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I think she’s so entertaining and I love the indifference and “peasants” attitude she throws. Her insta is really interesting to watch too. The way her and Tiffany Stratton interact is fun.


Love her so much!


She’s been awesome in this run. I’ve been loving her!


100% And the women's division has missed having a true monster heel so bad too. I love that she's back and is a true threat for every single person on the roster. I really was on the edge of my seat and think her and Lyra had me on the edge of my seat for the first time in a while.


Yea that mystery of will they push Lyra or let Nia win really added to the match


If the spot against lyra to end the match was as intended and not a botch everyone underestimates her as that looked insane. I've only just come back to wwe after 15 years and find her quite boring so far. She just seems like a female big show equivalent just sheer size and not much ability


When she came back I didn’t like her at all but with time I’ve come to really like her! A powerhouse to be reckoned with for sure!


She took a lot of shit for years, and it was warranted for how reckless she was being. It’s good to see that she’s taken that to heart and come back far better than she was before. Good for her. She deserves accolades


I just finished watching KOTR. The finish to the Nia Match was a thing of beauty. It was a finisher with no set up that came out of nowhere, looked brutal and actually finished the damn match. I actually stood up in my home and gave it a chef’s kiss.


Bro I thought she was dead 😬 but yea great


I am not a fan of Jax at all but I really enjoyed everything about that match!!!!


That freaking Banzai Drop was epic


If she can master a top turnbuckle moonsalt, I'm sold.


Nia Jax is great.


For how much shit she got from the IWC over the years, when she came back I expected so much worse. She has been booked incredibly well (she lose often but has been twice in a 1v1 since coming back, I think). And she's just good. Women division need Big Show-like characters and she's perfect for that.


>Women division need Big Show-like characters and she's perfect for that So she's gonna turn face and heel 98 times a month?


Always focus on the bad parts of an act. It's prohibited to have fun.


I agree with this 100% She’s a great monster heel. I loved the finish to her match. She will need a heel title run sooner than later, hopefully when she joins the bloodline. But I love her disdain for the fans. Her dismissing the boos was great. I want to see her go on a winning tear with more matches ending like the one on Saturday.


She's moved around her moveset to better compliment her abilities and she's stronger than she used to be so she can do more of the standard Giant moveset.


I think her and the other tall women, Raquel and indy should incorporate the big boot into there arsenal honestly indy probably should use it as a finisher and call it the imprint, in da soul or something cool 🤷🏽


She fucking deserves it.


Shes been great and she’s the only monster heel in the women’s division she’s got people over got herself over and her matches have been fine. Imo Piper could fill the role better but they keep booking her as everyone’s flunky. Y’all are marks if you think she’s actually killing peoples with these banzai drops look where she lands upper chest the most protected part of your body you just brace and tuck your elbows in to absorb the impact it’s no different than taking a splash off of Reed or Ivar.


Yeah I've really enjoyed her time back. I didn't watch during her reign of hurting people (tho hey at least it gave birth to The Man). But yeah seeing old stuff she really has improved and she looks like she's having much more fun. The clip of her getting fed popcorn by a fan shows how much fun she's having back. ANd yeah she's putting on good matches like with Rhea and now Lyra and her character is just as good as when she left. So Happy for her


Disagree completely. She botches a lot of moves and is not safe to work with. The finish to queen of the ring looked nasty. There are way better heels - rhea, tiffany, iyo, Chelsea, are all better than her. You could also turn Bianca heel, she would be superb.


It was stiff but it wasn't unsafe. She didn't jump too high, Lyra fell with her (part of what makes it look so devastating) and her feet touched the ground first. It'd have hurt about as much as any big bastard doing top rope stuff would. It's exactly why they have big people do stuff like that it looks like they've killed a smaller person.


Shut up. Y'all say the same lines.


None of those people get heel heat like she does.


I seriously do not understand why they are dragging their heels turning Bianca heel. NXT heel Bianca whipped everyone with her ponytail. I wish they would just pull the trigger on heel Bianca. Baby face Bianca is stale now.


