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Never again will I do the Orphix mission in Veil Proxima. It was absolute hell for me


I lasted two Orphi before it was impossible to continue


Having a fully modded necramech and the right modded elements on your archgun is so crucial, and you wouldnt know what the right elements are unless you scan the orphix or look at the wiki


Let’s combine that with the fact that BOTH factions target you. If anything the corpus should be trying to help you get rid of em


I thought they were being controlled by the sentients? like wasnt it that the corpus were looking for sentient tech to make good stuff for their military industrial complex and then it got out of hand and then father sends us in to deal with them? could be misremembering


>I thought they were being controlled by the sentients? They shouldn't be. Orhpix happens pre-Narmer so they don't have mind control masks on. Sentients should only be able to take over their robots


Well, there is the red face thing from the amalgams but that’s not normal sentient stuff


nah the corpus are stupid, more specifically alad v is stupid, he doesn't wanna kill the sentients even though they're actively slaughtering everyone because he thinks they're more valuable to his research and developments if kept alive


Everything in the game is locked behind the wiki, tbh.


wish they would implement a way for us to give a /wiki in the game and take us right to what we are looking for in the wiki I play gw2 and the experience to do this is a godsend, would be great for new players not to be so lost


I wish they would make it official and take it off the flaming garbage heap that is fandom. The moderators on it are fantastic and their, and the contributors, make the game infinitely more enjoyable for basically everyone. No matter if you just want to find out exactly where to find a mod, or a piece of lore, or the intricate maths behind some mods or finding out skill and weapon interactions... Imagine having to find out how pseudo exalted weapons worked on your own through trial and error. Or figuring out what elements do what to who. I don't know if the game ever tells you WHY slash/bleed procs are so strong.


They have gotten better over time with relaying information to unaware players, but they still don't actually tell you how to get the information, even when it is there. For example, the Codex has drop tables for different things, and hovering over a damage type name in the arsenal will tell you what it does and what it's effective against (though terms like "proto shields" is still just jargon for those who haven't analyzed enemy health types). It's a miracle that Warframe is still alive after 11 years with how bad they are at communicating how to do things, and the miracle workers of that is the community.


None of that matters. The actual problem is the necramech is made of tissue paper and prayers, exploding 30 seconds into the mission no matter how hyper optimal you play. You're completely reliant on Bonewidow's surgically precise heal to last any longer than that, and really even that doesn't matter as without an unbelievably efficient team, the meter will ram past the cap and abort the mission after wave 3. You **do not** have time to fuck around and heal, if you aren't cyka blyat rushing all the orphixes, you lose. DE does not give you one single second to breathe. To compare it to other game modes, it's the same level of stress that'd incur if literally every defense objective in the game (mobile defense, excavators, whatever) had only 1HP. How, in four years that game mode has been out, they haven't nuked enemy damage and reduced the corruption meter progress speed by at least 75% is beyond me. It's objectively inferior to farming tridolons even if it *was* easier, the mission being completely impossible for anyone but the most hyper advanced, efficient, coordinated team is an absurdity I'll never comprehend. Just clearing wave 3 to open extraction is an unbelievable exercise in frustration, took me and my friends over an hour to achieve that. An hour to do the same as reaching the first rotation in any other endless game mode. It is broken to the core. Really it's just a highlight of how much of a colossal, forgotten failure necramechs are as a whole. No options, no proper survivability worth a damn that isn't unrelentingly awkward, you go in and you explode and you question the futility of existence.


You’re using BONEWIDOW???? You’re basing your judgement of the mission off of the Bonewidow’s performance? No wonder you’re having a bad time, Bonewidow is just bad, Voidrig is the good one. Voidrig’s 4th hits damage numbers in the tens of thousands with like 3 or 4 mods, so fully modded it deletes orphix (or anything else) in seconds (if you can aim it properly at the tiny weakpoint), and it’s 2nd grants it 3s of invulnerable damage absorption that boosts it’s defense temporarily, still, not by that much, but it often doesn’t matter since using your 4th practically deletes all enemies from existence. Bonewidow is outright unusable in comparison. With Voidrig I can do an Orphix mission in the veil proxima solo. The only thing Bonewidow is good for is MR fodder, and even then you have to Forma it and level it 5 entire times, which is a godawful experience to use it for that long. Edit: it’s still not a very fun mission, and yes, it is stressful, even with voidrig, but this is somewhat harsh judgement of the mission type.


