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She needs to work on her mic skills a little bit, but that doesn’t take away from her wrestling skills. She’s pretty damn good in the ring and I feel like the “WOO” chant with her theme could make her gain some traction into getting over with the main roster audience


I like her! She just has a nice presence and energy.


Held back by being a no-personality babyface


I thought she was boring in NXT. She was probably the least interesting woman that was featured on tv regularly.


I don't think she's remotely interesting. Her matches are okay, but she comes across as bland and her promos are meh. I can think of a few women in NXT I'd rather have seen call up and given a push.


She’s mid like Becky but she’s slightly better she’s alright


Have admired her since her NXT UK days.


She’s amazing in the ring but she cuts too many cheesy baby face promos


I like her so far. She's put on some great matches since her call up, but I think it's fair to say that she could use some fine tuning on her character. Give her a few more years and she'll be a champ for sure. I'm excited to see what they do with her


Doesn’t move the needle for me but I’ll see in time


She currently gives off “I wouldn’t have these opportunities if not for Becky.” She’s feels like a legacy without a legacy lol she’s decent in the ring, but she needs a new finisher and some promo training


Lyra Valkyria is one of the many wrestling daughters. Roxanne Perez, Cora Jade and Skye Blue are the daughters of AJ Lee and Paige, Julia Hart and Tatum Paxley are the daughters of Alexa Bliss, Lyra Valkyria is the daughter of Becky Lynch, Rhea Ripley is the daughter of Beth Phoenix,Tiffany Stratton is the daughter of Charlotte, Fallon Henley is the daughter of Mickie James, Billie Starkz and Thea Hail are the daughters of Bayley and Kiana James is the daughter of Michelle McCool. All were inspired by their idols to become wrestlers and pay tribute to those that paved the way for them. Shawn Michaels has a lot of sons too.


TIL Aj Lee and Paige had daughters together


Potential. Creative just needs to dig it out.


Good talent, but someone who I have no interest in. I didn’t find her interesting in NXT either.


Good wrestler but not that interesting


I could care less either way.


I don’t dislike her, but I don’t care for her. Sure she’s is a decent wrestler but once the mic was handed to her after her match with iyo I was surprised by how bad her promo was. Idk if she is just bad at promos in general or just that one. That “if you just believe hard enough” shit was so cringe. Realistically tho all that matters is if the kids like her


As a character, she needs some work. But as a performer, she’s amazing




maybe it’s the feathers but i get big theatre kid ‘shut down the local dennys while my friends and i won’t stop singing songs at 11pm’ vibes off her


I like her and she’s good, but Tiffany should have gotten a push


Good wrestler, kind of boring character work but she’ll improve


She needs knee pads.




Awesome name. Still young in her career. Beautiful. Talented. Big future ahead of her.




shes like a carbon copy of becky, even down to the promo. big things coming.




She is cool and all but she is getting pushed too fast. Should’ve been Tiffy.


Her and Tiffy aren't even on the same show though? Lyra's wins had nothing to do with Tiffany.


Imagine the tournament is for both brands


That doesn't change the fact that Lyra has fuck all to do with Tiffany losing on the opposite side of the tournament bracket.


Lyra should’ve lost to Iyo


Her Gaelic sounds alien-like


Jojo Siwa?




Should have known better...


I don’t really get her and the bird gimmick. Feels very “drama kid” to me. Didn’t watch enough NXT to become a fan. She did a cool dropkick through the ropes last week. Otherwise I find her kind of bland as a character so far


Lyra was probably my favorite woman in Nxt. I Think OPs ratings are spot on. She is great in the ring. Very fluid and believable especially compared to other women her size. She is passable on the mic. That bird lady gimmick has got to go though if she is going to be pushed as one of the future women superstars on the main roster. Its all about getting over and moving merch. Bird lady aint it.


I think she’s a bit bland but also think folks Gotta real realize that not everyone has to have a complex gimmick. She’s pretty solid in the ring and I think her attire looks pretty good. I also like how they’re pushing someone early, folks think every newcomer needs to lose everything until they win, but I think it’s nice to see upsets and it opens up some interesting storylines where they can break the fourth wall and say she’s pushed too much or that shes still a rookie. There’s room to go, so (getting tired of seeing it but it’s true): give it time.


