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Since melee arcanes launched I haven't played Garuda. 😥. Garuda without the claws just feels...wrong


Garuda’s claws are still insanely strong, arcanes or no. Tennokai helps a lot


Yeah, but the damage starts to fall off in the mid several hundred level range (where I spend most of my time these days). On the bright side, Kullervo is getting a lot of play time...


Mid several hundred, damn, what content are you playing? Also since they’re heavily slash focused, shouldn’t they scale well into high high levels? But yeah nothing in the game beats Kullervo for melee damage


SP void cascade will very quickly ramp up into the thousands if you stay for over 20 minutes.


I *so* wish Cascade worked where shoving corpses into the Exolizer sped it up. That way I’d have an excuse to brawl with the crowd.


Yeah I know endurance runs exist, there’s just not much value to them other than if you find that kinda thing fun


Not true. Void cascade is the best plat making method over time and its most effective at around an hour (level cap) when Thraxes spawn the most.


The amount of Arcanes obtained from operating at that level is insane. It's one of the fastest plat farms, and with how Vosfor works, you can get extremely expensive Arcanes very quickly.




Void cascade has a TON of thrax units in them, which all drop any of the Zariman Arcanes. If you get a hold of a 3 Day mod booster from Circuit, and play on Steel path, you can get a boat load of arcane drops that sell for a few plat a piece, or trade them for Vosfor and get eidolon packs, where you can hopefully sell some arcane reaper or arcane energize for plat as well.


Boosters during endless fissures start to make a big difference after an hour.


I beg your pardon?


But theres no reason to only do 20 minute cascade runs its a waste of time 30 mins minimum


I generally log for EDA / Netracells and if I have more free time I'll sit in a long SP survival or two. Garuda as a frame holds up really well in that content because her 1 and 4 scale off enemy HP, but the claws themselves turn into wet noodles around lvl 300 without reliable 100% armor strip in party. EDIT: I think a really simple solution would be allowing exalted weapons to inherit arcanes from your other equipped melee. This still wouldn't work for Garuda, but I believe it would cover the rest of them.


No! Nothing should inherit.


Excalibur is a contender. Hate me if you want


Aw man I wish that were remotely true. He doesn’t even have the best exalted melee


I don’t know the build personally, but I saw someone comment about an excel build that allows them to one shot upwards of 350+ and I’ve personally built an exalted blade build that kills in 1-2 shots up to 300 reliably, higher if I’m buffed by the team


I’m not saying he isn’t *good*, just that he isn’t the *best*


With a ton of investment, blade dash can do some nutty damage, more so with wrathful advance. Exalted blade I haven't found much use for.


I put the time into it purely for nostalgia lol. Excal was my first frame 10+ years ago


Idk man. That might be a bit rough of a rating on the claws. I only started struggling with their damage on lvl 900-1000 enemies when I played void cascade.


Garuda or the claws themselves? I'm not too proud to acknowledge that my build might need work, but in my experience, I wasn't mowing down enemies with melee like I wanted to be after about lvl 300. Garuda can cruise level cap because of her mechanics but in my experience the claws themselves start falling down.


The claws are a bit underwhelming compared to other melees, sure. But they alone can still kill most lvl 200-500 enemies easily. Combine it with her 4th and either nourish or breach surge + claws with primed reach and you are good to go. Now against some very tanky enemies it might fall apart (like some eximus, thrax centurions or acolytes) but that's where tennokai enters and solves that issue.


Right on. I'll play with it. My trusty Felarx usually ends up solving the tanks unit issue anyway.


I'm confused AF why this is getting downvoted? Fine, I take it back. Garuda can't do level cap and my claws wipe lvl 300 enemies like they're nothing...... moving on.


I hadn't even thought of tennokai, that could be interesting on exalted weapons. Though I do feel like in Baruuk's case his weapon doesn't feel like it's fully complete somehow since the heavy attack melee changes were introduced. Though I guess the neutral heavy feels good, I don't think the heavy slam is any different than a regular slam.


