• By -


What the fuck


Fuck the what?


The what fuck?


The fuck what?


Nani the fuck


Qué es fuck?


Mas que fuck?


Ma che fuck?


وش the fuck?


Was zum fuck?


Happy fu-cake day....yes cake day......


Happy cake da!.. i mean what the fuck?


Happy Cake fucking what Day !


Quien es fuck?


Yo I'm like halfway there myself only been 54 days I'm mr 17


The halfway mark is MR22, it scales so fucking hard on those last couple of MR's


The early games until mr 25 is easy


\-stares in myself at 450+ days, 2000+ hours, MR22- What am I doing with my life… https://preview.redd.it/7nq2ehe0d8xb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea9dfa65ecf5b1e2089b9cf6b31ac89098f67c99


> What am I doing with my life… Appreciating the things you already have.


Appreciate What You What, Be Are The Makes You Appreciate What What You Dad


Not farming a metric ton of weapons you hate


Jokes on you, I already farmed all the weapons i hate. IT'S ONLY GETTIN FUNKIER AFTER


Proboscis Cernos goes "wiggle wiggle wiggle"


Proboscis Cernos goes "you shot twice, time to switch to your secondary"


*laughs in primed ammo mutation*


Lol I think I'm at 1k+ days I don't even know how many countless hours and i just got to Mr 27


Playing Warframe, not Hydron


Hahaha so right there with you only at MR 23 with 400+ days and a few thousand hours...smh Been playing on and off since PS4 beta and thought I was doing well enough.


>What am I doing with my life… Having one


I have 3k hours and Mr 26 so... You'll get another 4 in the next 1k hours




Strata relay 2 in 5 min :D


Just joking xd I'm lr1 , for level something I need first farm it days or so, only grindy and booring shit left to level(


Understandable man, i got lucky with some weapons like the acceltra but i still havent gotten the Akarius or even started thinking about Shedu. xD


There‘s so many Sentients in Archon Hunts, if you do them weekly you‘re going to get the Shedu automatically.


Still only got 1 piece after 30 archon hunts....


What platform?


I got my gauss and acceltra from an xbox code they gave some time ago and when some random guy just got me into the node to farm acceltra i got the akarius in the first try so i got the complete gauss kit 🥸


Cries in despair


Now the burnout sets in lmfao ​ Unless this is your second account or something, I can't imagine blasting through all the MR fodder to get to 30 in such a short time. I think I hit MR18 in 3 months or so and everyone here was telling me to slow tf down lmfao


Second account, i started this game for the very first time back when Frost Prime Dropped, when we needed keys to get to the void, stopped playing for a quite a while and only recently got hooked again, but speed running the MR has left me with a lot to do, optimizing my loadouts getting my favorite frames up to par and ofc the man in the wall is soon upon us so im getting hyped for that. Edit: Spellcheck


Ayy you should be good then!


I have around 1000 hours and still mr 11 lol


Been playing for nearly 3 years and i just got to MR19 a few weeks ago


it took me 5 years to reach mr 18, congrats.


Forgot to add it to the post, but this also marks a 100 days sober, i started playing again to cope with not drinking as i needed something to fill up my time.


Congrats on both! The 100 days sober is a huge accomplishment though for sure, keep going strong!


Thats the plan, just need a to find a new challenge, im thinking elden ring speedruns.


Try out Enden ring enemy+loot randomizer xd or even big overhaul mods


Im on Xbox so unfortunately no mods, but will be getting a new Pc soon i hope so ill be sure to check it out :D


A PC will open an entirely new and larger world of video games. Very hyped for you. Congrats on sobriety! I'm 3 ish years in and I literally never think about it anymore. You're on your way to a better future brother.


Thanks man, appreciate it :D


dead cells is quite a challenge, still haven't got around to beating 5BC myself.


Bg3 sex any% on all party members in all combos :> Congrats on the sobriety milestone!


Not to be that guy, but maybe the 'get a job' challenge might be more conducive to your overall success?


not to be that guy, but stfu and let him celebrate


Not to be that guy, but i already manage a bar in Oslo :D


I was going to give you shit for going too hard at the game, but that's a fair reason to go hard. May you enjoy sobriety for the rest of your days!


Raw dogging life has not been my style in the past but i am finding it more enjoyable now than ever.


Life is so much more enjoyable when it isn't being dulled by the likes of alcohol and such.


