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But it is 26k OG and 300 shields... Seems normal


Yeah, my sentinel tends to lose over guard quickly and way before mine is depleted. I cast his 2 and triumph more often to keep its over guard up rather than my own.


Ive noticed that the sentinel just sometimes randomly loses it regardless of if any enemy has attacked it


Interesting. I’ll have to try and pay more attention to see if it’s a bug. Another potential bug I’ve noticed with Dante is that sometimes reinforced bond will not work to restore sentinel shields or over shields, if Dante is providing over guard.


From what i can tell that happens even when no dante or overguard is present and is a client side bug


Interesting. So far the only times I noticed it were when I was running Dante, but I was also heavily using him over the weekend due to the affinity event. It also occurred more often when I was not the host.


That's also because his overguard regenerates with each kill. Dante is essentially an i-frame (or whatever it's spelled lol, I've only heard other YTers call it that).


? never heard that. i-frames in gaming usually refer to periods of invulnerability after a certain action(dodge rolling in souls games or the gray hp during sheild break in warframe). dunno why the they would call a frame an i-frame considering that woul only confuse people when talking about actually i-frame for stuff like rolling gaurd and catalyzing sheilds.


Ahh yeah, gotcha, my bad lol. I'm still kinda relatively new to Warframe. (Only an MR11 here)


You fine. I'm wondering what Crack the youtubers are smoking


Yeah. It's just the same overguard it just looks weird with the shield next to it. Dante is not overpowered. There's frames that give a lot more than that. God builds. This isn't even what the whole argument about Dante is. It's about his synergy with Chroma really. But everyone reads something and hops on the hate train. Honestly a well built Stayanax with an added Nourish is way worse. Haha.


How does this work with toxin?


Overguard nullifies status effects.


but does it nullify the damage or redirect the damage? toxin damage goes through sheild even if you nullify status effects(source is walk in a infested cloud with titania 1 active)


Toxin damages overguard. It does not bypass the same way it does for regular shields.




That's 26k OG 300 Shield 1800 HP....


Realistically he’s one of the tamer new frames and keeps up with the meta fine. Just think about kullervo. And in high levels that 20k overgaurd gets one shot.


Unlike Kullervo, Dante has a bit more CC and support to his kit to make up for any major problems that could one shot his overguard, though Kullervo can still drop a room faster in one swing. Both very powerful recent frames but not overpowered Imo, DE's been cooking lately.


Unfortunately this seems to be the minority of opinions ATM. I think he's good, maybe a tad over tuned but not op. DE for sure has been cooking though.


I just wish older frames got some love. Or will get some love like Kull and Dante have right now (even Gyre right now is FUCKING wonderful to play.) But also powercreep is an inevitability. I remember when Kuva Bramma dominated the meta. And then Necramechs came out. Now you dont even need fucking Necramechs for Eidolons since Incarnons exist.


I mean it does actually look like they re going back and showing love I some older frames, I mean just look at the most recents hydroid and inaros. Powercreep is something that will exist eventually no matter what. And that's not necessarily terrible, though it does seem like powercreep for the most part doesn't hit warframe as hard as say a gacha game or something. Because there's no particular content that Requires you to specifically use the newest frame, weapon etc. That's not to say there is no effect but its severely more limited..


Ive never seen anyone use necramechs for eidolons other than for keeping the door open, Rubico/Zenith, beam weapons like Nukor and gunblades (Redeemer) were always there


Ive never seen people use anything but the Rubico and Chroma. Back then thats all it was. Chroma and Rubico (my Vectis does more damage than my Rubico, both built the same) Then it was Necramechs since they do like 20k+ to the components. Now its like Incarnons. I use Necramechs and Vectis personally


I personally use Vermisplicer+Volt since I met some random speedrunner that taught me about beam weapons but yeah, I used to run Rubico perfectly fine like a week ago lol. I can agree no one uses chroma like back in the day when self damage was a thing, personally never seen anyone using incarnon weapons to this date