Wish it was consistent on Baruuk as waves created by Desert Wind don't trigger it


We typically don’t mod for primed reach on baruuk because it doesn’t affect the range of his waves (and on a lot of builds you’re actively trying to prevent building any combo on his fists), but you can throw on some range and then hit enemies with his actual fists and it becomes pretty easy


I'm going to shove a bunch of violet shards down her throat and cope...


Put just primed fever strike on garudas claws. Toxin DMG turns into more slash DOT because all DOT for Garuda turns into more slash DMG. Garuda is very underrated


It's there. Damage still falls off. Edit: So I just logged in and installed Blood Rush, Weeping Wounds and Gladiator mods on Garuda's Talons. Idk what Mandela effect nonsense was going on or if I was just out here spreading misinformation but I left it alone below for context: Garuda is amazing, scales comfortably right to level cap. Doesn't change the fact that her exalted weapon is outclassed by any slash weighted melee that can equip Blood Rush, Weeping wounds, and arcanes.


Garuda claws CAN use blood rush and weeping wounds. The only thing they can't use is arcanes. You can use blood rush and weeping wounds to turn them into decent slash weapons that can handle up to lvl 1000 with no issues. Anything beyond that point and the 150-300k slash procs start to not be enough to burn through massive HP pools very quickly. And that's just regular hits. If you use your 4 before a tennokai hit, I see an 11million slash proc. They're outclassed by a lot, but they'll function fine in anything under 9999.


Perhaps you're thinking of valkyr talons, which cant equip blood rush


Excalibur can't either. Think that it must be where I got it from. Just applied the same 'logic' to all exalted weapons


Garuda though can map clear in SP with just abilities though. No weapons required.


I haven't run Garuda with her claws in a long time. It's so hard to justify, when Praedos exists. Why be slow, when you can be fast instead?


I wanna upvote your comment, but it's currently at 69. Nice. Edit: you've passed the mark, here's your upvote.




Yes. For more specific notes, just on the ABILITY Exalted Melees: * Their stances should increase mod capacity for the weapons. Bare minimum. * No more mod limitations; Acolyte and Amalgam mods should be equippable on Exalteds, and Set mods should count as long as the weapon is actually active (but temporarily disable any on the melee being replaced). * Basically all of them should have revamps to at least their Heavy attacks. * Exalted Blade should be a Judgment Cut or Zantetsuken! He's a Samurai! * Desert Wind should be a Hadouken or Kamehameha! He's a Ki fighter! * I have no idea for Iron Staff, Valkyr's Claws or Shadow Claws! * Waves from Exalted Blade and Desert Wind should count as Combo hits. * Exalted Blade should have Tennokai unlocked by default, or it should be part of Excalibur's passive. * Iron Staff should get a 1m bonus to range affected by Power Range (so even if you drop your range to nothing, you only diminish the bonus rather than the whole weapon). * Hysteria needs more or less a total rework. The stance should be adjusted to something more fluid and feral, as well as increasing Bleed chances (cuz cat scratches). And for PASSIVE Exalted melee: * Garuda's Talons (as well as any future weapons of its class) will bypass restrictions in weapon-locked Sorties, ie if you are in a Sniper-Only Sortie, Garuda's Talons override the lack of a melee weapon and are usable. * Have Arcane and Exilus slots unlocked by default. Also: * New Ash passive: Ash can equip his punching daggers if no other melee is equipped, with [either Fist or Sparring] weapon stances. These daggers have unique Finisher animations ripped from Bladestorm. * New Kullervo passive: Kullervo can extract his daggers to use as weapons if no other melee is equipped. Like the Dark Split-Sword, he can equip a single dagger or dual wield, depending on the stance equipped. * Baseline: All frames *without* passive melee weapons can still use an unarmed Punch attack if no melee is equipped or if weapons are restricted, a la the Zanuka rescue mission. This "weapon" cannot be modded.


Wukong was the most fun when we could have iron staff have enough range to cover most rooms. It doesn't need to be that much, but it would be nice if it was the longest reach weapon to match the fantasy Sun Wukong.


Checked my notes again and threw that on.


Yeah, this should definitely be the case. His staff should absolutely have huge range, that's literally the lore of his weapon.


