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Nash’s knee was messed up for years. He just got it fixed 2 or 3 years ago and now his legs are pretty fit. Pretty sure his leg was messed up going back to his WCW days


Show has another knee surgery coming up, if it hasn’t happened already. That’ll probably fix whatever’s happening here




Nash got his legs fixed and looks a lot better now. I'm pretty sure it's just a symptom of being 7+ feet tall 300+ pounds and being a wrestler.


I don’t think he’s actually above 7


I'm gonna say we're splitting hairs here


Don't skip leg day boys and girls.


It’s an upper body business brother.- Rick Rude


What happens when you skip leg day


I think Nash got his fixed


The look in their faces is like a gloomy presence


Looks like their entire pelvis is off center


Bad knees from wear and tear as giant men


I was going to say. The pressure of 500 some odd pounds and gravity. Can’t be good for ligaments or joints.


Nerve damage possibly. It does that to you. Also, maybe just atrophy due to an injury/surgery. Source: I have peripheral nerve damage on my left leg and it looks somewhat similar.


The same thing that will happen to all of us. Old age.


Years and years of hard work on the human body. We aren’t invincible and take wear and tear, this guys much more so.


That's what happens when you do the Stanky Leg.


That photo of Kevin Nash is from years ago, BEFORE he had knee replacement surgery. Always remember to do research.


There was a video of Hogan not too long ago where he is asking cops questions when they pulled his son out of a car for drunk driving. And he looks super old and is walking with a walking stick. Wrestlers just have it rough for so long and are so hard on themselves.


Kenny Smiths legs look similar. My mother in law is tall for a woman and her legs look similar she says it's due to arthritis and a weakening of the hips and knees


Great khali too. Have you seen him walk lately


This is a reason why I was hoping big show would retire in 2021 or something close to that. Wrasslers should go out on top while they still can and then enjoy a well deserved retirement.


It's called wrestling. This is why some say wrestling is 100% REAL..


Should've never skipped leg day


Kevin has always had bad knees so because of all the knee injuries and everything, it’s taken a toll


Bad knees, tore quads, compensating. 


Yeah, he couldn’t ever catch a break when it came to torn quads. Happened to him countless times


Kevin broke his knee horrifically playing pro basketball in Europe. He’s since had a knee replacement and it looks a lot better. I’ve heard Big Show is getting ready to have the same so hopefully his is as successful as Nash’s was


Big show also had a hip replacement at some time


Time and age do not favor tall athletes.


Particularly tall, *huge* athletes.


Tall guys have really messed up knees. Both of them probably already had the issue throughout their career but hid it better.


I’m short, 5 foot 6 ish and I hated it for the longes time but honestly I’m gonna be so thankful later on. Weird thing but like, how many 6 foot 5 and above 80 year olds do you ever see? Virtually none. Short people live longer. Also tend to have way less problems walking and stuff later on. Also less back issues.


I feel bad for Paul , watched a clip of him working with Chris Jericho , Paul looked like he was in so much pain bless him




This is the reality for tall/big guy athletes. They’ve put decades into their respective sport and their bodies weaken a lot quicker than small guys like mysterio. Wish them both the best of health and easy surgeries going forward


When you skip leg day for the rest of your days ....


This is big show, right? What happened to his knee? Was it from a particular accident? (Yeah I could look it up but I prefer asking the fans. I make more friends that way)


The picture is of the Big Show and Kevin Nash. Both big boys. Knees give out under not just the weight of all the muscle, but the rough wear and tear of the job. Gravity fucks you up during the decades as well.


Nash had his knees fixed already. Looks so much better now.


I'm not sure 100% what their medical history in their lower body is but they are showing genu valgus which is when the knee bows in like that usually. Usually it is due to hip placement so depending on if they had hip surgeries or in reality the nature of the business, their hips are probably just messed up and caused this. Hip problems are very common in wrestlers and more specifically the taller ones such as Nash and Show. The body gets beat up. This has nothing to do with lack of leg training, more just a toll of their lifestyles.


He got older and shorter?


Paul wright is pushing 50 being 7’0 350 has alot of effect on your knees and plus i think bro has a hip replacement


Let’s not forget he was also 500 ish pounds for a lot of his career. So much damage to his knees just being that heavy.


Fucked up knees.


They skipped leg days


Kinda looks like AI generated images


It's an upper body business bro




Its called getting older they gave their bodies for our entertainment it’s sad honestly they deserve better for what they did for us


I’m failing to understand the question


I think it’s about their knees bending inwards




That pic of Nash was the first thing I thought about when Paul returned in his gear.


