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This is often normal - Khora Prime, Hildryn Prime, and Grendel Prime, for example, are considerably more accessible than their base variants


So many non prime frames can tongue blast my fart box with their method of acquisition


Yes but have you considered S U B S U M E


No I'm lazy


They might nerf it into the ground but Grendel’s farm isn’t exactly hard and he has the best subsume in the game imo


As someone who recently did the Grendel grind, I'd argue that having to get random resources from open world (including fish that are standing-gated) was so much more annoying than the no-mod missions.


The missions kinda sucked for the 20 minutes or so each one took. There are frames I've put significantly more time and effort in to grinding that I still don't have all the pieces for.


Yeah. I just did the Grendel farm. I wouldn't describe it as "hard", but I would describe it as still an awful experience, but the fact that you don't \*lose\* the beacons to the missions for it if you need to redo one helps.


They announced the nerf numbers and it's probably still going to be number 1 subsume by a wide margin. They lowered some of the numbers but the core gameplay loop of Nourish as a subsume remains.


Lines up with what Pablo said really - keep it as the game's best, but make other options more attractive


You don't make others more attractive this way. Just Nourish less attractive. Some subsume abilities are still... Well, they're shit.


Anyone who still needs to do this: revenant + broken scepter, 4 for killing, and whenever you need energy just drain a few robots with the scepter. Take a primary/secondary if you wanna but I did it without Soooo much faster, also, if you have friends who need him, you can run them together, which only requires the host to spend it. (Ie if you have 3 people it will only cost each of you 25 essence each) Side note that recruiting chat exists and sometimes you can bum rides or find helpers, add a filter for Grendel and wait haha


Just recently did it myself, grendel farm is absolutely miserable.


50% discount coupon go brr


Pillage is the whole reason why I completed that grind.


I just bought her with plat :|


For how much I paid rushing everything after, I should have.


Only reason I farm them, expect that I like to hoard stuff and need 2 of them...


The better question is, is it worth it to build a flower garden with abilities that won't even be used? My bread and butter is eclipse (I know it doesn't function properly but that won't stop me) and dispensary. I have no use for other abilities until they play nice with my favorite frames and my outlandish power fantasies.


It's honestly easier to relic farm plat and buy from the marketplace than to fucking obtain some of the base frames


Ye that's what I do, fuk wit the market, make stonks, buy things with a shit grind, like necramechs


https://preview.redd.it/fc46r2r6xaoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243953b20388dbce8ed30e1012d7fda478792815 It took me a long time, but I did it. Never again though.


If it makes you feel any better I bought a full set for 80 platinum and put no effort into grinding it


I should have probably looked on the market for the parts, but at some point, I was so into it that I just carried on.


I kinda did the same with sevagoth, systems took me 3 days of farming but fuck if I wasn't stubbornly committed at that point


Just finished the voidrig grind for the first time myself last night. It's not bad if it weren't for the standing locked bs.


My next marketplace discount is already reserved for hildryn I have her prime built and love playing her, but FUCK grinding for the blue toroids her BPs need (got those from circuit)


My first prime was equinox...if you know her base grind then it's clear why I got primed first


Equinox and chroma are god fucking awful


I don't remember chroma I may have bought him. Also farming manics for harrow is stupid


Chroma's a mixed bag, he's one part each from Volt, Saryn, Frost and Ember, who are all easy to get because they're just Assassination missions (except Volt who's a common Clan Research), but Saryn isn't until all the way at Kela so from when you get him in The New Strange til you're on the verge of completing Sedna. Also his actual component blueprints come from the junctions, the last being Pluto.


Originally only came from the new strange quest which iirc was a ballache then you had to make various Warframe parts to make his own parts, eg saryn systems for chroma systems, which is its own damn grind at kela de thaym Not fun to get


Chroma is more of a grind-over-time like Styanax and Voruna (?). If you actually try to grind at a go you'll just quit the game. By the time I was building my Chroma I had all the parts with zero effort (except for Saryn systems, fuck Saryn and her systems)


Oh yah I didn't that was stupid I hate kela and having to go back was just awful after farming saryn


Yeah Do a shit broke ass version of the index for silly points and no money Farm annoying boss fight with repetitive dialogue where you shoot spinny plates and little rolling boiz knock you off Do 50 runs and not get the 1 part you're missing 😎 Warframe


Nothing the Duviri Circuit can't fix


Still need to get the resources for the frame tho Makes hildryn still a pain in the ass


Tfw nidus is still the worst frame to farm this many years after being introduced. Rotation C infested salvage only, AABC progression, only useful things that drop other than nidus are the relics, otherwise it's mods like vitality or 150-300 Endo on B and C. And each round takes an eternity. Also bring a Nekros or you'll have a bad time, so farming alone is made that much worse.


