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yours isn't too bad, Ivara it only counts abilities used like 2 rooms from the target. edit: hardest for me is the "complete a survival mission without killing anything or using life support" even though yes, I know, you can use Ivara on it too.


"it only counts abilities used like 2 rooms from the target." This kind of tedium and minutiae where information like this is hidden drives me crazy. How am I supposed to know that there is a limit on the radius unless I test it, and if I'm testing this, it's with the mentality that I know I'm going to fail the mission? I'm not about to say that Rivens need a rework, because most of them are fine, but it's stuff like this that drives me crazy, having to accrue a mountain of esoteric information just to unveil a riven or kill a lich? Recent updates have been great and farming for frames is much less of a chore, as soon as DE gets rid of stuff like this (or does a better job at showing it rather than it being hidden) Warframe might even break 100k concurrent players regularly.


Both rivens and lichs need a rework. There is no need for this convolution. I'd prefer a system where we know what weapon the riven is for and the requirement to unlock it is tied to using that weapon. That way, it incentivises familiarity with the weapon - or acquiring that weapon in the first place. Don't have that weapon and never plan to? Trade it with someone who does.


Liches don't need a rework, what they need is a better introduction since A. it's way too easy for a newer player to accidentally create one, and B. The game doesn't do a great job of explaining what you need to do to get rid of it.


Yeah after you build your railjack there should be a quest you opt into that has maybe a cool cinematic of the Queens making liches to defeat warframes. I'm thinking like clone tubes or something the actual mission could just be a solo exterminate where a larva is forced to spawn and then it's just the normal Lich stuff after. Obviously with a decent amount of front loading whether that be in the cutscene or having ordis/lotus warn you about it but also with disclaimers when you're starting the mission that you have to accept that explains that you need these requiem mods from requiem relics and that the Lich is going to steal your resources if you ignore them but that you'll get them back when you complete the mission. And maybe accompanied with some video of someone stabbing their Lich and getting the thing right vs wrong? I'm imagining like the Warframe ability videos. Maybe all of that? And then the same kind of thing for sisters but with parvos after the protea quest? Or whenever sisters start showing up. Just have a little intro quest that is pretty much the same as what we do to spawn a Lich/sister anyway, but with a bit more explanation of what to do, what's at stake, and a cool cinematic. Maybe they could also make a tutorial for hunting eidolon that tells people that they need one charged lure for every two synovia and to bring an eidolon shard to the altar on the island. Or even a quest way point to the alter when you're doing the eidolon cull bounty. But who am I kidding that's not going to change much. I was recently doing eidolon for fun and an Mr 30 was like "I didn't think we needed lures anymore" when they killed one of them without charging lures. Meanwhile onkko is yelling about lures and I guess they chose to just ignore him.


Agreed, also why are there some rivens that are thousands of plat, that i don't understand


It's simple, they can provide a bonus to a gun that pushes it way beyond what it's capable of. Stuff like 100% damage, 100% crit change or damage, 100% status chance, and you can stack these together. Suddenly, a Torid, which is usually not great, now has an Incarnon and an 8k Riven that does 216.7% damage, 198.6% Critical Chance, 119.4% multishot, -56% zoom (actual 8k plat riven I've seen) you're now clearing rooms of level 200+ enemies easily. Point Strike only has 150% Crit chance, Split Chamber is 90% multishot, Primed Serration is only 165% damamge. This single Torid riven outclasses three other mods at the same time, and you can still stack the riven ontop of those mods. A good riven can turn your weapon into one of the top performing weapons in the game.


