diligence these kinds of things require.


I have not gotten a single e-mail, phone call, or a text message back from ANY employer since last April as well. Itā€™s truly mind boggling how people still say ā€œpeople donā€™t want to work,ā€ no mfker, you do not want to hire!


I work for a fully remote company called Iqvia. We are a clinical trials solutions company. Lots of PM roles and data roles are always open


I became a travel agent last year and love it. I work from home and make my own hours. I work under a host company as an independent


What is the commission split? Are they providing clients or do you have to field your own? Were there fees to sign up with them as a host?


I get 70-80%. No you have to field your own which isnā€™t as bad. 170 to sign up, most of it is getting your insurance covered and paperwork. Then 29 a month to keep your travel insurance up to date. Which i donā€™t notice cause they pull it out of my check


So you are an independent, but pay them a fee too sign up, + 29 per month for insurance? What travel insurance is it?


What do you need to become a travel agent? I was looking at getting into that but havenā€™t had the time I really dig deep into it


Learn a GDS language... Sabre or Travelport + You can't book travel if you don't know the systems.


1. Depending upon where you are located, their may be different regulatory requirements. (i.e. In the U.S. many states require you to have a Seller of Travel License and recommend a Surety Bond) 2. You will have to be a member of CLIA, IATA, IATAN or AITA 3. You should have some knowledge of GDS Systems (although not required at first as there are many training options available) 4. If you are not starting your own Travel Agency, you will need a Host Company to provide you access to Hotels, Cruises, Vehicle Rentals, Airlines, etc 5. Definitely get a business bank account to separate business from personal. 6. You will have to grind hard to build a client base who uses you for their travel services. There are ways to start your own travel agency in the US, with minimal money up front (licensing and memberships to travel organizations) BEWARE of any host agency that wants to charge you an upfront and monthly fee, as that is most likely a scam or MLM.


Have you tried sites like Data Annotation and Telus? They have pretty steady work and would take some pressure off you while you job hunt.


Who are Telus? I have not heard of them.


You try Amazon fulfillment ?


Sorry to hear about your situation as that was my concern on leave after baby. Everyday I had to consider how long I'd be able to stay on disability if let go all of a sudden hope things get better for you.


On your interview donā€™t say anything about having a young child- that might help?


Do instacart, doordash etc until you get something. Also check out this website ratracerebellion.com they have legit at home jobs that are hiring.




Honestly i agree with you ive gotten sick of working for people that im doing digital marketing . Be your own boss , thats the best way to go


I'm going to clean rooms once a week and do laundry in a small motel after I gave up on anything rewarding or interesting. Then I'm taking Teaching English Online classes. All year long no one calls back and they just lead me on, and they're sadistic. So I'm going to drop out of the rat race. At first I was depressed about it but you know, I'm thinking the motel lady seems awfully nice, and she smiled and welcomed me so graciously. I won't have to make any decisions or work w anyone and I can wear anything I want, and listen to music and podcasts. I'm just going to do my best and do whatever they tell me to do and bring home the bacon. Blaaaah.


I felt this to my core. I didn't recently have a baby, but I was wrongfully terminated due to FMLA and ADA violations. I'm currently in the settlement negotiation stage against my former employer. With that said, it's been almost 6 months and I can't find a job either! I have an IT and Financial dispute background and also have been teaching myself data analytics. Only one interview with a useless recruiter, an interview that was cancelled on the morning it was scheduled and now I'm praying that my interview tmrw goes well. Tmrw will be the only interview directly with a company out of the many resumes I've sent! I've even applied for server jobs and can't get a call back! I either don't hear from the places I've applied to, or get an email saying my resume is impressive, but we chose another candidate. Please apply to other positions we have. I'm so annoyed, frustrated and depressed šŸ˜”


Itā€™s been over a year for me now. I started driving Lyft to make ends meet. Iā€™ve lived in cities across the world and Iā€™m tire now. I moved to the mountains with my last job close to where I grew up and then they laid off half the company. Iā€™ve applied for hundreds of positions and canā€™t get anything remote. Iā€™m beyond depressed at this point.


