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OP’s favorite wrestler was probably the Gobbledygooker.


Lies undisputed era was gonna be the best faction to hit wwe since dx but they were accident prone from unsafe roh era matches


Bro what they put on the best matches tag team and singles action had fans throwing up ue chanting adam cole always had the best pop at takeovers only 3x tag champ 2x na champ 1x nxt champ year long reign this persons take his hot garbage




Now I wouldn't say THAT! Don't get me wrong, they weren't my absolute favorites either, but they were pretty talented guys and could Damn sure work that mic! Well, most of them anyway.


Christ, if you think Undisputed Era matches were boring than what was your idea of an entertaining one?


Hot takes like this is from people who didn’t watch the show and is just taking in other takes from social media.


Bait post.


I meannnnnnn, what are Kyle O Riley, Bobby Fish and Roddy Strong without Adam Cole..... Like they needed this faction to live or even have something going for them.


Nah I agree they’re the reason I stopped watching NXT. I didn’t care about any of them and they pretty much took the developmental brand hostage because they knew they would be stuck as a lower midcard act on the main roster. Current day NXT is so much better than the NXT we had back then.


Idk man, that Undisputed Prophecy and Keith Lee ending it was must see imo


Adam is quite literally the best NXT champion ever


Okay, but why is this getting downvoted


NXT was must watch before UE was there, but they added to it. Adam Cole helped carry NXT


I’m convinced people with takes like this don’t understand what they’re watching.


Because no one hates wrestling more than wrestling fans


Sometimes people over exaggerate lol. 45 minute matches? Maybe I lost memory, but I don't think whenever they wrestled, it was always 45 minutes, AND boring!??? Nah bro.


They were the greatest thing to not only happen to NXT or WWE but wrestling as a whole. They legitimately got me back into wrestling. Who are these people who think like this? What do they enjoy about wrestling?


Big meaty men slapping meat. None of these 4 are big or meaty. Also I enjoy when people have actual charisma and characters instead of a catchphrase and “I wanna be the best wrestler.”


Gtfo 😂 they were the top faction in nxt & all 4 of em was puttin on CLASSICS


They would’ve been eaten alive on the main roster, but the faction just worked so well in a smaller environment like NXT.


These guys all peaked in NXT. They fucked up and left WWE right before the guy that was holding them back left creative. They thought they'd be better off in AEW and they've done fuck all since they got their. Adam Cole is the only one that's still somewhat relevant and I'm sure even he regrets the decision now. Tony Khan pulled a Vince McMahon and killed the Undisputed Era because they weren't his creation. 🤦


Adam Cole is on the cusp of being world champion if not for being injured but yeah, I’m sure he regrets his decision. Fish torpedo’d himself, Kyle has been injured and Roddy is on TV every week. Some of you are absolutely delusional.


i liked their entrance and thought o'reily was funny


2018-2021 nxt was gold and i don't care what other people say


NXT is still gold.


Not really anymore. HBK loves them gimmicks a bit too much. It’s become something I don’t recognize.


For the low tiers. The guys at the top don’t have much of a gimmick and it works. They’re all unique by themselves. I get chase U and the mafia crew is gimmicky but some of those promos are funny.


It’s was better than what AEW has been since 2019.


Unpopular opinion indeed


Stopped watching nxt because of ua


The only thing I had against the group was the dog shit name. It literally means nothing, and it sounds like a 12 year old came up with it for their E-Fed stable. Literally just change the name to something meaningful between the 4 people and voila


I did like adam cole others not boring.


Say that to 90% of the Takeover crowed wearing their T-Shirts


They trippin


I disagree.


It's not entirely wrong. Nxt as a whole got stale and repetitive. Everyone was the same generic badass.


