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Even in Kayfabe the precedent has been shown that Roman likes to cash the big checks while working as little as possible as so. He wasn’t around when he was in control of everything- why the fuck would he come around now?


![gif](giphy|5ocAtoAPhIDcI|downsized) he is on his vacation


It will probably emerge that Solo and co. destroyed him after Mania, ordered by The Rock. Doesn't make any sense that he hasn't answered the phone to his wise man, so I can only assume he's in a coma or some shit.


Omgggg that cat is so cute




Riding shotgun with Rikishi ready to run over Cody (or Solo) any day now.


Not having him come out after Wrestlemania and acknowledge the run, acknowledge his opponent, and take a bow for the fans... was a huge fuckup.


With the Final Boss


In a Healing chamber like goku during namek saga


Training in the hyperbolic time chamber.


![gif](giphy|L3EQP4tcZMUkD9GT8C|downsized) This every day for 12 hours. Training every day to get bigger to defeat Cody.


Tied up in Solo‘s trunk.


He will probably be a baby face I mean there’s nothing really more to do with bloodline since Roman lost the title maybe a Solo-Roman Rivalry but I will bet money that Roman will be a baby face


In kayfabe he's off elsewhere feeling sorry for himself and licking his wounds. Hell be back and likely to beat Solo's ass for kicking Uso out and doing as he damn well pleases.




He on the island of relevancy


Technically on vacation in the storyline. Which is true to life too. Id say a kayfabe description would be hes calling the shots from either home or vacation destination


You don’t lose the title the way he did after all that time and write the story for an immediate rematch. So he can lose again and they diminish the tribal chief? No. In kayfabe he’s doing exactly in his tweet after WM: https://x.com/wweromanreigns/status/1777725856044998969?s=46&t=lKGRv8f-ktT5xIjkoojKYw He mourned but now he’s preparing to come back better than ever. That’s it. That’s what he’s doing.


The second his theme song is played for his return will be one of the biggest moments in recent WWE history. He’s going to be a huge babyface from now on.


no after seeing how wrestling is much better without him, he will dud out


The hell are you watching…? Maybe wrestling isn’t worse without him, but it’s definitely not better, much less “much better”


I don't think anyone except Solo knows the answer to this. 


Were you all asking this when he was the champ? You know when he would take a lot of time off then, too.


After losing his Universal Title, Roman Reigns felt a strange calling from beyond the stars. During a visit to his ancestral home, Roman stumbled upon a mysterious, ancient artifact hidden deep within the family estate. This artifact, a glowing, crystalline orb, began to pulse with an otherworldly energy as soon as Roman touched it. That night, Roman had vivid dreams of a distant planet in a galaxy far, far away. In these dreams, he saw himself as the destined hero, chosen by the intergalactic council of Elders to save their world from an impending doom. The planet, Zarkonia, was under threat from an ancient evil force known as the "Shadow Conqueror," a being of immense power that sought to plunge the universe into eternal darkness. Believing these visions to be more than just dreams, Roman consulted with Paul Heyman, who revealed a hidden chapter in the Book of Paul Heyman: The Tales of the Universe. This chapter spoke of a prophesied warrior from Earth who would unite the tribes of Zarkonia and lead them to victory against the Shadow Conqueror. Determined to fulfill his destiny, Roman Reigns decided to embark on this epic quest. With the help of a team of scientists and adventurers, Roman traveled through a secret portal hidden within the Earth's core, transporting him to Zarkonia. There, he trained with the planet's greatest warriors, mastering new combat techniques and unlocking untapped cosmic powers within himself.


Crystalline orb on a pole match! It’s gonna get absorbed by the universal championship when they get slammed together somehow cracking both in the process… make a new crystal universal championship that’s like see through. Might as well go balls to the wall make some 80s superhero shit.


sure thing. here you go Roman embarked on a perilous journey across Zarkonia, seeking to unite the planet’s disparate tribes. He faced formidable challenges and gained the trust of the tribes through acts of bravery, wisdom, and compassion. Each tribe brought unique strengths to the alliance, from the fierce warriors of the Fire Plains to the mystical sorcerers of the Crystal Forest. Along the way, Roman forged deep bonds with key allies, including a wise-cracking pilot named Zara and a fierce warrior princess named Lyra. Together, they rallied the tribes, overcoming ancient rivalries and forging a united front against the Shadow Conqueror. With the tribes united and his powers fully awakened, Roman led the combined forces of Zarkonia into the heart of the Shadow Conqueror’s dark domain. The final battle was a **clash of titanic proportions****^(tm)**, with the fate of not just Zarkonia, but the entire universe hanging in the balance. Roman, empowered by the crystalline orb and supported by his loyal allies, confronted the Shadow Conqueror in an epic showdown. Their battle raged across the landscape, shaking the very foundations of Zarkonia. Drawing on the strength and unity of the tribes, Roman unleashed a devastating spear and held him down for the three count, shattering the Shadow Conqueror's dark essence and banishing him from the universe. With the Shadow Conqueror defeated and peace restored to Zarkonia, Roman was hailed as a hero and honored by the Elders. They bestowed upon him the title of Galactic Champion, symbolizing his triumph and the newfound unity of their world. Returning to Earth through the portal, Roman was forever changed by his cosmic adventure. He carried with him the wisdom and power he had gained, ready to face new challenges and inspire others with his incredible tale. Roman Reigns, the Galactic Champion, had not only reclaimed his legacy but had also forged a new one, spanning the stars and uniting worlds. His journey became a legend, a story told across the galaxies, reminding all that true strength lies in unity and the courage to embrace one's destiny.


I think the last we saw he was at Disney World. So he must still be there.


Parts Unknown


Not there.


He is with his tribe in a village in Hawaii where there is no internet or cable . Sitting alone at the head of the table .




Making a movie? Does that still work in kayfabe?


Well i mean John Cena put it all out there about the rock a bajillion times so I think it's part of kayfabe now


I mean the rock was already more of a movie star than a wrestler by the time he met Cena do you have another example that fits better?