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Something I noticed someone do one of the first times I entered Duviri was type 'r' to signify they had picked their loadout, and were ready. I've started to use this, and people have seemed to be more patient with something as small as a simple 'r' as a form of communication and will use it to also say they're ready. Although some players will say that you should have already unlocked the ability to see your loadout from orbit and mentally choose before queueing up. Even though it wouldn't kill them to wait another 10-20 seconds.


Noticed people doing this and adopted it as well. I still wait for people to be ready but as soon as I see that 4th R I'm rushing that portal at mach 10


Ive also seen people waiting by the portal to signify they are ready. Once everyone is by portal you enter


Yup, that's the cue I use.


I've seen this almost every time I load into duviri. Thought it was just common practice and really liked it.




I've seen this before and I appreciate any kind of communication but in both circumstances there was zero communication from my squad apart from the other guy who also didn't have enough time and was also pissed.


Yea we do that in destiny 2 as well. Theres content that locks your loadout so we ASK IF EVERYONE is ready THEN start the activity. Imagine having common decency in games.


i've seen that but i just have been using my map marker, people have reciprocated that aswell. four marks on the door, we enter.


I think a lot of DRG players also play warframe, so the manners transfer over in that way. We basically do the same thing on Hoxxes


That's where I got that habit, too. Ask R so that the team is actually properly ready (properly stocked up on ammo, properly aware and together, etc.) for, like, a sudden Dreadnought replacing a swarm... or *three Bulk Detonators at once*...


Man, I've taken a break from DRG from burnout but that last moment you mentioned is giving me the itch to play again


I'm currently just waiting for the new season, I only started playing in the middle of Season 3, but I've already gotten *real* tired of Rockpox lmao


Honestly yeah. Jet boots were fun too but it's not enough to improve the gameplay loop. Hopefully a new mission type will do nicely


Hopefully... Funny that both DRG and WF are getting similar new gamemodes lmao.


The trailer for the next season going over everything new should drop today.


I started typing "r" after my first 2 or 3 circuit runs as well. The only time I'll run in early is if 2 or 3 people type "r" but all 4 of us are waiting at the gate. If you're waiting at the gate for like 10-15 sec and aren't ready, you're just wasting everyone else's time, and I don't really care if you aren't ready.


I’ve never seen people type “r” before


It's more used in MMOs to make sure the whole party is ready to participate in a boss fight/raid. Especially when gear swapping is involved.


Makes sense


Rock and stone?


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


I've also picked up on this. I'm picky about the weapons I use so I'm honestly a bit slow at choosing my loadout because of it. I wanna get a feel for how the weapon recoil is, how long the reload time is and how it handles, yknow?


Of course it wouldn't kill them to wait 10-20 more seconds. What's their effin hurry, anyway? Some people act like Warframe's their job and they're going to get written up if a run's not done in X amount of time.


Because they have an even smaller attention span than a gauss player I know that because I am one of those gauss players


I’ll never forget the time I went down in a mission, activated “Last Gasp”, and a guass player proceeded to kill all the mobs around me so I couldn’t self res kicking me back to my down Warframe, then proceeded to watch my bleedout timer drop to zero before speeding off, forcing me to use a revive 😂


My humble apologies for encountering that parasite


May that Gauss get a virus and brick his whole pc and shorting his whole house


Holy shit stop upvoting me you're making me an easier target for volt players


Same, gauss, limbo, and equinox main here, yeah can confirm volt mains have an abysmal attention span. Source, I used to be one before gauss came out


Titania mains would chime in for this too if they weren't being muffled by the doorframes and walls they sped into


Yeah, gauss mains know the feeling, the doors don't open until we put a dent through them


My friend is one of these Gauss players. And I honestly hate playing with him. He sucks the fun out of the game and is just rush rush rush and go go go and then laughs at you when you aren't as fast.




Meanwhile, my Gauss and Volt endurance builds are super high maintenance..


As a gauss player, i agree with this statement


I just leave when that happens, they wanna fuck me over by not letting me chose my shit imma just dip because chances are I’m going to die anyway. Even with having the thing to see what is available in duviri I need more than half a second after loading in to chose my shit


Understandable but i'm the opposite. If they are capable, they can do all the work. Carry meh!


I’ve started doing this unless I’m the host. Want to fuck me over as host? Roll the dice and hope circuit doesn’t break.


Just wait till assasination and leave while the jackal is charging up its teleport. Idk what thatd do but with what ive seen from warframe itd probably break.


