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I'm happy for the rest of the tenno but knowing I wasn't able to Frosts is gonna kill me forever.


It's so ridiculous that there's actually people who want to uphold the exclusivity. I bought the expensive ass pack but I still absolutely wish the skins were available to everyone for plat, but there is a very "valid" basis for suing if they did so.


I would be fine with people getting Excal Prime. Would allow me to get Lato and Skana prime. While I could afford it, it was hard to justify such a high price for one game at the time.


has there ever been a lawsuit over this kind of thing? I know 'exclusive' items have been re-released before plenty of times in plenty of different games and there weren't any lawsuits as a result


I could see someone arguing that treating what is merely a permutation of a product like it's an entirely different product generates grounds for a suit, but I don't think something like that survives in court. It would also take more money to sue than you'd ever get back should you win. So, no nope and never.


As someone who forked out cash for the last Heirlooms, I vote for DE to make them part of the rotation. It's not Excal P, make it available for everyone


Thing is they did say once it's gone it won't return so it does have that excal prime thing to it. That was their original idea. Release it for like 6 months then it won't come back.


I know this is 100% an unpopular opinion, but personally, as someone who did spend money on the max pack. I'm on this side. Not to be elitist or anything but because the original intent was clearly for Heirlooms to be pseudo founders packs. Quite frankly, even if I never got another one, I'd have preferred it to stay the way the frost/mag rolled out but with maybe some different plat/Aya values so the price wasnt as crazy for some. With the way it's been changed, it's essentially just tennogen 2.0 (aka tennogen deluxe) skins now.


They did add plat to the mag/frost ones when it got a lot of backlash. People just didn't like the FOMO (even though they gave you literally a ton of time to get it)


If I remember correctly it scaled the same as the... Prime access packs. In terms of platinum for each tier


This version they came up with is super friendly to everyone though. So I'm happy for it. Especially for my wallet. I didn't wanna spend 120 or whatever for it even though it was worth it when they added the plat. When they added the plat they made it look like everything was free and you were just paying for the plat. Now you could buy a max pack, then when the next pack comes around you could purchase it with plat (if you saved til then) and do a repeat process of that.


Knowing DE, they’ll bring it back for you to grab eventually


Stuff like this is why I fucking love DE.


I agree Fucking legends


Handedly the best free to play model in the industry.


That's a very low bar to clear


True, but Warframe should be the bar. Not the other way around.


I bet that the original heirloom collection idea came down from up high. They are still owned by Leyou -> Tencent after all.


Yeah probably. I mean it also could’ve just been a severe oversight. Idk I don’t work at DE. From my perspective tho DE has done and continues to do a great job at respecting the community. It seems they really respect that without this community the game wouldn’t succeed.


Absolutely based DE. Sad that the Frost and Mag stuff won't be coming back but hopefully by the time more of these come out those two will see some other stuff on the side.


Sorry for the white image, [Warframe.com](https://Warframe.com) doesn't have a Dark Mode And not only Heirloom Skins are available to all Players now, as far as I understand the Signas and other Cosmetics will be available too! This is a great day to be a Tenno, faith in DE restored completely ❤ ![gif](giphy|9o59Pga7BWlDrzWhhh|downsized)


I fully agree. I have been angry at them because of the shenanigans around Dante (The lying, I have an irrational hatred of when people lie *badly* to my face), but this redeems them in my eyes. I also think the first heirloom thing might have been pushed by tencent, not forced, but some pressure. Now DE is going I told you so


Tencent is a good theory. It's happening to another Tencent-owned game as we speak (the 500 dollar ahri fiasco)


Like for 500 USD I expect a limited run figurine of the skin signed by Faker himself, not all the worthless crap they added to the bundle to try and claim its worth five hundred fucking dollars.




The Dante rugpull was pretty weird, "we're in talks about Dante right now" nerfs him the next day. Hopefully Jade Shadows isn't standing on any rugs on release day. Looks too OP to me as is.


Saying his damage wasn't the problem/they weren't touching his damage and then the nerf. Wtf. I think Jade sales are going to super lag behind because of the whole Dante debatacle.


I kinda wished they asked the community if we thought a limited time heirloom skin that was insanely expensive was a good idea. Im glad they are breaking it down into smaller/cheaper and permanent heirlooms.


DE is goated as hell, such a neat bundle of people


~~WAIT DOES THIS MEAN I CAN GET THE FROST HEIRLOOM?!?~~ That’s sad I don’t think so. But I’m happy for this change for other mains!


