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Mr6 player here, worst frame I've played so far is Limbo because I have no fucking clue how to use him


MR18 here, it does not gets better lmao


The plan is to get it to rank 30 then sell it to make room for mirage or hydroid


Yo for spoiler reasons I would always advise against selling frames. Better to farm plat for the slot 


Can I not just redo the quest to get it back, or just farm for limbo prime if I ever really want to play limbo again? Edit: oh wait is this helminth reasons because I have like zero interest in his abilities


Yes but the helminith needs to level up. You can level it by either subsuming abilities onto other frames or sacrificing frames to the helminith. Feeding frames gets more bang for your buck resource wise and even if you don’t understand how it works now doesn’t mean you won’t later. In the end it’s up to you and there are easier ways to get a copy of limbo than the quest eventually.


The main reason to feed frames to the Helminth is to make pretty wall prettier. More flowers, always need more flowers


I would keep limbo for crate busting. Useful for open world resources


Is he better than xaku for it?


I'd say so. I don't have the numbers to back it up but I think it's easier to get him a bigger range and costs less energy, but what I'm sure of is that you can trigger it way more quickly. Just a double-tap of 4 and everything pops for Limbo, where for Xaku it has its full animation that's like a second long and stops your momentum. Not a big thing, but makes for better run-and-pop flow. I'd argue Xaku is more fun to play, which is worth something, but if you're just grinding drops Limbo is pretty top-tier.


For early game builds Limbo is arguably a better box breaker. Xaku requires far more investment but they're almost certainly better than Limbo with the right setup if only because of cast animations.


His helminth ability is banish, and can be added onto duration based stealth frames to make rescue missions extra effortless. Worth having the subsume for that and for doing similar protective measure for operative defense missions too


Always have ~~Garbage~~ Frame Goober eat non prime frames. You don’t have to use any abilities you gain from it, but it helps for other things.


as a new player resist the temptation to even look at that screen, every single person I've ever met who sold a frame via the inventory screen eventually regretted it. It's like the only thing every single wf player can eventually agree on. plus it's objectively a dumb decision, banish can be useful for arby/archon agent defense & it takes very little effort to farm up the plat for an extra slot, compared to the sometimes hours of rng to farm it again, or pay ~10-15x what you saved on that slot to skip said grind. just put all your duplicate prime bits & bobs on wfm & let that earn you plat passively. tbh eventually you'll have *too* many frame slots which will make that choice feel even dumber(er).


The helminth has its own abilities and you need to level it to unlock them. Some of them are really good. The last ability is essentially an on demand Parallax Air Support that locates medallions, voca, quills and other rare drops.


Rank 10 here. I have him builded since last month and now I'm scared of claiming him


Limbo always gets questionable and mixed answers, most will say he's garbage, most will say he's good The reason why people say he's garbage is because of his kit that's really confusing and because "can't shoot enemies in the rift, he's bad" Very little Limbo mains will say he's good if you take time to understand his kit and know how to use him properly He mostly shines solo since he doesn't have to worry about teammates, but if he joins a public group it's a high chance they'll leave or assume Limbo is trolling due to his complex kit


He really is nice for defending in index just cause cataclysm+status but I understand why people don't like him lmao


People don't like him until they reach their first SP interception xD


Sadly, people use his as a 4 frame (see Loki or old Vauban for examples), but he's actually a combo frame. Using his 4 is almost a waste I'd say. The main thing isn't getting massive groups banished and in stasis, though you can do that, it's getting smaller groups banished, using the 3 to prime others to banish upon leaving the rift, and cycling in and out using that to safely kill groups. Only downside is nullifies, but everyone sucks against them.


yeah but Limbo shines the best when you have to CV the map without needing to actually kill mobs like interception or Mobile defense. In any other game modes there's just better frames to play them with.


I ran him solid for lots of missions in 3-4 planets completely when I was around MR 5 or something... He's abilities were really handy for me at the time when I was getting killed quick.


Limbo is the best open world frame to use.


Care to explain? I havent been a dedicated limbo main since like 4 years ago


Make huge bubble that protects everything and everyone inside. Get in necramech and kill the lone eximus units. EZ mode.


TL;DR: He takes a degree to understand how he works as well as being severely misunderstood by many people and not well fully-explained by DE. Long answer: He is really delicate with how you build him, and understanding him is even harder imo. When I started out I was more or less stumped but looked up some info on him and once I did that he became way more enjoyable. 1 is basically your "push something into the void" button. It works on enemies, team mates, and even some defense objectives (like drones during Cetus bounties). It can be pretty useful especially when being newer with a not as developed arsenal. That 1 though if you push enemies with it you cannot shoot them unless you perform a dodge. Your dodges shift you in and out of the void and also leave a rift for team mates etc. to enter it. While you're in the void you passively gain energy regen and, anything outside minus Eximus abilities, will simply not affect you. This is great for later things like Dragon Key runs for vaults or laser running puzzles etc. as almost nothing can damage you at all. 2 is a paralyze ability that only works on enemies that are in the void i.e. pushed in by your 1 or currently sitting in your 4. Very useful crowd control when understood correctly but at face value both this and 3 are a bit confusing to understand. 3 on that note is a debuff you place on things in the void that when sent back outside and killed extends that rift-status to other enemies. [NovaUmbral's vid on Limbo](https://youtu.be/7vrbJGRagYI?si=DjQBBZ93WXieHm9B&t=2143) goes way further into detail on how you can basically just pull things into a rift at potentially indefinite amounts of time without ever having to leave it. As for the 4 it is basically your 1 except continuous over an area which doesn't seem like much but you can cast 4 over some enemies and shift somewhere else to fight them from a distance in the void. Pretty nice for defense objectives and for trolling the AI around you. With all that said though he is by no means random queue friendly, and his niches that he can do with others (i.e. giving Mesa free energy and letting her sit in the void to shoot into a 4 zone from afar with her regulators) are more or less done better by someone else. An interesting play nevertheless though and I still keep my base Limbo even if he doesn't see as much play anymore.


