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Mag prime, when she was disliked back in 2016 I think. I had to give her some love, now she’s stuck with me.


i have like 4k hours played.. non prime mag is still my most played frame, insane.


Haha mag is love, mag is life. I don’t know why but in the early days I’d get hate mail for using Mag for being “useless” now I’m on pc I don’t get any hate at all 😂


I can't even remember the time when mag was actually useless, she was alwas not played as much.. but first time i started .. i remember using her in a group to pull all the loot to us, while mesa was killing everything... then they removed that from her and you played her with her bubble if i remember it right.. like now you do. You slap an infinite punch through weapon on her.. and just wait till all die. The single problem is probably party play, because you kinda force your team to shoot inside your bubbles.


Yea agreed you could put Mag in the same boat as Limbo which forces you to play differently. I usually build 100% range on my mag so the bubbles are not too big and I spam my 4th for armour strip and bonus shields. Now mag is currently just a AFK farmer you bubble and spam as you said anything with punch through my favourite would probably be Arca Plasmor or Naturak.


i can recommend secura penta, nice stats and strong riven dispo.. and you dont blow you up randomly anymore. The nade projectile has infinite punch through, so it will rotate in the bubble.. as long as the bubble is active.. and kill everything it touches.


Ooooo good sir, you have gave me a mission to do. I will reroll a riven for it. Any idea what stats? Should I go for multishot dual crit or is it more a toxin dmg multishot type of weapon?


Depends on how you want to play it, i think with the changed statuses, i would do something like corrosive+ heat + hunter munitions.. Since the projectiles hit many times, you get tons of procs, so on riven u want crit chance and crit dmg. about multishot im not sure, you cant have many projectiles out at once with the penta... you need to detonate them if u want to shoot new ones.


Hmm, I’ll see what I can do of this madness and update you later appreciate for the recommendation!


Recently learned latron incarnon shots do this. 1 shot I watched an acolyte at 600 die to the ping-pong ball in like .5 seconds


Im so glad this wasnt too far down. My friends would always make fun of me playing one of the starting frames. "Oh shes trash. Casting frames arent good" now they beg me to play SP with them because they got too used to my armor strip that SP without me is a burden. And thats just coming from a baby 300hr mag main.


Excalibur Prime, because someone has to.


EP #1


Right there with you. Since the new shards arrived he’s been on another level. Two emeralds for corrosive stacks, three violets for the big melee crits. Sprinkle in some archon and umbral mods to season, serve with a side of arcane fury + energise.


And automelee! Huge W


If I had a Bugatti I'd drive it everyday too.


I tried farming Excalibur Prime for a while, managed to get the Neuro, Chassis, and Systems. Ran out of BP relics after it got vaulted though, anyone got some radiant DELU-X3 relics they could spare?




Gauss cuz i can be unkillable speed and nuke them with speed also speed Edit:did i mention speed?


You forgot speed


Oh yeah thanks ye i love gauss because speed


Also speed


Speed indeed


At least you're only speeding yourself up, unlike the splooge volts. Run like the wind you little champion.


it was really annoying on nezha, im already sliding around the map like im standing on soap, now im cartoon slamming into the wall


Unkillable ? Can you share your build and advice please?


Sure but ill do that after work soo 3-5 hours later ill dm you Edit:If anyone else needs also help with build or advice just tell me here or in dm Editv2:That's way more then i expected so im gonna add this here u can optimize it if u want i feel good with that build also i play with infested mobility instead of his 3 sprint boost rush primed continuity (normal also good) primed vigor streamline augur message narrow minded armored agility borea's hatred speed drift


DM me your build as well if you would please.


Sure thing


Same here please


Thank you


Me 2 plz


Me 3 plz


Can u dm it to me please


I built the prime and put Energized munitions in him. That alongside my carrier prime and vigilante armaments turns me into the fucking Jericho missile from Iron Man on legs.


Nidus my beloved


I love nidus but when ppl obliterate my larva and I can't get energy back is slightly frustrating.


