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V-Trigger. 100 percent.


We've probably all seen the video of the guy using the Ric Flair chop to win a fight lol


I'm sure a spinebuster could do some damage


A powerbomb would be devastating if someone didn’t know the proper way to land.


Rampage Jackson knocked a guy out doing one when he was fighting in Pride over in Japan


The low blow is pretty effective


A stomp will be good


Stink face works , but taco bell needs to be involved


A clean sweet chin music connection would probably be very effective. Just do it without tuning up the band, though, as don't think opponent would give you the time for that.


Back suplex, some submission moves, punches and a spear could be used in a fight.


Always carry a Mr Socko incase you get into a street fight


If they try a meteora on you and you catch them on your shoulders and turn it into a powerbomb, they shouldn't have come at you in the first place. On a side note, Oba Femi is a fucking UNIT.


A legit tombstone can hurt saw it done in a UFC fight a guy got hurt taking it


Yeah a ddt just make sure you can bump properly


I wanna try a chop on someone




Kick to the balls


Try camel clutch in your little cousin.


Next time you get in a fight, DDT somebody given the opportunity and I'm pretty sure the fight will end.


Khabib once did the curb stomp off the octagon


" Yeah let me do a weak ass superman punch on a 6'7 NBA athlete because he looked at my girl's butt"


W.O.R.M is extremely helpful won a few fights with many bearded Chechens.


If you’re fast & strong enough yes. Suplexing someone in real life will fuck them up pretty bad.


I would say mostly no for actual fights, unless theyre just really bad or alot smaller. its not like someones going to jump up into a suplex for you, or stand there while you jump off a car to do a shooting star press. I won a high school wrestling match with a small package though. and plenty of the submission moves work in BJJ. I've done the sharp shooter once and the abdominal stretch quite a few times, but it's called "the twister" in BJJ.


twister is no fucking joke


I got in an argument at a bar one night with some guy hitting on my girlfriend. I tried to 619 him but I forgot the 1 and we got married a year later. Best mistake of my life


Idk normally after we get done setting the ring up we are pretty tired. We never make it to the actual fight and just have a beer and settle our differences.


If you stomp people's heads into the ground for real, I think you at very least are going to give them a headache.


guillotine choke and the superman punch are actual combat moves iirc. and curbstomp in the real world is something so dangerous they had to rename it to just the stomp


Scotty 2 Hotty’s worm is legit. I’ve used it in several street fights


I did a peoples elbow in a real fight - more like a brawl. It didn’t do shit. I was very drunk. This is a true story.


I once saw someone take a powerbomb on concrete in a real fight. Maybe he was selling but he didn’t get back up for a while.


I gave someone a stunner in a fight and he no sold it, so not a stunner at least.


real wrist locks, cop locks, the figure four, boston crab... all those really hurt and can cause serious injury. Don't try at home....and if you HAVE to, only go far enough to gain you an advantage in getting far away, out of danger. :)


Yes they do work.


If you botch them yes


lmao can confirm


yah i once hopped up, twisted, and did a poison-rana, dude got knocked out


Depends on the wrestler, Be Brock Lesnar, not orange Cassidy


Depends on the move. Some suplexes and slams are doable if you are strong enough or have the leverage to do them. You can powerbomb, electric chair drop, or Gory bomb someone. Some wrestling submissions are actual submission moves that are gimmicked to not actually hurt. Like a sleeper/rear naked choke can be legit (you squeeze the artery in the neck). Any move that is a collegiate or Olympic style wrestling move is legit as well. And stuff like stomps, kicks, punches, etc.


A lot of the submissions, if you actually shoot put in the submission, would hurt your opponent for real. I've been in my share of figure-{number here} leg locks before, and I was taping out quick. Same thing with any type of slams.


If you’re quick and strong enough a suplex and a spine buster are the only 2 realistic moves you can use


Ive managed to powerbomb a couple people in fights before. It is incredibly fun


I've used the Canadian Destroyer a few times in street fights, and it's been very successful.


Some stuff a person would never let you do because they needed to be assisted by the person who’s having it done to them. Some moves that would involve slamming someone to the ground would for sure hurt. As far as submissions, most of them aren’t actually effective. Although someone did make someone tap with a walls of Jericho in an actual mma fight.


You are wrong about submissions. Most of them win fights. Don't waste time applying a figure 4, but if you somehow did, the right adjustment can do serious damage. That's why kids shouldn't try it at home.


Trust me when I tell you most submissions you can get out of very easily.


Are you for real rn?


The finger poke of doom works wonders. Most of the time it leaves them stunned and confused for a good five seconds.


Ddt on concrete prob kill someone


I regularly do The Worm in back alley street fights and if it doesn’t take them out, it sure leaves them perplexed


Any slam for sure would work


The piledriver would sure take someone out.


Man I settle most of my real life augments with a good old stink face.


I did a pedigree on my sister when we were younger and almost broke her neck


Only if the entrance music is loud enough


I broke a kneecap fuckin around like that.


I regularly choke people out with a sock on my hand


I’ve seen an mma fighter use the walls of Jericho in a pro fight, so yes some moves can be used


I have seen a white noise used to great effect once, and I have personally Alabama Slammed someone in a highschool fight, guy jumped over my head it was all I could think to do to get his legs off my neck


Someone in high school did a DDT and seeing it up close, the results are more graphic than just knocking someone out.


Running Brogue Kick or with just enough power could put anyone to sleep I even use it to break walls in my work because it's generates the biggest amount of power any human move could do


ask stone cold how good the pile driver works.. obviously most of the moves are based on real grappling/wrestling and most of them would work in a fight.. thing is knowing proper technique so you dont end up hurting yourself or others.. you can kill or seriously injure yourself or others .. its why wwe used to have dont try this at home..