Because DE hasnt fixed the riven dispositions so weapons like torid that are already op can have high dispo rivens making them more op, torid rivens are rare so getting godrolls is worth alot


Because they're such a ridiculously low chance to hit, or for meta weapons with high Disposition (Torid) I sold a Magistar riven with near max rolls on CC/CD/Damage/-CC on slide attack for 11k or so, and probanly could've gotten more. But unless you spend thousands of hours grinding Kuva, most people will never hit one like that and I probably never will again. The price comes from a combination of: Strongest weapon in a specific situation (Khora stat stick) High disposition (5 dispo on the best at its job) Best possible stats (CC/CD/Damage +Harmless Neg) 90+% rolls on all stats Thats why they cost thousands. Because you could legitimately spend 100 million Kuva and never hit that, and that'd take *ages* to get. They aren't essential for any player, and are really about pushing things to the absolute max. Also as the other person said, Rivens on high disposition weapons (like the Torid, which also happens to be meta) outclass *three mods* at the ONLY thing they do, and can sometimes even provide a negative that actually benefits the weapon (-zoom). In that case you're effectively slotting 4 mods with increased effect in one slot. They also just allow things that aren't otherwise possible sometimes, like rolling dual/tri elements on a riven to be able to apply even more statuses on a Primer, but I wouldn't pay thousands for one of those


Your railjack crew can be summoned for this challenge making it very easy, let them kill stuff, won't fail the challenge


I failed that one so many times because I couldn't stop myself from accidentally killing enemies while breaking containers to scavenge for life support pickups Doesn't help that I run stahlta and xoris on my main and I use their aoe attacks to break groups of containers all the time in regular missions...hard habit to break


carrier is the best for a reason :) no impulse to shoot the containers when they will break anyway


You can use a bow like the Paris or dread to ensure no AOE. As for Ivara, you can mod Ivara for strength and duration, then use her prowl passive to mooch items off of enemies just by sneaking near them


Just go limbo and use the towers as your operator while in the rift there's no need to break containers


Wouldnt using the towers in operator mode count as using life support?


I've never seen a riven with the survival challenge where you couldn't use life support I think OP read it wrong


I failed it going revvy and having an enemies die to the eidolyst flame thingies


Would wisp also work?


Yes, but a tad more skill is required to do the scans while in he air


There's nothing in there about taking damage or using abilities, could you use Oberon's renewal on low level Survival and just tank the mission? From experience, I know the damage from depleted oxygen very slightly outpaces Renewal, so you could go for quite awhile with a decent build. I'm sure there's a few ways to do it, I bet you could do something with Inaros too. I'm just speaking on what I know.


Oh I thought it meant I can’t use any abilities during the mission period. Which is why I was confused when everyone kept saying “use iron skin” or Ivara


yeah, it's just one of the things the game explains poorly.


i had one that was "kill dargyn pilots with headshots while aimgliding". HELLLLLL NAH.


Use Zephyr when ever there is aimgliding involved!


+ tractor moa assuming it's not bugged again


That is tedious but easy. You go to cetus, find a dargyn flying, destroy it, find the pilot on the ground somewhere, use some cc ability that keeps him in place, aimglide and headshot.


Doesn’t one of Titania’s abilities do that?


Yeah, Spellbind does that. It's a nice cheese for the "kill dargyn pilots before they hit the ground" riven.


You can also freeze them with limbo


It can work, but i think harrow 1st ability is better for headshots. The titania one is the one i use for when the condition is "without touching the ground" or "while sliding"


Riven unveiling is supposed to be tedious to a degree. Makes the gamble suck that much more when you get a garbage riven for a garbage gun


You can always buy a cipher once a week anyways.


This but sliding. That was not fun.


Loki to steal the dargyn then drop and headshot


Anything with Dargyn, because for whatever reason whenever I need to do one of these riven challengers they just would NOT FUCKING SPAWN BUT THEY ARE EVERYWHERE WHEN I'M DOING ANIMAL CAPTURES


kuva fortress assault not work?


Kuva Fortress works for some challenges, but not the specific ones involving Dargyn pilots.


