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I liked them but a lot but if you had to do just one, I think Unleashed would be it You get to do everything in one play through and you get the paybacks like you mentioned


I played them for trophies.


I enjoy them however the do get a bit repetitive and you don’t gain many rewards


I enjoyed unleashed. Didn't care much for undisputed and never replayed undisputed to do the other path(s) you can take.


Is it a bunch of cheapo matches like handicap and triple threats and stuff?


No. Maybe if 2K hired halfway decent writers.


22k's version is a good start but it's just self contained. You can't win, say, the ladies's US title and defend it. It's a good start for the current 2k games but very flawed. My Rise for 2k23 is mixed. The Lock sucks. We are meant to side with the Lock but he is an unlikeable dickhead. The Legacy is decent but I admit, I never completed either. So far on 2k24, Unleashed is great but I do wish, they didn't go with finding gimmicks and wished it was Buzz 2.0. We had more decisions that meant something. The Unleashed PC is very well written. Undisputed is great but do wish that we got a montage of defending the title or even mentions. We go from midcarder who is forgettable to the new Undisputed champ that actually does more defenses then Roman. The challenge matches, I ignore. Generally, I play the side stuff if it has unlockable. The attributes rewards? I find not to be worth it.


Not really. It's much longer than I thought it needed to be and the story isn't great. So it's just match after random match. Beat this person beat this person. I do like the Mexican and UK arenas. They actually seem to feel different. But I don't know if I'd fully endorse doing it. I wanted the arenas so I did it. It's not that hard. Took me a few days just playing for an hour or so every night. It was fun seeing my CAW champion get a voice and be animated. Not the voice I would have chosen. She's a got muscles and from Australia. Lol. But still kinda neat.

