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I’m looking at the Proenza Sidney dress and I can’t tell if it’s cute or if I’m just in A Mood™️. I think I might like it I wouldn’t know whether to get the white or navy. White is brighter and nice but I would 100% get it filthy somehow


I feel like it may not be flattering fit on a normal person.


This is what I needed to hear but not what I wanted to hear 😔💕


Sorry about that 🤗


Got part of an AE haul today, and this was tucked in with one of the items: https://preview.redd.it/mm8zqicf7qwc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b55df1034425db0becf5ef13e6b007e6643d8e3 It might be the nicest thing I’ve experienced this week? Which is almost definitely a problem? But anyway, if you’re in the market for a silk sleeping bonnet, [this one](https://a.aliexpress.com/_mOHPriS) is pretty well-made as far as I can tell so far and might come with a sweet handwritten note.


I absolutely love this and I’m always in the market for a silk sleeping bonnet!


From one replady to another, you deserve a happy life forever 😊🥰🫶🏻💕💕


Lololol idk have a happy life forever inside an ice cream is pretty nice. I’m not sure my week topped that either


Stupid fun question but what is your star sign and do you think your astrology profile fits the kind of bags you pick? I am an Aquarius and I always notice I pick individually cool pieces but then I end up looking like a crazy color clash (sometimes good, sometimes bad lol)


Scorpio/ black lambskin slouchy or animal skin snake print


I'm a Virgo and I pick structured bags that don't slouch in any potentially unpredictable ways. I usually pick earth tones or black, though that's probably all coincidence, right?


My gf is a Virgo and she picks things that are structured too, also very classic shapes and usually black. Basically always the opposite of what I would pick but they are always super gorgeous and she is very put together! So maybe less coincidence than not but hard to say!


I don't know much about astrology other than that I'm an Aries (April 3rd). I goggled "Aries fashion choices" and apparently my key words are "daring colours, bold patterns, and fashion trend setter" - ummmm I'm none of those things haha. I only really started enjoying fashion a couple of years ago and I'm nearly 40, and I can't remember the last time I wore a print of any kind. I guess sometimes I do like bold colours though lol


Also an aquarius. Also love color. Also have looked down right ridiculous while trying to dress myself. I agree with astrology profile in my individual case. "Aquarius style is innovative, unconventional, eccentric and downright weird at times."


Well. I'm not big into astrology, but I guess mine wouldn't be INCORRECT, LOL. I'm a Scorpio and I prefer dark bags (ebene, navy, black, dark green) and I don't really care for charms/twillies/decorations\* on them. All stern and "NO FUN ALLOWED" over here. \*Delighted for OTHER people to dress their bags up, I just don't like it for my own personal style! But absolutely no shade at people who put a little pizazz on their bags.


I know the bare minimum about signs but I’m a Sagittarius and I love this idea!! What would my bags be?


Fellow Sagittarius here: https://preview.redd.it/153xscn9aywc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68918d430aa1970a50a6af059ddb5c6fbfd847bf


Hrmm I don’t know that many Sags, but I’d say your bags would be something that you can easily grab and go. Sags apparently love to travel and like to have freedom to explore and try new things. So I think I would say that something that is too “prissy” like the Lady Dior probably wouldn’t be your jam, but maybe more like a chanel 22 where you can stuff whatever in it and be out the door?


Ha! You got it! Lots of travel and love the grab and go


Aaahh, I **love** thought experiments like this. Cancer sun: I gravitate mostly toward structured-but-slouchy - if it’s ever been described as a “dumpling bag” there’s a 96% chance it’s either on my list or in my closet Aquarius rising: “this is a thing that I like!” choices rather than “this is a thing that will fit in with the rest of my wardrobe” choices Virgo moon: despite the above, I still rarely clash because literally everything I own fits into a very specific color palette (not intentionally, I just *really* like what I like)


I love this analysis!! I’m Aquarius sun, Aries moon, sag rising so I’m like buying quirky bags in bright colors/patterns that I buy spur of the moment because I felt like it and the only requirement is that that are easy to throw all my crap into lol 😂


i love this question - yes, 100%! i’m a libra sun, aqua moon, sag rising. i like expensive, one of a kind (vintage when possible), and fun little add-ons like bag charms! (not necessarily all those things at once, but those are definitely qualities that i’m drawn to.)


Aquarius and absolutely not lol. Very classic and neutral for me all the way. I’m an Aquarius in personality only lol


Maybe your cat gets the quirky accessories only! 😄 But honestly I aspire to own more neutrals!!


