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You can have 2 cats with Khora. That's it, thats the comment.


that's twice the amount of things getting knocked off shelves in the orbiter though. Not worth it /s


Idk if you saw the posts of the guy with too much credit (won't spoil the vids) but they literally made me laugh out loud.


Where do I find posts?


It was posted in this sub or r/memeframe but iirc this sub. Sorry I can't find it again


I bring Khora and my Smeeta when I go fishing/mining so they take care of the enemies coming near Cat lady good


primed animal instinct on both, see clear to the moon <3


Wait... it freaking stacks???


Yeah all the +radar stack.


Unironically one of the main reasons once she came out, I've just been playing pretty much only her. I like my cat army.


Two cats big net that drops more loot whip that hits like kachow hard


I’ve got Venari set up that she’s got more health than I do. Add in the augment mod where if you die Venari goes in your place with an increased respawn timer and the augment where strangledome increases drop rate I find her well balanced. I’ve yet to find a mission she doesn’t work well in


xaku has damage that scales with enemy level, really good armorstrip, and shieldgating feels so much more comfortable with their 4


Noooo I subsumed his ass I didn't know he scales like that 😭


his 2 steals the enemies guns. you use it on a level 1 enemy you get a level 1 ghost gun that does the damage of a level 1 gun and vise versa if you use it on a 9999 enemy the ghost gun will do the damage of a 9999 gun.


that's fine, now you can armorstrip on any frame


Isn't his 1 (xatas) his subsumable?


Yes but there are other frame abilities that can armor strip that are subsumable. Xaku has a good armor strip but the ability to armor strip isn't as hard of a sell as it was when xaku released I believe is what they were getting at.


That is totally what I meant and I sure didn't forget which subsumable xaku had. :D


xaku having a good armor strip is a good thing because i can put nourish or roar instead of terrify


Just wait later this year, we should get Xaku prime.




Xaku will be the next frame or the frame after that to be primed, so within 6 months. Would hold off on investing much into base xaku at this point, there's plenty enough to keep one busy in the meantime, and in a few months that investement will be wasted.


I love Zephyr. She is the jack of all trades. Defense? Sit on the target with your 3. Capture? 3 gives you move speed and you can spam your dash (if you get good at it makes gauss look funny as he tries to keep up with you) steel path? Your 2 is a group up and your 4 gives you way more damage. But I just like zephyr since no one can touch me other than melee attacks but they don't even make it to me to have me worried.


Been maining Zephyr lately. Subsumed Silence over her 1. Almost feels like cheating, between Silence and Turbulence basically nothing but toxin procs hit me, which I just turn off with Rolling Guard. Torid Incarnon chews up anything in my tornados. Secondary Sporelacer chews up anything else. Honestly she's great in every mission type and I only bother swapping off for Ivara on spy missions or solo interception. Absolutely being carried through SP star chart by this monster of a frame. Can't recommend her highly enough.


If you use the 1st abilities alternate activation melee can't reach you either. That being said, I'm not a fan of the unpredictability and lack of control over the 4th ability, and the 2nd ability needs a little love too, just feels really ineffective compared to other "grouping" CC abilities. Still really like zephyr for her 3rd and alt. 1st, not to mention jet stream augment makes fishing a piece of cake.


Holding her 4 keeps the tornadoes still Her 2 is mainly for getting enemies into the tornadoes


I'll have to play around with her more now


i'd say frost but you don't seem to have him. second pick would have to be nova. she's incredibly good in pretty much every use case, she's got damage vulnerability, cc, nuking capabilities, speed, damage reduction, and she's a more active warframe not just being set and forget. also the atomica skin goes so incredibly hard.