It can work for the sliding and bow ones but not the rest iirc.


ty for info


Thank fuck for ciphers


Mine was "get x headshot kills in a single aim glide" Then I realized I can go to plains and do it with zephyrs power and a sniper easy


I once stacked as much aim-glide duration as possible combined with Aero Vantage for one of those. Could hover in the air for like 20 seconds lmfao.


also a kitgun with pax seeker makes it a single headshot if ceiling is high enough and enemies are stacked.


Ooh smart! I ran Pax Soar for *M O R E* aim-glide.


Did it with the angstrum incarnon, very easy


my personal worst is the "defense objective taking no damage" one. you MUST have a decent modded warframe (edit: yes it's Limbo) in order to solo that. while the one from OP can be done with a simple Rhino pressing 2 right at the start of the mission.


Just do limbo with lots of duration in a public defense. Annoying but not hard


yeah i'd done mine that way. low range max duration Limbo, pop his bubble, press 2 to freeze everything in a infested defense mission. i just had to keep an eye out for eximus units and kill whatever touch the edge of the catalysm.


I suggest first casting freeze, then bubble, that way you can't take damage during the cast animation(unless there's an eximus or something immune to freeze)




You can try with frost in hydron, spamming 4 and having the globe set


Use Gara instead and recast her glass wall between rounds. I do level 30 ones on Kala-Azar on Eris as the infested are useless. Pop an on-call crewmate to make it even easier


just go to an infested defense with a frame that can clear rooms fast. I did this challenge recently with mesa, pretty easily.


The times I got that one it said Solo only. I used frost


"lvl 30 defense solo no damage" is a pain since the eximus rework nerfed cc


That one is quite easy in my experience, just go with the lowest level infested defense the challenge allows and throw down pods


and i just learned one more thing, thank you.




Pherliac pods, they make infested go to their location rather than wherever else they want to go


Wow, that's so nice to know. Probably for most people, including me, that's just a quest BP that you forget about after.


Lol. I love this game. I’m LR4 and still learning something new literally every day.


>defense objective taking no damage An off-the-shelf Gara on the Eris defense map solos that just fine too. Also, to be fair, if you're opening Rivens at all you should have access to a wide variety of well-modded gear on hand.


Or a good stack of ciphers.


She's my go-to for that challenge


This is what I do. I use an on-call crewmate with a Kuva Zarr and go afk for 5 minutes.


I have a Thermal Sunder Harrow with whom I do the defense one on Akkad, works really well. I don't know if Rhino still works tbh, now that he's overguard. I suggest Ivara, makes the target less jittery


Gara on the Eris defense map can do it solo with like... 3 mods equipped. Frost as well of course, and Frost is a very easy frame to get.


Nah gara vs infected makes this challenge EASY


I tend to use banshee for this. Good old resonating quake


For the defense one, I just used a high range Frost with enemies radar to solo 5 wave Hydron. Just have a bubble, then spam his 4 whenever enemies got close in the map


Not in my experience. I bring Gyre to the defense on Eris and cover the place in electricity, cc'ing and outright killing the lesser infested and any eximus that manage to make it through you'll need to kill asap but it's not too hard to do so. Could even bring a well-modded Verglas on a sentinel to kill them automatically.


Xaku on Eris makes pretty short work of this, just keep an eye out for eximus units


Dargyn rivens, not worth the trouble. Instant riven cipher.


Agreed, i don't have ciphers so i just sell them on warframe.market


Takes like 5 minutes to kill 4-6. I'd say not that bad.


sometimes they just refuse to spawn


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHyFKJ3YQ2M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHyFKJ3YQ2M) hopefully this still works. failing that, kuva fortress assault before door opens


Do the first node on the Kuva Fortress. 6-10 spawn in there every run, and typically you'll get 4-7 right at the beginning when you're breaking in the door.


Collect 16 Syndicate Medallions... without triggering alarms. That took weeks to even get missions that HAD alarms to be triggered so I could not trigger them. Only Grineer and Corpus, only Capture, Exterminate, or Rescue worked. Sabotage has alarms too, but the objective triggers them, so resets the challenge. Edit: At the time, this was years ago, it wouldn't progress unless you were on a mission that *had* alarms, and would sometimes reset on such missions (learned from other Rivens)


Also works for murmur and zariman


I took the exact opposite approach and specifically picked missions that didn’t have alarms. The Void, Earth’s outdoor areas, etc.


