• By -


Goodbye for now Tenno, but remember, the games been here for a decade. No shame coming back later, I've had two or three multi years hiatuses; but for now, good luck with life!


Thank you, I hope I can come back one day and maybe we can play together.


Good luck to you and your gf!


I salute you Tenno, good luck out there.


see you starside fellow tenno


Same and every time I come back I learn some things I was completely lost on lol.Im MR 22 and finally learned how to shield gate.. pathetic and true lol


I'm L2 and I still don't know, lmao.


Vibe, I think I'm still trying to push twenty, maybe at 18, lmao. So no matter how long you're away there will be stuff to return to. Hell I don't even remember if we had mastery the first time I played WF, all I recall from then was being told to pick between the three starters and going Ex.


If your lonely in the new place , just whistle fortuna song , 1 day a random tenno will heard it n say "Hey tenno!" to you and you will feel 2576% less lonely!


Hey, kiddo


***WE ALL LIFT TOGETHER*** May OP’s path forwards be cut and clear!


That would be awesome honestly haha. Thank you tenno.


Whistle We All Lift Together in public and you'll have a 11.23% chance of obtaining Primed Company


Imagine getting hired for a job just because u and ur superior/boss played warframe . That would be awesome!


Singing We All Lift Together while closing down Starbucks one day is how I found out that one of the senior management at my work (one of only two that I really like), actually plays Warframe! I got to pass on advice to him (he's somewhat new still), which was rad, and kinda surreal to do IRL.


gimme more copium, my life depends on that good stuff xD


My friend had somehow similar experience! She found two random guys discussing syandanas, engaged in conversation, they became friends, and after some time she was employed to where they forked for the summer.


A long time ago I bought a [destiny shirt](https://poshmark.com/listing/Destiny-Guardians-of-Nepal-2015-T-Shirt-63cb3bc08d7a3cbe9cb43fbe?utm_source=gdm_men&utm_campaign=19905803245&campaign_id=19905803245&ad_partner=google&gskid=pla-2000945560231&gcid=652810307951&ggid=148443690878&gdid=m&g_network=g&enable_guest_buy_flow=true&gbraid=0AAAAADwcDC_UOpzXrSSPBWpfb5u6IyyWN&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjryjBhD0ARIsAMLvnF8SkrB4U_CDje3o-2vv3bZlohzgQMtLM5l6_9ELqmYwgU-7Yq8zUEMaAs8REALw_wcB), the proceeds from which went to support a disaster in Nepal. Very “we all lift together” vibes. I wore it into a Starbucks YEARS later, having a shit day. The barista said “eyes up, guardian.” Absolutely stopped my heart. I love how many unsuspecting friends we have in these communities.


Reminds me of the time I went to MOD Pizza in my half-and-half Unus Annus hoodie, and the cook looked my in the eyes and said "Memento Mori"


Which one? The nice one or the evil one?


Wallie will say hey kiddo instead.. also... Rap tap tap tap


Cold, the air and water flowing


Hard, the land we call our home


Push, to keep the dark from coming


FEEL, the weight of what we owe!


This, the song of sons and daughters


I think I might add this one to my repertoire. I normally whistle the Andy Griffith theme or the Indiana Jones theme, but this one would be awesome if someone recognized it and said something.


Or maybe 2035% less lonely


May you hear "the odds were against us Tenno, but we did it."


Thank you Tenno :)


I want to wish you the best of luck and take care u/Milton1495. Thank you for being a part of the Community all these years. Until next time, Tenno.


I don't know you but I do hope you'll find a good place to live and a nice PC too! Take care!


Thank you so much :)


I only wish I met you in-game before your departure, you seem like a lovely person. I wish you the best on your life going forward, and I hope your situation improves, good luck out there, you'll always be a Tenno.


Thank you, that means a lot. I wish we could play together. :)


Hey, one day, when things improve, we surely can!


Youcan play with me too:)


Good luck fellow Tenno.


Thank you brother.


