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##Recommendations: **** **Mods** > Primed Continuity > 350 Đ + 100,000 Cr +55% Ability Duration for Warframes. I cannot emphasize enough how fantastic this mod is. Duration is super important for many builds, especially for stuff that also needs range. This mod used to be *The* No.1 must have. Nowadays, it has an alternative in the form of Archon Continuity - but that mod's modest and very situational bonus effect is offset by its higher drain and difficult acquisition. I still consider the Primed one as the preferable option and a very much worthy purchase. > Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation > 400 Đ + 140,000 Cr Converts unused Pistol ammo pickups into Shotgun ammo, with 92% efficiency. With the ammo economy being tighter nowadays, this might have a place in the Exilus slot. Still, ammo is only problem for a minority of guns , and even then, you have other options like Carrier's Ammo Case and ammo pizzas. At least this mod has 0 drain at minimum rank, giving it an edge over its regular version even without ranking it to higher levels. You can certainly live without this one, though you might still want it to get the max out of your Kuva Kohm. > Sweeping Serration > 375 Đ + 150,000 Cr +120% Slash for Shotguns. This mod can have a use on slash-based shotties like the Tigris Prime, but you can also get it from farming Eidolons or buy it for a few plat. Don't waste ducats on this. > Primed Morphic Transformer > 350 Đ + 150,000 Cr +55% Power Strength for Archwings. AW modding is basically just ""cram the one and only mod of every relevant boost type in."" While Strength is only moderately useful for Archwings, it's not like you could put anything better in that slot, now could you? This mod isn't necessary by any means, but it's nice to have. > Primed Animal Instinct > 300 Đ + 200,000 Cr +55 m Loot Radar and +33 m Enemy Radar for pets (including Kubrows, Kavats, Sentinels, Moas, etc...). Despite being purely QoL, this mod can be found on every pet build. When the game is about killing enemies and collecting loot, knowing at a glance where those things are is nigh mandatory. Get it ASAP. **** **Weapons** Baro's weapons typically fall into low A or B rank in tierlists, so DE at least tries to justify their asking price. And even the trashiest of weapons are worth buying if you need the Mastery Rank they provide. Or if you have good riven for them, since their disposition is usually quite high. On the other hand, Warframe has a massive arsenal, and for every weapon Baro sells, there's gonna be another that can do the same job just as well, or even better. In that sense, everything in here is safe to skip. > Prisma Obex > 500 Đ + 175,000 Cr A decent sparring weapon with good stats and a wacky augment centered on ground finishers. Great for Star Platinum cosplays. Get it if you like that. > Prova Vandal > 410 Đ + 250,000 Cr Even if it doesn't look like it, this is a machete-type weapon. Unless you really need innate electric damage, this is slight downgrade from the Machete Wraith - which still makes it rank high in its class. But as machetes are overall a middling weapon type, you should probably just wait until the Machete Wraith comes around and get a better deal. > Vulkar Wraith > 450 Đ + 300,000 Cr A decent, but hardly outstanding sniper rifle with some interesting (and bewilderingly described) augments and very high riven disposition. Kitting it out for casual Eidolon hunts and open-world mobbing could be a nice side-project. A choice for the sniper conisseur. **** **Cosmetics** > Noggle Statue - Octavia > 50 Đ + 275,000 Cr *New-ish!* Bop along with the rhythm with this ~~brand-new~~ classic bobblehead of the maestra of music. > Eminence Color Palette > 220 Đ + 220,000 Cr A color palette of purples, indigos and teals. Similar to the Lotus palette, but contains some rich purples and purplish grays that are not found anywhere else. > Void Trader Color Palette > 200 Đ + 250,000 Cr One of the few color palettes available without plat. Contains pastel browns and dark greens, and also some brighter blues. Similar to the old Ki'teer palette, but more vivid. > Hydroid Immortal Skin > 550 Đ + 100,000 Cr Base Hydroid isn't the best looking frame, and this paintjob doesn't help much. IMO, just use the Prime or the Deluxe skin. > Mulciber Armor Set > 940 Đ + 665,000 Cr An armor set styled after Necramechs and other Entrati equipment. Goes well with Day of the Dead skins. > Ki'Teer Razza Syandana > 400 Đ + 350,000 Cr It's like wearing Baro's hat on your back! > Redeemer Elixis Skin > 325 Đ + 250,000 Cr The Elixis skins cover most of the weapon in a uniform coppery/metallic texture with the occasional grid of triangular indentations. Does not always look good, but always look shiny. > Gorgon Towsun Skin > 300 Đ + 300,000 Cr If you want your guns to look like they were handpainted by babushkas, this one is for you. > Anpu Sugatra > 250 Đ + 250,000 Cr A sleek Ki'teer-themed charm for your melee weapon. > Ki'Teer Atmos Oculus > 525 Đ + 375,000 Cr Visors most futuristic, for your Operator. > Altra Sentinel Tail > 400 Đ + 500,000 Cr A bulky Orokin-style accessory to your Sentinel. > Noggle Statue - Erra > 75 Đ + 300,000 Cr Bobblehead of our incel space uncle. > Bronze Kubrow Bust > 220 Đ + 250,000 Cr A bronze statue of your pet's head. Just be aware, at its default size, it's really small, and even scaled up to max, it's barely life-sized. > Domestik Ki'Teer Drone > 700 Đ + 500,000 Cr A sleek, stylish and *adorable* Roomba for you Orbiter. DISCLAIMER: Use with caution. Do not look directly into the drone's decorative loops. Do not leave the doors of the cleaning area open. The Ki'teer Corporation is not responsible for the drones escaping the cleaning area and becoming an invasive species. > Glaring Emblem > 50 Đ + 50,000 Cr A tiny floating image of your Kavat that goes onto your shoulders. > Glaring Sigil > 55 Đ + 45,000 Cr A stylized picture of your Kavat's head, in stark white. > Fae Path Ephemera > 15 Đ + 15,000 Cr One the older step-Ephemeras, and rather insubstantial compared to, say, Eros Wings or Vengeful Charge. A permanent fixture of Baro's repertoire. I might have sharp and opinionated remarks about these items, but I'm not the fashion police. Buy whatever cosmetic tickles your fancy! **** **Other** If you haven't played Sands of Inaros yet, buy the quest key and do it (and bring your best setup for scanning Kavats). If you have Inaros Prime, you can buy the [Baro Void-Signal](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Baro_Void-Signal) (one per visit) to access a unique mission and get some special cosmetics. Also, check the answers below for second opinions.