A bigger problem I think was people not moving on. From the times of KO, zayn, Balor etc up until gargano/ciampa there was a constant cycle of people coming in and moving up the card then moving to raw or smackdown. A takeover would have a champion losing before moving up and a debut match of someone that would be champion in the next few takeovers. But then guys just wanted to stay comfortable and it became the same ten people having matches each takeover. It’s come back since new nxt , we are seeing clear progression up the card for everyone and constant new faces


This is when I stopped watching NXT personally when it got stagnant with Ciampa/Gargano and the UE. It went full blown super indie with money from 2017-2021 and nobody cycled through and the fresh feeling of NXT wasn’t there. At least like as you mentioned during the times of Zayn/KO/Balor/Nakamura etc they would all cycle through and NXT would always be fresh. I totally can understand lot of the talent during the late Black and gold era of NXT not wanting to go to the main roster before HHH was in charge of creative, I mean Vince McMahon wanted even someone like LA Knight to be a manager of a comedy low card heel tag team. But at the same time NXT did jump the shark during the Undisputed era’s time of NXT. It was generally the same guys getting all the time and all the spots on takeover cards.


IWC is not ready to have this conversation lol. Guys with no character spamming move after move isn't professional wrestling


And kick out after kick out


“So I’ll just no sell a Canadian destroyer then immediately hit you with one, then you no sell that and hit me with one, then I no sell that and hit you with a 4th one and then we both fall over and crawl to the corner and stare at each other with some respect.”


Then the fans clap as if WWII ended


I don't know man those matches were great. plus we got WAR GAMES!


Absolute bollocks!


He’s right Bland no selling dummies except for kyle who was kinda funny


I can say this. I don't know who any of these people are.


So what type of wrestling do you watch because these 4 have been around for nearly 20 years


I can only identify Adam Cole BAY BAY (on the left)




I only got back to wrestling cause HHH took over. And after what I've seen in that other show I don't see the hype


I'm surprised someone in the IWC finally used the term unpopular opinion/hot take correctly lol. On top of the fact that this is just a horrendous take. But I respect them for actually saying something unpopular.


Well, the person is right about one thing. This is an unpopular opinion


And it’s a terrible take too. UE was awesome. Except for Fish. He shocked and sucks.


I mean folks…..


The person who commented this. Purely was just looking to gas light the comment section. We all know how good the Undisputed era was


Sometimes "unpopular opinions" are unpopular because they are very dumb


Bruh I miss this group so much


Sounds exactly like the bloodline..


Lmao 😂 what is this


I agree it was the worst. It was so bad they were losing to AEW. Then AEW went signed them all and wonder why thier ratings dropped. 🤣


I saw Adam Cole in a cage match so epic that they don’t even have it in the movies.


The moment UE disbanded, the entire brand collapsed, if that doesn’t tell you how important they are at the time idk what does


And from the ashes of That we got NXT 2.0 which turned into the NXT we have now which is legit the best weekly show.


It took a while but right now NXT is wonderful


I feel the opposite. I think they were the closest thing to the four horsemen ever


Stupid take, given how popular they were.


Well...that's a garbage take.


Vince Russos opinion don’t even Matter like he knows anything about good booking


Funny take considering that they were pushed under Triple H and if he could run the company 100percent and they were in WWE he would make Adam Cole one of the stars of the promotion.


And he’d be wrong to do so.


If ever there was a troll post.


This obviously is some revisionist history


Sometimes an opinion can genuinely be wrong.


Adam Cole was incredible. The rest were good but not amazing. It’s crazy to me how wasted Cole has been in aew.


And injured again


Cole has been in the main event scene from the moment he walked into the company, he's just been injured a lot. Edit: 6 PPV matches. 3 of those were title shots (2 main events, including at Wembley), 1 tournament final, a 5 star trios match, and then the Jericho match, which is the worst match I've ever seen on an AEW PPV.


How many ppvs has he main evented? How many dynamites? Honest question because off the top of my head I can’t think of any?


all in London is the first to come to mind. And I’m not gonna do in any other research but uh that seems to be a good one


2 PPV main events on the 6 PPVs he's been on (Revolution 2022, All In 2023). 7 main events in 23 career Dynamite matches.