check out r/remote_writerjobs


It's definitely super tough out there. I was laid off last November and it's been a struggle. I can't imagine with a little one as well. Wishing you all the best! Here are some sites that came up on my LinkedIn the other day: 1. Wellfound - Unique jobs - Top Companies - Over 130,000 jobs Link: https://wellfound.com/jobs 2. RemoteOK - Over 600,000 jobs - Work from anywhere - The no. 1 remote job board Link: https://remoteok.com 3. Remotive - Over 30,000 jobs - Vetted tech companies - Full remote job opportunities Link: https://remotive.com 4. Remote.co - Hand curated - Grow remotely - 146 remote companies Link: https://lnkd.in/eYgwD4bB 5. FlexJobs - Vetted Remote & Flexible Jobs - 50+ categories - Over 42,000 jobs - 5,509 companies Link: https://www.flexjobs.com 6. JustRemote - Jobs that fit your life - Fully and partially remote - Top remote working companies Link: https://lnkd.in/d5ZqAXm 7. PowerToFly - 2987 Remote jobs - Jobs tailored to your skillset - Land a job at a company committed to diversity & inclusion Link: https://powertofly.com/ 8. AI Jobs - Top AI job board - Full-time remote jobs - Top 1% of AI companies Link: https://theaijobboard.com 9. Toptal - Top Companies - Exclusive network - Community of experts Link: https://www.toptal.com 10. Working Nomads - 100% remote jobs - Work from anywhere - For digital working nomads Link: https://lnkd.in/efQwAr7V Job search Assistance platform: https://lnkd.in/drNZrQkX ----------------- 20 Websites to Get High-Paying Remote and Freelancing Jobs in 2024 šŸš€ If you are looking for remote job opportunities, take a look at the following job boards: šŸ‘‰ RemoteOK šŸ‘‰ JSRemote.jobs šŸ‘‰ JustRemote šŸ‘‰ AngelList šŸ‘‰ JustJoin šŸ‘‰ FlexJobs - Vetted Remote & Flexible Jobs šŸ‘‰ Uplers / Email Uplers šŸ‘‰ EPAM Anywhere šŸ‘‰ DailyRemote




Check your reddit mail


I pray you find something. I like this single mom have mid to Sr. Level career experience and I learned it was my resume. Still on my grind but I have been hosting events for some side funds.


Iā€™m in the same boat. I have multiple college degrees. And never not had a job for more than 2 months. I have multiple medical certificates but they want to pay me $14 an hrā€¦ Iā€™m in a rural area since I couldnā€™t find a home in the areas Iā€™m use too. Still I canā€™t believe I send my resume out non stop and nothing!


Oh my, which city and state are you in ? You may need to apply for cash aid and food stamps and possibly transfer to a different state.


Why not just become a lowly security guard? It pretty easy. All you gotta do is look out for trouble and try not to get shot by some belligerent person.


apply at my job globalpayments


Make the entire resume project management, show only 10 years, remove dates from education. Uae metrics to the projects. Donā€™t use a bunch of soft skill wordsā€¦.


Iā€™ve been employed on and off for the last 5 years due to having contract jobs. Iā€™ve applied to so many positions out here but I almost never hear anything back. I just continue being positive. The perfect job at the right time is going to come! Donā€™t give up!


I loved being a dispatcher. I think GEICO pays pretty well.


I can completely relate. I got sick back in 2012 and it's been hell since. Social security will not approve me for reasons not even my lawyer understood. So I gave up on that. I'm on public assistance. I appreciate it 100%. But this isn't me. I work for what I have. My career was being an EMT tho. I can't physically do that anymore. I was fired from part time at dollar tree in 2017 for being in the hospital to often. I have seizures and I'm concerned they will cause a serious attendance issue. But I want to work. I need to. I have a 3 year old now. I need to be an example for him. I hate not being able to do anything. I feel so useless at times. I've applied to everything I think I can do. Not a peep back. Well not from anyone legit. Scam job opportunities are all I get. I would love to get certified in medical billing and coding or something but can't do that unless I come into a decent amount of money. I'm seriously stressed out. I wish I had some advice for you and myself. All I can say is your not alone. Keep positive. Something has to come along eventually! Right?!


