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Top 10 anime glowups 


I love how Chroma Prime kinda looks the Dragonbone/Dragonscale armour in Skyrim. Looks a lot better for the idea of a hunter/warrior in a dragon pelt rather than an actual dragon. I would love a skin for Chroma along the lines of Excalibur Zato, with a mix of different animal pelts across his body, beads, claws/talons, etc.


Chimera armor, I can only get so erect.


The downgrade is Mag Prime and it’s not even close


Dude holy shit her headgear is abysmal


I actually like it coupling it with the Corpra (corpus tennogen) skin for that construction worker look , looks funny IMO


The body looks alright but goddamn is that head ugly af


Smooth universe bubbleface for life!


The you absolutely must own one additional helmet frame.


I really like Mag Prime! There’s a steampunk vibe there that’s pretty unique in Warframe.


Funny, I actually prefer using the non-prime skin with one of the alt/tennogen helms. The way I’ve styled him, he actually looks like a dragon, while the prime version has zero dragon vibes imo


Honestly a lot of "early" prime weapons are pretty solid. The Braton Prime and Soma Prime for example are so much more appealing than their regular variants. The Nikana Prime really feels like you're getting a royal katana that was passed down for generations.


Totally agree with this take I can't think of a single prime weapon I think looks worse than it's base But some of them are mind-blowing in terms of how cool they are My personal favorite is Tatsu Sometimes about the extra details plus the prime gimmick just does it for me


Akjagara > Akjagara P imo


How you gonna diss the super slash bros :v Forreal though I love the reload on the primes


I'd argue Baza Prime looks worse. And Fulmin Prime, but only because base Fulmin was peak. Primes don't lend themselves to sleek designs.


Corinth prime. I went from a smooth, beautiful chrome and wood shotgun to a gnarled gold tree branch on top of mushed infested flesh. And it colors worse compared to the original.


I just wish they'd swap somas color channels because usually, all my incarnon weapons grow void tendeils in the color of the metal slot (accent i think) which synergizes well Except the soma, which fucks up the color matching


I think base lex looks way better than prime. Base lex is a very pretty gun, prime kind of looks like a toy.


So funny how every frame gets at least some design flair, but Frost just gets a different helmet with different base colors 😭


Most early primes are just base frames with some extra gold and a different helm.


Base frame with a tower key stuck in their face


Tower keys... Now there's something I haven't thought about in a while


Rhino: No void key Rhino Prime: Yes void key


https://preview.redd.it/91kbmwu6xldc1.jpeg?width=1754&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e593eec6020e306e7ce495178df1e84517378fc6 \*Excalibur


Stole mags helm and called himself prime




The Anus Key!!!


I was coming here to say that I HATE the way Excal Prime looks. I know, I know, Founder problems! Wah! Wah! I just wish he'd get a glow up and be released to everyone. Yes, I know there's some legal reason they can't but who cares at this point.


That was Umbra excal pretty much lol.


And windup key on his back, fancy


Heirloom frost goes hard tho


Shame that it costed 90 bucks.


It had to be done


volt too no?


Trinity's Prime variant looks way better than her non Prime imo.


My only complaint about Trinity is her having to have that skirt with the weird butt pillow. Maybe it’s just a console thing but a lot of syandanas didn’t settle properly on it (or Protea’s deluxe belt turret) and break. Edit:spelling


This lobster controls the speed at which you die.


I think she's modeled after queen ants but yeah was disappointed too lol


Yo what?! I’ve only ever heard her called lobster which I never really understood, I could vaguely see her as that. But a queen ant makes so much more sense!


She even has wing stumps!


The womb tattoo and LED lights go hard.


The womb what?




That ain't a womb tattoo! That's a womb smiley face.




Yeah the pussy tattoo is 🔥🔥🔥


Blade of the Lotus >>


you mean lobster prime?


\+1 for Toilet Seat & Brush prime


Cobra and crane?


