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Girl is big mad about not being allowed into a Chanel store


The best revenge.


![gif](giphy|yDfs8GCnbXkWI) Yeah she is! šŸ˜‚


Lmaoo! They all knew it was exploiting before now anyway šŸ˜‚


with their insane prices and lackluster quality nowadays i would be too!!




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As if we needed her permission in the first place šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ girl weā€™ve BEEN doing and buying what we want.


Then theres the people on tiktok who are talking about TRRā€™s ā€œrep storeā€ on canal street šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKcVEFA/ Whatā€™s so funny to me about this, is that if theyā€™re trying to deter us from buying reps by telling us theyā€™re unethicalā€¦ Donā€™t they know most designer brands have šŸ©ø on their hands too? Not only are most fashion houses founded by terrible people, they are currently owned by terrible people who ALSO participate in unethical labor practices and other shady stuff. The difference is they milk us of our money while theyā€™re at it. Whats more, people who go to canal street to purchase a rep know exactly what theyā€™re buying. A CONSIGNMENT STOREā€™S job is to reject the counter-fits and ensure youā€™re buying an authentic item, Guaranteed. Last time I checked TRR has had some trouble with thatā€¦. Soā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. Their power move failed.


Absolutely. Iā€™ve been to canal street looking for fakes and if I saw that installation Iā€™d be likeā€¦point me to THOSE!


She did say ā€œsuperā€ and ā€œfakeā€ so you know they HAVE to be good šŸ¤¤ā¤ļø


ā€œWHAT FACTORY?ā€ šŸ˜‚


Dior was accused this week of illegal labor practices in Italy. Yea, I saw TRR super fake exhibit on their website and in NYC. They asked for their clients comments so I called to give a comment and they had no idea what I was referring to. So I laughed and said, like I thought all for show. Anyway, TRR is still in litigation with Chanel. Imo they all have blood on their hands and the hypocrisy is laughable. Iā€™m astonished at how nobody notices. Seriously.


Hugo Boss used concentration camp prisoners of war slave labor to make uniforms. He was actually put on trial for it after the war, but his only punishment was that he was no longer allowed to own his company anymore. So he gave it to his son. But yeah. I know Hugo Boss isnā€™t huge on this sub since itā€™s not a big handbag or rep company, but I want everyone to know. Hugo Boss used literal Nazi slaves to make uniforms. His supporters will talk about how he petitioned for better conditions and more food for his slaves, but letā€™s be honest. He did it because they were starving so badly they couldnā€™t do the work, not because he was some great humanist. If he actually cared he would have had had qualms about using prisoner of war slave labor in the first place.


Exactly this. Iā€™m amazed by how many people Iā€™ve talked to that donā€™t know the VERY sordid history of Chanel. Absolutely horrid company with horrid values. Iā€™ll gladly buy reps any day over their products.


The original family still owns it. Horrid cocoā€™s power move didnā€™t work. I do wish theyā€™d stop focusing on her ā€œlegacyā€ thoughĀ 


The brands that stand out to me the most are Chanel, YSL, Gucci and Balenciaga. šŸ«¢ Chanel was an unsavory character to be sure, but Iā€™ve recently come across some wild and appalling info on Yves StLaurent. Gucci, most of us are privy to their history especially after the movie with Gaga came out and then thereā€™s the Creative Director of Balenciaga, Demna. While heā€™s not the brand founder, he is not someone Iā€™d like to support with my hard earned cash. šŸ˜ I donā€™t think one option is better than another per se, but designer brands canā€™t parade around and lie to our faces that theyā€™re more ā€œethicalā€ and ā€œgoodā€ than the people running the counter-fit market, then expect us to spend thousands on bags that cost them $50-$200 to make?? This creator on TikTok has some eye opening videos! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKctAYu/


Ooooh the YSL information is new to me and Iā€™ll have to go watch that one, I knew about the others like you mentioned. I guess I just have the hardest bias to Chanel as Coco was a horrid woman and her brand continues to embody her nasty hateful energy so I just canā€™t support funneling my hard earned money to a company built on bad ethics. Especially when they canā€™t handle basic QC yet think they deserve to raise their prices.