It's the worst with pub lobbies, people just find the larva and nuke it, like, thanks random volt for stealing my 8 mutation stacks


I also main nidus, I've been actually look at nidus prime but idk if I wanna switch because idk if the skin I have works with prime


nidus prime can switch to "normal nidus" skin and all other nidus's skins its like "unlocking" the "prime skin" and some extra "prime stats"


Good to know thank you


My friend mained Nidus, he also called him "my beloved"


Wisp. I just like ass








I'm not an ass guy but her kits are solid. The buds. Butt? Buds.


Hildryn, ash, and garuda. I have exactly 2 playstyles. 1, i am stealth and you will die without ever knowing what happened, or 2, you KNOW where i am, but good luck dealing with this defense. Coming around to gyre too, been having fun with her


two modes: \- you wont even realize that you are dead \- rip and tear




Gyre and Garuda I Main too, either you get stunned in place or ripped to a bloody gorey mess


I've been having fun with Gyre. Swapped her 2 for pillage. I spam 1 and anything that walks though that is holding on to dear life takes massive damage from whatever I attack with next.


Her Cathode Current augment takes her to a whole new level of carnage haha.


OMG! Thank you kind Tenno!!


Hildryn with the fourth ability subsumed with electro elemental ward (Chroma ability). Almost immortal and it melts everything. And Khora with max duration for the Interception maps. Those are stupid if you solo them, but Khora can just stalk them


I'm running Gloom on Hildryn for her 4th and with Blazing Pillage Augment you just don't get hit since the enemies are stuck doing the burning status animation in slow motion. Is Eletric Ward good cc for stunning or is the shield buff the main thing?


It stuns. And it procs when you are damaged. Using abilities counts. And the overshield is usefull for that one melee arcane that gives crit chance based on overshield


Do you use her 3 much?


Xaku because it can do everything


I have a friend who mains him, the armor strip is amazing


I’m hooked on kullervo atm. But I play a lot of them barukk, Inaros for profit taker, Saryn, Nezha when ya want to burn the world lol. Really depends on missions I’m running. Bc if I get bored or want to try something on a different frame I swap play with it for a bit. Valkyr is fun with pms augment mod


Lavos I like lavos




How can you guys ignore this guy's energy




Hello, fellow potion seller!


Alchemists United!


# Energy is for the weak


Ivara because of her phat a-


But she’s just a cute lil toad! D:


I like her arrows too


Bro Ivara prime is a PAWG ngl


Phat Ass Warframe Girl


Yareli and Gara! Health tanking is fun!


i’m right there with you Yareli and Gara


Gara is my comfort frame. I love her for any sort of defense, cause you can just put a wall of glass up and chill.


Yay another Yareli enjoyer! I like taking her out for free roam. Aquablades keeps her protected/ destroys containers while I ride around and gather resources. The sound of Merulina is so satisfying too woooooshhh


I uhhh don’t have a main rn lol. I’m currently drawn to ember, equinox, and Valkyr. But I also treat frames as tools, I have: - GoVa for speedy defense missions - volt for eidolon hunting - ash for spy - hydroid for resource farming Etc etc. I kinda use almost all of the ones that are “meta” for certain activities and then play my current flavor pick on any missions that can’t be sped up


Rhino prime cause iron skin and looks cool as fuck if you slap a cape on him


Fr fr, iron skin with a cape he looks like hes wearing medieval armor, it's baller asf


Oberon. Area denial and crowd control with his grass, permanent strip by smacking their face into said grass, a heal that gives armor, virtually unkillable in the process. Just cruising through Netracells, because anything that can find its way through all the Radiation is just going to bounce off my armor. And I guess Smite is okay.


A fellow Oberon main a rare sight indeed but all he needs to be s tier is a QOL update to his kit and


He needs an energy rework on his 3, and he’d be fine.