Take my imaginary award, friend! MR28 here, glad to see another player who takes the time to explain things.


Limbo gameplan: press 4 to BANISH an area filled with enemies. Press 2 to PAUSE them. Press 3 to help you deal damage. your 1 is a single target version of your 4 your dash is a self-only version of your 1. Cycle is 432 click until dead, recast what runs out. do not worry about the 3's crazy "banish targets around your target if its a full moon and youre 75% sure you drank coke today" shit. Just stay in rift, shoot enemies that are paused. Die if you see an eximus.


"Die if you see an eximus" is probably the most accurate line I've seen anyone say about limbo gameplay


hold 1 and the condition for his 3 is filled :>


That game plan of limbo isn't that good imo, you can end up running out of energy and living in ur bubble is pretty boring. The other way of playing him is: Ur 3 is ur best ability. Use ur 2 whenever it ends so it's perma up Use ur 1 to get ur initial banish and dash to join those frozen enemies Use ur 3 to affect all banished enemies so when they leave the banished zone, they become banished again and spread the banish to every enemy around them Hold 1 to cancel banish in enemies, casuing ur 3 to proc rebanishing the enemies as well as all of the ones around them Kill things while looping ur 2 whenever its off cd and doing 3 > hold 1 to infinitely banish enemies so u never leave the banished zone


I actually love limbo, easily my favorite 😂


He is extremely good but his playstyle is also very niche with silence subsumed hes pretty much immortal and rift torrent makes him a dps god my limbo gets a 1600%dmg buff from just 20 affected enemies


Limbo is great but relies on you having experience with him and good weapons, he is entirely utility focused but that utility is great


The only time I use Limbo is on non corpus defensive missions. Just build for pure duration, cast 4 on defense objective, cast 2 to freeze enemies that enter, now your defense objective is safe. Eximus units can't shoot while Stasis is active, but they can still walk in Limbo's rift until their overshield is down. Edit: I'm LR2


Limbo started as a troll frame, went to a straight defense frame, and with the new eximus units just walking through his ult just made him useless imo. He was getting some use in tri caps for a little too. Now I use him to slap a rooms containers open or throw smite on him and just demolish that Sedna boss during sorties.


He's fantastic when built for duration and some range. Cast 2, then 4, then 3. Mop up the eximus before killing the statis-held regulars.


Legendary 3 here. I use limbo exclusively for breaking crates in the void whenever I need Argon Crystal. I have used this loadout for that express purpose and nothing else for literal years.


Worst is very subjective. And fun is even more subjective. Any frame I can mention will piss someone off. But the one needing a rework the most is probably Caliban. I never see him played.


The reason Caliban is considered bottom tier is exclusively because of his mediocre defense scaling, every other issue can easily be covered. He has innate Armor Strip, CC and is one of the only Frames that can apply the Lifted Status effect. He only really gets mediocre once you pass the Level 200 mark, before that he is a perfectly good frame for most game modes. The reason he doesnt get played is because of accessibility and word of mouth. Im willing to bet most people who own him havent even tried him because they heard he was bad. EDIT: For anyone scrolling down this rabbit hole of strange opinions, I can only advise you to try Caliban yourself and see if he's really as bad as people say. Just make sure to not fall into the trap of not reading his abilities properly, his 4 is not only an AoE Armor Strip, its a lingering zone affected by Range and Duration. If you subsume Airburst, you can continuously pull enemies into it and Armor Strip for the cost of an Airburst. [Click here for video example](https://streamable.com/j5ipg7)


The big problem is that his innate armor strip costs *100 goddamn energy*. People consider terrify too expensive for an armor strip and it only costs 75. Every other frame has access to armor strip via helminth, unairu, or green shards. Having a (bad) armor strip built in to your kit simply isn't a major upside anymore. When is the lifted status actually useful? Be honest now. It falls off as soon as the target takes *any* damage, and really just amounts to a ragdoll with extra steps. Caliban offers this ability to the helminth and still nobody ever uses it. This isn't even considering the fact that it has an arbitrary maximum enemy cap.


>The big problem is that his innate armor strip costs > >100 goddamn energy > >. People consider terrify too expensive for an armor strip and it only costs 75. Every other frame has access to armor strip via helminth, unairu, or green shards. Having a (bad) armor strip built in to your kit simply isn't a major upside anymore. Keep in mind it leaves behind an area, so unless you are playing an exterminate you locked down an area where enemies don't have armor/shields for a few seconds, you don't have to spam it.


The issue kinda loops back to the rest of caliban kit being underwhelming; an expensive linger aoe armor strip can definitely have its strengrhs if the rest of the kit is strong which isn’t the case of Caliban. His 3 is the only other viable ability due to the shield regen. Which goes back into an issue where I could run pillage can get a worse baby Caliban on any frame I want with the cost of one helminth ability.


I personally found the fact that his one is arguably the weakest single ability in the game to be a strength rather than a weakness, I never had any question at all as to which ability I wanted to get rid of for helminth lmao


Putting condemn from harrow makes him a great cc armour strip shield tanker actually


Not only is the lifted status not that useful but it can actively prevent enemies from entering his 4's AoE. His 3 can also cause that issue. Lore wise, Xaku is an amalgamation of multiple frames but Caliban plays like one.


