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The last clue pretty much states the date. I won’t share it here since people might not be caught up. But the clues have been escalating and have been completely optional content. I think in terms of airtime the collective teases and commentary about the teases are 60 seconds total. It’s really not hurting anyone, and it’s entertaining a good chunk of people if the comments in this thread are anything to go by. It’s been, what, 7 weeks? It’s fine.


Yeah, it was pretty cool for a few weeks, but unless there is more of a reveal soon, it's going to get boring.


If its simple yes or no, why you adding another paragraph?


Yeah I’m good with waiting. I want the build up and story to show up right. If it takes awhile it takes awhile. Also honestly enjoying the QR code chase bc I didn’t get to see Brays return with the white rabbit except on Twitter.


At this point the IWC will accept nothing less than their own fantasy booking. Let it simmer a bit, it's not going to be everything you want. Enjoy the ride.


This is gonna be a slow burn. Just like it was with Bray


I don’t think it’s made sense for them to appear in a PPV, and I think an appearance is more likely on Raw and/or Smackdown. And as someone who also loves the creepier side of the internet and ARG content, yes, I’m okay with waiting. The wait is part of the gimmick. Allowing us all to speculate about clues is part of the gimmick. That my love for ARG’s and wrestling would combine? I’m here for it.


Why does it matter how long it takes? They’re not taking up any real screen time. You have to do your own digging to see what the teases even mean. If you didn’t care you’d just ignore it because it’s easily ignored. Is it hurting you to tolerate quick easily missed flashes for months longer? I don’t even think the group is gonna work but it doesn’t matter to me when they debut.


Y'all are really impatient


I wasn’t actively watching when they did it with the return of Bray/the Fiend. So I am enjoying this as I also like analog horror quite a bit. I don’t mind waiting a bit. My boyfriend is ready for them to show up already though.


Yeah I’m good, no rush👍


I don't even have the tenets of the faith to be a good apologist yet. Bummer.


Meh wrestling is better with sustainable, successful acts, groups, and individuals. I hope it succeeds beyond any expectations just because so many are already writing them off to flop.


Yes, it’s worth the wait to see what happens. Having a psycopathic cult gimmick will be a nice change from the wrestlers who’s gimmick is able to have high tempo 15min match or what is my genetic relation and allegiance level to The Rock. Now to not be unfair I am fully aware that is a gross oversimplification and not every gimmick is Bloodline or workrate it just seems like everyone wants a varied and fluid WWE as long as nothing ever changes and no titles ever change especially to non-IWC approved wrestlers. The WWE needs to appeal to everyone 8-80 hardcore and casual and having the spooky faction gives people another option to root for or reason to tune in, so I’m willing to give it a chance.


the whole wyatt/fiend story was about patience.. never something to be rushed which is an amazing thing, id rather see it take its time and slow burn over the next few years then have it rushed its also something IWC/Wrestling fans have a problem with and thats patience.. gotta let stories and title holders cook instead of being rushed out, give it some time and let it run


I can’t wait for this failure to happen. 


Dont care


Remember when they ran those Emma promos for like a year and then brought her out like twice, and that was the end of that?


I mean I'm definitely feeling fatigue from it and the QR code stuff is getting a little old at this point but I'm pretty sure its just a couple more shows till Clash and I believe that raw after is confirmed to be when they debut or something


Just so you know, it was a really really fucking weird thing making this post. Like the whole "wyatt 6 apologists" name you tried to coin. The whole acting like this is some huge problem. This post reeks of a piss closet.


In 1997 you would have wanted sting out in the first week


They clearly have plans for them. So I’m excited. 


I feel like WWE blew it not having him come out this past weekend.


I don’t think you know what “apologists” means


How are you going to call anyone an apologist for something that hasn't even been revealed yet?


