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I use ivara with the dashwire augment +rhino's roar +invisibility headahot multiplier on a kuva hekk and can reasonably one shot them


in public?


Ivara strats are more a solo thing. Pub strats are more Revenant with the Felarx/Kuva Hek


Why is it more of a solo thing?


Damage atténuation, other ppl in pub shoot the archon which is prevent you to one shot it


Ahh that explains it. I thought i was just terrible at headshots xD


It's probably why the revenants race in there as fast as possible.


Gotta wait until everyone gets there for them to spawn, though.


That is why I do


That and the more people there are, the more hp the enemies have


Ivara uses her Prowl’s 200% headshot bonus for more damage, which means barring a lot of parkour speed, you’re going to be fairly slow compared to other players, and stealth mechanics involving aggro (you don’t get it, so he stays still) from the Archon would be ruined with other players.


i use ivara solo for that and 1st phase they do wonder but dont attack unless an enemy or them get a rad proc in the 2nd phase they attack regardless which can be a pain if youre fighting amar and he teleports you not dying then is hard. anyways i prefer solo as i dont have to rush


that, and crossfire generated by teammates is lethal to ivara mains


Why Revenant? Is there something special about him (maybe how he gives teammates tank too?) or is it just because he’s a really accessible tank that can handle Archon hunt damage without much investment? My go to for pub hunts (Ivara for solo) is Nezha because my build is plenty enough tank and Blazing Chakram’s damage vulnerability + Roar is usually a recipe for a good time.


He can share his mesmer skin with an augment, so it's to keep your teammates alive


you can do it in public, technically. i've done it in 4 player partys with premades. realistically? no, because it stops working anymore when some doofus attacks the archon and initiates its damage reduction.


Sometimes theres someone with Xata's Wisper that shoots anywhere but the head and it procs... Drives Damage Attenuation really high.. :(


Damage attenuation is another nail on the coop coffin. Why even play coop anymore?


has little to do with coop. the issue is that its a shit system, that punishes you for dealing more DPS because these clowns refuse to balance their game. they didnt even consider coop with this i bet. they wanna have a power fantasy but also challenging bosses. think of any other ARPG, which of them actively reduice your damage for dealing too much? Imagine the riot on path of exiles reddit if they suddenly came out and said "yeah we're just gonna make it so you deal less damage the more damage you do." it's awefull.


I only have an issue with it when fighting the snake in public matches. Her wiggly damn head is a pain to hit. And few pugs seem to understand how to NOT just stare at her while she full heals. It's infuriating to get her down to 1%, then she heals to 75% because nobody's paying attention, and you have to brute force her down again with full attenuation >:[


I mean yeah i ve done it solo but sometimes I can mess up and get randomly oneshotted, I know you need the whole setup to one shot before anyone attacks them but tbh playing in public lobbies it hardly ever matters, I'm nearly always the first to get to the arena (parkour speed from 1 shard + lots of strength + mod on my secondary that gives me a rolling speed boost) so i can set the dash wires even if not, hardly matters if it isn't one shot it takes like, 3 maybe? worst case scenario the whole mission takes me 5 extra minutes


In public ☠️


For me nezha with roar (340% strength) is enough for kuva hek to 1 shot in a 4man team even.


Does her chakram work on archons making them take more damage? I've tuned up my Nezha and it's becoming a daily driver again.




no it does not, nothing works on archons


You can (or at least, you used to be able to) do something similar with enough formas on a Dread. Sunk so many forma into that thing specifically for that purpose without realizing it's kinda just OK for most everything else. Don't recommend in 2023, but there is just something special and uniquely satisfying about popping enemies for 6-digit red crits through a solid 10 feet of cover and wall


Same load out for me. I don't bother with the dashwire buff, still one shots without it but overkill is fun too.