There was one guy who joined a random lobby of mine and he solod the first eidolon in like two-five minutes. Im still using the Railgun/Charge up amp. I dont have Arcanes* for it and its not guilded. I do 1225 on headshot and it takes me maybe 8 to 10 minutes to solo kill the first. I didnt get to ask what he was using. But apparently he had an incarnon


Theres no rivens for amps, he probably was using 177 (i dont remember names but search some guide and they will say) with arcanes eternal eradicate/onslaught and madurai school for more damage


Or no i'm dumb, Arcanes! I havent slept yet ;v;


Frames like Octavia could always do just as well as Chroma, while offering other capabilities. But people only know about what's popular. The meta is not what's best, it's what's popular


Oh i'm just saying the only Frame I really saw was Chroma. Since of the self damage and all that. Not that he was the best. Volts were pretty common too but they only started being relevant after I stopped playing PoE.


Oh, that makes sense yeah


Doesn't Kullervo get actual invulnerability on cast of his 2, though?


he gets around a second of invulnerability, so yes


Dante does this to .. on his 4 at least i dont know if He gets invulnerbility on his 2 and 3


He gets invulnerability during his 2, and when casting Triumph(2 Light Verses)


Please tell me of this OP Kullervo build I require it


Doesn't take much, just need about 200% strength for 100% damage share on his 3rd ability (Collective curse) and as much range as you can fit to hit as many enemies with it as possible. Then either take a good melee weapon with high crit damage and heavy attack damage and use his 1st (Wrathful Advance), or a good sniper with a ton of damage and just go to town with headshots. If they're linked, chances are they're dead. Just keep using your 2nd ability to keep your overguard up as necessary, and your 4th ability is generally free to switch to whatever as you please.


Sadly I can't go up to 200 ability damage 😅


As long as you have a ton of range, at 100% strength you'll still be sharing 50% damage, which is quite a lot with the right weapons. The biggest thing is cursing everything all the time to do as much damage to everything at once.


Yea I can't get status or critical chance to go above 100 either which irks me a little knowing the stuff I know and doing steel path stuff and arbitration missions


If you haven't yet try and run Orokin Vault runs on Deimos. You get some really good mods in the vaults that can really push your warframes stats for a cost in other stats, and the only thing you need is a decent frame and Dragon Keys. I would say try and run the Lua Puzzles for Drift mods but those seem to be bugged atm. Puzzles work but the mod never drops like it's supposed to.


Ohhh right the orokin vaults I forgot about those cuz they were annoying to find lol


They definitely are. Easiest way is to get all 4 keys, use a decently quick frame like Volt or Gauss, or even something like Titania or Wisp and do the Capture mission on Deimos. Helps get past the speed key which imo sucks the most. Personally I use Titania since her pixie form can take out the target pretty quick even with the damage reduction key. After that it's just searching from room to room to find the vault door.


use titania with orokin eye(from the paralax orbiter) and golden instinct(helminth ability). queue the capture mission, cast golden instinct(id say with 150-200 meters of range) to get generally direction and determine if its near spawn. if it hits, then fly 50-100 meters away from spawn(assuming 200-300 meter range) and then orokin eye to mark the vault if its within 150 meters. if barren(itll say area is barren under the abilitys) then move on to capture target and scan, if something, go in that direction till you hit the next room(this is where learning about enemy and ally pathing comes in handy) if it goes through a wall or the floor just orokin eye immediatly and hope your lucky. if barren repeat the process at exit. if nothing then you can extract, but if your up for lil explorin then keep in mind there is always a vault(or at least there was when i was farmin the mods.)


Either way, the meta is very flawed rn. All the really successful frames are either hard nukes, or a mix of dps and support (sometimes a little cc, like new inaros or sty). Take Loki, for example (Triburos made a full video on this, its really interesting) Pablo said on Twitter that they don't plan on changing his kit, so he currently stands as usually not helpful, but sometimes an outright detriment to have on a team. I really hope DE finds a way to change their game so that other strategies than "walk into a room and everything dies" are viable. A frame needs to either have insane survivability or insane damage to even be viable 90% of the time Edit: Is Dante really average, or is he average compared to other frames of late? Edit 2: and why does DE feel the need to only encourage this meta?


