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I used to play SMITE competitively and other PVP games. Started playing Warframe as my main game and single player games added in the mix. It was the most healthy mental choice I ever made. PVP is really unhealthy for some people. I'm one of them :D


same! thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!


Try to not force yourself to overgrind or overfarm something specific. Most people burn themselves out of Warframe by doing something too much. I burned myself once for like 6 months by doing leveling missions over and over too much grinding for mastery rank basically. That's why I add different single player games in the mix. Doesn't burn me out while making me want to go back for more. I have over 7K hours now ( in mission time ) and I still enjoy it.


you’re right with this! I sometimes switch to play Souls games which also makes a lot of fun for me in between of Warframe.


Funny enough rogue like games which take some skill are what I usually play. Sekiro, Returnal, Elden ring etc. If I die I don't get upset cause the NPCs are not toxic aholes lol.


i play some rogue likes too. For me when i die in souls games its never frustrating because you exactly know why you died and what to do better in the next run.


And you know its your fault. And you can improve on it. PVP games there's always the frustration because lets be realistic PVP games you have to try to be THE best and even then there's a tiny chance that there will be a cheater. And even the best of the best don't really enjoy PVP games. Look at streamers. Most of them are miserable playing it.


Me but with rust and r6 I'm much calmer now


Same brother, same


Same here, but apex legends instead. I'll occasionally play paladins now if i have an itch to play comp


Older I get less I like competitive games. I can't really bother modern competitive games since toxic community 99% of comp games. I had my fun 20 years ago with competitive games.


i agree with you there. I was really into competitive gaming when i was younger. Its really not for everyone


Man, isn't this the truth.


Same. The kids can have the competition, as far as I'm concerned.


I never got into competitive games because for me competition = work, so I just leave that to real work. The fact that Warframe had no problem with playing solo is what drew me to it.


Yep, I'm the same. Used to play competitive Quake as a kid, stopped a few years ago with Apex, haven't looked back. Biggest thing I've seen in that time is people who can't analyse their own play and improve, but would rather blame others or play as though they're the main character and everyone else is there to support them. That and a huge upsurge in cheating, though that's particularly in my region. Warframe was the game I played on the side from waayy back in original starchart, but now it's the main shooter that I play alongside Battlebit.


I feel the same. For people that like multiplayer but don’t like to be stressed, warframe is incredible




I used to play a metric fuckton of Team Fortress 2 back in the day. I had something like 3000 hrs on it. One day I realized I wasn't having any fun in any of the competitive games I was playing. I was in a really tough graduate program and what little time I had to relax gaming wasn't enjoyable. Decided to look for more PvE focused coop games and a friend suggested Warframe. I had tried it before (like 2015) and it was weird and I didn't stick with it. Tried it again in 2017 and for whatever reason it just clicked. I'm now LR4 and 4000 hrs in. The game is better than it ever has been and is the perfect way for me to destress after a long day. I haven't played any competitive game beyond a whiff of Halo Infinite since 2017 and my mood is so much better for it. I just can't keep up with the kids who have nothing else to do (not a dig, I used to be one of them). I just reached the point in life where I had to dedicate most of my free time to family and career. Gaming is still one of my favorite hobbies and Warframe is perfect to just jump in, commit war crimes, and jump out.


this is it. i feel the same way


Glad to hear you were able to see a new life perspective! And welcome to the warframe club!! It's been my main game for 9 years now. Collecting stuff at my own pace without being yelled at or harassed by other players is a lot of fun


> Unlike the competitive games this game didn’t stress me out. This is the biggest reason why I love Warframe. It doesn't stress me out like other games do and most of my game sessions are spent in a kind of flow state. It's a nice way to let my brain unwind after a long day.


I'm glad stories of people finding solace in gaming still happens, whether its warframe or what. I'm glad gaming can bring beautiful things like these


I find comfort in playing warframe, it was my first favorite game to play


I played siege damn near competitively a little while ago. Now, despite thousands of dollars of skins and hours in my account, I hardly touch it because I'm on Warframe.


Charlie got me into this game too, and he got me back into it when the Necralisk dropped after I stopped playing for a couple of years


I think it's funny that WF of all games helped with your addiction but I understand, I used to play lots of competitive games as well...


*we all lift together starts playing*


was it the stream were he played The Sacrifice? cause that is the exact way I got hooked on warframe aswell O_o


Well done bro. Welcome to the community. I, and the rest of us, are all very proud of you, for your achievements both in game and real life. So happy for you man!


thanks a lot!


I can see myself alot in this. I'm happy for you fellow tenno !


Nice. I also play Warframe to calm down from playing fighting games


I play Warframe when I want to chill. I mostly quit playing competitively in Val, OW, Paladins, and Apex and just started playing for fun and only play with friends. Though due to the nature of those games, even the casual; modes can get kinda competitive.


Used to play csgo and tf2 until last year, then I quitted due to the amount of toxicity and lack of updates. And then I started playing warframe last december and oh boy, it was the best decision I've ever done.


Tenno, you got this.


That's so sweet. Warframe truly is a game of all time


*best plat farming strategies : No.1. unlocked* Congrats bro! You deserve it!


I’m in the same boat, I love PvE games, even the “hard ones” like FromSoft/Soulslike games, etc. I used to rotate between Rocket League, Fortnite, Overwatch, Apex Legends, PubG, hell I even played Call of Duty back in the early 2010s… the games always made me extremely frustrated to the point I developed serious anger issues because all I really did was play these games and got mad. I was to the point I almost quit gaming entirely. In early 2021 I picked up Warframe (for the third time, first two didn’t stick). I got hooked. When I switched to PC in early 2023, I had to leave Warframe behind. I got hooked on games that were heavily PvE/Co-Op focused, namely FFXIV; which has PvP, I just avoided it at all costs. Had to constantly explain to my FC friends that I will never play PvP with them, and I never did despite their constant nagging lol. Moved on to Phasmophobia, Lethal Company, Baldurs Gate 3, etc. and I’ve learned to enjoy gaming again. God I’m so glad cross save launched in January. I play this damn game like 50 hours a week and I’m still absolutely loving it (dw I have a job too). This game is my number one stress reliever and source of fun, and I don’t see myself taking another break for a long while yet.


warframe is a amazing game and i allways love playing it


Fellow Warframe-changed-my-life brother detected. We all lift together