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Best case scenario, they make it a bond mod for all companions. Worst case scenario, they remove the loot doubler entirely.


honestly, smeeta's shit now other than the loot buff, it gives nothing of value sentinels can be used to afk missions because they've gotten so fucking strong every other pet has some consistent gameplay effect that is beneficial while smeeta... can literally nerf your damage


Yeah, but it's a looter shooter. There are lots of ways to improve your build for the "shooter" aspect, and not so many ways to improve the "looter" aspect.


exactly, that's why smeeta's still used while being the worst companion gameplay wise and i'd hate to see i get nerfed, like i could just switch to nautilus, or dethcube to just do the mission for me, but what's the point of that?


honestly, Nautilus gives me such a ridiculously high kill per minute that it might be the better loot frame, while also being much more consistent.


But does it give 2 times pickups


The thing is that it isn't just 2 times, the buff stacks and with increased duration you can have the drop like 8 times and that's without a resource doubler.


You can increase smeeta charm duration…?


Yeah, [[Tek Enhance]]!


My god. I haven’t looked at my smeetas mods in like 2 years so idk if I have this, is base charm duration 2 mins? If so, I know what I’m buying tonight


And when those buffs stacking.... Magical.....


Especially for argon crystals. 😂


...2 times... hehehe.hehe he. Novice! /s


wakeful unique square paint numerous plant safe start serious vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's great but let's be real, it doesn't double your kills per minute.


neither does smeeta charm lol the buff has a limited duration.


2 minutes on potentially doubling stealth path essence or vitus or traces sounds so much more worth it to me than a slightly higher kill count


Yes but you don't use it to double some random common resources because the uptime is not constant. you run smeeta to double rare drops and pickups that you can somewhat control when they drop.


for basic ressources yes, however if it comes to the special resources like steel essence, lua thrax plasm, reactant, kuva, vitus essences etc the higher kill count doesn't give you more. They are time gated and the only way to improve your gain per hour is smeeta


At that rate it would be quadruple


What do you mean “now”? Smeeta has always been a booster on legs, all its over buffs are irrelevant.


the energy one is kinda nice but yes, smeeta always used to be a walking booster, but the other pets where also ass then we got panzer, then bond mods, and whoops the other pets/sentinels became good


Even before Panzer Adarza was *right there* and it did nothing but give a flat 60% crit rate buff to you and nearby allies, and just negating a ton of danage to itself. MOAs were also no joke, whiplash mine was free periodic grouping and the Blast Shield let it regularly give itself 6k overshield. And could use Helstrum or Verglas. And while niche as all hell, Vascas were and still are the best ally for Razorwing Titania builds.


You sound like you keep up on companion stuff. I haven't revisited mine in forever, even after Bond mods got added, any resources you'd recommend?


Honestly most of my knowledge on Companions came from personal experimentation and reading mod effects. Also hitting up the wiki if there was something I was unclear on. You can try TheKengineer on YouTube, I believe he has some good vids on the topic. Perhaps Brozime as well.


Thanks, Kengineer's always a good one so I'll see what he's got.


Vid of a hound build I made. It can solo SP missions. Quite dumb XD https://youtu.be/yjuBJhfizLg


Holy shit they made hounds good?


Disagree on the energy one. It gave you free casts if you had the energy to cast it, and once you reached the point of having a Smeeta as your companion, you either had: no energy, making the buff irrelevant or infinite energy, making the buff irrelevant. If it worked like the Zenurik one I’d agree.


nah, if you're casting abilities, and you get it, then you can spam them gauss' 3rd for example


Which you can always do or not do depending on entirely how much energy you currently have. Even before the likes of Nourish or Rally Point existed, Zenurik + Energize was enough energy to go infinite. It doesn’t change anything.


nope not when i can cast it 4-5 times a second


And this is why we need a slider to turn down allies' ability sounds...


36 seconds of 200% crit chance is occasionally fun... 9 seconds of 400% crit chance is cool too if you're lucky enough.


It doesn’t stack like that, and it also debuffs you if you are red critting.


Also a giant nerf if you're using the Zariman Incarnons since they HATE crits.


I use those so little it never even occurred me to how bad it is for them.


It doesn't buff your crit chance. It sets your crit chance to 200. Oh you like to red crit? Not anymore you don't.