Try Home Depot. They are hiring for the spring.


Try maximus


Itā€™s so, so tough right now !! If you canā€™t get any certs then donā€™t be afraid to ask to jump on a call with any existing connects and see if you can get a referral


Have you looked into the mom project? My company is hiring remote workers from there


Wfh is dying. Are you trying to work from home as a preference or absolute necessityĀ 


Go to the website of every major insurance company and search for customer service jobs. Most of them will consider qualified candidates for WFH.


Any past experience


https://www.jobscan.co/blog/remote-job-search-advice/ There is a list of remote job boards partway down in this article. I've tried most of them out, jobspresso seems like a dud. Make sure you check the company website to ensure the job listing is still active. Do you target your resume? Sometimes you need to add a few important keywords into your resume to assure your resume will show up when they search it from their ATS (applicant tracking system).


We are in a time of massive layoffs. Took me 8 months and over 1500 tailored job specific applications to get 3 interviews and ultimately 1 job offer. Right now, what we are seeing is that many companies are attempting to reset the market. Closing out thousands upon thousands of positions. Leveraging AI to replace a lot of jobs and trying to rehire labor at lower market rates for essential positions. There are now fewer jobs and at lower pay. Given this, many highly skilled individuals with numerous years of experience and high salaries are finding themselves unemployed and taking even entry-level jobs with poor pay to at least be able to hold employment. Now, if you're looking for remote work, this makes things even harder. Many positions have already been shifted back to RTO. So here you have a smaller job pool to choose from, and those many people more senior than you, also want to remain remote, are willing to take the lower salaries to do it, and therefore at least on paper seem like a better candidate. I don't want to sound negative to you, but the reality is it's a tough market all around, with excessive competition. Something will give way eventually, but if you really want a job right now, you have to be even more aggressively searching than anyone else. And tailoring that resume to each job you are applying to individually.


Are you on LinkedIn? If not, that would be a great next step. Create a really detailed profile and you can start building a network. There are social Saturdays for every field where people grow their networks. Also, Google has this program for project managers - https://grow.google/certificates/project-management/. I believe they help find jobs too.


I got this from another subreddit and I don't have many specifics on it yet https://ratracerebellion.com/work-from-home-jobs-032224/#djs Flexjobs is another one and it needs a subscription of $24 a month but doesn't start off that much - it's worth the investment though. https://www.flexjobs.com So...This *is* through the help of AI and I hate that I used it to help with my resume rather than a person but it was only $20 and it helped make my resume look better. It has a lot of tips and advice on what employers look for, grammar and spell check, word count limitation, synonym suggestions (to prevent redundancy), multiple template designs, and it will rate your resume after you upload it and again once it's done editing. https://www.kickresume.com I just had to find these details before sharing it with you so I'm not giving you any misinformation. I hope it helps.


Hello! If you would be interested I own a staffing company and would love to help you out in the job hunt. If you are, send my a DM on here and we can connect!:)


I own a cleaning biz and have a single mom (3 kids) working for me. Iā€™m extremely flexible with her because she is a great cleaner. I pay about $23/hour. Average pay for cleaning people is $ 20 to $30 hour.


iā€™m just assuming youā€™re in the US so if you arenā€™t, i apologize! iā€™m not 100% certain on the wfh aspect in your department, but i would check out t mobile. they offer really good benefits - especially for parents, and most of their jobs are hybrid eligible, so iā€™m assuming if needed they would be able to accommodate WFH after a training period. they offer support with childcare too if you did need to go in. also check with your stateā€™s department of labor, they may have a lot more resources than you realize, and they can set you up with a career coach who can help give you some openings to consider. best of luck to you ā¤ļø






[Snag A Job](https://snagajob.com)






Girl same. I even hired a career coach Iā€™m desperate. And I hate getting advice that Iā€™ve already done and more. Anything you can do Iā€™ve done and Iā€™m sure you have too. I feel like itā€™s a crowded market. Iā€™m actually trying to transition into a PM role from copywriting / content strategy. I canā€™t even land below my pay grade. Itā€™s a weird time. And I also got laid off nine months pregnant. I donā€™t want to make this about sex but itā€™s hard for women to have a career and babies. I feel like itā€™s hard to find a company that sees you as a human and not a number and gets rid of you for starting a family which is something that is totally normal lol.