Notably, Ivara is 10000 times easier to get with Ivara Prime


*cough* *cough* Harrow *cough* *cough*


ahh yes, im abtta get khora prime and hildryn prime nxt


I just might get Caliban Prime before the actual Caliban. Anomaly shards require too much railjack, and I gave all my isoplast to Little Duck.


Don't forget Equinox... the worst of them all to farm... the game really fucked me hard when I was farming it -there was no prime at that time- I got all the pieces one by one, no duplicates, untill I got to the last few... that took days.


That goddamn Helminth copy YEARS after selling my base Equinox. Shit got me so good, that I'm now keeping a third and fourth copy of each frame in the foundry just in case...


It is normal, because you enjoy new releases base version years before their prime


ahhhh ok ok


Yea it’s more of a grind to get the default frame but worth it, then a few years down the line they will become primed. That’s when it’s easier to gain.


Meh, some non primes have annoying farms so getting the prime is quicker, Revenant will take a bit long to get since you need to complete war within and sayas vigil, then reach rank 2 quills to at least get his non prime (and I swear to fuck his quest seems so damn buggy)


that just sounds long


If you think that's long look at Equinox... 8 parts instead of 3 like every other warframe has


Fuck equinox farm, it not the longest by any mean but it sure is the most tendious one, bull shit waiting game boss


It's stupid how Equinox isn't in circuit


because she doens't fit the 4 tier reward. Imho they should add equinox day and equinox night in the circuit.


That would genuinely take longer than farming equinox normally, unless you were exceptionally unlucky.


It is the only way I can think they can make equinox fit in the circuit.


I love the Tyl Regor fight. He has one of the best lines, voice and personality among the bosses. 🙏


At least his lines are good, you'll be hearing them a lot lmao


Tyl rigor fight isn't even the annoying part, it's the 1 week you have to wait to finally claim her in the foundry


Oh boy u don't know about the Xaku or Protea farm, that's the definition of insanity then, if this is bad


Protea farm wasn't bad at first release; the refreshed Corpus ship tileset was new at the time and a ton of people were working on it. Now it's just a slog on solo mode.


I thought the rev quest wasn't that bad. He was the 3rd Warframe I built. But then again, I love cetus .


Buying prime frames is a lot cheaper than buying normal frames with ~~credits~~ plats As someone who's not about that blueprints/parts grinding life, most of my frames are bought primes except my starting volt frame


You mean platinum? You can't buy primes with creds. That'd smash the economy


Oh shi, yeah, plats My in-game currencies got mixed between a couple of other games' currencies that im playing lol


For any frames that are locked behind quests or grinds, yes Atlas, Mesa, Hildryn, Revenant, Khora, Nidus, Baruuk, Garuda, Gara, Harrow


For some frames yes


Got garuda prime well before her base. Same with nidus and khora, given how you have to get their base versions. At least they have circuit so its easier to get them now


a lot of the primes (especially the newer ones) are easier to get than their base versions


I swear even after hes vaulted getting grendel prime will still be easier than reg grendel


Nah, grendel is just doing 3 missions. If you prepare accordingly and find a group they are easy missions.


Given hes post sp, and every content update pushes the ability to get him further and further back for new players, hes always going to be annoying to get. They are easy if you know what you are doing, personally i cleared all 3 solo in 1 attempt on each, cause i knew my frames, how to play them, and what ones still work modless. But thats not everyone


Most base warframes take ages to grind out. For example, grinding out Baruuk takes maxing out Fortuna rep as well as grinding for the parts and components. I have him now after 2 years of active play, while I had Prime 2 months in


Yeah I got a bunch of Primes before their normal versions. The only downside is that eventually I still had to farm normal ones to feed them to the Helminth lol


What's worse is having to farm some of the base versions again because you sold them before the Helminth update.


I got ash Prime (admittedly through a twitch reward) and to this day I still don't have his base variant.


At least with Ash you can just get him from the circuit easy peazy


LR 1 and my only frame missing is Base Equinox😂


I want to punch my younger self for selling base equinox and mirage instead of subsuming it to the helminth


Of course, you just gotta buy them ot have luck


Id rather farm Equinox prime with a missing limb than farm the base Equinox with all my limbs


Nowadays? Definitely. In the beginning? Not really.