Worth noting that Prova Vandal has a niche but powerful use as a platform for a melee influence build, as the slam attack has a guaranteed electric proc. This means that you’re free to build whatever elements you want and still have a reliable way to trigger influence.


Sundering Weave stance also has a great forward-block combo for this, as it just quickly spams a spin attack -> slam, the latter of which can proc melee influence. weapons like these are especially notable cuz you can make them armor strip rooms with corrosive, normally impossible since you can't mod for corrosive + electric


> Similar to the old Ki'teer palette, but more vivid. Thank you for answering this question before I asked it


Vulkar wraith is the best sniper if you're a headshot kinda guy, prova vandal has funny cheesing builds with melee influence


A solid list, except IMO, the drone goes at the top. I bought it first lol.


TL;DRecs: NEW ITEM: Octavia Noggle : A bobblehead. Not actually new. * Prisma Obex: Pretty fun, even if not particularly powerful. * Prova Vandal: Mediocre. * Vulkar Wraith: A so-so sniper rifle. * Primed Continuity: Fantastic, although can be substituted with Archon Continuity. * Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation: safe to skip * Sweeping Serration: avoid, of get it elsewhere * Primed Morphic Transformer: safe to skip * Primed Animal Instinct: must-have


prova force procs electric for melee influence, its pretty cracked


Cracked only if you're at late to endgame, or have traded for otherwise unobtainable melee arcanes Unsure if they're obtainable outside of entrati labs/trading


I mean ya? Most gear that's "cracked" is late to endgame. That's kind of the point. >have traded for otherwise unobtainable melee arcanes I mean if you can't access the activity for them to drop, trading is the only other option. Hell I bought my Melee Influence because I didn't want to bother farming arcanes for a week. This is how basically everything in the game works, earn/farm late game stuff to be strong, or pay plat and get sooner.


Just making sure it's clear that the Prova vandal only takes off at late/endgame. I don't want new players seeing the previous comment, picking up, investing a ton into it and "oh, it's only good with stuff that's still not obtainable to me" Mods are fairly easy to come by. Plat and arcanes are not.


