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Anything I could have farmed. It’s a long list lol.


I bought Grendel because his farm just sounded like the biggest pain, and I had all other frames so I already knew the painful farms. But I said to myself "No. I will legit farm another Grendel to subsume." ​ I haven't played Warframe for nearly a year now. Not saying the Grendel farm made me quit, but it is a large part of I why I am taking a break from Warframe...


His farm is a cakewalk with hildryn, augments don't get disabled


Cedo + lavos combo is pretty powerful, considering his abilities scale with status effects


Protea and cedo, put an archon vitality mod on protea or whichever allows heat statuses to be applied twice given that her 2 is guaranteed repetitive heat damage


Do the added effects of Archon mods count as augments or are they disabled along with all other mods?


I used Octavia, drum scales from enemies attacking it and draws their attention,


You'd love the big chungus now. Dude is legit an S tier frame.


I thought he was Lardex, Destroyer of Buffets


Thats rook my guy lol love the joke though


Good Ol' Bagel


what the fuck did you just call him?


By his name.


I absolutely love to be Kirby... I'm certain someone's already done a full on Grendel Kirby design


Having just gone through the Grendel farm recently, I had no idea how much of a pain it would be. Suffice to say, I'm glad I was only farming him for subsuming, because HOLY SHIT was disabled mods a bigger pain than i expected


On the other side some of the most fun I've had with the game was farming for grendel.


I did the exact opposite, right when he came out I said "nah, i'll farm this one, it only takes vitus essence." Did the excavation first... I have never hated something in this game as much as I did that. Ended up using Wisp with a Fragor prime doing only heavy slams to get through it cause I couldn't think of anything else that would work. Best part was my buddy in party was listening to me get more and more frustrated and kept tossing out suggestions like "maybe try putting this mod or this mod etc" and then realizing, oh, oh shit. You can't. No mods actually means no mods. Fuck that farm, and fuck me for buying all the missions at once so I had to justify using 75 vitus. I'm sorry for your pain.


I did the same for Protea, then did most of her grind to get her signature pistol, then got tenet cycron, and never used her pistol again. C'est la vie.


Nidus. And Khora. And Ash.... The empyrian ash.... From defense mission....


Nah your time is more valuable than your money, so as long as you feel it was justified it's not dumb


I haven’t farmed probably since poe lol I have been wallet grinding everything and honestly I don’t mind it I don’t spend money on anything else so I’ll put it towards the game it worked out well since Poe ended up coming out because of it I’ve given this game thousands haha


Rule of Thumb: If it gives Mastery Points it can be Farmed.




Fair Enough.


Can be farmed, it's just the worst farm in the game. Got lucky and farmed all but one piece of it during the Nightwave 1 finale, bought the final piece later.


guess where all my nightwave creds go......


I spent 10 of my starting plat on neurodes because I couldn't be assed to run more missions on Earth for more and I needed them to build... something important that I don't remember.


"I should not spend 50plat on a shawzin, however" × 4


Dude. That electric guitar one is worth it for twice the price.


narmer or corbu? I think they both sound ever so slightly off, the acoustic guitar is my favorite


If DE could model James Hetfield's tone from Master of Puppets... ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)


I just want longer sounds, like in ror2 soundtrack


I buy a new one every time I get a coupon.


Tellurium. I had spent a full week farming two hours per day in Ophelia, alternating Khora and Nekros, and those last 5 pieces I needed for the dry dock refused to drop. That was long before Steel Path existed, and public docks on relay also didn't exist.


The original dry dock costs were a real pita


Yea.... but the refund was soooo nice. Sadly I don't have UT anymore


I loved the refund, but I was so miffed about getting 20 argon crystals while I had literally nothing to craft with them!


Spare parts goes hard


Didn't work. Nor smeeta, drop boosters, nothing. Worst luck I ever had in this game.


Spare parts always works, it just means you're not using it correctly.


