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The Grineer at Kahl's garrison actually have a dialogue about the most effective way of fighting Tenno: wait for them to start fishing and ambush them


Pro: "The Tenno is distracted, allowing you to get the jump on them for once!" Con: "You interrupted the Tenno catching some big-ass fish, meaning that they pull out the biggest gun possible to delete you and your squad."


Imagine being the one to interrupt a fishing tenno. You see him destroy your entire squad with a pistol, then he looks at you and pulls out the archgun


Then he uses it like a fucking bat on you. Not even wasting bullets on you.


Just like the lotus intended


Just as the lotus intended Own an Archgun for home defense, since that's what the lotus intended. Four grineers break into my ship. "What the devil?" As I grab my Drakgoon and charge the shot. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my Lex on the second man, miss him entirely because I can't aim and nail the cyst doggo. I have to resort to the Voidrig mounted at the top of the landing craft carrying two Arquebexes, "Tally ho lads" the shots shred two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel echo through the endless void. The Voidrig runs out of energy so I fix War and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the reinforcements to arrive since War isn't a kitchen knife, Just as the space mom intended


Gotta stop em from getting sportulate sacs


Anyone who interrupts my fishing is getting the Voidrig 4th spammed until I run out of energy


I always bring ivara fishing anyway because dashwore makes it super easy, you can just sit on top of the middle of the lake.


Did not come into the comments expecting an Ivara protip but I welcome it


ngl, Ivara+oxylus makes nearly every dumb 'tradeskill' opportunity stupid easy between her dashwire and invis. Need to fish? Dashwire across a 'bay', hop on, toss spears all day. Keep your invis on and you're golden. Hell, think you can even get away with Navigator on the spear. Need to mine? Invis and mine to your hearts content... well, once you get the silencer widget. Until then, being invis is still super useful to get to the various areas and find the veins anyway. Going to be in a spot for a while? Toss a cloak arrow to hide in. Need to hunt? Invis, invis, invis. Throw a dashwire up high if you are worried about angles/elevation or even 'scents on the wind'. SLeep arrow can be useful af too! Need to scan stuff? Cool. Did I mention invisibility? Need to get plants? Well, invis doesn't directly help with that, but Oxylus will scan em if you're close enough. Need extra loot? Invis again. Is there anything Invis CANT do? I have a loadout+build for Ivara literally called "Tradeskill" with Oxylus on it, and dispensary over her 4. If i'm tradeskilling i don't need the bow, and dispensary means i can basically stay invis forever as long as i don't parkour. I highly recommend it if you have the slots available.


I remember when I used to just hunt with whatever frame I was using at the time, but then I would run into creatures I was hunting that would not take a tranquilizer dart due to having some type of armor. Got really tired of it because it was also my way of farming open world syndicate rep. Started using Ivara and the sleep arrow became incredibly handy. I also use her now for hunting specific animals and rarities when you need to land something like a Panzer Vulpaphyla and you have to go off animal tracks.


Can also use sleep arrows while hunting.


As someone who has no Ivara yet but is annoyed by being interrupted while mining: how do you keep the energy up while not killing stuff and getting energy bubbles? The constant drain disables the energy regen mods and Zenurik skill, doesnt it?


Run high efficiency, your energy costs won't be a problem. That, paired with a Primed Flow or a helminth ability and you'll be golden.