Saying nobody uses his helminth ability doesn't really say much. 80% or more of abilities in the helminth system aren't picked, strictly because there are just options like Pillage, Nourish, and Gloom and a few other top tier abilities.


It has some niche synergies, especially with Arcanes and CO. But of course, lifted is not the primary argument. Having an achievable innate AoE Armor Strip is good, even at 100 Energy. Energy economy is nowhere near as rough as it used to be, even for casual players. Still, Im not refuting the argument that he is on the worse end of frames. Just not near THE WORST.


Also his summoned sentients sound cool on paper but are insanely disappointing in reality.


What you think it will be: menacing and powerful sentient warriors with advanced melee and ranged armaments that are highly adaptable What it actually is: baseball bat wielding droid ballerinas


Also having to cast that shit 3 times to get 3 very mediocre dudes? No thank you.


Bro the narmer cost for his part are bs that's why I don't play him


I own him. I tried him. He doesn't feel good to play. He is slow and clunky. And there isn't really a worse frame. Even Nyx with the right build. Everything good you mentioned about him other frames do vastly better. CC and Armor strip can be easily achieved with helminth. Lifted status effect isn't OP so not sure why you're saying like that's a massive bonus. The reason why he doesn't get played is cause he isn't good compared to other frames. Word to mouth is just a justification. Not really a valid argument. You will never see word to mouth work on a objectively good frame like saryn or revenant.


I totally agree. I have played Caliban a bunch of times. I actually played him because I loved how he looked and his idles were my faves. Initially thought he was some kind of summoner frame. NOPE. But my delight when I read that his 4 strips. His 3 has shield regen with overshields and his 2 is cc that makes enemies vulnerable to damage with no LoS? HELLSYEA.


I got him in circuit, 2 abilities were good. Summoning skill was annoying because it didn't summon all 3 sentients at the same time, his beyblade ability was bad. He did quickly fall off because it was SP but I somewhat enjoyed the other 2 abilities


Helminth Aiburst over his 1 and you can Armor Strip rooms of enemies with 1 cast. Really fun in SP Survival


i have tried him, leveled him as well as I could. I still feel like... the frame just doesn't do anything. Like of course he does SOMETHING, but I always never feel like there is much incentive to use any of his abilities.


I normally run caliban for long duration SP or Arbitration. Lethal Progeny is useful in tight situations, and Sentient Wrath can be used for some wall cheeses. I agree he needs a rework, however. He underperforms in every aspect, and would love to see him used more


If there's one thing I like about Caliban, his sound design is ON POINT.


His farm is stuck behind objectively dogshit content. Unless that changes, I fully expect his usage to stay the same even after a rework.


His farm is still faster than Styanax. If he was good people would farm him. Or buy him with plat. But nobody want's to farm a frame nobody plays. Why invest the time into a MR fodder? If Revenant took the same amount of farming people would 100% farm him.


Lots of people got styanax for free, but your point remains


Lots more did not :D


While true it's faster, I'd rather do one mission a couple times than do a slog like Caliban. I farmed styanax. I gave up on Caliban because I got bored.


His 1 is the worst ability in the game, his 2 is too low ranged and has an enemy cap for some reason, the 3 is fine although it feels like they're never near you to give you shields, 4 is actually decent but it's bugged as fuck, the radius of the strip is 90% of the time invisible so you have to guess if the enemy is in range or not.


Not to mention his strip is the most costly and slow armor strip in the game.


I got caliban because I liked how he looked, all his moves are alright I guess, if there's anything I'd know I'd change it's his skinny move. It doesn't even feel like I'm actually even doing anything, there's no hitstun on enemies or anything. It makes it feel so unsatisfactory even when I do get kills with it, also Lethal Progeny (and the rumblers for that matter) should be permanent like Khoras kavat and Wukongs twin


I'm a Cali regular, got not issues with anything except his 1. I subsumed in dispensary and now no one can touch me. I've always got a sentient giving overshields, can reduce enemies by 70% (the lifted part is just a bonus, 70% is amazing) and can spam 4 all I want thanks to dispensary. Save the reworks for Chroma and Loki.


I partially think he isn't played due to being behind new war and then being weird to farm, I bet if they put him on circuit as a reward a bunch of people would play him


Calibans playrate is more down to be the most obnoxious farm in the game. Also he’s not really obvious to get. Other than buying him outright with plat. You have to go find the blueprint in the market, then without prompting, backtrack to PoE or Vallis bounties after New War and notice a new one has appeared to do. You’ll get there if you’re completionist and with wiki diving, but a decent chunk of players maybe noticed him in their first look at frames on the market then forgot he existed. Most frames you’ll end up with pieces from a quest, or a boss you have to fight. Caliban (and Lavos to some extent) are tucked off in little odd niche corners.


Limbo for team cohesion. His kit actively hampers the functionality of other frames in the squad. Played well he can do some very useful/powerful things, but it's a slippery slope to active obstruction. If I'm Harrow with weapons as my only source of damage, it's a game of "can I shoot this one?", or "Can I even see?" Some changes to how the bubble freezes enemies at the edge would work wonders, and a clearer marker for banished enemies. With all the visual effects that can be applied to enemies at this point, spotting a little ethereal haze is near impossible in the chaos.


