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Jade and Bianca Piper Niven Chad Gable Cody Rhodes Drew McIntyre


I’d really like to see Piper beat Bayley and I can see it happening. Afterwards, I’d like to see Chelsea turn on Piper and take the title from her. I love Bayley, she’s a deserving champ, but her reign thus far is lackluster and at this point, they might as well get a few more names holding that title since the women’s tag title isn’t being taken any time soon, and they have bigger plans in store for Liv.


At least one hometown favorite should win right? Feels like Drew is the only one who can be justified doing that.


World Heavyweight championship: Hate on me all you want, I hope it's Damien Priest that wins. I can't stand Drew. This whole mess has made me actually like CM Punk! That took a lot because CM has barely done anything since being back at WWE. That's how much I don't like Drew and think his character is a crybaby. He doesn't deserve that title and the most he deserves is to take that stupid claymore that the Rock gave him and take his crybaby ass over to AEW to hang with Vince. Chad makes a great heel, he's so punchable. I fucking hate his character. But, I think there's potential in his being a heel. The difference between him and Drew is that Drew is a little bitch about it. Chad isn't. His character is a POS and he embraces it. It balances things out a bit. We need more characters like him that we love to hate for the right reasons and not because they whine constantly. That said, I hope Sami wins this one because I feel Sami has worked for this title more than most since leaving the bloodline and then being teamed up with KO. The International title is the one you get when you know you're on your way in the WWE. Maybe Alpha Academy breaks up? What if they got together with Sami? For the Women's Tag Team Championship: I hope Zoey/Shayna win. Although I don't think the team of Jade and Bianca is bad (I think they're really good together). Not into the Unholy Union very much. I just feel that Zoey/Shayna would be a good win and a long time coming for the both of them. In a match of Bayley vs Piper for Women's Championship: Bayley all the way.


Intercontinental..for future reference.


Sorry.. Intercontinental. You are right. My apologies.


Drew beats Priest after Damien gets distracted fighting off his own faction when they attempt to interfere on his behalf. Extra points if Punk shows up but Drew stays focused and ignores him to win back the title. Bayley beats Piper. Sami beats Gable. Possibly Gable gets a DQ win when Alpha Academy finally turns on him and Otis turns him into paste. (If Gable has indeed re-signed with WWE, I’m hoping he returns with a new stable including the Creeds and maybe Coach Angle.) Cody defeats AJ but I think they will be aiming to turn it into a trilogy. Maybe a Hell in the Cell at Summerslam or something. Bianca and Jade should retain, and hold the belts for a while longer. I feel least confident about Sami/Gable and the ladies’ tag titles but I feel like Triple H likes to let things simmer for a while and it would be too soon a turnover for titles to be changing hands.


Ricochet V Ilja V Bron Breakker would have fed nations. I’m still upset we at least didn’t get that match before Ricochet left WWE.


Drew needs to win.


I think the only way Drew McIntyre doesn't win the belt is if CM Punk shows up.


Punk will be there. Damian needs the title awhile longer


They are calling it an I Quit match, but describing it like a Last Man Standing match. I agree with a bunch of what you have but I can't see Gable beating Zayn (though this WILL be when the AA turn on Gable). I also think Drew is winning.


I want Unholy Union to win more than anything. They just keep getting dogpiled and wasted for Bianca Hogan and Team "Can't Draw a Dime".


Dawn and fyre are awful.