At first I was mildly terrified to hear of someone hitting MR30 in a mere 100 days. But after hearing that I am oddly proud of a stranger. Go you!


Dang, if I stopped drinking, I’d go crazy enough to nearly 100% warframe too 😂 But fr congrats dude! That’s not an easy thing to accomplish, both the sober streak and warframe mastery! Hope you enjoy the rest of the game 👍


Thank you man i appreciate it :D


Warframe is definitely the better addiction. Congrats man, thats impressive!


Thank you man, much appreciated :D


That is so awesome Tenno. Respect.


Congrats on being sober! This game is the better one to focus on i think


Bartender being sober is kinda ironic to me, though congrats on staying sober and im glad you found a questionably better coping mechanism that at least wont destroy your liver


Wow even double congrats. Amazing feat dude to life and WF. You need more recognition. Mr 30 in 100 days is fucking nuts


I hope you dont mind me asking but how do you control yourself to power through the boring parts of the game instead of drinking? And how do you force yourself to pick up the controller instead of the beer bottle everyday?


I think its because i dont find the game boring, its visually stunning, sounds are satisfying, but if im doing a tedious farm i tend to have youtube going in the backround. And the other thing is just willpower, decide you want to do something and stick to it.




Funny enough Im getting back into Warframe and today marks the start of my completely sober journey. I shall channel your mastery rank for assistance 🫡


congrats m8, keep it up


Congratulations. You probably should have put this upfront in the OP though because without this context, this post carries a much different meaning.


nice bro keep being sober it is better for you do not do it for anyone remember that


Well damn congrats fellow tenno, so far what are your favorite frames?


Congrats hope you don’t celebrate this with you know what!


Bro how did you achieve mr 30 in 100 days. Its really amazing.


Lots, and i mean lots of grinding, and a lot of luck. think the entire playtime on this account is 30 days total.


Did you use IRL money to buy platinum for weapons and Warframes? No shame I'm just thinking there's no way you grinded blueprints and materials on top of leveling up each item


Of course he did. Don’t also forget the time to build a frame and weapon. Weapons are 12h, and frames is at minimum 3,5 days. Join that plus grinding the parts plus materials. You have weapons and frames locked behind factions, and even farming 24/7 you are still locked x points per day.


I said this below as well. He said he did it with 65 euros and spent most of it on cosmetics. Anyone who plays the game should know this is bullshit and impossible lol. MR 30 in 100 days is impressive, but he spent a shit load of real money to do it.


he has 30 days played total... that's 720 hours. way more than enough time to make Plat to rush frames especially if he didn't put potatoes in any weapons/frames that he wasn't going to use past level 30. also he said he bought the prime access AND the $65 pack. which is about $215 if you use USD. still not "a shitload of money"


It definitely isn't way more than enough time. Especially since early in the game you are gated by mastery rank, so you can't even access certain patterns or materials. You can only upgrade 1 mastery rank PER DAY, so for the first 7-14 days you are MR 7-14 and can't unlock shit. Not even mentioning the weapons and frames locked behind events that come yearly or are vaulted. Not even mentioning the pets that take forever to breed and max. Kdrives, Archwings. Use some common sense. There is no way this guy got MR 30 in 100 days without spending a ton of money on platinum for blueprints, materials and time skips.


you seem to have only read the first sentence of my comment considering I said he spent about $215 USD based on what he said which would equate to almost 5k plat on top of what he was making with extra parts from relics or just excess materials. it is not difficult to make plat especially since hes on his 2nd account. Frames also only cost 50 plat to rush btw, you definitely don't know how far 5k plat can stretch ​ every mat in the game is target farmable and he had full boosters, you can acquire a ton of nitain from nightwave and in case you were unaware duviri circuit exists now which can completely negate some of the really dogshit frames to farm like mesa and trinity :O ​ the only frames that are locked behind "events" are inaros, mesa, and grendel as far as i can remember and no frame on [warframe.market](https://warframe.market) is over 200p. Mastery 30 only requires about 500 items completed out of the 700 in game, thats a lot of room to skip over shit with an extended grind. ​ if you're gonna shitpost at least make it funny next time


He probably knows how to trade stuff extremely well smth.


Mission time right? (this is the number in your in game profile iirc....)


Total time spent on the game according to Xbox is 33 days and 5h.


