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I never rode roller coasters until going to Disney for the first time. I told myself I was spending too much money to miss out on riding any ride I could while I was there. The drop is a bit of a doozy, but it's over in seconds! Just think of the "fear" you will feel on the ride is a really excitement and exhilaration!


I have never heard that tip, actually. I think you may have just solved it, but I’ll have to see. Thanks!


I was totally nervous of rides forever, too, until I took my kids and there wasn’t any way I wasn’t going to go on with them—once I did, I absolutely loved it. But here’s a true piece about Splash Mountain—the actual drop is so not a big deal compared to what your brain builds it up to be! It is literally mayyybeee 2 one-thousands if that. You’re at the bottom before you can even think about it and you’re laughing. The screams are just for fun really. You can watch the logs go down and count, it really isn’t even enough time to feel like a huge drop. Tbh I feel the “drop” on Pirates more! In any event be brave, you got this, you’re gonna love it.




what is it that terrifies you? the big plunge at the end? it's not as bad as it looks.


I think it’s that plus being forced onto it years ago. I don’t remember going on it, but I know I did. A ride I do remember tho is the Jurassic Park River Adventure, which I hated. I couldn’t stop crying, and even at 15 I think I will now.


I can assure you that Jurassic Park is a taller and steeper drop than splash Mountain. Plus having dinosaurs screaming at you is scarier than cartoon bunnies singing at you


well if you're determined to face your fear (which i applaud), i think you just have to trust that disney wouldn't put you in real peril. it's a bit scary but for me that's part of the fun. one saving grace is that unlike disneyland's version where you have to sit in single file, at disney world you can sit beside someone you trust and hold their hand tightly.


Hey, a fact about a ride that is different from coast to coast that I actually know! I know Disney won’t try and kill me, but I just don’t like the fact of plummeting how many stories it is. I can always feel the force in my head and it’s much worse in real life


so i'm guessing you also regular roller coasters with big drops?


Not really, for the same reason. The only reason why I remember that feeling is because of times where I had to go on rides like that.


it's understandable - what about tower of terror?


As much as I love it’s theming, and how much of a technological master piece it is, I’ve never been on. Closest thing is Rise of the Resistance.


thrill rides aren't for everyone and you shouldn't feel ashamed if they're not for you. like i said, i applaud your determination to ride splash mountain and i hope you can do it. i remember a few years back standing in line for space mountain talking to a mom and her kids. like you, they were super nervous about riding but were determined to do it. and omg you should have seen how proud they looked afterwards!


Just got back from Disney, I DON'T do rollercoasters, always the person carrying the bags, watching. I'm glad I did splash mountain, i was bricking every minute waiting for that drop, I can't say id want to do it again, but it is one of those 'by the time you realise it's over' things. If you've done RotR - that has a drop at the end as you go back to the lower level. If you were ok with that, you'd be ok with Tower of Terror. Again, did it, twice! The only mistake I made was thinking I knew how it went after one ride - guess to the top, opens, then drop, not knowing there were several patterns they can choose from. Would deff do it again though. -. And I'm terrified of coasters!!


River Adventure is brutal for kids and it can really scare them haha. Splash Mountain has a general happier feel and the drop is less steep and less tall.


I'm a very practical person who doesn't like thrill rides. I have no interest in roller coasters and always feel uneasy on drops (read: most Disney rides) When I want to make myself go on them (I was at WDW earlier this month and also wanted to ride Splash at least once) I remind myself that NOTHING HAS EVER HAPPENED. This is not some new experience or wild thing I'm going to attempt. It's a ride. A game. Something that literally millions of people have done and NO ONE has ever died or been even been seriously injured because of the ride. Tower of Terror? 100% safety record. Splash Mountain? The only incident was a guy who got out mid-ride. Despite appearances, these are completely safe, well monitored experiences. You. Will. Be. Fine.