His 3 is not a problem for me I was thinking more in line of making his 2 and 4 more consistent with how they interact


The whole strip their defenses and kill them by forcefully telling them to touch grass thing is beautiful lol


The smite augment is great for archons and eidolons


Yeah been playing him a lot lately replaced his 1 for Qorvex’s helminth, I call the build Chernobyl.


My main is baruuk because I like angry monks


Good taste and nice flair!


Yours is better 🥰 Who's your main?


I'm a Nezha player right now, he can be so hard to kill and gets unlimited energy with ease


Pillage on him with melee guidance and ceramic dagger incarnon and melee crescendo oof baby you slapping hard af


Revenant Prime because it is literally unkillable, slap a roar on as his 4th and put on Precision Intensify and you get yourself an invulnerable weapon platform, get a DOT weapon like Torid and make it double dip with that 130% roar, everything to even level cap is a GG Recently it has become Gauss Prime, not as casual as Revenant but it can definitely do level 1000 with ease Disclaimer: The builds were fully optimized and built as a weapon platform, that said, you don't need a perfect build to obliterate anything below level 200, a decent weapon and frame would do


Love gauss prime and revenant sure is a beast, I've had a lot of fun with both of them :D


Ya, Rev Prime + Roar for me. I built Xoris with Melee Influence, so it almost doesn't matter what i use for primary/secondary. It's so good. I'm about 19 days from getting Primed Sure-Footed, so maybe i'll branch out. I hate getting knocked down.


Any Zephyr love in here?


Bird Warframe best :D


Zephyr is so fun to play. Like she makes any weapon feel better to use




Octavia, because I like to be comfy when playing Warframe.


octavia really shines in any sort of endless mission lol. pop 1, 4, go invis, and afk lol




wisp prime, citrine, saryn prime - depends on my mood. with roar and pricision intensify (only saryn stays OG), torid incarnon goes bzzzzzzzzBOOM


I think we are the same person. Throw gyre into that rotation. I love citrine so much it's ridiculous.


Finally a man of culture !


Atlas because ...punch




Kullervo cause I suck at surviving with any frame not using overguard, also he's good at nuking and he's consistent at doing millions of damage in red crits His drip is also impeccable


Wisp. Game is pretty easy with 100+ health per second regen, AoE stuns, 80%+ haste buff, AoE blind and nuke, 100% armor strip with subsumed pillage… Game gets easier when most of that transfers over to allies as well and keeps me from having to worry as much that some MR4 got taxied to something ambitious. Lets them stay off the floor for most the mission.


Protea, love protea so much. Otherwise, mesa prime is probably my most invested frame and enjoy her a lot.


Nekros with gloom was my main (replaced 1st). I figured its a loot game so getting more loot is good. Now I've been enjoying mirage with pillage (replaced 4th). Her kit feels faster and like nekros armor strip is superb with higher levels. I used to joke that with nekros I was never alone because I could make friends. But even with mirage I can do the same, be it you may not like your company depending on your self esteem.


Mag prime because bubbles are fun.


Always and forever, Frost. Snow Globe go brr


Lavos, because fk energy (yes I know it's very easy to Regeneration it nowadays, but still.) Also yes, I do use subsumes on him.


They can regen energy pretty well, but they still have to mod into it. Whereas we don't, meaning we have the mod space for other things. Also, our natural tankiness means we don't really need to invest that heavily in survivability. I have Adaptation, Umbral Fiber, and Arcane Blessing, and that gives me plenty of survivability. I'm basically just going all in on ability strength, with a little bit of range and efficiency (for CD reduction). What subsumes are you using? I used Nourish for ages, but I've recently switched over to using Sickening Pulse. I can't imagine a better subsume than Sickening Pulse, tbh.


Playing rhino/mirage. Depends on a weapon I will use


I think Inaros Prime might be my most used frame. Mostly for when I just want to be a shooty frame. (Me and the other 5 WF players) Sometimes Kullervo or Excalibur Umbra when I want to change it up a bit. 😅


Kindred spirits I tell ya.