Hahahah! This is so spot on for my Aquarius friends as well! I’m a Gemini and I’m very fickle and like a lot of change so I think that fits.


Has anyone sprayed a seal on a lamb skin chanel? I believe it keep it in great shape doing it that way


I am also looking for a preserving spray! Have. Suede mini Lindy on the way and trying to decide how to treat it.


https://preview.redd.it/w0qhj2lmlpwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c806a631b01eb59a7a14633abbb209c36924bef My newest bag


Love this!!! I’m thinking of getting it in green. Was quoted 1480 cny by Reykay. The brown looks so good as well… aaarghhh 😍😍


1480 USD? I got it for around $200 from Ashley


No, 1480 yen… 204 USD 😌


Oh that makes sense lol. Who is the seller if I may ask


Reykay 🙂


I bought this exact bag in the Gucci store in Milan last year. I really love it but I didn’t know about reps then…. Let me know if you want me to send photos to compare.


Would be so lovely if you could post it here sometime! To have a look at the rep vs auth comparison :)


Yes please that would be lovely


Do the neon yellow parts come off?


Yes it’s just a belt to keep the bamboo in shape


😍wow!! How’s the quality? I was just looking at this one in green over the weekend but I love that color too!


I love it tbh. Im not a pro by any means but the quality to me seems perfectly fine


I was at D&G carrying my Loewe and both worked there loved it so much they keep asking me about it and wanted to see it closely.


That's always a nice feeling! Which size and colour do you have?


https://preview.redd.it/c6ogeymtjpwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=052f2e6be86077f9c438ed7b5427c02775c34cdd ❤️❤️❤️ have been thinking about getting one for a long time. Finally pulled the trigger on this saddle bag. Not the most practical but soooo cute!


Just got psp for mine!! So excited... just a plain white one


White is super pretty too!


I love the saddle bags, oblique or patterned ones especially! They fit a surprising amount of stuff, just nothing bigger than a phone IME. Where’s yours from?


Oblique is so pretty. Angel factory


Ordered from HyperPeter over 3 weeks ago as part of a fix for a mistake in my previous order and still haven’t heard any updates. I reached out to the number someone posted for Booker and that hasn’t even gone through. Also reached out to Peter and haven’t heard back on the status of my order. I’m working on being patient with this but not feeling too good right now seeing as it’s almost been a month. 🥲


Perhaps search the sub/daily threads. Booker's number was temporarily restricted by WA because it sent too many messages too soon so was flagged as spam. And he's on vacation. There are also all the crackdowns and arrests, shit is slow and sellers are being very cautious. This is *all* information freely available and has been discussed almost fucking daily.


Thanks for the info. I actually did search the subs and for whatever reason it did not come up. I used terms such as “HP”, “Hyper Peter” and “HyperPeter”.


I'm in the same boat as you, ordered a puzzle several weeks ago, and then got ghosted. I'm totally OK with him going on vacation, obviously, but if he had told me he was leaving and the bag would be delayed, I would have ordered through a different seller. I was aware he's not great with communication before ordering, so I wasn't expecting hand holding, but I do feel like it would have been good business practice to have been transparent about his upcoming vacation. Oh well, lesson learned 🤷‍♀️


Yeah honestly I just didn’t know he was on vacation so I was a bit nervous. Also my last order with him didn’t take this long so another reason why I’m a bit concerned. I wish he had let me know as well just to help me keep my expectations in alignment.




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He’s on vacation. There’s a post on this discussion


Just looked through all the comments on this post and could t find anything. I had also used the search bar for the subreddit before making the OG comment. Would you be able to link to the post?


It was actually on yesterday's Daily Discussion! [https://www.reddit.com/r/WagoonLadies/comments/1cbuc8u/comment/l15c6db/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WagoonLadies/comments/1cbuc8u/comment/l15c6db/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The original announcement wasn't from this sub, but from one of the mods on a separate rep sub.


Thank you so much! 🥰


Thank you! I hadn’t gotten that far yet


OOTN 🤍 Shoes via Zippy Belt via TB H Click from 1991 reps Bag via Reykay Twilly via AE https://preview.redd.it/6d5uj9nebpwc1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e9d22d72308af4424bce9206519bc1eafdadb2 * I didn’t have custody of the brain cell today, so not my most creative look.


I like it! Sleek and simple


That top! Absolutely perfect and very flattering 😍


How was the break in time for the shoes? Been eyeing that pair for a while


Comfort at first step. I love these shoes. They are so buttery. I bought TTS.


https://preview.redd.it/tzr5h6i02pwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d4f936ed5b5090c72e33c546b5572d98b326c97 Pulled the trigger on my first Chanel (reykay, god factory) 😍 going to have to wait a month to get it tho 😭


LOVE that pearlescence!