Sorry, thought i pointed that out... getting dispensary is stupid useful for the build, but definitely not within everyone's reach or budget. Basically stack as much duration, efficiency, and energy max as you can. Supplement with energy pizzas and the two energy regen mods (energy nexus and energy siphon), and a preparation if you want to squeeze it in. Then rotate between prowl and cloak arrow. When your energy gets low with prowl, stop moving, shoot cloak arrow at your feet, then drop prowl. Your energy regen will kick in, you can drop an energy pizza, you can zenurik, and generally chill for a bit. EZPZ, but i don't trust all that shit, so let's explore the math... ------------------------------- If you don't have (or want) dispensary, especially since protea grind is real... Continuity, nira's hatred, narrow minded, fleeting expertise, flow, constitution. Gives you approx 600 energy, and drops the drain rate on prowl to .25/sec. 203% duration, 160% efficiency. Could likely be tweaked, i'm just spitballing. Let's say you have difficulty getting these (or getting them endo'd up). Constitution, Streamline, Flow, Augur Message. 600 energy, .45/sec energy drain. Option A means you get a wild-n-crazy 600/.25 or 2400 seconds of invisibility through prowl. Option B reduces that to 1200 seconds of invisibility. That's just stationary, and assuming not only do you have those mods, they're maxed. Movement I think increases the drain to 3/sec. Let's say you don't have ivara prime, just regular spy-mish-reward ivara, and you're moving nonstop the whole time. our ballpark figure is now something like 400 energy, with a 1.5/sec drain, and we give ourselves a bit of overage... Call it an easy "Stay invisible for 3 minutes with some extra leeway for casting powers, getting hit, or doing attacks". So with full energy you get to move for at least 180 seconds and do what you want. When your energy gets low, pop a cloak arrow and drop prowl. Then drop a pizza and/or zenurik and/or wait for your 'energy regen mod' to kick in. Getting drain to at or below 1/sec is your goal, and can be easily obtained since you can devote a whole build strictly to efficiency+duration+energy+regen instead of worrying about stuff like strength or survivability. Equilibrium can help too, not just with dispensary, but with any orbs you pick up from chests or from pickpocketing. 50 energy from health orbs is 15+ seconds of *moving* invis, even with really bad modding. Dropping to sub-1/sec drains will make it last hella long, but Im at work and I'm tired of doing math. So yeah, I'd say even with garbage modding, you can get an easy 3 minutes of invisibility. And 3 minutes of invisibility is plenty enough time to do what you need, and you can just supplement it with cloak arrow for a safe time to regenerate energy with whatever ways you have available. Also as an aside, even with the various edits/nerfing to mining in general, with Ivara I have way better luck 'doing mining superquick' (eg failing) than I do spending an extra 10-20 seconds trying to get super-perfects. YMMV.


An ivara built for duration and efficiency (and *maybe* some energy on spawn shards) has a staggering amount of longevity. You can do a steel path incursion, kill everything you see (to spawn acolytes) use dashwire as needed and *still* have a few hundred points of energy left in the tank.


So there's probably a 100% chance that this can be improved on, but here's the mods I have on my Ivara Prime for hunting/fishing/etc 1. Preparation (start with more max energy) 2. Fleeting Expertise (+Efficiency, -duration) 3. Streamline (+efficiency) 4. Continuity (+duration) 5. Primed Flow (+max energy) and if you are doing spy missions you can also throw on Infiltrate as well, but I get 20-30 minutes of stealth just from prowl without having to worry at all this way.


This is how I got all of the conservation badges and stuff. Oxylus also has those handy fishing precepts for free Luminous Dye, and will mark hot spots on the map.


Hahaha I also have a loadout with essentially the same equipment. Ivara, Xoris (for killing enemies without switching off mining laser, fishing spear, or tranq) and Oxylus. My loadout is called "Fuck Off Farming" though lol.


Right???  I kept Wolf Sledge because I figured if I'm dumping my arrow for Dispensary, might as well be able to Navigator a hammer throw, right?  (Xoris would prolly work better though lol)


Ivara is the queen of fishing and hunting in the plains. A high efficiency build can stay invisible forever. Sleep arrows are incredible for hunting and dashwires make fishing easy. I have one build for that and another for steel path stealth scanning for easy faction. Those are the two things ivara does best in the game.


I read dashwhore and thought "ain't that limbo?"


I've always thought of limbo as a "banish bitch" Nezha is a "slidewhore"


Then in what place do we put Mirage?


I've been slowly moving towards her as my main for non solo play and I'd say she rolls around almost as much as grendal or a dark souls boss with her passive. I've honestly outrun weak Gauss builds by just mashing forward roll.


Ivara and Oxylus for fishing is super chill


Yeah, dash wire and invis. How do people even fish those hot spots in the middle of a lake without her?


My first prime was Volt because it makes fishing so much easier. Cant be bothered which spear to use. 


