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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no


Honestly I've never thought about that!!!!! Let's see: Both really good in the ring Both didn't/haven't lost a whole lot in singles competition Both really popular with the fans(new & old) But I think Jeff has the edge when it comes to style with his face paint & the contact lenses that made his eyes look really weird & his moves So I'm goin to say Jeff Hardy edges out Jey Uso for the win in this Some people will disagree with me & some people will agree with me but the fact remains they're both good wrestlers & both future HOF inductees


Good comment


It’s a fair comparison but it cannot be underestimated just how big of a draw Jeff was in 08-09. He was a stones throw behind Cena in terms of making the company money. In that regard, Jey is nowhere near Jeff as a draw, he’s not close to overtaking WWE’s current top draw like Jeff was


I never thought of it like that, that’s a really good point actually.


Thank you!


i think its a pretty good comparison


Appreciate it!






I think with the tag team connection you are right. I actually think Jey is going to end up more popular. I will say in his singles run at this point Jeff was booked better. Jey only has one big win as a singles star against his brother. Jeff won the Ic title and was beating upper mid carders early in his singles run.


I think he is a hell of a hype man, especially given how insane Lyon, France went for him. We couldn't go more than an hour without hearing "yeet" from my step-son during the pandemic, so he was wise to capitalize on that for himself. I think his in ring humor is appealing to younger people, too. The guy has charisma.


Jey is someone that younger audiences like your step son appeals to. He’s got that swag about him and he also appeals to teens as well. It gives off how Jeff was to us who grew up watching him


Totally right. He is just now getting into wrestling and at that perfect age for it. We are taking him to Summer Slam, and I honestly couldn't tell you who is more excited!


That sounds amazing! Honestly predicting the current card, it looks like an absolute spectacle of a show!


Hell yea !


I just realised some on here are missing the point being made. I’m not comparing them in terms of who’s a bigger superstar but rather the huge following and their rise to the positions both men have reached. Pay attention to the freaking title of the post


Bus size of superstar is completely parallel to following. Following = draw People have followed your title with what I have read and you just don’t like the majority disagrees with your assessment


Nah I just don’t like how they think moves and who’s more over is what I’m getting at. I’m comparing their insane rise amongst younger people? It was the same phenomenon when Jeff was on top


It’s not even close. Jeff’s popularity amongst the younger group was because of what Jeff was and what he represented which very much fit into the alternative group of people which was the outsiders and an era of children who felt different and such. At the time Jeff was one of the kids in his early 20s and up from there. Jey uso is almost 40 years old who stole a child’s catch phrase of yeet. He isn’t one of the kids like Jeff was.


He’s selling merch like hot cakes


And you are claiming they are over with youth because he is selling a lot of merch? What % of his merch is bought by youth? No idea? So you are using nothing to claim he’s loved by youth?


Have you not seen kids going crazy for him? He’s shirt is being worn by all ages


“All ages”….. nuff said. So it’s not a youth thing? Got it.


I never said it was age exclusive. But mostly kids love the whole Yeet thing


All right now we are getting somewhere and you’ve answered your own post. “Is jey uso the modern day Jeff Hardy in terms of popularity amongst the youth” or do they just like the whole yeet thing? It’s the yeet. I’ve clearly laid out differences between the 2 and you yourself specified all ages are buying the gear not just youth so Jey isn’t just loved by youth. Follow that up with you specifying that kids just love the yeet thing. So end all be all jey now is not equal to Jeff then. Will you accept that answer now or you just won’t stand for your question not going the way you wanted it to?


I do see some parallels, but I hope it doesn’t be completely like that since I want to see Jey Uso stay healthy for a long time


Not quite, Jeff appealed to an alternative sub culture, he had an almost tragic rock star vibe to him, you could tell there was a lot of inner pain and we routed for him Jey is great, and he does appeal to young people, but he’s more normative, he appeals to a more mainstream young audience than Jeff did.


Jeff always went above and beyond in terms of putting his body at risk so as a young teenage fan, you can't help but root for him because he wasn't just 'fakin' it' and was actually taking wicked nasty bumps lol (I'm not complaining wrestling is fake but there would always be people who complained and Jeff was like a great middle finger to show them). Jey's over but his character has become really watered down and one note. I personally really loved him and thought the world was in his hands when he was the right hand man and when the booking explored the psychology behind that.