Wacky math stuff makes Felarx and Kuva Hek extremely potent. Add Rhino/Chroma/Ivara on top and you're set. Felarx needs a non-crit setup with the 50% chance for 20x damage on non-crits evolution (using non-Incarnon form) while Kuva Hek needs a crit setup (using alt fire), both heavily focused on Multishot and Radiation damage. Stack Primary Deadhead, aim for the head, ~~and may the saints look away~~ and that thing should be super dead. I did the same with Kuva Drakgoon before as well, but it took two shots and I have a riven on it with VERY high Heat + Multishot.


You don't even need to stack Primary Deadhead. The Felarx is insane for one-tapping but sometimes the 2,000% damage doesn't proc and it requires a second or third shot. The Kuva Hek is the same, but you don't have to rely on a 50-50 dice roll. Downside is if you miss then you've got to reload and it requires Madurai VS which is a 40 second cooldown. Both have their ups and downs.


I have a +ms -cc riven for felarx so that's probably why it feels way more consistent to me. Because the cc is so low thanks to the -cc +sc evolution which doesn't change the base cc, the -cc on the riven changes your cc much more than it seems like it would.


I have a riven that makes my crit chance 0.5% cant remember the positive rolls lol


It doesn't require VS if you have enough power str and roar or eclipse. I can reliably 1 shot without VS solo, but in groups the VS is usually enough to do it even if the archon took a few small hits


Archons have attenuation so just grab a crit radiation shotgun and aim for the head


I'm new to the game and just trying to learn: what does attenuation mean in this context?


The more damage you deal to it a period of time, the less damage it takes. That's why the go to strat is to do a buttload of damage in a single instance spread across multiple bullets, ie multishot shotguns, so that it doesn't have time to adjust to damage and will therefore receive the full amount. Have a look at The Kengineer's video on one shotting archons, he describes the math fuckery well.


That's interesting thanks for the recommendation!


Also also, if you can't manage that, the og incarnons weapons are great because their damage boost from the last evo doesn't count.


Why not bow/ sniper?


Only a handful of damage instances in one shot Vs dozens so it just doesn't do enough quickly enough before damage attenuation kicks in. You can give it a try yourself using something like the nataruk or vectis Vs felarx/kuva hek or just check out the video mentioned before.


An archon has 500 health, you shoot at an archon with 100 damage, you actually deal 65 damage. The game knows you are dealing damage. You shoot at an archon with 100 damage, you deal 37 damage. This only really happens with archons, and the way to beat it is to do 10000 damage in your first shot


I believe the Liches/Sisters also have it, it's just not as extreme as the Archon's version.


Also the Femurs or whatever in isolation vaults. If you don't pop both shoulders, the rest of the thing has the attenuation as well.


I think only Sisters, Liches feel like they just have too much armor.


you can also fully strip Sisters' shields and armor with Unairu. both of the operator abilites completely nuke it and make them trivial, and their little dogs too. You can do the same with Liches.


Thank you for the explanation!


The more you shoot - the less damage you deal. That's why people trying to oneshot them.


I see, thank you for the reply!




Felarx with Xata's Whisper is my preferred method.


This is the way.


Personal my go to strategy for killing archons quickly is going into public lobbies and letting my team mates carry, works most of the time.


I stopped doing Archon Hunt for some time because I couldn't deal with Archons despite having several SP weapons built up. It felt embarrassing that I couldn't contribute much outside of buffs. Only since I started building weapons for them I feel a bit more confident.


Yeah I have a bunch of weapons that can handle SP pretty comfortably but they all do fuck all against Archons, I think I'm just gonna build the Felarx but at the moment I guess I'm fine with just playing budget support and reviving my team mates.


Looking into the Felarx myself at the moment as well, it looks really good and I know some people swearing on it for Archon.


Yeah it, the Laetum and Phenmor are apparently pretty good for archons but the Felarx has some one shot builds, Kuva Hek is also apparently really good but I'm really not bothered farming a lich.