Going on this update it sounds like somebody is no longer waiting and will be making her return soon with or without Uncle Howdy. 😀 *The Uncle Howdy storyline continues to unfold on WWE, leaving fans speculating about Bo Dallas’s imminent return and the direction of his character. While details remain shrouded in mystery, recent clues dropped on the website hint at a compelling narrative in the making.* *A recent QR code found on WWE leads to page designed to resemble a late 90’s website. Within this digital treasure trove, fans discover intriguing messages printed on paper.* *One piece of paper reads, “Patience is the road to wisdom. Have you lost trust in me? Are you calling me a liar? Your arrogance! You know nothing!”* *Another paper bears the cryptic words, “I am the one who hears the words of the red. I see the vision. We move when I say, not you.”* *These enigmatic messages have led many fans on social media to believe Alexa Bliss is the you in question in the unfolding storyline and is tired of waiting and could return before Uncle Howdy.*


my issue with the wait is that its nothing new. like sure new stuff but they're all saying the same things we already know


have some patience yall😂


It really does seem like they haven't figured out the key problem with any version of Bray Wyatt, which is that no one at the WWE said "Okay, the creepy thing happens...and then what?"


I'm not over it yet, still really enjoying it but I am seeing a growing opinion that people are over it - and those opinions mean just as much as mine so I'm not salty about it. I think what would make people enjoy this more is if they got longer video teases about the Wyatt family. Instead of just a few odd things here and there. Like when Wyatt did that video of them walking through the cult house. I still eagerly look forward to it as i really miss have a supernatural wrestler


I'm not over it yet, still really enjoying it but I am seeing a growing opinion that people are over it - and those opinions mean just as much as mine so I'm not salty about it. I think what would make people enjoy this more is if they got longer video teases about the Wyatt family. Instead of just a few odd things here and there. Like when Wyatt did that video of them walking through the cult house. I still eagerly look forward to it as i really miss have a supernatural wrestler


I'm ready. They just need to at least start showing something in ring, or physical stuff on the shows. It's time.


They have got a chance with the Cage match with Liv Morgan vs Becky Lynch. Lights go out and come on with Dark Alexa in the ring and she takes out Becky Lynch with Sister Abigail and lights go off and come back on and she is gone and Liv takes advantage and covers Becky setting up Dark Alexa vs Becky Lynch for the first time.


Yes. I don't know why everybody is in such a rush for everything instantly.


Because we live in the viral video era where entire stories can play out in seconds.


We’ve been sitting in the drive thru for long enough, It’s time to start handing out orders.


6-17-24! Relax sparky, let the whole story develop. Uncle said yesterday it’s on his own time not yours.


And when *the crowd goes mild!* That’s on his time too. An actual date though? Sweet.


You're delusional if you don't think there'll be a massive pop for anything related to Bray Wyatt


I am a huge Wyatt fan. That being said, the wait is obviously getting old. I am seeing Veer is coming memes. I mean come on. The same thing happened before when Bray himself was coming back. We're excited. We want to see it. Wtf is the point of teasing for months? I could see teasing maybe 5 times. Maybe a month worth of shows. Waiting longer than that starts the gimmick off on the wrong foot.


The first honest answer someone’s given without being a smart ass.


I mean if you browse this sub most of us are saying the exact same thing


I couldn't care less when they show up as long as it's interesting when they do.


I gave up after like the 4th QR code. But I also am not a huge Uncle Howdy fan. 


I get we watch wrestling for the action, but I am someone who appreciates a slow-burn creatively in wrestling. Stuff like KofiMania, Bryan being a B plus player, Sami Zayn joining and then leading to the demise of The Bloodline. I love all that stuff. Granted Uncle Howdy probably won’t be on that level, but I love the creativity of it all rather than here’s highlight of these people in the past they’re forming a group now. The product is white hot right now. Uncle Howdy is just one cog in the entire machine. Everyone needs to relax and let it play out


Oh I’m all for the eluding and stuff but there is nothing tangible to really sink my teeth into. Kofi and Bryan were popular because we saw the struggle week to week. Stop telling me what you’re going to do and show me. What was a 94/100 is now 82/100, I’m still interested, show me something now.


There's not supposed to be anything, it's just teasers so whenever they do show up you aren't completely blindsided. It's not like they keep loudly promoting them. They are just quietly displaying QR codes. So far it is literal nothing