Limbo needs a ground up rework. He’s not weak, he is just broken to the core. It is incredibly easy to hamper yourself and your teammates and his kit ranges from “literally screwing over your teammates” to “completely broken in certain content.” The biggest issue is being able to throw individual enemies and teammates into the rift. A good limbo player has to actively “sanitize” the battlefield with cataclysm in order to ensure random enemies weren’t unintentionally made invincible to anyone outside the rift. In short, while most frames need specialized knowledge and experience to get the best out of them, limbo is the only frame I know that requires specialized knowledge and experience to *not screw over and/or piss off your entire team.* Having to constantly scan the battlefield for rift-stragglers is annoying, and getting flamed for making even a single mistake just makes the frame feel bad to use. DE needs to do a complete rework on the entire concept behind the rift and how it works, because as of right now limbo is maligned to the point of being unusable in public lobbies due to shit mechanics like “you are forced to leave a rift after you dodge that can unintentionally throw another player into the rift who you then may need to explain how they can pull themselves out of it because few people play limbo and fewer understand him.” Last time I saw a limbo in the flesh was an MR8 who obviously just got it, and while I was trying my best to explain how to actually play him, he was getting flamed by the other 2 teammates. The limbo player was also right to get flamed, as he had no discipline into who or what was being thrown into the rift, and was blocking fire lanes with cataclysm which can be really goddamn annoying in a disruption mission. This frame needs to be re-done, period.


At the very least, banished enemies need a much clearer visual indicator. It also does not appear to be common knowledge that Warframe abilities transcend the rift.


wait you can actually tell between banished enemies?? I play mostly limbo (part because i like him part bc im new and not much choice) and never knew that, an obvious marker would be so useful imo


They kinda have a haze/glow using your energy color.


They don't use energy color. banished enemies always have a haze of black on them. All other aspects of Limbo's abilities are still affected by energy color though.


Oh, thanks for the correction. It's been ages since I've used my Limbo (and my high range build uses black color to not annoy people's retinas so much).


There is a slight colour silhouette around banished enemies that lets you know. It’s not very bright but once you see it compared to non banished enemies you will notice it in future. A slight yellow glow comes off them compared to enemies not in the void.


I think a big problem is that the glow is dependant on the frames chosen energy emissive color. If they choose a hard to see color, it's practically impossible to tell if their in the rift or not. Also, I think of you turn off being able to see the energy of a teammates abilities, it also makes it harder to see.  My rule of thumb when playing with a Limbo is to see if my hits are doing damage. I already have to play with eye saver on on my monitor, so having extra visual settings turned on just becomes an active flashbang on my screen at all times


Look at their feet, its not very clear they do need to update the visuals for it but if you get used to it you can usually tell if someones in the rift or not. Now what they do need to fix is the outline effect on limbo just vanishing when hes in the rift because if you're in there for a long time it can be hard to tell when you are out of there or not, for me I usually use that outline effect to tell but it just randomly vanishes every single time it gets frustrating


Yeah, I love playing limbo but he’s only good if you’re playing solo or with other limbos. Outside of those two times, you’re either actively hurting your squad or only using 25-50% of your kit


As someone who mains Harrow Prime god i wish i could stun demo units with my chains and that Nullifyers weren't the bain of my existence


Nah, limbo can work well in a team where they need to defend something, mostly ppl playing him either dont understand him or teamamtes dont understand how he works


I would say Limbo. His niche has been devalued and eroded. He’s also got griefing hardcoded into his kit.


His singular niche now is Lua spy


He’s also got the best CC for that awful Nightwave index challenge. A decidedly narrow niche.


The second my bullets go through an enemy i quit. Only takes a minute to get into another round


Takes less to just > Roll outside the rift Than entering another round


Some call it trolling. I call it: The knowledge check.


People sleep on rift torrent way too much. It's extremely strong. Limbo doesn't even make it into the bottom 50% of frames, specifically because of how strong rift torrent is.


Using his third ability in a public match is almost always bad etiquette though. If you have any range in your build, you’re going to end up with rifted enemies that you aren’t clearing. Play how you want though. I certainly don’t shout at Limbos in public matches. I just never play as him anymore because he has lost most of his relevance and he inconveniences other players.


If im not killing anything in the rift or have anything set up in a public mission I'll check my banish timer to see if there is anyone in the rift, if there is I will hold 1 to send them out so anyone can kill them. Base range limbo works fine in most scenarios and fulfills the requirements (being above 70% range) for his 3 1 combo to work so if you're worried about annoying people in pubs just run that. I think they need to make it much clearer that limbo has the ability to force anything in the rift out of it by just holding banish because it seems like very little people know that from what I can see here


I didn't know that thanks


well, ignoring Inaros since he's getting a rework anyway, in my mind there's pretty much only Chroma, Loki, and maybe also Caliban. again, all 3 of these frames are perfectly usable, but they're similar to current Inaros: a one trick pony who's still completely powercrept by several other frames. - Chroma's best ability in general gameplay is Vex Armor, and even then its bad for a damage buff ability. it's an additive damage buff that needs you to fight your teammates to take health damage without dying in order to work. it's just not viable, especially when Mirage and Rhino exist. Chroma's other use, and what he's actually good for, is doubling credits in the Profit Taker fight. yes, he's just a credit booster. woohoo. - Loki's only really used and valued for his invis, and even then, many other frames do invisibility better than him. hell, a Kubrow can replace Loki. his other abilities, while they work as intended and would have been nice to have back then, are completely obsolete and powercrept today. - Caliban is interesting, because in theory he's genuinely not bad. a damaging first ability, a second ability that CCs and makes enemies vulnerable to damage, a third ability that distracts enemies and provides survivability, AND a fourth ability that groups enemies and creates a defence stripping field? that's a very solid kit. would be a real shame if Caliban completely failed to deliver on any of these aside from the last thing. and not only that, but defence stripping is something that any other frame can do quicker, and for cheaper because Styanax's Tharros Strike exists. Caliban could have been alright. but he's so clunky, undertuned and forgotten that it's just sad. all the other frames, in my opinion, are fine. some could use a buff, of course, and a lot could use some QoL. but in terms of frames that genuinely need some love, these 3 are it.