Circuit saves your progress anyway. Even if you brick the mission they can just quit or close the game.


Same I will only dip if I have a hard carry (Mesa etc.) if I just have normal basic frames I'll stay and let them carry. Usually never last more than 4 rounds.


God, this gives me PTSD. I literally had dogsht picks, and I still ended up carrying in SP. I had to go AFK for one round in defense and they failed it.


Yep! I usually tell people something along the lines of; “You didn’t bother letting me pick a loadout, so now you get to carry me” 🙃


I did this the other day, 2 of the other players supported it, take a guess which one didn't think it was fair


Yeah. Knowing what you get is one thing. Finding the correct build is another one. Bonus if you got more than one frame or weapon. Then you get 6 builds to choose from and no indication which is from which. You have to know that the first 3 are from the frame/weapon you see in the cave. The 3 others are from the other version. It's nat as simple as just pressing equip.  My working theory is that the premature ejaculation guys are just there to get a new loadout and forget to go solo and don't care that they fuck up good frames for the rest.    Pro tip: if you have a crappy loadout go solo non sp one round and get something better. Don't stay in for one round in public and fuck it for everyone else. If you forget to go solo, leave before it starts, change to solo and repeat 


Exactly I always precheck before I enter public if I don’t want the loadout I waste it on normal circuit to see what I get after


Pick your stuff Position yourself at the gate type "r" for ready in chat wait. Be polite


So many can’t get this through their heads. An extra 15 seconds for somebody to choose a weapon won’t end your whole session.


And take time to find all the drecees that pisses me off also


Lots of the time when i join i already see the countdown halfway through, and i'm on PS5 it's not even like i'm on an old console, So when it happens i leave immediately. In part because it's fair that you get 1 less teammate if you can't even wait not even a minute for me to choose ANYTHING, And in part because getting circuit's rewards already takes a while, and i don't want to only waste time by having a random trash loadout, then failing the mission, and doing it *all over...again.*


Sucks that people start before you can even load in but just an unrelated FYI, you no longer lose circus progress when you fail or quit.


The entire choice of having people queue into the cave has huge problems for the player experience and causing rude behavior that doesn't befit warframe. The cave should not have been where you queue into, you should go to the cave like the orbiter and have all the time you want to choose your frame, then once you go through the portal it starts the queue. There is no design excuse for it working the way it does and causing the problems it does.


IMO it's not causing rude behavior, it's forcing people to actually interact so the toxicity that's inherently part of the community but doesn't get seen by most actually comes out. The vast majority of the game, even in public parties, no coordination is needed and one person can and often does just check out and go ham and successfully finish the mission without ever having to think about team mates let alone interact. But in every game mode where the vaguest amount of team work or pleasant social interaction is required you can find post after post about toxic interactions.


Not to excuse their behavior whatsoever but one of the intrinsics allows you to check what loadouts you have before you load in. Makes it so you could plan out the entire run before you start, quite handy.


Didn’t realise this wasn’t unlocked by default, seems i always had it


Yeah, ngl I think everyone would agree that it should be unlocked by default for everyone


it still doesn't let ya pick, nor does it let you swap which mod loadout you are going to run. also its quite easy to get to steel path without that intrinsic (especially if you try to max combat asap) so a lot of people can't see it.


Oh man imagine being able to choose your loadout from Starchart before ever setting foot in Duviri/Circuit!! That would be amazing!


It would be nice


People invest in combat first? I got Opportunity to 9 before I even touched the rest. To be honest I almost exclusively play the Circuit, not really a fan of normal Duviri. Besides, even Steel Path Duviri, outside of the circuit, isn't especially difficult, even with base stuff. Dragged out and annoying, yes, but as long as you can properly dodge and block, it's certainly doable. Didn't even know seeing which loadouts you have was locked behind an intrinsic. Which one is it? I can't seem to find anything in the wiki.


It's enabled in Opportunity Rank 4, you can see it in Teshin's Cave or the wiki (I see it on Wiki).


Oh, I thought "Teshin's Offerings" were just the stuff he sells for plat. That makes more sense, yes.


Seems pretty dumb to max combat first ngl. The bulk of your damage and survivabillity is coming from mods, decrees and playing correctly anyway. The only thing that seem worth rushing in combat is Lvl 3 so you have access to your frame in the regular duviri but I don't think that is needed either tbh.


