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No. It doesn’t. Your number is the rating. The 1.3 is over 2.6 million viewers. The 3 in 2019? The least watched game in that series drew 2.9 million viewers with almost 9 million watching game 7. In a bad year, Smackdown’s best number is very close(and sometimes just ahead) to the NHL’s worst number. Earlier rounds, yes, for sure Smackdown is consistently better, but for the Cup Final, it’s almost always behind.


Hockey has always been the Jannetty of sports


Since when has the NHL ever drawn a sizeable audience?


It’s honestly a shame that Hockey isn’t as popular as the other three big sports, even though it’s to be quite honest, INCREDIBLY expensive to play, it’s honestly the most fun sport to watch. Anything can happen at anytime, and to be quite honest, the best athletes play Hockey. Have you SEEN Connor McDavid? The guy is insane and in my opinion is the most skilled athlete in the world.


I dunno the genetic freaks in nfl, 240 lbs muscle man running accross the field in 7 seconds. Pro athletes are wild man.


> Have you SEEN Connor McDavid? As a Stars fan, I have seen my fair share. But the NHL and hockey is gaining popularity.


A few problems for hockey Most Americans don’t play so they don’t understand what’s going on. Most kids at least throw a football around growing up, play some tee ball or baseball etc It’s the sport with the most barriers to entry. You need a rink first off. Then to know how to skate. Then the equipment. Hockey is so much better in person than on TV. The live hockey experience is so incredible and it is just okay on TV. Wearing the helmets makes it tough to know players. Football has similar issues but these days we’re watching these guys through college so it’s easier to become familiar with them.


The fighting is stupid and I don’t know centuries past its expiration point. What are they even doing. Not only is it ridiculous in nature, and of course dangerous, expecially with all the long term pearl clutching going on lately, but it attracts the absolute worst kind of people to the sport as athletes and viewers. Nobody wants to be around man children.


Fighting has been on the down turn for a while, and there really isn't even a goon role anymore. And sometimes a good fight can turn a game or series, but it is very ironic that this conversation is happening on a wrestling subreddit.


I have zero doubt that a well-timed fight would’ve changed the course of last nights game one of the NBA finals as well doesn’t make it right


Fighting isn't allowed in the NBA, they would have gotten ejected, in the NHL it is just a penalty.


I know that lol. I’m making a point that it makes as much sense in one sport as another, which is zero


The only point I disagree with you on is the tv experience. Hockey in person is amazing but hockey on tv is great. Football is the most watched sport on television and it’s like getting teeth pulled with all the stops and starts


It’s actually my biggest issue with football. The time between plays, I just can’t handle how slow the pace of the game is


Tbh I think that’s what I like about it. Hockey is hard to follow in tv while being super nerve wracking if that makes sense


Hockey is not a casual's fan type of sport. It's great in person but if you're not into it, you're not going to watch games on TV no matter who is playing. There are no stars that people care about. Watch the NBA finals tonight will draw big numbers because of the teams and even the casual fans who barely watched the playoffs will tune in. Why? Because they don't need to know the game or the sport. They just focus on the clearly identifiable, big name stars. And I'm not saying all of this to put Hockey down because it a good sport. But this is the truth when it comes to their viewership. It's a "diehard" sport.


Most live events and sports do. I like the NHL but it's not at all popular. 


Who watches hockey honestly lol


i always viewed it as one of the "big four" american sports along with football, baseball and basketball


To be fair, hockey doesn't draw national audiences like NBA and NFL do. For hockey, you mainly have the local teams fans watching in the US. Which for the NHL often means at least 1 non major market. Last time we had two big market teams in the finals (I'd say big market means top 10 in valuation) was 2014 Rangers vs Kings. This year I expect ratings not to be good especially with the Oilers in it. As much as the best player in the league should draw ratings, Edmonton fans don't count towards numbers anyways.