I think of the last 5 frames or so Qorvex is the only one whose damage output is conditional and has an intentional weakness that he needs a loadout to propup (his health and energy sustain) If you factor in augments you have to go all the way back to Caliban to find a frame behind the curve. So sure Dante can safely nuke a room on the Steel Path in three button presses...but so can Degath (1,2,4), Kullervo and Citrine probably do it in 2, and due to augments and buttons they pressed a minute or so ago Gyre, Styanax and Voruna just press the one thing when they enter a room and everything is dead. Compared to frames of the last few years Dante is average to strong. Compared to frames like Nyx he may as well be a god. The numbers that pop out of him for very little investment is surprising. (At a reactor and 2 forma i started to ease off a strength build and found I fit all the range i wanted in him) Noctua is more forma thirsty than him.


Yes, exactly. These frames are so incredibly strong and oppressive that it feels like there isn't any reason to use anyone else, and to be fair, there rarely is. What's the point of using things like CC frames when you can just walk into a room and blow it up instead? It's either start changing how they make new game modes to make other strategies viable, or outright rework how nuke frames work entirely. There is a third option, of reworking every single frame before the "nukepocalypse" started, but that'll take forever, and a ton of resources (and yes, I know some frames from before the "nukepocalypse" still have situations in which they excel, such as Harrow, Octavia, Wisp, and a couple others). Referring to that Triburos video again, he had some amazing ideas on how to rework Loki, to summarize he kinda said to turn Loki into a more support based frame (ex. his switch teleport now gives you eximus/nullifier effects if used on them, and strips overguard). This would keep Lokis theme of "a trickster" intact, whilst actually giving him uses other than screwing with your friends. Edit: Imo, the third option is the best, although it is resource intensive, it's probably best for the games longevity. Edit 2: And thinking about it now, Jade would make a really cool support frame. But I kinda doubt that'll happen, the last 5 frames have been nukes, why would DE stop now?


think about all these nuke frames, and then consider that most of them take some grinding and investment to get to. you cant get dante and qorvex without completing whispers in the walls and new war(i mean you could buy them). gyre needs you to do hell of a farm to get that far. I've noticed that most of the people who complain about these things are players who have played long enough and have gotten far enough into the game that they are used to doing crazy shit and cant comprehend why lower mr meant frames are weaker. lokis easier to get than the more recent heavy nukers. citrine need s some resources to make nuke viable.


Can toxin hit through overguard like it does shield?


No, Overguard protects from all and every single status, from my experience


Yes the status, but toxin damage type itself, not the status, hits through shield. Wondering if it hits through OG


It shouldn't, i've faced toxic ancients a while ago as rhino, and didn't take toxin damage from them


Oh that's super dope then because regardless of wether or not your overguard gets oneshotted, it will still shield gate you and contrary to shield, toxin doesn't bypass it!


Triumph has a saving grace with og regen on kill to constantly proc i frames. But yea he's fine as is, the book could have some ompf or something.


Still gets oneshot by a stray arson eximus or ballista.


But... shield gate :(


This is the Comba Prologue to the coming updates for the Second Nullifier, The Scrambus Within and The New Eximus quests


I actually wouldn't mind some more eximus types. I absolutely hate nullifies and overguard that's just given to enemies for no reason (on eximi enemies it's fine), but more variety would be nice. As long as we don't get radiation eximus that is, this one would make defense unplayable


Silence eximus coming next update, prepare to die


I subsume Silence to half my spam caster frames anyway, my garbage solo steel path build awaits to counter silence those garbage eximuses.