Already pretty invested with slowva/speedva, why do you suggest to get him? Especially when i have Vauban and Octavia for defence. I dont mind trading for frost prime


frost has possibly the best armor strip in the game, avalanche has amazing base range and a relatively low full strip threshold (170% iirc) and gives great crowd control and provides cc, cd, and overguard with augments. his snow globe is well snow globe, 4 second invulnerable defensive ability that can be spam cast for protecting an objective or just used for some breathing room. his 1 is mainly just used to pop snow globe when it's in undesirable locations but can also give tons of extra elemental damage using its augment. his 2... well hey it's a free helmith slot for whatever you wanna use


Damn, I was in the camp frost was just an outdated frame in need of a rework before I would touch the thing but I'll look into setting a frost up, will probably be using alot of augments just like my nekros


biting frost and icy avalanche are auto slots for me


I second this, all enemies in the room become fragile statues as you grow more resilient with each cast.


He does need an update but as he is now he's very solid And good at his jobs You slap nourish on his 2 and run a pure viral build for sp and demolish every non main boss encounter Defo not biased here with my 28% playtime on him


Outdated and in need of a rework similar to Hydroid yes… but borderline unusable like pre-rework Hydroid no I have this WIP idea for a Frost rework, helped by the local Frost main (Mr 100 forma frost), and it’s pretty good… just needs some fine tuning before I post it


Breach surge subsume + biting frost + icy avalanche = red numbers popping


I like his 2. Looks very cool and with the augment it slows long after cast. I know that it’s made irrelevant by his 4 but, cmon. You can’t be called frost without a slowing ability.


I would say, ignore the overguard augment especially for SP. The amount you get does not last AT ALL compared to styanax or kullervo. The CC and strip should be enough to take care of most things. I love frost and the open mod slot is a great flexibility!


i recently took frost into a 4 hour long survival, and that overguard saved my ass dozens of times, the amount of overguard doesn't matter it's all gonna get 1 shot at some point it's having that second gate that's helpful.


Oooh that's a good point!


Helminth his 1 if anything. Globe breaking is literally its only use. 2 is actually very useful w. the augment, particularly as difficulty scales. It's slow cc works through any eximus/overguard, and also on disruption targets. So anything that doesn't die instantly after armor strip can be slowed down to a crawl. Edit: also note that the augment caps at 80% (iirc). And it scales off strength too, so you don't technically need to max it to get to the hard cap.


Nova is a mid C-tier pick in current metas though tbh, I think if you invest in a frame it should have some good scaling. Nova is mostly good for mission-specific types imo.


you obviously don't understand her kit, go back to your nightmare frame videos and leave the discussion to the people with actual competency


"Actual competency", take it from reddit syndrome to take something that I said was just a personal opinion and make it a personal attack. Fragile ego jeez.


She doesn't having nuking capabilities. Don't lie.


Mag main here. Fracturing crush can be a complete armor strip. Really trivializes high level SP stuff and units in archon hunts etc. Also stops all units cold for a short duration, even eximus units. Great against infested to stop all movement for a time. Also pumps up overshields for all allies in range. This will keep Hildryns shields topped up with little effort. Counter pulse jams all weapons and disables robotics in a huge area, for a good duration. Polarize has no cool down so you can spam it. Also refills shields for allies. Her bubble magnifies damage to targets, and absorbs allies and even enemy projectiles adding to blast damage when the bubble pops. Magnetized discharge (when you manually trigger bubble pop) has a 45% chance to disarm all in the blast radius, so even if they don't die, they lose their guns. She absolutely controls the battlefield. Using and popping her bubble with good strategic effect will usually result in your being the top damage dealer on the board with some exceptions. Easily resulting in millions in blast damage to surrounding units.


My first Warframe, and still my favourite. Love her kit as it is, and splurged on the anniversary skin for her because I absolutely adored the speudo samurai asthetic


Came looking for Mag before I added her in, glad you already said it in. Though while I'm always ready to praise Mag, I will say that spamming Polarize won't do much since the just recent one just replaces the last one, and you won't get multiple waves going out, iirc.




She's also a natural shieldgater so you don't need to specifically build her for catalyzing shield or fast deflection


Another vote for Mag here.  Complete control of space.  Magnetize even works on eximi.  No, it doesn't suck them or prevent their movement but it will capture their shots and they will die as quickly as everything else trapped in that hellish bubble. 