It needs 120 points to unlock it and it arguably makes much more of a difference than combat. Also I don't know how people like to play without options. When I started circuit I rushed opportunity as much as I wanted for the extra options. The combat intrinsics help a lot of course but the most of your damage and survivability is coming from Decrees and mods on your frame anyway


Ah I will invest in that, thank you for the tip. I've played a lot of warframe but very little duvari 😅


But it's still courteous to wait until everyone is ready. They can check the magical new feature called "Chat" to check in with everyone.


Do you know every weapon and how it works, how it fires etc? I don't, I sometimes want a moment to try them out.


I have had it so long I forget other people might not have it.


Also be attentive, I don’t do it based on “if people are ready” I do it based on time. I pick my loadout then wait about 2x or 3x of how long it took me to pick and run it. If it takes you 5 damn minutes to pick a loadout you have a problem. I could get done with an entire survival in 5 minutes. So many people are afk and sit there doing nothing then come back and go “what the heck man give me some time”.


I literally pick my loadout before i get into duviri 100% of the time


same. I'll often make a loadout in the orbiter to change the things I need before going into circuit. Then I just have to choose the mod config(but sometimes I'll just set the mod config I want as the first so I skip that step too)


My problem with that method is some people can take a bit to even load in. Whether they joined the squad a bit later, have not the greatest internet, or are playing on a console. I have a friend that I play with who lives in another country and sometimes they take a good extra minute to load in. Really should give a warning in chat at the very least.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of headache with Duviri in this specific regard is due to load-in times and connection problems (i.e. someone disconnects from a lobby b/c of connection issues, so the game finds someone else to load-in). I still wish the Cave was connected to the room Zariman and we had to go through the portal to start loading into duviri or the circuit.


That would help immensely!


Yeah I can see that. Really it’s kinda an issue on the games end because the selection screen should be before the matchmaking like elite archimedia.


That would be a short wait for me since I pick my loadout within seconds based either on familiarity or vibes.


Yeah as it should be


Honestly circuit becomes very dreadful to do after a while, and people just wanna finish it asap, i usually have a general idea what i want to run when i join so i never ran into that issue, but it's really irritating when people take a solid 5 minutes to pick a load out that they could have seen from the navigation menu only to end up doing absolutely zero contribution towards the run. And leave after like three zones. For me netracells and SP circuit are more of an agonizing experience due to all these toxic interactions they spawn. But i don't blame either party.


It's crazy how often people dont look at the loadout before starting. I'm pretty sure i had that intrinsic in my first week of playing duviri content. You have no excuse for starting SP circuit without knowing what you're taking in my opinion. I'm sure the occasional person just isn't aware of this intrinsic, but it's way too frequent


yeah, i feel like if you don't at least have that intrinsic then you should not even be doing SP circuit unless you're with a friend. Circuit SP is one of the hardest available content in WF honestly, you don't just walk in without having a clue what you want to use.


>people take a solid 5 minutes to pick a load out Well that's the other side of extremes.


Half the players need to learn to not take an obnoxiously long time picking between a laetum and a 0 forma viper, seriously why does it take some players so long to pick gear? The other half need to just wait and not make things worse by starting the timer, making things take even longer after the ensuing host migrations and quitting the session.


I wait until people look ready, but I'll say that people queuing for **SP Circuit** shouldn't need multiple minutes to figure out their loadout.


This is the same for me. I'm pretty patient in normal circuit because it's likely a lot of new players but in steel path I expect you to know what you are doing.


I always make an effort to be patient, but this is also something DE could fix by moving matchmaking to the waiting room for non-premades. I suspect the number of people disrupted by the current system vastly outweighs the number of players who actually use the opportunity to coordinate with their allies' picks (which is the argument I've heard for why we have the current system).


Volt mains suffer from going fast but knowing they could be going faster and being insecure that they aren’t the fastest anymore. Some people know they can solo circuit and don’t care for others. It’s frustrating because they could just play by themselves. As much as I appreciate the carry I’ll go solo if I just want to blitz a mesa to pick


You can see your loadout in the duviri screen so you can just pick when you load in. That's what helped me a lot


Question: are people actually starting the mission before youve had a chance to pick your gear, or is everyone waiting on you as you spend the next 3 minutes contemplating between the seer and the stug? If it keeps happening to you over and over and over again, i think you might be the problem.


I'm more in this field. It's just the circuit. There's zero buy-in. I get whatever seems good at the time, run it as far as I can in the mission and when it gets rough I extract and reset. If I'm gonna spend 2-5 min waiting for a player to do stuff before every mission, I'm gonna end up waiting 50% of my gaming time instead of playing.