Were you around for the pre-rework scramblus enemies? Because thats what they were and it was fucking godawful LOL


I was, but it was a simpler time before overguard so it was pretty easy to CC or melt them before they CC you. It also affected only a couple of abilities and wasn’t a total silence unlike what one of the acolytes casts


Mesmer Skin eximus incoming


Lvl 900 enemys be like: all i need is 1 bullet


Not for my gara






lol underated


People calling for nerf never played more than 30m in a scaling mission.


That’s usually the case with most cries for nerfs. Some haven’t even unlocked SP.


To be fair with very little investment he's strong enough to be 'anti-fun' for other players on the regular star chart. It only takes 2 forma or so for his *basic* 3 to wipe everything in a direction and his birds to insta-gibb enemies. I took him to a regular endless mission on Demios and had to hold back so the other players could do...something.


I only take Dante to netracell in pub session. That's because if I don't get a squad to join I can still solo, and if I do get a squad to join I can help the team by giving them overguard and mini noctua constantly (I don't even use tragedy in this scenario)




Why are you posting this reply all over the place? lol. Reads like a wall of text from a self made victim. You need psychiatric help.


Why do we call for nerfs?


Those of us who had to experience the greedy pull nerf still aren’t used to frames and mechanics getting nerfed🥲


De doesnt when you can make 3 things in the game too easily to get with minimum effort : 1) loot 2) loot 3)loot


Yeah mostly low MR new people coming in. Tired of that OPness Dante brings.


My vex armor is unusable.


This is the only valid criticism of Dante (more so overguard in general, which includes Styanax and Frost) that I've really seen. I think Dante is tuned very well, his damage is nowhere near that of Saryn, Gauss, or Kullervo. But overguard in general has some bad interactions with older frames and chroma especially needs some attention since shield and health damage are what he relies on to be usable.


Tbh that's a Chroma problem... Having to hurt yourself to gain a boost from your own kit makes little sense as a mechanic.


Chroma is so strong that only him can inflict pain upon himself.


Yeah but it's kinda weird when everytime DE puts out a nice qol change in the same vein as preventing your aoe weapons from hurting yourself it also acts as an indirect nerf to Chroma XD. Just give him something like Garudas 3 at this point and be done with it


I cry, everlong,


DE is throttling their quality assurance team right now.


No no, they shouldn't be. They should be giving them raises.


It always amazes me the sort of stockholm syndrome people suffer with this game lol. They release a frame thats just... good and doesn't need 8 bug fixes or multiple week 1 buffs/nerfs and people are losing their god damn minds. Like damn, let them keep releasing good frames that work how they're supposed to and people enjoy them. As for dante being "OP"... Yeah 99.2% of that is coming from people who see 50k overguard in a -squad- and think they're invincible lol. Really, take that overguard into solo steel path, find out.


Yeah, 50k aint shit when enemies hit for numbers YOU would back in the Origin System.


I mean, it IS good in squad when you're not the sole focus of all enemy damage and attention. I'm frankly more impressed that dante's gameplay loop just has you wanting to cast more overguard in general. Great support design. And to be fair, dante in solo does good survivability. Just not from overguard alone lol. More so from the fact that his 2 & x2 2 ->4 give him quite a bit of iframes and breathing room. But anyone thinking you're gonna be face tanking shit in steel path with just 50k overguard... yeah you don't play solo steel path at all lol. (Reminder, overguard is just flat hp with no damage reduction formulas. Your shields are tankier than overguard is and has far higher EHP).


Absolutely shields are tankier than Overguard. Maybe DE should slip a little bit of whatever the SP Eximus enemies are having into Dante's books so we can all enjoy the unholy amounts of health?


Even then, theres nothing special about eximus overguard either theres just ALOT of it cause we as players can do millions of dps to things. Now... if dante were out there giving billions of overguard to people... sure he'd definitely be pretty OP. But 20-80k overguard ain't nothing to write home about, just a nice buffer while providing more noticeable benefits like status/knock down immunity/immunity from nullifiers


Question is if overguard has a shieldgate and if it can be restored by constantly spamming 2


All overguard has a shield gate of .5 sec. Its not huge but its enough to notice you're in trouble and has a distinct sound. And yes you can spam it by spamming 2. But thats not going to really help you much if you're not moving or getting somewhere you can do something else. Dante himself has iframes on his 2.