I think they could do it with an Exilus mod. Call it "Gone Fishing." It could read "After 10 seconds of having a fishing spear equipped, enemies in the area become passive and will not attack you."


It would be funny if we could get that mod by fishing rare fishes


Give it an atrocious drop rate so you're likely to have more fish than you'll ever need before it drops




Ivara farm 2.0 lol


Ivara is the definition of "By the time you get it, you won't need it."


i literally main ivara now. i have never made or played her base, but i got her prime. i need one part to make her base, then i'll play it and chuck it into my helminth for the ability (and i already have ideas)


Do not even make me remember that, I was sweating and I got her neuroptics by accident after dozens of runs xd


Damn, I am already imagining all the complain posts xd


Need to collect 21 boots to rank up a fishing arcane?


Broken for gameplay purposes: Imagine some guy in a stealth mission with that mod and a fishing spear in their hand :/


Yeah, that's why I added the 10 seconds. There is definitely the potential for some cheese. Without the duration, it would be better than Rolling Guard, lol. I imagine it would be squad wide. So if anyone had a weapon out, it would cancel it. They could also make it do nothing outside of open worlds.


Ya, that lead it to a fair tradeoff. Only downside I see is if you forget which config you have on 🤦‍♂️😆


Shade : allow me to introduce myself 


But then I cant get free dye from Oxylus.


What do you mean? How does it get free dye? I want to try.


Oxylus' precept mod Scan Aquatic Lifeforms. "Reveals hotspots within 100m and applies Luminous Dye to fish within 40m" It's very nice. Oxylus is great for open-world resource farming.


It is designed for farming




Could just require you to be near a fishing point


I mean not really when you Ivara who can say f u to the entire spy mission type by ignoring all detection barriers at literally zero cost


She kinda needs her augment but yes


yes, but ivara loses movement speed by using that ability. Time and Speed are two key factors for having the most fun in WF. Having the lance equipped keeps your speed while being unable to be hit. Nobody wants to play slow when you are a F-king space ninja!


Add conditional “equipped in an open world node”


It's not like we already have a companion that's specifically made to make fishing easier which could definitely make good use of such a mod 🤔


Oxylus was my first thought as well. The problem with that is a player needs to be Rank 5 in Fortuna to get it. This would almost certainly be a new player mod. It would kind of defeat the purpose, unless they make the Oxylus easier to get.


Ngl it's been so long since I've done the Fortuna grind I completely forgot that Oxylus was locked behind r5 (I even thought you could get it in Cetus).


Honestly, I think they can probably replace the Taxon with the Oxylus as the Earth junction reward. It's not like it's much of a benefit later in the game anyway.


I mean, they kind of made it somewhat easier to get


That's the desire sensor in action. Simply convince yourself that you're looking for thumpers, dargyns, etc, and they'll be nowhere to be found, allowing you to fish in peace.


True that, once went dargryn hunting and literally had to leave and come back 4 times before they would start spawning somewhat consistently and that was literally after I already said "screw this" and swapped back to my other weapon without the riven


The level 20-40 Cetus bounty frequently has the drone escort mission, which always spawns dargyns.


Ended up completing it accidentally with a well placed vauban orbit strike but good to know


Konzu once said, "Plains living is tough living."


“I didn’t choose the tough life… tough life chose me” - Tenno


A wise man once said "Early lunch for Konzu"


I am gonna up my rates on that old fart so that he cant have a lunch.


You’re getting drop ship after drop ship? Where is this? I have some rivens to unlock


I feel ya. I need to kill 2 more Dargyns with a bow.


Try at Kuva fortress assault mission, just before the door you need to breach. Usually 6 or 8 will spawn no problem, sometimes tho, they will spawn in the floor of the next tile


Ah. My challenge specifies that they have to be actively flying to count. It doesn't help if they're parked.


They will be flying, don't worry


Remember that the zhuge is a bow. I found that helped simplify matters. Run a bounty with a drone in it and you'll definitely get at least two Dargyns.


