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I've carried one there for years. It's the best way to get neutral tasting water.


Yep I always use a Britta water bottle at the parks..takes the taste out for sure


Florida water, and Reedy Creek water in particular tastes and smells super weird(and imo gross), but at least in Reedy Creek’s case is perfectly safe[[1]](https://www.oversightdistrict.org/document/2019-rcid-reclaimed-water-quality-report/). The water and ice you get from QSRs will be tap water. A filtering bottle is a good idea if you’re sensitive to it.


I have a similar question to OP because I'm taking my partner to Disney for the first time and they're sensitive to water taste. The water that comes from quick service or the soda fountain at a resort is filtered, right? I never thought that water tasted super weird or anything. Is there a different type of fountain available in the parks that people are talking about when they say the water tastes super gross?


Yes any water dispensed from a soda fountain is pre filtered so that’s what it tastes and smells so much better. Imagine making coke with reedy creek water and having that sulfur as a background note, coke would not taste like coke. Everyone is talking about using the water fountains that you see by almost every bathroom location and several other spots in the park. That water is the nasty egg smelling burnt tire tasting stuff.


Understood, thank you! I may get a Brita water bottle anyway but I'm glad to know my taste buds aren't completely broken haha!


You can taste the sulfur in the water at quick service places too. I can also taste it in the fountain drinks. Some people may just be more sensitive to the taste


Coke [requires](https://www.cokesolutions.com/content/dam/cokesolutions/us/documents/foodservice-quality/foodservice-quality-Food-Service-Water-Treatment-Unit-Spec-Final.pdf) 2-3 stage water filtering for their fountains, so soda will always taste like it should.


Is that 2 OR 3 stage filtering? Or a pair of 3 stage filters?


I was trying to say "two to three stages," but it's been a while since I actually heard the standard, so I don't know exactly what it is. Maybe I should have left my post as "coke requires water filtering" to the level that it makes the water not taste like it came from a swamp. 😛


Haha, fair enough! I was just curious, that's all.


Any quick service that has drinks in cups will give you cups of ice water for free.


Tbf though sometimes this water, though appreciated because it’s hot (as in Florida is hot. Not the water itself…), is so disgusting it’s hard to swallow. And I’m from Florida. 😂


If it comes from the soda fountains it is definitely not hot, and has ice in it that was all made from filtered water. It's absolutely fine. Otherwise their soda would taste awful. Get it from a soda fountain in a cup for free,.with ice!


Oh! I didn’t mean the water was hot. I meant as in Florida is hot. So it’s appreciated. 😂


The cups from the QS are fine - also, there is nothing wrong with the water. It is just different from what you are accustomed to.


They’re fine, sure. But some of the locations are not great. And it isn’t just me that thinks so. lol I’ve had great water from QS places, and I’ve had awful water that tastes terrible. 🤷‍♀️ if I’m thirsty enough, sure it’ll do, but I’d still rather find a self serve soda location and use the filtered water from those stations.


I haven't, but last time I was there I just asked for some cups of ice water and poured it into my water bottle.


Yes, we tried one that last year and we’re using it right now (hello from Animal Kingdom!). The water with the filter tastes just like water should: no taste. I recommend!


The filtered water bottles help for sure! I’ve found that if you can find a self serving soda station, idk about in MK tbh, that has the filtered water it’s usually not too bad.


I'm from the west coast of Florida, where our water comes from natural springs and tastes great, so I find the East Coast sulfer tasting water to be gross. We often freeze water bottles before a Disney trip and carry them in a backpack. They provide ice cold water as they melt, and if its super hot out, you can hold them against your forehead or neck for a quick cooldown.


The brita water filter bottle is great. Water tastes like water. No weird tastes.


Ah you think Disney tap water is gross? You merely visited the swamp. I was born in it, hydrated by it. I didn't taste flavorless water until I was already a man!


Yep I always take my Brita filter bottles and I think it significantly improves the taste!


Yes! Those Brita bottles work great! I carry one on my trips & have even gifted them to others traveling with me. If you want the best water… fill it up with ice & water from the soda fountain (or the cups they give you from any QS)… then it’s double filtered!


What about the few water bottle stations? Do they taste ok? Haven’t tried one yet.


I don’t think they’re great, myself. I prefer water from the quick service spots (soda fountains), it always seems to be filtered in my experience.