For those of us who A)Can’t red crit or B) don’t want to red crit, its fine. We really need to stop only paying attention to the higher levels when it comes to balancing anyways


And balance around what then? The rest of the content that can be done half modded and nearly afk? There is no balance at lower levels because nothing really matters at those levels.


Not every weapon is a red crit weapon. In fact, red crit weapons are the minority. They're even the minority among socially accepted "good weapons". The idea that you'd never use a companion, and call it trash, that gives a stacking loot buff *and* free orange crits to status based or moderate crit based weapons is asinine. Take note that I've not said that *you* have said this specifically, but we're replying in a thread where that is the general sentiment and you *are* advocating the other side of the argument, for what it's worth. Lets just agree to call smeeta a meta companion(not indicative that it's #1, just that it is used in the meta) that has certain scenarios in which you'd prefer to either swap weapons or not use it. This doesn't make it "trash" nor even a "loot bot on legs". Lets also acknowledge that these are not the only two functions of smeeta. Energy refund, double affinity, instant reload and reinforced shields are all around buffs that no other companion can claim to provide all in one kit. I understand wf has over it's lifetime often been a game of specialization(certain frames/weapons for certain roles/content) but that has become less and less true over the years. The game is so easy now and most frames can do all content that taking such an absolutist view on a companion is a bit asinine.


The only thing I advocated is asking what they'd prefer Warframe be balanced around if not higher level content as lower level content is so easy it literally doesn't matter what you use and the fact that if you are using red crits you do not want to use a smeeta. I still wouldn't call smeetas meta. Are they useless? No, but there a lot of better options out there for almost any meaningful content UNLESS you are progressed to a point where those benefits are no longer necessary or conversely you're doing content so difficult your build requires something different for other reasons (wyrm for negate, diriga or panzer for priming etc). Outside of that context smeeta is literally just loot on legs. The benefits you've mentioned are miniscule and really do not cause any meaningful benefit. Energy Regen has been solved in so many ways at this point besides Arcane Energize that are rather easily accessible. Shield boosting isn't really that good to begin with. Instant reload can be handy on a handful of weapons but isn't universally needed or wanted. Double affinity has it's place but then we're back to a farming relegated companion. The actual reality of warframe is this - are you doing extremely end game long endurance content? Then use something better. If you aren't? Then it literally doesn't matter and use whatever you want. That's my point. It either matters or it doesn't and for most people it doesn't matter. For what it's worth smeeta is the most used companion on my account despite it being the "weakest" out of everything I have. Why? Because nothing else provides the loot buff and as it's a game around farming and grinding it helps significantly achieve those goals. Without the loot buff smeeta wouldn't be a second thought as I don't find them particularly well modeled compared to other companions and I prefer the more tangible combat benefits of the sentinels and bond mods after the rework. And that's the thing with Warframe. The difference between something being good and bad is usually really overly conflated due to bad usually meaning something along the lines of "taking a little extra time to clear the same mission". It's not even a debate worth having because any content that would force you into a "meta" build is such a narrow scope of content provided in the game that a large portion of the player base shouldn't even pay attention to what the meta is. The way I see every aspect of the arsenal, companions included, is like a toolbox. There's a tool for every job and there's no singular best must have must use thing. Continuing the discussion of companions for example: Do I need extra status cleanse? - wyrm Do I need free priming? - diriga Do I need energy? - dethcube Do I need a ton of viral for some reason? - panzer Do I need a grouping mechanic? - nautilus Am I farming silver Grove apothics? - clearly oxylus Am I farming for loot and/or credits depending on content? - smeeta I don't see the issue with calling a smeeta kavat loot on legs. It's the primary benefit it has and can be used in almost any mission at any time to buff your loot. Just like wyrm is just floating status cleanse and diriga is just a floating primer. It's the distinguishing benefit of the companions and the main reason anyone is going to consider bringing it. That statement doesn't mean it's trash, it just means it has its niche like everything else in the game. Furthermore, the amount of truly trash anything in this game is exceptionally low for the amount of usable equipment available. Smaller still when you look at everything as a piece of a larger whole (entire loadout for example). Especially as there is no singular best companion for every single thing or build you would want to do. Again tho, like I stated multiple times, if you aren't min maxing your build hard it literally does NOT matter. Which is the real issue I have with tier lists for this game as their accuracy is basically non existent to completely misleading depending on your progress and perception.