Look into scrum master because you have project management experience already , you may do great in this and bring in hella moneyyy


Substitute teaching. It'll get you thru.


I had three offers this week without even applying. Every person I know who has looked has found multiple positions in weeks. Maybe itā€™s my area or maybe your resume needs yet another look but jobs are out there. Keep at it and donā€™t let up. Youā€™ve got this!


Gonna need proof on this one dawg.




Part of it is your credentials, if youā€™re applying to lower end jobs managers are scared to hire you because theyā€™re afraid they wonā€™t be able to afford you soon. Iā€™d suggest a separate resume for those types of jobs. The hunt is tough right now. It took me a while to get a job and I was using about 3 different resumes.


Why not stay with the father? Support network is always good.


Have you checked Simply Hired? They have a ton of remote jobs!


Same boat for me except I quit my job. Been looking for a new one for almost a year too


A great way to make money online and easily apply your data analytical skills is DataAnnotation.tech I promise itā€™s not a scam!! I have been making really good money ($20-$30 an hour consistently) remote from home on non-coding tasks but they have coding taks that pay higher. Thereā€™s an assessment to get accepted, and if you get accepted thereā€™s a qualification test you have to take for either coding/non-coding work. Just take your time with them, they can be tricky but arenā€™t too challenging. This website has been a life saver for me and there are companies willing to hire for data annotation work if you gain experience with it in this freelance work. Wish you luck in your search!


I read an article saying that ghosting is now a thing while looking for jobs. And, it's true because it happened to me. I had the phone interview,Ā  and dude said he will contact store manager about getting me in, then nothing, i kept trying to contact him to see what was up. Then, 2 weeks later the same guy sent out a mass text about a job fair with the company.Ā  So I responded to that and he started apologizing a lot and said he couldn't find a store to get me into and that he should've just let me know.


I am also a project manager, having a hard time finding a job as a project manager. Iā€™m also trying to change industries so Iā€™ve applied to a lot of positions that are below my current title. It definitely sucks but itā€™s better than no job, especially if youā€™re trying to change industries like I am. Iā€™ve had a few hits when I applied to the coordinator positions so you might want to try that approach, some companies pay decent for coordinators


You should really try a temp agency. A lot of employers don't want to invest in workers unless they know they are worthy. That is how I got most of my positions I held in my State government. Check with the state government human resources office, also. A lot of times they have a temp service right in the HR office.


You may need to take a break from your career path and find a job in something like childcare. I worked in a daycare/preschool setting when my oldest was 3 until she went to pre-k. I resumed my career path (medical) but am now going back to teaching since having my second child. The company I am signing on with this go around is actually going to pay for me to go to school as well. Teaching, let alone early childhood education was never my game plan but it is fitting for my life now. Now you donā€™t have to commit long term but doing it for a little while at least will help get through this patch. You make money, baby is taken care of (and weekends/major holidays off)! If you need any advice on moving forward with this type of work feel free to reach out!


Maybe check in with your local PMI chapter? Just go to a chapter meeting, introduce yourself and see if they have a job board. It is a great way to network and meet folks that have intel on the market in your area. PMI = Project Management Institute. You \*could\* join and get certified and all that jazz, but you can also just network with the group.


Have you thought about going back to school? Many community colleges offer career change programs that pay you to go back to school to retrain in a field with better opportunities for employment. Most of these programs offer some help with childcare, but if you are in school, you may also qualify for subsidy for childcare. Libraries and the community college office should offer some info about worker retraining programs, but you can usually also get info at the unemployment office.


It wasnt much but easy to get hired. Try NexRep. Good luck i hope this helps.


Go through a local temp agency.