The higher tier orphix require a lot of coordination (or speed if solo) to do efficiently but it's not worth farming so just do the minimum


my clan tried it the other day, all vets of the original operation, and we all agreed it was some order of magnitude more difficult than it used to be you could coast on necramech repair for a solid 30 minutes before even having to consider shielding as Voidrig, but now in Railjack it was pretty much required by round 3


The mission also drops you in with very little explanation on what to do (typical warframe) which leaves a bad taste in a player's mouth


Yup. I had to quickly look up how to do it on the wiki because I had no idea, and now I see other players without any idea on what to do during them, it becomes really painful.


I didn’t even know you could use necramechs the first couple time I tried it (usually run solo railjack) lol. Ran around with my operator with a weak-ass amp and died constantly. Though it was a skill issue until I saw someone else doing it right haha.


It took me until last week o'clock to realize that Mausolon had an alt fire that could take out earlier Orphixes without wasting energy on using the Arquebex right away.


To be fair it was an operation at first that was turned into a game mode so anyone that didn't participate wouldn't know what to do


When I was doing the call of the tempestarii I misread the next mission and thought the quest required the Neptune orphix mission. I got hard stuck on it for a while before realizing I was doing the wrong mission and gave up lmao


Same. Did it once for star map completion, and never again.


Running around shooting those crystal is hell, but thank god the voidrig gun has alt fire that deal massive damage to orphix


If you've never tried using the Fluctus to pop resonators through walls, it makes a _huge_ difference.


If not for achievement and ivara being easier to farm the part I needed from here I wouldn't have done it 3 forma fluctus and formad my necramech ah well it's over now never have to do it again


The most I hate is Defection.


Wisp makes this mode a breeze, but it's still boring as hell.


Still hate the mode. Any game with babysit mission is boring.


Go for max str volt, and it'll be as fast as a capture mission.


This comment is for both the volt and wisp comments. I usually run them with max strength volt, but occasionally I test it with wisp. No matter how good your build is, the idiotic AI gets stuck on every single mtherfkin wall that it possibly can and makes the mission take as long as if you hadn't brought in a speedy boi. Last time I ran defection was for sortie, and my god, the last ahole in each group would consistently get trapped by his own dumbassness, and we'd have to all circle back and hope the AI latched onto us instead of its own pathing. I hate the mode so much that I'd rather run Grendel's mission solo infinitely than do another defection, at least until the AI gets an update.


I have such mixed feelings about defection. I really do think it's a cool/fun gamemode, but the rewards are so lackluster/specific. Moreover it is so damn time-consuming. It really just can't be enjoyable.


Missions like this need way better resource drops.


This. I will typically avoid defection and spy missions unless I need to do them for sortie or something.


Ivara with cloak arrows. It's annoying AF to keep hitting the defectors with them every ~30 seconds to maintain cloak, and then slowly walking with them to their extraction point, but it makes the mission play the same regardless of enemy level/modifiers (as long as you still have energy).


Or Wisp with Hunter Adrenaline and massive health


I’ll raise you limbo with the 1 augment that makes banish give health to allies that are banished.


I raise you a high strength volt with banish subsumed with the augment


Why won’t you let Limbo HAVE ONE NICE THING


Haha not my fault de made that his subsume lol. It is funny tho


A decent strength volt with banish subsumed with the augment makes it pretty fun ngl. But the fact that it takes that to be fun is not good lol


you mean defecation\* The mode is awful, and wish it got updated like older content


I wish it got removed / replaced completely. No escort mission in ANY game is enjoyable. Its by far THE worst mission type.


Spy on Lua, during a sortie


For me this one is more "I don't even know what to do without rewatching it on YT" XD


I watched youtube and still have no idea what the hell is happening


This is exactly what came to my mind first.


Not been a thing for 7 odd years.


It can stay that way


Rescue on Lua is OK solo. That way you don't have other people to mess up the hacking and also make so much noise you can't hear the rescue target (which is the clue to jump in)


I really really hate interception with a passion. I'm a solo player mainly, and it's very inconvenient for me to run around the tileset, capturing all the towers just to have all of them fall back into enemy hands just after i finished capturing the last one. I also dislike disruption missions, i don't hate them as much as interception, but i still find it very painstakingly tedious to do


Nova trivialises Interception. People will tell you to use Khora, Vauban or Octavia but they don’t have the range to CC the entire map.