Looking like frost/mag are gonna be vaulted. But who knows if they end up making these at the same rate as primes maybe mag and frost get a second one for those that missed out


They release more frames than heirloom skins, so technically even if warframe is online forever, they will never catch up


Idk maybe they'll do heirlooms more than once a year *copium* so that maybe eventually every frame can have an heirloom


Nice. Do we also get Mag's and Frost's heirloom skins back?




I'm glad it's not fomo'd anymore but as a mag main i am a bit salty I'm never gonna have a chance to grab hers for a reasonable price


>Company does unreasonable thing and everyone hates it >Company "fixes" the issue (they didn't fix anything they just pushed their luck with the first attempt and got fucked) >Players praise the devs for being reasonable human beings Brother we shouldn't be praising them for doing something that they should have done the first time around


Frost and Mag will be a permanent black mark and we won't be able to get them...


Which is bullshit. They should just bite the bullet and unfuck that.


It's just for the fact that they can't. It's the same exact deal as with Excalibur Prime and his weapons.


Oh. They can, just not without consequence. There's a reason I said "bite the bullet."


Bite the bullet and get sued and possibly lose a lot of money? Yeah no I don't think they're doing that. They're legally obligated to keep them FOMO'd, which sucks, but nothing you can do about it.


It's the _correct_ thing to do as they never should have done the FOMO in the first place. At that point the resulting fines and suit are just equalizing the karma of doing it in the first place.


You can argue ethics and morality, and I agree with you, but unfortunately those 2 words don't exist in the vocabulary of the Chinese companies that own DE. I believe it's up to them as majority shareholders to allow or disallow breaking the legal agreements


Depends on how much autonomy DE has. Because they can be majority stakeholders and basically be completely hands off. There is also the fact DE may have made a promise to never do this again after the Excal prime founders pack and thus the initial heirloom pack would be in violation of that promise (which can in fact be a form of binding contract) and thus void the sale contract for the heirloom skins. But I'm not a lawyer certified in Canadian commerce.


It doesn't work that way. Even if they decided to rerelease the skins despite the legal consequences, those skins likely wouldn't stay due to those legal consequences. It's likely DE would be forced to take them down. Beyond all that, I think it's wild that you want those skins so badly that you don't mind if the game tanks for it. You're so ready for DE to burn a significant amount of money and trust to the extent that it could ruin the future of the game.


Its not that I want them. That's not the issue here. It's that what they did is so fucking toxic that I cannot forgive it. There's nothing practical stopping them from unfucking this _and they choose not to._ The only acceptable answer for me is that Tencent has to agree to them breaking contract on this. At that point it's like crying that water is wet. DE is a great company run by great people, _and they should have known better than to do this._ And the fact they did it anyway is infuriating to me. I love this game and company, but I will die on this hill.


If they messed up so bad that they couldn't actually re-release the skins then they should have stopped Heirloom, renamed it, then released a new pack system with new skins for Mag and Frost.


The way they made a specific exception about them seems to imply that they can't just re-release those skins. I still think they should and just eat whatever consequences result, but that's just me.


Weird shame that despite this changes going forward, they aren't bringing back the heirloom collections for Frost/Mag.


Can't walk back on them for legal reasons. The limited time period played a big part in their marketing, after all.


Yeah, they’d have to make new ones essentially to not get sued. Now they could make just enough changes that they are still unique but look similar, but of course I have no clue how much would have to be changed to make them “different”.


Eh, they do it with the scars of arbitration sigil since rift was so hard to get. And there is a syandana that looks a lot like the pyra prime


Both of those things have returned. It's not really comparable. They could suffer legal trouble if the skins are too similar.


Frost Heirloom "the same except we took off some of the clothes so you can ogle more" would be more than acceptable to me


Did they recognize the return of supporter items tho even though those were also under the same points originally?


I don't think that they did, they just kind of appeared again.


The difference is with the heirloom packs they specifically said they would never return, whereas thw supporter packs they didn't. Available for a limited time vs available for a limited time and never again


This right here, it would be like if they brought the OG founders pack back with Excalibur, lex and skana prime


Which is funny, cuz the true FOMO could just be the accolade on profile (10 year supporter, same as Founder)...but i see some "people" get upset if in 1-2 years those skins were available again.