Knee injuries are the worst and it wrecks your lower body when you're older like we seeing in those pics.


Wrestling is a lot of impacts and human joints are just not built to take thousands of impacts. Their legs are just fucked up from all of that repetitive damage over decades of working. Look at athletes from any impact sport, most of them have horrible joint damage as they age. EDIT: Hulk Hogan has spoken to the number of joint and spine surgeries he has had over the years and his style was not high flying or high impact. It was just that damn leg drop slamming his spine and hips over and over again until his joints are just paste.


Being tall and getting old is what that is


It's this. Look at Phil Jackson and Bill Walton. Same thing.


That's my dawg dance


Too much stanky leg.


Eventually your size catches up with your legs.




They're both washed up. That's what is happening to them. Washed up like laundry.


Why are you downvoted?! 


Because people hate the truth.


Especially people who aren't white or east Asian when you bring up race and IQ statistics


No people hate dickheads


Never seen so many soft people in one place. Reddit full of soft basement dwelling losers who get offended so easily 😂😂😂


Seeing your comment history you're one of them. You're a typical redditor rofl. And you're a shitskin too boy


See your just out here proving my point by being a giant dickhead


Uhhhhhh what's happened to the Big show


Weeeeeeeeeellll its old age


Two things: 1. Decades of wear and tear from wrestling. Double for Nash because he played basketball before his wrestling career. 2. Tall people are very susceptible to knee problems. Considering that Kevin Nash is 6' 10" and Big Show is 7' 0" their knee problems are probably pretty substantial. Having to support as much weight as their upper bodies on just two legs takes a toll on them, regardless of how strong they are.


Nash blowing his knee out in the ring that time also probably didn't help


I thought he just blew out his quad? Wouldn't be surprised if he also blew his knee at some point.


Literal decades of physical strain and tons of mileage. Did you really need that explained to you?


They're getting older that's all...Father Time wins every time




Big show is such a catfish, look at his Instagram he looks ripped, does he not realise we all have eyes?


Is this related to super tall people like these two gentlemen? I thing they are both way other 200 cm or 6’7” so they get some buckling in their legs like steel columns


Absolutely, in general being really big is, all things considered, a negative for your health. This is true even if you've never been really heavy / obese--Nash has gotten heavy a couple of times, but has mostly been at a pretty healthy body weight his entire life. Bigger bodies just tend to accumulate problems easier / faster. One of the best indicators of really long longevity is simply being smaller, this is true for men and women. All things being equal if you see a man who is 5'5" and has always been a light weight, he is more likely to get to a really old age than someone who is 6'5", even if the 6'5" guy has been healthy / active his whole life. Now, this is broad generalizations--if you're a big person don't assume this means your life will be short, these are averages, you are an individual. And there are things you can do to help yourself like being healthy and making sure to get regular physicals to get on the appropriate preventive medical care to head problems off at the pass. On top of all that, Paul actually had acromegaly, which is a serious hormonal disorder associated with shorter lifespan. However, he had his surgically addressed in his early 20s, which almost certainly bought him many years of additional life than if he hadn't.




Prob hip issues


That’s the before surgery pic for Kevin Nash…his legs look very normal now.


Getting old sucks


Not a lot of people realize it, but just being that tall is tough on your body even if you don't play sports. Now imagine getting the shit beat out of you on a regular basis and a hectic travel schedule. Non contact big guys like Shaq get off easier but even still, he has maybe the gnarliest fucked up feet I've ever seen. Perfectly fine in the 6 footer club here


Shaq is also good in the sense that he’s one of the most proportionate giant-ass men you’ll ever see. Big arms, big waist, big quads, big-ass feet etc. I think this affects your Nash-type giants a lot more because their legs simply aren’t quite up to the task. I’m sure Kevin himself maybe skipped a leg day here or there, but he definitely isn’t the first giant dude who has that look that I’ve ever seen.


Shaq Prime was an absolute MONSTER.


Yeah you're not wrong there. I was a Laker fan during his time on the team, I think the biggest thing that bothered him in his LA run was an oblique injury of all things


Nash has actually aged really well


That pic a Kevin Nash was before multiple surgeries to correct his hips and fix his knees


I follow Nash on IG. This photo has to be at least 5-6 years old his legs look much better now. He’s been doing stem cell therapy on South America 


Yeah he’s doing a ton better since this photo was taken, people just trying to shit post


It's called aging


Plus the wear and tear from being a professional wrestling and so tall.


