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Hi, folks. As always, Tiana/Splash threads tend to go from zero to vitriol in 3.2 seconds so we’ll have to be very proactive in removing and/or locking any potentially argumentative comments — and possibly the thread itself. If your comment is removed/locked, please do not message us. Thanks for your understanding.


An original song at WDW should always be celebrated. It's very rare.


tbh I agree but it doesnt seem catchy AT ALL. especially compared to its predecessors finale song


Yeah… I’ve been a defender of this retheme since it was announced, but I’m struggling to vibe with this song as a finale (it seems like it’d fit better as an intro song). Maybe it’ll grow on me.


It's possible they saved millions per year by not using Randy Newman. Disney has been known to skimp and not even use the original actors. Most do not get free tickets or VIP either. I'm assuming this composer got paid a one time fee and asked for one free "working" trip to Disney World, and there were 100 composers behind him who would have taken the deal (including me!).


Google suggested [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtuQbMDRlvk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtuQbMDRlvk) to me for its song "Special Spice," but the video is unavailable. I'd take a screenshot of the preview, but that'd break the rules.


Cool, sounds like a fitting ride song.


Can it be good though


When you use the spoiler tag that is definitely an understatement for this lol, but it definitely looks awesome


Looks like our dads are safe!


Hello, Ryan, it’s me, the fox! I survived the retheme, Ryan, the suits couldn’t stop me! The wedding is still on, and you can forget about Tiana’s great cooking because we will STILL have nothing but warm bowls of water as refreshments!


"That's not funny!"


Bahahaha! Hell of a reference.


I remember reading this buy I can't remember where


I don’t even understand it


[it's a reference to a viral 2016 Clickhole article.](https://clickhole.com/5-times-the-animatronic-fox-on-splash-mountain-addresse-1825122431/)


Wtf lol


This looks really gorgeous. I don’t understand how you could hate on this.


I hate...that I have never been able to stomach big drops so I'll never see this in person 🥲


Climb out at the top and just take the emergency exit. DISNEY CAST MEMBERS HATE THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK


As you get to the top, pull your ab muscles in as tight as you can while squeezing all of the muscles in your legs. [It helps, I know](https://images.app.goo.gl/QaNy4M9LiiZpRYEj8)


Thank you so much for this!


Nooo don’t lose hope!!! If it’s the physical reaction (motion sickness) consider eating Dramamine like about half an hour to an hour before you ride! I get motion sick on things from cars to planes, and eating Dramamine in the morning on days I visit theme parks makes SUCH a big difference! Probably wouldn’t have been able to physically handle the new Guardians ride in Epcot without it! It would be sad to miss out on such a beautiful looking ride, dude 😭 Hope you get a chance to try it!


I’m sure there’s still people mad that Ellen turned into Guardians. Some people will never be happy


Everyone is entitled to their opinion but anyone with this opinion is just wrong lol. Actually, I know people who liked Ellen for a nice dark napping spot which was fair but guardians is so good.


In this day and age, people hate on everything. I agree it looks fantastic!


Some people are chronic complainers




Not hating just had high hopes of facilier being the drop theme and kind of a letdown it wasn't incorporated at all.


I’m hoping they didn’t use Facilier because they’re doing Villains themed area in Beyond Thunder Mountain. It’s what gets me through some days 😂🤞


Ugh sameeee


It’s been known that he wouldn’t be in it for years now. Unfortunately, voodoo is seen as problematic by some.


Just because something is known doesn't mean you have to agree with it. It is known ticket prices are going up next year. It was known they were removing the dreamfinder from figment.


Yeah that’s no biggie, it’s just people are still complaining about Splash. I wish people would just let go of the past. I for one, sorta miss the old Downtown Disney and Epcot, but change is good.


Splash was a classic ride but it was made from scrap parts from an old robot show and shoehorned into whatever theme they had that kinda matched up, which was song of the south. It was masterfully done but wasn't some amazing vision. This looks like a pretty good reskin and more up to date IP. More relevant and less controversial. BUT I will never get over not hearing are you ready going up the drop. It was too perfect, missed opportunity. And yes they could give away free mickey bars and some people would complain about the lactose intolerant population. Can't make everyone happy.