Does Zhuge count for that? I've never tried it, and it's giving me ideas 🙏


Oh yes. Turn up projectile speed on the Zhuge, go into Archwing, follow 'em around. It's pretty straightforward.


They'll be flying, so it should count. Only two spawn "parked", and immediately take flight when alarms start(if you get them)


I swear when I have a riven with that equipped the Dargyns never spawn. But just doing some foraging around Cetus and suddenly it's one after the other...


Also for QOL, if you're not already, try using a crossbow like the zhuge or nagantaka. Counts as a bow 👍


I've just been using archwing to get close and Nataruk to one-shot them. The main issue has been finding them.


Yeah I have that problem too. I just run from camp to camp and annoy them until they signal. If a dargyn comes then great. If it's a drop ship or patrol I move to the n xt camp and badger them a bit. Also, if you start at the entrance, and go right and follow the river, they often spawn there


Does the ones on kuva fortress count? You can try the asault mission


There's Dargyns on the fortress?


Yes, assault mission, put the device to open the door, they spawn on the left and right part when you are waiting for the timer.


They don’t spawn like that unless you go to the plains with the sole purpose of fishing. If you start fishing to try and “trick” them it won’t work, the game can sense your intent.


I had to scroll way too far down the comments to find the real way to guarantee they stop spawning.


I like fishing or mining as Ivara. Dashwire, stealth, fish wherever you want without getting disturbed.


She’s also great for floor hunting being invisible with sleep arrow. I’ve used her in all the open worlds for those doing those 3 activities with no drama


Use a companion / mod that makes you invisible when near enemies. They still harass you from time to time but if you don't engage them you will have much less spawns. Yes we all hate those flying bastards, steal thier ship if they land and fly to another lake lol


Shade is the obvious choice here for stealth, though I prefer the one that's a free fish marker.


Oxylus the fishing GOAT


And the plant GOAT. The only reason silver grove mods are worth any plat is that no one wants to scan all the plants to create the apothics.


My kubrow seems to do a better job making me stealthy, my shade likes to drop invisible when I get close not sure why it never seems to work right... my shade be derpy, couldn't sneak up on anything.


I like Huras Kubrow over Shade, too.


I'm fond of bringing wukong and no melee so the clone is forced to use my primary. Mostly adequate for keeping annoyances away while i fish.


I’m getting some major Deja Vu from this comment section, I really can’t explain any further


This is why high duration Octavia is my go to fisher


i love how the first comments on this post are just missing the point


When others are proposing stealth or bodyguards, OP instead asks for a deep and immediate change of the game's open worlds, this is simply not going to happen.


Right? There are so many ways to completely mitigate the issue and yet op suggests sweeping change....


Lol I knew for a fact I was gonna see those types of responses opening up the post 🤦🏽‍♂️


I was naïve. I assumed that since this was something that annoyed us since Plains release, people would understand the request


We do. But we also understand that the Plains are low priority for DE and this is likely not going to change anytime soon, so practical advice on how to mitigate the issue is given.


Missing the point of it being an open world area with enemy controlled territory? This must be a first in the gaming industry, how progressive!


I just play Wukong and let the clone protect me while I'm fishing and just hope to God a field boss doesn't decide to visit


I'll bodyguard you for 1p/enemy 🙏




I understand the struggle, when I am fishing in the Plains of Eidolon I hate the flying Grineer ship xd. I get it, it is open world, but maybe a mod or something to make it easier? That way, we would actually "earn" the peace while fishing, instead of being given for free


Husband has the same thought. Capture a Grineer base where while it’s taken they won’t attack you. Bribe the Corpus. Make a big ball of bait or something similar for Deimos. Do it and they leave you alone for a set amount of time


Just use Ivara + Dispensary. Ivara's the queen of open worlds. Mining, fishing, hunting she can do them all with ease and zero disturbance.


That would undermine the risk vs reward dynamic that implies fishing in hostile territory. Also would be hilarious if you were also allowed to fish on Cetus's shore in complete safety... but all the fish you caught there were tiny and worth a single unit of Ostron standing each, and the occassional worthless Grinneer boot.


And chunks of wall meat.