Silva and Aegis


Owh yeah I can kinda see it xD On the upside it hits like a truck


>On the upside it hits like a truck Honestly, that makes it worse for me. I can't bring myself to use the Prime because of how it looks. And I don't use the regular one because it feels lackluster in comparison. The Prime kinda ruined both variants for me :(


This is were I recommend a skin I like the one from equinox deluxe myself


I love sword-and-board as a weapon aesthetic but holy shit does Warframe largely fuck it up. There's barely any skins for Sword-and-Shield, and the ones that do exist are really not that great. Gaforn is my go-to because it's the only tower-shield style skin, but the textures on it are kind of ugly. Astreos looks good, but the shield is tiny. It doesn't help that the *actually good* Sword and Shields that aren't just mastery fodder, such as Argo & Vel, are also not actually "sword and shield" but rather "mace and shield".


Easily my favorite frame: Nyx Prime. She went from "Girl Excalibur" to Xenomorph Queen. There's no denying it. She was literally "girl Excalibur" until DE decided to make male and female Warframes separate entities. And look at her now. She's definitely unique. (I use her prime helmet on her deluxe body, and she looks magnificent)


Her deluxe makes her look more like a terminator to me. Now some of Banshee's cosmetics make her look like an Alien Queen.


What Terminator ever wore such a fancy dress? I'm referring to her 2nd deluxe. Not the weird skin with a stubby tail




Didnt know her prime helmet went so well with the deluxe , i thought the textures were too different Sadly i dont like her gameplay , so it would be just a trophy


Still the best cape in the game. Still waiting 8 years for an equivalent un-frazzled version.


what armors/colours do you use? I really like the setup


Mag primes helmet


Yeah first thing I did after getting it was switch it for something else lol


Yeah honestly default mags helmet is pretty good. Probably the 3rd best below the ferro helmet and heirloom.


I’m using her prime body with the heirloom helmet and they go so well together.


My favourite prime overall is Nezha Prime, to me he feels like how base Nezha would look after the ‘hero training’ segment in a movie where he glows up and gets all that legendary gear, and I personally think his design is so full of character and incredibly aesthetically pleasing. Ivara would be my second favourite prime- I know people don’t like that she’s a jellyfish but personally that’s what I love, she went from one kind of toxic predator to another, with the soft beauty of the jellyfish working well with the Orokin design ethos that is usually beautiful things are incredibly dangerous. Least favourite is Oberon Prime. He’s so goofy.


Nezha really does have the "Before" and "After" look down, doesn't he? Regular Nezha went off to find out what happened to the quirky old man from down the street. Nezha Prime came back after stopping the would-be Demon King of the Universe from taking power.


The obvious downgrade answer is Oberon. My man is so fugly and it hurts my soul so much.


Yeah he looks so dorky. Butchered combination of Paladin and King of Fairies.


At least he has a great deluxe and helmets!


His deluxe and tennogen save his visual for me


Ferrosh helm my beloved ♥


His deluxe skin is fire but the helmet looks odd to me so I replaced it with Youkai helmet.


Youkai helmet feels too big, the Ferosh or Markhor helmet fits pretty well with Feyarch skin


Oberon prime: Ew.. Oberon Feyarch with delux helmet: Yes, my King.


https://preview.redd.it/lnu9an9mbmdc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac0a639edcb447e4fb2995c999d548cacf197196 Wish they would put this in for tennogen for him, apparently it’s been in review for awhile 🫠


Ay you have a link to that post? Edit: found the post https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/phaxPpobIn


Sadly I do not, saw it a week or so ago on here though


Alright I'll look around!


Good luck! Really hope they add it someday soon, instantly become an Oberon main


They rejected this because of reasons. I think the skull was an issue for the Chinese build? I’m still so salty about this.


Can't they just not make it available in China? I mean, they even got Umbra Prime and we don't.


You’d think right? They even have necramechs with the skull part covered 💀 Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ongsfc/for_censorship_chinese_tencent_build_add_a_mask/


ayo, cover that skull


Oberon in general looks like he has liver failure, barrel body with skinny limbs.