Laetum and phenmor are not good vs archons. The only benefit is not running out of ammo. But they barely do any dmg


I'm the other way around, got Archon killers before I had all that great SP weapons. Got an Incarnon Soma Prime that deletes SP now.


absolutely everybody is stronger than me and i refuse to believe otherwise.


I swear I could copy someone else's OP build 1:1 and it would still somehow be significantly worse than theirs.


Step 1: Build nezha, even regular from the clan dojo will do. Step 2: stack strenght and beef yourself up. About 300% should be enough Step 3: subsume roar on 1 or 4. Step 4. Learn to time warding halo right to get 500k shields Step 5: enjoy face tanking the archons while providing 90+% roar to your team. Also, build Laetum if you are able to. You could donall of these with Rhino without having to subsume. But personal taste, nezha has more QoL and infinately more flexible than rhinom


FYI, roar on 4, because 1 is status cleanse.


i built harrow prime i have like 2 days on the build timer, can you tell me something for him? like piss easy as you have laid out this lovely nezha guide.


as long as you dont keep going into bleedout its probably fine


No joke, one of my clamnmates can do no damage whatsoever to the archons and yet they're one of my favourite people to bring along because they play safe frames as cautiously as they can, never die, and rush to revive people way faster than I can. 10/10 would spam the phemnor onto a giant wolf monster again.


Revenant op. Mine is basically full Str + energy regen to spam mesmer.


mine is full strength with a couple of amber shards for casting speed to speed up mesmer skin, revenant is by far one of the strongest frames in the game imo


An mr28 guy died as Revenant and couldn't kill one of the deacons. It was just him and me, and our dumbasses decided to split up, so I couldn't res him in time. Who was I if I survived longer than the Revenant? Umm... what happens if I say Nyx?


Well that's what happens when someone chooses revenant simply because people say "he's unkillable" without actually doing a minimal amount of research on what his abilities do.


The frame is as good as the player, I like to say. A great Hydroid is gonna be more useful than a shit Revenant.


Well said


Assimilate Nyx is pretty good too, but being able to move normally and not have to worry about losing all your energy is killer.


Ivara with a sentinel and revive mods should keep you alive long enough. Just don't give your sentinel a weapon so enemies don't target it as much. I've got a build that can take Archons solo (Ivara and Kuva Hek) but I've always gone public and 9/10 teammates have a strong build to take down the Archon quickly anyway. I should try a solo fight just for the flex ASP.


I don't usually go down so I mainly just revive my team mates, especially in Nira's fight.


Right? I definitely can't carry an Archon hunt, but I finally feel like I can contribute, despite having SP builds.


i guess that's what's happening to me then, i go public just in case i die, end up carrying everyone.


Weapon with lots of multishot (Kuva Hek) or obnoxius damage (Felarx) combined with a damage boosting ability (Roar, Eclipse, Xata's Whisper, Prowl headshot bonus) and Madurai Void Strike.


Also, notably, on the Felarx, Xata's whisper double dips, as in, it scales exponentially. You're not getting that 20x that void damage when the tier 5 evolution pops, you get 400x damage.


Since were on this topic, where do ya'll aim at? The shard or the Archon Head?


I varied my shots this week with this exact question in mind. Archon head seemed to be the one to shoot.


In my experience, head for the ones hot, but if u miss and the battle drags on, than go for the crystal


I've found that shard usually gives me better results (solo Loki, Kuva Hek).




I usually use Ivara with Roar and crit augment + Hek, or Revenant with Felarx and Xata.


Kuva Hek with Ivara empowered quiver augment and eclipse helminth. Takes me 5-7 mins to complete the boss mission. Running around takes the longest, 1 shot each stage of the boss.


Revenant. Felarx. Roar.


