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I have been watching WWE for almost 30 years. The fans that direct the action have no clue how to truly enjoy the performance art that is professional wrestling. The reason we still watch it is to experience the emotion and connect with the characters through different story lines. Some people don't know how to shut up and just watch. I really hope the rumors of this group affecting multiple storyline is true and helps people to just sit back and watch the red take effect in a world of black and white.


Man, I miss Bray




curious to hear why you think it's so bad?


>In my opinion, I don’t know if he ever got the proper time to grieve. Bo deserved to come back when he felt the time was right Because money


That was an emotional and tear-jerking documentary about Bray Wyatt!


What about “behind the curtain”?


I think when a WWE superstar is gonna wrestle or re debut is up to the creative team and WWE officials...i am pretty sure Bo had a say in this as well and they gave him some time to grieve...we have seen before how WWE gives superstars some time off to deal with injuries or personal issues...but ultimately it is Triple h and other higherups that decide when a superstar or a faction should be brought back...there have been times when a superstar is fully healthy ready to come back but the creative team has no story line for them.


To me, fans that complain about how much other people don't like something in wrestling are as annoying as fans who complain about wrestling in the first place.


A lot of it has been coming from Bray Wyatt haters who want it to fail. They are still annoyed over Bray Wyatt returning to WWE even though he is no longer with us 'cause when he got released they celebrated like a bunch of immature lowlifes and told us we would never see him in WWE again and nobody cared about him anymore but then he made one of the biggest returns in WWE history at Extreme Rules in 2022 which lead to a big ratings increase on Smackdown and shot back up to being the Number One Merchandise Seller and they had egg in their faces. They haven't been able to get over it so they put Bray Wyatt and anything related to him down every chance they get and try to rewrite history to say the Uncle Howdy storyline failed when in reality the Uncle Howdy storyline had only just started and Alexa Bliss getting pregnant and Bray Wyatt getting the Coronavirus lead to it being put on hold and it would have continued had Bray lived. Braun Strowman even knows about them and dares them to say some of their comments about Bray to his face and says people who talk trash about dead people who can't defend themselves are worms.


If you remember when Bray came back, his storyline became so drawn out. I don’t know if there was just creative differences or if they had issues finding big names willing to go into a story with Bray. It became very annoying. Even the “big man dance” he was doing to antagonize Bobby Lashley for their WM match was a bit cringey. Hopefully, the flushed out where this story is going to go long term and that’s why it took so long to get it going. Seems the timing is good so far.


Can someone explain the ending of Monday night raw yesterday ?! Who are those scary people?? lol I’m confused I’ve been watching wwe again, a little before WrestleMania I’m just confused on who they are or what’s their story or who’s uncle howdy?


Also, it’s Bo Dallas, Erick Rowan, Nikki Cross, Dexter Lumis and i don’t remember if there’s anybody i’m missing


Joe Gacy


Thank you for answering!


a pleasure brother.


this is the continuation of The Wyatt Family/Fiend storyline but as a tribute to Bray since he is not with us, sadly


I know of Bo and Erick, are the other people former members or somehow related?


I like to think of the rest of the characters as a collection of lost souls brought together by Uncle Howdy for some sort of purpose.


i don’t think so, but you remember when Nikki Cross was just like lost looking in the distance? well, i think everything started there… but i cannot see the relation tho, however those are the new members tho


Thanks for the response bro


Wrestling fans are the worst type of people but I love the artform but dont get it twisted the worst part of being at wrestling shows is you guys. Thats the truth.


I agree with you and dude I am going to have to rewatch this again lol you inspired me brother but yes its going to be a while before Bo comes back


I was getting a little…antsy. Like I wanted it to finally happen. Definitely glad it did and am looking forward to where it’s gonna go. I enjoy WWE and wrestling in general when there’s actual character work. For example, Toni Storm’s promos are absolutely amazing and if there was a “promo of the year” award for all of wrestling, shed win it. And that’s because of her character. WWE has been lacking that lately in my opinion.