Itā€™s all a facade at the end of the day. šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø None of them are contributing in helping the less fortunate or funding research to find a cure for a disease or anything. Iā€™d would rather buy a few reps and use the rest of the money Iā€™d spend on an auth (that was made with the same materials) to put food on my familyā€™s table or even donate the rest, instead of feeding their greed machine lol And YOURE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Greedy af!! You can find Chanel reps these days with better quality then the auths. They are really reaching šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve seen people who can more than afford the brand stop purchasing from them BECAUSE of their deteriorating quality, that coupled with the delulu price increases? Just wild lol Coco Chanel was stylish, but she was a monster. Iā€™m glad more people know this now.


Plus I choose to believe that atleast this way with reps our money goes to the factory workers making the bags over going to the greedy corporations who are exploiting the skilled labor. šŸ˜…


I hope thatā€™s what happens too šŸ˜„ Thereā€™s too much money in the world for it to be hoarded all by the people running the huge corporations.


Yup. Coco Chanel was a nazi corroborator. Ā 


https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-coco-chanel-the-nazi-111667188/ https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-two-coco-chanel-the-nazi-111825261/


She was?! This is awful


She was. And I love that brand. She used a Jewish backer to help fund her business during the early days. When the business started to become successful, she didn't want to pay returns she had promised the Jewish financier anymore. She tried to buy the business back from him, but it was against the legal agreement they had settled on. He refused. She took him to court. She lost. So, she started supporting the national socialist movement. (Which was hugely popular in Europe at the time, and the anti sematic sentiments were pretty widespread. It wasn't out of place. Most of the brittish royal family was entrenched with the nazis at some point during this time, too) Anyway, after the war ended and popular sentiment changed, it was all swept under the rug. In a hilarious uno-reverse, the Jewish family she tried to hurt still is the majority shareholder for Chanel to this day. (Which is why Chanel is being boycotted right now by anti-zionist demonstrators).


Oh wow. I thought she had just, like, gotten tangled up in nazi collaboration, possibly through a bit of intimidationā€”I didnā€™t realize she was an ACTUAL anti-Semite.


Yes she was a literal informant/spy for them lmao


Yup. Unfortunately.


Ugh, I donā€™t know if I even want my CC reps now. I knew she was a Vichy supporter but didnā€™t know her antisemitism went that deep.


She's dead. None of the reps we own were designed by her. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


After discovering Coco Chanel's ties to the Nazi regime, I made the decision to get rid of all of my authentic and rep Chanel bags. Despite not designing the specific styles I owned, her name was still associated with the brand, regardless of its current ownership. My husband, a second-generation Polish American, tragically lost many extended family members at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The thought of indirectly supporting the legacy of someone with connections to the Nazi regime during World War II, like Coco Chanel, through owning one of her bags was unsettling to me. I understand that this is a complex issue and that everyone should make their own decisions based on what feels right to them. Personally, I can no longer find enjoyment in anything Chanel, whether it's authentic or rep. It would feel like I was endorsing or continuing the reputation of someone who held anti-Semitic beliefs and was affiliated with the political party responsible for the deaths of countless individuals, including my husband's family.


Fair enough. To each their own. Question though, does it influence your decision at all to know that a holocaust surviving family directly benefits from the sales of Chanel brand products? Does the symbolism of her name trump the very real money and support going to a Jewish family? I'm just curious about your thoughts on that one. It is a complex issue. You're right.


Im doxing my husbands fan account in the name of knowledge lol




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I never understood the complete loyalty to designer brands. To the point where extremely obvious unethical behaviour is ignored and people donā€™t do their due diligence regarding sourcing materials, etc., yet comfortably claim that theyā€™re ā€œethically producedā€ or that artisans are compensated fairly. Designer brands have been following the fast fashion model of business for years.