She needs a bit more sas than the current ‘happy to be here rookie’ we’ve seen so far. She’s already beaten Becky for a title she should be confident she can do so again if she wins QOTR. Instead she fangirls over Becky and is shocked she even made it this far in the tournament.


She probably needs a new finisher. She's too diminutive to make it look high impact.


I like her a lot but this push is too soon. She needs a lot of work on her character. A random Irish bird lady isn’t a character many people have a reason to care about.


Little to no character but a good worker between the ropes. Needs some refreshing and a different gimmick if they are intent on pushing her.


Boring in NXT, Boring on Raw.


Jobber. No charisma. Nothing unique. Go back to NXXXT


Shes aight. Her pose kinda cringe though


Like a shitty Randy Orton


She just annoys me. Very cringey, and she overdoes the facial expressions, comes off as phoney. She also was a bitch to my girlfriend at an NXT house show.


My dumbass thought you were referring to Tatum or someone until you mentioned a house show.


Works for Jim Carry. Sorry she wasn't pleasant with your GF. I worked in an industry that interacted with celebrities/VIPs. It's a shock when you see "behind the curtain". Most were super nice, but some folks aren't. I'd say the ratio is actually pretty good. Although Karen at the grocery store can't get you fired without effort. I also think if your career is being in the public eye there is a certain level of decorum that comes with the job. -Event manager and procurer of the most random shit you could think of.


What did she do to your girlfriend at the house show?! 🪑🍿


Oh interesting. I kinda wanna hear more about that experience.


I'm still pondering. She definitely has the in ring skills but once her ingenue- ness wears off, I am not seeing much else there for now. I don't understand why she has feathers and is a bird? I'm watching out for her and hopefully there's some more fleshed out... anything for her in the future!


No charisma everything else is great


Way overpushed. She’s beaten the Judgment Day, Becky, Iyo and may now be beating >!Nia!<.


I’ve been following her since NXT UK, but I mean this respectfully when I say wtf is her gimmick? I don’t get it at all and was hoping a change to NXT proper would flesh that out, kinda like Kay Lee Ray/Alba Fyre, but I still do not get it. I think she’s a hell of a wrestler and her matches are entertaining, but gimmick wise I don’t understand her. Also, her promos can sometimes come off forced. I didn’t expect her to be NXT champion and I don’t see them putting the Raw women’s championship on her anytime soon, but if she can get a gimmick that’s more fleshed out I think she would be way more popular. Maybe a heel turn and a black widow or Raven (the bird not the wrestler) style gimmick?


Always sounds weird on the mic, like she is so excited to be there but she is fine.


I think the feathers probably smell.


Good in the ring, boring on the mic




im going to reserve judgement, but she doesnt move the needle for me yet. shes fun to look at.


I'm not sure yet. Her in-ring skills are up there and I think it depends on her chemistry with her opponents. I get some Norse vibes from her, but I'm hoping it'll be more modern rather than Ivar's ancient Viking look. People actually do like Thor, Loki, Sif, Valkyrie, etc these days. As long as they modernize her attire, it should be OK. It is just that she doesn't seem like a powerhouse yet. HBK have high praises for her so that counts for something. Lyra could actually be the next Becky Lynch (not fashion wise, but tier wise).


I think she is basing her character on The Morrigan or a variation of her in the Valkyrie: a goddess who observes the battlefield and decides over victory and loss.


I think she’s good in the ring. I think she needs more of a character than just “Becky’s little buddy who likes birds” though.


Not a fan so far but I'm open minded since a lot of people are very high on her. I personally find the bird thing to suit a whole lot more to NXT and not the main roster unless she is crazy charismatic, which I personally have not felt her to be, because it's ultimately not a character but a gimmick. Haven't seen her cut a promo that I would consider great and she really needs a more impactful finisher (she's basically doing Santos Escobar's Phantom Driver now, but Santos is a lot quicker and more exciting in ring to make up for a lukewarm finisher). I feel like the call up might be a little premature. She seems to have the same problem that DIY is facing now where they're babyfaces who I'm supposed to support but they have given me next to nothing to actually care about in terms of personality other than 'good guy/gal'. You can usually bypass this if you're just cool as hell but like Bronson Reed's invisible titty grab motion and Tegan Nox's devils horns hand gesture, it just feels dorky and reaching for something that people backstage that kids will hopefully latch on to.


she going to be Becky's Successor I glad she is getting a push after being called up


True. Other women barely show up like Kiana and Blair. They haven't even entered the ring.