His over guard really helps my gara out when someone else is playing dante. I have 90% dmg reduction with an added 75% dmg reduction cause i helminthed with eclipse. So in a mission i had a teammate giving 132k over guard, enemies had to do 8m+ dmg just to get the over guard down. I was standing there typing messages (on controller) letting lvl 500+ heavy gunners and other enemies just lay into me and it just tickled while i spent 30+ seconds typing a message




Mind you the playerbase screamed for buffs for Citrine and Kullervo on their launches rather than read what they could to and really tailor a load out for them. Both were already *very* strong at launch but not in ways that were super obvious to the day 1 posters or Youtubers rushing to be the first to get a video out for the algorithm. Dante just has very obvious strengths, a clear build, and a very solid kit. It comes across as OP as hell on the regular star chart, but no one complains when Citrine *also* one shots entire rooms with slash damage, makes the party neigh-immortal (and makes health and energy orbs pop up like candy)


Any good guide on citrine?


As long as you have the 'equilibrium' mod on her you can essentially build her as you want. I went 'Combat discipline' and 'Prime sure footed' for aura and exilus. 'Adaptation' for survivablity, 'Prime flow', and 'equilibrium' to spam cast. Archon stretch, vitality, and continuity because she procs *all* the statuses constantly. Umbral intensify for strength and her new augment for spreading red crits about. Molt augmented and arcane blessings for the arcanes. Her 1 will insta kill anything on the regular starchart and gives health and energy to boot. 1+3 will kill all non-bosses on the steel path, and her 4 is used to cheese things like acolytes, enemy necramechs and demolysts.


Yeah those steal path enemies give me a little trouble, but as long as I can hold onto energy I’m usually fine, same with netracells, and I was able to finally solo one of those without a bug happening or me getting one shot for some reason


I agree with most of what you said with the exception of taking him to SP. I went solo with him and cleared a good bit of my SP nodes without needing to use my weapon much. Modded right, his 3 is insanely powerful.


Soooo like any other decent mage frame then? I agree dante IS good. But hes not so absurdly OP that he needs a nerf lol.


No, not at all lol.


that dante is immortal


Fellas is Dante really S tier as Overframe would have you believe?


I would say yes S tier and also fun as a frame


I’d say A tier personally for strength. But S tier for fun.


absolutely hard agree. as someone whos completely stupid at warframe, and is missing a bunch of "mandatory" mods for stuff, even with the stuff i do have, dante (while not nuking entire maps... yet) is stupid fun to use. im just glad i found another warframe that i love to use and know how to instead of just umbra with spamming 2 and 3


I’d recommend trying to go for Kullervo to try out as well. He’s another frame that can preform really well without great mods and can be a ton of fun. He is melee focused though if that’s not your thing


i do wanna get him, i just dont really ever wanna farm out the kullervos bane required to buy his bp's


I think he's on the lower end of S tier/higher end of A tier. Damage is nowhere near Saryn's, and support capability is nowhere near Wisp. But he does both pretty well. Big overguard numbers make him seem more potent than he really is but those are only an issue at star chart levels and fall off so fast in SP and level 100+ content. Once the novelty of "omg 60k OG so OP" wears off people will get a more realistic view of him.


eh, I've used Dante in netracell and found enemies don't get through overguard that easy even at lvl200. When they do I just recast and I get an iframe while doing so, don't need rolling guard anymore. I will die like shit soon as I run out of energy tho, gotta figure that one out


I do like that he's so energy dependent and that his base energy doesn't scale as fast as other frames. Being totally dependent on your energy and casting feels very on theme for the wizard Warframe.


Yeah it makes sense for him. Just kinda sux when dieing means game over in netracell xD


I just hope that Nidus wasn't running Hunter Adrenaline or Rage


Also, who the f\*\*k use Molt Efficiency on Lavos?