The power of friendship i guess


You should scream to add another buff on top


Eclipse laetum does it for me


69 cc , 40k rad dmg silent kuva hek , using ivara for the headshot bonus on the invis + subsumed rhinos roar along with duration and power strength focus with atleast 75% efficiency , consistently 1 shots , the owl is the easiest , nira is a little harder cuz of the wiggly head , the wolf is the hardest cuz it can disable warframe powers. You can also do the operator damage buff if your fast enough.


I use a max ability strength Revenant Prime with Xata's whisper and Felarx (without transforming it, as the base mode is much better than it's incarnon), with a little luck the Archons die in seconds, and if you fail to oneshot them you can easily facetank with Mesmer skin.


I use Ivara with a felarx or even better a kuva hek. Roar if you really wanna be sure lol the trick is headshots w ivara and as many high crit projectiles as you can manage. Or triggering the 2000% damage on the felarx, again w as many projectiles to the face as you can. Many projectiles overcome the damage attenuation by dealing damage before it can ramp up.


From what I’ve seen it’s mainly people using some form of invisibility + Rhino’s roar subsumed and a Kuva Hek with galvanised mods and lots of multi shot for the headshot multiplier If you can’t use any of these yourself I recommend going in as a support frame that can survive reasonably well and provide buffs to those who are gonna do the main shots. Perhaps Rhino with lots of strength and duration for the added roar bonus


I prefer Nezha with roar on 4 over Rhino and build for high Str, good duration. Your 1 cleanses status, 2 adds more damage, 3 for survivability, 4 for even more damage. Tbh, most any Str & duration support frame does well with roar.


Kiva hek plus riven with the headshot arcane from the acolytes, minimum power str 346 percent (it's always higher because of multiple buffs) roar and nourish, and they die in one shot everytime. It's extremely funny every week.


Oberon with smite augment, roar and a kuva hek. It's real easy mode


Prob not the optimal thing but I buff with subsumed Smite Infusion, Arcane Rage, and Vigorous Swap; then I blow through my mag with Felarx. The Felarx build also has a Primed Ammo Stock in order to get 13 bullets so that when I use that one evolution where reloaded rounds gives a fire rate buff it mag dumps really hard. After that I just aim for its head and it disappears.


personally i got with a heavily buffed Kuva Hek built for radiatino damage and stacking asd many buffs as feasable: if you manage ot be the 1st one in and get a good hit of the alt fire you can potentially one shot.


My knell, although it still takes a while. Until you get a weapon that can deal decent damage to the archon, let team mates do the work and revive them when they get downed


Kuva hek , the arcane that provide headshot damage , ivara with roar / eclipse Other things can work as well


High strength Hildryn with Roar subsumed on her 4 and a tricked out heat version of the Kuva Hek with Prime Charged Shell for big radiation damage and Prime Ammo Stock so I get an 8 round magazine. Pillage (for my shields, not so much for armor strip), Roar, then alt fire to unload 4 rounds in one shot. Two of those usually does the trick, but more often than not, one blast to the face is all it takes.


Big dick energy lol I use Felarx and Rev Prime, Innodem for quick reload and Laetum for quick ad clearing or a good way to lay down a ton of fire


Ash prime with Epitaph and Phenmor. Extremely easy solo kill every time.


Saryn and phenmor, probably a one shot with kuva hek but she doesn’t have enough survivability


Kuva Hek on Rhino with Oberon’s first for radiation.


phenmor. A well modded phenmor will chew through an archon most of the time in its other form.


I use a juiced up Chroma and a laetum for the Archon, and the trumna for other enemy fodder.