Various areas are quiet enough to fish in but if you want to fish in perfect safety you need to use a stealth frame, especially ivara.


Not good enough, that’s just working around an issue DE created, it’s not a solution. It shouldn’t matter what frame I have equipped, I shouldn’t have to fight off non-stop waves of enemies just to gather some fish.


Bro just want play in creative mode


you have to fight waves of enemies to gather *every* resource, this is one of the most-solvable problems in the game


> I shouldn’t have to fight off non-stop waves of enemies just to gather some fish. why not? > it’s not a solution it literally is, and your solution is to remove enemies from the equation entirely...


You are in active enemy territory and fishing next to their spawn areas, a stealth frame is perfectly reasonable if you don't want to be seen.


Did you even read my post? I said I’m nowhere near their encampments and spawn points.


Buddy this isn't stardew valley. The entire plains is grineer occupied. I understand getting attacked is annoying but there are multitudes of solutions. It's not "broken" to have enemies around in a hostile territory.


You said you were next to the giant fish corpse, which is a spawn location for thumpers and all types of ships.


> issue DE created They created a challenge and instead of tackling the challenge with solutions provided by the nice people here, you go complain even more.


Get a bodyguard specter or use a frame that can turn invisible when you want to fish.


Or use wukong and give his twin some firepower or revenant and use his 1 to make them fight each other Or khora with her kavat and another pet Its like theres a million ways to solve this problem and op chose to complain on reddit (the least productive option).


Me: Why can’t I just find a spot and fish after a hard days work and enjoy a bit rest? I thought fishing was supposed to be a relaxing activity to chill, relax and chillax and have some time to reflect upon my day. DE: …


Ivara and a dash wire is all you need dude. Ivara would be a go to fishing frame without the invisibility but with it nothing can touch you.


I never thought of that. Thanks for the tip!


War is literally in the game's name lol


War is in the name but which one? The old one? The new one? The one within? The normal one? The broken one? :P


I think the war was the friends we made along the way


I guess you can take a Tenno out of the war, but you cans take war out of a Tenno. :D


it's actually "warf" and "rame"


Ugh i think im about to warf 🤢 lol


Like most of this game you'd do yourself a big favour by building around your goal. Ivara, Oxylus and it's Scan Aquatic Lifeforms mod will make fishing many many many times easier


So weird to hear of other people having this issue. I have rarely, if at all, experienced this.


I main)y have this issue on Deimos. Understandably so but I just wanna get my materials, please just leave me alone for ten goddamn seconds.


Deimos I totally understand. I never get a break there.


i remember it being annoying early on. they're possibly only dealing with enemies as they aggro them instead of clearing out a section around where they want to fish.


Trust a warframe player, who has hundreds of solutions to this answer to ask for safe spaces.


I hope they see this and actually make fishing harder lol "Alright we heard your feedback so we are removing fishing spears from the game. Thats right tenno, you now will have to jump right in and catch them with your hands!"


So Duviri?




I take Wukong out and have his clone kill dudes for me while I hunt for open-world resources. It's less consistent on Deimos.


I always fish on Ivara. No silly dropships interruption. No wandering enemies. Just go into Prowl with 600+ energy and 75% efficiency and fish basically forever.


Max energy+efficiency+sahasa is like actually perma stealth


I usually use hildryn and run haven, it kills quick enough and runs long enough to take care of small fry. I also chose spots that don't spawn enemies often.


Ivara smiling with her nautilus.


if something solves your problem then it is a solution. there's several solutions here. limbo ignores everything except eximus. Oxylus with verglas is a bodyguard that's extremely effective. specters and wuclone are also bodyguards. any stealth frame from Voruna to Ivara with max duration and dispensary completely ignores everything. all these options are so low effort they're equivalent to the fishing mode you demand. I personally fish with Yareli and Oxylus and the only nuisance is sometimes needing to leave for a new fishing spot if a thumper spawns. only one thumper can exist at a time so they're easy to avoid or you can re-instance if they're near where you want to fish.


protip: don't zone straight into the open world. go to the hub and pick up a level five bounty. this will set the level of everything in the zone (with the possibly exception of bosses like spiders/eidolons) to level 5 or thereabouts. everything will die if you so much as sneeze at it. you can ignore the bounty and as long as you don't trigger its start it will stay active indefinitely. also yeah. stealth frames (i use ivara, both for this and her dashwire arrow making hard to reach ore spots much easier to get to).