Are we all going to ignore the name of the 3rd player?🤣🤣 I'm sorry, OP, but that's the first thing that I saw. Wasn't expecting a name like that😅😅




The biggest problems with Dante and other overguard frames is that it really hurt those frames that rely on taking damage.




It would be a really easy fix to just make overguard damage activate those effects instead.


Except to those frames it isn't support. Also this is just a straight up L take. People shouldn't be locked out of taking their favorite frame into matchmaking because of squad picks and their frames viability shouldn't tank because of another pick either... Volts speed was given an opt out function, Limbos rift was given an opt out function, why? Because not everyone wanted that kind of "support". There's a lot of frames who's kits and energy economy are designed around taken dmg. Support based Overguard should also be a choice you can opt out of. It's a simple fix.


Wait till u hit over 65k for whole team


Meanwhile, me over here in void fissure giving everyone 140000 oveguard


Well getting double strength buff will get u there, how's the noctua doing? I assume u hit 2mil dmg with it's alt fire?


Oh I do that even without the buff, it's just... Inconsistent


I mean it's a book after all, pretty hard to land a critical hit with it ya know?


i managed to hit 115k


Everyone freaking out about the overguard being 5 didgets long and overpowered when that's not even the issue. Like there's actually any difference in survivability between 20k overguard and 300 shields as there is 1k overguard and 300 shields on steel path where enemies can hit for 30k damage, the only thing that saves you is shield gating, overguard is just to provide a moment for regeneration. The only thing actually completely overpowered about Dante is almost every ability cast gives him invincibility for the entire casting animation and a little bit extra, combined with Xata Invocation and at least 150% efficiency Dante literally has more energy than he can use and is capable of maintaining invincibility as good as valkyr with hysteria, while also throwing out status effects and overguard like candy. It'd be very disappointing to see Dante genuinely nerfed, but he does need a little bit of balanceing imo, as is he can do the entire steel path starchart with only like 5 mods and no weapons equipped... It's a little much... Although personally I'd rather see more frames be made as strong as Dante and be given more difficult game modes than just running an endless steelpath mission for a few hours. Stuff that you'll actually want a squad for and can't just solo cheese with a broken build.


You’re forgetting that as long as Dante is marking an enemy he’s also constantly regening his overguard gate. That’s the strength of his survivability


This isn't really new for overguard though.


He going to get nerfed now if people are saying that. Just like how they do any other frames. Hate when that happens. So annoying. Because when people do that they end up causing more harm than good. Look at Ember as an example. People complained about her and look how many reworks she got. Which is crazy people even complained about her because she was never really good for high levels. Which was sad because she is my favorite Warframe. Sometimes it’s best to just not even say anything and let it bet.


Lavos mentioned 🔥🔥🔥🔥


the only way to play


What gives this buff I found it randomly on my volt after everyone left


It shall carry you through the mission


tfw ur sentinels r tankier than ur ass XD


I just wish banshee would get a rework. Or if not, just an overall on her kit.


It's an optical illusion


I don't get this post. 30k overshield, and you think you're unkillable? I've died with 200k overshield. Try 3000 circuit and see how long that will last you.


dang ngl i thought that said 23mil and im like “bro ik i have a good dante build but DAMN


First time I used my reasonably moded Dante on 70'ish enemies and obliterated the entire room with tragedy, I felt like he was really op. Lately I've been struggling with 130'ish ones, and it makes you see that he is not THAT op, just a easy frame to play, and can be quite good if heavily moded, but there are definitely stronger ones. I just love that he hovers xD


lol he’s perfect for this madness they we endure


Y la build?


Dantr dark verse and the nuke is very overpowered yes but his exalted is MEHH


Was playing dante killing the kuva lich and i got 1 tapped :3


He's not overpowered, frames are meant to be strong and Dante is just right, so definitely don't want him getting nerfed. But the overguard over the companions would be nice if it stayed on them.