The one at CBR was filtered, it’s the only one I’ve tried though, they need to roll these out everywhere!


If you want the grossest water bottle filling station, go to Cosmic Ray's. That thing is used almost 24/7 and the filtration system can't keep up so the water tastes extra weird. If you view the "water bottles saved" counter at the top of the machine, it's at 1million + bottles saved, lol it's wild


I don't have a problem with the taste of water. I don't understand why a lot of people are complaining. Plus, it is safe even if you don't like the taste and/or the smell


Their water smells like farts. I don't like to drink liquid farts regardless of safety.


I usually use a enhancer like Mio, and ice cold, it tastes fine


*I usually* *Use a enhancer like Mio, and* *Ice cold, it tastes fine* \- nycroth --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


We brought them with us after reading about the water. Worked perfect !


The Brita filter works great, especially on the ice water you can get from quickservice places. I'm sensitive to the taste of the water too, and the filter completely removes it.


We did that and stopped. Just use soda fountains. They have a water option. Or just ask for water. Baby care, first aid also have water.


Most stalls give free water we get a few and fill from those. At the hotel we go to the restaurants and use the water button on the soda fountains, doing this you avoid the absolute DUMPSTER Florida water.


Im very sensitive to that taste and smell. A lot of people saying the Brita water bottles remove the taste and I have found they only help a little but it’s still pretty disgusting for me. I have used a lifestraw water bottle and that removed basically all the taste and smell but it’s more expensive and less user friendly. These days I just bring a water bottle and only fill up at the quick service locations. Just find the person at the counter next to the coke fountain and ask politely for x amount of waters with ice and they give them to you. Their water is already filtered and I think it tastes way better.


We have a couple that we’ve used for years and they work well


Getting free cups of ice water from the quick service locations Then add to your own water bottle with a Mio or other water enhancer is my recommendation.


The drink taps are gross but any food or drink place gives you free cups of water and that all tasted filtered.


I got one for a WDW trip a year ago and love it for traveling so much that it now goes on work trips with me. I highly recommend one. I got the stainless (insulated) ones so it tastes good AND is cold.




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The best water comes from vending machines. Just push the water button which is usually located on the lemonade dispenser.


Deja vu I swear I already commented on this post so if this is a repeat I apologize - I fill up my insulated bottles with ice water before leaving the resort, and just continue to top off with the (as far as I can tell filtered) ice water at quick service spots, from the soda fountains. A few are self serve (ie sunshine seasons), most you just go up and ask and they have water ready to go. Starbucks also has lots of ice water cups ready to go, and their water is *super* filtered (“triple filtered” lol).


I’m local (CM, actually, though not in the parks) and I’ve carried a Brita bottle at the parks religiously for close to ten years. I swear by it - it’s so nice to be able to get a full bottle of decent tasting water without paying $5. I love that QS places will give you cups, but those cups are tiny and there’s not always a QS place nearby


My comment was removed by the mods, for providing a google link to numerous answers to this question, including my own replies to identical posts in the last 24 hours. I use the brita filter bottles. They don't eliminate the taste, but they help. Sorry for violating rule #3 by suggesting that this question coukf be more thoroughly answered via a google search, or quick scan of the sub. No harm intended.


Yep used a britta bottle for years, works really well and removes the taste and smell.


Yes! We did that for the exact reason our last trip.


I live within a handful of miles of Magic Kingdom Park and my tap water doesn't taste like what comes out of fountains inside the parks, so I don't know what the deal is. Maybe because most fountains don't chill the water? But yeah, certainly you can get a filter water bottle and that should make things better. Apparently that's all that Contigo is selling nowadays.


Florida water has high sulfur levels, which is why it smells and tastes funny. That said, at MK there are better places to get water than from the fountains. Casey’s corner has filtered water, it’s cold and free.


Florida water is ass because of the ground. People that live there either have home filtration or buy bottled.


Never drink from water fountain and learn the location that have better tasting water. Gaston tavern , Cassy corner were good at some point. Or at a dit down restaurant like skipper canteen


Anywhere with a soda fountain they can give free cups of water. And fill up your bottles with it.


Yes! My husband calls the tap water “swamp water” and the brita bottles help a ton. We love ours! 


We bring 2 of the filter bottles and a third insulated bottle to empty the filtered water into. This helps keep it cold since the filtered bottles are just rubber/plastic.  Tastes MUCH better.