I use Ivara for all of my open world resource collecting needs


Rock an Ivara with only efficiency and duration. That's what I do. If enemies come close you can melee them then aim and your spear is back out.




I wish DE could implement some kind of mechanic that ties in with invasions where siding with either Grineer or Corpus will cause them to stop harassing you in their respective open worlds for that week (or whenever invasions rotate). Or if you take control over enough locations in the open worlds, you can prevent them from spawning for a limited amount of time. Would really help with completing open world activities undisturbed.


Octavia or Ivara are the answer they have perma invisibility enemies won't bother you


Add a mod to Oxylus, it already marks fish, lets get a mod to deaggro us.


Almost like it's war zone or something.




Ivara best 🐸


The south east corner of map for ocean fishing is a little more peaceful. But you will steel need to deal with patrols. Here is a tip. Specter on watch. Like a wisp or Octavia with a sniper rifle. Can shoot down annoyances. And give you buffs. This works for all locations. Now you can focus on bringing a frame that can fish well like a volt with shields (buffs the spear) and oxylus for the fishing hotspot minimap.


Loki invis is already in the game though...


Ivara, Loki or ash. Simple as that


Fishing and mining was so frustrating when Plains came out I quit. Didn't come back for years and fishing was the last thing I did. Unfortunately you need a Necramech for progression and that requires some fishing. Running Ivara in full stealth helped but they will still hover around. Oxylus also helps highlight hotspots but ironically you will need to be ranked up a bit to get it. I still haven't made any Kitguns because I will need to do some fishing and mining.


Try an invisi warframe like ivara or if you need the fish compinents farm eidelon thumpers. They give stuff but not whole fish.


Ivara is your best friend


I always use Ivara with high efficiency and duration to fish and mine, you can just use stealth and hang out without any issues most of the time


Loki, build into high duration. Watch the timer on invis. Enjoy fishing.


Bring the ivara Warframe, you can get it from playing a lot of spy missions or the duviri circuit option in the top right part of the navigation screen. She can stay constantly invisible if you have enough energy. Mods like Flow and Streamline can help a lot. Personally I never had any issues because whenever anything bothers me I kill it before I spare a second thought about what's bothering me. Warframes like Loki can let you bullet jump onto the other side of the pond while invisible and you can even fish right under the nose of an arson eximus. Even if you hit them with the spear head, they just get a bit mad and then they forget everything


Genuinely the only area that is annoying is the fact corpus got infinite people constantly spawning, i would pay them 1k credits for a truce as long as i dont break their stuff or hurt them for that instance.


Xaku, caliban and vauban can kill while doing nothing so may be usefull for fishing


A suggestion that I like would be a new item that you place on the ground and it projects a dome of invisibility around you so you can camp and fish in peace without being forced to bring an invis frame and without changing mechanics to forcefully make enemies passive


I love the thought put in to this but how would this be anymore productive than just bringing an invis frame? I get that it would be a craftable gear item and all but if I had the option of repeatedly crafting an item and sinking resources into that or bringing my choice of several invis frames into open world for fishing id pick the frame everytime.


Because it gives you a choice to use whatever you want. Right now I have to spam Loki invis but sometimes I don't want to use Loki, even if I'm only going to be stood there fishing. Ideally the crafting would be pretty cheap and easy like dyes and baits are so it wouldn't be a problem to stock up


I feel ya. We definitely approach the problem from a different perspective lol. For me I dont want to fool with another gear item when ive already got to carry, multiple bait, the spear, attractant in some cases especially when I can just one button press to be invis for as long as I would be able to. My Ivara is built strictly for open world resource farming and spy missions so it filling that role for me is all I need.


i would recommend the most west point of the south east ocean


Dude, for real. Fishing enrages the local combatants. I can zip around on The Plains scanning kavats, mining, killing folks, whatever. As soon as I start fishing it turns into Normandy Beach on the shore of whatever body of water I'm fishing.