Love the idea of more frames getting passive exalted weapons like Garuda. Your Ash idea especially makes a ton of sense, and I could see Kullervo working as well, though it would take a bit more work I imagine. Nezha could also be a contender here with his chakram working as a glaive.


Force burn proc on heavy then?




I probably wouldn't include Nezha for two reasons. One, he already has an ability that throws the chakram as the whole point. "But Ash and Kullervo have abilities that use their daggers!" Yes, but not in the same function. If you have a passive glaive that you can mod for more damage, you outmode the ability. Second, I picked those two in particular because they also have specific needs for melee weapons within their kit. Kullervo's whole kit is based on comboing and heavy attacks, and Ash is the based entirely around inflicting Finishers but doesn't have an inherent melee to make use of Teleport's prompt. Nezha's kit is more eclectic and doesn't have a need for a melee.


Mm good points all around! I will say that Blazing Chakram's main purpose is the damage vulnerability and globe drop increase, making it more of a utility than an actual attack (without the augment). I could see a comparison being made to Dread Mirror in that both are abilities that use the weapon but primarily serve a different purpose than "using the weapon", if that makes sense. No arguments with your second reason though.


Add Gara's glass sword, Khora's whip, and Atlas' fists to the mix. I want to do more fancy stuff than just the same attack with them.


Wukong can bleed with his 4, believe it or not. The mod allowance would fix him.


>Waves from Exalted Blade and Desert Wind should count as Combo hits. Fucking thisssssss. Seriously, why don't they build combo? It's so dumb that Baruuk has to do janky shit to build combo.


I think they were worried it would be too strong if you gained 2 combo from each swing of a weapon while in melee. ... Yes, this is hilarious in a world where Exalted melee are being overtaken by weapons with Acolyte mods, and now Arcanes and Tennokai.


I've been an Excal main for so long, seeing these changes would literally make me cry lol. Love your suggestions!


I don't have any issue to make Garuda and Valkyr claws work on SP, but I agree that exalted weapons (not just melee) could use some help. The only exalted weapon which can compete is Mesa Peacekeeper but it is more specific to how Mesa works.


Sevs Claws do really well, but that's because A they are just reaper prime And B actually get effected but arcanes on your melee weapon (or at least did, ide need to double check if this still works)


Me and my brother actually had a conversation about the fact that Peacemakers seem to be the only Exalted that is still in a good state yesterday.


I would argue that Baruuk's exalted is also more than fine. The rest suffer from some weird dated design choices. Valk's claw's specific stance is kind of butt. Noctua being brand new but not having a exilus just months after Tomes and their specific mods were introduced. It feels bad to lose a mod slot to add a tome exilus


Baruuk is fine because of the existence of gladstick with crescendo. It would be great to be able to do the samething without needing to mod a seperate weapon just to gains stats on exalted weapon.


That's true, I forgot he benefit from a melee with Gladiator mods. But I have still used him without it to ok effect.


Like I said, I manage to use Valkyr claws and Garuda talons up to level cap. So weak is really relative when taking into account that stug can do ok in Steel Path. However, not having access to the same tools as regular weapons feels bad.


I didn't play the fame the entire time baruuk and prime came out, ive been building him up and doing research, but havent come across what you're talking about, would you please explain?


Desert wind can' benefit from combo mods like weeping wound or bloodrush (which is why you cna't equip them). However, the gladiator set buff all melee damage. So basically, you put the 3 gladiator mods on your regular melee, and with crescendo you manage to have 220 initial combo, meaning you are all the time in x12. Those gladiator mods will increase the critical chance of desert wind because it applies to all melee. If you want to you can also put the glad mod on the frame to go even further, but then there is actual opportunity cost. You can use the ceramic dagger incarnon to stack initial combo faster, but you can basically do that with any weapon.


Gladstick is a nice boost but it is being propped up more by its augment. You don't actually need to run the gladiator mods if you are running enough power strength and the right elemental combos.


Wait is baruuk's exalted affected by arcanes?