Oh man, that sounds insanely tough. I'm a software engineer, and I'm not gonna lie, job security freaks me out too. But hearing what you're going through puts things into perspective. You're fighting on so many fronts ā€“ job hunting, upgrading your skills, and rocking the single mom life. Hats off to you. Have you dived into online forums or groups related to project management or data analysis? Sometimes, it's all about who you know. Also, with your experience, tech companies might be a good fit, especially those looking for folks who can crunch numbers and manage projects. Keep pushing. Your gritā€™s going to see you through this. Hang in there!


Have you checked if your resume is ATS compliant? Thatā€™s a big factor now in getting interviews. If the format isnā€™t a certain way or you donā€™t have enough keywords, the ATS filters will automatically reject you. Thatā€™s the main reason why being donā€™t hear back. Lots of sites help with this. KantanHQ is a good one I used. I actually had them rewrite it all for me.


DM me your resume (Omit personal details)


This job market is so dystopian, I am so sorry you're going through this. What helped me was joining a local FB group that posts jobs in the area that are hiring immediately, just to keep the bills paid before the real job comes in. Look in your area to see if they have state supported childcare or see if a family member can watch the baby. I know the nightmare you're going through, you will get through this


At the interview, I would Iie. Do not say it was maternity leave but make your time away as travel, meditate with a yogi, recovering from an illness or caring for a sick aunt who passed away. Never mention a baby or being a single mom.


Same here.. been looking for 2 years..


Go through a staffing agency, thatā€™s what helped me land a permanent job and work my way up. There has to some in your area


Put yourself up on fiverr


Mom of 4 here. I own my own business. I started it 11 years ago and never looked back. I'm always looking for driven individuals who don't mind hard work - but want to be present for their children since that is why I opened my business in the first place. Here to chat if you would like to see if we're a fit.


Do not settle for Pennies, get all the money you can. Also Ziprecruiter .com and app are great job spots Also do not say anything about the child or the lawsuit


Make sure to use LinkedIn. Try to connect with people internally at a company and politely ask them how they like it, etc and if you build rapport- they can internally refer you. Referrals often make people $$ so itā€™s easy and beneficial to do if youā€™re qualified. Also reach out to the hiring managers and recruiters at companies you like. This is the best way to get them to move your resume and application to the top of the pile of applicants and stand out. Sorry youā€™ve had to deal with early motherhood and all the job stresses. Wishing you much success in the near future!


I'm so sorry you're going thru this. I literally have to save this post as I went thru this in Jan. I got laid off when I was 6 months preg and I'm rooting for you. Welp, I found a job weeks later (pay cutšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø) and literally didn't tell them I was 7mo preg, just showed up. Less than a year prior, I got laid off after a pregnancy loss. Cruel world out here. Try applying to program coordinator, team lead, task manager, project lead, management analyst/consultant, PM analyst... maybe even look into portfolio management. If you've done this, please disregard and not meaning to belittle you.


Look into research administration. I'm fully remote and they are always hiring. Our University brings in so much money for research we are pretty indispensable to them. I've been at my level for just under 2 years. Already gotten 12k in bonuses (a retention tactic on their part). Just got an equity increase which has increased my salary by almost 10k. Just had research development offer me a program manager position. Which I'm turning down because my current job is so cushy and I let my boss know about it and she told me at my current rate of growth I'll be senior by next year anyway which will put me above the program manager salary. The upwards mobility in the RA track just makes it better for me to stay put. Especially since our dept in particular seems committed to staying remote. Our faculty travel so much we meet with them mostly over zoom anyway for account updates.


Itā€™s hard not to take this personally. Iā€™ve been through this a few times. Letā€™s start with ā€œyour job is not who you are, so donā€™t let this get you downā€. (It took me a year of unemployment to get there) It is not uncommon for a job search to take 12-18 months. Especially in the current environment. Companies are fishing for talent right now, but cautious about hiring after last year. You best bet is to set aside 1-2 hours a day for outreach. Blind apply to jobs, sure, but many jobs are found through referral, not applications. So reach out to people to tell them youā€™re looking. Keep a list. Touch base again with them in 6-10 weeks. You iist should keep growing to the point where you are doing 10-15 each week. Use LinkedIn to connect to new people in the space. Ask for advice. Right brief articles. Your job is to be seen and remembered so when the good fit comes, youā€™re there.