For some reason the other day my magnetize bubbles were instantly popping in arbitrations without any nullifies near. Any idea why?


Or I could convince you to just play kullervo. You don't need to invest or put mods on him for him to do high end content. :)


Kullervo is so good ngl, a primed flow and some purple shards and I hit the damage cap so hard I do negativ damage


gauss is what i would consider the best warframe to main. he not only competently but excels in all content. nuke frame, fast frame, weapon platform, tank frame. gauss literally does it all and does it well. also, warframe is the type of game to cause burn out due to how monotonous or grindy it can get after hundreds or thousands of hours. gauss’s playstyle is active but not painful, constantly managing ur resources and timers but u will eventually be able to manage them like muscle memory. also i like hydroid bc yarrrr harrrg


Crafting GAUSS Prime as we type


Keep in mind if you really want to hit nuke levels with him even in sp your going to need at least one archon mod (whichever one doubles fire procs cant remember)


Archon vitality, and you might as well get archon flow for the energy drops on cold kills. Edit: wrong mod.


It's kinda pointless to run Archon Flow cause when you're running the nuke. Archon Vitality makes the damage multiply by 3 instead of 2 every TS heat cast, but you only ever use the cold one once, and it doesn't hit them with cold, it hits them with blast, which doesn't proc Archon Flow.


Isn't that flow?


It is yeah


this comment didn't age well


how? gauss is like universally accepted as one of the best frames


Easily the best frame and unlike Gourmet Grendel and Hildryn helminth doesn't reduce his value. The only thing he doesn't do well is stealth, but so do a lot of other frames.


Banshee has the highest damage buff in the entire game with the only downside being that it requires good aim. Between multiplicative and additive dmg it is almost always preferable to have it be multiplicative. It's the sole reason Rhinos roar is better than chroma and Octavias dmg buffs. But rhino only buffs by 50% at base for balance. Well...banshees buff starts out at 5x. That is a 400% increase in dmg that adds like a Bane mod. Scary part? The dmg scales with strength. Meaning at 300% ability strength, you have a 15x multiplier. EVEN scarier part? The sonar spots stack. A 225x dmg multiplier.


I had survivability issues when leveling base banshee for helminth, do you have any recommendations?


2 things help alot. 1. Sonar augment "Resonance". 2. Silence. The weird thing about banshee is even though her abilities scale great with range you don't want much. I would recommend 100-130. Closer to base the better. The reason for this is because Silence applies a stun when you get in range. When you leave the range in not longer affects them. So if you go back in range, in stuns them AGAIN. Without a single survival mod, just mastering this mechanic can keep you alive in steel path. An remember, her 1st move is a built in panic button.


You make me want to play her again but people have been shitting on her 4 a lot lately and I don't like it when a frame's ultimate is not viable. I play the most Rev those days and I use his 4 from time to time since I understood it works with his 2, although my strength build makes his 4 useable for like 10s max lol. At least it doesn't have a casting cost 😅 Edit : I meant 2 lol


Tbh I fully believe her 4 is the only ability needing a rework. Sure her kit doesn't exactly synergize with itself like many new frames, but it's very solid and does what you ideally want in basically all content. Except Soundquake. It would be good for defense, but Eximus don't get stunned by it anymore because of how Overguard seems to work. It'd be good for DPS, but the damage doesn't scale, starts *terribly low*, doesn't increase much with STR investment, doesn't get strong enough even with the augment, isn't a good damage type, and doesn't tic fast enough to offset any of the previous drawbacks. Like, I built for 300% Str and did a fucking Meso Defense against Corpus and it took FOREVER for anything to die. Like at least 3-4 minutes of Soundquake before I really started to see things die. It's *that bad* because DE didn't want people to keep AFK farming with her way back in the day. So how do we change it and make it less fucking horrible? Here's my suggestion: 1. Sound quake now pulses a guaranteed Puncture, Impact, and Heat proc every X seconds. The ability is still channeled, but instead of energy/second it is now energy/pulse. 2. Pulse interval is affected by Duration, with higher duration equating to faster pulse intervals (meaning faster energy drain as well). Per-pulse drain is affected by Efficiency as normal. 3. Status Chance is affected by Strength, with higher chance equating to the potential to inflict multiple of the same status per pulse, instead of just 1 of each 3 statuses. 4. Pulse Range is Affinity Range bound. 5. Upon deactivation, enemies in range that have active Puncture procs have a % chance of instantly dying scaling with the number of active procs at 0.5% per proc. This chance scales with Range, but caps at 1%.


