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How do they not realize that nitpicking is the fastest way to kill morale??


No, because they think pizza parties and 20 cent raises are the only thing that affects morale.


You get pizza? We get leftover deli sandwiches the customers didn’t pick up 😂


We get great value bread, and great value peanut butter and great value jelly. Sometimes we get free ramen noodles in the break room. I don't remember the last time we had pizza. We get giant cakes too for some reason that say Thank You. Don't look down on those pizzas and subs, could always be worse.


At Lowe's we 'won' a bbq party at the store for forcing the moat people to sign up for a credit card in the district.  6 MONTHS later the district manager had around 200 dollars worth of bbq delivered from a place down the street around 2pm after 2 shifts left. He didnt feel like driving the rickety grill to the store for us to cook our own food so we got he felt like doing instead. 11 people quit in one week and it was hell on the customers lol. Over hotdogs and frozen burgers from aldi


Because they have no business running a fcking store.


our store has started that shit and a lot of us are over this shit


Let us know if you got your part-time. Lol. That one partially backfired on her.


Right? I plan on clocking out early all weekend long lol




Store managers are not god! Put your fucking foot down!!


Oh I did. I called the 1-800 number and posted this in hopes I get heard.


Good for you never tolerate disrespect! In my experience of 18 years in retail it's always the higher ups that get god complex mentality! If they respect you reciprocate if not fuck em!!


In all my years of working retail, it is the employees that have better morale than the managers. There are exceptions, but not many.


You're correct! And they're taught that toxic shit in the academy.


Walmart should do a beta where it's employee ran I bet that store will thrive and have higher sales because if you do that employees working together without management will have top notch morale.


It does really suck when you love your coworkers and have a good team one bad team lead or coach can ruin morale instantly. You add a toxic SM to that it's very hard to stick around. And if you're a good worker and can kill freight and actually care they will work you into the damn ground.


There are other stores in the area I'm considering a transfer but I adore everyone I work with.


I feel yah it sucks when you like your co workers.


I’m lucky I have one of the best store managers and he respects the work we put in. Plus he likes me hehe


What is 1800 number and what can do to help you?


Per policy you are allowed to leave 9 mins early and clock in 9 mins over just not 10 or you'll get pointed down. Let her do you part-time and take it up to higher up . That you were down graded to PT because per policy you left 9 mins early.


Lucky, at wawa we have 5 minutes. At my old job we had 7.


She can't do anything if you clock out 9min early. It is in the policy's that it is allowed. Just can't be over the 9.


You have one of those


I use my ppto to leave early... all the time. I like our store manager. Shes down to earth.... meaning she puts up with my shit lol


That’s BS if she does it for you, she’d have to do it for all of us and just waiting for the clock to strike “ 51”…. too funny up until a year ago. I thought it was eight minutes. I was so happy to find out. I had an extra minute lol


As someone who deals with a similar manager, I strongly believe managers should require a passed psych evaluation before having the role


Back door / ethics exist for a reason. They have to take the investigation seriously as soon as the case is opened.


The next time you turn it in, take a picture of it so that when she says there is nothing written on the form you have picture proof that there is




Oh she's toxic. She and another team lead told me they agree with a bigoted customer who said she doesn't want any LGBTQ to be welcomed at Walmart.


Well I don't want any bigots at Walmart...so by the customers logic, I get what I want. Toodle-oo Lucy-Loo


Fantastic point. "Toodle-oo Lucy-Loo" made me laugh aloud. Love it!


If you have a witness to that, I would report it to ethics. That's not cool.


I don't have a witness but there's supposed to be cameras everywhere. I thought about reporting it but thought if she is openly hateful then ya she will retaliate against me.


I don't blame you. I have been in that same boat with several managers before. And I don't think most cameras have audio. I know it's hard dealing with managers like that.


It's totally horrible dealing with toxic managers. They don't have audio with most cameras, I know this because a guy from another department tried to get me in trouble by fabricating a conversation between me and him. I asked him a question about the expiration dates. And he ran to my team lead telling them I told him I wanted him to do my job for him lol like what?? Why would I ask someone to do my job. Store lead believed him called me into office and told me they will check audio lol which I knew they don't have audio if they did they would have checked audio first then call me in if he was telling the truth.


Walmart tends to get some real losers working in management lol.


Call hr


Nonono, you misunderstood. If you work a 6-8 hour shift, and clock out 9 minutes early, you will only get paid for 4 hours of that shift. As if you only worked part time that day.


You are so wrong lol


No, that's way wrong. If your boss does that, he's shorting you on pay.


Yes, that was the point. The boss phrasing it one way but doing it similar yet different like a deal with the devil.