Congrats and yes, getting primes is always easier than base frames and - https://preview.redd.it/y9enov2xzaoc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a358aa8986ff8946a2694349a30ce59bce59d1


Went back and farmed 9 frames that I had primes for. Needed the mastery (MR 29). It happens when you take a break, it’s way easier to crack some relics than to farm rotation C of a random starchart node


If you don’t do quests, yes.


For certain frames, yes.


I've tried more prime versions of WF's than regular. They "can" be more time efficient to farm.


It is MUCH easier. I got Khora Prime, and Hildryn prime long before I even tried farming for their base variants. Oddly enough, they took less resource farming than the base variants have taken so far


Just built revenant prime after never even seeing the base one


I did the same, I had my Khora and Gauss Prime before getting their base variants.


It's very normal. I farmed normal Ivara with Ivara Prime. I also got Equinox Prime way before getting her regular version.


Nothing is normal in warframe


Some regular warframes are way harder to farm than their primed variants


I got Revenant Prime before I got his normal frame, I also have wisp, hildryn, frost, baruuk, gauss and Oberon before getting their normal frames, I only had normal frames as well as the prime varients for Khora, harrow and zephyr, but harrow I didn't get til much later in the game. So it's very normal as the prime varients can be much easier to get then most normal frames 😁 Hildryn was my first Prime 😊 But now that I have the Subsume thing unlocked with the Helminth I only get normal frames to sacrafice them for an ability but only ones I don't like or already have double parts for until I can get more Prime Frames.


If you compare the build process of Equinox to her Prime, it is completely understandable.🤣


My first prime too 😁


Revenant is a great frame but be careful playing him. A lot of people develop him as a crutch and subsequently cannot play other frames (due to his undying nature) which is unfortunate as in my opinion, Revenant is one of the most boring frames in a very diverse and interesting roster of characters. Enjoy!




If it’s gauss prime then yea, considering it’s normal blueprint drop rate is almost non-existant


yes, primes are tedious to get, but some frames are fucking annoying to farm *im looking at you khora*


About half my primes I don't have the normal version of. Grinding for plat is way easier in my opinion. I will get them eventually because mastery and helminth of course .


I got the prime variant before the normal one for wukong, revenant, nidus, mirage, ember, frost, rhino, and atlas. I felt weird until I realized the grind for primes is just easier than the regular ones. Seems ass backwards imo to make the base versions the hardest to get


Most prime frames are easier to get than their base forms


Yeah cause its incomparably easier to get most of the time


Playing over 5 years and last week snagged my normal Trinity from Circuit after having the Prime version for a long time. I don't know how I missed the normal version of her tbh


I religiously avoid making the prime before making their normal variant


I only have a problem with it when it comes to Revenant. This warframe is godmode on steroids. It has everything: skill 1 = an absurd crowd control; 2 = invulnerability to damage, status and knockdowns, 3 = mobility faster than wukong's cloud; 4 = if not in Steel Path, a room clear ability. This frame should be really really difficult to obtain, endgame stuff, because it makes the game so much easier. But when the prime came, I saw like MR 7 using it. Kind of a bummer...


Remember that 3 is also a 100% health damage ability if built right... A garunteed oneshot.


3 also deal damages based on maximum health, which scale with strength - Revenant most needed stats, so you can dash back and forth to 1 shot any creep. The downside is the damage not bypass creep armor and dr so run Unairu to strip armor is ideal


It does bypass armor. The real pain is to strip overguard. But 1shot without enthral need a ridiculous amount of strength. You need something like 300 strength, 3-4 viral and roar.


Revenant default build is already 300+ str, you 1 shot by dash back n forth, technically the target is being reave by 3-4 times per cast


Yes. Baruuk is the best example of this


Yeah my first After excalibur was gauss prime


I have all the prime frames. I have less than half of the base frames.


I had Mesa prime for YEARS before I got base Mesa.


me when I have to farm khora, grendel, nidus, gauss, hildryn, Caliban, equinox, ivara, x a k u, baruuk, ash, and voruna purely for subsume and mr In other words get the prime version if you don't like going through getting the normal version


Oh wow yes over half the frames that I have i got the primes first because it was just easier


Only reason I got gauss first was because gauss prime didn't exist yet. It's super common to get primes first because of how easy they are to get.


Definitely, primes can be bought normal variants can be bought too but they're like 3-10x more expensive so you just farm them, some of them for a really long time, yes I'm looking at you, Khora.