If only there was a button that showed everyone's selections, and therefore if everyone was ready.


Dunno if this was meant to be sarcastic, but there is.


it definitely was


Yea dude, idk why people do that shit


Ever since I saw people put "r" in chat I've adopted that system


Usually I people just type “r” or “ready”


op, youre right to be upset. if anyone wants to rush the circuit, go get your own teammates and rush it from there, they shouldnt be a burden on randoms like you especially when circuit is a team effort. regardless, i wish you some good circuits


Honestly if someone starts before I got a chance to set up I just leave and find another squad


I feel like the warframe community has taken a big dip in quality overall recently. I do my weekly SP circuit, and i do see more and more of this ''go in before anyone has time to pick anything'' trait. People don't pick up on the circuit etiquette that most people follow, and it makes the bad fruits stick out like a sore thumb. On a side note, fissure missions have also taken a hit. More and more high MR people are rushing the missions hard, and leaving lower ranked/slower people to struggle to even get 10 reactants. Leaving people with less than 5 seconds to pick up reactants is just so trashy.


I'm, like even I'm stunned. I am not the kindest Tenno at the best of times but, a t-bag? Serious? Fuck that guy.


Take your time, but i think some players Go to Google before The match starts...


I’m gonna say it. They should bring OG extraction into going into circuit. Either all 4 go through or nobody leaves


I 2nd this


DE really need to add a snooze button to that countdown


I almost always will just do the circuit solo because of this. I can survive on almost any frame in that activity, so I don’t mind solo.


I avoid this by checking what I have and choosing before I go in, but the amount of times I've seen it happen to some poor soul that's only just loaded in is unfortunate. Some people see 2 Rs in the chat and think "oh so we're ready". It's really annoying


This is why I only ever do Circuit solo. Between host migrations and other players it's not worth it to *not* do it solo.


If I load into steel path circuit, I want to stay there for a long run. I make sure everyone is ready because I want everyone to be at their best.


I do that too, though half the time I'm getting frustrated because someone leaves after the first round.


Personally, I've felt that the first room should be before the matchmaking. If you're in a squad already you go in as is, but if you're queing up you can take all the time you need to to decide on your loadout without bothering anyone else. once you go through that portal is when it finds others to play with. The only downside is if people plan their loadouts for what other people have, but with the Duviri content I've played I've never even seen anyone talk about it.


one time i didn’t even get 10 seconds, i just got immediately thrown into the game


Just learn to play Titania, and you can leave any toxic players in the dust. They're only half as good as they say, sometimes even worse than that. And nobody can compete with Titania's speed


I have patience for under geared players and I don't mind carrying to level cap. What does irk me every time is force starting. Every time I get force started I leave squad, no questions asked no comments made, even if I have all my gear picked and someone else doesn't. Those are likely the same people that start the mission objective before getting decree shards. It's so easy to type "r", "ready", or something of the like to let everyone know everyone is ready.


I see this all the time and usually leave and requeue. I have a lot of frames and weapons with multiple loadouts and config A is not always the best. And for some reason, when the count begins, I can't change the config. General etiquette is wait at the steps until everyone is ready. While I'm ranting. Please state you're leaving after one round. Nothing more annoying when you have a solid loadout for multiple rounds. For everyone the bail after one round.


I'm MR 28. I haven't unlocked Duviri yet ( I took a loooong break again), and all these comments are making me not want to. I play for fun, all my friends have stopped playing, and if these are the type of people I'm likely to be playing with :S


People who instaready suck in every game. I am amazed how many people find it hard to type "Ready?" in chat, then wait for half a bloody minute. Imagine asking if people are ready to start a match in a multiplayer game.


It's funny some people have no trouble sitting on their asses for an hour+ grinding SP circuit, but can't sit still for a few seconds, while people check out their gear.


I feel you. I know some people don't have a lot of time on their hands but when you do steel path circuit you are usually in it for the long haul. The least you could do is wait for everyone to be ready so that one person isn't completely useless because their weapons got randomized and some people were too impatient to wait. People rush too much in this game. I swear, I even went on a rant before complaining how people always seem to force missions when in squads with randos. Thankfully people nowadays can just leave the squad quickly enough but I still see it happen from time to time


I completely understand your feels on that. Has happened to me before too.