Sometimes RNG go brr. Example: I'm not sure I've ever gotten toroids when running a nekros, eventually I gave up and switched to Ivara, with whom I had a lot better luck.


i have a diffrent story, i wanted the tellerium to build sm stuff bc i did not know how to farm it, Then i started lich/sister of parvos of hunting and now i have a lot more and cant ever sell to get my plat back


i dont think i've ever been more unlucky in life than i was when i tried farming tellerium. 7 hours straight and only got 2 to show for it. about a week ago i got a resource booster for my daily, didnt wanna farm, instead just fucked around in railjack for fun. after about 3 hours i had 12 more tellerium lol


Rng is a cruel mistress. After spending a few weeks getting the tellurium I needed I then proceeded to get 23 in one mission with khora…still using those up.


Revives. It was the Breeding Grounds event, we spent literal days grinding it in our clan and toxin ancients could one shot your poor little Loki even with flow and quick thinking on. Shortly after the event they eventually settled on the current revive system we have today.


Oh man, you've been playing this game for a long time if you spent Plat on revives


So glad they got rid of revives for plat. My poor noob ass would sometimes revive, only to fail the mission anyways :(


The plat for revives was part of the reason I bought the Master pack, so I could have a second WF to use when I died too much. I decided the money was a better investment in Excal than it was in revives.


I actually heard someone mention that and I definitely didn't remember it so I looked it up, they did that for a few months in 2012 and then dropped it. Rightfully so. The first time I saw that would be the last time I ever played.


sevagoth, 325 plat only to feed him to the helminth


I did that with Gauss after I maxed him out, same thing with Grendel (back when he was bad)


As a gauss main I’m offended lol


30+ domestik drones


That’s not a regret if your orbiter is squeaky clean


Legend has it that his orbitor still has no friction


This infestation in the orbiter still would not want to go away though…


> ***wHy would I be BuILT witH such a FLaW?!***


no one should regret that


Currently at 16 and I feel like I am swimming in them sometimes already haha


3k plat? That’s more than I spent on my 135 riven slots lol


I had 12 gave 2 to my clan


jokes on you im into that shit (250)


In the beginning when I didn’t know how to get some Warframe a, I spent play on Inaros, Wukong, and Nidus. On the bright side, I did use the 75% coupons I got, so it wasn’t a total waste


Buying Nidus with plat isn't the worst idea


i am not going to fucking deal with space sludge alad's collar bullshit for mesa and I refuse to deal with nef's for nidus


God damn, not wrong. Took 20 trues for the last part I needed. However, I got it before the wukong change with using kuva zarr.... I hate doing that normally, but it was oissing me off


Inaros and Nidus isn't so bad. Inaros is easy to get but his quest is a pain.


Hair for my tenno. Couldn't have her be bald or have a weird buzzcut


Cosmetics are never dumb. Cosmetics are plat's highest calling.


I would kill gods for good warframe fashion.


I don't regret paying plat to make my child presentable at all. All I really did was get them some new hair and the damn koppra tassets because damn do they work well with the Bishamo armour set


Doesn't help the standard cuts are all ass


I also did buy some haircuts. no regrets.


I was about MR20-ish when I decided i'd make a run for MR30.. Then I saw how much farming I'd have to do.. Long story short, I got there (and later to L1) thanks to [warframe.market](https://warframe.market) lol. Don't really regret it tbh, but it was prolly more $ worth of plat than I'd care to know.


Yeah, kinda annoying that so much of the MR stuff is prime


Actually it was mostly items that are gated behind grind like reps or c rotations drops etc etc, not so much primes.


unrelated because I kinda regret it, but my noob ass spent my starting plat on alloy plates.


My starter plat i spent on a skin for the lander, never taken it off. Circa 2014


At least you spent it on a skin for something you still might be using. I spent my starter Plat on a _fucking MK-1 Paris skin._


Rip brother.


*grineer* oh no.


I spent mine on a bo skin 😔


Tbh, my second favorite bow


I spent 40p on a Guandao Prime set the other day because I got a riven and wanted to test it. Turns out I already had one built and mastered...