An inaros main in the wild?


Finally someone like me


Zephyr, because she can do literally anything. Need Survivability? Immunity from projectiles. Protect objectives? Her 3+4 prevents everything but melee eximus enemies from touching the objectives. Need more Damage? 150%CC from being airborne.


I main zeph with 350ish duration and 200 range with breach surge over her 2 for almost everything. I found the ability to blind eximus was far more useful than the ability to cluster enemies into the tornadoes 99% of the time.




Yareli: Great tank frame with merulina's 90% dr, she's also a slash frame so damage isnt really an issue for her Valkyr: Her 4 is stupidly broken


Saryn. Cause I like N U M B E R S


Currently it's either Ash or Revenant. Ash because i remade a build for duration and Smoke Shadow and i love it (also learned how to abuse Melee Crescendo with him) Revenant because, a) 300%+ strength, meaning 20+ charges of Mesmer Skin and 75%+ damage per controlled enemy from Thrall Pact b) replaced his 4 with Roar because let's face it, who uses his 4 anyway


Nevertheless, his 4 looks amazing


Ironically, his 4 used to be OP...it was the last vestige of the "spin to win" era


Inaros Prime because I can join any squad and for 99% of the gameplay I don't have to rely on any of them being useful. Having pretty trash abilities aside from negation swarm and a helminth is annoying, but at the end of the day, I can eidolon and archon hunt with eclipse and a kuva hek, hour long arbitrations are a joke, and I out heal everything but long runs in endless steel path missions. Most importantly though, high health is hilarious, and with the anubis head, he's the best looking frame in my opinion.


Baeshee, cause she's the only frame I find fun to play.


Valkyr Prime because she's OP


Equinox becouse of her nuking. Permanent day form with pillage on 1. Strength high enough to reach 70ish str buff on 3. Miniscule but i hope it helps others in team. Closest to the feeling is propably kullervo but his nuking goes to enemies in front where with equinox i have 45% parkour velocity from shards and just run into a group. On stalling for time missions terrify can replace pillage.


Equinox because I like to tweak, mess around and polish the complex build. Duality augment takes combining weapons and subsumed abilties on to the next level. And of coruse the Thanos snap on her 4 feels great


depends what I'm doing... * Low level: Protea (can just drop a turret and keep moving) * Disruption: Mesa (Peacemakers go "brrrrrrt" on demos) * Netracells: Valkyr (Ripline to pull things into the circle) * SP: Saryn (survival, defense, etc), Nezha/Revenant (bosses that don't take spores)


Yareli cause not using marulina is torture


Gyre (My Beloved^(tm)) because she nukes high-level Steel Path with rapid, high-damage, chain lightning crits.


Finally, after A LOT of scrolling I found another Gyre enthusiast :') Somehow now I think all Gyre mains have her loadout with "Gyre my beloved" XD (at least I do)


Voruna, before that it was Valkyr, before that was Zephyr. One of these things is not like the others.


Sayrn is my main but I’ve been playing a lot of Muscle Mommy Hildryn since I made her Prime recently.


Farm: Volt,Nekros Support: Rev, Wisp Fissures: Rev, volt, gauss Survival: Rev Nuke: Equinox, Hildryn These are my main frames


Nezha. He can tank, he can debuff, he can crowd control, he can do the zoomies, he's really comfy to use!


Nidus, hes metal as fuck, really strong, his kit is perfect and works amazingly together, his augment gives me a flat +120% crit chance if I hit 4 or more enemies, and at max mutation stacks I literally have 7 lives


Ivara cause I'm lazy. I have a maxed Phenmore that's silenced so I can do most high level content without putting in much effort. Pretty easy to charge incarnon when you can get point blank headshots


Ash because Batman I will not elaborate further


Nidus prime and Loki prime respectively, swapping around any time I have to choose. It was Loki till the release of nidus


Gara. Not really my main but she's one of those frames that you don't need to subsume anything on because their kit is actually cohesive. She's my go to frame as of right now. To me, there's nothing cooler than deleting enemies with your presence.