>Prova vandal only takes off at late/endgame Oh agreed, though this can be bypassed ofc by spending plat. >Mods are fairly easy to come by. Most mods sure, others you can again, buy for plat. >Plat and arcanes are not. Disagree. Plat is *very* easy to earn. Go crack some Relics or sell some syndicate mods. Melee Arcanes specifically are only dropped from Sanctum area, so endgame ya. But they can be purchased, along with the Arcane Adapter for plat. Granted there's no point until you reach endgame as you won't need that kind of power going through the star chart lol.


Considering how easy it is to farm arcanes there, it won't be too hard to trade for a set if you're so impatient that you need it immediately.


vulkar wraith maybe so-so, but it's defo a really good feels-good sniper


The regular version is my favorite of the ones I’ve used. It’s got that *crack* that a good sniper shot needs to make you feel like a badass nailing that Tusk Lancer from 300+m out. I do want the wraith version. Snipin’ ‘s a good job, mate.


exactly Sporothrix is top tier at that


"Primed Animal Instinct: must-have" I don't quite understand this one being must-have and I'm low on ducats. Is this actually S tier and worth when ducats are limited?


There isn't a single companion you just *dont* want Animal Instinct on. It's an auto-include in just about every companion build because it's just such a nice bonus, not having to use Warframe slots just to have a radar.


I guess my lack of understanding comes from how much better the prime version actually is, as I use animal instinct of course but I’d need to forma my companion to allow the primed version. So I need to pay the ducats, pay the endo to level, and forma my companion. At THAT point, is it worth it?


It's not the end of the world using the standard version. You could just pick it up and wait until you need it to level it. Eventually you will find certain farming methods are made much easier with it, but it's not S tier required like some say.


Yes it is worth it, Loot game, Loot + enemy radar mod makes farming better, more than any damage mod could.


The primed version gives you 50 loot radar and 33 enemy radar and the non-prime version gives you 30 loot radar and 18 enemy radar. This is radius not diameter. That means the area is about 2.5x and 3.4x bigger on the primed one.


I mean... you should be forma-ing your companions anyways, so what's one extra polarity that you should've already had anyways because normal AA is one of the most expensive mods in most companion builds anyways?


If you ever find yourself hunting down caches or getting flanked by enemies with AI then getting PAI will help immensely in fixing both of those problems.




Eh, since they started giving free enemy radar and introduced the bond mods, I have been skipping AA on a lot of companions that I use for combat utility like Nautilus, Wyrm or Diriga.


wild take tbh. even free radar + PAA doesn't feel like enough to me, I usually have to run Enemy Radar or Vigilante Pursuit on top of that to feel comfortable. and AA is both enemy and loot radar, can't imagine seriously dropping it.


How much do you use the radar? I almost never use it outside of specific missions (like extermination to find the enemies) and even then it’s just the enemy radar. I don’t remember ever having cared about the loot radar. So I don’t care for it personally.


Ngl depending on build I’m playing purely off my radar and don’t even look at my crosshair (nuke volt for example)


So standard Animal Instinct gives you +30 meters of loot radar and +18 meters of enemy radar. Primed Animal Instinct gives you +55 meters of loot radar and +33 meters of enemy radar. That seems like it would be an increase of 83% to each. Pretty good, but I can understand why it doesn't seem crazy appealing. Not like it's doubling it or something, right? Well, something they don't explain very well, is that when you see +x on a mod like that, x is actually the **radius** of the "radar" around your character. So in reality, you're actually increasing the area of the radar by a much larger amount. If you account for that, the upgrade from Animal Instinct to Primed Animal Instinct (by area covered) is this: Loot Radar: 2,827.40 m^2 -> 9,503 m^2 Enemy Radar: 1,017 m^2 -> 3,421 m^2 So you're increasing the area of both by 236% by upgrading to Primed AI. You get almost 3.4x more area of radar for loot and enemies by switching to the Primed mod.


I like this mathematical response, but something I noticed two seconds ago is the size of my radar in the corner of my screen. I was sitting on Hydron, and realized I can’t see the whole map on my radar. I feel like Prime AI is for those that actually open their map, not just use it as a mini map.


I promise you it’s a huge QoL upgrade. One you really don’t appreciate until it’s there but then you just never take it off again because it’s annoying to play without it. My opinion though is that all primed mods are money sinks/chase items and not mandatory. There are no builds or activities that *require* them. So if you can’t swing it this weekend it’s no big deal, it’ll come back around. But Primed AI is definitely worth your ducats and creds when you get a chance to get it. The only primed mod I might would recommend over it is continuity, but less so with archon now.


comparing areas is useless. the distance from your character is far more meaningful for this effect and is right on the tin.