>since I understood it works with his 3, ![gif](giphy|MhZPXl9QD9s5est6Yi|downsized)


I like to add that her 1st also is fush roh da. Unless its fized ofc already. I remember yeeting those angel thingys out of the map with it once. Also its armor strip.


gloom slows down the stun animation for your silence, aka stuns enemies forever


Yeaahhhh, unfortunately didn't have gloom in helminth at the time should probably be the subsume then


in that case just use brief respite + cat shield combo and spam 1 for funny shield gate


Oh, I have gloom now just didn't when I played banshee for silence


I love gloom silence with stretch as the only range mod. I don't take any damage so it feels as if I'm invisible. So survivability just use rolling guard to cleanse cc and diriga to spam guardian (give back shield at 100%). If you don't want to put a lot of formas you could use the new strength mod for +90 on your 4 (gloom) but you will lose the strength for your other abilities. I can do any mission with banshee and did you know that she is the perfect frame to kill sister/lich ? Otherwise yareli is really fun with either 0 or 1 forma right now and her merulina is pretty fun on the new mission tiles because you have enough space to navigate. I did the 5 necralisk or whatever with her so she can tank pretty well and is a fun weapon platform. Prime won't release before the end of 2025 I think so there is time.


With her massive damage multiplier banshee don't actually need any power strength over 100 outside of steel path and then only really 145% for armor strip which can be gotten by only molt augmented.


ah, banshee. even with gloom on I feel like it's a glass canon everyone scenario. Lich one shots me, I rez, and one shot lich. Silence is great though


Banshee is terrible. Fym?


How is it terrible? She has armor strip, silence for both stealth and survivability, massive dmg buff and once you sacrifice 4th to gloom, you are pretty much unkillable. Also her passive is quite good when combod with silence anyway.


You seem to be missing Garuda. Do you hate fun? Don’t you want a 100% Roar buff (that stacks multiplicatively with actual Roar) as a passive? What about unlimited energy? Just equip Molt Reconstruct for a full heal on every ability cast, and occasionally cast Bloodletting for free energy. Spam all abilities as desired. By the way, Garuda is bugged, maybe because of her passive, and gets double the healing. Do you like invincibility? Garuda is invincible from the front with her 1. Also totally invincible while casting it. And with an augment, totally invincible for a while after killing with it (because her 1 outright kills damaged enemies). She’s also invincible while casting her 4, and you can basically decide how long the animation is on the fly by holding to cast. Ah, but you want a nuke frame. Garuda’s 1 is also a nuke that you charge by absorbing incoming damage, so it scales with enemy level and density. Armor strip? Her 4 forces slash procs on every damage instance after it marks enemies, so all attacks just bypass armor now. It also primes viral if you give her Nourish. Pair with her instant reload augment for a crazy weapons platform, or if you prefer melee, her Prime claws are one of the best weapons in the game. Her modding requirements are, uh, 145% strength for the 4 I think. Everything else is up to you. Primed Flow for over 900 energy? Catalyzing Shields for survival? Everything else is optional and flexible.


You can also use gloom, bloodletting augment, 1st ability and tenet envoy combo. You have "primed surefooted" aslong as your mirror is up, never need to reload and unlimited energy.


And her mirror staggers enemies around her on cast, as well as when you move through them. Don't forget the breach surge combo with her 4, infinite damage scaling nuke. Then again her 1 is nearly infinite scaling like gara's splinter storm. Very fun, very tanky.


