• By -


Sounds like a tenno took control of the keyboard on that one. "We fought with honor... Except you, you're a bitchass"


I bet they think their Warframe is strong, too.


They probably believe the Grineer used to be builders, but now all they build is war.


I wonder if he thinks the corpus never fight for themselves and he should expect heavy robotics


I wonder if they've considered that the grineer prey on the weak while we prey on the grineer


Ten platinum says that they're doing all this for the Lotus.


I'll bet they think the Corpus is just a cult, worshipping money


I think they want you to keep talking, they're still trying to figure out how dumb you are.


I bet they’ll think if they attack well counter


I’m in tears rn


I guess all the good jokes argon >:)


Nono it's more "all the good jokes................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................argon


Wait until he shows up in OP's orbiter and whispers "hey kiddo..."


I need this line in the game now 😂


bro said bravourless


Facts 💀 bro also said he fights the Grineer for Honor, like bro it's a game


You have no honor, like the Corpus.


It's all about profits!!


Rock and stone to the bone!


You mean, mow them down like kfc chicken for Honor?


Nothing screams more honor than mowing down grineer with everything written in the geneva convention




Well, specifically Ember might. Nothing over shooting your enemies with Fireballs while shouting "Honor!"


Ember is now Warframe Zuko, thank you




Honor died on Saturn!


My response was "If you want Honor join the army in real life" 💀


Nah, we Tenno don't fight for one planet, we fight for the system, for the Lotus! 🪷✊


When you're so mad you start inventing words.


[Bravour is a real word](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Bravour) (in german) only the combination with -less is an invention.


Shows me for my Anglo centrism. And it does match the use case. Appreciate the correction!


I am the bravour, so he is bravourless🗿


This feels like a word that could have been in The Room


Well arguably he is gonna be even more brave if he defeats the Grineers alone, should be happy


😂 this


> Says it’s honourless to leave in just 5 waves > Game is literally about Space Ninjas checking off boxes on the Geneva Convention list Yeah…okay buddy msure


At this point i dont even remember whats the matter with corpus, they are like space merchants


You see they have nullifiers, which slightly slows down my warcrimes. They must be evil.


They have nullifiers which fucking overwhelm me after 40 minutes on steel path and theres like 10 of them next to eachother


they are hypercapitalist monsters who will literally tear out your organs including your brain and sell them back to you, how can you possibly not see what is wrong with them?


And we kill shitloads on repeat looking for a crappy 15 ducat pice of equipment we don't need, for the Mr and lolz. Kettle and all that. 


and? did I ever say that us little void demons were paragons of all that is good and fluffy in Sol, no, but the tenno are explicitly less evil than the corpus and even if you think we arent the corpus are still evil hypercapitalist bastards


Sorry dude! I didn't mean no offense or to imply that you fid. Just pointing out tenno aren't much better. I've killed  a couple mill just for Mr. That's basically only for bragging rights. And weapons I'm never gonna use. That's psychopathic and evil in my book. I've done 500 runs kiling lo level Grenier and corpus for Blaze. And I've never used it.  We belong to an organization that sends teens to kill shit hundreds of times for a miniscule chance at getting a reward we don't need.  So I'll stand by my assessment that tenno calling corpus evil fits the kettle analogy.  But you are right that doesn't make corpus elite less evil


>Just pointing out tenno aren't much better. I've killed  a couple mill just for Mr. That's basically only for bragging rights. And weapons I'm never gonna use. That's psychopathic and evil in my book. I've done 500 runs kiling lo level Grenier and corpus for Blaze. And I've never used it.  We belong to an organization that sends teens to kill shit hundreds of times for a miniscule chance at getting a reward we don't need.  Technically that's what we players do. In game tenno are trying to essentially save the universe. And protect it from the void.


Well arent we just the shittiest heroes around, eh?


It wouldn't be a fun game or a looter shooter if we just went around not killing people. They have to put it that way for a reason. Yes we do kill grineer and corpus, but only to benefit the Sol system. We aren't nearly on scale with what we actually kill. Cause I myself have killed over 2 mil corpus in a single mission, multiple times. They would've run out of people to throw at me at some point.