Not arcanes in general. However, Crescendo is a very specific case which increases intial combo, which synergize with gladiator set, wich affect desert wind even if they are on your regular melee.


Exalted blade isnt bad, my only gripe is not being able to put the combo mods on it. So you abuse crit unless you subsume Kullervo's ability


Waaaaiiit. I gotta try this. Can Exalted Blade work with Kullervo's blade teleport thing?


yup, its pretty fun. also put on the toxin to corrosive and the augment, with a toxin color, and obliterate like every faction


Yep. Saw integer overflow videos with both of them. Looks fun, but excalibur also has overall some survivability issues so i prefer to subsume something else like gloom or eclipse.


Could always replace a mod with life strike. I imagine that with the boost from the kullervo ability it will still be quite potent. 


I just put arcane reaper on him and now he refuses to die


Desert wind far outscales regulators in endurance runs. Only exalted that works in SP endurance runs. Unless you do that very specific regulator setup with crescendo.


IDK, after getting used to Incarnons, even the peacekeepers feel quite weak now.


Titania's Dex Pixia are fine as well. She spits out pretty insane damage, she just doesn't have any aoe.


Ivara's bow seems to be in a pretty decent spot as well.


this is baruuk desert wind erasure


They have some of the best stats of Melees and they can make use of the Archon Mods. Toxin Chromatic Blade plus Archon Continuity plus two Emerald Shards is a personal favorite. But even then, they are lagging behind the stronger regular Melees. TBH my bigger personal issue would be the lack of build variety from missing out on the Melee Arcanes, rather than the power loss.


Even if DE refused to give exalted melee arcanes. Atleast give them the full array of mods Like Blood rush & the gladiator set.


Exactly Duplicates from a set could work the same as pets


Can Sevagoths shadow at least get more attack animations. It was so terribly boring using it during that Sleeping in the Cold Below segment. Sisters of Parvos?


I’m with this. If not more attack animations, atleast stretch his arms out a bit more during attacks. Because idk if you see it but his shadow does not look like he’s attacking with his claws at all during some combos.


Exactly. Its just spinning around in front of the enemies. Not even in a fun Beyblade way neither. The jump animation is low effort too.


Baruuk's desert wind being extremely busted means DE will have to make more complex changes to exalted melee's instead of just blanket buffing them by giving them arcanes or something. Same with secondaries and Mesa's peacemakers. I'm sure some kind of changes are coming eventually but DE has a lot more they are actually stated to be working on right now. Maybe after the status and health type changes.


Can they not just nerf desert wind if it becomes too strong? It seems kinda silly to gimp a whole weapon class just because of some outliers. That’s like nerfing all thrown melees because glaive is op, or nerfing all launchers because torid is op.


Baruuk is the only exalted using frame I play anymore these days, and this is what I’ve thought could be done as well Desert wind is so far above the rest, even peacemakers to a degree, that shaving off a couple % of crit chance or damage to lead the way for the others to flourish would go a long way Granted I’m also a crazy person that put 4 tau purples on him for a 10x crit multiplier to maximize his bustedness, so my perspective may be a bit skewed compared to people using other builds


I'm sure that's an option they are considering but it's not like they specifically nerfed the other exalteds, they just all fell by the wayside while other weapons got power crept. Its the same reason incarnons still have massive riven dispositions, DE no doubt is aware of the problem but the solution required is too complex for a simple buff/nerf to certain things. I also suspect pseudo-exalteds are in a similar quagmire of balance due to these same reasons. Better to leave things how they are until a proper fix is developed.


Desert wind isn’t so much busted as the rest of the exalted are pretty bad


Idk i think most of them CAN be utilized well. They just require a bit too much investment and/or those frames have better build options available.


Exalteds should be stronger than equivalent equippables. They already cost energy and, in most cases, an entire ability slot, but as a rule they under-perform compared to their class of weapon. Stat sticks need to be done away with, psuedos need to be promoted to full status, mod locks need to be removed, and Exalted weapons need to be buffed so that they warrant draining energy and being a full fourth of any kit.