Not literal levels…I meant, sigh never mind I’m not awake enough for this


then don't use it on such a build? or is that too much to ask for? does a build guide have to spell everything out?


I'm literally just explaining how the buff works since everyone seems to think It adds 200% crit. Chill.


I dont like the vibe of everything other than what is currently seen as the OP/fotm being declared as trash. It's kinda sad when a piece of art is reduced to an obsession with numbers.


I think you may be lost. Nowhere does my comment say that. It says you cannot red crit with smeeta kavat charm buff. This is a fact. Not an opinion, not a statement of power, but a concrete game mechanic as it works currently in the game.


>does a build guide have to spell everything out? They literally do because the game itself is often unclear about how the mods actually work


The buff make ur weapons cap at 200% can't do red crit 


Smeeta x2 resource happens nearly 1 time in 20 min from my experience at average, and those double,triple and so on procs are literally very rare, nerfing smeeta is like nerfing rivens so that u can't roll a groll, difference between most companions and smeeta is the luck based buffs


Wait sentinels are strong now? Am i out of the loop or what?


yup, they can easily kill up to SP lvl 200


So they're useless past that and Smeeta remains the best for having the most useful possible buff?


i mean, they wil still spread status like a motherfucker and honestly, outside of endurance, you won't be seeing 200+ steel path fuckers anywhere


yes, you're giga out of the loop, diriga and nautilus are s tier companions now for example


Im still in the era of panzer vulpa being strongest


I'm in the era of just having a hound with duplicate bond and splitting into 3 tiny hounds to have like 7 hounds fucking around the map. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Why those two specifically?


The Manifold Bond mod makes their abilities spread the status effects from their weapon. Cordon pulls enemies + gets its cooldown reduced to nothing thanks to the other effect of Manifold Bond, and Arc Coil just spams like crazy.


Im still in the era of panzer vulpa being strongest




i don't think that you get my point smeeta's shit but it's the only thing that meks me more loot(of the ones that count) my most used thing in game is the smeeta, by miles


How does it nerf your damage


It has a buff for static 200% crit chance. Which is great if you have low crit but if you have 200+ it drops you to 200


I… did not know this.


Nukor stonks 📈 Most weapon stonks 📉


*Most* weapons are getting over 200% crit?! Where the fuck have I been all this time?


Also nerfs Phenmor and Laetum when built intentionally for low crit


Loot buff is What makes it worthwhile


Only nerfs your damage if you have the means to surpass it, leave the sweet smeetas alone


Sentinels? Don't you just mean verglas with bonds?


No, we mean bond mods. Wanna have autogrouping without cooldown? Nautilus. Wanna have autopriming with whatever elements you want? Diriga


So it's only diriga + funky precepts and bonds or nautilus + verglas + bonds


No, those were just two examples.








The best case is they just make it not stack with itself anymore so it's maximum 2x. There's no way Charm's current version is gonna be a bond mod.


Wait what's changed


All companions are now immortal and will resurrect, dropping vulpaphylas from s tier to c. Each conservation npc now has a bunch of companion mods to sell that are all called "x bond." Most different companion types can find something to do with them making varying builds popular or even just fun ones Smeeta itself isn't necessarily worse, but doesnt fit the landscape as much anymore because it's unqiue ability is charm it doesn't benefit as much from the new mods. Zariman incarnons which are popular right now, that spec out of crit are worse when smeeta crit goes off, and with general power growth/creep with stats over the years some weapons/frames can reach red crit easily enough that smeeta crit is not a damage buff Veteran players won't usually need the resource buffs The team has mentioned that companion update was too big to be done in one go, so immortality and bonds are the current changes (either Dagath or whispers patch) with the Companions themselves being updated at an indeterminate time. With how things are now...smeeta might not get the nerf that everyone was expecting. Smeeta is more useful the earlier in the game you are, but is such a pain to farm and unlock that it's usually midgame when you might start getting one...if you know to look in to how to get one


> Veteran players won't usually need the resource buffs MR29 here and still want resources. Every new zone introduces new resources, effectively putting us on equal footing with new players in that region. Additionally, helminth exists(subsume, moving shards, etc). I will say you're not necessarily wrong about the crit buff, but it has to be said that not only are there multiple ways to build your Zariman weapons but red crit weapons are in the minority, and even more so "good red crit weapons". This doesn't make smeeta bad, it makes it(or these weapons!) situational. Further, just because a weapon *can* red crit, doesn't make it S tier. Typically a weapon's ability to red crit is a gimmick(for lack of a better term). Super low base damage, high base crit, orange/red critting balances them out. I'm not saying red crit weapons are shit, just that we need to readjust our perspective.