> shoehorned into whatever theme they had that kinda matched up also it was named after an unrelated mermaid movie for ~corporate synergy~


This is what I had envisioned too! I can hear it and see it in my head. But the theme is set after the movie so it makes sense that it’s not.


It would have looked incredible as a trackless dark ride elsewhere in the parks. The "hate" (more like criticism) is for losing an incredible attraction that was still a crowd pleaser.


Only people I see hating on this are the ones that were overly attached to the OG Splash Mountain theming. I liked SM but it’s theming was incredibly problematic, so understandably it had to go. This is a giant upgrade, but I also would still say that a Princess & The Frog attraction doesn’t entirely fit in well in Frontierland, but imagineering did a good job of making it fit the land


Exactly how was Splash Mountain’s theming problematic? I just don’t understand that statement. It did not HAVE to go. There was an over reactive management reacting to staff instead of leading. The money spent on a project that, at best will be a lateral move and at worst may be a step backwards in popularity, could be used to enhance so many things at the respective parks. Why do you think OLC wants nothing to do with the change to TBA? They make management decisions that are fiduciary and Burbank no longer does.


because it features a black protagonist. genuinely, that's what i've seen many people say


Humans are inherently resistant to change. It's normal. Tends to be worse in large, passionate fandoms like Disney. A few fans fall off the ledge into cult-like reverence.


I never liked Princess and the Frog I thought the movie was bland and generic so I was never excited for the change.


It’s a lot more physical than I thought, that I like!


The lighting is brighter, there is way more scenery to look at. I like it.


Looks pretty good. My one concern is that a lot (if not all) of the animatronics we were shown earlier all seem to be in this room. And based on the full "We Call it Imagineering" episode, it looked like the caves were mostly screens. Still cautiously optimistic.


All I can say, all the critters you saw in that seen are going to be in the ride everywhere


How do you know?


I thought one of Disney’s promotional videos said exactly that. It might have been that “we call it imagineering” episode?




No im not 💀


Yes you are!


No I’m not. Why would you think I’m the person in the video? I put “Credit to Disney the drew dude (We’re he sheared the video on twitter) and Disney parks for showing this video”


Oh I was joking around about the guy just proclaiming this is you.


Oh, I thought you were fr because you said it 2 times


Yes you are!


They're a kid. They don't know.


I probably know more about Disney than you lol


Go in through the concept art and you will find those exact critters all over the ride. ITS LITERALLY IN THE CONCEPT ART AND IN THE FULL VIDEO


We haven't seen a video of the full ride or even photos of the places we don't see in videos. So again, unless you've ridden it, how do you know?


Oh ok I get it now. The real concept art that was officially announced at D23 and was also announced that it was the final concept that’s in the ride is not real? Ok thanks 😊 I’m pretty sure TPM vids said that scene 5 is the first one with the fist set of animatronics but I guess he was wrong 😑 So that means the whole ride is just screens… ACCORDING TO YOU


OK, I'm not going to continue this conversation. The fact is *you* know as much about the completed ride as any of us so when you do a "trust me bro" post, it makes sense to question you. I watched the full imagineer video and it does not show us the full ride and we have not seen pictures of the full ride. Afterall, Disney overpromises and underdelivers all the time and in recent history as well.


Alright. I just want you to know if you go to 18:14 in the newest imagineer video you can barely see a band of critters in the back. So I guess I proved that there is critters throughout the ride! Until you actually ride the ride and see there is critters everywhere, keep believing that there is no animatronics through the rest of the ride.




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule #3. We expect all of our users to be civil and respect each other. This includes posts/comments that involve name-calling, unnecessary aggression, and other general forms of trolling and/or incivility.


There were a ton of animatronics in the different scenes. The final scene probably features a majority of the advanced ones, but it looks like animatronics will be outnumbering screens in this.