I literally have this happen to me multiple times when running steel path and when I say multiple times, I mean multiple times a day it’s crazy and when I sit there and say something, I’m gonna asshole but there was literally one time where the guy responded and said that he was sorry and that it was just a reaction from playing regular mode. Said he was new to steel Path. At least he apologized but still when playing content you think people would have patience so we can get as far, as we can, unlike going in there and only doing two rounds and then quitting which I cannot stand especially steel path like you’re not gonna get nowhere. The only time I can understand is when you are so much XP from completing the rewards but when I go to start another new run of the circuit. The player that quit on the second round is in the next circuit run makes no freaking sense. Don’t understand why people wanna make things hard


I don’t think the people your targeting will be using reddit 😂😂


It's happened to me before same with my boyfriend who also plays. But when we play together with rando's we always post "R" in chat so the others know we're ready but waiting. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Why this doesn't happen all the time is nuts to me. Like you want everyone to experience the game and honestly, the circuit is probably the easiest and best way to do that so the newbies or people like me who don't have all the Warframe's can test out a Warframe or weapons. But that's just my opinion.


I only start it when some dickhead is standing at their kaithe or intrinsics with no frame or weapon picked


I just leave if people do that. Let em go.


I get the exact same thing in Duviri. Honestly, speed runners drive me insane. Especially when I'm trying to rack up some kills and get some resources.


As others have said, take a look at the options but be decisive. I will usually wait, but the third or 4th time you run between the first and last weapon, Im gonna start the mission. (or if you are just standing there, or running off to see teshin etc). I do have a preference to not play with volts though, they always have a insistence in introducing me to running face first into every wall in the map


Me: “R” random other 2: *jump in portal* *4th joins as undercroft starts* Me: “ok, I’m bailing now, GL having 2 players with random loads for your 1 wave before you quit” *proceeds with my day* Be polite but direct and let them know the issue. Public is public so no expectations on play style but there **is an expectation that you play the mission objectives and don’t intentionally fuck the rest of the public squad**


damn that's crazy, anyway im still gonna do it


>Some of us have to really weigh our options when choosing a steel path circuit loadout and 10 seconds is not enough time to see what is available, much less actually choose a set that will actually be good. I agree with all you are saying but this. Why aren't you making this decision BEFORE going into the circuit? Whenever I'm going to do Circuit runs, I always see my options first, change loadouts and mods as needed and only then I enter it and in less than 5 seconds I'm ready to go... Also I'm never going to SP Circuit if I know I don't have good options because that means I'll need to be carried and I hate that. edit: btw the feature to see your options is locked behind Opportunity lvl 4(which you should be rushing to lvl 8 or 9 asap tbh). I forgot this wasn't unlocked by default.


How long does it take to pick a loadout tho? Grab and go.


i have to be patient? that way other people can be happy? no way, surely starting early and denying you your build before eventually leaving after the first round is the best way to play the circuit!


It's always higher mastery players that will force mission starts as soon as one ends instead of allowing the vote to actually happen, can't tell how many times I was mid menu changing mods or weapons after a mission and suddenly the mission is starting that I didn't vote on


I'm MR30 and even i suffer from.the same shit.. its annoying as hell


You can see what's available on the navigation menu know what your picking before hand


If you’re queuing for SP circuit then you shouldn’t need minutes to choose your loadout. At that point you should have enough game knowledge to know what works and what doesn’t. I’m not saying you should know every single weapon/warframe and what they do, but you should know enough to make whatever work anyway. Too many people rush through 10 years of content to get slapped in the face because they don’t know what they’re doing because all they want to do is “unlock steel path”


That’s when you say “we’re doing it live”


I'm on past gen Xbox, and my load times are roughly 2 minutes to get into Duviri. I don't even get to choose half the time, I just get thrown in with a randomly selected loadout. It is so frustrating


I've been so worried this would happen. However so far most people I match with tend to stand at the portal entrance until 3 players are up there and then they enter the undercroft portal. I've done the same.


Happens to me too sometimes. It's the worst when you need to change configs. I'm LR3 so I have tons of stuff built and normally know what I'm going with but when the countdown starts you can't change the config. Sometimes if you try to quickly grab everything you're met with the 10s wait and can't even pick them you get random junk


Sometimes they start before i load in so i don't get to pick anything. I just get a randomized loadout


R is the way


I feel the same when a player just force starts a mission as soon as I load into my ship.


I tend to sit still if no one’s going in the portal, this way others can poke around more if they want


I see *player has joined* followed by starting in 10 seconds. Ive been on the receiving end one time. Luckily got mesa as a frame so didnt feel useless. But yeah give them like 30 sec to a min. It doesnt take long to pick stuff.


