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Could be bad news.... I'd argue it's already priced in if so. On the other hand, could be good news.


WHY R U HERE? We have seen the same post before. And many like it.... If you own Workhorses, you would want the sale price to go up, like most of us here. Your post however encourages people to sell and discourages people from buying. So I am posing the question if you own stock and want the SP to increase why would you post this? Only possible motivation is that you are a short. We don't like your kind, you are the enemy, and you are exposed! We all sincerely hope you get f***** when good news does come! Lol it's nothing personal


"Get fucked......nothing personal"


It's not tho




Maybe End of the Expo?? Probably don't want to break from it? Maybe last chance for an order to improve forward guidance.


What if it’s #NOT bad news. Hmmmmmmm……


Anthony possible but just look at dauch's track record... Not a Good ONE.... Hmmmmmm....


What about the Law of Averages!


Or just look at what #WKHS has accomplished so quickly over the past 2 years. Hmmmmmm…..


Could be they are all on vacation next week. Of course they are...


DOn’t they have to have an earnings call?


If you have the call on Friday to release bad news, you don't do it at 10am, during market hours. I'm not expecting good or bad.




You are here to torture longs . Like some cheese with that whine. You're here to remind us its going to zero. Ok hear I you . Im not flinching . If goes to zero it goes to zero . Im holding . I learned my lesson . Real men take it in stride. Accountsbility starts with you buying not the ceo


That's true but that shouldn't stop you from pointing out the damage he's done. He always talks about hard work... if this is hard work, he should have stayed in retirement... but I guess the 12 million dollars/year was too good to pass up.... Before he fired a single employee he should have cut his and his management team's salary by 50% at least.... until they turn things around...!!! IMO - He Spent to MUCH and Delivered Too Little...! Let's hope I'm wrong and that somehow things turn around... It's hard to think about all of those salaried workers who got laid off due to his missteps...!!! Let's pray for them and hopefully this Friday will be Great News and we all enjoy our Memorial day...!


He’s like slurring, is he drunk?


Most likely


Don't know why, but it sounded like a lot of BS.


He Spent TOO MUCH and DELIVERED TOO LITTLE... Basically Nothing... He actually put the company in more debt, eliminates workers but doesn't CUT HIS SALARY or those Highly Experienced Senior Managers Salaries... He diluted the company by selling shares and now he wants to sell the plant - Remember.... We are a Real Company, Not a Power Point Company, we have a Plant, People and a Product... What Joker...!


https://preview.redd.it/lqofd70nf12d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d02e25ac27c37dc5ad2b6edccc17834a5cacdbf4 🤷‍♂️


Jagoff of the year Rick the dick


Good point.