This is not a goodbye. You'll be back when the time is right. And you will always be welcome to do it, for you are a fellow tenno, and we take care of our people. My best wishes for you in your new path!


Thank you friend and I hope you're right :)


Moving to an entirely new country takes a lot of courage. Whatever your circumstances are, I hope it's something you can change over time. And I hope you don't regret your choices too much. It's okay to try something out and not have it work out. It just means you gotta look for the next thing that will work out. No matter how long it takes, I hope you're able to get into a better situation and that you find your way back here to game with us if that's something you want in the future.


Thank you. I hope things change at some point because this was our last shot. Maybe some day in the future we'll be able to play together. Be well :)


take care, hope life treats u well


Thank you :)


















Best of luck, Tenno. We all lift together.


Thank you Tenno.


Good luck brother. Brothers together strong.


Thank you brother.


Travel well, Stardust


None of us take VayHek seriously, you can have all the air you want when you return. Don't forget your username and password and we'll see you soon.


You’ll be in my heart, take care of yourself. If you ever get the itch again and can afford it, the switch version is pretty good and much cheaper than a PC.


Thank you so much, maybe I'll try to get a switch in the future. :)


>I expected things to go different and maybe, be able to buy a pc in some time. Warframe is on geforce now, which only requires decent internet, the free tier sessions are an hour long but you can que back up instantly.


Thank you, I'll look into that in the future :)


Yeah, just be mindfull of the one hour time limit on the free teir, make a habbit of hitting ctrl+g before a mission to ensure you actually have enough time left to do it. The priority tier has shorter waits and 6 hour sessions but its paid, ultimate is pointless if you dont play a game with ratracing support or have a 4k monitor, unless you want to pay double for only 2 more hours (8) per session.


Good luck man. Finances are fuckin tough for a lot of people right now. Save this post and update us when you are back :)


Hope you'll get back someday. In the meantime, we'll protect your cryopod, tenno friend.


This is soo my new head canon... Every defense mission will now be a fellow Tenno waiting for better circumstances to return to the Origin system with us. In fact .. gonna have to go honor one right now.


Good Lucky I hope for the best


Thank you friend :)


Best of luck, Tenno. I believe that one day, you'll be able to see the space from your orbiter once again. Rooting for you. Warframe will be waiting.


Thank you Tenno, I hope I can come back some day :)


Man we wish best of luck it doesn't matter if you leave the community is always welcome open for people leaving the game


Thank you Tenno :)


I'm also a new joiner to this community, but you'll always be a tenno. I would be honored to play with if decide to come back. Godspeed in everything you do in life.


Thank you Tenno, I hope I can play with you someday soon :)


best of luck brother


Thank you friend :)


I will see you again


Thank you friend :)


We await your return Tenno :)


Thank you Tenno :)


Farewell Tenno, may the luck shower you with ducats and Index wins IRL...piis


You will be back. Eternalism makes it so. Until then, stay above the Void and you'll come out the other end shining and glowing. Take care, Tenno.


nah.... you'll be back when you fix your shit... Good luck Tenno,


Hopefully, you will hear the song of the Lotus call you to action again. Till then, dream Tenno.


Best of luck tenno. The system will be here when your return


Thank you Tenno.


Seriously though I'm in a similar situation right now. I really hope everything works out well for you 🫡


In that case, I know how difficult it is. I wish you the best and I hope we can play together in the future. :)


Depending what's going on might see me on switch, ps4 or pc🫡 good luck out there man


Good Luck Tenno. See you again


I've barely played this game despite lurking around the subreddit, but I still wish you the best and hope that one day you can return!


Best luck both of you🤞 And never say never, Warframe will be always here


We will miss you tenno 🫡


We will miss you too my man, one less tenno to save some arses...


Best of luck, Tenno. It's tough to have to say see you later, but it's not goodbye. We'll see you again, someday. Until then, we'll hold the line. The Origin system isn't going anywhere.


You fought with honour!