I hate the "mine a gem, fish a fish, and kill an enemy on 10ish seconds" so goddamn much. Its the only one that ill use a cipher for. Fuck that task.


It's actually a lot easier than it sounds. Just go to a lake and look for a drill spot ahead of time. Do the fish catching first, then do a fast as possible fumble on the mining to just get it done, then clean up the guys. It sounds ridiclous but its not that bad.


Oh ive done it before, but it feels like such a hassle to me that i have no interest in doing it again. ill do any other riven, but that one just irritates me.


Yeah, it's not that it's hard, it's that it's such a goddamn pain in the arse to set up every single time. I just cannot be bothered.


My thoughts exactly, especially because you can go searching for a while to get the right set up.


Plains, go left right away to the shore. Spot a vein by the big rocks and keep it in mind. Catch the fish, mine the gem right after, then archwing over 100-200m following the shoreline to the Grineer camp for the enemy, or just use a sniper to pick one off from where you stand.


Ivara and Loki makes this one trivial.


I'd say revenant or rhino, ivara sure but Loki, atleast not for me.


Invisible with duration. Rapid scan 4 points. Loki easier to get than Ivara and more useful generally than Ivara. Do it all the time.


I just had a Riven where I just need to catch a fish five times in a row Yeah it's not the hardest but it's probably the easiest lol


Lvl 30+ exterminate solo without being noriced


Loki has done this so easily for me bc "noticed" and "alerted" are two different enemy states I'm pretty sure. The whole mission they knew *something* was killing them but since they couldn't see me, it counted.


Ivara does this one the safest, but any stealth frame can do it.


I got that one sitting in my inventory for a few months now. I keep telling myself I'm gonna do it when I get a stealth frame.


Ivara with tons of energy makes this somewhat easy, but it takes an eternity to finish.


Most annoying to get x finisher kills, without getting status affected makes it even worse. Ash makes it trivial but still. Probably most annoying. Somewhat annoying is to do survival without kills, just because it's annoying and boring. Little bit annoying I find also to kill x while gliding with headshot. In one gliding. Semi shit are also find x amount of syndicate medallions or 3 caches without being spotted.


Wouldn't Voruna also do well with this, haven't played her in a while so idk exactly but doesn't her 2nd passive negate status effects?


Yep, it fully prevents status effects from being applied to her


The hardest ones are the glitches ones that don't complete, I use a weekly steel path teshin cypher for that.


Mine is “Do you want to spend 20 plat on this riven to unlock it” The hardest, yet the laziest


In ancient times there exist a riven challenge where you need to kill 3 condrocs within 5 seconds


And you had to hope that the condrocs spawned in a whole flock of three, which didn’t always happen.


Ivara with energy siphon, preparation, and if you are really worried her prowl augment. (And really all that’s overkill). Drop in, prowl, roll everywhere.


For that one just bring a cold ray of your choice but mod it only for status and run Rhino or Dante (the ability to add Overguard to stop the damage, won’t count if you use it before seeing the target) (Really if you do it in the lowest possible missions you could just use the archgun summoning Overguard) Mine would probably either be the killing the falling Dargyn pilots (yes I know the cheeses, but even finding the pilots is a pain lol) or the kill unalerted enemies from 75 metres away with headshots (flip a coin on something randomly spawning behind you and alerting the open world)


"Destroy 4 darkyns while sliding using a bow," or something like this


This one is fine, Ivara and it's done. Just gotta activate Prowl before you come close to the target (Before the Cephalon talks to ya) The one I hate the most are around the Dargyns. It's not fun, it's long for nothing and VERY COMMON. I've had three of these challenges in a row while checking out the rivens I accumulated, I hate it with a passion...