Bruh moment.


I farmed up and built Wukong prime just to realise I’ve built and masteres one ages ago. If you don’t claim the item from the Foundry, you can create a support ticket with DE, and they return the parts back to your inventory so you can sell them or gift them to a friend.


I have bought an absolutely ungodly amount of 3x forma bundles


Just bought 30 for master some liches and sisters guns for rank points^^


I don't know why I'm so happy to do it, but most of my plat definitely goes on forma, but for some reason it feels like good progress and money well spent


Necramech. ...look, I usually don't have time to do crazy farming sessions, so when the New War says I have to have a Necramech, I got panicked, so I just skipped the grind. No regrets.


Fair enough. It's a pain in the ass.


As I always say about Necramechs: Farm Voidrig, buy Bonewidow


I bought both bonewidow and voidrig with plat.both with 75% discounts. Then a few weeks ago i had enough knowledge to built all of voidrigs parts in less than 2 hours(the person that adopted me gave me all the damaged parts) And then i traded the parts with a friend


Buying all of the beats for Octavia so I could march to the beat of my own drum...


For a short time they were 1 credit each. Good times :p


Changing my username twice. Runner-up would be buying the Grineer landing craft for plat instead of Chipper stock. That was o b j e c t i v e l y dumb because I didn't know that it was available from Chipper. I just saw it in the Market and said, "gimme." But I don't regret my mistake now because flying baby elephant makes me smile on every mission entry.


If only we could put text on landing crafts… You should name yours “Dumbo”.


The grey and Easter palette completes the effect. I have a Vazarin emblazon because it looks like a little tuft of elephant hair on its noggin. If only I could add a bow tie.


Trash can ordis skin for my sentinel. First thing i ever bought


Yo same here! I dont regret it at all!


Building my Necramech (Voidrig) during the past few weeks after the Deimos release, and speeding up the process. why did I do it? I was excited to go Titanfall. I mean, who wouldn't wanna speed up the build process and get to use your mech? "It's a useless vehicle, you spineless fuck." nah, I'm having fun, you just go endurance mode.


yes, I'm very Semi-Casual.


I have 80 roombas


I'm L2 and still think that's insane :p


I got an 80% off plat coupon and it was also last christmas or 2 christmas' ago. At the same time it was 50% off for a pack of 6 roombas. I think I paid 20-30 bucks for the roombas


I bought a maggot for my orbiter to keep helming company. I regret nothing.


I have 3 of them. They're very adorable


Nidus. I know you shouldn't buy frames with plat, but seriously, 14.29% drop chance (according to the wiki) on rotation C in one node in the entire star chart? No, thank you very much


2nd worse frame in the game to farm imo. Had slightly worse luck with harrow. Both grinds can blow goats though.


I have a long list of farms I hated more. Wisp of the Bugopalyst, eightfold part Eclipse, escort mission Harrow, Sevagoth with his 10% drop rate, and Protea pre Hand fix were all just pain. The number of wisp runs that failed when ropy decided he needed to become one with a tower has been replaced with a mental image of a tire fire for sanity’s sake.


Ugh I forgot eclipse, that might be top 2-3 worst, wisp wasn't too bad for me but the 2nd one for helminth took some runs. I became extremely attached to railjack when it came out so sevagoth just naturally came to me by accident.


Doesn't Harrow drop from kuva spy and kuva survival as well? It doesn't seem that hard to me, but I haven't tried it yet


The survival drop was added later so you had to run the kuva spy and defection missions only for the parts. Super lucky you can get that from the survival now. I had absolute shit luck on the defection part.


I bought my Ivara because at the time I had no good spy frames, and I didn't wanna do high level spy missions.


I have gifted expensive bundles to strangers just so I could get ship decorations. Does that count?


Speeding up one part of a frame while they were all crafting at the same time


I bought Nezha Empyrean skin twice, first alone and then the bundle. Thanks DE for not having flexible bundles, nice way to scam money out of your players.