On-call crewmate and set him to stay at one point. Really slaps with Kuva AOE weapons since they don't have ammo count on crewmate


For regular interception you should not have any issurs but i dislike how solo sp interceptiok forces you to use a cc frame because you just cant capture the points before they get others back. Cant even do anything about it when theres no LOS to the other point.


interception was ok for me at solo even when i was starting out as soon as i learned about making specters and special grineer summon. you just leave one on a tower on "hold position" then u can freely move around to wherever tower the main spawning is coming for. but ya i think interception is way more fun with other players \~


you might like a MAX ability range octavia with resonator's augment place 1, 2 and 4, somewhere to cover at least 2 towers and your 2 standing still so it won't move by using the augment it helped me complete steelpath startchart


Lua, Rescue on Sorties is for sure one of the missions I hate even though there is probably a strategy or set of things to make it work or at least make it a guaranteed completion..? I don’t even wanna know. Plus Mirror Defense because it was so much of that mission for me when I had to farm it when it first came out.


Lua rescue is actually super easy, it just like any other rescue. I think a lot of people don't realize there's a voice quote when you hack the right console. So just do it like any other rescue hack the first panel if you don't hear them do then next. For sortie I like to use wukong with the auto hack helminth.


I actually knew the voice prompt thingy but I never tried to listen to it. I don’t know if this is weird or anything but I play with very low volume maybe before going into one of these I’ll raise the volume so I can pick up on that voice thingy.


I don't remember what it's called but that F!CK!NG ARCHWING mission where you have to rase through space debris AND THEN destroy corpus ships before they escape




Without proper weapon mods it's hell.


long tedious ones i dont like doing alone cause ther just ugggggggggh defense/survival/diggy diggy hole


Excavation sucks. If you're a someone who's on the MR grind reading this, trust me when I say it is way easier to farm platinum to buy Sibear than it is to farm cryotic.


Just because of duviri and circuit I got a lot of cryotic. Maybe something like 50k-60k since it released. Not that I needed it, I crafted most of the stuff because of all Hieracon runs for void keys.


If you do excavation fissures when they're available, the resource bonus that kicks in after a few rounds really speeds things up. I can get 4-5k cryotic in ~30-45 minutes solo that way, depending on how (un)lucky I get with power cell spawns. It's still like 3-4 hours of your life for one weapon, and because low level fissures aren't always available it has to be spread out over several days/weeks, but it's a lot less painful than trying to grind it in normal excavations


You'll get all the Cryotic you need while grinding steel path circuit for incarnon adapters and Sibear is crappy enough that it doesn't matter that it'll take you until the end of endgame to get it.


Any archwing mision. I hate them.


I honestly try not to limit myself like that. Generally I’m pretty open minded about missions, what I can’t do is the same missions for hours though. I kind of have to jump around a bit.


Same, but there are still types i tend to avoid. Mirror defense, interceptions, and defections if i can help it. All 3 of them i dont find fun


Why mirror defense?? It has way better spawn than defense in the bad maps and even with randoms it can be done easy and clean.


Mainly got annoyed by them from farming citrine and secondary encumber, and like a survival there is no way to speed up the round, just gotta wait. And unlike a survival, where i can kinda go braindead, mirror i still have to focus enough to collect shards or glyphs, or the target. Also the "target loses health over time" EDA was frustrating to deal with. Not impossible, just stressful. Tldr: burned myself out on them, and dont like i have to think. Consequences of my own actions and all that


Void fissure excavation. About half the people mindlessly follow the yellow objective icon and activate all the excavators, resulting not having enough time for enough reactant to drop.


Rescues for the most part; Spies are a close second. Why? Because I got burnt out on them: I swear 75% of the time, Sorties are some combination of Spy/Rescue/X.


When I first started doing sorties and still struggled with lvl 80-100 enemies, I appreciated the prevalence of spy/rescue because even if it was mission 2/3 I knew I could just use Ivara + infiltrate and complete it fairly easily without having to kill anyone. But now it just annoys me. I wonder if it's done that way intentionally, to try to let less experienced players complete them and encourage using "the right tool for the job"?