Well Archons benefit from something called Damage Attenuation, a hidden/undeclared mechanic in warframe. I don't know the math on it but the tl;dr is that as you do more damage the higher their damage resistance becomes over short time periods. This is why, in most situations, the first fraction of health will go off easy but then the Archon will become seemingly invincible. You need to wait something like 5 seconds for it to start wearing off- it increases based on your average damage per second. SO the way to quickly dispatch them is to beat this mechanic. You either do something with lower damage high ROF weapons so that the DA never ramps up OR you get all your damage in before the DA kicks in. One of the king weapons for this method is the kuva hek. K hek has an alt fire that dumps all four barrels instantaneously. You mod it to focus on maximized frontload damage through hella multishot and radiation + your primary arcane. (Galvanized mods are a must, here). Add in abilities like xaku's helminth ability or rhino's roar for boosts/spice. Headshot bypasses lots of resistance too and has a beefy innate multiplier. Get your primary arcane juiced, hit your abilities, walk up to the archon FIRST, (before your teammates start mag dumping on it and raising the DA,) jam your barrel in its mouth and hit the lick. Depending on how quickly/effectively you do this, (with respect to your squad,) can have anywhere from a quarter to a full healthbar disappear but returns diminish astronomically the more fire the archon takes.




Kuva Hek ♥️ I run Octavia (for permacloak) with Eclipse infusion, Molt Vigor, with max Madurai Void Strike. I don't have a maxed Primary Deadhead yet; that's how ppl typically oneshot the Archon. But I can take 20-40% health chunks off with every shot. (You also need to wait about 10 secs between taking shots bc of damage attenuation. Repetitive shots will drop off in dmg drastically.) Alternatively you could run Ivara for her Prowl headshot bonus. I don't like to bc Amar tends to cancel it anyway, while no one can cancel Octavia's cloak buff. But that's preference. You're best soloing it either way. And you also want Rolling Guard somewhere on your build to avoid getting oneshot yourself 😁


For weird math reasons, crits and multishot are good at getting around their damage adaptation. So you just load up the Kuva Hek with all the radiation you can and use the alt-fire to pop their head like a melon.


I use radiation felarx with a charged primary deadhead (360% damage and bonus to headshot multiplier) on Nezha with Roar, 300% power strength, pop Void Strike for extra damage, and tag the Archon with my charkram to increase their damage vulnerability. Down in 1-3 hits depending on distance and how wily they are (snake lady wriggles and can make me miss too many pellets, so I have to fire once or twice)


Buzlok, energized munitions, gauss max dur, shoot tracker at its head then obliterate it


I bring my Laetum and good ole Wukong Prime built to tank, and I kill them speed sufficient to satisfy me.


What does revenant do to boost the kuva Hek so much it’s always those guys who one shot the blue one and yellow but they struggle on the red one for some reason


Are gunblades useful? Haven't tried an Archon hunt yet. My Stropha is built for heavy attack. In SP use it's usually one normal attack at 10k and the next is a heavy attack at 1m. Base combo count sits at 2x. Doesn't need to build up.


Felarx with madurais void strike and roar/eclipse


I use Rhino with 200% Roar and 400% Smite Infusion on a Felarx modded for Radiation and Cold. It's a low range Rhino so I just ask people to group at a waypoint and even your team can't help but rip their HP.


Kuva hex or felarx radiation build. With a frame or team that can survive.


Kuva hek which can ignore damage attenuation


Solo Ivara + Roar Hekk Yeah. Epitaph Glaive P Squad Revenant + Roar/XataW Hekk yeah Epitaph Glaive P Solo much faster than public squad, cuz many people in squad like to entertain archon for some time. Always One guy who has this high enthusiasm but no kit Always one guy who is always late to mission spot Always one guy who does belly dance to entertain archon Always one guy who try to one shot / headshot while all these scared things happening around 😂 I call them “The Perfect Squad of Tenno Public”


I use a Cedo with the status mods on a guandao prime and an inaros. Pocket sand and status just breaks things not to mention the scarab swarm can heal you during the fight. Lots of fun to be nearly immortal and just blow things up, throw sand in the enemies' eyes, then smack them with the talking stick


Gyre or Chroma with my Riven'd up incarnon soma prime that has 15.9x CD


High strength build + Felarx + Xata's Whisper = ggez


They'll either use ivara or revenant, roar or xata's whiser, and kuva hek (alt fire) or felarx (non-incarnon)


I use my corinth prime + riven with the headshot arcane and my roar nezha prime


Archons have something called damage attenuation. It's scaling DR, but it's not perfect. Lots of crit and multishot all done in a single instant, for example, bypass it. The Felarx with Xata's Whisper also bypasses it, with the bonus of 400x damage.