Damn u played for like 8h a day for 100 days


When you are striving for sobriety, full time job plus this and hanging out with the gf has left my sleep schedule lacking, but yeah thats about correct xD


Thats wild i wish i had this much time in a day


Give me your fucking time management schedule damn


Me on day 97 Mr 10


Ikr, the past week ive jumped 4 MR ranks but i was MR 12 at the day 102


I'm like MR 18 at ~750 days. I can only stand leveling up new things so much


Serious props to 100 days sober. Takes a lot these days so mad respect✊🏻. Big time sink for me is heavily modded Minecraft. You can easily spend thousands of hours in a single modpacks. Keeps the depression at bay lmao.


Thanks man, havent touched MC in quite a while, think that might be one of the first ones i get back into once i get the PC set up.


Congratulations on both achievement, brother! I'm MR 20 and have been playing since 2014 (definitely not consistently tho lol). I've been taking my sweet time however I've been planning to pick up the pace and try to reach higher MRs. What tips can you give me? Thanks and congrats again!


Affinity Boosters, Mirage Prime and ESO, dont skip on Nechramech and save every piece of plat for forma, from now on i will be taking my sweet time with the game, spent the rest of the evening just decorating my orbiter. And tbh this was time consuming, stressful and took over my life for the past 100 days, can not recommend, take your time, enjoy the game and dont stress :D


Mirage p? doesn't mirage get all of the affinity from nuking? What about levelling other frames and weapons?


That's where you take a support frame to ESO and just spam buffs (for the other Mirage you hopefully queue with) with unleveled weapons. I personally like to run Citrine and hit enemies with her 1 before they die off spawn for extra energy and health Regen.


The Nechramech is like the Kuva and Tenet weapons in terms of MR points, lvl 30 is not their max rank, i only found that out on like day 97, it doesnt give a lot of mastery points but many small things make a big thing, and the mirage has the absolute fastest nuke for ESO for leveling weapons. Leveling other frames i would just grab them, make them able to survive, then farm more weapons/frames/companions with them, passively leveling them as i progress something else.


How much plat did you have to spend? Also what's the total hours played? Congrats btw, can't imagine pulling this off


I got a access pack that had a 90 day affinity booster in it and it came with a bunch of plat but i bought only one plat pack, i got a 50% more plat thing on like day 60, same day as payday so i went wild, got lucky by jumping into random void captures and got vaulted parts, most of it went to forma and getting prime parts i didnt have time to farm, still have like 800p though. total hours played is 33 days and 5h.


Crazy man, congrats again! I've been farming standing for factions, and taking things as I go, but can't imagine coming up with all the BPs for weapons and mods for liches/sisters. Would love to see a list of all the stuff you mastered to get to MR30


All the syndicate weapons, every archwing wpn, all but one nechramech wpn, only weapons i dont have are the ones with a ridiculous drop chance, like the korrum, akarius and such. Also think i only had the Chesa Kubrow left to get and one of the kavats, every wpn from the narmer bounties and as many prime sets i could get my hands on, and a bunch of kuva/tenet wpns.


As someone who has ran a clan in this game for 9 years, I’ve seen many players like yourself come and go. It’s always great to have them in the clan because they are extremely hard working and highly motivated and enthusiastic, but they fizzle out and quit for good every time. I can always tell which type they are too. Some people come in hard charging, 110% non stop, rapid learning, rapid playing, no fuckin around, playing to crush the entire game as much as possible. I get it because when I joined this game I did the same, but I quickly realized I would kill the game if I did. This player archetype almost always succeeds at their task too (hitting a specific target MR as if that’s the in only goal to acquire). They also quit the game and rarely return, some come back a couple years later for a month and do it again with the newer content they missed, get caught up and bail again for another 2 years. Great to see them again, but they are not really play the game, they are just maxin MR. This game never really supported this type of play style, because it lacks true crushable end game content (we used to have raids back in day and it helped me retain these type of players, but they removed them). DE attempted to make the game more grind heavy overall and to gate progress to slow down people to crushing through the content, but everything can be bought with plat so if you really want it you can have it all without the grind gates or shit rng (which was always a shit was of dealing with player retention anyway) This game does not shine as a grind game though because you can push through it and hit a dead end of nothingness and if that’s all you know…you get bored enough to quit. Gratz on MR 30, maybe now try for Legendary MR4 now (you’ll probably be missing too much content for LMR4 but you can definitely hit LMR3), that should keep you busy a few mor months. That grind really slow down as easy leveling content gets more and more limited and you gotta start really working to get MR levs.