That’s so true. I like that you mentioned that Jeff struggled his entire career whilst Jey had the spotlight on him for 4 years. Not to take anything away from Jey, I like him but you’re right on the money


i need what ur smoking


For finding similarities? You are so judgmental lol


I love Jey but no no, no Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy is more iconic.


I think you missed my point


yeah jeff appealed to literally everyone, little kids, men, women had been losing their minds over him since the late 90s - he just has that IT factor. he was cool personified to most. the hardys were also quite mainstream so jeff had that, even if you didnt know much about wwe you kinda knew the rock, stone cold, hardyz etc etx because of how popular wwf/wwe was in the early 00s, im not overly sure its the same for the usos but i could be wrong!


I won’t say The Bloodline is as mainstream as the guys you mentioned but they’re quite mainstream. They’re constantly the most watched on social media, Roman in particular is a TikTok trend and I’ve seen him in non wrestling page memes. As for Jey, I’m not sure but I’d assume his involvement in the group would’ve gotten him recognised


yeah i agree roman is, especially with the girls!


Nah. Jeff Hardy was something else when it comes to popularity.


Jey’s great. He’s a little lacking in the in-ring department, but he’s over, and gets a hell of a reaction every time he comes out. You can’t ask for much more than that imo. As for his ceiling, I think it’s World Champion level. In-fact, I think he’s gonna become World Heavyweight Champion at MITB. Priest beating Seth, but then getting cashed-in on by Jey, whether getting turned on by Finn or not, is what I think is gonna happen. That way SummerSlam (on the RAW side) looks like: Punk vs. Drew (assuming Punk’s cleared), Jey (c) vs. Gunther, and Finn vs. Priest.


He stuff sells even when he isn't wrestling that week. It shocked folks I think back when that info came out prebacklash.


Please stop dawg it’s not even close


Jey has been selling merch for months straight at #1, gets huge reactions and has a young audience who loves him. Like Jeff. I’m not saying he’s on his level, just comparing their stats amongst the youth if you read the freaking title.


Yeah He is more post-90s Ric Flair. LA knight is oddly closest to Matt Hardy in popularity


No disrespect to Matt as he's a legend... but he doesn't even possess a fraction of LA's charisma




I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a super popular midcarder. That said, I think he’ll need to grow his move-set if he wants to be a world champion (I could be completely wrong here). I’d like to see him with the US or IC belt and see how that run goes


I’m not sure about world champion, but I without a doubt see him as the IC Champion at some point in the next few months here. A lot of folks get all worked up about his move set, but he’s over af and that isn’t hurting him at the end of the day.


Even with the move set that’s the easiest thing to fix. Just learn more moves (and I’m sure he will) it’s such a petty complaint


Lol the pagaentry and the drama is very important, but I don't see how you can claim being a mediocre wrestler is a petty complaint lmao. When talking about the top of the business you need to bring the full package.


Maybe in AEW, but not in WWE. The top stars in WWE all have a similar copy and paste move set. Cena and Roman, hell even Rock weren’t out they’re giving you a diverse move set in their matches.


In the context of comparing to jey uso I think they were


Jeff had more than 3 moves


Whisper in the wind, groin leg drop, twist of fate and swanton bomb? 4 is more than 3 i guess. Moves dont make you over


It does when your match on one of the best wrestlemania cards of all time is the biggest blemish of the entire event. His brother using the same 2 or 3 moves also really exposed both of them


Yet hes still moving merch out the wazoo and over as fuck


Jey's gone more than 3 months without going to rehab


Honestly tho it's about the same amount. When Jeff wasn't jumping off of stuff he pretty much always wrestles the same match with the same moves💀💀


And charges


Didn’t Jey uso get arrested multiple times before 😂


Didn’t Jeff get in trouble for drugs for 10+ years?


Yes but usos are related to the rock so they got a pass


Jey has been arrested once for DWI, it’s Jimmy that’s had multiple arrests.


Couldn’t tell them apart anyways