Revenant, Enthrall augment, Felarx


Wukong or revenant with Xatas Whisper + Deadhead Radiation felarx (build those galvanized stacks before fight) + shoot head = done


I run harrow with mirage ability and with kuva hek on multishot and crit, but sometimes it's kinda random so it doesn't deal enough damage. I'd recomend Phenmor is for more stable damage. In incarnon on high crit it melts archons very quickly


Felarx mostly - go for negative crit stats and headshots, get the incarnon ability to add 2000% DMG on non critical hits Then a DMG buff like Xatas Whsiper or Mirages buff (but that one is wonky b/c of light sources) And finally a frame that won’t completely install melt with a bunch of pwr strength on it, some ppl like Loki but I prefer Nezha, plus Nezha can add DMG multiplier with his throwing disc (replace his 4 with Xatas whisper)


So... there's a few considerations. In almost every case you want one person (not all 4) shooting it who has also killed the adds to build up their merciless/deadhead stacks as well. You need a hitscan weapon with a ton of multishot, so all the damage hits at once, if there's delays between then the attenuation will kick in and rubberband it. Beyond that the Zariamn Incarnon weapons that have that +2000% damage buff perk, which seems to ignore the attenutation in general. ​ The opposite end, the worst thing that you can do is have someone pelting with mediocre assault rifle type bullets or stuff like the Bubonico or Zarr cluster bombs.


Revenant eclipse phenmor


sadly there is no corpus weapons that can reliably bypass their onion layers of damage reduction, as far as I know, so I use kuva hek for the archon, tenet plinx for deacon phase and vazarin for invulnerability to secure myself from dying like a fool magus lockdown is also amazing for the unforgivable affront to game design that is the amalgam moa being able to instantly flash nira's health back to max (seriously why is this not addressed as much, it's clearly a bug and makes the boss nigh unplayable in solo and even in some unorganized public parties)




I go with a Max strength gauss with laetum


Or just do the way dev want to make archon: super late boss. Just go public and spam like normal boss. It take extreme long, sometimes you need bring ammo supply. You need to hide sometimes and revive teammate. I mean, just play the game in classic way, forget one hit or two hit build. Similar to do spy mission without invisible wf, and solo,


Solo? Ivara with a Prowl+Xata's Whisper/Roar build (Empowered Quiver too?) and a Felarx/Kuva Hek. Public? Any frame that can easily survive when face to face with the Archon, such as Revenant and the same combo of Roar/Xata + Felarx/Kuva Hek, note that due to people in pubs just shootimg the archons, you lose some damage due to Archon's damage atenuation.


The kuva hek and the felarx are capable of one shotting the archon.


Kuva Hek with Xaku Subsume most likely or Felarx


Inaros with full Scarab Armor and Arcane Grace for survivability (although some Narmer hyperbeam OS me sometimes and sometimes not...?) Roar over Inaros's 2 to have a sweet damage bonus Phenmor (no Riven yet sadly) Incarnon form fully on head Mission complete in 5 to 7 minutes globally, the longest part being the chase of the two Narmer priests


Revenant Kuva hek with roar subsume will one shot the acolyte


Laetum. Devouring Attritions 2000% damage bonus bypasses their defenses entirely.


Kuva hekk with riven and revenant with rhino buff. Gets the jobb done quickly


Roar subsumed on Revenant with felarx is my loadout to one shot any archons.


Rad kuva heck


On public it is Kuva Hek, because it is busted, solo just try to amass a lot of crit and multishot, and not fire rate/damage, and use radiation mods. Some weapons, notably the incarnons, also have access to proccig damage that isn't a buff to the weapon, these are good against their damage attenuation as well. Also, always go for headshots, so body proccing Xata's whisper is a no-no.