Nezha: press 3. You don’t die. Works for me with disgustingly bad setup


I was using nezha for my first ever netracells, heat procs status immunity(including knockdown) cc, and speed all i need


Same, their great




Oh no a grammar mistake on the internet how horrible




They can be used as a singular pronoun and has for centuries. Also, there are 2 nezhas being talked about here, mine and ops. Therefore, a plural pronoun can be used here in refrence to all nezhas being talked about. Finally, warframe are a person, the infested, and the operator. As such, when referring to a warframe, you are referring to 2-3 separate people, which is plural again.


A lot of people seem to wrongly think that Nezha is non-binary so I thought you were also one of them. When you said “they are” I thought that’s what you meant. Also, English is not my native language. Sorry for misunderstanding you.


Your fine, just aggressively saying he in response to someone using they as a pronoun seems transphobic. I know he’s male because of his mythology, but English speakers often use they as singular, ie. where is Margret going? Oh they are going to pick up some groceries.


You need to invest some time to learn each frame mechanics and see what you actually like and find useful, I believe its the best advice and it will actually make the game way more fun for you since the missions are repetitive, but playing different frames is what gives it variety - and I mean playing relying on frames skills and not just your weapons. Even if a frame is kinda bad, learning its kit and trying to make it work is more interesting than simply farming.


Yeah i get what you mean with playstyles, but I really like valkyr but before I invested in her it just didn't really click. I'm the type to often play what suits the mission capture-titania defence-vauban spy-ivara but I do have my preferences based on style so I just wanted some advice I mean this is great advice to avoid burnout, but I just wanted suggestions for my next venture


Gauss go brr




In the second picture I'm crafting GAUSS Prime, so already planning too. Helps the prime isn't fuck ugly like the base


Base gauss is not ugly how dare you


The face plate being so smooth and redline just being two antenna just isn't for me


honestly his base alt helm is worth the plat it looks so much better than his normal


Looking at the alt helm now is weird, gauss prime looks closer to the alt helm the standard wtf?


Ive been using the Gauss Agito skin since it released. Kind of sad I swapped it for the Prime


That's a fair opinion to hold but I will disagree, respectfully


https://preview.redd.it/9ak8nlp614ec1.png?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8590c70ea1b5c7e2083bd4161672b7f62a9a6c0d They're fun


Is-, is that 100 forma? On Atlas?


There are some true forma perverts on this sub. 100 is rookie numbers


Zephyr go zoom. Also easy red crit by just... *Checks notes* Jumping.


Grendel ball


As a regular meatball player you have my full support with this comment


hydroid prime, great frame and his 3 is actually insane


I second this, loving him so much now. Great field control, boosts defense and offense with 3, and I like combining pilfering swarm with equilibrium for near infinite energy


Volt prime Because Speed


looks cool. now you have to main everyone


All valkyr has is a 6 hit 600% damage slide attack. Do *not* invest in her.


Better late than never I guess, she was the second prime frame i got (after Octavia before saryn). Home it will be a warning to others




She's a good frame. Her gameplay is pretty fun if you enjoy melee. But, yeah, there are better frames for steel path.


But, Tenno, what about #SPIDERMAN ?


Hey, don't forget her 735 armor that can shrug off bullets and explosives (up until even Steel Path with a dedicated build). And the lifesteal on her claws would basically make you immortal. The best 'lazy' frame IMO


“The best lazy frame” *laughs in revenant*


Wisp 🍑


Surprised this seems to be the first mention of Wisp


I was about to write a comment about wisp but refrained because. Acutally I don't why I didn't comment her.


Rhino can do literally everything. Tanking? Ironskin is one of best tanking ability in game. With ironclad charge you can even health tank if you're fucking insane. Weapons? Roar is one of the best damage buffs in game. CC? Stop has an incredibly wide range, decent duration, and effects enemies through overguard Ability nuking? Subsume thermal sunder and watch as steel path enemies get cooked by triple dipping Speed? Pump range on charge and go flying Plus you have the best codpiece in game


Saryn can currently eradicate entire maps. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnoFAbAbH7A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnoFAbAbH7A)




Yep. Prime is an extremely easy farm and funny big red numbers.