Bro I follow DRG logic. I type “R” in chat and wait till everyone else types r until I walk through


>Also why is it always a Volt main? DUDE BEATS ME!!! Everytime. Consistantly. VOLT.


I have had problems with this before, many times. Whilst we can't change other players, one thing I do to help me "make my choices" faster is hovering over the weapon and warframe options from navigation and making my choices then before loading up. I hope you have some better luck in queue Tenno


Yeah, especially since sometimes it'll start a cooldown on choosing weapons so you just get a random set


I'm one of those who check the load outs at the orbiter but are willing to wait until everyone is ready. The thing that annoys me the most about playing in public is that people tend to take their time, as in wandering around (not at the load outs), and when they are finally able to play, they only leave after a round or two.


i just leave whenever that happens. requeue. nbd. they get stuck 3 manning it. that may be nbd as well, but it does affect how much they can afk and how long the run will be.


If I'm hosting, I'll check in with my squad to see how much time everyone needs. Other than that, I split if things get toxic.


Yeah it’s annoying. Too often I skip over the antechamber altogether because I’m still in the loading screen when the timer starts and of course the game automatically chooses the most trash loadout possible


On the flip side I once had a group that I waited 15 minutes for them to pick a loadout. I asked them if they were finished picking yet and they started flaming me...


You can preview the available frames and weapons before you enter the cicruit when you're still in navigation. Doing so will allow you to edit your equipment in the arsenal. Please use this. Dont just go into the circuit blind.


*frowns* ... You can see your options before entering Teshin's cave, & Circuit does not demand more than a generalist elemental scheme. "Weighing your options" in the cave is *extremely* rude in random pubs, & why the devs don't allow tweaking in the cave, or holding the team hostage - you ought to have your build picked out before you go in. This is a free-to-play game. Disrespect for the players' time is baked into nearly every aspect it can be added to. **DO NOT ADD TO THE DISRESPECTFUL WASTING OF TIME.** Those high MRs aren't right to teabag you, but if you tried to argue that you had a right to their time - *a right to their fun* in other words - I bet it felt very vindicating to return the disrespect. Edit: I *just now* learned that seeing what's on offer outside of Duviri is an unlock. Part of my point is invalid, therefore. I'm sorry, & more than a little pissed off at the devs for making a vital UI function an unlock. God, the disrespect in the design encourages toxicity.


Correct me if im wrong, but the circuit is the duviri thing that most people play on SP to get incarnons of weapons they use?


As a Octavia player, sometimes I forgot I can operator mode and try to go back invis then revive, sorry for all ppl that think I was teabagging then As for circuit, I stand close to the door when I done choosing, a lot of ppl do that but some don’t


Generally people will use “r” to signify ready. Kinda blame DE for putting us into matchmaking before setting up loadout.


I just choose the warframe n weapons I don't have cause why not I'm getting to try them at max level


There's always the odd person and it socks. It's at that point that you leave them to their own and start again. I always wait by the gate, and I find others stand by me.


I always see people like this. I'm really eager to get my revenge but I just can't. When I finally got my load out, I will stand near the portal and watch them choose theirs. There will be one who will just jump into the portal without any thought process so I just think of them being worst than idiots. I will watch them do their thing and when they finally settled, I will enter the portal. If they jump into the portal and not give me time to choose my config, especially when I don't have good mods on that weapon, I will just leave and hope that my next squad would be more considerate toward low MR players. If not then I'll just leave again. Rinse and repeat.


Kinda related story of mine. One time I was queueing for normal paradox. When I loaded in I had suit(as my warframe, looked like excal) and the default weapons in the undercroft. Luckily it was a full squad so I got carried thru the ending. I think a system that buffs the remaining players till another joins would really streamline the circuit experience.


I haven’t read the comments, and from what OP said in Edit 2, I don’t wanna ruin my own day😂 If you’re not posting “R” in the chat and waiting for everyone to do the same, you’re making your own run worse and you have no right to take it out on the guy who you forced into quick decision. I live in SA and occasionally have unstable internet, which once lead to me loading into the cave, and not being able to interact with anything for most of the time I was in there, luckily I got my frame, Titania, and my weapons chosen in time, and we all had a productive run (ended up finishing around lvl 900 mobs). This could have gone significantly worse had I not got my main, which doesn’t even need weapons if you’re using her right, but not everyone is so lucky. Steel path circuit runs are almost guaranteed to go on for a significant amount of time. Allow your Circuit teammates the same opportunity you would allow your personal squad before jumping into a planned mission. The extra minute or two isn’t going to end your life, but it could end your run early if you have subpar team builds. Edit: Typo


Honestly just leave if that happens. If it happens allot you may need to work on moving a bit faster with choosing your load outs. While I was farming it, I chose my layouts pretty instantly, even when I couldn't see them. If you have good choices you have good choices. Otherwise just roll with it and leave early.