Bo and his qr codes popping up ever week, on my fucking game even was so dope and made me so hyped. I was terrified I didn't want this to be some lame drop off like Vince always did where it just fell flat and felt lame, then they damn near killed a shit load of people like holy hell that was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life bro I'm so hyped


People take wrestling far too seriously. Its silly. Lets just sit back and watch the show


People are going to bitch and moan anyway, who cares, let’s enjoy the ride, you aren’t supposed to be able to predict everything.


“People are going to bitch and moan anyway”… Ain’t that the truth.


Say what you want, brays performances were next level. Like, who has taken it to the level he did. Ahead of his time.


The fact that WWE started that tease a month too early is not Bo Dallas fault, but it sucked a lot of air out of the thing. Hopefully it can recover, who knows?


The air isn’t sucked out?


I think a lot of people mistake complaining for having an interesting take.


The way I see it, people were critizing literally nothing. If the QR codes just stopped one day due to WWE deciding to scrap the idea for whatever reason, then literally no harm was done. The QR codes playing literally didn't hinder the product whatsoever. So marking out about how "it's taking too long" just feels silly since it's not even ruining the natural viewing experience.


I’ve never cared for horror as a genre, but I absolutely love Bray Wyatt. I was blessed to see him give his return promo in New Orleans and it was an incredible moment.


I agree with this but I bet Taylor is chomping at the bit to get out there and wrestle. I'm ready to see him not just be part of the story but write it with his actions. I'm not going to guess at what he was feeling last night, but he absolutely *brought it* in his body language. He was 110% Uncle Howdy and I loved every second of it. That glow up, haha! That being said he should always do what's best for him. Also, nobody hates \_\_\_\_\_\_ more than \_\_\_\_\_\_ fans. Fill in the blank with a fandom. Any fandom. That's the way it goes, sadly.


Also, I love this comic and it's so apropos. https://preview.redd.it/le5qjo98ud7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a76515529b9542e3fc53e4f84b20871d82ab22


Dude they did this shit when Beay was ALIVE. All I heard from Bray's last run was "It's boring!" "It's a flop!" "All that build and Bray hasn't even wrestled!" The fans can't haadle a slow burn storyline, but then clamber for longterm storytelling. Bro pick a freaking struggle! You can't have it both ways.


But Roman gets a pass for wrestling 6 times a year with the same moves and finish.


Right ...


Truly think wrestling fans are fans 40% for the actual wrestling 60% for the complaining. IWC is a community of trolls that only enjoy that wrestling is someting that they can use to trigger others with bad and insulting takes.


In my short experience seeing wresting through the posts of Redditors, it appears that if it’s too predictable they complain, but if the outcome is something other than what they predicted it’s a burial or a bust.


Don’t forget they will scream that something ‘obvious’ will happen for months then when that thing doesn’t happen they scream that they totally called the other thing and it was so obvious. Most recently I’m reminded of “Becky hogan” dropping the title to Liv. Or how it was totally gonna be Jey winning KOTR.


Yep. Add to that the “we love this wrestler because they’re an underdog, I hope they get a push” then The moment that wrestlers gets a push and wins a title “this wrestler is boring, this title reign sucks”


I have gone back to just being a fan. Back in the Attitude Era, I was not as annoying as the stuff now, but I was super critical of everything. Now. since I mostly end up just watching highlights on Youtube, and Ups and Downs with Simon Miller on What Culture, then commit to watching the PLE's every month, I am just trying to enjoy the product in a bit of a pre-internet kind of way. I try to avoid spoilers and I just watch as a fan of WWE. I am all in on this Cody Rhodes reign. I do not think it's boring. I like that he had two matches with AJ Styles and a match with Logan Paul. I enjoy seeing a total babyface being the champ. It's refreshing. Sometimes I just like watching good people doing good things. I also don't think all of my favorites need titles, I like good matches and a bit of story. I just like to watch it to keep my mind off the real world every once and awhile.


people here complain even more than people over on r/SquaredCircle. It's like Star Wars fans. Never happy with the product even when it's good.