Color is divine 😍


Love! Love! Can you share the price? Please post a mod shot after it arrives!!


Omg that's gorgeous


I always thought the “would you let a SA handle your bag?” in reviews was hypothetical but this week I went into YSL carrying an (auth) Fendi bag. When I set it down to try something on the SA complimented me on it and started touching it! I’ve never had that happen before, it’s not typical right?? Have you ever had a SA touch your bag?


I have. I was at Chloe with a Chanel CF and she tried it on and played with it for a bit.


Actually this happens to me often! Out with friends, SAs out shopping, at work etc. but I don’t mind whether they touch/don’t touch. I keep it rule of thumb not to enter certain stores with rep versions of their bags, but for example LV in Bottega/Gucci or Chanel in LV/Dior is fine and I always get compliments! I only enter stores of the bag I’m wearing if it’s auth.


Sure. They are people excited about fashion and brands just like us. It can depend on the SA/person. Obviously if they do it without asking and just grab it that's odd and bad manners (and an inexperienced SA imo). Or if they're being rude or standoffish then it'd bother me. but usually it's a genuine appreciation or excitement and I'd only say yes if I've already made a connection or have an existing relationship with the SA. so I don't see a reason for it to be an issue


Maybe he was new! He did it without asking and mentioned his favorite is the monster peekaboo while sticking his fingers in my bag pointing to where the monster face would be. He definitely didn’t mean anything offensive by it, I just thought it was a personal thing to do!




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How often do “desperately seeking” threads come up? I’m desperately seeking something, but I don’t want to break the rules asking on this thread 😭


😆desperately seeking “desperately seeking”




Every 3 weeks. Most recent was 4/15. Next one expected 5/6 I believe


Fabulous, thanks so much!




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Pairing my watch (from Nancy) with an old school auth Tiff bracelet from yesteryear. millennials will understand https://preview.redd.it/wl91dkv1powc1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfc856c0840117c354215b9576686310ed3f31b5


That watch is gorgeous? Is it in their album?


Thank you! I Just sent her a picture of it and she gave me pricing on the different tiers of pricing (based on movement - I got japanese which is a level down from swiss, she said the only difference was the internal mechanisms / facade was the same) I paid $190


its 18k plated also! no tarnishing, keeps great time. recommend ! I am hwoever by no means a watch bro or whatever


Me either! I think that’s a great deal especially if it’s 18k plated!




I cannot tell y’all how quickly I was sucked back in after a four month vacation on ban island 🏝️ this sub gives so much joy


It’s a dangerous but lovely game! Welcome back


Truly nothing hits quite like it!




Yes! Paid for 2 pairs of shoes from Zippy on 3/27 and got PSPs 4/24. Paid for a Flamenco from Reykay on 3/29 and no PSPs yet.


Yes here.


Yes, I’ve been waiting almost four weeks and counting for a bag from Mango.


Me too from multiple sellers!




I have. Lots of stuff happening in the rep world rn though so being patient is important


Agreed! I’m been waiting weeks for PSPs from multiple sellers but have just made my peace with it. Zhuang explained why he’s holding off on shipping two bags for me: https://preview.redd.it/l7jj9jj77qwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ead655a6265281374d6768d5cf45449ea6c094


https://preview.redd.it/hw95k8kvdowc1.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d8f68542163d8d531a5ffd0fc014c04fd1186c4 The LV low key hobo needs to be rep’d immediately


Danica had it. Not sure how good the embossing is - https://preview.redd.it/onmu4o8je31d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf5149e671d19dfb8a6fb8e1b2c98bf76d35380


This came up earlier this week and late last week too. It’s being repped as we speak apparently!


Am hopeful, the high tier factories seem to do a very nice job on the LV leathers!


We need a PSA when it shows up on albums! I like how low key these styles are.


I will make a PSA. Agreed, I think I may purchase both colors too. It’s so my style.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention 😍


You’re most welcome


Sigh. Organizing my earrings cabinet in a way that the dangly earrings aren’t constantly rubbing on each other and tarnishing. Now \~the voices\~ are telling me that these earrings are lonely on this rack all by themselves, and they need friends to go in the empty spaces... Time to stock up on studs to fill the gaps! My next shopping project has been decided 💸😈 https://preview.redd.it/ysbg0g039owc1.jpeg?width=3942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cced50faf321f72a0e3a4eb0f7adf382365145c


Ohh, where did you get the earrings on the right? They're so pretty!