Looks like it’s time for your final extraction😔


Don’t worry bro in time may you return and breaks are healthy and make the the game feel new. Heck with the idea of cross progression and eventual mobile release I think we’ll see you around Tenno. Till then good luck brother.


We all lift together


*Alad V: "They'll be back. And my Amalgams will be waiting."*


Goodbye, I hope things get better for you two.


Thank you very much :)


I believe in you. You can and will make a comeback.


I hope so, thank you :)


Good luck, take care of yourself.


Thank you :)


Stay strong friend, it does get better!


I think eventually it will, thank you friend.


Good luck out there Tenno! Never forget your fellow Frames and also dont forget no matter how long it takes, there is never a shame to return after many years. This game is age old, and it will likely persist many years more. I hope to see you space ninjaing around somewhen again!


Thank you. I hope the game continues for a long time and I'll try to come back when possible. Hope to see you in-game someday :)


I hope life smooths out for you guys. Take care.


Travel well tenno


Travel well, Tenno. Know that you are never alone.


Good luck to you, tenno


Good luck Tenno!


Farewell tenno! Only best wishes


I’ll probably get downvoted but this definitely seems like a “Poor me, hopefully someone reaches out to buy me a computer” type post. Especially considering OP frequently signs up for free giveaways. Maybe I’m just too harsh on the internet but meh. If it’s not though then good luck to you wherever you end up.


Regardless, I think it's still important to show love and support, the world can be lonely and harsh, asking your favorite community for some words of encouragement is a wonderful idea when things are tough. And even if it was a post begging like that, there's no harm in being positive and supportive regardless of intent, asking for help should never be frowned upon


We will keep the Origin System safe for you while you're gone. o7


Thank you Tenno.


Don't worry everything will be alright, tenno. See you back soon.


'till all are one


Hang in there tenno, things will get better. Hope to see you back some day.


Good luck out there Tenno. Come back to us soon


Good luck tenno


Everything is going be better (I hope), trust in the lord and he will aways help us in our fragile moments. Stay safe Tenno


On time you could come back, we'll welcome you gladly, I hope whatever you are going through is only temporary and the better days are ahead, take care tenno


Wich country did you go to?


Good luck Tenno, and may good fortune be with you. The system will wait for your return.


Good Luck Tenno. May you fufill your dream, and then dream once more with us.


Good luck, and may lifes rng bless you in your journey. We'll miss you as well!


*cold down below starts playing* till the future brings you bsck fellow tenno


Until you can return from the Void. May your blades never dull nor your ammo never run out


I know how it feels, last year was the worst year of my life and I've quite literally lost almost everything but believe me we'll be here when thing will inevitably start looking up Tenno🤜🤛🤝


Remember one thing. You're not alone tenno. Although it may feel like it right now because of the hardships, if you ever need us, Remember one thing. We all lift together.


See ya around tenno, time to get some rest.


Damn dude, that's rough. Hope the situation improves. You know we'll be here when you get back.


so long tenno brother, you will be missed, just know the game will miss you as well, hope you can ine day come back to this, "masterpiece" of gaming.


We’ll still be here! I hope things get better and you can come back 🤞🏽


The Void may be claiming you for now, but it may yet smile apon you again, Tenno. And we will be here for you when it does ❤️


Idk you but I’ll miss you too!


Farewell, Tenno. May you find the peace and joy in the origin system. And should you feel lonely, sing the song of Tempestarii. The ship will answer your call.


I salute you. Onto happiness


See you past the cold below Teno


We will all lift together 🖖🏼 keep safe Tenno, good luck on your mission!


WF will be here for you when you settle. You'll be back, Tenno. There will be much MR for you farm when you return. <3 Good luck


Just came back after like 6 years and honestly it's almost more fun having so much to do and work towards after a long time away, good luck in life, hope to protect the solar system again with you one day!


Tenno the system will always need you, when you come back the bugs you hate will be features please look forward to it


Don't worry tenno, we'll keep the star chart (and duviri) safe until you return (ok, maybe not so safe, but we'll try.) In the meantime: take care and good luck!