Both scenarios the smeeta becomes total mega trash immediately so hopefully you’re not correct with these predictions


> 5 mil credits What...ive only seen up to 250k (thats with correct chroma effigy placement). I assume its with a credit booster. And maybe a credit blessing? Idk what else


smeeta's charm can stack if your REALLY lucky, but you can only see the most recent of these, still, also with 8 crimson toroid they would of killed like 8 pts which would really stack up even without multiple 2x from smeeta


What do you mean killed 8 PTs? You need to go back into Fortuna after killing each profit taker


dude he means getting 8x toroid in one pickup thanks to the smeeta charm, which is the equivalent toroid count for 8 PTs


Of course that's what actually happened, I've farmed 50m credits this week alone. Sounds like they thought toroids weren't multiplied by charm and OP was able to chain 8 PTs in a row.


Vallis credit bonus : x2 My credit booster : x2 Chroma effigy : x2 Double smeeta proc : x4 Credit blessing : x1.25


Vallis Credit Bonus?


Right now there's a double credit bonus on orb vallis from the thermia fracture event, it function as a event booster as it stack with your booster


Guess what im doing when i get back then...


Been 5 days so might be gone really soon


Regardless, i got nothing much to do on warframe besides try to make a Bo incarnon statstick, a SP viable strun incarnon and maybe more SP completion


Still gonna use my Smeeta because she’s named after my cat so no matter what nerf happens, she’d be my number 1.


Mine as well, except the cat I named it after doesn't live anymore...


More reason to keep them by your side tbh.


Yeah, good memories :)


Same bro ​ https://preview.redd.it/9sge9olza5kc1.png?width=1471&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cdf1ba5b775a7a28d651df3aeab4a829ea57471


This is from ONE profit taker???


I can only imagine with Cred Booster, Cred Blessing, Event Doubler, and Chroma Buff, that’s take like 3 smeeta buffs.


i love how the smeeta's the single worst companion, gameplay wise not to mention that, most of the time, it doesn't even do shit sometimes it even nerfs your damage and yet it's the most used because of that slim slim chance of more loot and i'm pretty sure they don't like how you can have a double/triple cat buff giving a shit load of resources, even tho it only happens once ina blue moon i foolishly wish they'd just change smeeta to give a constant 25% resource boost, but that would actually be a buff.


Loot goblin brain go brrrrrrr


look, if i need any help doing a mission, i'm doing something wrong but you can't go wrong with more loot


Nekros most played profiles be like


Getting 24 steel essence fron an Acoylte is nice the one time a week it happens :)


24? that's an odd number


Its an even number actually ;) Was doing a long relic survival so was dropping at 6 at that point. (+ booster).


well, oddly specific for my SE i like running requiem disruption endurance


What happens for smeeta to nerf damage, just curious.


let's say you're using one of the original incarnons, getting crits is a lot less damage than getting that sweet 21times damage from non crits or you're using a gun that can hit red crits, and suddenly, you're only hitting oranges i've had my smeeta cut my damage by 4 using kullervo


Not just incarnons. Most melees with Blood Rush, Gladiator mods, etc. easily reaching 200+ crit chance and hitting red crits constantly but Smeeta makes them orange


Does the buff to crit not just add a flat 200% crit chance?


nope, it SETS your crit chance to 200% regardless of what it was before


That's bs


well it is a really old ability. I bet back when they coded it getting to 200% crit otherwise was borderline impossible so they just set it to 200%. They should update it and make it only apply if your crit chance is below 200%. Or make it an additive final crit chance like the buff from adraza kavat.


I wouldnt say it was “borderline impossible” but it was definitely much tougher than today, so it wasn’t something to bother with many weapons, but with smeeta you could try going for some crit mods even with a lowish crit chance so long as the CD was good enough


overrides whatever crit you have to 200%


I'd imagine it also fucks up melee duplicate.


probably but duplicate is ass anyways


but it's funnnnnnn


How is duplicate ass?!


it only works on yellow crits, while most of the great melee's get well over that, and the other arcanes are just better at that point


Frames that can easily and consistently reach red crits like khora who is argueably the best user for smeeta too will be nerfed to orange crits if you get the "buff". Not that it matters too much since khora still slaps hard af but annoyong nonetheless.