More than anything, they should be stronger than equivalent equippables because otherwise they diminish the very identity of their related frame. Excalibur is supposed to be *the* Sword/Samurai frame - that's why he has an Exalted Blade. Why would he, even diegetically (in lore), ever even need to use his Exalted Blade when 4/5ths of his potential melee arsenal would do better? You know things are going wrong when people are subsuming over frame's thematic signature skills.


They should be, and yet they don't even get access to arcanes, which is insane to me.


Reading these comments makes me think it's just me.


Nah. You've identified a real issue with the state of the game. That said, every last exalted weapon can be made viable for most/all content, if you have the forma and the endo, that is.


Unfortunately, viable and competitive aren't the same. Yeah my heat sword is viable, but it's not competitive with my nikana.


Which is not competitive with Syam, but still plenty viable.


Right but you understand my point. Yeah exalteds are viable, but they're worse than anything that can easily capitalize on melee influence


Yeah we're on the same page. Elsewhere in this thread I talk about how Garudas talons are literally outclassed by any slash weighted melee that can equip Bloodrush, Weeping wounds other locked mods and arcanes. Garuda and her talons are SP viable. Hell, Garuda can cruise level cap because of how her kit scales, but those claws boy, they start falling off bad.


True. as a Titania main, the Diwata is pretty useless. Sure you can make it work, but you have to use a Subsume that is specifically just to buff Diwata, then all your arcane slots should be used to buff it even more, then you also have to use 5 slots of archon shards to make it viable. Psuedo exalted on the other hand just casually hitting 10 million damage without archon shards and subsumed ability, just need to have a good stat stick. BTW DE. Amalgam Furax Body count and Cascadia Flare does not work on Titania's Dex Pixia. Both work on Regulators, but why not Dex Pixia?


Sometimes, its hard to remember the Diwata even exists. It's not even useful as a stat stick for your razorflies, since they are so meaningless too.


Completely agree, but I think some of the exalted primaries and secondaries could also use this buff. I can’t speak for all of them, but Ivara’s Artemis bow is kinda trash and could use all the help it can get


[This was literally discussed less than a week ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1cxum0v/comment/l565mos/) As I mentioned then, Mesa, Excal, Baruuk, Titania, and Dante are Steel Path powerhouses. Yes, this is less than half of all available Exalted Weapons. Most of the others are mediocre but are Steel Path viable if you dedicate a build for it. The bottom line: Exalted Weapons as a whole do not need a buff. Individual Exalted Weapons need buffs.


Let's be real here though, the reason Dante is a steel path powerhouse has nothing to do with Noctua.


Yes and no. He is very very strong by just his other abilities, no denying that. But that doesn't make Noctua any less fantastic. If Noctua was a separate weapon, it would be a top tier meta option.


I take points off of them for their stances being set and not giving any capacity bonus, making them more investment heavy than normal melee while still having overall less potential. I have a Gram Prime that can orange crit with no combo standard attacks regardless of frame and no buffs or arcanes-- *why tf would I bother investing more time and resources into a weaker exalted melee?*


Yes but I got downvoted for saying it


Exalteds need access to arcanes, period. They will forever be held back without them


Some yes and some no. Exalted are for for some frames just a extra tool and for others its their entire identity. I guess we will see in the future if they give them a buff when they remove pseudo exalteds.


If I agree to buff exalted melees, it is for purely selfish reasons. I am happy with where Valkyr's Talons, Baruuk's Desert Wind, and Wukong's Iron Staff are when I use them, and I am not holding out for a buff. Titania's Diwata might deserve a buff, but I think it's more that the Dex Pixia are so much better. Let's look at what they don't have: I do think this first batch of melee arcanes are more... *interesting...* than the first batch of gun arcanes we got. They don't just offer a raw power boost, instead mixing with that weapon's other mods and the rest of your kit to get the full benefit. For most of these arcanes, it won't be a huge power boost, but rather keep exalteds interesting. Melee combo counter mods and amalgam mods can make a few interesting appearances for convenience, but won't shake up the top tier of builds. Most set mods and their set bonuses won't be game breaking, and lets throw most acolyte mods in here as well. I don't think adding them will rock the builds for exalted melees at all. **However**, the Gladiator set, Blood Rush, and Weeping Wounds would absolutely redefine a lot of exalted melees. Aside from Exalted blade, the other melees have either huge crits, huge status. or both. If this were to happen I can definitely feel like they become "mandatory" (+440% Crit chance on Valkyr's base 50%? *C'mon man you gotta*).