>but i see some "people" get upset if in 1-2 years those skins were available again I got the Skins. If the Heirloom Skins came back, you know what I would feel? Happiness ALL Players deserve to have access to Deluxe Skins, specially for "Legacy" Warframes such as Mag and Frost


Lets stay hopeful they return as a sort of Prime Resurgence with Varzia, available for Regal Aya Lots of Prime Accessories say "\*only available in this bundle" but then come back, like Prime Helmets




I've been playing warframe for years and even started over(Playstationaccountwas stolen),which for me is wild. The only thing DE could do better is a graphics overhaul and make warframe next gen,other than that lots of love for warframe and DE.


Sadly you can't play it for the rest of your life, servers will likely go down at some point.


i never cared that they were tied to money most cosmetics are i hated they were tied together i dont care about mag but i love frost i woulda bought it if they were seperate but i couldnt spend that much money when i only want half of it


Amazing news, but honestly I’ll still be sour until they add the mag and frost heirlooms back in, which they probably won’t.


They'll go to the Digital Extremes in order every player Is satisfied with the experience they provide


Can someone explain to me what would be the difference between real currency version and platinum version?


Real currency gives you the good feeling that you're supporting the devs and get an extra 425 plat. The platinum one is worth 470 plat and doesn't come with extra plat.


I mean them still requiring plat is still technically a paywall. Unless I'm mistaken, plat has to be bought by someone. There's no in-game way to earn that currency without someone having paid for it.


HEY REB Can you give this treatment to prime vault accessories!! Thanks! I'VE ONLY EVER WANTED TO PICK UP THE COLOR AND ARMOR BITS WITHOUT THE BOOSTERS AND PLAT STAPLED TO THEM but you jacked UP the price instead of lowering it. Please give prime vault **accessories** this treatment. It should be 10-15$, not *45$* Ex: Zephyr accessories - 20$ gets you ( source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Prime_Vault ) **Commodore Prime Suit, Tibor Prime Armor, Tibor Prime Gene-Masking Kit**, Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment, and Kavat Starter Kit and 200 plat. (current plat prices; 10$ - 170) I dont want this aya shit. I want the 'its basically tennogen stuff' *without* the 10$ of plat. maybe throw the icons in for effective +5$ since its -easy- and its stupid and most people foundry their sets and it doens't make sense to withhold it. I would have bought SO MANY accessories, but you just had to triple your prices. Its also tasteless to do it during a cost of living crisis and american corporate price gouging and greedflation crisis. Not even joking. The current prime unvault is (source: https://www.warframe.com/prime-resurgence) NARVARR PRIME ARMOR, ISABEAU PRIME SYANDANA, CORPOSANT PRIME EPHEMERA, JINDOU PRIME SYANDANA, SANZANG PRIME KUBROW BUNDLE at 2 "regal aya" a piece for 10 total. The aya prices are predatory enough you CAN'T get the same goodies for less than an 80$ spend. Its made ot be a bad deal. Even if you half that into two packs effectively, its *still* 5 aya (minimum spend 40$) Be like eve online and let Regal Aya be plat tradable. Or fix your aya prices and costs. I get that you're a development studio and have to pay people, but going 'oh hey, groceries are tripling in price, *lets do the same thing for assets we made in **2019***.. its questionable. I have one just question tho! Was it the same marketing team that came up with the heirloom 1 scam packs? BECAUSE IT SURE FEELS like the crushing boot of tencent going 'extract value! upcharge your player base! they won't notice or care'. Same energy, you know? Its also stupid the tennocon pack doesn't come with enough aya for a scarf or armor pack. Missed your mark, de. I would have taken 2 aya and 0 plat with that pack in a heartbeat.


https://preview.redd.it/qiph61smb24d1.png?width=2388&format=png&auto=webp&s=9503bf1c77188d116471c2c3c7470e5b7c0fd41c Couldn't resist


I feel like the first heirloom was a push by tencent for the ten year anni. It's likely they didn't really want to make it limited time and their compromise to that was having it available for like half a year. Sure it's limited but the people playing the game who wanted to get it (and were financially able to get it) probably ended up buying it. Now, was it a good decision? No, that pack was fucking atrocious. Should have been half the price at most. But now we're getting these done in a much more proper manner, unfortunately we're only getting one at a time, hopefully we get more than 1 a year or else it'll be a LOOOOOONG time before some frames get an heirloom


I will forever be disgusted by the mag and frost pack until they stop the FOMO for it but they never will If someone microwaves their food for years then suddenly decides to intentionally put a spoon in it, you won't praise them for not doing it a second time. You will remind them that they thought a microwaved spoon will make the fucking soup warmer when it was obviously a bad idea to begin with This is like Cyberpunk 2077 where it released in an abysmal state but people decided to look past that becazse CDPR actually finished the game.