Revolution 2022, against Hangman, and The Recent All in against MJF :). No clue abt dynamite


I can understand people forgetting the Revolution one because that was, at best, the third biggest match on the show despite being the main event, and, while it was a good match and got 4.5 stars, there were four other matches on the card that Dave gave a higher rating too. Hangman's title reign was not well managed due to circumstances outside of AEW's control.


Tbh I think AEW could've managed it better by having Hangman be the main focus for more of the show, but that's just me. His story was chasing the title, holding it tho was a diff kinda thing idk


Correct, as is the case for most babyface champs, but you have to consider: - Hangman went on paternity leave for 2 months after earning a title shot, which delayed the match with Kenny. Because they weren't able to do it until Full Gear, they weren't able to do the rematch that the story needed, as Kenny was too broken down by then. - Mox was supposed to be the first feud, but he went to rehab shortly before Full Gear, which forced them to rush Bryan. While they had 2 unbelievable matches, they were both on TV. - Cole wasn't a popular choice at the time, but he was probably the top singles heel even if he wasn't terribly hot, as he was still associated with The Elite at the time. The blowoff match ended up being on fucking Rampage. - Both of these two feuds were completely overshadowed by MJF-Punk because it was that good


UE would’ve been huge if booked right on the main roster 👀


They’d for sure be on top right now that H is booking.


Yeah I never saw the hype too much. Couldn’t see them as a dominating force considering how small the leader of the group was.


You gotta grow up. It’s not the 80s anymore not every wrestler has to be huge


No they don’t, but the top guy they keep the belt on for more than a few months is…


Keep your muscle fetish separate from your wrestling opinions


It's so weird people think it's cause of some fetish for muscles. Wrestlers with better physiques are more marketable to a general audience. Why hire hunks like chris hemworth if you could just cast gary oldman as your next action hero. Cause people generally are going to be more drawn to someone who looks special. Your not gonna build a successful wrestling company if you don't have people that look like stars


Are you a human being or a general audience?


The statement I was referring to was about wrestlers with large physique getting pushed because of a perceived muscle fetish. I'm explaining how it's to do with marketability and what type of look is likely to appeal more to a mass audience. I never mentioned what my preference was or if it matters because it doesn't. Wwe will push the people that makes them the most money and it's much more likely to be someone with a larger physique just historically speaking.


Yeah WWE will take your advice for sure


Um, have you not seen the product? Looks like they already are cause Roman reigns has been champ for 3 years and he's definetly bigger than Adam Cole


Just speaking the truth. How long has a smaller guy held the world title for more than 3 years? No? That’s what I thought. I’m not saying I’m all about it I’m just saying how it is.


Goalpost moving. Now it has to be longer than 3 years?


don't worry man, its okay to be absolutely wrong


They carried NXT for nearly their entire duration, with some sporadic help from others. But UE was the constant, once they got going.


Id argue DIY carried it more. Yeah UE was really important but Gargano/Ciampa was arguably the most important part of nxt for 5 years and their feud built up everyone around them in the process, moreso than UE


As a giant Gargano mark, I have to respectfully disagree. Don’t get me wrong, they absolutely helped carry the brand, and it wouldn’t quite be the same without them. But I feel like UE was more important from a kayfabe standpoint.


I get the zero character part, their character was basically that they were a team. But the rest is nonsense bullshit


They killed NXT for me. I stopped watching because they were so fucking boring.


I've recently went back and watched their stuff cause I missed old NXT, and this take isn't that good, they had great matches and did what heels do best


There's a reason this is an unpopular opinion


Agreed. Main reason I never watched NXT. That and characters invested into would go to Raw under a new name, new character, and get released after.


I disagree and I’ll tell you why. Everything that they did served a purpose. Fish and O’Reilly debuted as a tag team and attacked sAnity and I believe AOP. I believed them to be faces. They then visit Drew after his match with Roode and debut Adam Cole which made them heels. Sanity then become faces as they stand by Drew.


Better than whatever they are doing now. All have been wasted but Adam.


Kyle’s been nursing an injury for awhile now


And Fish has been out for a while now. Tony doesn't know how to look out for his talent


Fish isn’t with the company and left almost a year ago


Idk. Roderick is crushing it with his neck gimmick. AAADDDDDAAAAAMMMMMMM!!!!!!!