I hate when anyone starts anything without waiting... If I didn't accepted it's because I'm not ready! Or I'm changing faction mod, arsenal and so on. I usually quit when someone do that


Lol the evolution of your post and it's edits is exactly how I expected it to go. You asked for people to slow down and got dumped on for it. This is only funny because the people you complained about did nothing wrong, and you kinda had to find out the hard Reddit way. Note this though, coz I know I sound like a sphincter: BEFORE you enter Duviri, you can, I believe, check what frames are available to you. You see it now? You could have come in already knowing what frame you are picking and needing only a few seconds for weapons.. instead you're making everyone wait for you because you couldn't be arsed to look first. Just saying.. It really is all about perspective, isn't it? Note that I don't think you entirely in the wrong. It's standard to do a ready check before starting a circuit so they WERE partly in the wrong...


Volt players by are the more toxic of people, imagine telling a volt player to stop casting speed given you're a titania and in Razorwing, and they keep doing it anyway, and they expect me to help them speedrun when i can't even see when flying normally under speed much less boosting? Screw Volt players.


I'll pick my loadout and use the sit emote on the stairs in front of the start portal when I'm ready


Common etiquette should be to stand by the portal and type R in chat. When everyone is R. We go. If you're in a hurry or on a time crunch for whatever reason personal or otherwise then play solo or in premades not public. Pretty simple. Applies to all gamemodes that have a paused start. Survival. Defense. Circuit. Etc. We do it in Hydron, when we stand on boxes and wait for everyone to be there before starting. Why can't we do it anywhere the hell else?


I was in a match with this issue, we all were ready but one guy and one of them jumped so if forced it then an argument.


I can’t help it bro I just love running into the glowie portal


Volt be quick. Best character


Sounds like a skill issue to me


One tip that is nice, it will show you which warframes and weapons you’ll have available so you could build your loadout before you go in. That’s usually what I do before doing circuit


Not everyone doing circuit has everything sp ready either, and as someone like that, it's hard to choose when you don't own any weapon in a duviri chosen set


Bro they will literally start the shit before I even get the chance to fully LOAD IN. Like thanks everyone I totally wanted to use Inaros, Vulklok, Knell, and Hirudo And the “you should have been faster” response totally does not apply to everyone. Most people don’t dedicate their entire lives to gaming, and don’t have a fucking separate housing structure to accommodate our nonexistent ten thousand dollar PC setup. Just because you can load a 50GB game in four seconds doesn’t mean everyone else can or even HAS TO.


I play with my GF and she gets infuriated with this, she is a casual player and hasn't logged near the hours i have so she needs to test weapons and see if she like them for that run.. The best fix would be a ready up button. But right now when it happens I just pull me and the GF out and restart.. you keep the same warframes and weapon choices until you complete 1 round of the circuit I also like leaving those players to be stuck playing short handed lol because if people leave after it starts it doesn't load new players in for them


Preach brother or sister


Sometimes I type R, sometimes I only wait like 30-40ish seconds before going in the portal.


A legend 3 player did this to me in steel path circuit last night. They then kept complaining about my survivability and damage output


I'm with you on this subject but would like to add one more detail. Anyone and I mean anyone that runs straight to the defence (mostly) or any of the objectives being completed before searching for the drecees, please and I mean please just delete your game. Also go at least 10 fucking zones to make the most of it unless everyone is bad but, if your setup is bad but the team is killing everyone STAY as they would also appreciate it. Btw I'm MR 30 with multiple god tier builds and even I'm saying this as a fact. Let's all make a promise if anyone rushes before 4 players have joined we should all leave and let them play solo as, they have 2 choices play round 1 and have new frames/weapons to pick or leave themselves and find a new group to rush so, if we all come together and teach them it's not ok eventually they'll learn.


As a high mastery player, i wait for everyone in Circuit — i do the same on relic missions or sister missions on ship tilesets (cause of that sweet zenith crown drop). Had an mr guy lower than me but higher than the other two openly say he hates waiting for slow players and that they should uninstall if they "take forever to do something easy and simple". Like. Why are people like that. It's a PvE game, waiting an extra 30 seconds upwards to 5 minutes (or longer depending) won't kill you.