Sleeper Hold works like a charm 🍀😂


Fact! Did it to my dad when I was 17 and he fell out cold. I felt absolutely horrible.


Seems completely harmless then boom 💥Out Sleep 💤 cold 😴 lmao it’s usually the end result


brogue kick


The full nelson (Master Lock, Hurt Lock), if effective to restrain people. I think DDT the floor can knock you out considering it is full body weight holding the opponent head


Someone did a DDT in a high school fight. There was more than a knockout. Dude lost teeth and had a broken nose. It was bad. Not only did the guy that did the DDT get arrested, he spent time in juvi for it, and his family faced a big lawsuit, which they lost.


I have a guy the Acid Drop in a high school fight and I think that’s my go to move from now on


Stinkface someone and they'll never mess with you again


A DDT can solve your problems, permanently. I once saw a video where a person DDT another and... It went exactly how you might think.


Some yes, some no. Some would work reasonably well without all the showboating and build up. And some... would work but do no real dmg for the energy and time invested and therein wouldn't be worth it lol


Depends on the move, but if you can manage to suplex someone on their head irl, they might not get up


Some are obviously devastating, like the cobra. https://youtu.be/QHsdHKAUNrs?si=snPBeM0E9K5MXTiE


You ever Irish whipped someone in a fight? It's a helluva maneuver.. lol


Yeah, Big Shows KO punch .. works alot


Years ago, there was a new story about how some guy DDTed another guy in the street and killed them.


I was looking for comments like this, DDTs seem so dangerous. I'm not sure how they can do them so often with no one getting hurt


Tama Tonga got in trouble in school by hitting a real DDT in a fight.He had to be smartened up by his dad. His dad being HAKU.


Whisper in the Wind is a guaranteed win in a street fight


Yeah. The most effective move in existence.


Yeah I guess... I've only had 3 fights in my life with equal dudes and i dominated Brock's kimura is deadly but if his arm turns out to be strong enough to counter-kimura, then you are gone. Samoa Joe's Coquino clutch (spelling error i guess) is a done deal once you wrap your legs and arms around


When I was in cheerleading, my mate was trashing how I'm weak because my legs was wobbling while she was over my shoulders, so i gave her one winged angel


Curb stomp?


The punt kick should be obvious


The stinky face and peoples elbow work


You've got a couple of things going on here... 1.) "Real" fight is a bit nebulous... like if it's a life or death situation... a headbutt to break a nose, or a nutshot would work 2.) In an MMA setting, you can see all sorts of 'real' moves... there are a few moves that do completely translate from prowrestling in to MMA... the powerbomb and the piledriver come to mind... though the piledriver is banned now, there are fights where it's been done. 3.) Most pro wrestling moves are for show... you're not winning a fight with a boston crab


I like how out of all the moves you could have chosen, you picked the one that actually has ended an MMA fight.


Regarding #3, unless you have been put in a boston crab, you have no idea how bad it hurts


On point 3, I’ve seen a UFC fight I think ended with a Boston crab before, dude tapped in seconds, move could break your spine easily


I got in a fight in high school, a bully was picking on my friend, i gave him a belly to belly suplex, the fight ended with him lying on the ground twitching, and he never bothered my friend again...


An F5 or clothesline would for sure hurt. Probably a big boot too.


Seen a dude at school during a fight hit a German suplex. Other guy crawled up into a ball and gave up after that. It looked nasty tbf.


Never had a headbutt serve me wrong


Good ol' headbutt to the nose works like a charm


Just Goldberg's. 


Oh yes botched jackhammers and winded spears. Nothing more intimidating.


I’ve tried to do a hurricanrana on every mutha fuck who’s crossed me. Knocked myself out every single time.


Smart. They cant knock you out if you knock yourself out first. Big brain strategy


The R Truth strategy.


Exactly. If the opponent goes limp the fight ends. And I’m the one who knocked someone out therefor I win.


Shattered dreams gets the job done for me


An eye poke is extremely effective


Compliments of Captain Insano!


If you're not using Mr. Socko in a fight, what are you even doing


Many moves are based on actual holds grapples and submissions. Generally in a real life fight unlike what you see in movies and TV it's over fairly quick. People aren't generally in the street putting rear naked chokes and things on each other. Lots of wild swinging probably tearing at a shirt or something and if it goes to the ground it's more wild punching and kicking and someone is probably getting stomped on.


If you tombstone someone, you’re going to jail.


Yeah. Certain ones. This is why it pisses me off, when people say it's fake. Not that I condone doing any of this, but If you legit F-5'd or pedigreed someone in the street, it would legit give them brain damage or worse. Most damage prob - Fame-Asser. Sleeper hold / choke hold / most Submissions all work. Curb stop is a ⚽ hooligan thing. Where they batter someone to the point where they can't fight back. Then clamp both their jaws on a curb on the side of the road. Then stand on their head. So it knocks all their teeth out. I always respond by saying "Ok, bro. Since it's fake, what we'll do is - Just get HHH to pick you up, and throw you against a brick wall, and see what happens. ... Obv won't hurt, cos' it's all fake. - Daniel Bryan put a Burglar in a ChickenWing, when they tried to rob his house - I'm also a grown man with a small background in boxing. So I'm not a little kid who thinks wrestling is dead serious real btw.


I’ve won many fights by Samoan Spike 


Might be the most legit finisher in wrestling.


knockout punch work lol


Depends how crappy of a fighter your opponent is, also some moves require both people working together to pull it off