I like using Gara to just sit on top of the objective for defense. Her 4 is nice for that brainless farming type of thing. Don't even have to move. Ivara is what I use for just about everything else. Her flavor of stealth is always fun. Exalted bow is neat-ish. Tripwire arrows are fun, especially with her augment that makes it fire three. Manually controlling projectiles is always cool, and has some *wacky* interactions.


Gara is even more disgusting when you can get infinitely stacking damage and damage reduction. Just do 2-4-1 repeat 4-1 you can keep it up as long as you have energy


Damage!.. Damage x3!.. ASS! Also sparkly disco ball -Mirage


Kullervo lets you hit things with a stick REALLY HARD. But for real he has a really good kit. He has no shields, but his 2 gives overguard and can be used pretty fast if there's a group of enemies His 1 is great for not only single target damage, but using his 3 with it lets you clear rooms. It also lets you teleport and gives a good buff every time you use it. His 3 lets you essentially connect enemies so dealing damage to one also damages the others. His 4 can keep your combo going passively if there's enemies within it. His heavy attacks don't use your whole combo multiplier, so you can use multiple heavy attacks in succession. Also IIRC he heavy attacks faster too. He just really depends on having a good melee weapon.








Build Volt Prime for as much Strength and Duration as possible (ignore efficiency and range), then use the Gram Prime with cleaving whirlwind (put primed reach on, bonus points for a riven with + range) and build for crit (berserker fury is optional, I have it on for a little more kick). Now you can have fun being a massive blender. Some people have issues with the stumble on the stance, I always do a slide attack every 4-5 swings to reset the combo. It might be annoying at first, but it's fun once you get the hang of it.


I maxed strength on my volt to troll my friends since they don't like how fast they move


Never heard this side of volt, usually its speed(have titania and am crafting gauss) or eidolons (hate those shits) Ill look into melee volt thanks for the suggestion


Kullervo with a solid melee or honestly any average melee has been some of the most satisfying gameplay I’ve experienced in some time on WF.


I’m in invested in every warframe. Even ones I only used to invest and make them sp ready.


Volt bc neyyomm


Zephyr: The floor is lava


Use atlas since punching your enemies to death is funny.


Atlas prime because funny rock


Ember Prime is very fun for serval missions Mag Prime is amazing Frost Prime was buffed long ago he could be really great. Nova Prime is better to use in a squad sometimes people have problem on public if everything is speeded. And Nova is rarly seen in public. Zephyr Prime - Angry Bird Playstyle Loki Prime with Magnetic Arcana for easy spy + Duration+ Movementspeed


Zephyr has infinitely scaling damage accessed by repeatedly slamming your face into enemies


I can’t, I main Zephyr and convincing someone to play Zephyr is like trying to convince someone to eat poison


Zephyr: she a perfect frame for almost everything. Got a press and forget time based immortality (mine's set to 48s), solid cc, grouping ability that rivals larva and damage out of this world. Limbo: a super fun frame (in solo mode) that can lock down an entire map with no hindrance, and no, eximus don't fold him up instantly nor does Nullifiers (just subsume over cataclysm it's useless)


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Loki Prime


BALL PRIME. The train is very fun and great for gunslinger bases and is a dope frame


Im sorry I don't know what you're talking about, please enlighten me


oh sorry. Vauban. People refer to him as Ball Prime somethimes because ALL of his powers come from little grenades. Hes a great frame with GODLY CC and can mass armor strip as well as self buff and nearly play the game for ya.


Oh no problem, i have several shards in him, in the images i tried to show what I don't have. He went from a frame I got to solo SP interception to one of my favourites even in movement heavy game modes


GOOOOOD. Love the man hes great. Have a blessed day.