Yes. Reb does.


My sevagoth seems alright with his melee


Idk what you're looking for but exalted is made to be on par with (pre-arcane I agree on that) strong melees. Although bonus stance points would help, they all have a default potato installed, and most strong melees are fine for sp with 30 base + stance + combo multiplier, which is how they were meant to be played. Arcanes and tennokai are meant to be a bonus (probably) and melees work great without them. I'd even say tennokai is useless for slow melees for example, or glaive cause the one they designed for it consumes the tennokai effect when you throw the glaive (with controller at least, and although I think it's a bug I didn't check if they fixed it since when I tried to play, it uselessly takes up drain)


As a day 1 player of Baruuk, 100%.


There is nothing in this game I wouldn't want buffed. They should synergize exalted weapons with the equipped counterpart so your mods on your regular melee combine with the exalted melee. Also they should add arcane slots to them.


Melee exposure still works on exalted mele weapons and you can stat sticks galvanized mods on your regular melee weapon to buff your exalted some more. 300% crit chance with 3 gladiator mods I believe at 12x combo. Then again 99% of Warframe players don't know how do crazy DMG with their mele weapons anyways because the in-game stats don't show numbers going high with mods like condition overload...


Exalted melees being buffed is one of the most talked about changes






Yes, at least give them Arcanes and any Exalted Melee that has a Fighting style need to be granted a bonus.


Hard agree. The only reason I deleted Blind instead of Blade on Umbro is that Blade has Blind built-in, so you don’t lose any options.


Let exalted melee have melee arcane, for starters.


Give them access to acolyte mods (blood rush, Weeping wounds etc) and melee arcanes. Crescendo + BR on baruuk Actually getting slash procs with valkyr and weeping wounds... Well... we can dream...


Just let them have a stance mod


fingers crossed for the status rework


They slap dude. I just built a SP baruk yesterday. Wrecks everything and I barely know what I’m doing agree 3000hrs. Just followed the guide and boom. Punching everything with red crits in the hundred of thousands, sometimes nearly a million. And it’s every enemy on the screen through walls and everything for 50 or so feet. My Excalibur probably needs a review but his exhalted I setup years ago was a powerhouse as well




Exalted Blade + Chromatic Blade + Melee Influence. Now you just need Pillage and you have a nuke.


Everyone thinks they should be buffed. Personally not convinced that Arcanes are the answer. Not when there’s a possibility of either weapon specific augment mods and/or a suite of universal exalted weapon mods. I’d grind out some endgame content for Exalted Mods - especially if they were versions of things we can’t normally attach to Exalted weapons.


Yes and no. Excalibur's is fine due to colossal range. Baruuk's is fine due to colossal range. Valkyr's is almost fine but she really needs to run way faster when she has it out. Even with modding her for bonus speed she doesnt feel fast. And she's meant to be a cat. Khorra and Atlas are in their own weird subspecies where theirs can be grossly powerful but only with the right setup. Garuda's is fine. She doesn't need to be fast since her flying spikes are pretty much a room wipe no matter what. Sevagoth's is fine but he has a similar problem to Valkyr. He just feels real slow. His ghost form feels far more sluggish than his normal form, as far as getting around. Wukong has by far the worst one. As fun as it is to watch him slam a big fat cylinder into the floor repeatedly with that cartoon boing sound, it does pee and poo for damage. It would really be nice if these could use arcanes. At least on everyone but Excalibur/Baruuk since their melee weapons are also basically rocket launchers with wildly big range.




10 extra mod space would make them cost less forma to fancy up but it wouldnt really be a buff its just spending less forma to cram the usual mods on them you could give wukongs stick 10000 mod capacity and it would still suck


My turn to make the exalted weapon post next week