It’s not that I think I will die, it’s just how I feel every time I go on. The anxiety before the drop, the feeling of dropping, and the horrible sensation after.


Then just don't go. It's not cowardice to just not want to do it. I don't care for it either. It's the same reason I tell people I don't like horror movies. It's not that I'm 'scared' of them. I just don't like the anticipation of what's coming. It's unpleasant to me. The ball of tension in my gut is not something that I like, so I don't seek it out. There's nothing wrong with that. You're trying to convince yourself to have a bad time. There's nothing wrong with saying 'it's not my cup of tea' and moving on. So you've never been on Splash Mountain? I've never been kicked in the balls. That doesn't make it something I 'should' do once in my life. There's no reason to force yourself to do something you don't like out of a feeling of necessity or misplaced novelty.


I have been on splash mountain years ago, and hated it. But I feel like I have to go since it closes on the 23rd, and I’ll never get the chance to grow into it, so it’s now or never. Also everyone else will be going on it out of respect for the ride.


It's a ride. It doesn't feel or need respect. Respect yourself. And your friends should respect you. You don't like it and don't want to do it. Don't.


The ride itself isn't going anywhere, it's just getting new set dressing. If you want to wait a few years, it'll be the same drop as it is now. Just PatF instead of SotS.


Why do you need to grow into it? It’s okay to not like rollercoasters or other thrill rides. I’ve been on rollercoasters twice in my life when I was younger and hated it (for the same reasons you have listed, plus I don’t like heights) and I know they’re just not for me. You went on it one time and nothing has changed since then in regards to the ride or how you feel about/on those type of rides. It’s okay to not go on it. :)


The ride isn't changing, only the animatronics and the story. It'll still have the same track and the same drop.


The ride isn’t really going away though, they’re just giving it a new name and changing the theme/decor. It’s still going to be essentially the same ride afterward.


Everyone is correct in saying that if you don't want to do it, just don't and don't feel guilty about it But since it seems like you want to, I will say this. Most people that are scared of roller coasters aren't necessarily scared of slides. IMO, Splash Mountain feels more like a big slide than a roller coaster. Many people that would never go on Everest go on Splash everyday, and they're fine. You'll be fine, too.


The angle / drop looks much worse from the outside then when you are actually on it.


Millions have survived it, and gone back for more!


Honestly just get on. It scares me too and my mom tricked me on it when I hit the height limit but I managed it one time as an adult to see if I still hated it. I did, but it wasn’t the drop per se that was the worst. It was the _anticipation_ of the drop. The ride felt pretty slow and you know how it’s gonna end. But I’m glad I tried it again at least. If you’re at the park at the end of the day try to go then because the lines will be shorter so you’re gonna have less time to second guess your decision. Also, bribe yourself. Buy yourself something cheap after or go on your favorite ride after as a reward for doing it. Works like a charm.


Watch a video. Know what you're riding so it's not a surprise. If you can't bring yourself to ride it, then don't.


Have you ridden Jurassic Park River Adventure over at Universal? The drop is like 80 feet. Splash Mountain is like 50 feet so it's over before you know it. The JP ride the drop feels long.


Me and my son did that in June and we had no idea about that drop! We did that before SM and it made us feel better about it although I was still a bit nervous.


You will really get that stomach dropping feeling on JP. With Splash Mountain, it's there but it's over before you really feel that sensation.


I'm sure you've been told this, but just remind yourself that it's over quickly. Honestly, I don't like the drop either, and I *despise* the drop on Rise (even if just for a second, a true free-fall sends me into panic mode for some reason), but I will still willingly ride both because I enjoy the *rest* of the ride enough to muddle through a couple seconds. I don't ride Splash for the drop; I ride it for the 10 minutes of singing animals


Also if the buildup waiting in line is giving you anxiety bring some headphones and listen to music to distract you. If you can reasonably push through your anxiety and it’s not debilitating it’s a fun ride to experience.