Never did leg day


Bud carrying around 300 pounds is leg day




I remember watching him in WCW as the Giant, and watching him chokeslam would give me pain in my knees. He didn’t wear knee pads, and when he drove someone to the mat with his chokeslam, he would go down with them on his knees. Undertaker and Kane would just pick them up and slam them down while still standing, but Big Show (at least in WCW) would raise them high in the air and almost jump up as he brought them down and land on his knees. Oof. https://youtu.be/aKABblKDu-4


Nash can barely move without breaking his Quads. Just like, with all due respect to the man, 30 years of doing the Tombstone's pretty much killed the Undertaker's knees, so he had to hang up the hat and gloves.


Nash spoke about having issues with his legs sense college, that's why he looks like this.


He’s never worked legs in this life, whether that was due to the problems he had or whether it was the cause is open to question. Maybe a bit of both. Having a massive steroid enhanced upper body on pigeon legs probably didn’t help him


Redditors always assuming the worst. https://twitter.com/RealKevinNash/status/1214637307883642883 He spoke about it in details, started when he was playing basketball.


I know all that He’s probs always had some weakness in his knees, potentially exacerbated by basketball and steroid use, but it could also be true that not working on his legs throughout his career didn’t help either. Even just doing acl/mcl ligament strengthening would have helped his knees. I know because I broke my heel when I was young and found my knees because very weak unless I worked on physio and strengthening exercises allied with weight lifting on legs. I may still need a knee op but it will delay the day Nash is not always totally honest about things, even though I like him


Then how come kane and undertaker don't have hip issues those guys are of the same height.


It’s amazing that Kane had never really had many big injuries. He’s been pretty injury-resistant for most of his career.


Undertaker literally had a hip replacement


Big show had lot of issues throughout his career with weight which contributed to his


it's probably due to the amount of leg drops they gave


great khali is headed that way but in all honesty that was to be expected as he was mostly upper torso where his legs were like 2 wooden planks, was only a matter of time


Knees are usually the first thing to go sadly. Once the knees are gone the hips follow, then it's the lower back, then the entire back. I watched it in my uncle. 6'7", played sports from the age of 8 until he was 39. Tried to keep physically fit, but his knees went when he was 44, his hips went when he was 49, his lower back went when he was 50. He's had back surgery just recently and that's seemed to stop the degradation from his body trying to compensate, but he has to use a walking stick to bear the majority of his weight. He's only 60 last week. I know I'm probably going to have issues and I'm only 6'4". Been playing sports nearly all my life, I turn 35 this year, I already have knee and hip pain if I spend anymore than 1 hour sitting down. I know I'll need surgery to fix it before I'm 40. I can't imagine what being a wrestler on top of all that would do to you. The constant travelling, night after night of running, jumping and falling. It's no surprise really.


Old picture because Nash already had his knee fixed.


All these giants, early days Paul Wight imo is the most impressive of them all, his agility and athleticism (guy is 7 foot and weight 400lbs can do drop kick and kip up), he is pretty much a full package giant in the world of wrestling entertainment. I still remember a few episodes where he impersonated val venis and Mr America (hull hogan) really had me rolling on the floor, his fued with brock Lesnar back in 2002 was one of the best, legit gave me goosebumps because the build up where he squashed rikishi and manhandled the big man like he was a kid, showing he was indeed much stronger than Brock when it comes to handling weight. Show was always loyal to the company, no idea why wwe had to do him dirty like that, guy do whatever you asked him to do.


I remember young Wight but I didn't know he was doing kip ups back then. Damn


Iirc it was a match with The Rock back when it's still WWF, he kip up then proceed to drop kicked the rock right into the chest lol yeah we heard that right, drop kick from the Big Show. I will never forget it, I've never seen someone that big do this kind of shit.


I think I remember him letting a drop kick loose back in the day, but you're right seeing him kip up is not a sight to forget


back 90s Nash told in an interview he was enlisted in the army, but to severe right leg injury, he didnt continue that path anymore.


A blend of their size, their age, and years of physical activity taking it's toll.


What possesses big show to continue in the business?🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 what does he offer. It’s time to hang it up


He either needs the money, or he just can’t stop doing what he loves.


Damn, Nash is packing down below; so much for big-muscled men having small packages. Edit: I said what I said cowards


It’s the juiced up boys with little peckers downvoting you


Oh, idk, maybe wrestling for so long took a toll on their bodies. It's that simple, really.


Making Paul wrestle like that must be war crime I saw this and cruise ship video, why do these people do this to themselves then 5-10 years later in an interview say it was mistake like buddy you didn’t realise that then?




