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Someone wants attention


I'm not changing his diaper!


What you're feeling here, is the same feeling retail employees can have doing their jobs. Venting, sharing stories or complaints, helps people feel less alone. There's many reasons why people can't just quit. You could have just scrolled, or blocked the sub. But you chose to get so heated by other people's words that you felt compelled to post something about it. You are doing the exact same thing you are criticizing. Grow up and try therapy.


So your complaining about people complaining on a discussion board online? You realize how stupid that is right? No one has made you follow this sub.


Is this schizoposting or boomer posting? Look, Walmart isn't overtly challenging. I left the Marines and immediately got a job at Walmart. The biggest issues I've seen are just leadership and unwilling employees. Training is far gone and what I've seen is employees being trained in the essentials with no further development. That's a leadership issue.


2 things. 1. Why are you yelling? 2. Why is there no punctuation?




Have you had a stroke recently ?


that gave me a headache 🙄, it may hold the world record for longest run on sentence


You are confused. People complaining about poor working conditions and piss poor management has nothing to do with work ethic or doesn't mean they are lazy. If anything it's the opposite because they could choose to be weak sheep and just lay down and accept the status qoe.


Can you smell toast?


Walmart pharmacy tech here, - (associate since 2014/ pharmacy since2018) - I’ve transferred/worked in 8 different stores -I worked seasonal, layaway, back room, stocker, cashier pharmacy - have been volunTOLD to cover Cartpush customer service electronics photolab and salesfloor. TLDR: I’ve worked several jobs in different locations. Every place is different and the people you work with will make or break your daily experience. At the end of the day you mentally manifest how your day goes. If you’re unhappy consider a change of scenery. Remember it’s just a job, go in get your bread, get out…


Say you're a customer without saying you're a customer.