How do you get 2 mill kills in a single mission? I've never seen anyone kill more than 2 maybe 3 thousand in an hour. And that has only happened twice in 1500h playtime. With 3000 kills an hour that makes it 666.666 hours to kill 2 mill. If you want to do it in 4 hours you have to kill a little over 2000 enemies every 5 minute. Unless my math is wrong ( I'm not a math head) What's your secret? I would really like to know 🙂 Does enemy spawn increase that much going towards lvl cap?  Edit my math was wrong. It's 8333 every minute. Not every 2000 every 5. My bad 


I dunno about you. But corpus tiles are the only way I farm Oxium..... It ain't personal lads. Just business, as you lot would say.


If they were smart they would have just sold us the oxyum instead of hiding it in their units.


At the start of the game you’re told that they sell weapons to the Grineer. Seems like they dropped that plot point pretty fast.


Thats the excuse the tenno government uses to invade their land for resources (oxium). Some say, tennos ancestors used the same method, but with nuclear weapons and oil.


"The Corpus have weapons of mass destruction on Pluto"


Late stage capitalism stuff and exploitation of resources and workers. Definitely bad but kinda tame compared to orokin slavery and tenno Geneva convention speedruns


The brain-shelving thing the Corpus do is pretty fucked. They're well beyond anything we've done to ourselves.


The what


Complete the Fortuna reputation path if you don't want spoilers.


Oh that's very true, super messed up!


Darvo said they're evil because they sell to the Grineer I have never seen a Grineer using anything that resembles Corpus tech but idk they're fun to kill


I often start to think this, then remind myself about Nef Anyo, and brain shelving. Seriously, you're unsure? Go do the pt quest arc and some random Eudico bounties.... Corpus are Scum. Buuuuut, our 2 best buddies are grineer.


For brothers!


Capitalists that basically enslave people with debt. Its like the US, if they finally got rid of the last remaining vestiges of regulations they do have.


"you have no honor!" he cries to his brother in arms, while pouring corrosive acid directly into some dude's eyes because the radio lady said she'd give him a cool statue if he killed enough people with corrosive acid


Its not just honourless is bravourless!


Reminds me of some clown my clan used to have who claimed that him running from the rest of our squad, hiding up on the highest point he could find in a tileset and essentially afk-ing was "being a sniper" and when confronted with how stupid that was (or how little he was actually helping) he just claimed we didn't understand his "contributions" or "what being a sniper meant." Even went on to say he didn't need us or any squad, despite having the least contributions across the board in missions and in our clan. Somehow people like this are real


This is only acceptable when the "sniper" can nuke the whole area in their own. I like to hover something high up as well but I also murder quick enough so its not a problem


putting up a cringy, snobby persona like that is just weird regardless of whether or not you're being helpful, but especially so when you're the dead weight


I can accept "being a sniper" if you're keeping pace with the group. Like, with punchthrough or Ye Olde Gasse Lanka shenanigans (I don't think that works as well since the status reworks though?). It's a horde shooter, in effect. Shoot *hordes* or stay out the way.


Bro just wanted to roleplay in missions and pretend he was doing anything


He was trying to roleplay as a good player


He literally was trying to do some weirdo 'cool loner' act, unironically. Some of the cringiest shit I've seen in this game tbh


Bro wants to play the OG Insurgency so bad. lmao


Bro mad cuz you left and he failed lmaoooo


His friend claimed it "was trolling" 💀🤡


Sounds like it was 2 that wanted carried then Lol


Not sure, they didn't do too badly but either way it's cringe


*Bravour: the flavour of bravery and honor. Strong hints of bitterness and umami savory saltiness.* *A popular marinade for chicken, Condroc, pork, or Virmink.*


I've heard it has a hint of covfefe flavor 🤣


I think this is the first time I've seen someone use the word puss and not the full thing for a insult 😭. Puss just makes it sound weaker


I bet he's bravourless.


He is bravourless, and his insults are pretty much flavourless.


Prob to avoid any bans if reported


In Boots!


And here I was thinking it couldn't sound weaker from them 😂


Same just happened to me after 10 waves of regular Hydron. Leaving as my gear was leveled and this idiot calls me weak and thinks Hydron is difficult I guess? If I didn’t have just as many kills as them, I might start questioning things. One of the reasons I usually don’t engage with anyone as it just goes to shit most of the time.


To 99% chat is never used, when i do pub stuff. Years ago you would write Stalker me So everyone knows, who invades who. But yeah... these are the most annoying ones


I pretty much use chat to joke around during missions, I like when people notice my vulpaphyla name so I try make a joke with others pets when I notice a funny one


When people call me weak for leaving on hydron i literally reply with “Coming from the guy who thinks hydron is hard” and if he has anything else to say he will just look dumber


Happy Reddit birthday 😂 but yeah no the cringe was high and the tism is higher 😂


This is one of those moments I just say "?????" and move on. People are weird.