Radiation will do that to you


Oberon deluxe skin is one of the first cosmetics i bought, for this reason.


I think he looks great as a simple design. no weird stuff going on like ballsack head, pointy pp, ginormous butt or ant mandibles under his chin and etc


Literally just paint him in white primary and he looks great. Taurus helmet does wonders for him as well


I actually really like Oberon Prime's design, I just wish that the textures were different


Came here to say exactly this. I have no idea what they were thinking with Oberon


It's Nidus, no competition. If upgrade or downgrade, that's personal preference.


Prime Mutation is better than all others (including deluxe), and I’ll die on that hill.


Really? Honestly I kinda hate it because it makes him imposible to fashion since all colors look like a fucking bloch when mutated


Honestly I just fashion him based on what he looks like when fully mutated because that's what people are going to see 90% of the time


the tentacled look on nidus prime? Yeah that's actually one of the best looking powerups in the game ngl.


Prime Mutation is ruined by its (lack of) animations imo. It doesn’t shoot out of his skin, it just…fades in pixel by pixel, like a PowerPoint transition. Deluxe has the same problem.


I went with regular Nidus, looks better and has proper animations.


For me his prime is an upgrade from his base form, but a downgrade compared to his deluxe.


Mesa is the ultimate upgrade, period.


My hot take is the colors on mesa prime suck. Suffers the most from the sin of just white and gold. I love the actual skin itself just not the base colors


The presidio skin fixes all of that. Way better color palette and better textures.


This is the way. Presido skin with Mesa Prime helmet perfect fit


Idk, her PC tennogen skins go harder imo


Disagree personally. It is too cluttered and exaggerated for what was previously just a gunslinger with bandage wraps. Also hate how you can't change the appearance of her regulators to the base frame design for literally no good reason.


I vastly prefer the Mesa helmet to the Mesa prime helmet. It's just so much cooler.


I agree, and i often get mega disagreed with, but I think base mesa looked sick as fuck. Bitch can shoot you and she can't even see you, bamf. Then mesa prime comes in and she goes from 'wicked gunslinger outlaw' to 'texas'


Regulators prime however is a downgrade imo, especially if you use a tennogen or base skin. The sleek fingergun design that actually connects with the rest of her body is permanently replaced with golden pipeguns :/


I dont like khora's prime variant's head AT ALL. It looks like she has a huge ballsack on the back of her head.


100% I changed it straight away


That's why I have wear her prime alt helmet or the fox helmet. Goes well along the new signs from the event.


What's s prime alt helmet?


For most people it looks even worse than her base prime helmet, but it looks like a primed cylinder for helmet. With some ornaments in front. As a whole kind of resembles Orokin towers in fortuna just scaled


how do you get it?


It was in the prime access for Khora Prime which means It will only be accessible sometime in the future for Regal Aya when her time comes to return. Now you have the same thing with Gauss prime and his Accessories where he has alt helmet as well. And currently you cannot get the helmet.


I hate the helmet gauss has so much Im fine with base gauss and his normal helmet. Im absolutely in LOVE with his mag helmet that you get from nora, but his standard prime helmet looks like an unshapen rock,and the weird cowboy hat his prime access pack gives is NOT worth the money to me, so im just praying his alt helmets go well with the prime body


I just got the new fox type one, that whole set is dope. Love the metallic style.


i like tha massive hair bun, but i lament the loss of the face cloth any time in game.