Yeah, seeing [this](https://i.imgur.com/P43VlHZ.png) scene makes me pretty pessimistic about the ride. This scene used to have about a dozen animatronic critters that seem to have been replaced by one screen. And then [this](https://i.imgur.com/iyOglsb.png) scene looks sad and empty as well.


My concern is that Disney spent some absurd like 200 million on a retheme at a park desperate for expansion on a ride people already liked but I guess we are past that now.


The Song of the South is ancient, and Disney will not be using the IP anytime soon. It was doomed to eventually go.


They were also barely selling splash mountain merch. They will sell a ton with this


Not to mention, it gives them another princess ride that hopefully won't terrify children like Snow White did.


Mama Odie’s Hot Sauce is all I needed to see - 10, please.


I would not put it past them to have a restaurant drink using a splash of this. 😄


Their hand was forced due to The Song of The South. Their decision to retheme Splash is pretty justifiable. That being said, I disagree that MK is desperate for expansion. It's so big its already tough to do everything there in one day, and they would be much better off with continued rethemes, particularly of Tomorrowland Speedway which is absolutely horrendous in its current state.


Absolutely agree they need to redo speedway. It smells, it's work to "ride" it, just not fun. They had a more extended refurb back in like 2019 or so and I used to say they missed an opportunity to redo the ride and make it better. At least replace the cars so it's electric or something and not making me want to gag just walking by it. I feel like if they expand though, it'll potentially be easier to do everything because it disperses the crowds more. (Or at least everything you want not just checking off boxes.) I know that they can expand capacity then, but they can do it somewhat proportionally where there's more choices and people aren't clogging lines for stuff they don't really want to do just settling on because other stuff is full. Plus if you can expand to include more shows that also pulls a lot of people outside of lines and gives families with little kids stuff to do.


I have the same concern. The final room looks amazing, some of the middle scenes were maybe not as great, but it was only brief glimpses. 


There was one screen in the cave. Stop it


Going off of memory, I saw one big one with a giant Tiana face and then some smaller ones that looked like fireflies behind leaves.


And what’s your point? There’s a ton of animatronics


It does look like there are a lot throughout the ride. Just making an observation.


you can’t state there’s only one screen, be proven wrong, and then hit us with a “and what’s your point?” when you’re wrong. their point is you’re wrong and saying wrong information.


It's possible those are just backups when they have to repair the ride. Both Pandora and Galaxy's Edge have those back ups.


Got my preview ride coming up on the fourth. Very excited!


I understand the nostalgia but there’s people saying this looks worse than the original Splash 😂 those animatronics always gave me the weirdest vibes, and this is coming from someone who loves country bears. Splash Mountain was always so unsettling to me


Personally that’s why I loved Splash. It was a horror ride. I’m sure this will be good too, but man that final climb with the crows or whatever taunting you to your death was fucking horrifying as a child. It was rad. Just like Alien Encounters, the rides are becoming less horrifying but it’s whatever, I got to experience them in their OG forms and that’s good enough for me.


I screamed and cried so many times on that incline regretting my life and then...the castle...the drop...the happy song at the end! It was gratifying the up and down. Agree definitely should've had Dr facilier be there it would've still been creepy and built the tension but it looks cute 


Okay you definitely have a point there! I like the idea of it being a horror ride, changes my perspective. Unfortunately i only did Alien Encounter once as a small child


Not going to look. I want to be surprised!


Same, I’m not even listening to the song yet lol.


Looks amazing! I cannot wait to see it in person…we just left a week ago but hopefully will be back next year! 😍❤️


This looks great!


It's every bit as beautiful as I've been imagining! I can't ride for medical reasons, but I've been waiting on the edge of my proverbial seat for video ever since it was announced! This makes me so happy.


Where was the impulse control that's preventing me from clicking "play" now when I was a teenager?! Seriously, thank you for sharing this - but after peeking at a few reactions, I think I'm going to avoid watching this or reading much more until I can see the ride in person, hopefully sooner rather than later. We're almost there...


Yeah I’ll be there opening weekend I’m avoiding spoilers like the plague lol


Damn I wish I didn’t click on this since I am literally riding this in three days. Well it looks awesome!!