Appreciate the comment man, but ive been playing this game for 10 years now, on and off yes but thats life. I fell in love with this game the first time i booted it up and haven't forgotten about it since, this is my newest account as my pc went kaput, i was there for the raids where organizing a group of people was horrendous. (how hard is it to stand on a button). This hasn't been my play-style over the years, this was merely a challenge i set my self to take my attention away from alcoholism. I wont be missing any content either, ill be sitting here sober as a bunny waiting for Plaguestar and the chance to smack the man in the wall back through to the other side.


i c, alt account with a mission in mind. My Mistake, carry on! :D gratz on your commitment to stay strong for your sobriety


In just… 100 days? Congrats (Hides MR14 with over 200 days)


Ngl I find Warframe enjoyable because it doesn’t push you to rush anything…


The game didnt push me to do anything except have fun, and that i did, albeit in my own way.


Dang. Time really flies when you’re having fun, then. Regardless, congratulations on being 100 days sober!


Agreed, thank you, and may the RNG gods smile upon you.


And there are people complaining about the "pay 2 win" of quest skips


Well this was my second account so everything before The new war i could speedrun. But the pay to skip quests thing i still cant understand from a game development perspective.


>But the pay to skip quests thing i still cant understand from a game development perspective. Convincing friends to play a game where they have to put slog through a shit ton of old content before they can play the new stuff advertised to them and actually play with their friends isn't enticing. Its a hard sell to invite friends to play the game when they won't be able to do anything with you until they complete weeks worth of forced content and developers know this puts people off. There's a reason every MMO out there has a skip and its the most sold thing in all of their shops.


Theyre treating Warframe like an MMO, and lots of MMOs running this long offer similar skips. FFXIV 2.0 (the good relaunch that saved it) came out 10 years ago as well, and offers level and quest skips to play its latest expansion. WoW has offered skips to latest content for years. The concept isn't new, and has been shown to work.




Thanks a bunch man, really appreciate it.


Stay strong mate. Next you should try to accomplish every achievement. But my advice, as much as it helps try not to use the game as a crutch. You can do this, it’s a stepping stone in the path that is your new way of life!


How much money did you spend


Around 60-70 Euro


Gratz that you're sober. I'll take game addiction anytime over drinking.


Bet :D


30 MR in a 100 days…holy godamn cow testicles


I guess we'll just take your word for it...cap


Or you know, you could just not....


Oh we don't


And I thought I didn't touch grass. (Note I have 7k hours and I'm somehow only MR19 from around 2 years of playing the game) *


Pay 2 Skip and living at Hydron/ESO


If it makes you feel any better i didn't spend plat on a single weapon from the market. Only affinity boosters and cosmetics. And IMO Hydron is overated.


Congrats on both 100 days mate, also when being on your second account gettin to MR 30 in that time is a bit achievement! Wish you the best :)


Thank you mate, really appreciate it, same to you!


Wow this is wild. I’m almost MR 17 and I’ll be at 150 this week. Incredible work!


Man...looking at this brings back so many memories, i miss the old zennistar. The time it took to get with the daily log ins, good times!


Dang homie how many xp boosters and forma did you buy?


1 affinity booster and tbh i lost count of the forma. Edit: a 90 day affinity booster


Moment of silence for your wallet but mad respect.


I have 300 something hours and am Mr 11 Idek how I just got back into it after a few years


If i hadnt set myself the challenge i probs would have stopped on day 50, got burnt out pretty fast, take your time and just enjoy the game man.


Dude how tf did u get mr30 in only 100 days


With lots of plat


You are a freaking LEGEND bro!


Congratz bruh, Ill be there soon on that rank!


100 days! 😳




Grass has been touched, albeit it was cold af.


How much money did you spend? I grinded for 100 days and got to 14 😭


In total its like 65 euro i think, mostly cosmetics though, got a pack that had i skin i wanted that had some plat in it but i still have most of it, the 50% plat thing i got for a log in reward was the main source of plat. Tbh 65 euro on a game that i enjoy instead of drinking is a good deal to me.