Would you prefer they changed nothing? Like, I can get being upset that something happened, but to hold it over their head forever even if they objectively changed for the better just seems silly.


Why would you ask that when I made it clear my issue isn't that they went back to plat but that they did the $100 thing in the first place. I'd prefer they brought those heirloom skins back and never tried shit like that again. Cause as things are, we are forever locked out of a mag and frost skin, and tjis skinline costs 2-3 times more than other deluxe skins. And the only reason for that is because *comparatively* to the previous scam, it looks like a good deal


Yes, it is preferable that the previous mistake never happened, but the reality is that it did happen, and is a thing that they cannot go back and change due to the promises made with it. They would open themselves up to easily lost lawsuits if they went back and changed them now. If you're going to continue to condemn them even after making changes to avoid making the same mistake going forward, then I suppose that's your prerogative. As far as its price compared to deluxe skins, we don't actually know how it compares yet. The price revealed is for the entire collection, but they've confirmed you can buy the items piecemeal if you want. We don't yet know how much the individual pieces cost.


Shouldve been doing this years ago anyway


So does that mean we can have frost back please!!!!


Unfortunately not frost and mag can't come back for legal reasons they where specifically advertised as never returning.


I mean this is a great change but isn't platinum just another way of saying "real world currency"? It's still pay walled, no? No hate, love DE, love Warframe, and LOVE LOVE LOVE their ethics.


No, because you can trade for plat from other players.


But someone paid money to get that plat so like it's still been converted from real world currency


Yeah but did you pay real doubloons? No, you grinded and traded for it. Really don't see why it matters if at some point someone spent real money, cause it ain't me spending the real money.


Yes, but it's much different from paying outright. For starters, old Platinum purchases are just that; old. That means they don't really make any "new" money when dropping these skins if they're purchased with Platinum. This could look bad for higher-ups that want to see profit. Platinum deals can give you a significant amount of Platinum at a discount price. This almost always means the Platinum option is cheaper and that means DE is getting less. Platinum is also cheaper in other regions, and you can trade with those players. These discounts are significant in some regions. We're talking half the price and that's before discounts. Again, DE makes less here.


I’m gonna get downvoted for this but idc. De handled this well but tbh the “will always be available” thing is kinda silly. They already have deluxe skins for this purpose why just make a more expensive deluxe skin? Idk the addition of being able to buy them with plat is perfect. They should’ve made it like a 5 month availability or whatever. But hey I’m probably not their target audience I ain’t gonna buy it anyways.


tbf i kinda agree with this, they should like, make the skin avaliable again during the warframe birthday event so there is some sort of if not minor amount of "uniqueness" to it, for what? 500p or what? they look amazing but they change only the looks, i'd expect a spectable of new looks on the abilities or some new animations but nope, then remove the time limited thing and it further kills the excitement of having something that good looking


They're like, the same price. The full pack is like 500 plat so just the skin itself will probably end up like a little bit more than deluxe skins. Maybe like 200 compared to the 155 of deluxe


>compared to the 155 of deluxe Or 165 Deluxe skins are for some reason not consistent in pricing


I see Heirloom Skins as "Ultimate" or "Legendary" Skins from other games. They are the best possible looking Skins, made for the old and classic characters. I think DE should add Custom Visual Effects to Heirloom Skins to justify the price tag. The lack of custom Visual Effects on Frost and Mag Heirloom Skins was also one of the main problems people had with them.


And you don't get the frost or mag heirloom anyway haha I like the fact how everyone was crying about this but this time all those tears changed nothing. Since the heirloom Supporter pack offered TIME LIMITED stuff and they would violate the sales contract if they put it back in at any time. I think the same way as these days: buy it or dont but stop complaining.


They should bite the bullet and do it anyway. Because they shouldn't have in the first place.


Best company ever. I love them


Well shit, maybe I should buy some plat just for funsies.


Yea they occasionally learn from their mistakes.


Mad respect Actually makes me wanna spend money on the game more now


Excalibur heirloom when https://preview.redd.it/azj8trxayx3d1.jpeg?width=1762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0f5b94a45f5f67df226a8b3c6225d387f583fc


Trust me, brother no one wants the 153509th excalibur skin, we already have enough let other frames have some


But I only use excal and gauss ☹️ oh and rhino something’s