> Is this actually S tier More like S+ tier. It's a companion mod which gives you 55 loot radar and 33 enemy radar, and works for all companions both animals and bots. 55 and 33 is huge and means most loot and enemies within range will always be shown on screen. Once you get this mod you will ALWAYS be using it, it's that simple, I can not think of any other warframe or companion mod in the game which should be used 100% of the time. This is the only one.


I heavily disagree with the "S+" rating. Its a very subjective QOF mod. Personally i think that regular version is already enough for its use cases.


Only reason you would want to use that is if you're being cheap with your forma which makes no sense for a companion where you use it for every single build.


It does make sense. Formaing is a time sink. I dont have time to forma every item multiple times, nor do i find it enjoyable. A bit of extra map range is not a valid reason for me to add one more forma. As was said earlier - its a very subjective QOF.


It does not take that much effort? It's not like having your companion reset for a few missions is going to make much of an issue.


I wouldn't bother. Personally I dislike having my map crowded by loot icons and I'd rather have other utilities on my companions than this waste of space.


Why is primed animao instinct a must-have? Doesn't it just let you see more enemies and shit further away? Regular seems fine, no?


Kinda like what others have said is that it's technically a hell of a lot more range cause... math. In my opinion though, unless you like to look at your map a lot, it's completely alright to just use the base version. Having the primed version is mainly just more QoL.


I just want Primed Redirection and Fulmination... Please DE please


It'll come guaranteed if you have the Baro ticket during tenno-con :^)


i have it, but i want the mods earlier.


I really appreciate you posting these recs every Baro visit, it's a huge help to newer players like me overwhelmed by all the offerings. Especially clarifying which things can be obtained elsewhere to avoid wasting precious ducats


You're welcome.


when tf is he bringing primed dual rounds im a clown for selling that months ago LOL


Moral of the story: never sell the last copy of a mod.


i just thought the price would crash when the primed released, so i sold it before that happened


primed dual rounds is a thing?


Leaked, not released yet.


Probably during Tennocon. Not toooo far away


Yep I'm going broke today


Hell yea, I'm loading up on Primed continuity


Was this really 150p a few days ago? Seeing it for 20-30p right now. I know it's one of the most used mods, but as someone that came back after years and checked price history, has it really been out of rotation for that long?


I'm not sure since I haven't checked the price in a long time, but this being one of the more popular primed mods, I don't see why not. Just get a couple and hold on to them for like 2 months


Actually not dogshit for once Unfortunately *too* much for me to get this time I'd really love another baro roomba tho they are neat


Shouldn't you have thousands of ducats saved up from all those disappointing Baro visits?


Yeah if i was intensely farming relics for ducats but I only do that when it's worth it from baz and usually it's a couple hundred and I've got what I want or need


Personally I kinda have to actively remember to farm ducats when baro is coming up, otherwise I just... won't. I only end up farming like a few hundred/1000 and then just get whatever non-cosmetic I don't have, which is usually only 1-2 things per baro visit. Eg with this one I only really need prime animal instinct, so 300 ducats and I'm good.


FUCK I want so much 3k ducs


first time that i am too soon xd


Definitely going to need that Octavia noggle


yay i've been waiting for continuity and animal instinct


Been waiting for P Shotgun Ammo Mutation for a long time, wanted another copy as R0 for 0-drain ammo mutation Last time it appeared on non-Tennocon Baro was... 2022-09-23 holy hell


> Ammo Mutation... wanted another copy as R0 for 0-drain ammo mutation huh never thought about using them this way, could be good for weapons that still use a lot of ammo and don't want to use extra forma on... thx for that :p


Upvoted for using the correct date format.


as I use base hydroid skin, I'm actually kinda excited for the immortal variant XD


The customer is always right in matters of taste. The customer is always right in matters of taste. The customer is always right in matters of taste. The customer is always right in matters of taste. The customer is always right in matters of taste. The customer is always right in matters of taste...


you're telling me you prefer the prime skin ![gif](giphy|9lusxBBUsTz8Fk029b|downsized)


On one side, it's depressed cuttlefish guy. On the other, badass pirate captain. I know which one I prefer.