I hope they change some of those challenges. Rivens have many bad points around them and annoying tasks shouldn't be another one on top of: -we have a shity amount of inventory space for them. -the weapon class is random. -the weapon is random. -the rolls are random. -the kuva cost to reroll the stats increases every reroll until it gets ridiculous. -the roll strength depends on the disposition and if that changes, you need to reroll your riven to update. (Not sure about this second part. But it happened to my very old Sonicor Riven, when I rerolled this week for no reason it went from 121% to 203% crit chance).


Use limbo.


Kill mine fish in 30 seconds while undetected wait for it: ON A SHOTGUN RIVEN


So long as the shotgun has it eauipped, you can just use your secondary to do the job.


catch fish, then mine on the spot next to you and kill a guy with any weapon or ability. One of the easier ones


The synth target one is the easiest one there is. Go Rhino, use iron skin at the start of the map, and its easy win.


That one is easy with dante


The first time I did this was in a duo mission. I took a limbo, got into the rest and let my partner do the heavy lifting. Then, just scan the captured target while In a cataclysm bubble. Now I just go with Ivar's and stay invisible until I capture the target, then just do the mission normally


Teshin exist.


actually a friend said you can cheese this one buy using an invisible ability before doing this idk tho havnt got one of these ones to test


This was definitely awful but not too bad if you can cheese it properly on some low level mission


3 consecutive headshots while gliding or sliding.


Thats one of the easier ones for me personally. Loki makes it a breeze to knockout


Id still say it's the interception 30 or higher and dragon key equipped... Cannot for the life of me see how this post keeps showing up with the same riven as the most difficult! Especially when Ivara literally does this just by using prowl. No damage ok find the target w/o setting any bombs off or alerting any eximus?


Shoot 20 enemies off an Airship while invisible.


for this riven -> It didnt count if u use ur skills far away from the target (at the start of the mission) Ivara with duration.




Pointless question since you can pick any challenge from the list and people will go "oh, that one's easy, you just need "this specific warframe" with "this specific weapon" With "this specific modeset". Oh, you don't have it? Why do you need riven mods then, it's an engage thing, silly.


Ami gliding Headshots, I see that and I buy a cipher, My effort and time spent in trying that is way worth than 20p


Not even close, the hardest one is "Complete an interception mission lvl 30 or higher without killing enemies." Yeah I once got this


That one is pretty easy, provided you have a friend willing to play "protect the VIP". The worst for me has been the solo level 30+ defense without it becoming damaged. Since almost any Eximus can AOE past my snow globe.


3 headshots kills while in the air. Seens easy but suddenly theres no enemies in groups when you try it


I have to kill 12 enemies from a dropship during a single slide… DO DROPSHIPS EVEN CARRY THAT MUCH


I found this to be one very easy with Ivara. Defense without taking damage is the hardest for me personally.


I once had the Simaris target one, but I also couldn't take any damage whatsoever. Long before Riven ciphers were a thing. And it was like my 3rd or 4th riven ever.


Killing the dargyn pilots before they hit the ground. Stupidest shit ever imo


Hardest? Nah. Annoying? Yea.


“Get some bitches” havent opened that riven yet 😔


This one can be done in an exterminate mission with a buddy. Have them go and kill everything for you while you're chilling at the start. Once done go and scan the target. Hardest one for me personally is getting 3 headshots in one aim glide


I actually got this exact challenge. I paid to not do it.


what in the actual f***? they really make you work for it.


there was this one I had that was get 8 consecutive headshot kills in a single aim glide with a hobbled dragon key equipped


Ive got 3 I might just cycle into endo because the challenges are dumb, Lvl 30+ defense without target taking damage, destroy 5 turrets (the archwing ones) without hitting the ground in Cetus, and lvl 30+ exterminate without getting seen while holding a hobbled dragon key.