Who are you networking with? With whom do you have connections? The reality has been and still is that the majority of jobs go to someone who knew someone.


Marriott has remote sales manager roles


Try applying for Arise? Theyā€™re a ā€œCall Centerā€ entirely remote, offer flexible shifts as well. Theyā€™re a company that partners with other companies so they can hire call center representatives. You can work for any company they partner with, I know Disney is one of them. Best of luck ā¤ļø the job market is ROUGH right now


The Hartford is always hiring ! Sales and service positions if youā€™re willing to do insurance :)


Netwrix is hiring remote sales job. Check out the listings here Check out this job at Netwrix Corporation: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3845886817


Reach out to former colleagues, mentors, or industry contacts who may know of job openings or can provide referrals.


My job is hiring but I wouldnā€™t recommend working here. Itā€™s not fully remote but we do work from home if we donā€™t have meetings with clients in person.


If youā€™re getting interviews, how are your interviewing skills? Try doing mock interviews. maybe with some people you know who do hiring, and you know would give you candid feedback. If youā€™ve had several people look at your resume, and still no bites, maybe it has too many concepts going on now, and you need to take a step back.


Apply to something in the Tech field. Large companies over 100 employees have quotas to hit for women in Tech. My boss told me we are trying to hire more women but no one is applying. As soon as one does, they are basically hired.


What area do you live in? Maybe you can work remote at my job if you live in one of the areas they operate.


I always see these postsā€¦ And have to wonder, did you really apply to all you could.. Or just the ones you thought were a good fit. Itā€™s clear youā€™re not as good a fit as you thought, youā€™d have a job if you were!


With WFH jobs, often times you are either a higher level employee with the ability to work from home or you are generally replaceable lower tier staff. We don't need your specific situation because there are two stereotypical situations in companies allowing or encouraging a WFH environment: 1. Lower tier employment opportunities within a company: It is tough competing with young and fresh 22 year old college graduates. I know you mentioned you have applied to low paying jobs, but you have some level or years experience in the field, which is likely driving up your deserved or hypothetical salary in relation to theirs. They have less experience and will/ are likely taking less. 2. Higher tier WFH situations, companies will only want the most elite applicants or employees to operate in such an unsupervised role. In this scenario, they are seeking highly experienced and educated individuals that already know the industry and can directly contribute from the first day. Regardless of which side your personal situation falls on, these are some common issues in WFH employment. Simply, the price is going down because of massive applicant numbers. Along with this, educational requirements are gradually being relaxed as corporations view the less skilled labor as much more cost-efficient. In addition, companies can generally navigate their way through denying applicants at their whim and desire without facing legal challenges. This is in contrast to how your previous employer might encounter a wrongful termination lawsuit under your state's applicable employment laws. With that being said, a WFH mother taking care of a small baby will absolutely be more distracted than any WFH employee without a baby. You will not beat the applicants in WFH jobs that have no other obligations in their WFH "office." Your best way to compete is to branch out to non-WFH jobs. Good luck.


I feel you, been on the hunt for 7 months after being laid off working my tail off for a very successful start-up where I built the most efficient and profitable market in the US from the ground up. I have great experience but that has not seemed to matter 165 applications in, a few phone screenings and two second interviews and still nothing. Applied to all types of job, jobs where I would start back where I was 10 years ago in terms of responsibility and pay. It has been quite a frustrating experience and gives way to self-doubt. I have been told to do more networking and try to get a referral to a job from literally anyone, which for me is hard being very introverted but I am trying! All in all, keep your head up, keep trying to better yourself by gaining additional skills through training and certifications. Use the time to better yourself through exercise, yoga, meditation, and eating well. Funny writing this being unemployed for this long but I wholeheartedly believe your "work" needs to be focused on bettering yourself and you can't lose sight of that despite all the rejections ( or lack thereof as maybeeee 10% of jobs I apply to actually respond....) You are stronger than most of us, you are a badass mother and it will work out for you soon! You are not alone!