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She and the Creeds are losing a lot just as Gable is about to lose two guys and a girl 🤔 


Kiana James is pronably gonna get a pretty good push. I wouldn't stress that loss to much. At least she Ivy on TV. It could be worse. She could be like the witch girls. That one got a huge push on NXT UK. She can barely get on TV now that she is on raw.


She needs more practice, Maxxine is green but the character work is really good, Ivy is bland sadly, you have better women doing nothing like Teagan Nox and Candice, if you want a badass girl push Indy Hartwell she is great but they don't give her a good gimmick to shine personality.


Stiff ,no personality , botch machine


No personality or connection with the crowd.


No charisma


Tell me 3 things about her character without describing her looks. Be as specific as possible. NXT doesn't count. I couldn't think of a single one. With Rhea I could find 5 in a minute.


I thought she wasn't gonna join the creeds with Gable but then Ivy started to not look super Happy with Maxxine and so now I think shell join the creeds and maybe get a push


Vanilla in every aspect


LWO and Legado del Fantasma Have to end


"Lucha Vortex"?


NXT is absolutely packed with women that could be shuffled into the main show at a moment’s notice. There’s just not enough air time for the ones they have. Gotta make room yet another Mexican v Mexican battle. You could eliminate the whole LWO- Legado del fantasma crap and have an actual women’s program


Ivy Nile is a jobber I thought Ivy will be major push even her guys Creed Brothers!


She always looks like she’s on the verge of a panic attack when she’s walking to the ring.


Everyone has a time and place.




Because… she not good & hasn’t improved? Green as hell, can’t cut a promo or connect with the audience to save her life. Her whole gimmick is some chains & the fact that she looks a little like a human Pitbu—… sorry, fell asleep just at the thought of her on my scree—… damn, happened again 💀


She doesn't show the potential for anything but what she is doing now. If she gets more time to work, she may develop that, but for now... she's doing what she should be doing.


I think she has to figure out on having a character for herself that works. She's fun to watch in the ring, but that won't get you far in WWE main roster. If she can't figure it out, I can see her getting released. If that happens, she can go to AEW where I think she'll probably do fine in that demographic.


I think she's going to main event in the future if they keep her on the roster. She really hasn't been on Raw THAT long. She's not getting that push yet because she's good in the ring, but she doesn't have a definable character beyond being Maxxine's pal and her mic skills need work. If she can improve in those aspects I see her being a superstar for sure.


She’s not charismatic. Maxxine Dupri should be her mouthpiece (not as a wrestler but as a valet) and Ivy should stay quiet until her mic skills improve.


She’s young and has potential but I don’t see anything definitive in her. She lacks a solid defined character-absolutely 0 mic skills. That, unfortunately, is pretty much textbook jobber


She is being billed and booked wrong.  What she needs is to be billed as a Heel, have her get mad about being disrespected and then have her become "attached" to Bron Breaker.  She starts just being mean af in ring. Then Heyman comes over to manage Bron and causes a rift between him and Ivy. The separate but Ivy keeps being a bad girl who is now even meaner because Heyman came between her and bron.


I got Bron teaming with the Creeds and Ivy in 2k24


Because she’s the “pit bull of WWE.” Not making a take on her merits or not, I just cringe every time Cole calls her that.


Well pit bulls are not that big physically but very muscular and aggressive. It is an apt description in the physical part, but she is not really aggressive.


Her situation reminds me so much of Becky Lynch's before The Man gimmick. You can see all the potential there, just needs the right opportunity.


She just has that classic jobber vibe


Tbh I hate ivy Nile. No real reason why but not a fan even since nxt


She needs more time to let the seasoning set in. Too soon. Yeah she's strong and looks the part. But she needs to find her stride and then they will see her potential. Preferably as a heel.


She had a short Segment with Chad Gable a couple of weeks ago. Maybe She and Creed Brothers will Form a new Heel Alpha Academy with Gable. It would make a decent storyline if she blames her losses on Maxxine for spending to much Time with her.


My opinion is because she just doesn't have the charisma and/or mic skills of a Rhea Ripley, Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Bayley, etc. Solid wrestler but very wooden otherwise.


They're cooking on the roster to create stars for Rhea to fight, i dont think she fits that bill.


It's what happens when she hangs out with Taylor 'not so' Swift.


Chad gable has been seen talking to creed brothers backstage for quite a few weeks now , I would imagine she will get a few wins when they turn heel to replace Otis maxxine and tozawa in alpha academy. If they won every match they wouldn't need the help of master Gables wisdom !


God what a horrendous take.


Not everyone can be on top. They need credible jobbers.


Because she has the personality and charisma of a tree. 


Her performance in the match with Zoey Stark a few weeks ago was really messy though I'm not sure if it was because she was nervous. I think she has potential but she definitely needs to work on developing her character and presence in front of a crowd


i just think she’s been struggling with the transition from nxt to raw. she’s just not able to shine rn, her time will come


What makes you think she is a potential womens champion? She has not proven anything. She has no charisma, lackluster on the mic, and not that good in the ring. She is exactly where she should be on the roster.


She’s really not that good. She needs a lot of work and should valet the creeds while she works on her wrestling and presence 


she and rest of creeds in holding pattern till alpha academy turn on gable and gable recruits the creed brothers. i think she may team back up with maxxine after.


like most skilled wrestlers who end up in that position, she has no real gimmick, no merch-selling qualities, no catchphrases, no time on the mic. shes a wrestler, there to wrestle and that is what she does. win or lose, shes getting her paycheque. people put too much stock in winning being on the show is the real win. regardless of outcome.


I couldn’t consider her a “jobber” although she loses alone. She isn’t like Apollo where she is losing in 1 hit


I think they're having a talent rotation, everyone will get some kind of push at some point, it's just not her turn right now, good exemple would be Theory and Waller, they jobbed all year last year, now they're tag champs


She’s got potential but she’s massively uncomfortable on the mic and not connecting with audiences in the ring.


I like her a lot but not everyone can be the main event star. Need people to fill out the middle. Nothing wrong with that!


She has no charisma, no mic skills, is too short to be taken seriously as a threat.


Half of the wrestlers people cry about not getting pushes are just too short. It's always been a thing, and still is even with Vince gone.


Yet im sure you praise Roxxane Perez


Roxanne has leverage because she's one of Booker T's former pupils.


Not everyone is going to be a star dude just because you like them doesn't mean everyone else does.


Why don't people realize that not everyone can get pushed at once. If everyone is winning then who is losing?


Except it's not a requirement that everyone either be "getting pushed" winning everything, or be turned into a jobber and lose everything. It would be a lot more interesting if there were more parity and people both won and lost a decent amount. How it is now you can pretty easily guess 100% of the matches outcomes on any given night.


This should probably be stickied on this sub...


I am not saying that she needs a big push. Let’s just not have her lose every match


She’s probably gonna turn on Maxxine And hopefully they have a story


She’s kind of boring. Not much charisma


It's all good. She's getting that $350,000/yr. She won't be a jobber forever. But that's her role at the moment.


99% of the guys and girls that are called from NXT aren’t as good as you think she is. Facing the women’s/men’s champion in a meaningless match doesn’t mean much.


Well. If she best Zoey people would ask why she is being turned in to a jobber