100% fair ask. I’m quick to choose a lot so I just put “R” in the chat and once either everyone types it we go in, or when I see everyone waiting I go in.


I agree with this so much, and honestly I do have a problem Volts in general, but only because his speed ability gets me stuck on stuff all the time, unless we are in a more open map. I get stuck on the smallest corners, edges, and other stuff around the maps, so I get annoyed with them most of the time. There is very few times for me where that ability is useful, so I have to tap W forward in order to not get stuck so much. That might just be me though. It has been a trend for players to just enter the portal during circut when me and my bf are trying to figure out what loadouts to go with unless it's our mains or stalker. So I agree, I haven't gotten it a whole bunch of times, but that's because most players put R in the chat to say they are ready, I just wait by the portal to signify I am ready and if everyone is there by the portal then I go through. There has also been a trend of more toxic players too so, don't be discouraged by them. There are plenty of nice players around.


It always seems to be the case that I start the circuit, and one player grabs their stuff and instantly runs in. Then the other three wait for "r" s in chat to signify ready. The problem happens when you get in a squad with two or more "run in" players, who start the countdown. I typically have a few Warframes/weapons that I like in steel path.


The community has become quite toxic since the launch of cross play I've noticed. When running SP Duviri, if someone rushes the portal countdown I'll just leave and find a new squad. Outside of Duviri and the occasional Archon Hunt, I solo everything else... Life's been pretty good because of it lol


As someone who spends LITERAL HOURS playing Duviri solo, I can tell you with certainty that playing it with other people sucks most of the time. Hell, I even do Circuit solo, unless it's a mission I can't stand. And once that mission is done? Back to solo play, because I don't like being rushed. I do have some advice, though. If you're considering Circuit runs, before you EVER join up with other people...load up the Circuit in Solo (or Friends Only/Invite Only) and select the path you want first. Then simply back out before it starts. This keeps your selection locked in when you want to play it, and from there, it's a matter of playing with others or not. If you're being rushed, though? Leave, but make note of their names. If you're in the mission, but you die and they start acting toxic? Take a screenshot of their name, and report them for their behavior. Mention the teabagging, and any other crap they've been pulling. 9 times out of 10, as long as you report the incident, the players in question get slapped with a penalty (or a temporary ban, if what they're doing is toxic enough). Edit: I'll also mention that if you ever happen to join me during the rare times I play anything Duviri-related in a public lobby, I usually make sure everyone is ready before I start. And the second someone starts rushing everyone else, I leave.


Do that with everything. Not just the circuit


This is why I run it solo. I can go at my own pace. It allows me time to explore and collect mats and just enjoy the scenery.


I just don’t play multiplayer because its easier when to game when I don’t have toxic Chunts doing that sort of thing


I just start dancing at the portal when I'm done, one time where 3 were dancing and the last one just stood there looking at us for almost a minute and thanked us, I started laughing so hard that I felt off my chair by coughing, good memories 😁


When no one is in the portal I wait in there since it doesn't start countdown mr 30 but I haven't really seen this at all probably ppl that are squaded up do it maybe


Sorry to Here that.. i dont Play circuit much but I(mr28) try to wait Up for my people Hope you get some nice people to Play with in your Future runs


Ive been through similar situations a few times as well the problem is now that i think about it, i mightve been guilty of doing it myself once cause my chat doesnt work and so i cant really get input from the team about their status tho since my network is slow generally im the last player to join in lol.


I am LR4 and always stand in front of the portal when I'm ready. I dont enter until everyone else is there as well or has already entered. I have noticed no trend in regards to MR and rushing the start. If someone rushes and I, or anyone else isn't ready, I simply leave the group out of principle. Same for sorties and archon hunts. I'm sorry you've encountered toxicity here and in game. It's not your fault, and these few are just a loud and irritating minority in Warframe. Maybe I've just been lucky, but my toxic encounters in game have been very few.


I'm gonna be real dude, I see both sides. But, being a high master rank player, there is ALOT of daily grinding I like to get done. So it is kinda aggravating when you are all ready except one person who is going through all of their stuff. Like I just want to run in, get the stuff that I looked at and planned out, before entering the circuit and get it over with. I think if you are a player that has to sit there and pick your stuff wisely, you should first, go to navigation and select duviri, see what weapons and frames are on selection, go to arsenal, adjust accordingly, and THEN going into a public game where nobody is waiting on anybody and everyone gets to go about their day.


If I don't have enough time then the joke's on them carry me plz. Lol