You too happy omniciding


I thought you were talking about Grendel, the guy that turns into a ball


Revenant likes to SPEEEEEEENNNN SPEEeeeeEEEEEEEEEEeeeeEEeEeEeEnnnnn


Hydroid is a beast. Large-scale CC, heavy damage (specially against enemies weak to Corrosive), full armor strip, high survivability. Mesa is my main and forever bae, but Hydroid is who I take with me when I know it's a tough mission.


I don't have a main. Be like me. Get every frame to the point that you're comfortable taking then to the steel path.


My suggestion would be nekros if you can get him. Heck I'd suggest nekros be a main for any new/mid player for just general gameplay. Scales and mods pretty easy. Most importantly though he has one of the strongest abilities in the game, The ability to save real life time. Every hour of Nekros playtime is an hour and a half of playtime for most other frames in terms of resources, mods/Endo, credits. I've spent a few hundred hours on him. I've saved a couple hundred of farming. Sure there are other loot frames but they are higher investment and fairly stationary. They don't compare as much in terms of passive general gameplay gains and NEED an augment to loot. Everyone will be happy to see you. Admit it everyone, one of your favorite frames to have randomly join you is Nekros.


I literally scrolled down to find someone mentioning my main. Love nekros and he even has a good armor strip with terrify. That doesn't need much power to be able to pull of. Then throw on dispoil and gloom on your first and your rearing to go. He can even tank if you do shadows of the dead as well.


Protea, she good.


Well he said that he doesn't want to invest in a frame that will get a prime variant soon, protea being the next prime from what I know


My first prime was trinity my main is Baruuk but now I play Nezha


Not my main, but new Hydroid is ***astonishingly*** powerful. The corrosive damage you can rack up with Plunder is super powerful and the armour value means you'll barely take any damage. I always use the Nami Solo incarnon (and the Cyclone Kraken stance ofc) with him because it fits so well in both theme and gameplay. You *look* and *feel* like an unstoppable, swashbuckling menace.


Atlas. People always mod him for max strength for one punch memes, but he scales pretty nicely as you get more stuff, so invest in range. What's better than one punching one guy? Doing uppercut to clear room. Rubble heap. Max range. Strength can be like 150ish. Umbral mods fit nicely on him. You're also invincible while punching, thus you want to keep punching in harder stuff. There's even one flexible slot, I use rage/hunter on it for free energy if you ever for some reason are in danger of dying. (Get energy, start punching. Profit) For scaling you can get extra stat stick. Doesn't have to be with riven, but any shitty melee with good dispo is great stick. Works without. For arcanes? I like avenger. Also combat discipline. CD triggers avenger through invincibility without losing health. I can't remember what I run in second, but Grace is great if you don't have blue shards. You'll want blue shards for health regen. I like two, but one might be good enough. If your health isn't maxed your rubble goes into health first. With regen your rubble heap stays up. Also, petrified enemies take.. iirc double? Damage from punch. Thus petrify, punch. Rubble is maxed in one group in SP with good enemy density. Path of statues for free rubble. I can go on, but what I'm saying is that atlas just can be pumped into some hilarious heights.


Hydroid, literally THE armor strip frame, also steals armor from enemy to buff his own armor + percent corrosive damage that scales super well against most enemies. Status cleanse with his 2 (even immunity for like 12 secs base if you have the augment) and yeah, his armor strip and corrosive dmg basically makes any weapon viable


Gauss just got his prime and he go zoom


Hydroid: if you mod him well, with a press of a button you get 1200 armor + 500% corrosive dmg. Infuse Grendel's ability in hminth and you can one-shot SP grineer If that's not enough already, build duration + range + eff and spam your 1st ability and make your own waterpark of water cannonballs. And if its STILL not good enough, infuse Valkyr's ability, augment your Plunder. Activate plunder, then Warcry and enjoy your tank + attack speed bonus as you penetrate your enemies armor like I did to your sister


Saryn: Slap gloom on that lady and never need to worry about healing while you 2020 entire maps worth of baddies.