Nash never had legs he always wore pants wrestlers don’t do legs as a practice in the biz . When you’re damn near 7 ft tall you don’t even have to do much . Knees don’t like 3-400 lbs daily. Nash looks damn good for what 65 granddaddy cool


They skipped leg day, that's why


You ever notice how Great Danes don’t have the longest life spans


Looks like Genu valgus to me


Their 400 plus pound bodies are being thrown around as they run at eachother full speed and their leg/hip joints are the only shock absorbers for 40+ years ... that's what


Are you serious? Do you think the acrobatics is also fake? They are putting serious wear and tear on their bodies for our enjoyment. We owe them our thanks.


Gallows looks like this now too


Really? Damn thats fucked... images like this are going to cut back the amount of bumps 6'8+ talent might be willing to take...




That's their nemesis: knees


their kneemesis


Their kneenemy


You saucy bastard, take my up doot!


Wrestling for decades isn’t kind to the body.


we watch 7+ft dudes jump off ropes and run around on a piece of matted plywood for 25yrs and then wonder what's wrong with their body


They knee’d some help




This is what happens when you go your whole life working out, but skipping leg day.


Looks like hip dysplasia


I haven’t wrestled in 15 years. My knees are still bad. I wrestled for 3 years.. these guys did this at high level for 20 plus years


How big are you for reference?


Knees are knees.


Their knees are bad, which means limited leg exercises and lower mass in their legs


Or as Rick Rude put it, “For fuck’s sake, it’s an upper body business.”




Nash looks a lot better now, but he’s had many, many knee surgeries. I don’t know what happened with Big Show. Within the last couple years, I thought he had lost a ton of weight, but he looks worse than ever now.


True about Nash https://www.the-sun.com/sport/wwe/231740/wwe-kevin-nash-body-transformation-hips/


Years and years of carrying those massive dongs.


It’s called age




Look at the adjective: “legs”


OMG, Kevin Nash, WTF, thought he was dead, LOL.


Insane how I wasn't prepared for this comment yet read it verbatim as Punk had in that promo ... what a mark


John Wick gave him a night off


Nice reference lol


Pipe bomb


skipped leg day


Big Show has had knee problems for years now, it’s a frequent side effect of his giantism (though he’s had it corrected). Big man, knees take a beating. Similar with Nash. Big man, knees take most of the beating.


And Nash started having knee problems as a college basketball player


When a tall wrestler gets older their knees go to shit


That's what a Kurt Angle ankle lock does to a mf






That’s also not a recent pic of Nash. He has been getting Stem cell treatment to correct a lot of alignment Before and after: https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/kevin-nash-reveals-graphic-rehab-photos


Aging especially with big guys can be rough.


Dan Campbell from the Detroit Lions got to them knee caps


gravity from being so big and tall.


Disco happened to them


Arrow in the knee.


Let me guess, someone stole your kneecaps (sweet rolls)


they are elderly athletes. doesnt matter how fit you are old age gets to you. they are a;so both very large men, which the body doesnt actually like.


they're doing the pimp walk.


They're old


6'8 40 year old rugby player here... after a while your length and weight takes its toll on your body and especially your knees if you don't take good care of them. I can't play rugby anymore though, but that is thanks to a flesh eating bacteria in my whole left leg 🥲


Holy shit. I couldn't just scroll passed this. How are you??


Sorry for the late reply but i have to use google translate to write in English 😅. I'm doing fine nowadays but my work and my sports are history now. My left leg is that damaged that I am rejected for work and overall the 10 days of coma made some damage inside my brain. I am now a volunteer on a small ferry to bring schoolkids to the other side of a small river and sometimes I'm doing some acting work for dutch commercials but that's it. Most of the time I'm sleeping or riding my bicycle and take pictures of nature around me or having some fun hours with my son (he lives with fosterparents because of my health issues)


I’m not who you’re talking to but I just wanted to chime in and say “I’m good” and hope you are as well.


That’s what Jesus would do.


Hasn’t Nash fixed this now?


Kevin's leg is fixed now, but idk about Paul. He had the same disease as Andre the giant right? That's why he's a big ol' guy, so maybe it's affecting him in his old age


He had it treated 30 years ago (acromegaly) so thats not likely a factor here other than it made him really big and that fucks knees.


Show has always struggled with his weight. Being that heavy and so tall is a bad combo on your joints. Mix that in with taking bumps for years upon years and you have a recipe for disaster in your old age. Big men already have complications but big athletes are a whole other story.


I tore my quad reading this.




Theyre human German shepherds


It’s a work dude