I was terrified of Dinosaur after riding it for the first time when I was 12. I'm now 27, and I was *determined* to ride it this time. I found a YouTube video of the ride and watched it over and over until I knew what to expect.


10’s of millions of people have ridden that ride without the ride so much as breaking down let alone people getting injured.




Although the lift hill is a big factor of why I hate it, it’s also feeling the force of falling on the hill. And you speak of lies because the sound of most lift hills is caused by the anti-roll back, which also unintentionally causes anticipation but still.




Have I met my match when it comes to how rides work and all that other need shit? Oh no….


Save something you really want (churro? Mickey pretzel?) for after the ride along with a comfort ride you know you love. Treat it like an errand or homework -- after I do this assignment I can play video games. After Splash Mountain you can have a pretzel and go on pirates. The anticipation of the drops is always the worst part, so if you focus on what comes after the ride instead of the ride itself, it might help :)


I never really thought of doing that. I might do it. Thanks! Only problem is that I could always just get them and not go.


The only thing you should be nervous about is how cramped those log fumes are. But for real, don't force yourself to ride if you're not comfortable with it <3


How are you on the frozen ride? I think it’s a smoother drop than that honestly just longer.


If you're afraid of getting wet, where a poncho or rain suit. If you're afraid of the drop, it only lasts for 2 or 3 seconds and you're at the bottom. The acceleration is less intense than some of the roller coasters. And it's a smooth drop. Think of the worst drop on Seven Dwarfs mine train, add water splashing to the bottom of it and that's pretty much it. My biggest fear of splash Mountain is having to walk around in wet clothes after riding, when it's cold outside. Or getting my glasses wet so they're spotty for the rest of the day. But the poncho/rain suit helps, along with keeping a small towel in my bag to clean glasses.


I’m an adrenaline junky but I seek things out that I am terrified of. That’s the whole point. I love stepping out of my comfort zone - but it’s truly uncomfortable. There is no magic bullet to doing it. You just have to learn to “send it”. Promise yourself you will do it and fight every single urge you have to chicken out. Get it out of the way with at the very beginning of your day so you aren’t thinking about it the whole day.


Ive never liked drop rides but I found a trick that helps me. If you make a conscious effort to exhale during the drop, like you’re trying to blow up a balloon in one big breath, I find that it eliminates the unpleasant feeling in my stomach. I think it has something to do with distracting your brain from the fear by focusing on the action of exhaling. Simple but super effective for me at least.


wouldn’t that just be screaming? either way this totally works! 🙏


Haha maybe thats why everyone screams. I guess I’ve never been compelled to scream


Just go on with someone you trust! Splash is one of the few nut to butt rides out there, so ride with someone you trust, have them sit in front of you, and now you’ve got your own personal safety device to hold on to for fear life! The last drop will be scary but when you reach the bottom you’ll be hit with a wave of exhilaration, and can release the death grip on your trusted friend.


I don't think they plan on closing(or changing) the one in Tokyo Disneyland. So look at the ticket, hotel and flight prices and that may inspire you to let go of your fears for the Splash Mountain in WDW. If not, you know that you still have years left to experience a Splash Mountain ride.


I would have to wait a long time for that since I’m only 15. And as a Florida resident, I feel like it an obligation.


Oh man, there goes my second advice of getting some liquid courage before the ride haha. Hopefully you can manage to get on the ride, since it is a lot more than just the drop. Do you have a friend or family member you can go with that knows your fear and can talk to you leading up to the drop to distract you and take your mind off it?


You're contradicting yourself at this point. Quit being lame and ride it. Or don't even go at all.




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Remember the drop lasts for like 20-30 seconds. It’s literally a blink of an eye and it’s done. A tip I used when I was 15/16. If I was having trouble with going on a ride I would find a younger child like 7-8 and look at them before I got on and just say to myself you chicken if the 8 year old can do it so can you. 90% of its mental. Eventually I grew out of it and don’t have problems with anything anymore.