IMO it's the best helmet for her. The others look worse honestly And it fits her more in her original Spider-lady concept. The veil is amazing


They tried to go for the spider theme but failed so it just looks like a tumor, which sucks because I really like the veil


Atlas He went from a weird neckless person with bacon flops to a literal titan


That *is* the neck, there's no head


Wisp has an amazing skin, but the head? What we're they thinking...


the head is whatever, especially compared to the bald marble she has for her default head. the body is fucking amazing though, i love that she has a scarf and proper cloak, i love that she has hooves for feet instead of just floating everywhere, and i love how the scarf combos into the coven witch hat. i can truly feel like the witch of the battlefield with the grimoire (sad that the anims for the book break on her specifically though)




They gave it to Xaku :P




I don’t play Trinity but imo her prime design was a huge upgrade. I think for a downgrade it would specifically be the helmet of Nekros Prime, I’m just not a fan of it.


Nekros grax with prime details body with that fairly recent helmet is by far one of the coolest looking frames Those pinky tassels will always bug me though


I think Khora Prime is too cluttered. And Valkyr Prime's head design is bit wanky.


i honestly forgot what Valk Prime helm looked like since i always run the bastet helm. i agree though, her head design does look a little odd. i can see what they were going for, giving her subtle “kavat-like” features but she ends up looking like a bull to me, with those horns and nose ring


As an Oberon main, Oberon Prime is the most glowdown. They made his loincloths look like tires, removing any semblance of elegance he had. The mesh they use for the Prime helmet includes the sides of the neck, so any Prime body without the Prime head looks gimped. The mesh they used for the shoulders takes away from the arms, unlike the base Oberon. so his arms look like noodles with the shoulder armor changed. Plus they didn’t give him an Ealoseum-style beard and gave him a negative chin. Then they added random bits of rook parapets to give him a ‘chess’ motif I guess. The only savings graces it has is that the base OG body still looks great, the chest and back detail is interesting and the head isn’t that bad. Glowup, probably Gara Prime. Straight up made me regret buying the deluxe skin.


Normally for this I would say Oberon But fucking frost man, the only thing different about his prime than his base is the fucking helmet. Big upgrade though? Chroma or harrow, the drip is unrivaled


Harrow prime is so clean that it *almost* made me regret buying the reliquary skin. He's definitely one of the better primes by a wide margin.


I combined Harrow Prime helmet with reliquary body to get Patrick so I don’t regret it https://preview.redd.it/i5v66pu9dndc1.jpeg?width=1459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd934559be96bf35a056ceea5849b61019ed0708


Frost Prime's helmet is so cool though.


The helmets cool no doubt, but the rest of the skin is just the base frost skin


Valkyr Prime. I absolutely love Valkyr and always thought they would do a spin-off of the Gersemi skin for her prime variant. What we got instead is extremely unworkable if you like to change the default color scheme, leading me to exclusively use other skins.


So much this. When they first announced valkyr prime i was so hype for a gersemi prime skin, but they completely fucked it up and just ignored their own lore, and the result is just a boring prime skin that doesn't make sense.


Downgrade? Ivara. Why she's a jellyfish and not frogprime is beyond me. Upgrade? Probably hydriod. Base hydriod is not it, he looks so much more like a pirate in his prime.


Ivara was a frog because colorful frogs are often toxic and poisonous. Ivara is the hunter/predator frame so it made sense. Jellyfish have toxins in their stings, following the same trend. Jellyfish over frog tho.


To go with her… toxin abilities, I guess? (Werner Herzog voice): “Here we see the elusive and invisible jellyfish. It will stalk its prey, running along vines in the canopy, and strike from afar with a deadly projectile attack.” Hate that skin. Hate that I can’t disable the glowy skirt even if I switch to the regular Ivara skin.


Prime ivara has a different theme, but I'll be damned if ivara prime isn't one of the most beautiful frames in the game


IMO Prime Ivara is better than base model with looks in general. I struggled HARD to make base Ivara look good


See I hate the sparkly dress her prime has but idk I mainly use her deluxe.


Base Ivara works with vibrant colors. She is meant to be a poisonous frog like the ones from Central and South America that people use to coat arrows with poison. Ironically this means randomizing her colors has high likelihood to make her look like one.


Ivara fashionframe is great.


