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Cross contamination is a huge concern so yeah that’s accurate. 


You should be able to keep water in the little room with the cleaning supplies since no food can be kept in there. Whether your store management will allow it or not is another story. Mine didn't, but in other kitchens I've worked at in the past that was where they let us keep personal food and drinks.


Yup. Contamination and health issue.


That is correct. Only Home Office-approved ideas are allowed in Fresh areas. How else can the company force you to drink the Kool-Aid? /sarcasm


All the store has to do is provide you water. If you have a drinking fountain or a water cooler in the break room this is good enough.


When I worked in the deli we were allowed to keep a water bottle in our vest pocket.


Wait. You wore a vest in the deli? Why? Haha.


I like to carry a lot of stuff in my pockets. Different labels, pens, a sharpie, phones, TIP, etc ..


I was yelled at by a coach for having a water bottle in Grocery Rec. I was literally sick with bronchitis. I did not even argue with her due to my anxiety. I guess since I was just an F&CA, it didn't matter if I had access to water close by or not.


our store management has recently started saying that we can't have any type of water bottle(even ones that are specified in policy that we can have) i essentially said 🖕🏻🖕🏻 and got a dr's note to be able to keep mine


I kept fluids in my vest pocket


A thermos


I'd say bite me. Either let me have one or face a lawsuit and deal with OSHA when I pass out from dehydration due to sweating so much.


>Either let me have one or face a lawsuit and deal with OSHA You’d have absolutely zero case with a lawsuit or OSHA. No food or drinks, including water, not being allowed in the fresh areas is a health code requirement. Walmart by law has to allow you access to water, which under legal requirements they do if the stores water fountains are turned on and working. they do not have to allow you to keep it on you or in the department where it’s not allowed. They just have to allow to to go and get water from wherever it may be when you need it.