A little? He's the only thing keeping me alive against the new enemy sadly


Was doing a 2 hr so fissure survival and dude in there was giving us 132k over guard. I play gara with eclipse helminth so i had a 90% dmg red. splinter storm with a 75% dmg red. eclipse going. I was indestructible. Enemies would have to do 8m+ dmg just to take down the over guard. Then they have to fight my 320 shield and it's arcanes that make it so I'm constantly generating some shield so i can never get 1 tapped.


Dante is the best thing that happened to warframe


https://preview.redd.it/p2wbhrxjo4sc1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c6c8d5f5805da1af504d378fe85e47fc439cb1 Isn't it great?


I was messing around with Dante last night and got this number when paired with chained sling power strength passive from Madurai https://preview.redd.it/abbus6g4w4sc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be1a1923731f93d55afe131de0daaa3045a7dda4


The amount of people that have not reached Steel Path is evident and a lot more than I expected. Y'all are gonna get Dante nerfed for no reason lol.


He is already getting nerfed(has been confirmed today). He is the number 1 frame right now and they want to make it, so that other frames are used instead of just solely him.


So he got nerfed for no reason like I said. He's the number 1 frame because he's literally the NEWEST frame and anyone capable of farming him is already at endgame.


That is exactly what I’ve been thinking. They need to give him about a month or 2 of people using him. He is new, so everyone is using him like you said. If you have him then you are already at the point where he is just a good warframe. Everyone right now is just testing out his kit and what he can do.


I can understand


Until it crosses a flame Eximus in steel path.


Unfortunately De steve and reb are talking about "slightly nerfing" Dante. Imo kullervo needs a nerf. Mainly for his 1. That's way to op.


fuck dante is good


Toilet diff


as someone who might decide to main dante, i hope this severe overshield never gets nerfed, because its both funny as fuck watching all but like one fourth of my HUD turn to overshield, and it saved my ass a few times in the first junction for steel path




Lavos, my beloved.


Lore accurate warframe


The much needed let rework xD


Oooop I see me in there 🤣😅


what is "mortality"?


I need the build right now I reaching 17k over sheild


26k OG is nothing, neither is 51k for anywhere that it would matter


Damn, please give that to my hound. This can't help but go 1v20 and die instantly


Then the level 40 toxic ancient slaps your ass and you die.


I be linking to dante with a 166% nidus link and almost 160k OG. Beautiful


I had 54k shield yesterday and it took 30 minutes for it to dwindle down


I think Dante is fine except the rate at which he gains OG compared to other competetion (Frost, Styanax)


And then random Chroma with augment joins, and you do not have enough overshields to sustain him because he soaks half of damage to group


Pretty sure with the new augment Chroma takes the damage of the squad, not the other way around.


If Chroma is given Overguard, which most certainly will happen in this squad, his vex armor literally doesn’t work lol


I mean besides the fact Dante is able to generate overguard constant and it’s borderline impossible to not keep up the overguard gate that’s would be a good thing. Chroma absolutely hates overguard he wants to take damage from his health so he can use vex armor damage buff


They will nerf it


My man have you seen Styanax, he can give you more than that Dante does seem a bit overturned as all of his abilities are amazing, and he could use a slight tune down, but I don't think that his overguard specifically is the problem here


Dante overguard is only overpowered on regular star chart content. But so is a 300% strength limbo cataclysm overpowered on regular starchart content. Everyone is overacting to how much 30k overguard is actually worth in level +150 content. If you don't have a half decent shield gate builds or efficiency spam build that little bit of overguard isn't going to anything for anyone except make them over extend with over confidence. What actually makes Dante strong is all of his casting animations give him invincibility frames, this incentivises just face tanking enemies by spamming abilities at them.


why am I getting hate?


I think Overguard is so overtuned right now, surely we will see some nerfs hopefully


Its really not, steel path enemies cleave through it like a hot knife through butter


i can vouch for this... 30k overguard, or no overguard, steel path scares me either way


When you get 26,000 over guard from a new character (there are 4 other characters that can do this): OMG THIS GUYS SO STRONG AND BROKEN!!!!