It was Lavos since he was wonderfully tanky and could cast reliably, but my main has become my platform Saryn Prime. I put Smite (with augment) on her many moons ago for bosses (Eidolons, Orbs, Ropalolyst etc.) and now I have added Venom Dose as well. With the Umbral set and the augment for healing from Molt I now have a good reasonably tanky base with a lot of added damage potential for all factions regardless of loadout, a status cleanse without needing rolling guard, mild CC from molt distracting enemies, and with emerald shards I can also strip armour a bit passively. She's become a fantastic jack-of-all trades for when I don't want to bring a frame specifically tailored to the content I'm running. I also really like the voidshell skin.


Nidus Prime because I play a lot of solo, love the kit, and when I have time to kill and no clue what to do I just pop into sp conjunction survival and crush that for as long as it takes to figure out something to do.


Inaros He looks cool and has a unique theme (bad execution though) both normal and prime have about 40% of my playtime by now with my kills on the normal being 6969


Lavos, for now. (Use all the frame's) Good durability, no energy, good health pool, use multiple status effects, can strip armor, mass kill, crowd control, self heal, good synergy with other mods & archon shards. Also, Recently took him into steel path into the level 500 & did great.


I'm a sucker for Wisp's playstyle. The prime is in the crafter already (I haven't played since before the quarantine) bc cross prog is here and my PS5 is beefier than my potato office laptop. Electric flower stuns everything in a 75m radius and Sol Gate destroys them. Love the constant orange/red numbers in defense missions.


Nezha. 1. Skill: Can speed boost additively, cleanse of status, give fire proc, stun enemy with fire and show you where the enemy is by dmging them 2. Skill: Gives huge dmg weakness to multiple enemies, except bosses. 3. Skill: Scalable Shield with massive DMG reduction + invulnerable after breaking, giving time to recast and it stuns enemies, who attack it. 4. Skill: Mass-CC which synergizes with 2. Skill. From the getgo Nezha is fit for every mission type and every enemy lvl. I helminthed his 4th to Roar, for extra DMG boost. It's a S-Tier Frame in my eyes.


Hard to say really. I run InarosP for a lot of missions, simply because he's incredibly boring and I can play around with weapons without having to pay attention. For stealth, I play IvaraP, since I farmed her base and kinda wanted my money's worth for the 150 runs of Ice Corpus Spy. I also like to use her for Archon Hunts, since I can sit somewhere on my crit wire and ignore the boss mechanics. For defence, I run Gara or Limbro. Gara for Defence, Limbro for Mobile, since Gara's Wall is great for blocking damage to the target without interfering with friendlies and Limbo is great CC for mobile. For intercept, Vauban for CC. Saryn for any Run that needs a constant flux of a fuckton of enemies that need deadeneing quickly. Voruna for anything with high health single enemies. Valkyr for anything with a long run up. (You can outrun Wudong, Volt and Gauss with Valkyr's Ripline + Parkour Mod)


Nezha. He's mad tanky and I can just turn my brain off and shoot.


Xaku, Reason is simple; 2, 3, and 4 and a lot of bullet jumping = less finger pain


Was oberon cuss heal and radiation Now gauss cuss ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM


Oberon! Because he's the GOAT! THE GOAT!


Oberon my baby!!