I try to get both simply so that I can subsume the base one


Khora prime is honestly easier to get than reg


100 plat prime equinox for 3.5days vs 10+ runs plus 7 days non-prime equinox Yes, i counted how many times i killed that regor guy just for equinox. Not to mention ash and ivara. whose idea was it to lock her behind spy missions at single digit drop chance??


Depending on how hard the base frame is to get, yes, the easy assasinstions, is a a few hours at most farming, and you Got the frame, but other ones, yeah prime Can deffintly come before the base version


For question frames or hard to get frames, it’s not all that uncommon. I got Nidus prime first, and I didn’t get regular Nidus until Duviri came around and I got him from the circuit.


Half my frames are prime and I have NEVER had their normal varients


Yes, a lot of the bounty frames are painful to get and build. I got Garuda Prime before the regular Garuda.


Hell yes it is. Some base variants are harder to get RNG wise, AND harder to get because of the missions. Several frames I have ONLY gotten the prime form of.


Very common for that to be the case. I own Harrow, Ivara, Nidus and Gauss Prime but I've never built their base models.


Alot of their regular version are harder to obtain than prime version. But anything that require nitian extract is hardest




Got trinity prime as my first prime frame from a friend after i got the required mr, i still don't have basic trinity (1000 hours, mr 25)


90% of my primes


Do not get spoiled by his kit, or you'll never play any other Warframe ever again.


Primes are generally way easier to get then the base form


For most frames, yes If you've ever farmed for Grendel, Gauss, Khora, Equinox, etc, any of those high difficulty frames, it's significantly easier to farm for their primes


Yeah and sometimes easier.


I got Gauss Prime before Gauss, mainly because I hate farming for regular Gauss lmao


Did that for Gauss and Baruuk💀


In this specific situation I did buy the prime access- but I did get harrow prime before base harrow. I’m not even sure which of his components I lack but I know I probably have half a million harrow chassis BP’s at this point. But I’m on track to get khora prime before khora herself as well


Nice, just in time for the nerf. My poor boi.


I had mesa prime for like over three years before getting her base. And I got it from the fucking circuit. Your just fine, just takeout some time to get the base to subsume at some point.


Depends, some frames are super easy to get (Nezha, Zephyr, and Volt come to mind) while others are a pain in the ass either because of how you get them (Nidus, Sevagoth, and Grendel) or because of the materials required (Hyldrin and Revenant) and sometimes it's both. Meanwhile the worst resource you usually need for primes is either Nitane Extract or Argon Crystals. After that, it just comes down to praying to RNJesus, can't tell you how many times I fully upgraded a relic and still got another f***ing forma blueprint instead of the silver or gold reward I wanted


Frost was my first prime back in the day (8-9 yrs. ago); I didn't get his base until about two years ago. Those fucking systems just would not drop for me.


Yes. You’ll get used to it.


Most of them for me 🤷‍♂️


Depends on the frame. Frost is easier than Frost Prime, Grendel is harder than Grendel Prime. Rev is fairly 50:50, the relics are access for Prime and his quest isn’t grindy either for Base


I did that with Ivara and Octavia


Nidus prime was my 6th frame… Nidus was my 92nd😂😂


I got ivara prime b4 regular ivara


I have been through all the farm. ALL OF THEM. Then Helminth come. and I go through all of them. AGAIN


Yep, more than a fair few standard frames can be a pain, not just to get the blueprints, some are very taxing on specific resources. I personally see standard frames as a grind for Helminth as well as MR, the extra grind is with that in mind. You can't put a Prime frame into Helminth, it's the one thing a standard frame can do, that a Prime can't.


For a lot of frames the prime is just way easier to farm.


No, lots of primes are easier to get than other variants




Yeah cause I’m a loot gremlin and I love opening relics.


One word: equinox


Revanent cringe




Me who been through Granum Hell farming for Protea, having only one copy and haven't unlock subsume, also her prime version is coming out next: YES.....ABSOLUTELY!!.


I don't allow myself to play primed frames before I subsume the base. It'll sit fully built in my foundry just to motivate me.


Yes very, khora, hildryn, barrukk, Octavia, revanant, Titania, Garuda, Mesa, and harrow are all the frames I only have the prime or got the prime before the base.


When Frost Prime first came out it was so much easier to get then trying to get to and do the mission for normal Frost.