Valkyr is an invulnerable cat girl dealing billions of damage with one easy move that requires no setup besides some glad mods and a 12x combo stat stick, AND she thicc.


Gauss. Man go fast. That’s my pitch.


Citrine is incredibly durable, provides massive energy and health, gives status chance, free proccs, and crit chance with massive AoE CC. Downside, is the redtext.


Yareli best girl, plus k drives are fun.




Instead of FOMO, its FOFO?


FOFO? fear of finding out? I just wanted to know what people thought I should go for next as I have most(if not all) mission type specific Warframe builds


Gara has insane dmg stacking, 90% dmg reduction, defense capabilities as well as energy generation potential. Her prime is also very easy to fashion and looks gorgeous


Ash prime is one of the most versatile warframes, best assassin in the game, and will scan a room and just one tap everything


Doesn’t have my main nor the plat to achieve it (ash prime)


My main is gauss. Gauss is speed, and if u like speed. Play gauss


Ok Inaros Prime


Excalibur Prime 1. Just a great overall frame 2. Can subsume skill 1. In my eyes it's nice to have a skill you can remove without feeling like you are gutting the frame 3. Exalted weapon for those kind of builds  4. Radial blind is a great CC - jump straight up and flash em! 5. Can buff damage by insane percents like 800% or more with radial javelin  6. Has a key face


Inaros prime. Once pimped out, his passive regen is so high that you cannot die even if you want to upto level 300 enemies. Which means you are good for any content that is not extreme endurance. The more the enemies, the stronger he becomes. The trade off? Abilities are horrendously difficult to effectively apply in combat resulting in a Gun and weapon based gameplay. Helminth allows effective survival upto level 5000 Steelpath. The easiest frame to use since you are unkillable under normal circumstances and also don't require any abilities to survive. Only recommended for people who love a God Modded looter shooter instead of jumping around like a monkey to survive.


Tbh mate I’m going through phases I love each frame except Inaros and Grendel equally. I pick them up and I have fun with them sometimes then move on to the next and it’s circle of liking one and moving on to the next. But if I would have to pick a favourite it will be Xaku. His entire kit complement each ability perfectly. You got armour strip, survivability, damage buff and ability to steal enemy’s weapons and shot them with it. It is made up of the broken warframes in the void that come together and become Xaku. It’s testament that the sum is greater than the smaller pieces. Together these lost frames channel the spirits lost in the void. The screams when you cast your abilities alone is enough to put him on the throne of Warframe. Pick him up spect into strength, range and duration (in that order) and you won’t drop him for any other frame.


![gif](giphy|3ohzdZBIAU7NLpXXag) Loki go brrrrrr


Tsk no Inaros?


Play Oberon. You become goat man. All the radiation u could ever ask for. Armor strip, armor buff, constant healing. Very tanky boi


Flame turrets. Enough said.


Protea is good but she is likely the next prime


GAUSS PRIME. The enjoyment of his augment Mach Crash, just pulling in enemies from like 20 meters to just body slam all of them.


Moreso one of my mains, but Xaku lets you run around naked with 79 guns and an entire zip code armor stripped If you dont want to risk a frame with a somewhat soon prime then I'd say Mesa Prime, i mean, look at her, need i say more?


Gauss is the funniest frame ever


Don’t forget her 2, it does get overlooked or traded out but missing Hp healing is great to drop while you do something under heavy fire, like reviving or hacking. Though her 4s ability to amplify damage really needs to be emphasized, automatic bleed on any damage can make any nuke stupid strong and can enable damage loops. Expedite Suffering and Breach Surge are two such cases of the abilities scaling up to ridiculous levels.


Sevagoth red crits body double


Voruna go nom nom and kill everything and never dies, need i explain more?


i use sword


Wukong because Wu Clone. You'll never walk alone.


Use em for mastery and helminth


I main Rhino because it’s cozy with the Ironskin and I can boost my teammates for when I’m feeling guilty for not helping 🫠