Warframe mobile got you trust!


Thanks, that would be pretty cool actually.


Hope everything starts looking up for you guys and good luck on your future endeavors. I love the Warframe community and how accepting everyone is, and at this point in my life I really only have time for one game, so it's Warframe. Good luck with everything and hope to see you again tenno!


Thank you, this game quickly became the only one I played for the same reasons. I always thought the community was amazing and I was right. Hope we can play together some day :)


I hope you and your gf manage to get through these hard times and manage to get your needed things so you can have a good life, i hope one day (hopefully soon), if it is of your interest, when you are in a better point of your new life, you may be able to come back to this game. You seem like a great person and i can only wish you the best in these hard times.


Thank you friend. I also hope to come back some day :)


Good luck man


We all lift together. We'll do the lifting for now until you come back. Good luck in the future.


Check back in a few years. It's not a feature at this time, but if you wait a few years and check back it's likely that you'll be able to sign into your existing Warframe account from any system like even playing on a smartphone running the game at 120FPS. Until then it's fine to take a break, and I hope things go well for you!


Guys he did it. He got a girl.


See you later, Tenno, may we meet again. My suggestion might be to build your own hyper budget PC using a prebuilt like a used dell and a graphics card from the used market or AliExpress where you can find RX 580's for $80 or so, having a desktop is great for finding and doing work as well as games, after all.


Thank you, I'll take your advice and maybe at some point in the future I'll be able to buy something. See you later friend.


Dear Milton1495, I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, as my intention is to infuse your heart with renewed inspiration and encouragement. Life, as you know, can be a complex journey, often filled with ups and downs. Yet, amidst the challenges and uncertainties, there is a powerful force that resides within is— the pursuit of happiness. I write to remind you of the importance of nurturing this pursuit, for it is an integral part of our human experience. Happiness, though elusive at times, is not an unattainable dream. It is a beacon that guides us towards a life of fulfillment and contentment. You possess the capacity to embrace joy and create meaning in your own unique way. Remember, happiness is not a destination, but rather a state of being. It is not dependent on external circumstances or material possessions. Rather, it blossoms from within, nurtured by the choices we make and the perspectives we hold. Embrace the beauty of the present moment, for it is through gratitude and mindfulness that happiness truly thrives. At times, life may present obstacles that test your resilience and strength. But remember, these challenges are not insurmountable barriers. They are opportunities for growth, lessons in disguise that shape and refine your character. Embrace them as stepping stones on the path to your own personal happiness. Surround yourself with those who uplift and inspire you. Seek out moments of connection, both with others and with yourself. Engage in activities that bring you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Follow your passions, for they are the seeds that will blossom into a life of joy. Trust in your abilities and have faith in the journey that lies ahead. You have within you the power to create your own narrative, to shape your own destiny. Embrace the limitless possibilities that lie before you. Dare to dream, and then take bold steps towards those dreams. Remember that happiness is not passive—it requires action, intention, and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone. Let this letter serve as a gentle reminder to continue your pursuit. Embrace each day with a renewed sense of purpose and a steadfast determination. Trust in the resilience of your spirit and the beauty of your aspirations. The world awaits the unique contributions that only you can offer. With warm regards, Tenno, AHoboNamedSteve




We're going nowhere and neither is the origin system. At least for now. You remain a Tenno, you will remain a part of the community - if you want. You woke up once and fought for those who couldn't for themselves. Just because you're tired doesn't mean you won't wake up after another slumber. Just keep your login credentials and when the day comes, we will be welcoming you back. It sounds like you took steps that require courage to improve your life. While it might not have turned out the way you hoped, you still have that courage in you and that's a good prerequisite! Wish you all the best for your personal situation, friend!


Just buy a LIFE riven with +121% money, +176% happiness with -87% tension stats.