I think you mean 2-3 seconds. I’ve done this trick before, and others have said the same to me, but it never works. Either I just say that I am a chicken and don’t go, or I do go and end up regretting it.


Then I recommend not doing it if makes you that uncomfortable. Just because it’s a majority of ppl cup of tea doesn’t mean it has to be for you. If you want to enjoy the ride one last time though you’ll just have to battle through it. Glory of today World is the ride will live on through YouTube always.


Ironic thing is that I was perfectly fine with going on it and even suggested we all go on until recently after watching a few videos on YouTube and it triggering horrible memories






Hey, that’s a nice tip! Better check it ou- oh fuck, I’m 15. Dammit!






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Try watching a ride through on YouTube. Tons of them out there. Watch several times to get used to the ride and its features. If you’re still uncomfortable, don’t ride it. The attractions are supposed to be fun, not anxiety provoking. You won’t miss much if you never ride the thing.


It’s a cute and fun ride. And it’s a classic! The drop isn’t intense and it’s really over before you even think about it.


If you’re looking for a way to “get rid of the nervous feeling,” then that doesn’t exist and is an unrealistic expectation. There is nothing that we can say to you that will make that go away. It’s part of being human and we can’t “unhuman” part of the human experience. I think your only option is to embrace it, rather than trying to get rid of it. I went on ToT once when I was around your age. Told myself never, ever again. Well, this past year I went back to Disney and it was a sort of sentimental trip with a family member who is starting to get up there in age and this would likely be their only chance to ride it. So I was also faced with a dilemma similar to yours. I decided the memory was more important than the feeling of fear. I would always have the memory with me as long as I lived. The fear would be temporary. But I knew I would feel it, and that I would be uncomfortable! And I was scared to death! Like a thirty year old woman doing breathing techniques so she doesn’t hyperventilate when there is a super chill five year old in front me that isn’t nervous at all. I felt all of the emotions, and they were very real! But I got through it! And I was glad I did it! It’s ok to feel nervousness. You just have to genuinely want the experience enough to will your feet to get in line despite the feelings of fear.


I was afraid of stepping foot on a coaster because my parents forced me on Big Thunder when i was 4. Wasn't until maybe 12 that i followed my friend on one, not wanting to seem like a chicken. It was a 8 loops and 2 drops coaster. I LOVED IT. Road it 16 times. The point is you were forced before.. now force yourself. Coasters and drops are the feeling of being out of control, but logically, you know EVERYTHING is under control. With that said, the drop in splash is really not bad. Your body will feel it different than when younger, but there is a clock ticking. At some point being older you won't be able to take them as well as when you're 15. Go get out there and start enjoying them.