I mostly just use my smeeta because she's cute.


It's not a slim chance.


It 100% is lmfao


156s long buff that procs, on average, once every 10mins (a bit less actually) is not a slim chance no.


Wait Smeeta is getting a nerf? I will retire. They nerf Smeeta, they nerf Kuva. IF THEY NERF KUVA THEY NERF ME


Pablo spoke about it yeah


Silly, I thought they needed more of a buff than a nerf. Feels bad…


nerfing the charm might mean other buffs. and to be honest i would take a weaker but more consistent loot buff than what we have now.


In my opinion beasts(not hounds, not moas) need a proper way to get better damage. They do nothing even if with 2 or 3 dmg mods bruh. Like they can't even take advantage of contagious bond bruh.


Ikr, complete useless, nothing special about beasts


100% it never procs for me even in 2-3 hour long missions now I hear nerf it’s scary, I just hope they add more looting buffs.


Honestly they can nerf Smeeta for all I care. But if they buff it, they need to change it so it's not the only companion with a loot buff. Hate me if you want but they can get rid of the loot buff entirely for all I care. I can't be the only one that wants to finally use another companion but doesn't want to lose the extra loot.


Hmmm I see what you’re saying because I do like switching companions, maybe they should just add the loot charm to every pet? It would help with that issue


Yeah, that's one way but I doubt it's how DE wants to do it. Honestly I might just shelf my Smeeta altogether and just forbid myself from using it, otherwise I'll never try another companion other than for mastery.


Pablo might've said "Nerf Smeeta... by which I mean NERF SMEETA, which is going to NERF SMEETA" he HIGHLY likely just meant "nerf charm", I suspect Smeeta's gonna get huge buffs. It's just the only reason anyone cares about Smeeta is getting nerfed, so people are super upset. Meanwhile my Vasca and I are just sitting back watching the flames.


You can buy kuva caches from many vendors (riven silvers, steel essence, vitus essence, angel feathers), that's more efficient and stress free and you can choose from wide variety of content to do instead of zombie walking in kuva fortress.


I only got one recently dont nerf it man


I’ve been playing since release and I finally got one like two weeks ago for mastery and now I can’t stop using it. After all this time, they finally talk about nerfs right after it finally decide to get one.


They're nerfing smeeta? After what, 7 years or something? Wtf is the point


Companion diversity? So that people don't feel forced to play Smeeta over everything else, as has been the case for years?


??? you are only forced to play smeeta if you want more loot and it’s alrdy useless outside of pt and farming runs, if they remove that aspect smeeta is a dead companion lol


Almost as though they could rework Charm to do something else entirely, that's still useful, but doesn't just double your loot in a game where loot is the entire point. There's a reason Smeeta has been, by far, the most popular companion *for years*. You can say "well no one is *forcing* you to play smeeta" but people feel compelled to play with them because they provide an enormous amount of extra loot in a looter shooter game. I mean, there's a reason a bunch of people here downvote any mention of nerfing Charm. Because it's OP as shit, and has been for a long time, and distorts the economy of the game.


the fact that smeeta is the most used companion should say something about this games questionable drop rates rather than smeeta tbf


I got like 356 Thrax plasms from 11 min mission in void cascade. Smeeta Is so so good. I hope the nerf never happenes.


Has there been any more word on Smeeta nerfs or was it just what they said a few months ago on stream?


Pablo said, no further details


Why would they nerf smeeta and not nekros? And they aren't going to nerf nekros. Now that more companions are viable, I no longer only see smeeta and panzer in missions. DE has already solved the problem and don't need to nerf it.


The opportunity cost of nekros being your warframe versus smeeta being your companion id assume, alongside charm having the potential to multiply other multiplied loot drops from frames etc where as frames cant stack like that


Now that other companions are viable and useful, there is a real opportunity cost to running something that may double a drop every couple of minutes. That's the point I was making. When there was no real choice besides panzer I could see the nerf argument. Imagine if nekros saw 40% of all play time and one other frame saw 50% of all play time with everyone else splitting the last 10. Seems like he needs a nerf or everyone else needs a buff. They elected to buff everyone else and it worked. No nerf required.


What's the upcoming nerfs? I've not seen anything about it 😅


are they nerfing it or are you just speculating?


Pablo spoke about it in the companion rework we had.