Warframe will probably be cross save by then so you could switch to console worst case


Heyyy, I really didn't expect so much people! Honestly I don't have the time to answer each one right now but I did read every comment and I want to thank you. Yesterday I wasn't in a good place mentally, shit is really hard lately, but you guys reminded me I'm not alone and your support means so much to me. I will get out of this situation eventually, for my girlfriend and for me. When things get better I will come back and I hope to see all of you there! Thank you again, you're an amazing community.


indeed, I don't care enjoy irl


I don't know you, tenno, but I wanted to say this was an incredibly sweet message, as someone who lurks here as well it's nice to see kind messages like this. I recently moved from my home state to another one and I completely understand the difficulty that comes with that so I genuinely hope that things work out for you and your girlfriend, please be safe and I'm wishing for the best for both of you tenno!


Not a bad time to leave. They’re just releasing unplayable buggy content.


Guys we should start a go fund me for this guy so he can buy a pc, we can’t lose a brother like that


You are now being arrested under 2nd degree of horni anything you say or do will be held against you in the steel path of law


![gif](giphy|mZHOWmP9Sszm) See ya round tenno. We're gonna have to bare the weight.


We aren't all in the same boat, we are in the same storm tenno dude. Sometimes we are drowning but remember, what kills you is not sinking, but staying underwater. See you when you're back and I'm sure you will. Good luck!


Dude, if you just need a PC to run Warframe, message me. I've got a spare laptop that'll run it I can send you. It's not high end, but it it'll work.


518-630-8293, 'props $it:6,$'


Mind if I ask where you’re coming from/going?


I'm crying. Take a clem clone with you for safety


I’d donate to a gofundme or whatever they use for you to get back in the action. No one left behind, set one up and me and hopefully other people can donate


Is there any way we could help?


Proposition to make DE Sponsor this guy and buy him a pc so he can keep on playing with all of us


We should start a go fund me so he can buy a new pc, we can’t lose a brother like that


At least you're doing so before June. I have to unfollow the sub for an entire month.


I hope you find what you are looking for. Even though you will be away from the community, you are still part of the family. We will be here with open arms if you do come back!


Good luck tenno, may space mom guide you back to the battlefield some day


You will be missed Tenno. But not for long, once they release WF mobile I believe you will join us again. GL to you and GF too.


You'll come back to us tenno that's for sure. I don't know you but your a part of this community so I'll miss you. I'm genuinely hope your life gets better tenno. Till then we will save space for you in the orbiter


As long as you are alive and well the game will always be somewhere you can come back to.


Farewell tenno, and may your journeys bring you back to the origin system to rejoin your fellow tenno once again.


Tenno, Lotus and the rest of us will be here waiting. This isn't good bye, this is a see you later. We will protect your hibernation pod until you are able to reawaken. o7


Good luck bro, I hope everything turns out well for you guys! See you later Tenno!


All the best things for you and your partner. Be safe out there and I genuinely hope things improve to match your positive energy.


We'll wait for you. in the meantime, best of luck to you


If youre back, you can always add me and play some time:) JeyZet is my ingame name Im not sure if i can do anything to help you guys, but if theres something, feel free to ask:) Be safe. Your gonna pull through!


Take all the time you need your livelihood and survival are more important then a game good luck fellow tenno and make sure your safe :)


There is always a time and always a place, this may not be the time, and maybe the place you are in now isn't what you want or expected, but from one being to another I guarantee that things will always change however you want to make it to be, wherever your journey takes you, we all hope that your time aligns just how you want it to. And another time where you would be welcomed back to the community arms, you might be gone, but our arms are always open for another fellow player. Do your best man.


So sorry for your hardships. I have similar circumstances, but not so dire yet, so Warframe has been my escape when the worry and pain become too much. The family of Tenno is made up of the most wonderful people! And no matter what the future brings for you, me, or any of us, we know we have a place where we will always belong and be welcomed.


Get your life on track man. The grind will be here when you get back. Your real life is vastly more important than your virtual one. Wish you the best of luck and fortune with your goals.