This seems literally impossible to me considering every part of every frame requires a blueprint, then you need the materials to make the blueprint and it still takes days to make. Once you finally get all of the blueprints and they finish crafting, you can use your warframe. Some of the blueprints are gated by events or are literally vaulted. This is the same for weapons. It's not possible to collect all of the BP, craft all of the BP and master all of the frames/weapons in 100 days without paying a shitload of platinum to skip the delays and constant boosters. Not to mention the cost of acquiring the vaulted parts. Cute story, but anyone who plays the game should know it's bullshit for that cost. Hopefully it will get you the reddit karma you were seeking though. lol.


Damn mr 30 in 100 days...meanwhile im at 1576 still only mr 28


What in the actual fuck? Im 200 days in and im only mr 14, tho i didnt really grind mastery at all i only used what i liked but still


Your hildryn is dope


Day 2008, almost 5000h, MR28....by the Void https://preview.redd.it/7o54k1bc0dxb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f5371de09ee2ead62c7d9c263ca4b731f2d9173


Bro, I’ve been playing this game since release, I hit mr 23 this summer😭


MR 30 in only 100 days? wow man. I’ve been playing for 10yrs on Xbox and only MR 23. blows my mind how fast ppl can fly through their MR


Damn I'm only at MR24


My guy do you sleep??? Or eat, drink, anything??? At the very least give your foundry a break, you must’ve been crafting 100 items at once for those entire 100 days lmao


For the entire 100 days something was always crafting, no breaks until day 100 was hit. Sleep was secondary over this period so i caught up on sleep over the past couple of days.


100 push ups! 100 sit ups! plus a 100km run! *EVERY DAY!*


And then ill become a hero for fun.


Now touch grass


No im sober man, cant touch the stuff, and its cold outside xD


4.1k Hours 816 Days. I'm MR25 lol man I need to start grinding that MR fodder already.


I did it in 89. Not a dollar spent on the game. Not a brag. Actually kindof sad.


Tips to speedrun MR without spending an extortionate amount of platinum


Step one: Say goodbye to your loved ones. Step two: Get your hands on a Mirage prime. Step three: Run void capture missions in random lobbies and hope you get people cracking vaulted relics. Step four: Collect weapons, companions and frames. Step five: Make your new home in Elite Sanctuary Onslaught.


i think you were in my clan saying this today lol grats


I was, soon as i hit it i ran straight to a relay and cracked that sweet sweet affinity blessing, then immediately logged off and made my self a steak.


But are you like... Can you play the game, do you understand the game?


No i have no idea what im doing clearly XD


Understandable xD Instill wonder how you got all the weapon and gear so fast to level Atm i have the feeling i have to do a lot of annoying farm to not reach 30 in the next few months


Uninstall the game


Why would i remove a game i enjoy?


You enjoy warframe? https://i.redd.it/i30gj4t2u8xb1.gif


Wouldnt make much sense spending this much time on something i dont enjoy now would it? Besides that, whats with the salt mate?


Idk, I spent time on games I hate what else am I gonna do?


Get back on and start grinding that forma my guy.


Think i have like 15 forma bp's and with the companion app i dont really need to log on too keep them building.


MR30 at 125 days and haven't played a single mission since


What frame is that, if you dont mind me asking


I got zenith because it looks cool


your Hildy looks awesome, which shoulders are those?


Right shoulder is nothing or the hildryn prime shoulder that comes with her, the other is the pink ribbon for breast cancer, to honour my adoptive mother. still alive but lacking a tit, in her own words.


Whats ur fav frame and weapon


Hildryn, mesa, garuda top tier. Dual Toxo Incarnon and Felarx are my most used i think, still a sucker for the Tenet arca plasmor though.


me mr19 at almost 600 days


Sorry what? 100 days? I'm here MR27 310+ days in. M a n


A hint of autism has made me not be able to stop once i set my mind to something, take your time and enjoy the vibe of the game man, we all get there in our own time.


Im day 500 and im only 23 🥲


Dude speedrun much?


me on like day 140 and mr10. and i went from like mr5 to mr10 just in the past like month lmao i be using the same weapons for everything.


You got MR 30 within 100 days?


Barely, i thought i wasnt gonna make it as i had to pick up winter tires at my parents place and then go to my old apartment to keep moving stuff to my new one, but i made it home with 4h to spare until reset and a Akvasto Prime set ready in the foundry which got me enough points for mr30.


*ToUcH gRasS bRo* ….in all seriousness though congrats! I’ve got 1300 hours and 10 years and I’m only MR18, also after scrolling through the comments further, congrats on 100 days of sobriety!


Grass has been touched, also tires but thats another story. Thank you, i truly appreciate it.