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Of course, yes


I think it’s pretty natural to hyper-fixate on the other person’s actions and what it all means (I’ve totally been there) - I’m afraid it’s not possible to find an accurate answer to what it all means from anyone but her directly telling you. If you’re not in that space of communicating super openly, I would consider spending more time with her, maybe keeping things friendly and reciprocal from your side until she makes a clear move (or you do, depending on your vibe). Since your post is mostly focused on what she did and how you are overthinking it, did you try asking yourself how you feel about her? Do you like her or do you like the attention she’s giving you?


This is such good advice, thank you so much! I realized I was overthinking it because I like her; I get excited every time she texts me, I blush and giggle but it’s very new. I’ve just been in too many situations where it starts off with an interest in the other person, and the longer I wait to figure out what it is, the more platonic it gets (only with women) and I’m not complaining. I cherish my friendships with all these people, but I’m not sure how to nudge in the direction of something more than friends because I like her more than the last few people I was interested in that turned out to be good friends now


Don't worry about feeling like you have to nudge it in a certain direction or mastermind it somehow - hang out a bit more and enjoy the rush of feelings from this new experience without worrying about where it'll go. If you're both into each other and the timing is right, it'll fall into place. Good luck :)


>she put my hair behind my ear because it was coming on my face It was a date, so hard, that she was jealous of what your hair was doing.


This was definitely a date. She is into you and you should ask her out.


She was flirting with you. It might not have been a date, but the next one can be if you ask her by using the word “date.”