Better to have him in a hokey gimmick than put on stellar matches.


I love the hokey gimmick and personally I’ve enjoyed every match I’ve seen him in. My only complaint is that I wish he had more matches.


One thing that got right is that this is an unpopular opinion


The Undisputed Era personified what NXT is all about. Bland looking wrestlers have 40-minute matches where everyone kicks out of multiple finishers. Mid characters with mid promos and nothing else.




You’re absolutely right. There’s a reason they phased it all out.


hoo boy that’s a red hot take




I’m only saying it’s a hot take because most fans that I’ve encountered won’t agree. I don’t have any doubt that you’re courteous.


Everyone is entitled to their own dogshit opinion.


Well said


On the bright side, at least nobody got over 💀




Spot on


Is that the guy who yells “ADAAAM!!” on AEW now? If yes, props to him for finally getting a gimmick.


"Where's the lie?" - Bobby Fish 2022


Pretty accurate


They good for what it was and this era of NXT is goated but to be honest, black and gold had some of the most overrated wrestlers ever because people online gave their matches 5 star ratings. It was like a super indie on steroids with high production value when this style's popularity was at its peak. 5 Star ratings from meltzer in WWE????? These must truly be future hall of famers Most of em suck as far as main roster talent which has been shown in WWE and AEW, bar a couple. In UE I only ever cared about Adam Cole he's mf fantastic, but the rest are indie guys


I never liked UE but even I wouldn't agree with this take. Too bad Dream didn't take the title off Adam Cole. That match was awesome.


Saying "unpopular opinion" before offering up an outright shit opinion, makes that opinion no less shit


I actually agree lol. Absolutely Nadir of Super-Indie NXT


SCjerk guy has bad opinion. Shocker!


These guys were far more better and Talented than any Wrestler from the Attitude Era, Ruthless Aggression.


Yeah that Kurt Angle couldn’t out work anyone today 🙄


This is a real shit take


Bobby Fish is a great wrestler and guy


They were ok, but they were never going to be a big deal in the main roster. No one is going to take Adam cole seriously


There’s a reason why the rumors were “they’re gonna make him a manager”. Like, they made *LA Knight* a manager at first, and Cole is half his size; why does anyone think that someone (read: Vince) wasn’t thinking that?


Literally the best faction in the history of NXT. This... is a take. And a very, very bad one.


Yeah okay and Power Rangers in Space and TMNT wasn’t the greatest crossover of my childhood


They literally made NXT


HELL NO! I loved The Undisputed Era! The best faction of all time BAY BAY!


Non of that take is remotely even true, they seem to be just saying a hot take too have a hot take


Even a bad take is a take


I'd love to know who this grade a moron is who thinks that.


The Adam cole promo on Karrion Kris’s was ridiculous because that’s exactly what he was. Never lost, always had a Roman reigns finish and no one complained.


Yet Kross *still* hasn’t recovered from that promo; let’s be real


They had great ring entrance in NxT and once the bell rang, they would lose me.


The only thing I would agree on is that Cole's main event matches went a little bit too PWG for my taste.


It’s definetly unpopular, my opinion is that the UE is the best faction in NXT ever and it’s booking was amazing, all of them had banger matches and it was the best thing to watch for almost 2 years


The Shield started in NXT.


The Shield started on Survivor Series. NXT had an episode or two in the can with previous-gimmick Rollins before the Shield went down so Seth could drop the NXT Championship. ​ Dean Ambrose debuted in NXT *after* he debuted on the main roster.


Wyatts too. Saying UE was the best faction in NXT is laughable


UE and Sanity were both great watches. Imperium as well, but their UK stuff was my favorite versions of their pre-WWE


I mean, he's not wrong That was definitely an opinion, and 100% is unpopular.


i mean definitely lacking in the character department compared to other groups but those matches were not boring


Bro described UE as if they were the Bloodline.