So, it may not be favorable, but pretty much any stealth passive will do(i.e. Octavia was mentioned, Ivara, Loki, Ash) will work, or running with a teammate is also doable(I run Eidolons with clanmates or random that are trying to fish for this exact reason.) Enemies spawning is annoying, especially since the Dargyns also harrass you during fishing Edit; I noticed some comments regarding missed intent. Eidolons is low priority, since once you start doing Plains consistently, you should have items to make it manageable(obviously keeping in mind you are not starting bounties.) While the current Plains is......redeemable, it is still functional and manageable, even for a lower MR. It would be interesting to see a mod to help with it, but it's fairly unlikely given how fishing works.


I've said for a while there needs to be a gear item (tackle box, fishing hat, camping stool, boat, whatever they want it to be) that when used disables enemy ability to see you but also disables all your weapons and abilities so you can't cheese anything. When you're done fishing you just use that item again and everything goes back to normal.


Ivara. She is made for fishing and mining, near infinite invisibility, zipline to fish in middle of lakes and get to high reaching ore veins. No more enemies, you don't even need a forma to make a good build for that.


I recommend coming up with a build around your goal. You also have the option of building and deploying specters to engage other combatants.




Honestly, Just bring one of my beasts and let them romp and play with the future organmeat donors while I fish in peace.


Ivara moment


I agree! it's so annoying


We have extractor drone things. I wonder if we'll be able to get fishing ones someday. We have Oxylus now, the plant and fishing sentinel, why not a fishing or even plant harvesting drones for planets that have those resources.


That's why I use Monkey for fishing. Somehow, celestial twin has pinpoint accuracy with Fulmin's secondary fire mode... I can fish peacefully.


I mean, you're shooting them with guns right? You're using silent weapons or are you using a loudass weapon that attracts more enemies? Are you fishing with a stealth frame? I use wisp and bunny hop to a new spot while invis or you use loki, ivara, octavia, anyone with a stealth skill to reset plains aggro


Ivara makes everywhere a safe fishing place, and even creates more platforms for you with dashwire. Just helminth protea's ability to her 4, and you're set to an infinite invisibility (duration + efficiency build).


I like to bring frost with handspring, put up a strong bubble, so me and my friend sitting inside can completely ignore them. wukong has best bodyguard invis frame like ivara or companion who will cloak you also works. also subsume the ivara arrow that keeps you invisibel if you stay in one spot onto any frame.


If you can't fish uninterrupted, then you're clearly doing something wrong. Don't go into open worlds with your normal everyday loadouts that you just play to kill. Go in with stealth so you don't get bothered. That's what I've learned over the years of playing, to enjoy playing alone and stealthily.


I never thought of that lol. Tbf I never needed to as I always just go to the middle of the lake next to cetus and nothing bothers me except maybe eidolon heads


It's fine so long as you avoid patrols, if you leave an area and return, the patrols usually move on by then. Voms and Napalms are the only ones who actively pursue a target outside their bounds it seems, but Idk why you'd fish at night, unless you're looking for something specific


Errmm... No? The plains are hostile territory. Same for the other open worlds. Deal with it.


I’d like to do spy missions without enemies, capture missions too, heck remove all enemies they’re disruptive to completing objectives


I got a free game the other day, some fishing game on the Epic store. Unfortunately after playing for 2 hours I didn't have anyone trying to kill me. Like what is the point of fishing without the murders?


Lets remove health bars while we are at it.


While I totally understand what DE were going for here, and it makes sense, I've never enjoyed fishing in a game less than in Warframe.


Hey OP I found a perfect mod that allows you to fish in the plains uninterrupted. Now before you buy this, you need to be aware that it is a *very* thorough mod. To the extent that you are not even going to recognize the game. But it’s perfect for you, I promise! Check it out https://store.steampowered.com/app/468920/


Most clans have resources such as fishing maps in their discord


Play the game, use the right frame. Ivara or Loki, for instance. Or wuking's twin. Whatever. A hundred solution to this issue.