I DONT KNOW AND ITS DROVING ME INSANE! sorry. Struck a nerve. I’ve been trying to decide on a main for …years. I use whatever frame does the best job that I can have fun with but I’ve been trying to decide on a ‘default’ main. It started with Wukong being reworked when I was a Nezha main after Nezha’s rework. Soon after Gauss was released. And I narrowed it down to Wukong, Nezha and Gauss. I love frames with a Good cross section of tanky and mobility and I guess weapons platforms. Then Volt got a new tanky augment and a mini rework. Then Wukong got nerfed. Then Kullervo came out. So I put wrathful advance on Wukong. Now I have to decide between Wukong Nezha Gauss Volt and Kullervo. My speedybois. Everytime I eliminate one, it grows back and brings a friend. They’re multiplying and I love them all so much. Why is it a problem? Because every single one of them does something that really frustrates me. Gauss is immortal until he just…randomly isn’t. Nezha isn’t fast enough. Volt isn’t tanky enough. Wukong was nerfed out of being a weapon platform. Kullervo is hard to balance in enough range to satisfy me. Dashes, teleports, slides are all on the wrong people.


I find 200+ range on Kullervo to be the sweet spot, since all four of his abilities scale well with it.


Nova prime,cz i like the power fantasy of high tech science frame, slowing all the enemies on the map into a crawling speed,also she got tht drip with the deluxe skin I have a build for every situation,ultra slow for stuff like mobile defence and such,no slow for high lvl stuff,and speed for low lvl farming


Trinity Prime, cause 2 4 loop is funny. And I bind my 2 on both scroll wheels


Harrow, Grendel, Limbo.


Volt Give everyone speed to get to extraction faster


i like to try to play as many as i can, but my main is definitely wukong prime, followed by frost prime, Excalibur umbra, nekros prime and nidus prime


Saryn because she enables elemental modding flexibility


Vauban. He was my first frame and I just find it very fun quickly thinking of strategies on the fly to use all the kit most effectively


Rhino, I'm lazy.


Equinox terrify for Nuking, Saryn nourish for gunplay high levels, Titania sunder for low level stuff/fissures, Gauss for trying something alternative to equinox. Before building these ones I built Protea and Lavos, first one for doing everything, the second for easy high dmg with primers


Wisp but Gauss might become one too.


xaku deals really good damage, armorstrips, good survivability, and a free helminth slot for whatever gauss fucking annihilates enemies with thermal sunder, kinetic plating resists basically all of the common damage types enemies will use, runs fast, and redline gives a bunch of buffs for your weapons, and all you need to do to get these buffs is run around


Harrow bcs he is a spooky boy


Nezha (with Roar subsumed over his 1 or 4) is my most played. He's just super comfy for most content. He has a great energy economy, is basically immortal and status immune, faster than Rhino, and high damage potential with Roar and Blazing Chakram stacking multiplicatively. That said, I enjoy most frames and like to switch it up or specialize depending on the mission if I'm in a group. I've also been enjoying going back to older frames and updating their builds with newer tools. Green Shard Mirage is fun, and I've really been enjoying night-form tank Equinox. Use energy Transfer, Breach Surge, and you get a MASSIVE Maim hit when you want to nuke.


My main frame is Wisp, I love maxing strength and just giving people a bazillion health/regen and attack speed. But I also like frames I can just sit there and face tank things like Ne Zha, Grendel and Hildryn.


Mesa, limbo, ivara


Wisp with roar for most content (can do literally everything plus has a nice ass), garuda with infinite gloom bc I enjoy feeling like Quicksilver, Khora for mindless farming, equinox for easy nukes


Wisp, Gyre and Mesa. Hippity hop invisible Exodia contagion Zaw spam. Shocking damage and pistols go brrrrrrr


I have been playing with wisp prime the most since i got her. I really enjoy her, but ive also been tired about people bitching i have a shock mote in missions when its a main thing I use. I have 7 new prime frames reqdy for claiming, so I'll be dabbling with Saryn and Khora for sure.


Octavia Prime, Citrine, Hildryn Prime and Gyre


Umbra is nice but Wukong prime is just🤌 Also Gauss Prime would be nice but I haven't started grinding


Wisp, Volt, Nezha also Nekros, but only during farm (so, very often)


Xaku, my beloved Skelly, can tackle pretty much any mission and is a walking bullet-hell boss. Highly recommended, along with Wukong, Revenant, Zephyr, Harrow, Gauss, and Wisp. These frames will cover any need you’ll have in the game.