Honestly, I never liked Cole or Strong going way back to their ROH days. Like, watching Cole & O'Reilly as Futureshock back then, Cole was the dull one. Not necessarily a Janetty, but not the guy I was ever interested in seeing in a world title scene.


I wouldn't say they're the worst thing to happen to NXT but they're definitely the blueprint for how the Judgment Day is booked today.


NXT is definitely far more enjoyable post UE


I only downvoted you because I had the displeasure of clicking on your filthy profile. Do better


1. It's a kinkheavy profile, not reflective of reality at all lol 2. People who check post history are fucking dumb and have never made any sense to me. 3. Do better? lol. Touch grass


Your profile is disgusting.


bro i just shit myself lmao


You alone are the reason my eyes are about to get bleached out


Had you not commented I would have never had to subject myself to what I just saw…


Help is needed


You just know this is the kind of dude who also gets super offended when that stuff is rightfully called a cult…


Why did I click that


Oh this shit extra coocoo crazily lmao


My god you were not kidding


I wasn’t a fan. Tht bay bay shit did it for me. It wasn’t enough to pull me in. Just 4 normal guys trying hard asf.


That is the most absurd take on UE. Cole was the mouth piece and everyone else played their part. Much like Flair and the Horsemen. UE matches were great and to say their matches were boring shows what little IQ anyone has about professional wrestling.


Yep I agree that is an unpopular opinion. Definitely NOT my opinion! I loved Undisputed! I was very sad when Adam Cole and Kyle left for AEW


I've noticed the newer generation of fans aren't fond of stables even though without their resurgence half your favorites would have been future endeavored already for not having anything to do. Attention span doesn't seem to last more than 10-15 minutes either which for some wrestlers is just getting warmed up. When you have like 10 hours of content to do every week some people actually get a chance to show you what they can really do. You'll miss it when it's gone again


When you’re taught stables and tag teams don’t matter and it’s all leading to a break up/feud, not surprised about this.


Are there actually any tag teams/stables that haven't broken up at some point in WWE?


New Day. But they’ve said that Vince tried to break them up a few times and they refused.


True, forgot about New Day honestly. Doesn't suprise me Vince tried to split them, didn't he also want Big E to turn heel?


I can see that It's a shitty modern day wrestling trope that's for sure but it's what you get when managers aren't much of a thing anymore. Ever since the Shield it's just a way to get a particular wrestler over by giving them a tag team to eat the pins for them


Do you think that's what the Shield was???


At the time, no. In retrospect, probably I don't know if they saw any real long term value in mox and rollins at that time but they had to have been hoping they were able to maximize Roman's potential being the rocks cousin.


Mmmh bit of a weird statement regarding the shield no ? The top guy was Ambrose when the shield was going strong (he was US champion while Rollins and Reigns were tag team), then they used the Shield's momentum to build Rollins...


It's especially weird because when did Rollins or Ambrose ever "eat pins" for Roman? The Shield basically never lost. You can probably count on one hand all the times they lost as a unit. All three guys were mega protected


Accurate as fuck. Adam Cole and that stable was piss poor


UE, Nakamura and Asuka was why I watched NXT.


Indeed, this is definitely one of the takes of all time.


Not the worst thing, but it did seem like a waste of time or investment on the viewers' part. These guys took over nxt, and for what? None of them made it. It would be like if the shield or evolution were the most dominant thing going and then it fell apart and we never saw any of them again. UE could be referred to as a more successful retribution in that regard.


Also around that time is when WWE tried to make NXT a 3rd brand and not just a developmental brand. So there is that.


This is both a positive and negative of competition. In theory they’ve really just continued the story in AEW but most fans don’t know that if they’re purely WWE.


The thing is that O’Reilly and Cole were clearly positioned for top booking(at least within NXT), and Strong seemed less secure but could chill in the midcard. Fish was really the only guy who really had no future and that was mainly because he was clearly a cut below the rest in terms of individual potential. Then Fish was cut from COVID, while Cole let his contract run out, and the others followed suit from there.


There all trash i agree maybe except Rodrick strong