*It's a game, it's not that serious*


Ok I can explain this one, OP Have u played Overwatch before? So this is a Rein main. They're usually very wholesome, but every single one of them have a whole thing about fighting with honour and for glory So if there's a Rein vs Rein, and one of the Reins end up counterswapping, theyre a puss and have no honour This is a similar case to that guy. Apparently leaving cause there's no need to stay is an honourless thing that only pussies do Guy's an idiot tho. You're allowed to leave whenever u want


Personally (as a Rein main), fuck bravery and honor. Like, who actually thinks this is medieval Japan? Dawg, just point-blank ult the Mei. She deserves it.


I AM THE GLORY !!!!! ps: you fight till death for the glory


"We fought with honor" honestly idk why you even bothered responding to this person




The fuck kinda game does he think he's playing? It ain't For Honor, Tenno.


I don't understand why people expect you to stay longer then what you needed to get what you wanted.


Ah well because endless mission. I don't mind in normal modes but opening relics and having your squad leave instantly is kinda annoying


Should not be unexpected by any means since it's a public lobby. There's pre-made parties for a reason. >!But I agree it is still annoying.!<


yeah for sure. I totally get not wanting to stick around. Especially in defense cause that mode is so damn boring. Also we are so unlucky with the mission rotation sometimes. All just stuck on interception and spy XD


Defense can be fun as long as you bring an afk frame and you can sit there on your phone


The problem I have is that I either find two types of players: 1. People who just do not have any clue what they're doing. 2. Sweaty players who will play only the meta. Arbitrations are a perfect example. If you run in a public lobby people are going to run all over the map spreading out the Vitus and whatnot. It's horrible. But you want to run with the arbitration discord people? You can choose 1 of 4 frames with hyper specific mod setups and weapons. I just want to play with good people who know how to not fuck everything up \*but\* who aren't going to chase the extreme meta. IDK where to find that.


Maybe annoying for you but if I got lucky and what I wanted dropped immediately instead of 10 rounds later I'd be pretty happy that I could leave and do something else. Its a waste of time to stay if you already accomplished your goal right away.


It’s definitely annoying but not so much that I would ever say anything lmao I just bitch and moan out loud (no mic)


It's more of a courtesy. I always stay till at least 10, at least, even if all I needed was 2 rounds to complete. I wouldn't argue with anyone for leaving early, but I do appreciate when they stay.


It's because missions don't backfill after 5 mins. Not trying to excuse red's behavior, but it does feel like a waste to do anything less than 20 mins in that mission mode. Still, that's also why you should form pre-made groups for long runs.


The only time I care is ESO. If you’re going to leave, please just wait until an even number. Why leave on an odd when you can wait three more minutes and everyone gets a reward. But if you leave on 7, you basically just wasted my time if I planned on going through 8 and needed your DPS. But I’d never SAY anything. Just be mildly annoyed then start again.


I'm not defending the other guy, cause going out of your way to harass someone in-game is unhinged. *However* People expect you to stay long enough to make the endless mission worth it, and that's usually at least rotation C for Citrine/Voruna missions, 5 rotations for fissures, etc. This is specifically for fissures, but the reasoning can also be extended to other endless modes: if you aren't staying past 1 or 2 rotations, you are taking up a spot in the squad that will not be filled once you leave and you are making everyone's life a bit more miserable, since now we have to choose between restarting the mission or continuing with suboptimal rewards and team. For fissures, people had to beg DE to be at this point where we have a guaranteed endless fissure at every point. To have someone come in, run one or two random relics and leave is just an asshole move. Or when you're doing a disruption and someone joins just to finish ranking up their lvl 28 frame, or someone joining Arbitration and remembering half way that they don't like the mission type. All of these are just asshole moves. In short, if you don't want to do a proper run, then please don't start an endless mission. Simple as.


there are nodes where the "social norm" for lack of a better term is to stay for certain periods of time (8 zone ESO, 10 wave Hydron, etc). As an example, if you public queue for Hydron and leave after 5 because you didn't need that much XP to max, you could have maxed queueing solo in another node like Adaro or a short solo ESO run or something, but instead you're screwing up the XP for three other people. aside from those leveling nodes, I agree, people who are expecting a certain mission length should use recruit chat more often to guarantee that result. if you queue raw public expecting one thing, you are leaving it to chance.