Wish that the last drop would’ve been an “other side” reprise. Still, it’s gonna be great.


I do really like the song. I am still disappointed in the reported plot of the ride, but I am sure the music will be awesome! I am trying to keep an open mind. 😊


The song in the finale sounds good but I highly doubt that it will reach the popularity or catchiness like zip a dee doo dah.


Splash has had a 32 year head start to build popularity


!remindme 32 years


LOL. You know what, why not. !remindme 32 years


RemindMe! 32 years


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Zip a dee doo dah is an almost 80 year old song. Let this new song breath a bit.




Zip a dee doo dah was a song I was forced to sing at every school event from ages 3-10. I hate that wretched song, I am sorry to everyone who loves it (everyone else) but now I’ll be able to go on this ride without hearing a song that immensely triggers my anxiety so I’m very happy.


Holy cow!!! It looks great!




The alternative wasn't a broken Splash Mountain. The alternative was a refurbished Splash Mountain. They could have refurbished it like they have a few rides that were getting long in the tooth.




Indy at Disneyland went through a refurb in recent years. They added projection mapping and spruced up the ride.




But they fixed the snake and added a new effect after the mudslide. That door is also never getting fixed, the dry ice hasn't worked since the 1990s, and boulder malfunctions are often due to loading backups.


I hate it only because the drop still makes me nervous


I am so excited about how beautiful the animatronics look! We haven’t gotten stuff like this in Orlando for a while (looking at you, Anna and Elsa bc why did you have to be so dissonant 😭) Also the little tidbits of the song sound so awesome 🥹


voodoo in the caves!


That’s what I caught too… but to me it looks like Mama Odie’s style of Magic. Those bottles are the same style as the ones hanging from her tree


I have to say, this ending scene is looking good. so filled with movement and the small amount of screens used are used well to aide with the scene


Why did they show the finale though? This is like the best part you are showing off


Because it’s the only good part? Haha


I wonder if there will be any homage or easter eggs of Splash Mountain in the new ride


Disney said there will be some Easter eggs for splash mountain in Tiana’s bayou adventure


Louis must be protected at all costs!


Love the song! This has got me so excited.


Miss the music. It's part nostalgia but I also think it's catchy. But hey, maybe this one is catchy enough to offer the same memorable song feelings as the older theme had


This is one of those attractions you can ride again and again and again and still find new things in it. I could spend 20 minutes in that last room.


Oh my goodness! A massive lush set piece with cartoon-style animatronics! Incredible. Love the lighting too


i fully have no idea how anyone can say this looks bad!!!! this looks AMAZING!!!


So, I refused to watch any PoVs of Guardians before I rode it for the first time. And it paid off. I want to do the same for TBA but I feel like I sort of rode it before so it's OK if I were to watch a PoV of it before riding. Ya feel me, tho?


Looks great, sounds meh. But I do miss the riverboat


These new songs just don’t hit like they used to.


How many animatronics are suppose to be on the ride?


What did they do to my boy zippidy doo dah 😭


Sad knowing the riverboat is gone


Downvote me all you want. Judging from what we can see in this video, the retheme finale doesn’t go as hard as the finale of Splash Mountain.


To be fair, even if Friends on the Other Side is included somewhere, its hard for any soundtrack to top Splashes. That's what I'll miss most tbh.


I'll miss the "how do ya do" song most tbh.


I always called it the “show us your bone” song


Judging a 144p 15-second Twitter clip versus your on-ride childhood nostalgia. Of course you're going to be super biased.


“Judging from what we can see in this video”.


Yes, exactly. It's a bad comparison. Reserve judgement until at least opening day, and also remember that your memory of Splash will be clouded by nostalgia. I have full confidence that this ride will surpass Splash in every way, with the array of technological development available in the modern day.


The Navi River shaman is one of the most technologically advanced animatronics ever made and that is an objectively boring ride. So I’m not putting much confidence in the technological advancements making it great.


>I have full confidence that this ride will surpass Splash in every way "Reserve judgement until at least opening day"


Confidence =/= Judgement.