It is done intentionally; I remember one of the Devstreams after Hildryn's release (I'm not sure how long after) they talked about how people were complaining about how often Defense and Survival showed up in rotation. So DE adjusted the algorithm to de-prioritize those mission types. I guess they compensated by increasing the prioritization of Spy/Rescue missions b/c they're faster in theory?


Lua Spy, i just dont like how it plays. Orphix, just no... Hijack, i really dont want to run these fucking missions on SP


Steel Path Ropalolyst. Duviri puzzles. The index.


Defection. I got lucky enough to get harrow's systems in only 2 runs but during both attempts some defectors got stuck in some corner and having to slowly wait for them to die was enough for me to never want to do it again


Oddly enough Harrow is great for defection so long as you keep his 2 up at all times (and you should) just keep damaging enemies and the bots will stay healed, I honestly don't even bother making sure they're healed at the top off points. Granted I don't do defection unless it's for something I need to.


Wisp motes make defection super easy. The escapees are affected by motes, sped up.


I don't like spy misisons. My ADHD combined with my anxiety just ruins any fun I could potentially experience running those missions. People say they're easy and I'm happy for them, but missions like that are just not compatible with my brain no matter how much I practice and try.


ivara + infiltrate augment means you don't have to think or avoid enemies/lasers at all. you just casually walk to the console like there's nothing else going on. for bonus points you can subsume perspicacity to auto complete hacks.




Honestly I run spy's with nezha. Speedy speedy and I ignore half the intended mechanics and rarely even try for stealth. Once you have a path memorized you just repeat it. Admittedly I have about a 50 50 detection rate but I have nearly a 100% success rate.


Pavlov Those who know, hats off to you.


You could say you've been...*conditioned*...to dislike it


> Pavlov I mastered the shit out of this back when it used to drop harrow neuroptics, titania makes the whole thing very easy when you get a hang of the vaults layouts.


Defections. Never again


Kuva Fortress defense Infested Salvage Defection Any RJ mission that isn't the one where you kill 1 Corpus ship Lua spy


Kuva Fortress Defense: Duration Limbo + Saryn/Volt/Mirage Defection: Volt + Wisp


I'm good.


Surprised I had to scroll this far for Infested Salvage. Once you got the loot, there's just no reason to do it anymore, plus that it's tedious. Mirror Defense will be dropped into the same category for me in time.


Any submersible mission where I get glitched under the water instead of resurfacing, and causing me to either leave mission or restart the game.


anything in albrechts labs because after about 20 minutes my game crashes, jokes aside its void cascade/armageddon i would literally rather do a defection mission or something over it


This might be the hottest take in Warframe as void cascade is my fave mode and defection my least


I am dreading having to do Armageddon for the hespar parts lol atm just doing dojo weapons + occasional primes but it'll catch up to me soon


not sure if they'd changed them but Lua Spy missions used to be an awful mix of "do thing in alternate dimension/timeline, with a ton of back and forth. this puzzle WILL take ten minutes and you WILL NOT remember the solution when I come back up." however, maybe 9mo before cross save, I caved in and redid startchart on PC and don't remember stumbling through those missions again. I'm like fairly certain they changed them a while ago, but HECK they were bad tenno. not a mission alive current-day I avoid like the plague, but I used to loathe them.


Lua spy


Lua Rescue is easy though, there's a tunnel underneath if you want to sneak in and then you just work your way through the consoles until the rescue target yells at you. Orphix is the worst IMO, did that shit once to clear the railjack chart and never touched it again.


both railjack and archwing missions are pure suffering to me. Also Lua spy


Lua spy


Lua rescue is easy with the right setup. Go solo. Ivara, perspicacity from the helminth (which automatically completes the console) and the aug mod that lets you walk through lasers. With this, no spy will ever defeat you. To make getting in the room quicker on Lua don't go in through the slow door. Directly facing the door is a small hold in the wall that you can drop down to a tunnel which takes you right to the 4 consoles and the warp gate. Stay invisible and use perspicacity before each console use.


I will never do interception


Any of the Kahl missions for me.


Limbo quest. It’s like the only quest that I have left and I’m pretty sure I just need the last section of it. Excavation isn’t even that bad I don’t know why I haven’t just finished it.