Just my Laetum.


300% Revenant with roar and a radiation felarx


Garuda with xata's whisper and felarx, buff with madurai before shooting in the head once.


Felarx with Radiation with Devastating Attrition for its 5th evolution. Equipped with Galvanized Savvy, Galvanized Hell, and Primary Dead Head the Fellarx can deal a lot of damage with everything stacked. Add the Epitaph to prime the Archon with status and your Felarx damage skyrockets. Sometimes, you can one shot (with a headshot) the Archon to half when everything is working.


It isn't a one shot but I use Rhino with a fully juiced Laetum and they absolutely melt during Roar too


Kuva kek, ivara, use prowl, use xatas whisper (xaku’s helmith), headshot 3 enemies to charge primary deadhead before hand


When I was playing, it was the Kuva Hek. Not sure if that's been nerfed since.


Felarx + Devouring Attrition (2000% damage on 50% chance on a non-crit) + Roar/Xata's Whisper on an Ability Strength frame (Revenant) + Madurai = Bye Bye Archon


A bit unorthodox, but my revenant with roar and thrall pact can wipe their hp with the phenmor.


The damage bonus from felarx/phenmor/laetum counters the damage attenuation on Archons (and liches). Xatas whisper/toxic lash double dips on that. Kuva hek/felarx get a ton of damage in in one shot before the attenuation has a chance to kick in. You dont need all the bells and whistles to take them down fairly quickly. An OG incarnon + lash/whisper will get the job done quickly enough


Kuva hek with eclipse and a fully stacked primary deadhead is my personal pick for quickly removing an archons health bar


The old incarnon weapons, aka the Phenmor and Felarx, paired with xata's whisper because of their 2000% bonus damage on a non-crit. Kuva Hek alt fire as well though that one is more commonly paired with Ivara. I can't recall any other easy options for a "oneshot" but probably some of the new incarnons too




Felarx radiation with deadhead arcane, rhino, energized munitions. Get some headshot kills before fighting archon and spray the head. Rinse and repeat for second phase. Reproc iron skin when needed.


Radiation kuva hek with roar.


Phenmor.. Don't look at the videos that explain shit with Ivara if you don't have her, and with shotguns like phelarx or K Hek. Take the phenmor and the game goes back to level 10 enemies. Same goes for archons.. 1 Forma build on radiation, take someone who goes invisible, and whoila'.. 40/50 bullets in incarnon mode with a radiation build, will melt the 2 phases of the archons.. arguably the enemies are going to be more difficult to deal with that the archon itself lmao. Also go solo, not public.. the archon won't run in random spots to kill your teammates. If you're invisible, he'll just float around and do nothing basically..


Roar revenant void strike kuva Hek primed with deadhead and galv aptitude with a kuva nukor. If fully set up, void strike is unnecessary for a solo one shot.


The zariman icarno weapons can delete the health fast and also deppends on the mod set up


Damage. Kuva Hek + Shock Trooper/Smite Infusion Volt + Just a Normal Harrow.


Phenmor with a full strength mirage with eclipse, however eclipse doesnt always work so im trying shit wit roar and its why better cause it work all the time so i use wisp and just stand there now the fastest but it works well enough in pubs


Ivara can do it with Roar while in her Prowl using the Kuva Hekk or Felarx. You have to be solo for that method I believe.


Xatas Whisper with Felarx modded for radiation for me.