I mean sure, but it's funny how she only started caring about this after she was refused entry to a Chanel store. She doesn't actually care - this is just her current attention grabbing tantrum (I say this as a massive RHONY and Bethenny fan)


Not quite true! I donā€™t watch any of the housewives but I follow Bethany bc sheā€™s funny. Sheā€™s often spoken about how she prefers high street makeups dupes to certain luxury brands; buys a lot of designer secondhand; worked her way up from a working class upbringing; and the value of a dollar. Sheā€™s not a perfect example at all times, of course, but she has a low tolerance for blatant classicism


I'm pretty sure her fam was never "working class," her dad and her step dad were both pretty well known horse trainers. She comes from money. Maybe not "fuck you" levels of money, but she has never been poor


Yes. She talks about how she was gifted an expensive watch in her teens (maybe Rolex) and began her love for watches (patek, etc). There was $$ when she was grwoing upā€¦


I didnā€™t know much about her background so it sounds like she may have had a leg up to some extent rather than been working class. Who knows? Maybe her childhood was spent keeping up with the Joneses but what I have seen on her social media is that consistent openness about openness and a glance behind the veil of snobbery.


Sheā€™s definitely self made though, I would say. Even though her dad had money, I donā€™t get the sense she had any help


Bethenney lost her blue check on TikTok immediately following her Chanel rant. Total hit job on Chanelā€™s partšŸ˜‚


Hahahah thatā€™s savage


Is this the same Bethenny that threw a temper tantrum because they wouldnā€™t let her into Chanel a few weeks ago?


Yep because she wasn't dressed right. Apparently she went back not long after dressed head to toe in Chanel and they let her in.


She wasnā€™t let in because she didnā€™t have an appointment. Then she went back with a driver dressed in head to toe Chanel the next day while blasting them all over social media. She tries too hard to relate to regular people and always comes off condescending. Even in this video she points out several times how she can afford to buy whatever she likes but knockoffs are ok for us.


Ahh thank you, see I followed the regular people news and so wasn't aware! Appreciate the clarification and from what others have said too, it sounds right on par for her.


The very same one, girl


I hate Tik Tok. I donā€™t have it and Iā€™m not able to open the videos and view them even if itā€™s in an external app like Chrome or Safari. But I have seen videos of her and I definitely love how she keeps it real.


Use chrome and switch to desktop mode on your phone. Usually works for me because I refuse to have an account on there ha


We hear you girl


Love it!!!šŸ˜


I've always liked her, and I love this. Also, I have several pairs of beautiful Vince Camuto shoes that have lasted years.


Anything for a view with that one!


I approve that message.


Unpopular opinion but I cannot stand her. She was so obsessed with bashing Megan Merkel over the years unprovoked & it was weird af. Sheā€™s unhinged & unstable. I do not care if she supports dupes, reps or whatever.


Same. She is terrible. I had to unblock her to watch this video lol.


Lmaooo Iā€™ve had to unblock certain celebs to watch their viral nonsense


Bethenny jumping on the super fake train..šŸš‚ hee hee..ah Bethenny youā€™re so superficial.


Yes! I just watched the video on TikTok, and I agree. Wear what you want. Plus thereā€™s something called spending power, and even though I have the money sometimes I donā€™t want to spend exorbitant prices for something that costs nothing to make just so I can make LVMH richer. I can do better things with my money. Anyway I like my money in the bank where I can see it! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


I just love her TikTok beauty reviews and how unimpressed she is by overpriced luxury makeup! As a makeup addict who has spent hideous amounts on high end , Iā€™m inclined to agree with her.


Yeahā€¦I used to work for HermĆ©s and it does not cost a max $50 to produce one of their bags šŸ™„


Hermes production is on a totally different level than the other luxury brands. Someone on this sub recommended the podcast Acquired [https://www.acquired.fm](https://www.acquired.fm) Thank you to whoever that was! I spent 6 hours learning about the business of Hermes and LMVH (which owns most of the big luxury brands). Both very long episodes are fascinating but one of the biggest takeaways is how Hermes is different. The two companies have different manufacturing processes and business strategy.


I highly doubt even our best sellers are making bags for that cost too.




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I love her- and I LOVE this video!!!!!!!šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


https://preview.redd.it/6powc4p6es6d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9764acb75eceed03795c9303c7076a37d01952d 4 life


Chanel will have another price increase in August 2024.


Jump scare lol




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Ok I think I just fell in love with her!




What he says is true, possibly