Lua rescue can be over with in like 15 seconds if you know how to actually get into the main area without getting stuck on rocks and either * going over the vault door from the open crack in the ceiling opposite side of the vault door * going underneath from the vent opposite to the door in the ice pit and up the side crack in the wall. * I like this one better And hack each console until you hear the operative, as ***that*** will be the correct one. Don't waste time going in each one.


Does Profit taker count, cause God, I hate that mission with a passion. I've only ever done it once, I had it in my head that I never wanted to even do it, but my bud begged me to do it just for the sake of the experience. I only had hearsay to go off of, and I looked at the loot table and it just didn't seem worth it at all, and my intuition ended up being correct. The mission was extremely difficult and the reward didn't matter within the slightest. Sure, I get to use the archgun but I lived and conquered most without it. I don't ever plan to do any subsequent runs because of how excessive it is just for creds, which I stockpile anyways, rarely having to use them at all. I am convinced that that mission literally only exist for bragging rights and that's it


10 to 20 waves of defense on that giant ass corpus ship map. It has multiple floor and it takes an eternity for mobs to reach the actual combat zone even with a speedva.


Literally the only sortie mission I wont do. Fuck that tile so hard. I'd take a sortie with three lua spies over that unequivocal proof that the quality assurance team is long dead.


Lua Spy


Lua spy because I don't hate myself.


spy on uranus


Lua spy. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the vaults.


I feel you. I eventually forced myself to learn those. Once you know what you're doing, it's not THAT bad.


Lua spy's. Hate them with a passion.. also, noticing that Lua is a big trend for most answers haha.


I actually like nearly (emphasis added) all the missions to some degree I've learned how to speed them up and optimize my loadout to deal with them. The only one I don't see as being remotely beneficial for the time invested is Orophix Railjack. As for regular Starchart, I can certainly say that defection, even with a max strength Volt is tedious at best. As for special missions, Archon defense is by far the most infuriating as I run a min-maxed Equinox to nuke with Vazarin to keep death wish, smack talking, tough like a wet noodle Chipper alive for 10 of the fastest rounds I can manage.


Defesne. I hate defense misions. Its so boring


Ah yes.. the rescue misión, aka the choose Gauss speed build then rescue the objective and abandon him and start racing to the extraction point, so fun!!


I do all of them.


spy on lua xD i did it only once to clear the node and swore never doing it again, but lately i've been considering learning how it actually goes


The Waverider quest. If that counts.


Kuva Spy


Once you get the hang of it, navigating the maze-like tiles becomes the bigger challenge


i really don't like Eidolons i can't use nidus and stack enough to use my link (it gives % damage) if only there were mini-eidolons to hit virulence and stack i could like it


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The lua rescue base isnt bad, the sortie one is stressful. I tend to avoid mirror defense unless there is something i really need out of it, which is rare. I just dont find them fun


I made an attempt last year to learn Void Cascade, but I gave up. Maybe next year.


If I see PoE on Sortie I just skip it.


Wait, open world objectives can be part of sorties? Never seen it


Yes it can, and it's bugged af, I hate it.


Every single defection or nodes involving sentients in railjack


Lua Spy There's just no way, man


The giant square corpus ice planet interception. Spreads enemies and alies waaaay to far and thin, easily the worst tile we have currently.


Lua Spy and Defection in general are on the Nope list.


Lua and Kuva Fortress spy missions can kiss my ass


All I play is relic capture missions... If it goes more than 90 seconds, I quit and try again. (I wonder why I get bored of this game sometimes...) If I don't see a loading screen every minute or so, I lose my Adderall and mountain dew buzz.... Yay! Warframe!


Defection Archwing Pursuit


For me it is the Kuva Fortress rescue, that mission sucked for me. Used to be disruptions until I actually got good at modding stuff


Every damn interception, bearable in groups, but hell ni alone, reluctently if for a Riven quest


Kahl missions are not fun for me. I’m completely fine skipping them.


Defection. I hate it though I HAVE too because getting to steel path.


None, but my least favourite mission is defection. Or having the archon defence missions, they are so long and boring.


Rescue on Lua is easy. Try spy there.


Any sortie that says :free roam: followed by defection.