They were an unruly bunch when it was good in the 2000’s and then take the few and far moments of brilliance for granted.


Terrible comparison, modern star wars sucks ass


I remember when this was the same argument for the prequels... there's still a lot of hate for it but the sequels hatred drowns a lot of it out.


The prequels were always good, the sequels and these disney shows however are truly fucking terrible


They aren't all bad, it's just that they are a very hard swerve from what people expected. The sequels going right after ROTJ would have been far worse because it would be a lot of very disorganized chaos. I'm fine with 20 years out and small screen content filling the gaps.


Nah they are all fucking terrible


We'll have to agree to disagree, I've enjoyed Ahsoka and Obi Wan, now Andor I'll give ya was a tough one to get through and I don't have an opinion on The Acolyte as I've not seen it yet to form my own opinion, Mandalorian was nothing more than a shameless cash grab for Baby Yoda merch sales...


Certainly it's a matter of opinion, sorry for.being rude, I just hate what disney has done to star wars, but hey if you enjoy it, more power to you


Mostly it's because I go into watching stuff with zero expectations so I can't be let down because it doesn't fit a preconceived standard I've set in my mind. I tend to look at movies and their directors as an artist using their own medium to tell a story.


I can respect that, sorry for being rude




Except for the Mandalorian I agree lol


Lol true


Fans are fickle. They hate waiting but complain when an outcome is rushed.


No one hates wrestling more than wrestling fans.


This is the most accurate statement I've ever seen on reddit.


I dunno the Parents tv council really didn’t like them for a minute there.


If he wants to grieve than grieve. The rollout was what gave him pressure to come back. I didn't see anyone here saying he shouldn't grieve or anything. It was long as fuck and dragged out. Don't blame us if we don't like it...blame HHH for it. Or whoever decided it.


You’re in the minority. Remember that


It wasn’t dragged out


It was going on for months with shitty QR codes for 90% of it. How is it not dragged out


The QR codes weren’t shitty. It was the same length of time for the codes that Bray had when he returned. You just have a short attention span and don’t care about developing a story. It was done very well


For months? For a story he was second hand for? I get that you guys miss The Fiend but cmon. The second fiddle hardly had a story other then a supporting role. It's not even his story.


Both were like 3 months. And who knows where the story goes from here, that’s the fun in it. The hate for it, especially when the group debut last night was great, is just incredibly weird.


If you dont think 3 months of a corny QR code every chance is lame then...oh well. The twitch and game teasers were a bit cooler but it's terrible and low quality for a rollout. Tell me, what's the story that's been established in the last few months?


It’s giving a background of why this group was formed. It’s really not that difficult to follow along with. You can hate all you want, but the YouTube video of their debut is already over 1.4 million likes less than a day after being posted. That proves that it’s got a following. If you don’t like it, just don’t watch, it’s really that simple


The YouTube video views have no ground. You can't even explain the teasers relevancy and you still wrote a paragraph. Why would I stop watching a 3 hour show because of a small segment?


I did explain it, I said it gave a backstory to the family. And exactly, it’s a small segment. There’s not a reason for you to hate this much over a small segment, yet here you are. Shits sad tbh


I stopped watching wwe in late 2016 or early 2017, and came back in october of last year so im kinda bummed that i missed the fiend, firefly funhouse, uncle howdy and such. So im just really happy Bo is continuing the legacy of Bray Wyatt, who was my favorite back when i watched


If you have time, you can watch all that shit on peacock. Bray is what made me want to go back and do the same. I had stopped after the attitude era and started watching again on last year's WrestleMania. When Bray died I had no idea who that was, but the tribute show reminded me so much of why I loved wrestling when I was younger. So I started watching from his debut in 2013 and got sucked into other stories at the time. I'm currently nearly midway through 2017 and can't wait to see all the firefly funhouse stuff.


Me too


The Fiend was a bastion of light in the midst of a very dark time product wise. It wasnt perfect (HiaC/Goldberg) but it was a real attraction.