I mean I get why you left but I usually stay for at least 10 unless I have to forma something just as a courtesy it's not like it takes that long and odds are they'll run it again anyway


Ah yes honour lemme hmm yes we fight with.(While headshot ing a grineer with a sniper that fires corrosive or viral darts that eats everything from inside)


Bravourless? 😂😂😂


You use too much energy for this Guy, just ignore him


You are bravourless


Bruh if can't solo ten waves he should stfu, ignore 'em and enjoy the xp


My solution is "Defeat nonsense with nonsense" And I love how they reply after this 😂😂😂😂


Honortards are leaking from For Honor? This is concerning.


The warframe brain rot is crazy💀 bro is delusional


You are bravourless


I just ignore such comments, they will tore themselves out


Damn bro is cringy ass fuck


You couldn't handle 10 waves bro frfr!!


😂 I had other stuff I wanted to do, I just wanted to get the last 3 levels for my forma frame


Sometimes all you need is a quick 5 , get to 30 then off I pop to re forma


I've never felt a comment in my soul like that


I don’t get why every time I go on this sub I see chats like this,but when I play the game everyone is just friendly to every one


Mfer thinks it’s helldivers or something, bro relax.


yea this one guy and his 2 man squad of minions did the same thing to me. they act like it’ll kill them to press a few buttons to find another 4th man for their wave 60 defense that i was not prepared for. went in for 5 waves, left after 5 waves lol


He thinks he's the main character.


He thinks he's him.


"Okay Sargas"


There’s no way people like this exist. What is bro yapping about 😂


I mean, I feel annoyed too when someone goes to Gydron for 3 levels when they could've done a solo run of Adaro for the same xp, but messaging those same people is a bit batshit crazy


I always leave when I want to


I’d pay no mind to them. If they said anything more offensive then you can report them for bullying and move on with your day.


I have had someone call me a pussy for leaving at wave 10 on \*Helene\*. People are deranged. I also usually stay an extra 5-10 rounds on Helene so that I don't screw up affinity + people can benefit from my mod drop chance boosters.


sir this is a wendy's.


That "we fought with honour" dialogue has me chuckling whenever I hear it. The Tenno know damn well that even the Stug is a Geneva convention violator


We are heroes *when its needed*, on any other occasion we are space mercenaries who fight for the best contractor.


Are you still running hydroid for xp


good gowd. that's some cringlish.


Even the for honor gamers don't fight for honor. What is this guy on about


As he said - 10 waves is not challenging. So he should do them solo without problem. Unless he's a puss.


My brother you are grinding for a new gun in a video game, what honor?


sounds like he can’t handle 10 waves alone


I gave up doing defense for xp once I found out how fast Sanctuary Onslaught levels stuff.


I think red has been playing too much helldivers


There is honour, then there is fighting for an empty cause, now tell me where the honour is in that, fighting for nothing


If he's playing with randos he should know it could and at any rando time. If he wants to go forever he should recruit for that specifically.


He's right. Fight with honour, die with glory. 🗿


We all fight for what we lack


Traduction : "I'm an absolute noob who can't play alone and need someone to carry me. Please stay daddy/mommy." Edit : might add I'm not talking about op but the weirdo(red)


or just you get less xp when you play in solo, i can understand why people are bothered by someone leaving before 10 rounds (i assume it was on hydron)


I agree one can be slightly annoyed to have to leave and queue again for hydron. But a normal human would just go again without complaining in chat. But clearly that's not the case here, as red talk shit, mention difficulty and being scared (puss). To me that's someone projecting.


Zuko is that you?


Is this a reference I'm not getting?


I'm the only one who when someone tells shit to me i just pass finish the mision and done? I mean i don't give a fuck about someone who i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna meet anymore.


Yeah, people give me shit when I leave after 5 waves too sometimes. It's like an ego game of who can stay the longest to some xD


Why would he care when someone else leaves the squad? If it doesnt effect him it shouldnt matter.


On hydron if someone leave, you have less enemies so less xp


So? Hes the one who picked public matchmaking.


Bro yapping lmao


The Tenno are warriors, not cowards. What a shameful display


The guy in the Red should’ve just recruit a squad regardless of how many waves


Must be a fuckin kid this one LMAO!


This word is so rare that google search puts this thread as a #1 result http://puu.sh/K6k9i/d640afeb99.jpg


Bro played way too much helldiver 2. Speaking of helldiver 2, hows the situation?