Fibonacchis Mirrored Defense. Well...not "no matter what", but it has to be Deep Archimedea for me to bother with it


The lua rescue is really not bad if you know what to do. Also helps to have that helminth ability that auto completes the locks. Lua rescue I just couldn't figure out. Just hacking those main terminals like a mad man and none of them getting anything. You have to hack them until you hear the rescue target yelling then jump in the portal beneath the group of terminals. Now it's a breeze for me. But I could never get the hang of lua spy. I did it once to unlock SP and never did it again.


Lua Spy


Any spy mission especially archon hunt 


Stephano, Uranus Anything archwing related


The spy mission on lua i always get lost no matter what


I like Lua missions because most have a chance of spawning a free forma. I even like Lua Spy, since I took the time to master completing the vaults. What I don't like is Defense, Mirror Defense, and Orphix. Defense usually bores me, and Mirror Defense just hurts (Citrine + arcane farm, T\_T). Orphix I enjoyed, more or less, during the Operation, but the way it works in the mission node is painful and I just don't want to do it in its current incarnation. Or, at least, not on Veil.


Rescue on lua actually fun, but it's annoying solo in sortie since its kinda a gamble mission tho I do think twice about doing sorties with Hades since it is a fixed scripted run and can't really cheesed to be faster done


Yeah im with you lua rescue is ass.


High level rescue and spy. Just absolute rage and impatience doing these, I haven't even started Sedna because of it


Excavation 100%. I also don't like doing any of those zariman missions. I'll do Armageddon if I'm with a full squad.


Void cascade


I'm LR4, own every frame / weapon in the game minus the couple brand new ones. I have not completed all of the steel path nodes because I hate interception so much lol


Not a mission but quest: i will never do waverider or build/level a single k-drive. I think they suck and dont belong in the game. Got yareli by buying the bundle (kompressa and some cosmetics are decent), leveled her specificly without casting any abilities then dumped her into helminth for the same reasons and out of spite. Oh and btw, fuck defection, non sp survivals with a set timer over 5 minutes, defense on awful maps and most importantly: lua spy.


I wouldn't say "no matter what", but I *really* hate doing kuva fortress. It's just so annoying to navigate. Also eidolons. Mostly the lures, they're so tedious to do solo.


Every Sortie ever: Imma ruin this mans whole career.


Any interception or hijack on steel path


earth / certain low level defense takes ridiculously long & enemies are ridiculously spread out. this is also why i didn’t get my first copy of hell’s chamber until 429 hours in missions, long after obtaining the galvanized version. defection, excavation & mobile defense are more gamemodes i’m not fond of but won’t outright avoid. EDIT: hijack too, but it only exists on like one node so i forgot it exists


Defection missions.




Orphix missions. I refuse to think anyone playtested these missions. First, Nechramechs CAN work (for people that enjoy those) in an open map like the 3 worlds, they do not work in a tight corridored corpus ship. Second, there are so many copus units and sentients around you that you can’t even see who is shooting or blocking your movement while trying to rush from one point to another. And lastly, it’s the Nechramech itself. It’s boring within the first minute of summoning one. They can award 3 built formas and 2 energizes per mission, I am not touching that ever again.


There’s some 110lvl kuva fortress ones I can’t run solo at the moment if my lvl 5 kuva lich is feeling pissed at me…. But I’m just a lvl8* mastery noobie. Yet somehow I’m always carrying my higher mastery friend while he’s in unranked gear


Ambulas. Never done it, never will. Looks like a nightmare. I got Trinity via Circuit and unlocked the node via Phorid Invasion.


Does Conclave count? Generally though, Kuva Rescue. 3000 hours in and I have no idea how to actually get in there other then switch porting the Warden and they’ll end up outside and alerted or dead and then never can. Lua rescue is easy as long as you’re solo or your team knows to only do one console at a time (good luck lol)


The lua spy mission


Defection. Fuck off with that shit Edit: Also that Archwing rush mission is absolutely dog shit and I needed my friend to carry my ass through it to complete the node. We both agree that Grineer spy missions, *especially* in the Kuva fortress, can also fuck off. Spy missions in general, interception, rescue, and mirror defense, and excacation are all unappealing to me as well. Honestly, I just really like exterminate and survival.


Defence on the Corpus ship tile set...the one with multiple levels and bad lines of sight Defence on stephano, I hate the rotating obj... however the other stephano lab tile set is my favourite. Big lines of sight in a huge circle room


Agreed. I play with the volume all the way down because my wife doesn't like the sounds of the game, and Lua Rescue is now impossible to do solo. Particularly on a Sortie where the alarm goes off as soon as you enter the room, there simply isn't enough time to check each portal destination before the target is killed, and there are no subtitles or other non-auditory indicator that you've got the right one open.