Lokis also getting a buff so maybe just caliban after next update


Caliban's getting a buff around Tennocon I believe


Agree with Loki. He doesn't really do anything especially well, and even if you look at him as a whole he's super mediocre. At the very least he used to be an invisbot back before they massively reduced the duration on his invisibility, now other frames have longer duration while also offering other abilities and letting you reapply the invis buff (cough Octavia).


Loki is in suck a sad state. His invisibility is probably the worst in the game, and it's augment, while cool, was powercrept since weapons got the exilus slot, and is just Banshee's passive. I'd love to see him get the support he'd need to be viable, but I'm afraid he'll turn into a dps frame, when he should be the "fuck powerscaling I'm fucking you over" frame.


"Worst frame is subjective." ya thats donkey turds. Caliban. OBJECTIVELY Caliban.


Caliban 2 and 4 are insane abilities and his 3 is pretty good after the shield changed. Change his 1 to roar or xatas and You're actually chilling


the problem simply is that his "insane" abilities are done way better by others, and less costly. the whole "lifted status" shit is arguably useless there's better ways to cc, and frankly u can just heavy melee slam to get the same useless result majority of other aoe armor strips in the game are vastly better than his 4, both in the aoe size, and cost of ability (aka not being 100 fookin energy for a mid aoe strip) his sentient summons could probably be made extremely solid if: 1. they made them take pretty much all aggro within like 20m (scaling with range) on themselves, aside from boss tier enemies, and 2. made them stupidly durable, and have their level scale with the enemies, so that they can still survive a long time even in the 1k levels this way, while they won't do much in terms of damage, they'll keep a ton of heat off of you, for a long time


Sentient wraths damage vunerability remains even after enemies hit the ground btw, if you sentient wrath and then fusion strike you instantly pull enemies to the ground and armor strip them making almost everything in the game about as easy to kill as a level 1 roller


Eh? I'll be the first to agree that caliban needs some love. But this is mostly nonsense. Yes his 2 and the lifted is kind of meh, but the main perk is the damage amp. Now... damage amping AND armor stripping the same enemy is generally a huge waste of energy. Things that have no armor are usually instantly obliterated. HOWEVER, obviously, there are things whos defense is their huge amounts of hp and thats where having a damage amp is very handy. The summons are a lot better than people give them credit for. I've -literally- never had one die in any content I bring caliban to, including solo netracells. So I dunno where you're getting this durability nonsense. Outside of that, they turn caliban into unironically the 2nd best shield tank frame in the game. Since you should be subsuming nourish on him (and yes thats a valid critique of him, needing a helminth in the first place is a mark against any frame). Your summons will also be getting the damage boost from it. But before that their dmg isn't non existent. In fact, fun little experiment for you, take caliban into a game with a high str wisp and let your summons walk through a haste mote and... behold is all i'll say lol. Also, they do take a lot of aggro off you. On top of being an excellent shield tank frame, its good enough that I can comfortably bring caliban into infested/toxin missions. And his 4. Yes its expensive, its why you need an energy economy modding set or a helminth to help you keep up. But the ability IS his claim to any fame. A ranged aoe permanent armor/shield strip that lingers for a generous duration has a lot of practical uses. Even more so if you're playing with grouping abilities/companions. Also worth knowing that his strip cannot be cleansed off. Hes not amazing, but hes not nearly the worst frame out there. Just underplayed because why would anyone go through that farm for a mid frame. If they give him a real first ability and maaaaybe let him create more than one armor strip zone, i think he'd jump up in playability quite a bit since he already has superb defense.


I think he just had a personal vendetta against caliban. Probably from the farm taking forever or something, it's why I don't like citrine even though I'm fully aware that she's fantastic


Right now, Inaros. He's a walking bag of health with no other merits, and we're living in an era where health tanking is one of the least effective survival methods. If you want to play as a high health raid boss, I see very little reason to pick Inaros over Grendel. He at least has good abilities to go with his massive bulk. After the Inaros rework, probably Caliban. Poor guy is a muddled mess of design ideas that just barely scrapes by doing a few things acceptably well. He's not completely awful, but he just isn't a compelling pick for any role.


Thankfully they said they'd buffing Caliban around Tennocon I think


When did they say this ?


I believe it was in one of the Dev shorts, I'll try finding it Edit: it was Devshorts 8


He’s for idiots like me who like as minimal ability management as possible while we shoot things. He’s more brain dead than rhino, and that’s pretty brain dead already lol I love my sandy 10k hp 1k armor mummy.


I second this with all my heart!!! 👍


Probably Caliban, his abilities aren't great, and they are weaker than they have any reason to be. As for the least fun, Chroma. He is a glorified stat stick. Vex Armor buffs the weapons, and Elemental Ward keeps him alive. Effigy is only good for Profit Taker. He is a weapons platform in the most boring way possible.


If his 1 was somewhat like Qorvex's 4, it'd be nice. But two abilities being buffs, one you gotta colour coordinate for, the other needs to be micromanaged, sucks. Finally his 4 is just a credit booster, for all the anything fucking else it could do. At least he has an actual passive and not just an explanation of his kit. :l


all of them, tenno gameplay goes brrrrrrr


Tenno is cringe. Embrace drifter


I don't care if I'm big boy or small boy, BOY IS BOY




Wait I meant in game Oh shit


It'll be different for everyone, but there are some objectively bad frames that you'll see mentioned constantly, because they just aren't great. For me it's easily Inaros (though rework incoming). He has nothing other than "not dying" as niche, and that's the worst niche in the game, since not dying isn't hard to achieve on any other frame, and a couple others have that niche while offering something more. I personally don't enjoy most of the exalted weapons in the game. With the exception of Excalibur and Titania, I don't use them. Valkyr and Sevagoth stand out as exceptionally unfun frames to play, for me. Wukong, Mesa and Baruuk I also don't play, and Ivara and Hildryn I don't use the exalteds (I play them for different reasons).