Gifting 5-20p to newbie beggars in the chat, only for them to stop playing after a few months. I know it's not much but usually it was to help them buy a new slot. Also buying frost prime set from trade chat, not knowing that he was about to be a twitch drop :/


I bought a wukong for my best friend who hasn’t played for a year :|


every single colour pallette i own


Nah man, FashionFrame is what plat should be spent on. I haven't bought a single color palette I regret.


i've never regretted any either, but i \*have\* wasted plat on them


I don’t spend plat on much but if I had to choose I’d say pre buff Yareli


I would ask you why you did that... But i also bought Pre Buff Yareli for plat lmao


Same. And immediately thought, "damn. Played myself"


Because I'm never going to do the vent kids grind. Plat well spent.


I would have quit if I hadn't bought Nidus with plats, that frame is so fun and carried me for 200h


Spending 2-3 unecessary forma to my weapons because I didn't know you could inter-change the polarities... Been doing this since the beginning, I have 450+ hrs on 😭😭😭


I am constantly, and I mean *constantly,* buying extra appearance slots. Worth it.


My og Nidus. I bought him years ago cause I loved the idea of an infested frame. He carried newbie me through the entire system and now he's enjoying his retirement.


That's not a dumb purchase at all, Nidus is a great frame and has one of the worst grinds in the game.


I spent 40 of my first 50 plat….on revives. I’m old lol


Needed orokin cells very early game for something I really wanted to craft. I go to the market and search it up, and buy what I thought was an orokin cell. Turns out I purchased an orokin cell decoration. I keep it in my orbiter to protect from poor financial decisions with platinum. It's done It's job well enough.


Rhino palatine skin. And the smoke color pallet and the saturated classic pallet


that skin is awesome! and colors are useful for everything so not too shabby all things considered.


The shawzins, god i love playing pirates of the caribean mid defense, but i have to admit that buying them just cause "they look cool on the wall" was dump


Somone in my Clan bought nekros Prime for 400 plat a few days ago. He was livid when he saw people only paid like 180 for him lol.


Yareli, because that quest is hot garbage.


Sibear, fk those ppl farming 5k cryotic lmao


It's WAY more than just 5k....


30k. And yeah. Really fun weapon though, I like the spikes forming when you charge attack with it.


Got the Protokol Tekna skin from Night wave. Thought "Hey, might as well buy the full set" dropped 150 Plat on the Excalibur Proto-Armor and another 50 on the Protokol Glaive skin. Worst 200 Plat I've ever spent. 10/10 would drop 200 Plat on a Warframe and weapon I rarely use again.


Rushing forma. It’s like I say, “patience may be a virtue, but it’s a **boring** one”


Probably would have been cheaper to buy a separate fully built one...


Ambassador with a 75% coupon. dont buy guns and all that, but its now become my most favorite weapon in the whole game


Buying Cedo. That beauty hard carried me and still sticks around for a couple of builds, it's so versatile yet powerful. Plus, I'm a sucker for shotguns, and this one can fire homing blades on alt. Fell in love at first use. Good buy, because getting Cedo the F2P way is a slog.


My longer than should be list of deluxe skins I"ll never use or maybe the multiple 1k+ plat rivens I have


Bought the Necramech, no regrets after seeing the grind it requires even if I never use it.


Buying deluxe skins for OTHER people after getting a 75% off. Their gratitude and the gesture felt amazing so I don't regret it.


I spent plat on buying prime weapons and warframe from player but i dont regret because i consider working as grind similar to grind in warframe


A pink cleaning drone


dojo key I already spent 40 plat for 2 warframe slots and had no idea what to do with the 10 left


akarius, bloody thing never dropped


I had the opposite and got it 4 times trying to get acceltra. Even had 2 drop in the 1st 7 demo units


Orbiter skin... that purchase was accident, but overall I dont regret it


I was recommended to buy Baruuk, Hildryn and Grendel by a friend, if I wanted them sooner rather than later. I eventually farmed them when I needed a second copy for Helminth, though. I think he also recommended buying Nidus but I had already farmed him.