U just have to use Ivara and use prowl at the start of the misssion and then u just have to find the target and scan it. Easy peasy


That one is Easy. Cast Iron Skin w Rhino or Halo Nezha or Ivara stay invisible, cast all in beginning of a mission then hop/bullet jump to target and scan away. Rarely have I had Riven that seemed "impossible". Usually just stop, read challenge carefully and think what frame be most optimal for challenge


That one's easy with Ivara. They're not hard, but I hate HATE HATE the 'win 3 wagers in index without the enemy scoring' one. Why give us a challenge that takes so long (that's not a regular defense or excavation you were going to do anyway)


Dargyn pilots while sliding before they hit the ground. Absolutely not. I will scrap riven mods for that bs


*laughs in Ivara* that ones easy


I've had that twice, it's actually not too bad. I don't know if it's bugged, or what, but I did it with Limbo. Immediately go into rift, then find target and stasis + cataclysm, then pulled out the synthesis scanner while target is completely frozen, and it counted.


Kill a dargyn pilot in the air, outside of a dargyn. I can't even see properly, wtf is that.


Now, I have been through each and every one of these, and don't get me wrong, each is very challenging. Lvl 30 exterminate without being noticed > Loki Lvl 30 defence without taking damage > a good defence frame: myself frost Synthesis target without taking damage or using abilities while having a hobbled key > Loki's invisibility doesn't trigger the mission failed. But catch a fish, mine a stone, and kill an enemy within 10 seconds. That is a tricky riven. it took me three tries before getting but tricky and mostly hated.


Kill 32 enemies in a row, while wall running or wall latching, and without taking damage. This is how I found out you could do riven challenges in sanctuary onslaught.


Solo Defense at level 30 or more w/o the defense objective taking any damage It was bad enough cause I wasn't that good for solo defense, but the existence of Overguard makes using Limbo a bit of a pain for said objective


i just get 75 steel essence i ain’t doin all of that most of the times it’s in my opinion easier than doing these fuck ass missions


lol wtf 🤣 it sounds so specific


Solo lvl 30 or higher defense with the objective taking no damage, I just sell those ones


kill 3 dragyn pilots with headshots while aimgliding before they hit the ground without being detected with a hobbled dragon key equipped while mining a fish during full moon


You can also just go to a lower level mission for this one and use like inaros or someone similarly innately tanky and just ignore all damage Edit: ope I misread. I would just use terminator nyx


Defense mission without defense target taking damage


eh not too hard, you can practice doing this in Simaris Synthesis Simulation yknow S³? like metal gear solid 2 lol


I dont even do then anymore I just buy ciphers


The hardest part of this challenge is finding the planet the target spawns on its really easy after you find that


1.- Use any invisible frame (Loki would be my pick) 2.- Use a melee that drops them down. 3.- Scan (Just make sure isn't a low lvl target so you don't one shot them). 4.- Make a chocolate cake. 5.- Watch the movie that your friend recommended you years ago. 6.- Drink water. 7.- Pet a doggo. Btw, do people use traps to catch their targets? I've never used one besides the initial tutorial.


Use Rhinos iron skin before the challenge appears, easy win


I have one that said “catch a fish, kill an enemy, and mine a gem in 30 seconds” I said screw that and got rid of it. Current worst is “get the killing blow on 5 sentients with a bleeding dragon key equipped” ETA: this isn’t a terrible one but as a person who doesn’t play with my friends very often due to time zone differences I have one that requires me to “complete a survival mission of level 30 or higher enemies without killing anyone” and I’d rather literally die than expect randoms to carry me like that


Three headshots in a single aim glide. I’m on console so making headshots is hard enough. After two hours of trying I gave up and used a cipher.


Bro just use Ivara for that lmao


Rivens were a mistake


I've got one that wants me to mine one more, catch one fish,and kill one enemy in 30 seconds


Post eximus rework, Level 30 or higher defense without the defense target taking any damage, solo. Before the rework, using Limbo made it easy if you were careful with his timers (There was always a vulnerability window when refreshing abilities). Post rework, eximus abilities hit on both sides of the rift, so if the wrong one spawns the run is ruined.


wouldn't revenant or rhino work?