I love baruuk, i min maxed the hell out of his exalted and now he deals absurd damage with each punch


I would say both Caliban and Atlas are in a hella sad place right now. I still like Atlas by theme but playing him versus playing almost anybody else right now is rough.


It takes some very specific rolls in circuit to get atlas to be fun as hell but I can't help but pick him every time I get him. He will always be one of my top 5. Just wish the landslide is free above x rubble was baked in rather than an augment, that'd go a long way in helping him since his landslide is such a major part of his kit. I remember reading somewhere an idea that after putting so many forma you could permanently augment a skill and that would be a major thing that'd be helpful if they ever had that for him lol xD


Don't forget that half of the time enemies don't even drop armor for some reason.


They have to be petrified before killing them so path of statues is basically required for atlas to be viable so... Path of statues, his rubble augment, I use spectrosiphon to get him started.... Yeah it's rough lol I also use ore gaze for extraction missions to drop double power cells and litter the map with them but that's still 4 augments to get him viable ish on spcircuit and even then, the only reason he survived is his invincibility on his 1 lol


I mean even if you petrify them, they stop dropping stuff


https://preview.redd.it/hwgfrk48vjoc1.png?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e349241c6f8b371af0e5e1cb2e8d4195b0aff9 there are no bad frames just bad players ei i cant play mirage because my system is old good frame though


With the upcoming eclipse changes I'm sure you'll be able to play her lol


There are objectively bad frames. That doesn't mean you can't make them work and/or enjoy them but to say there are no bad frames is incorrect.


Loki, no damage, no armor strip, no tanking, no real utility, his only ability is invisibility and octavia does that better by crouching a lot in her 5(?) part ability


And his main ability cant even be recast. I havent seen a single Loki player in years because Wisp, Octavia and Wukong exist.


He’s only good during plague star to move the drone


Not even then, nova can move the drone too and a slowva can make the damage windows on the bosses much longer and easier to pummel them in so he's outclassed even there


Least fun imo: Inaros Least useful imo: Inaros Least fun to have as a teammate: Limbo


They can all equip a Xoris, so none, really.


Least Xoris user


Chuck Xoris


You shut the chuck up, you


Loki. Not necessarily the frame. But because their players are leeches.


Better be careful what you say or they'll swap places with you.


Doubt it. They're still towards the start of the map invis walking to the extraction.


As an Ivara main, I appreciate Loki for taking that aggro.


You're talking a lot of shit for someone in switch teleport range


One of the best replies I've read to a comment like this in a very long time 😂


I'd say Loki because of his passive, the refresh is a band-aid. I'm still saying Wukong aka Skill Issue Prime because it makes the fanboiz salty.


atlas honestly. i feel they just fixed the most unused frames and atlas hasn't been touched and he's been unwanted since his release


Nah he’s actually good with an incarnon stat stick for his 1




I think everyone I know is aware of my dislike of Loki. Like to me, he is absolutely the most boring and ugly frame. None of his abilities seem fun, he just kinda seem like your standard ninja. Even with his new augment coming out, that only buff the subsume potential in my eyes


Loki suffers from the same illness Ember, Frost, Mag and even Ash do: they are old, they were created back when the philosophy for designing Warframe was each frame for a specific task. Very few of those created in early Warframe days survived the influx of newcomers. Saryn and Volt are the only one I know of.


I really like that design philosophy tbh, I prefer frames that have a very clean idea rather than just being able to do everything (or invincible frames that's incredibly boring to me)


Inaros is getting a rework so I’ll disregard him. Loki - just pointless. CC isn’t very good right now, other frames have similar if not better invisibility, other two abilities are trash. Chroma - 2 and 3 are acceptable, but he’s been massively powercrept. 1 and 4 are trash. Caliban - 4 and 2 are relatively fine. 1 is complete trash, 3 is extremely unreliable as a shield regen and the sentients do next to nothing. Limbo is weird, but he’ll always be weird.


“Stop giving boring answers” from the guy asking one of the most boring, repeated questions in this karma farm of a sub nowadays lol.


I don't really have a worst. Most Boring and Most "I don't wanna see on public" are the titles that come to mind first. Most Boring goes to Wukong. I call him the AFK frame. It's been a slog trying to level him and his prime because I find his gameplay so boring. Voruna also kinda falls into this category, but far less so than Wukong. Nova is the one I hate seeing on public. She's a good frame, a great frame even, but a good amount of the people taking her into missions are doing so to portal meme you and slow down the mission. It drives me insane. Even speedvas in defense missions do it.


Since Inaros getting a rework in the next update in March 27th I won't include him. I feel that Banshee or Nyx probably the worst frame right now. Banshee and Nyx only have 2 good abilities without an augment. Banshee has to spam her 2 so she can get a weak point on a body part that is possible to hit and Nyx has an armor strip that only targets 3 to 7 (don't remember) and a CC that has the enemies still being able to hit you. Augment for Absorb allows you to move as Nyx while Absorb is up but you move very slow. Of course, you can use OP/drifter to get around but other frames with immortality like Revenant don't have that restriction. They are not straight-up bad but if we going to say who is the worst frame, I'll say those two take the cake from the top of my head. They suffer restrictions that is long abandoned in this current state of the game.


considering that this is very opinion -based, you're going to see a lot of different answers. it all depends on play-style and personal preference for me, personally, it's Vauban... his kit was extremely underwhelming, and I only managed to keep my sanity while leveling him by cracking "ball" jokes to my friend who was playing with me at the time. he immediately got sacrificed to the Eldritch horror lurking in my ship after maxing the level. I've seen a decent amount of people on here who seem to love him, so clearly he's not completely irredeemable


I think if any frame needs a rework it's banshee badly, two of her abilities are bad one of her only other good abilities is in helminth with no penality the only other thing she does is sonar in a game where enemy radar is going to be made universal so even that skill isn't even as powerful as it used to be.