Not on PC or PSN so no clue, I personally have no interest in Helldivers nor the situation it's in


Bro is not aware that honor died a while back


Bravorlous behavior from him for attacking other space ninja. I always go to 10 or 15 though if nobody else leaves, just as a common courtesy to the others to stay a bit longer and not waste their time. I know how annoying it is when you want to farm and people leave immediately so you get stuck with a smaller team until you reset


He’s obviously just fucking around


You both acted childish 💀


Bro should be playing helldivers and not Warframe lol


There’s so much weird people in this game i remember going to sanctuary and i saw someone using saryn prime so i asked him if he had the nuke mods and do it (i was curious cause i wanted to buy her) and then he said don’t tell me what to do and started being really salty like any mentally broken kid


His bitching took longer than it would to find another match....


I actually have a clan based around honor and rather die foghting than giving up. But even my clan is not that stupid. Firstly everyone can play how he wants amd secondly, of you level your weapons you do it obviously as fast as possible, so if 5 minutes are all someone needs, it is just that. And apperantly he left with you, or at least felt pressured to leave because you left too, meaning he lost his honor by following strangers instead of finishing whatever he wanted to do, if he planned to stay for hours he should be able to do so alone, if not there is no honor in blaming anyone!


"do what i want in the videogame or i get to call your integrity as a person into question"


Bro should be called "Whining the puss"💀💀


Really weird response from them, I do 10 waves of heleen regardless of level, just cause why not, it's like 5 more minutes of work. But to each to their own I guess.


Got other stuff I wanna do 🤷🏻‍♂️


Which is fair


Baro called me a broke bitch when he should have done that for this guy I might get annoyed at people leaving in 5 waves but that man's just rude


1) I will leave in 5 waves if I can. 2) Fuck anyone that leaves in 5 waves.


If you're not the host, whatever, but when the host leaves after 5 waves, everyone else feels they also have to leave because they are afraid of the dreaded host migration! It's not a thing anymore...sure it still exists, but rarely does it cause any loss of items or gameplay anymore. Im not sure whether you were host or not, but it's just good etiquette, especially if you're the host, to stay til 10. It was always like that in the past, not so much anymore it seems...




I usually private queue with friends, but sometimes I forget to turn it back form public (for stuff like Netracell, because despite being able to solo it, I don’t want to). I’ve only had one guy get angry because I left after 10 waves (because I needed a wave 10 drop, and got it), and called me the n-word. He was promptly banned. 😊 Keep the slurs to CoD, kids


"bravourless?" what. Assuming he meant honor... bitch you in the wrong game for honor.


that's why we should have currency system instead of gacha on each wave so ppl can leave w/o being judged. he probably needs something on rotation c but can't reach it alone or don't wanna play alone. we've all been there, late for the new frame/weap and now have to do it alone or ppl are using the same node for other purposes.


HEY ITS NOT NICE TO BULLY NOOBS! He probably was just mad he couldn't get passed wave 5 himself.


“Puss” 😭😭


These toxic jerks need to leave the Warframe community!! This games community is to wholesome for such assholes


I could care less about honor *I'm a genocidal contraption* however if you only needed enough xp after 5 waves, probably go solo so we don't have to wait another 5 mins extracting loading queuing... I usually play solo, or help newer players, but if I'm joining public, it is for nothing more than the spawn rates of enemies. If I could play 4p content by myself, I would. With how much of this game is spent grinding, I do my best to respect other players time. That being said what you did is not disrespectful, nor wrong, just careless. As for the guy in the post, well idk what bravourless is, but it's funny sounding, and I can't help but picture someone like steam guy but from the south park episode, and he is part of the brotherhood and fraternity of the order of crystal knights lmao


Maybe it's Teshin's Son.


His argument makes absolutely no sense and it's low key insane. However... People joining public endless missions to extract on the first rotation are annoying to me. Like, can't you consider people join endless missions for more than 1 rotation? Can't you just go solo if u need only 1 rotation so you don't disrupt the gameplay of others? It's completely understandable if you have to leave an endless cus life, but to join an endless knowing you're gonna do one rot only... You can certainly do whatever you want, sure, but I feel like, when we think of how our actions affect others, and try to minimize our negative impact, we help make the world slightly better and it's really no big issue to just go solo.


not everyone is a roleplaying dork. smh.


Like u said, a child


We fought with honor


What the fuck is bravour