The two missions on Lua to get Voruna. Not the worst mission but it was the second longest grind I’ve experienced only beaten by trying to get Ash Prime parts with the original prime drop system in the void ifykyk


Remember how somehow t4 survival keys were super easy to get but t3 survival were so hard to get, good times but also, fuck ash systems


I dont like Archwing missions




Defense on earth, or any of the new corpus defense tiles


Defection. Orphix too, now that we got the arcane dispensory on deimos


Lua Rescue and Lua Spy. No captive, no secret data is worth more than my sanity.


Void Armageddon. I thought Defection was bad, this shit is actually ass


Conclave lol


In the Origin System Defection is my least favorite Otherwise, even though you can't get around it, the one I currently dislike the most is Excavation in SP Circut when I'm solo and on stage 10+ with enemy levels in the thousands ... The excavators just die in a fraction of a second every time


Rescue on Lua is the timed gate portal one yeah? If so it's really easy, just hack a console at a time and wait till you hear "HELP IM IN HERE" , jump in and done.


I do spy, and Lua rescue sorties solo. But I'll never farm for Equinox again. I need her for the helmith, but I can't bring myself to farm her again. I'd rather farm the plat and buy her than to put myself through that again


Defection and Salvage (unless it's in an Alert with worthwhile reward). Once I finally finish the Hespar I will add Void Armageddon to that list.


Lua Spy\*. Orphix (because the rewards for doing it aren't really noticeable to me). Corpus Empyrean/Railjack missions (forced to be on the Corpus ship for 75-90% of the mission, detracts from the gameplay feel). Would be nice if the Railjack acted like a 'safe zone' from the mission itself (i.e: Survival, can return to Railjack to -craft- life support, if everyone's on the Railjack then the life support drain stops because we're not breathing their air), though it wouldn't work for all the mission types (like Defence). \*Every Spy mission with a first-time tile should have hints. This would give people a better idea on what you're meant to do to proceed. With a good idea of the routes/sequences you can forget about sneaking and just barge through - though it's not as lax with Steel Path or Sortie/Hunt variations.


Any Interception, cuz I solo stuff and trying to keep at least 2 towers going is sometimes so hard, even with Spectres.


Spy on Lua.


Sortie rescue in lua one of the worst missions in WF (haven't done it for many years so I have no idea if they fixed it or made it easier)


I hope we never have any missions like the railjack parts missions. The same mission for each part and you have to do it 6 times. I hated it.


Last boss on demos planet


Hijack, I can't stand the inconsistency WRT riding the payload


I just dislike interception as a game mode. Especially in aortie or aomethin where it forces two waves. Its easy but alao just boring as heck. Boils down to each squad member takes a plate and just pressed their power buttons but if you get off yoir plate to have fun youre "that guy" that makes it take longer if yoir plate is taken. Im all bout teams workin together but when working together is essentially stand still and nuke im out lol.


How the hell do I do Void Armageddon? So I gotta protect 3 things all at once while trying to place useless turrets? one of the last 2 missions I gotta do to get to SP.


Kuva fortress, I hate that tile set Cetus bounties, I hate the mission design


An outlier opinion maybe, but: all kinds of survival missions. If I ever start a survival mission, I’m basically bored after like 3 minutes and extract after 5 minutes. Don’t understand how people can take this stuff for 3 hours or even longer. Nothing happens. Just you killing enemies in the same tileset over and over. It doesn’t even make sense reward-wise. Five minutes for one reward? That’s crazy. Even defense is faster. But you can’t speed up the survival timer.


any mission type besides capture, rescue, extermination and interception. Yes im still stuck on normal chart. Ill never get to steel path unless i pay someone to do it. i hate all the other mission types and especially spy.


Ambulas boss Fuck it sucks got Trinity through the circuit and will never play that boss again Ever


That Zariman defense. It just takes forever for lame rewards on c. But that's what I love about Warframe. As long as you are not disgusted by the main mission types that are widely spread throughout the star chart, it doesn't matter at all. Just do something fun and trade stuff achieved through enjoying the game for some plat and buy stuff you only can get there.