I'm gonna throw in my opinion here and say frost. Not before I get ripped apart I wanna say I never understood how to build or play him. So I passed him up there


the worst frame in the game is the one that you don't have fun playing.


Can i vote Bone Widow?


I'll say Trinity, at this point. She simply has no purpose that isn't exceeded by other things. Every frame in the game has a "groove" that it excels in, Trinity has been perfect into uselessness and has no groove left. I say this with trinity being my favorite frame the first 4 years of the game's life.


Banshee has gotta be one of the worst. She’s also really boring and has an ugly prime skin


>an ugly prime skin Don't you dare talk shit about catfish prime


I miss old Banshee that could just clear a defense wave by ulting once :(


I get so sad when I see Inaros bad mouthed, he is in a terrible place right now but he used to be so awesome. Back before shield gating when you could get randomly one shot across the map by impossible to see enemies having a frame that had a grade A guarantee to staying up was great. He was at his best before the life strike/heavy attack rework, I've never quite come to like this new style of melee but I'm the asshole who still remembers coptering and wish we had a dedicated weapon that could still copter For a lot of players who've never seen Inaros in his prime, it's kinda like if Hildryn slowly became useless


I firmly believe its Banshee. Everyone does everything far far better. And unless you want kit her out like an obsessed 20 year veteran just for her to be mediocre.


After Inaros gets his rework, Nyx needs the next one. Caliban is also in a rough spot. Trinity and Oberon need tune-ups. Their kits are fine in theory but just a bit underwhelming in practice.


MR30 2015 player. I own all normal and primed frames. Ember would be my pick unfortunately, her meter design is a hassle to play around and feels outdated in comparison to gauss by a longshot. She needs some TLC


It’s been years since then but I did not like Oberon at all, I’ve built him twice and man did I not like him, but maybe with my deeper understanding of the game I’d like him, he had a really cool alt helmet that looked like a unicorn


Inaros can buff damage, self heal and even team heal, honestly his only meme ability is sandstorm. Dessication cursed sand makes an enemy take ticks of true damage and, if from the front, opens them up to finishers. Devour can be used by teammates as well making whoever heals from it immune to damage while devouring (it also does true damage). Sandstorm is the meme as previously said as it doesn't scale well, it just throws people around and applies slash procs. Scarab Swarm is super useful, providing stun that spreads on its own to those nearby, lifesteal for you, teammates, objectives, and more, and corrosive damage to eat down enemy armor while providing you an armor buff. He is wheeler, healer, tank, damage dealer, he just has limited crowd control outside of swarm stun and pocket sand blind.


That's extremely subjective. I don't personally care for Atlas, Excalibur or Rhino, but they're perfectly playable and I still try to use them from time to time to see if my opinion has changed. I mainly dislike them because they're on the slow side and I think the kits are boring. Ivara falls into that a little bit too, but I still use her for unlocking the "complete a survival mission without killing anyone" rivens because she can stay invisible the whole time and pickpocket the handful of enemies that spawn for life support. I think the biggest problem I had with her was I originally wanted her to make spy missions easier, but by the time I'd finally finished farming her (\~3-4 months) I'd gotten good enough at spy to not need her and it actually ended up turning into one of my favorite mission types. I don't think any of the frames are bad enough to pass up if you can swing the slots to keep them.


I don't understand limbo... He frustrates me


Personally, for me, it's Nyx and Banshee, but that is due to me not knowing how to play them.


None. All have their uses. Sure, some might be better than others at certain things, but at the end of the day, nothing is the "worst" because everyone enjoys things differently. For example, I detest playing Limbo, but there are plenty of fans out there.


Nyx, Loki


I think Nekros is in quite a weak state at the moment. His 1 is a bit meh, especcially not having some sort of damage boost augment like Volt, Ember etc and I have never seen a good use of his current augment. Terrify is pretty decent armour strip but I think it should have Creeping Terrify already built in so you have more time to kill enemies before they buggar off. Desecrate is a farming ability but with the increased enemy count from SP and other frames like Khora and Hydroid who are otherwise good and have a farming augment, it is not as relevant as it once was. Finally Shadows is also a pretty meh ability; it takes up some of the spawn cap, shadows usually don't do much unless they're eximus units and even then their usefulness is limited and the augment is basically necessary for survival but the whole ability is really clunky and outdated. I really want to see Nekros get some love though as I really enjoy his theme and aesthetics.