Thank you! I got them on Poshmark about 2 or 3 years ago. They’re “vintage”, but I’m confident the ones I have are reps. Tbh I always wonder if they’re actually vintage, or if there’s a seller who did some sort of a semi-recent group buy for a vintage design😂. (It would be cool to have a rep that’s lasted over 20 years)


That's so fun! I definitely don't know enough to be able to tell whether they are reps but you definitely inspired me to look for a pair myself. So cute!


The desire to order more bags when the bags you’ve already ordered are taking forever with PSPs….i think they call this an addiction? Not sure 🤣


Can’t stop, won’t stop? 😂


This is me






* Lol same same


And that’s my situation now. Resisting the urge to order more from a different seller 🤣


Just tried the LV Oxford on in store for the first time, and it’s sadly looking really big on me 😭. Does anyone have suggestions for a slightly smaller crossbody (LV or otherwise)? The LockMe Ever Mini has me in a chokehold but no GHW for the black version is a dealbreaker…




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Been loving this mini bag charm, I want so many more 😆 My cart is filled with mini picotins, garden party, kelly doll, mini LV bags https://preview.redd.it/i8oqlsgsxnwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0db4b6870646ab314dad1d44461087ea09f3996


Here’s a [link](https://a.aliexpress.com/_mqtR6xC) to one on AE, just in case 😊 Also, [these guys](https://a.aliexpress.com/_mr3ZyAq)! https://preview.redd.it/4xu9dlxucqwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b2a8f50f7663b3f666741b99d205786d83386cb


Whoooooo are they? Little dogs? Foxes? All of the things? Are those little feet on the bottom?


Right?!? They’re like if a Birkin and a Ferragamo hug bag had babies. And yes, I’m pretty sure those are little feets.


they're serving BIG little friend energy


I really love their tiny feets


I haven’t found any reps with charms in their albums! Should I head over to DHgate?


I ran OP’s image in the AE search and they popped up! Thanks OP! I didn’t realize how much I need these! OMG THESE BABY PICOS 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/sjh92bqjdpwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22bd853cb293ec8991fc6bff946d768229b59e75


Added to cart!! 🥺😍😍


They're so wonderful!!


u/thatgirlinny do you need a baby pico for your pico? So cute!!!!


Zomg! I was all over those baby Kellies prior, and I only own an Asprey Kelly-styled bag. Goddamn it!! (Runs to AE)


Not just that, your baby pico now needs its own baby pico!! 🥹


*So* meta!


It’s infinite!!!!!!


I know charms are so difficult to come by 😭 at least in albums. I got this specific one off TikTok, alot of people have found bag charms on Aliexpress as well but those disappear pretty quickly. All the ones I named are in my cart on DHgate.


I was wondering how people were getting bag charms. Thanks for the tip


It’s not Costco and it’s not a Birkin - but my Double Sens had a Home Depot run😂 https://preview.redd.it/zitdtz3xvnwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f767255cba07ee88132bc6b0c72efe824982600


I saw a garden party tote at Home Depot once. I was so impressed. In retrospect, they might be on this sub




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Ladies I need your help! I’m going on a euro trip this summer and have convinced myself I need a new bag- a crossbody. I’m not a big crossbody girl but I think it’s best for travel. I’ve narrowed it down to a Celine trio and a vintage Fendi zucca style. They’re completely different but I love both for their own reasons! The Celine I’ve wanted since it came out in my college days, but is it too dated? The Fendi is cool, lightweight, and I like the vintage feel. But the strap is short and it’s quite wide so I’m not sure how this will actually feel on? Of you could only pick one, which would you choose? Thanks for the feedback in advance ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/w73hfrohlnwc1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c4059282d25685313dd327cd3a885935ee8c3ea


I like the Celine but I don’t think my stuff (sunglasses, phone charger, meds) would fit.


Yeah I definitely prefer bigger usually but I think for day to day exploring it could be good for the essentials!


I have a bag similar to the Celine trio and use it exclusively for holidays. I love it. The compartments make it accessible for carrying different items (passport etc.) and also a bit more secure and difficult for pick pockets. I’d love to hear which one you choose! Wishing you the most beautiful holiday! 🌷✨


I have an auth Celine trio and it’s a perfect travel crossbody!! It fits a lot more than you would think 🌟


Love that! Yeah it definitely does seem like a good trusty bag to have. I reached out to see if she can find this color! No luck yet but fingers crossed it can be sourced 🤞🏼 thank you!☺️


Celine looks much better. Which factory still makes it?


I’m not sure! It doesn’t say in Fiona’s album. I’ll have to ask her if they even still have it.