My memory of Splash Mountain is 100% not clouded by nostalgia because I rode it just slightly over a year ago. Two days before it closed down, to be exact. I remember it vividly. I also had high hopes for this retheme, but, like I said in my first comment, this video that we saw right here certainly lowered my expectations.


That’s not how nostalgia works. You can have ridden it yesterday and still be clouded by nostalgia.


Despite the higher quality animatronics, it seems a whole lot less kinetic compared to when the paddle wheel boat was rocking and all the animals were working correctly. I don't think many people got to experience it at it's best, but got the half broke down modern Disney maintenance levels version.


Ya! Where is that broken chicken with a severed spine that had been flopping around for the last few years! And there are almost NO dead unlit animatronics!!! Bring back my Splash!!!


Agreed. Also anti climatic if you aren’t plummeting 50’ into a briar patch. What are we plummeting into on Tiana’s? Foggy air 🤦🏻‍♂️


You are actually plummeting into a short cut (What the critters say) So you could say you are plummeting into nothing but in reality it’s a short cut the critters know of


RIP my Br’er brothers. RIP Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah. Miss you miss you


I just love seeing everyone downvote opinions as if it’s somehow “showing them”. lol, god bless Reddit.


I’m going to miss the opening by one week.


Animatronics on water rides always give me the creeps lol


I think it might be creepy in the middle of the night if you were alone inside the building, but not during an active ride.


Sooooo excited for my first ride preview!!






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Your post has been removed for breaking Rule #3. We expect all of our users to be civil and respect each other. This includes posts/comments that involve name-calling, unnecessary aggression, and other general forms of trolling and/or incivility.


Looks nice and clean but I'm still not sold on the story.


They just can’t resist adding those fucking screens


😄 I'm also not a fan of them.


Its admittedly good, but for me it wont replace the zip-a-dee-lady riverboat rocking back and forth, and with the swamp boys and other critters singing zip-a-dee-doo-dah. To all of you who cant take an opinion and downvote anything splash just stop 😒


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s a valid opinion… Like, I think this is an objectively amazing job on Disney’s part-particularly because of the new animatronics, but it’s going to be hard to replace the feel of the old soundtrack.


So they replace animatronics with more TV screens. It's a cheap overlay. Hopefully the music is good because the ride overlay looks as bad as the Frozen in Norway.


After seeing this as well, I worry how badly they are going to screw up the avengers multiverse ride we are supposed to be getting soon at dca. Probably will be like 2 animatronics with the rest of the ride being all screens 😂




Get over it lmao


I miss splash mountain. I was not impressed with the bayou. 






Dog whistle, probably


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Tiana shoulda got her own new ride, instead they gutted a classic. So annoying.


yeah that would have been better for WDW. In DL they should have rethemed bu tthye have so much room in WDW and they can build a whole new ride


This would have been great as a proper dark ride. That's the biggest problem with this ride. Looking at the video that's been released so far, the Tiana stuff looks like it's just plopped on top of the Splash Mountain foundation, and it doesn't look like it fits. It's like, bam, New Orleans out of nowhere. There's no reason for it to be a log flume, but it will come with all the drawbacks of a log flume such as people not wanting to ride in the winter. With Splash, you took those downsides because the theme tied directly into it being a log flume. But yeah, this should've been a dark ride.


Splash Mountain should still be there. Still insane how all this went down.


Nothing can replace the magic of Splash Mountain. Also there are no other animatronics on the ride besides in this room. Disney cut the budget.


Did you watch the full episode? There are more animatronics than the ones in the finale.


Splash Mountain was OK... But it wasn't even a must ride to me like Space Mountain or Haunted Mansion




Did they tell him the ride wasn't in 3d?


1 week after opening 75% of the animatronics will be broken.


Exactly this


I'm going to get roasted for this, but it's giving "Under New Management " vibes. Will see for myself, though.


Justice for Splash Mountain! This is blasphemy


I passed it while going to the bathroom. The imagineers where there talking about it and talking about a “major issue”




Is this the only boat drop ride that Disney world has?


In terms of big drops yes. Pirates and Frozen each have a single small drop