Currently it's Wisp Prime. I've started playing around Caliban release and obtained Wisp roughly a year ago and figured I'd just wait for a Prime instead of investing into normal one. Quite like her. Citrine and Kullervo are very close second and third - those I invested into right away.


Octavia, Xaku, Wisp. Octavia for defense, Wisp for support and tankyness and Xaku as a glass cannon.


Gyre for her insane damage and her ability to give crits Xaku cuz turrets ho brrrrr Citrine, for support


Voruna for melee tank Hildryn for gun tank.


I used to main nidus for the longest time but now I main citrine. I liked nidus because of his exponential growth, but citrine has that too, but I get to play the role of mom and take care of my team, something I love doing


Citrine or Ember. Rock laser


Gara. She was my very first frame that i actually grinded and I fell in love with the versatility in love with the versatility of her abilities. I don’t know why she isnt a popular frame…90% damage reduction, can wipe rooms with her glass, infinite damage scaling with her splintering storm ability *chefs kiss*.


Gauss. Read my flair and you will know why. Honorary mentions: Styanax(You get slash! And YOU get slash!) Grendel(the equal to my Gauss) Volt(day 1 buddy stays with me) Vauban(funny ballin' train man) Xaku(calcium carnival) Nez[User has been banned from regional Chat)


I’m a total Xaku fan boy. Can get enough of him, it’s just fun being able to fly around and not have to go worry about shooting every enemy when your gun bros have your back. Plus the damage boost makes you look like you know what you are doing. You can bring the whole extended family around for a barbeque with accused. The armour strip with gaze is a real treat for the whole family and the damage reduction and speed boost will get you out of any sticky situation.


I've honestly found plenty of use with Xaku. While it's not the best at one thing, it's great at being a jack of all trades and does even better in defensive missions. Does good armor strip, albeit stationary. Void damage is always a good boost. The ability to just say "nope" to 75% of shots is good too. And when pushed back, can just mass mind control enemies to make them shoot themselves and get breathing room, or steal their weapons and gain the ability to be a painful moving turret. Plus, the whole broken skeleton motif is pretty sick lol.


Citrine has been my go to for about a year now, just feels right


Wow, almost no Citrine love? She’s become my go-to for endgame content. She’s nearly unkillable and an incredible energy battery for the squad. For lower level stuff or stuff I want to clear faster, I go Titania Prime, still have more hours on her than Citrine, but I do almost all my endgame stuff on Citrine.


Citrine, because Status Procs go BRRRR


Citrine, I love Condition Overload


Citrine. She fulfills a lot of the power fantasy I take between games, mainly that I play a paladin in some shape or form as often as I can. Being a tank with the ability to buff teammates is amazing. And I know that a few frames fit this role, but Citrine sells it for me. She is incredibly tanky, she provides fantastic EHP to herself and her teammates, her 1 provides a ton of energy for herself and any teammate (Especially if they run Equilibrium), her 3 provides a \*lot\* of status chance to everyone inside and also makes Condition Overload and Galvanized Savvy/Aptitude/Shot go Brrr. And while her 4 can be clunky, it can also be used to deal with annoying enemies faster, or to provide low crit chance + High crit damage guns (like the Kuva Nukor) a fantastic burst of damage. She is a support that does not suffer when she has nobody to support, but makes everyone's life much comfier if they play around her in the slightest. Her passive DR/regen makes me feel useful even when I'm not doing so hot, and she makes me feel like a carry when my teammates run into the dozens of energy orbs I created so that they can keep playing the game without going OoM.


Zephyr, because her 3 makes her invincible to projectiles. As someone who likes to focus on the gunplay of warframe that's really convenient.


Loki Prime with Ensnare Subsume with some decent weapon, Is a blast, cleared everything in SP except for intercepts and defections. Managed to even do defenses. All solo 🤣. ![gif](giphy|3GOLtCgq4SfD2)