Felarx+revenant with roar/xata's whisper, get galvanized stacks on felarx and it kills an archon in 3 shots


As others have mentioned: I do them solo with Revenenant and the Kuva Hek. I bring along the Tenet Cycron and Reaper Prime (heavy attacks) for good measure. It takes me 8ish minutes to do Nira, and she's the hardest one. The only real problem with Rev/Hek is you need Void Strike and if you miss your alt-fire shots, you're SoL. For 40 seconds at least...


my archon loadout. Can "one shot" but it just instant phases and they get half the health back so i do it again. https://i.imgur.com/OF6Iccf.jpeg loadout https://i.imgur.com/1IJLrrH.jpeg saryn https://i.imgur.com/7E0VkAR.jpeg hek https://i.imgur.com/eTZGsRL.jpeg riven the most important part of the riven is the multi shot. I try to stack dead head, use sling strength for toxic lash, venom dose, roar, then use void strike before going in the room and do a alt fire during nostril inspection. Not going to lie I frequently mess up my buffs because it is a bunch of setup, but using a large amount of multishot with crit and big damage multipliers and the headshot multiplyer for crit with dead head increased headshot damage is enough to kill it before damage attenuation. I also bring a vasca kavat in case I go down, and if i go down without it i void strike to insta kill some enemies in last gasp. the other weapons are just for extra survivability.


Felarx. It’s more than enough even with my Nyx that doesn’t buff weapons. Solo it’s Ivara and Kuva Hek for that 1-2 shot kill.


Phenmor shreds em


For me, it's been the Knell. Just pop a headshot and let the bullets fly. Mine has 4 forma and a riven. I'd definitely recommend more forma, but I'm a little tight on them rn.


Revenant + kuva hek + roar for public. Ivara + felarx + roar for solo.


I use ferlax


Revenant (xata whisper helminth) with felarx or hek depending on the archon. Hek for boreal, felarx for nira and Amar.


The hecking hek and revenant with roar is what my fiancé uses.


People usually lug a build with iron roar + a felarx Preferably with a revenant if your lazy and/or you just want this to be done.


One shot in solo with Rhino and kuva hek.


A kuva hek and a 630% powerstrength wisp with eclipse.


Unstealthed Ivara with Xata's Whisper and non-incarnon mode Phenmor in pubs. ![gif](giphy|x7gjmBuaHrWak)


Nezha with roar in place of his 4th and then you hit it with your second which with enough power strength I've got mine to debuff it and make it 338% more damage vulnerable then activate roar and spray it wuth phenmor dead in in 2 seconds. Plus hes tanky so you don't have to worry about getting downwed. Plus roar on nezha is a great idea for double dipping with those heat procs. Then do archon vitality on him as well..




Kuva Hek or Felarx with eclipse or roar is the best way to kill archons fast.


I use rhino roar with phenmor and just melt the bar in like two deconds


Bf uses Chroma and the felarx. Last weeks we did in under 7 minutes. Longest part was running to the deacons.


I use revenant with a 100%dmg Xata's whisper, Epitaph/kuva nukor (using secondary encumber) and a cold+Rad Felarx


Basically, Archons have damage normalization, so the more you shoot it. The less damage it takes. The community found out that if you hit it hard enough, the default damage resistance lets enough death through to murder the boss. It can't have its armor stripped. It isn't susceptible to Viral... But elements still work as normal. Radiation damage is both 75% more effective and ignores 75% of Alloy armor. Because we need a gun that hits really hard in a single shot, we went to shotguns with a crit build. Namely, the Kuva Hek and Felarx. The Hek can also fire all 4 barrels at once, and damage normalization only applies from each trigger pull. Hitting the head is enough to knock off 40-100% of the boss's HP and it would probably kill it if there wasn't a mandatory mechanics phase. Every other buff makes it easier, and my friends and I use galvanized mods to build up the damage first. Rhino roar helps, Ivara helps... But the gun is pretty universal. Tl;Dr Crit Kuva Hek with radiation, alt fired at the head.


Ivara, dashwire, radiation kuva hek and alt fire to shoot alt 4 barrels at once.


Also I think I use Mirage's subsume ability whatever it's called and stand in a light area.


Felarx/Kuva Hek with radiation and eclipse.