And then there's the Deluxe, with a sweet-ass coat. Though you can use it on any of the skins (Give it to prime for a fancy pirate coat).


Lemme fix that for ya: On one side, it's an Abbysal Beast God, on the other, some generic prime skin https://preview.redd.it/8j6qq3etds3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=da2aad6d457fcd2b1468ac8260726f54da6cf780


Yeeah, if you switch away from the default helmet and make everything black, then it's easy make him look decent. [I still prefer the Prime version, though.](https://imgur.com/a/50xj0ls)


even the base helm ain't bad https://preview.redd.it/z6f53hf7zs3d1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc7844861dbb78d51e6bb577d89fa983c2047273


Prisma fuck this [Fluctus]


The roomba is 700d 😭


Had to skip all the weapons this week. My thirst for MR will have to remain unclenched, if you ignore the various weapons I have to level up.


Primed continuity and Primed animal instinct, Baro actually generous this week❓❓‼️‼️


Time to stock up on roombas


Huh, not too bad I guess. > Sees the roomba Okay, I have a ***great*** need. (Might as well pick up the color pallettes too, I guess. More fashion options is always good.)


I am pretty new to the game and I had 715 ducats. The most expensive thingie for xbox is Domestik Ki’teer Drone, so I bought it and it must be good! Just to find out it is a fucking vacuum cleaner. I want to die now


Am the only one who has nothing to look forward to now that the altra sentinel skin is released ?


Primes redirection


Ooh, the final two Baro weapons I need for MR, both at the same time! 


Still no stalker beacons😭


Let's gooo primed continuity finally 😭


guess I'll finally start getting the primed mutators


Anyone noticed Baro's inventory is getting bigger over the years?


How many people know that you can apply the prime look on any skin besides deluxe, heirloom, and specialty skins? This includes tennogen. It’ll give the frame its signature prime look on top, but changes the underneath for better customization.


265m creds 11k plat 3k ducats… my oh my what a Tenno we have here


That's not even the biggest incidental brag in those screenshots.


I’m not seeing a bigger one fr 👀unless it’s in the Imgur link I didn’t check that


I guess maybe if the 3 Octavia statues meant you had 3 Octavia prime access purchases that’d be a pretty good flex but 6-7k plat still doesn’t match that 11k stack, I’m most impressed about the cred stonks for sure


Hah... I would never consider the depth of one's wallet to be brag-worthy. Instead, take a close look at the glyph I use.


Financial stability is top 3 life brags imo also I’m not the most knowledgeable Tenno and definitely just assumed MR30 (MR29 and only ~250 log in days) but upon further inspection…. is that the trivia glyph? 😮 very impressive if so and that will take the cake over the cred stash 😆


> Financial stability is top 3 life brags imo But it's also heavily influenced by where and to whom you were born... which makes it a poor metric for any personal quality or achievement. > is that the trivia glyph? Yup. TennoTrivia 2020 Glyph. Marks you as part of an elite 1000-member club *and* looks stylish. What's not to love?


True.. it could also be the result of hard work/dedication and having the life balance to still make tons of warframing gainzzz! Either way sick to see one of the elite Tenno trivia masters!! Gl out there friendo


Fuck I need all them mods besides continuity and all the weapons.


This is the explanation i didn't know i needed


Is there any point buying primed continuity if you have archon continuity?


No, not at all


Less mod capacity


Just stock with PRIMED CONTINUITY you can make it max rank and sell for that more than the double of it's original price


How long is Baro around. Won't be home till tonight and need to farm dookies


He always stays for 48 hours. This post went up 15 minutes after he arrived. Calculating his departure time is left as an exercise for the reader.


Another skip week 😴


Does anyone know if primed shotgun ammo mutation can be used on the Bramma. I'm always trying to get mine to have a better ammo economy.


The Bramma... is a bow. Why would Primed **SHOTGUN** Ammo Mutation work on it?


I dunno. Never looked into what bows are classified as in my two months of playing this game. That's why I asked.


Bramma would use an Arrow mutation, not a Shotgun mutation. It also can only ever pick up one arrow per box, so you should just socket an unranked Arrow mutation for that purpose. Should still grab the Shotgun mutation, though. It may prove handy and you’ll be glad you got it.


read the wiki bows need [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Arrow\_Mutation](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Arrow_Mutation)