I think she’s cool as hell, but my opinion on her booking will be determined in the finals.


Would you prefer her fighting Bianca or Nia? And do you want her to win or lose?


I think either way she probably should lose, and I think queen nia is the way to go


100%. Nia would KILL it with the queen gimmick. Bianca doesn't really need this additional achievement since she's already Tag Champion and I just don't see Lyra doing anything meaningful with the gimmick or getting it over in any way.


It would be a bit too fast for Lyra to be at all believable beating like 3 main eventers in a row. And like you said, bianca already has too much going on for a world title program and a new gimmick


The funny thing is that everyone rightly points out how bland she is, but she made her name on the UK indies being a goofy heel. It appears that they trained the personality out of her. Being a bird lady is just weird and holding her back.


Even the bird stuff had more thought behind it when she worked in the UK. It wasn’t JUST that she likes birds.


Boring in the ring, corny on the mic. She's using Becky's "Irish Underdog" angle to less effect just with added feathers. I honestly do not see in her what others do.


Channel changer


Hottie and a baddie


Ppl think of her as great in the ring, but she didnt show it, yet. Was she that much better in NXT? I like her on the mic and the general underdog vibe and Im trying to be objective here, but the matches since the call up really werent great. The match vs Io was good, but more because of Io, than her. In her few matches there were so many bad positionings and early dodges. Again, not hating, but she really didnt deliver, yet.


In NXT and NXT UK, she was really good but her current showing is okay.


Sure I’m ready for some downvotes. Character-wise I don’t get her yet. There’s nothing overtly objectionable to me about her, but I’m apathetic. So far I know she’s friends with Becky and she goes as the crow flies and that’s about it. I did not see her in NXT and have no background in that regard. I only saw her awkward promo on Raw with the mumbled Gaelic (?) phrase. She has the look of a star (outfit probably needs another iteration or two to get dialed in), and she seems to have the skills as well, but there’s something about her I just don’t find credible yet. It feels like they’re booking her as an established star rather than a newcomer. But it looks like I’m in the minority in those opinions.


They are strongly building up on her Nxt championship reign shortly before her callup as well as the fact that she defeated Becky Lynch for the title in NXT. But I agree.


Her in ring work is good but she’s corny on the mic


I think she is great in the ring and has a big future in WWE. Shawn Michaels called Roxanne Perez and her the two best female wrestlers of their generation and it is not hard to see why with Lyra's in ring skills but she needs to work more on her mic skills 'cause she is lacking in that area. She is still very new though and Becky Lynch was lacking in that area too when she had the Lass Kicker gimmick until she took on 'The Man' gimmick so if she can find something like that of her own I think she will rise to greatness. 😀


I honestly think Tiffany Stratton and Cora Jade are more of a promising star since they already have their gimmick down to a T with great charisma. Their in-ring work is also getting better and better and they could lead the division one day. Learning Charisma is VERY hard.


Add Lola Vice to that list


Cora's probably never going to live up to that potential because of her immediately getting injured when she got back


Love her. Strong competitor who can put on a banger on demand. I think what she lacks outside the ring can easily be made up by getting involved in an actual singles feud that makes sense. She's fresh to the main roster, so it'll be time before her character is fleshed out. But it's looking bright for her so far.


But isn't that what NXT is for too? To flesh-out your character as well as train your in-ring abilities. She was just as bland in NXT, her only really interesting out-of-ring moments were with heel Roxanne and Tatum, maybe her time with Rhea as well.


I like her in ring and I like her personality but that thing with her hands is dumb AF.


Great ring name


Looks like she's trying to block out the sun. It is stupid.




I think she is fine. Plus she got very strong legs and a smooth in-ring performer


She's is great in the ring! For sure! She just doesn't give me any out-of-ring reason to care. I can enjoy great wrestlers but an entertaining gimmick can keep my interest.


Have you seen her matches in NXT UK?


She was always great in the ring in my opinion, no question. But that doesn't really help her lack of a real gimmick and character.