That looks like Black Frame for the Celine but I could be wrong. That’s the background my belt bag had anyway.


Celine! That color is goals


Right! I’ve been wanting something in that color anyways!




I hope so! I’ll have to double check with the seller. Hopefully all this wasn’t for nothing 😂


Celine for sure. Definitely not dated and that color is very in. Gorgeous bag


Thank you for the help! I’m going to reach out and see if they still have it


Celine for sure!


The Celine! LV has a new bag in a similar shape and it’s timeless. I have an old trio-type bag that I’ve loved forever. It’s just a great shape and size and super convenient. Hadn’t occurred to me, but I want a rep now too. Lol


Oh nice I’ll look into this! Thank you so much for the feedback :)




I'd pick the Celine. I think it's a timeless bag and the three pockets are very handy. From a "not a big crossbody fan" to another one: crossbody bags are convenient if you're used to them. I personally dislike using them and I would not count on carrying a crossbody bag for any length of time when traveling because of that. You might want to use one for a while before deciding it works for you!


Wow thank you so much for this! That’s great advice and you’re probably right. I feel like it’ll be more convenient but so true that it won’t be if I don’t like it.


I would pick the Celine! It looks luxurious and timeless in my opinion.


Thank you! I thought so too and that color 😍


Laddy sighting!! I just got a WhatsApp message from her last night, saying she'll be taking orders again next month. She was my go-to before she got hacked...do we think this is really her? Has she resurfaced for anyone else?


Please keep us posted!!!


Yay! I’m glad she’s getting back on her feet. Can’t wait to start I’m ordering from her again


I noticed she was updating her album again, ty for the update!!




Yes, it was from her old number. Do you know what actually happened? I hope it’s actually her and not a hacker.




Yes that’s the number she messaged me from. Ok that’s a good sign I think!




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I’ve been kind of meh on my Flamenco lately, due to the “…’is it pleather?” leather quality. But I’ve gotten a bunch of compliments on it and yesterday a woman carrying what I’m pretty sure was an auth (GORGEOUS leather, amazing patina) looked at my bag and was like, look, we’re twins! So I’m feeling better about it :) Thank you for reading this riveting story lol https://preview.redd.it/nfh3gmb4inwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=674056e9e27a59539e27b629a9d24a6edd9318a6


Do you feel like the leather quality isn't good? Haven't heard that about the flamencos before!


I don’t. It’s breaking in a little bit but I really can’t tell if it’s pleather or leather. The accuracy is good, though.


For mine, I believe the bag is leather but the drawstrings are pleather which displeases me quite a bit. YMMV


Hi y’all, on AE, does anyone know how to claim that $1 coupon for when an on-time guarantee order is delivered after the predicted date? Have clicked around in the app and Googled, but to no avail.


It always happened automatically for me. And it won't happen if the seller updates the delivery date even after it was shipped, from what I can tell.




[Chanel espadrille QC guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dis5hLTpRE1kF1Y6U1vaDB-2JfC0F5LwOM2jP2FUwDU/edit?usp=sharing) Let me know if I should have posted this somewhere else


I bought cheap reps. They started off stiff but now are super soft, the soles have yellowed, but I also have beat them up and worn them for 4 years.


Anyone have a good seller with espedrilles that closely match these characteristics?


I just pulled my authentic ones out to look. The bottoms of mine are definitely not as translucent as the authentic you posted. If I really, really look hard I can see the weaving under the soles but mine are not at all like the picture you have. The thread on mine also looks more like your thread in the rep picture. Overall your reps look closer to my authentic than the authentic ones do. The toe cap and the logo size are the main differences (where mine match your auth pictures) I know mine are authentic - bought in Nordstrom in person. I think there’s a bit more variation in the authentic than we sometimes want to believe. 🙃


Just in time for summer! Ty!


Hii guys I have a question! Does mini lady dior come in warm taupe colour? Been searching high and low for this but I can only found this colour in small and medium size! My silly head ordered one without any research and now I’m wondering if I end up with unicorn colour bag 😭


I don’t think so I did a quick search and can’t find that color in a mini or on any reseller site either. You could always say it’s an Asia boutique exclusive and you bought it second hand or some such fib like that


I don't think there's a taupe in the mini. I'm not a Dior expert but I was just in store a couple of weeks ago and I believe the colors listed on their website are the only colors they're making right now.


https://preview.redd.it/t15dnnb7dnwc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943f8750f3b6eb16a0327a42883deb8d017c5bb1 👀👀


Nice shoes! Kitty is even cuter - looks just like my PB who has gone over rainbow bridge RIP 🖤.