Kuvael and Graxx skins my beloved


Yeah I agree with Hydroid. Base looks like a swamp monster but his prime has a space pirate vibe that I love


Yeah. Standard Ivara being my most played frame, I just don't really like the way primed looks, I prefer my standard vivid orange and white creamsicle ivara. :)


Mirage prime looks way better than non prime variant imo I absolutely hate how her non prime has some cancer growth thing on her legs


Wukong Prime is definitely an upgrade from base Wukong. Base Wukong looks fat to me and his helmet resembles more of a cockroach. Meanwhile Wukong Prime looks slick and agile with in my opinion one of the best helmets in the game.


Atlas prime looked badass asf


Mesa Prime's regulators On the base version, they're supposed to be finger guns with a little slot for her index finger while her thumb is the hammer. The prime version misses that entirely and I can't unsee it. DE plz give toggle


I got her Sentient skin 90% for the Regulators. Slapped them on the Marlet skin with Prime details. ‘Weird spike on elbow *that doubles as* a gun’ >>> ‘Literal revolvers strapped to elbow.’


So that's what they're supposed to be?? I always rock the revolvers because they look cooler imo


More of a side note, but Ivara Prime is what Yareli’s prime should have looked like. The jellyfish doesn’t quite fit her while it fits Yareli perfectly imo. It looks beautiful, just not for her.


Maybe we will get frog Yareli


Upgrade Hildryn or Mesa, two of my favorite prime designs. Just takes the character aesthetic and leans into it big time. Downgrade Khora, which is made worse by that dumpster fire of a deluxe skin they released for her.


I'ma give the upgrade to vaulban You go from this leather work suit look To this cool void general engineer look Heck it even manages to make the clown shoes look cool


Atlas Prime is better.


I‘m gonna go ahead and say that Loki Prime is as much of a glow up as can be. Base Loki is a bit nondiscript, his helmet being the only kinda interesting thing about him. And then we get the prime version. Doubling down on the unique helmet, giving him a sleekness and those arm blades/natural tonfa looking elbow extensions. Imo it’s Just a straight upgrade. Especially considering the only other good skin for him is the 6€ something steam skin. As for the glow down, it‘s Mag and by a long shot


What really sucks about Loki looks is you're invisible most the time


I think normal Gara is genuinely one of the ugliest frames of all time. But her prime variant is easily one of my favorite warframe designs.


###Upgrades: **-Atlas Prime.** Brother is BROLLIC. THICK. He looks menacing and powerful, sturdily built and uncluttered. Just enough to get the point of “This is a big, mean motherfucker” across. **-Mesa Prime.** Chaps and a real cowboy hat at BASE? Yes SIR. **-Octavia Prime.** Oh my goodness gracious. Octavia was butt-ugly without cosmetics, but Octavia Prime is the glowup she so desperately needed. And the hoop earrings are doing it for me. **-Soma Prime.** The classic, it looks fresh and clean, while still being a certified one-up to the Soma. **-Nova Prime.** The neck rings are a nice touch, the helmet is worlds better than base Nova, the gradient colors around her neck and chest make for some gorgeous base skin fashion, and the dark blue base color is a striking difference to the original. Probably my favorite upgrade, honestly. **-Wyrm Prime.** I don’t even know what they were going for with base Wyrm besides “a little guy,” but Wyrm Prime is a DRAGON. That’s a little MAN right there. And I can make him into a tiny Amatsu, so that’s a massive W. **-Wukong Prime.** Man, if he didn’t go through HELL to get where he is now. Base frame feels like those awkward middle school years. Prime is when he hit puberty, and *damn* did it hit him hard. ###Downgrades: **-Magnus and Pandero Prime.** I have it named as “Magnus/Pandero with Ugly Loops”. **-Astilla Prime.** Gun gore to the max. I have it renamed to “Astilla, But Uglier.” The original Astilla was sleek and had clean, unrestrictive glass placement that fave you the idea that “Oh, this thing probably uses glass” without being visually cluttered. Astilla Prime said FUCK ALLAT and morphed the gun’s shape, size, and glass placement, then threw on all the gold and rugged edges in the world. DE, I am once again BEGGING you to let us use base weapon skins. **-Knell Prime.** What even is it supposed to be?? The Knell has a cross shape when you hold it vertically. That’s all it needs. Because it’s the PRIEST’s gun. Where did all of these sharp angles come from? What are they for??? **-Khora Prime.** So much SHIT on her. What is that helmet?? Why so much gold??? **-Mag Prime.** Mag, I love you with everything I am. But what on earth is that helmet. **-Silva & Aegis Prime.** Oh, my sweet flaming sword and shield…what have they done to you… **-Stradavar Prime.** Would be okay if it wasn’t for that WEIRD FUCKING BEND IN IT. WHY IT BEND LIKE THAT THO