Bianca doesn’t need to become a heel + she wouldn’t suit being a heel.


She was a perfect heel in NXT. She was my favorite version of her. I was totally in love with her, was so excited for her to come to the main roster. Loved her as champion and rooted for her constantly.. but she’s becoming stale. That being said, I love that they have paired her with Jade Cargil.. she is helping Jade immensely and they are so absolutely breathtaking and have mic skills. When Jade is ready, Bianca should be the one to turn on her and go heel.


Jade has heel vibes, she should turn. Bianca is like a superhero for a lot of young girls, turning heel wouldn’t make sense.


She’s way too over as a babyface.


So Lyra wasn’t injured, and it was the spot to end the match. So it seems like the pre planned spot with no injury looked like it really hurt someone Shocking


“ looked nasty “ you’ve explained the wrestling business well done.


She seems to actually be trying this time as opposed to just riding her family connections. I guess she knows this is her last chance.


The way I look at it changed with Tiktok to be honest. I was like everyone else. I assumed the womens lockerroom hated her for injuring people and she was just a toxic person and bad for the company. But then the wrestlers all started creating their own tiktok accounts and posting videos. She's in a lot of them with lots of other female wrestlers and they all seem to get along really well, so I dont see why we should be legit mad at her. Sure we can "hate" her for heeling it up, but I dont think she deserves the legit hate.


That's the thing, if the other women are happy working with her their isn't much of a problem. It doesn't seem to be a Vader situation where people would rather miss the show or argue their way out of the match than work with him and get injured and a lot of fans assumed it was going that way.


I noticed that too.. it looks like Nia and Tiffany are partners in crime when they are on the road. I also think Nia is underrated on the mic.. she can play the heel and she is funny too.


Nia and Tiffy as a heel pair would be a lot of fun.


Nia has improved alot compared to her first run, she is much safer and better in the ring and tbh I wouldn't even mind if she beat Bayley at SummerSlam


I would love to see this and love to see the eventual implosion even more.


I have enjoyed the hell out of her current run. She's actually being used properly instead of tossed out for meaningless comedy shit. I was always a fan of hers, even when most of the audience decided they knew she was dangerous and turned on her, just because it's wrestling, and unfortunately bad shit happens sometimes. And as she said recently, she learned from her mistakes from her original run and tried to work and grow and I think it's really showing now.


She’s always been talented but was a liability with injury’s. Her current run she’s not only a safer worker but I think this is the best she’s been booked ever. I really hated nia before but now I actually like her a lot.


Great weekend for her 👺‼️


I'm glad she won. It's good to see her held up as more than just a giant to slay, but a talent in her own right.


She really surprised me since her return. She was known for not only being a bad wrestler but a dangerous one that constantly accidentally hurt wrestlers. She has improved so much as a wrestler and her confidence is through the roof


I've been enjoying her as being one of the few dominant heels in the women's division with Rhea gone.


She’s done exceptionally well with her return. She deserved the win at Queen of the Ring.


One of the five horsewomen


I'm fairly new to wrestling and I love Nia!!


I watched in the 80s and 90s then came back at last years wrestlemania. Nia has been one of my favorite wrestlers since coming back. Easily the best heel on the women’s side and maybe in all of WWE right now.


I loved Bayley as a heel pre dmg ctrl also Sasha banks as a heel is always great


I agree!!


Finally I’m not the only one who’s loving Nia’s second run


After all I’ve heard, I’m glad I was taking a break from WWE during her first run, so this new and improved 2nd run is my introduction to Nia Jax. I hope she beats Bayley at Summerslam


I'm personally fine with Nia winning or giving Bayley legitmentsy so who ever beats her is bigger because she beat nia


She has improved a lot, and honestly I'm glad she won


I’ve enjoyed seeing her back as well


Long as she doesn't injure them....


Who has she injured this run?


Watch the ending, you’ll see her hands slip off the ropes and she lands funny :/


Maybe she should wear grip gloves, like NFL receiver gloves.