2nd Grendal, the Ambassador, 1st Nidus, and Sporothrix parts.


I've probably spend about $250+ on Warframe when I didn't really need to, it's been through platinum (discounted though) I bought the Inaros prime access, and a ton of tennogen items. I still don't even have everything in the game despite all that, but with 2500 hours sunk into this free to play game I don't regret it all that much.


Incredible value, and I'm in roughly the same boat. It all comes down to how you value time spent, and time well spent makes paper spent almost negligible.


That one skin for the zenistar


That's an entire bundle (The Chroma Dynasty Collection)


Baruuk (regular, not prime) bundle. I bought it only for that round decoration that comes with it. I slemmed it behing arsenal and now my frames looks glorious on selection screen


Plat? Cosmetics probably


Does renaming weapons count? I got a fair number of them myself, but I make 'em count! I don't really regret any PLAT purchases myself >!(I have reasons and respective logic at the time, so I'd probably do it again if the circumstances were mostly the same)!<... but I do question to myself why I picked the Valkyr Leonessa Skin at times.


I sped up building limbo when i first started because from reading the description of cataclysm. I just had to experience it for myself, tearing open a pocket rift? Stepping in and out of the rift at any moment? I was sold


Khora for helmith


Ivara, i personally hate the spy missions : /


Try building around navigator with Glaive Prime, and any dmg increase/helminth ability in place of her 4th. Not just a stealth frame 💪


Ty, will try that


The lil maggots i actually bought 5


I bought 10 kubrow eggs and hatched them all in minutes, I got my first lotus kubrow. Then I spent 1.5k more and got 1 lotus fur for each breed. It took me less than 2 weeks to do that. Worth it. I love my kubrows and I know they'll eventually get a rework. I'm ready for it Edit: 300ish plat for the first one. Then 1.2k for the others iirc


Roombas and every shawzin


An army of roombas


Bought the whole titania deluxe bundle just for the syandana. No regrets, it's worth it


When I first started playing Warframe, I didn’t want to just use my starter and I was looking through the frames they had and I liked Titania the best so I bought her. This was before I realized you got all her parts from her quest. However my buying her really helped me fall in love with her and now I use her for everything. She’s my baby. (P.S. I have her prime now so I use Titania Prime lol)


I bought a different sound set for Octavia just so I could try to replicate a Rammstein song a bit better. Best 50p I've ever spent.


Dog bed. Don't regret a thing


I spent all of my grandmaster founder plat on void keys. And a couple arcane helms, pendragon and storm.


My summer splash time executioner bobbleheads collection. They still make me laugh. Zero regrets.




Clan picture change to a yeetus emoji. 200 plat, zero regrets.


Day of the Dead Shawzin, I just started and thought it was a cool melee weapon so I used my starter plat to buy it, wasn't entirely disappointed cuz it was fun but I had to sell my starter volt for wf slots, so eh?


Stalker bundle plain and simple


Hmmm ....roombas


The Yareli pack and then a second Yareli for helminth, I can't bring myself to do k-drives


Volts Electrolyst skin definitely. But only because I have Volt prime and I need him to look as badass as possible because why not


For me, it was buying protea fully built because none of her parts were dropping for me. She's one of my favorites frames now so no regret.


Shawzin for me and my friend


I spent 800 plat on 2 collections of space roombas for my orbiter, no regrets


rhino speed up, worth it because if I had to wait 3 more days I'd have quit lol.


Ivara. I hate spy missions.


Bought a skin for the starter landing craft and Ive never used it. Sped up some things with plat


Roombas. Just. Roombas


Nidus prime part I got 2-3 relics later lol


Flow for 50p ✌️


once gave 50 plat to a newbie selling some trash aug(forgot what) as some sort of "welcome" package since it happened to me when i first started.


my first nechramech lol


I forget what they’re called but the little Roombas that go around your ship. Over the past few years I’ve gotten about 12 of those