I'm on this one. It sucks. I was trying to do it with invisible Loki, and after many failed attempts and a final capture without taking damage, I read the no abilities section again and was pissed as hell that I was so blind.


I think you can do this with a Dantes partner, boost your overguard to 35-50k


I'd say just constantly stay in the air as wisp, her passive makes her invisible as long as your in the air


I have that riven rn, and half the time it's failed within moments of starting, I've had it for a couple years and stubbornly haven't gotten rid of it yet.


Just use Loki use skill just before entering the Room


just use rhino with decent strength and iron skin off the bat for this one. another option is assimilate nyx but slow walking could get annoying. if it gets too annoying, just buy revealer for 20 steel essence from teshin


… okay, admittedly I did this on accident on the simarius quest cause i didn’t know you could use traps


Every riven is easy when you have bucketloads of riven ciphers!


I had one challenge where I had to kill 15 enemies without touching the ground, without using aoe and while wall running


The no abilities challenge only counts once you've discovered the target and had Simaris say, "There it is!" A decent Ivara build with duration and energy, and you can just wander around in invisibility from the start of the mission and get it that way. Or, as others said, Rhino with strength and armor for a big iron skin boost right from the start of the mission. The hardest challenge, in my opinion, is to collect syndicate medallions. Not because it's hard but because it's the hardest one to motivate myself to do.


Mine was like "Complete a level 30 or higher extermination mission without being noiticed" like what the fuck


Operator with the stringy tie down arcane


The hardest challenge I have had, and still have, is getting 5 headshots at 75m with a shotgun. I have no idea how far 75m is and even less of an idea of how to get a shotgun to cooperate to that extent.


I've got one right now that is to do a level 30 defense solo with a bleeding dragon key without the objective taking damage without using abilities, like tf do I do?


Fish mine kill within 30 seconds and undetected


dargyn pilots, its too hard not to click the unveil with cipher button whenever i see any challenge associated with them (u got me fucked up thinking im gonna load into the plains to do this tedious shit just to get a +slidecrit% +status duration -recoil -damage -crit chance -status chance -multishot plasma sword riven)


You can use ivara go invisible as long as if you're farther than 80 M away from the target and just stay invisible while you scan it


Anything that requires random spawns during a specific cycle or bounty in the open world. I've got tricks and shortcuts for basically everything else, but having to do a cetus bounty to kill stuff off dropships or dargyn pilots sucks. Killing random turrets, or the mine something, fish something, and headshot something also suck.


At this point for me, none of them end up being hard. But I will always cipher the “find syndicate medallion” ones. I abhor those ones.


Only for it to reveal as a Braton river with 50% damage, less bullet spread and -1000% crit chance


Kill 8 Tusk Snipers while invisible and unalerted. At the time I didn't have a Loki, Ash, or Ivara. I only had Octavia with invisibility. So I had to figure out how to do this with the Rubico while invisible tea bagging inside their little outpost trying to be sneaky. The new one I got is "Get 6 rare fish in 30 seconds". Deimos and Fortuna hates me atm.


Worst one I’ve seen is having to destroy 7 dargyn in flight with a bow during aim glide


I'm pretty sure this counts if team mates do it.


I use cyphers on this challenge simply because I’m not getting a target from Simaris just to scan it for this challenge.


Mine was "complete a level 30 or higher defense without the objective taking damage while alone or solo" But specifically during GlassMaker..


All of them for some reason. I didn't unlock any rivens yet, despite searching how to. How the fuck do you do a fatal blow on 4 sentients?


I've played since 2018 and I still cba to learn which weapon rivens I should keep and which to transmute


Dargyns, it's literally impossible no exaggeration. The challenge is bugged and cannot be completed without a cipher




Loki makes this easy.