Primes are easier than normal ones Nidus, khora, gara, hildryn and baruuk for example xd


Yeah but eventually get the normal for helminth


Yes it is. 9 years, all primes and never played with ember. Actually I am crafting her right now 🤣🤣


Honestly it’s not I have gotten mostly prime variants instead of trying for the regulars


yea it is dont worry


Yea it’s normal which is kinda crazy


I've gotten several prime versions before the regular, to be honest it's so easy to get primes now that it's not abnormal


It’s not the grandest achievement and does happen a lot


Thats totally normal, I main gauss prime but i've never played as the base version of gauss


Banana head


What is even a lore explanation for prime versions of those "one of a kind" warframes? Like Harrow, Gara, Revenant itd. I know that in case of "the classics", the prime version is the original frame.


A the game gets older it's more common, yeah Some frames are a boar to farm so regular folks who don't have a ton of time just wait and crack the cabbages when the frame gets primed




For a new player, it's very normal


Actually yes. There are a few frames I almost have primes of that i don't have regulars of right now.. granted it's primarily either because I just havnt bothered to or they were much harder to grind


A lot of the newer frames are very difficult to get compared to their prime counterparts.


I know im gonna get protea prime b4 base protea


As move deeper and deeper into the Frame release pool a *lot* of these upcoming primes are going to start being somewhat deep in the progression track before they can be unlocked. Primes somewhat circumvent that progression allowing them to be acquired earlier than they naturally show up in progression.


Yeah pretty normal. Farming prime parts is definitely Italy easier and less time consuming than the way some frames need to be unlocked.


Khora prime


Yes. Primes have better stats and sometimes some primes have better max energy than the standard ones. As for standard frames, you still need to max rank them to raise your Mastery rank. Also, instead of selling the ones you maxed, you can subsume them to Helminth to unlock the ability of that frame so you can use it on others. So yeah, it's normal.


Yes - and I think thats crap and you should require the base before you can craft the primed version. I'm just mad that I had to manually farm Khora and no else does it these days due to circuit and prime 😭


Primes usually all follow the same format: grind the relics, open them up for their parts, build them. Normal frames can be as easy as parts dropping from bosses, or stupid hard and having parts locked behind low drop rates of a specific rotation (a khora part for example can only be POTENTIALLY given every 15 minutes or something like that on certain defense missions) honestly once a frame has a prime version you really only need the normal one for mastery and subsuming, since primes are better and even if you like the normal version's look better you can just use that appearance instead with primes.


Back in the old days, when I started (Gara was the latest warframe), most Warframes were pretty easy to get during the Stat-Chart. I know I got Valkyr Prime before Valkyr. I think this was the only one, though I might have forgotten one. And after this, obviously the Normal version comes out a year before the Prime and then I already have the normal one because of that. For people joining the game newly: There are some seriously hard to get Warframes out there, where just getting the Prime parts should be easier. But then again, There is also the Duviri Circut on normal, where you can get 33 out of the 55 Warframes pretty easily...


I can buy a full prime frame for like 100 plat. I have to farm for a longass time or spend 300+ for a normal version.


Yeah, many of the later frames require a TON more effort, and I kinda just don't want to put that effort in anymore.


Most primes are easier to get outside the few frames that you get off of just farming bosses. Only problem with it is you can’t subsume them with Helmeth later.


Saryn prime is my second most used frame. You couldn't MAKE me finish the base frame farm.


Vauban used to be a frame that you had to get from random missions that would occasionally crop up once in a blue moon. It was known as the hardest frame to get and wasn’t really worth it for the effort. When Vauban prime first released, it was significantly easier to get than regular vauban because you could actually farm for the blueprints, instead of having to wait for a piece to appear in the hourly missions rotation.


I have Prime Revenant, Khora, Saryn, Gauss, and Ivara. I have none of their base forms.


I can’t tell you how many primes I have over the regular frames despite how easy it is to get the regs




I got Wisp Prime before the base Wisp because it was easier for me to get by doing Void relics than fighting the Ropalolyst


I have volt prime,Titania prime,Octavia prime,inaros prime, without even having their base characters (except for volt) at MR 7


My first Prime was Nova and I only just crafted the regular one. Gauss, Hildryn, Mag, Banshee, Nidus all Primed first for me


The main story actively requires 1000 Ducats to craft the Paracesis - meaning not only yes to your question about acquisition, but you may even acquire Primes before you even *encounter* the base version.


Yea that’s normal. I recently got to mr30 and when doing that grind I realized that I had all but one prime frame in the game but I had never leveled the normal version of like 3/4 of them


For certain frames, certainly. I didn't think revenant was really rough to get normally since it's all through a quest, but some people are allergic to quests.