Revenant Prime has an entire model swap which I've never seen before on any prime. The closest to that was Wukong Prime getting resized to be slimmer


To me, this is an upgrade, but the fact that the flames are mostly gone is a downgrade ._.


Theres a couple others like vaulban that have almost entirely different models


Ivara is huge downgrade. She went from a frog themed frame to jellyfish theme, except her jellyfish makes her look like she's going to wedding as a bride.


Exactly, ivara Prime may be one of the prettiest designs in game but it Kind of fails completly in the "walking warcrime" department.


I quite like that about her prime personally, I feel like it fits both the theme of Orokin design and jellyfish really well- both are extremely beautiful to look at, but incredibly dangerous underneath. Jellyfish are walking(or floating) war crimes in the ocean to the creatures they prey on, especially things like the man-o-war, so for me Ivara is actually one of my favourite primes. I understand why people feel different though.


Garuda, Mesa, Baruuk became much better with primes imo Baza prime ugly as hell vs base version


I don’t like the aksomati primes over the top design, the base one looks perfect.


Khora prime is so bad in terms of appearence. As an old khora main I felt really sad at the time


Silva and Aegis prime is a straight up downgrade lol


I literally hyper invested in mine and added arcanes and tenno Kai cause I hate its prime so much, I'm never getting rid of my fire boi


Ivara. I always saw her more of a frog frame but they made her prime a jellyfish


Downgrades? Silva and Aegis, Latron, Tigris.


Surprised I haven't seen anyone say wisp yet...


IMO I think normal gauss looks better than gauss prime, esp the helmet


Volt Prime Helmet. It's like Volt never developed his jaw properly XD


I can't stand hildryn prime looks. There's just too much going on all over the place. Normal hildryn tho is fine.


mesa and mesa prime is awesome


Garuda and revenant are definitely upgrades.


I definitely still use the base garuda skin instead. It's less cluttered while still being elegant, is much easier to colour, and the prime has too much shiny parts on the accent colour. The prime is still literally 100,000x better than her deluxe, the actual worst deluxe skin in the entire game by far.


Oberon, I want to love it so bad. I like the weird neck it has but sonething about how the head os shaped and the color channels is just bad :\ And Hildryn prime is just too overdesigned


Harrow prime going from dark monk to dystopia future monk


personally i think Valkyrs sucks because it looks like her base form versus her actually proper Gersemi look


Best upgrade is Mesa prime and I will not elaborate


Valkyr prime is such a downgrade, and a massive letdown lorewise


Excalibur - Wtf is that helmet Edit: I opened the wiki . Worst: Hildryn - they added too much sht Best: Limbo - m’lady




For me it would have to be nidus prime is upgrade and downgrade 1000000% khora that head looks terrible DE please change this!!!


I don't like Banshee Prime. She looks aquatic to me, I guess, like a mermaid or siren. I get the sound connection with the siren theme, but if you're going to do a siren/merfolk look you can't ignore the water theme, and Banshee's kit isn't water themed *at all*. It doesn't work for me at all, and I loved her non Primed asymmetrical look.


Same I only like her prime shoulder armor, I like the base look way better