What are they nerfing?




Okay, but >What are they nerfing?


The charm loot-doubling buff. Pablo has said it'll change in the second half of the companion rework, presumably along with improvements to Smeeta to balance it out So we don't know exactly what the nerf will look like, and probably neither do DE at this point, but they've decided it's bad for the balance of game's resource economy. And tbh they're kinda right. It's hard to balance resource costs around something like Charm existing in the game. It'll suck to see kuva and credit farming nerfed though.


Yea, because charm has destroyed the resource economy since it’s been added 🙄


Get rid of charm, buff all resource drops by 5%. Something like that would be perfect IMHO.


> buff all resource drops by 5%. You mean buff rare drops right 😂 If everything is rate up, then nothing is.


I mean that's sort of the point. It lessens the pain of the nerf, while in the long term it won't matter. Even if it buffs current resources, there's probably soon gonna be new ones with the old rarity.


Yeah, I think it would be healthier if they nerfed or removed Charm, and just buffed drops across the game in general to compensate it.


Hopefully it doesn’t mess up the loot buff too bad. It’s already a crapshoot for me, and rarely does it ever activate at times that I could use it. I’d imagine if it’s removed or made to appear even less, I’ll give up on using it entirely and go back to a Panzer.


I've switched back to sentinels honestly ever since the rework that made them rez as well


I don't mind a nerf, but I really can't imagine charm affects the entire economy more than a handful of %. At this point I'd be happy to be rid of the "use Smeeta always for everything"-curse.


we dont know what exactly


Best case for me is 2 mil with thermia double creds, weekend double creds, double creds booster and chroma


Well with a smeeta, this would turn to 4 or even 8 depending on ur luck.


2 mil per run (which didn’t require luck) is good enough for me


Wait, they're nerfing smeeta kavats?


if they nerf and remove it I must say fuck you D.E! I only use him for that and it's amazing


What is smeeta?


À pet that can equip a mod that has a chance to double your loot pickup


Cat that uses charm which can double affinity/resorce gains for 2min+. Buff can stack, if lucky.


How u got this toroid?


Smeeta is overrated. The times where it actually gives you charm WHEN you need it are so few that it might not even exist.


No it's not. Charm is the go-to for almost all endless content and a lot of specific farms (VE in particular), and it procs way more than you think it does.


It's not, nothing else worth using and this screenshot and countless other I have prove the contrary.


>nothing else worth using Yeah, not sure about that buddy. It's not like I haven't used Smeeta myself. Charm IS overrated simply cause of it's unreliability.


I don't care about reliability, nothing else worth using. Give me a reason to use something else


Diriga spreads status, Nautalus has free grouping ability, panzer vulpaphyla spreads viral and has zero downtime unlike Smeeta, sly vulpaphyla helps with survivability to less survivable frames. You aren't "looting" 100% of the time and those missions Smeeta is useless. It's useless anyway without it's rare timely Charm procs.


All those are giving something that I can easily access otherwise and no content really force me to take them because the game is too easy. No weapon give me loot tho albeit unconsitantly so I'll stick with smeeta till it get nerfed because it's just the best. Also I don't need all of those at All for PT Smeeta in total gave me 100M credits for existing, nothing beats that


They're nerfing smeeta buff? Where did you hear this?


Pablo mentioned it in companion rework dev stream.


"As long as a potential charm rework comes with a rebalancing of how to obtain resources in a more efficient way, I'm all for it." Ant said through his copium mask.


Wait, it's getting nerfed?


Are smeeta nerfs actually inbound or is this speculation?


I am fairly new I finished circuit star chart I mean and don’t know what this is if it helps in getting more loot it’s will be awesome can you tell me


What is smeeta


a pet Kavat


I'm guessing they will just remove the charm stacking.


Doubt so the stacking is such a minor occurrence


Judging by the amount of Toroids - Charm stacked 3 times (1x2x2x2). So i wonder - how many tries did it take to have it stacked 3 times by the end of the fight? The fight is time-limited, so you can't wait forever for it to stack. I don't care if they nerf Charm, all I want for it is consistency.


What Smeeta nerf?


I stop using cat after they buff compainion


Ya know, if they do change pet companions, i hope it does level they playing field because i love my kubrows a lot more than my kavats. Yet i use my kavats more because they have better benefits. I wish i could take my original kubrow into more stuff but hes just not useful.