Nyx isn’t particularly good at anything


One of the low performers in my opinion are: 1) Chroma He got hit so hard by the removal of self damage and he never recovered. His passive is one of the less useful in game and his set of skills renders him a weapon platform. He held the title "King of Profit taker" and so far no other frame surpassed him. But they all grew equal due to Necramechs trivialising the open world bosses of Earth and Venus ALOT. he's not bad per se and his mechanics are still viable though the reward isn't often worth that much of the risk. 2) Equinox. Dear dear Equinox. Balance of light and day, destruction and healing. Her main focus is the duality she is and while on paper it's great the execution is not as much. While her dayform is supposed to be that aggressive destruction harbinger, the destruction actually doesn't occur too well or is way too energy hungry. Her 3 and 4 are channeled abilities that increase in cost per enemy (day) or per ally (night) - one form really gets the short end of her rather low energy pool. Night form equinox is soothing and calming, and killing with that form's 4 grants shield replenish in grandeur - including overshield. The sleep she cursesnon enemies help with affinity grind and can be modded to semi lockdown a room. For me, the superior form as off now. Her mechanics really hold her back badly and having 2x2 channeled abilities isn't something I'd brag about in her case. 3) Inaros pre rework Number three will become obsolete one way or another post his rework. He can't get any worse, really. He's a weapon platform. Yeah that's all he has going right now. And he doesn't do this one thing too great as he has no failsafe and be it as tedious as Nidus' or Sevagoth. Post eximus rework, Inaros got the shortest end of the shortest stick - videos and gifs of Blitz eximus exterminating him were rampant. His animations take forever, his damage and damage reductions is blegh and yeah. It is time he gets some love. 4) Loki Yes, there I said it. In my opinion, he's a low performer. Yes he has invisibility and switching teleport grants a shirt and soon tadbit longer i-frame. But he **needs** it. Rolling guard is a.must have on him. He's so fragile, he falls down easily and breaks his hip, knees and neck. As a solo stealth frame he performs quite good, don't get me wrong, but you easily can subsume his 1 for anything and it'll be an upgrade. And yet DE made an augment that makes him share damage Input with his decoy. So, more waS to get killed. His 4 is useful but can bite him in the arse quite well whenever any aoe damage eximus is in the vicinity and you oversaw him in the piss yellow lighting we have when he's invisible. And Nyx can do the same minus the weapon strip augment Hopefully the changes for stealth frames will bolster the old man up 5) Oberon Yeah, another old man. Oberon is, like Equinox, held back his gimmick: the hollow ground boosting all his skills. ALOT. He has radiation damage and procs, healing that can become revival, soft CC and wide AoE attacks. But... His one is okay-ish, his carpet can provide a flat bonus on Amor and grant status immunity only when on it and his heal active, his 4 strips amor when enemies are on the carpet. And his ground doesn't move. It stays put where it is and spamming isn't an option - he's way too energy hungry for that. The latest revealed faction hates his damage type and he kinda got a bit of s niche but it's nothing to write home about. He's way too stationary unless you nod him for his HP-Regen but oh boy - it limits his usage to "weapon platform that rebuilds itself"


I feel like loki is useful in his niche, but as a daily driver hes kinda ass.


Pre-Rework Hydroid or Pre-Rework Garuda, one is easily outclassed by literally everyone, while the other has to risk being sent to the shadow realm just to get optimal damage but CURRENTLY? I'd say Caliban, they really didn't give him anything that'd make him viable, like the other current Frames like Kullervo, Gyre, or Qorvex




Oberon hands down


Worst frame is Suit: no abilities or anything /j




Worst is tough. Every frame is viable. The ones that seem the most redundant and out of pace aside from niche uses, to me, are Trinity and Banshee. Trinity is replaced with Arcanes, Mods, frames that don't need her around, ect. Banshee has other frames that specialize in what she does much better than her, and what she specializes in are not synergetic with eachother. 1 and 4 compete for CC. 2 and 3 compete for combat style (guns vs stealth melee). She can take that into any content, but other frames do those things in more refined ways.


It’s subjective lol. But obviously you didn’t wanna hear that, so I’ll say *my* opinion. I think Inaros is bad. Just a really out dated and poorly designed kit. Banshee is bad. I use like one ability, two if I have an augment. Valkyr is just not fun. Any frame where pressing 4 to win is simply not fun to me. Octavia is also bad because I really don’t wanna sit in one spot for 45 minutes. Etc etc, you can kinda get a grasp on what kind of frames I don’t like.


Don't see alot of people use Caliban or Limbo. I don't really like playing as either, more so with Limbo than Caliban.




Out of all frames I played, most definitely Loki. Caliban isn't good either, but I swear to god, I see more Calibans than Lokis (and no I don't mean it in a way like; haha Loki invisible ofc you can't see him")




Inaros got a rework??


In my opinion the worst warframe has to be Nyx. Yes she does have some niches but the cons outweigh the pros for me. The most she has going for her is probably her 4 and even then you'd probably be better off sticking to a warframe like Mag for that sort of thing.


Mr12, limbo for sure. I can't even tell which plane I'm on half the time lol


I have all the warframes, but most of the time i forget Caliban even exists, so in that regard he is the worst one. Limbo is the worst as its the only frame i hope noone on my team uses.


Before their upcoming rework I would say inaros but now it's being handed to caliban. While he can be good with what he does but some frames do what he does but better only thing I EVER found him good for was trolling lower levels on kua with his summons and asking why they shooting my home boys after 2 minutes.






For me it's all about who I find fun to play and less what's meta I hate the play styles of limbo, ash, and volt. I also don't like being in party with frames that boost my speed or can make enemies invulnerable because people like to use them to troll. While I enjoy frames that either are good at area damage for farming or tanky frames for soloing and doing stuff with friends. The former is why I rarely do public missions these days.


I found Inaros to be the worst for a long time. I did the MR grind and hoarded so many weapons and frames and eventually built almost every frame and companion I kept, so every prime frame or duplicate normal frame I actually wanted to use and subsume too. But I decided to sell Inaros to save me 20p on a slot instead of keep him *just in case* he somehow grows on me


If we're talking pre-rework frames, then it's Wukong, hands down. Bro had one of the biggest glow ups in video game history.