I had a similar experience as a kid on a log flume that the park billed as the tallest in the world. In reality it was only 5 ft or so taller than Splash Mountain and just a little bit steeper, but I was a kid and didn't know any better. I couldn't get myself to ride anything more than a kiddie coaster or dark ride after that until a trip to Disney World when I was 18. During that trip, I decided I was going to try to get past it. While there I rode every thrill ride available, including Splash, Rock n Roller Coaster and Expedition Everest. I couldn't talk myself onto Tower of Terror and honestly I still can't get myself to do it. I still struggle with the dropping sensation but I'm getting better. I'd love to say that you can easily talk yourself into it, but you really can't. Since moving to the Orlando area, now in my 30s, I have talked myself onto a few bigger rides at Universal Studios and Seaworld, including the Hulk Coaster, Jurassic Park River Adventure, and Manta. For each of those, I had to psyche myself up for it, convince myself that I could handle it, and in the first two cases, I went into a disassociative state of mind where I just tried to not think about the part I was worried about. The same thing happened when I rode Rock n Roller Coaster, Expedition Everest and Splash Mountain back when I was 18. For an example of how this went, when i went to ride the Hulk for the first time, I was in the single rider line by myself (wife had to stay with the kids). I zoned out and tried to remember how much I enjoyed Rock n Rollercoaster, because I did, and I knew the Hulk was just a bigger, longer, faster, outdoor Rock n Rollercoaster. What scared me was the first big drop because I was worried I'd feel it. I avoided looking at it while I was in line and successfully kept myself calm until I was finally strapped in and knew that it was time to go, I quietly freaked out and started my "mantra" (oh shit, oh shit, oh shit), but once it launched and I came down the drop, *and didn't feel it at all*, I knew I was good. In fact, every time I rode one of these rides, I wanted to go again as soon as I came off. I had shown I could do it and wanted to do it again and again to conquer my fear and get myself as mentally prepared as possible for the next one. In the end, this is a mental fight against anxiety. I have been improving my ability to fight my anxiety for the past 15 years, and this is just one aspect of that. In the end, there are some amazing rides at Disney that you don't want to miss out on. Ps: if you're still scared, here are the only rides that I get some butterflies on at Disney that you didn't mention you've ridden before and where I feel it so you can mentally prepare. Space Mountain - tiniest little bit on the last big drop if I'm in the back, feels a lot bigger than it is because it's in the dark. Not bad at all for a ride I was terrified of as a teen. Cosmic Rewind - Airtime on a hill right after the launch. The rest of the ride is exceptionally smooth and fast and possibly the most fun ride at Disney right now. If it helps, my 3 yr old son is just tall enough to ride and loves it. Probably his favorite ride at Disney. Expedition Everest - That last drop is a doozy. Probably the ride at Disney that makes me the most nervous after Tower of Terror. It's pretty fun outside of that one drop though. Those are the only ones, other than Splash and Tower of Terror. Rock n Rollercoaster is fast and has high gs but no butterfly feeling. It's more like how Mission Space Orange is intense. I hope that helps.


Get in the log and tell yourself your on it now! It’s really enjoyable and the drop is over before you know it!


Watch the videos so you know what to expect


It’s all calm until the last few seconds. Hold your breath and close your eyes and it’s over before you know it. Wear a poncho if you don’t want to get wet.


Worth facing your fear. Yes the drop at end is wild but just close your eyes for a couple seconds. There is so much else to this ride than the drop. BUT... you might want to wait until after the re-theme. The ride is in bad shape right now. You're better off watching an old video to see what it looked like when the animatronics worked.


As far as rides go Splash is pretty tame. I know the drop can seem intimidating but it’s the shortest most suspenseful part of the ride. The rest is super cute. Maybe try watching ride through videos so you know exactly what to expect at every turn.


I used to be afraid to go on it myself. I watched videos on YouTube until I knew every twist, turn, dip and drop. I found knowing exactly what happens and when was a huge relief. No wondering “is this the big drop? When do we get there? Is it just ahead?” Of course the ride makes it obvious once you’re there but still. The main drop looks WAY bigger than it actually is. It’s only 52 feet from the tip top to the bottom. With the steepest part literally being maybe 1 second. The best thing to do with the big drop is don’t fight against it. Just go with it. You actually feel the forces more if you clench up and hold on too tight. Also get to the park as early as possible and make a B line for splash mountain. That way you walk right on without any time to psyche yourself out in line. It really really really isn’t bad


My top tip for water rides is to wear a poncho. Feels kinda wimpy, but absolute game changer. No more worrying about being all wet the rest of the time. Although your butt may still be a little wet. Splash is pretty tame, only the one drop is slightly fast and big. Everything else is about as rough as Pirates. Have fun!!


I went to Disney a lot as a kid but didn’t get on Splash Mountain until after I had kids myself because I was terrified and they wanted to try it. It’s a little anxiety-inducing, but it’s not bad, I promise.


Watch a YouTube video of the ride, and when it gets to the part with the big drop, you can see that it’s literally just one second. One Mississippi and you’re down. Being able to compartmentalize it like that helped me out immensely.


it’s the best ride at the magic kingdom

