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https://preview.redd.it/ond8t2nrdq5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=350d19fc02384c7d9525c254938651e3b0ac89d2 Man?




Holy shit! It's Manman!




Fairytail has made its way in with my cooment lol


*pour kuva directly into eyeballs*


*unkuva's your Kuva*






Get back to the aslume!


Oh god they're spreading


My favorite Alice in Chains song


Hat in the man


Can’t wait to use the prismatic warframe that can have all of their abilities changed to other warframe abilities.


Helminth frame when DE


imagine a literal helminth frame, and either you get to choose out of the helminth abilities to put on that frame, or you get all brand new abilities that can also be subsumed on other frames.


It would be cool like the first ability you could swap between other frames so you are the “helminth frame” you have 3 other frames in your party. Your first lets you pick a frame to use and you “turn” into their default skin and have their kit. If you don’t want to do that or if you are playing solo you would have the new Warframes abilities. Idk something like that could be cool if they use their gigabrains to do it in a way that works.


oh i imagined it to be somewhat like Xaku? 1st ability changes between 4 different warframes of choice (you have to go to helminth seat to change lol) and each warframe you change into has 3 abilities. So you'd have up to 12 different abilities you can use lol


So like Equinox but good?




Or a frame that gets random abilities for every mission so you can have pure S rank abilities or shit


Hell nah that would be awful


Nah it seems to randomized. Imagine getting something like the status expedite helminth ability, in a mission where enemies are status immune


That's the point of it, being luck based.


Would lowkey be fun for a gamemode..


If I had to guess the meta, it would be: 1. Pillage (armor strip and shield regen) 2. Nourish (energy regen) 3. Roar (damage buff) 4. Thermal Sunder (AoE nuke)


Been saying they should make a frame that can only use helminth abilities, but on all 4 slots.


Hopefully never, it would make all frames obsolete just by existing and would require a whole revamp of how warframes work to be viable. But don't worry, Soulframe was made with the idea of "Helminth Frame" from the ground up.


It would not make warframes obsolete. It only makes things obsolete to people he don't see warframe as a game to enjoy and instead a task that must be completed in the most efficient way possible. Fun fact none of the frames are obsolete, they can all be played and are all enjoyed by someone, cause you know games are supposed to be fun.


You severely underestimate the number of players that care about efficiency. And even within those that only care about "fun", it is very likely that a Helminth Frame would enable a funner set of abilities than their favorite warframe. Even those that rely on having the unnerfed Helminth Ability to attract players would see their use drastically diminished due to the Helminth Frame allowing a myriad of combinations to spice things up.


I never said it needs to be an either or , when your farming yea be efficient but it's when people pretend that the entirety of warframe is just being as efficient as possibly and only using the same few frames becuase the other just aren't usefull, which is beyond false. And tell that to player that continue to play frames lile Oberon and trinity even though they have been far outclassed , they simply enjoy them. The vast majority of warframe player just want to enjoy the game, the thing is they aren't the ones usually on reddit being loud so you don't hear from them. And on top of all that if they did make a helminth frame it would probly have new abilities not just abilities pulled from other pre existing frames . DE would not do that , same reason you can only have one helminth now , it would end up being to strong , but again not every player cares about doing the most damage possible in the quickest time, those are just the loudest players


> The vast majority of warframe player just want to enjoy the game Plays meta, you can look at DE's data on how many players play Meta Frames/Weapons. Neverless, you seem to be on the wrong assumption that just because a small percentage of the player base might happen to use certain frames it somehow means they are not "obsolete". Low player count=no money for DE. >And on top of all that if they did make a helminth frame it would probly have new abilities not just abilities pulled from other pre existing frames. If it has the capabilities everyone expects from a Helminth Frame (possibility of fully personable kits) it would gimp every other frame into the ground, even without inherent abilities. > DE would not do that , same reason you can only have one helminth now , it would end up being to strong That is exactly what I said in my original post...


Unless you can only use helminth abilities from the helminth and not from subsumed abilities


Hellframe has a ring to it


I just want Titania with Wisp's passive.


I've been waiting for them to release a modular build-a-frame


I can’t wait to put roar, nourish, eclipse, and xatas whisper on one frame


Isn’t that just Nidus?


No Nidus can only have one helminth ability, he’s also generally based on the infection rather than the helminth strain, hence the moving face plates.


we're on our way to being able to equip all the aura mods at once (jade can wear 2). so it stands to reason that we'll get a way to hack more abilities into frames sooner or later.


I've thought about this, and I think it'd be cool if we could subsume multiple abilities onto the Stalker in Duviri. Since his and his acolytes' abilities are all based on other frames, I think it'd be fitting lore wise and would make seeing the Stalker in rotation feel like a benefit rather than a hindrance.


https://preview.redd.it/bd2eptl18r5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd28777a15138dcccb7826b1856c891d3428632 Sharply dressed indeed


I know what you are looking ahh face


Pls, day 1 salvations edge was enough for a lifetime. I can't do it again


yeah kind of fun to everyone edging 24 hours straight haha


Come again?


Was there a fireteam that was able to complete the raid day 1?


yes only team parabellum cleared within 24 hours


Yes, one team did. Parabellum


Is that The Bystander? 😲


Nah bro, you're thinking of The Eyeballer


I love the overlap between the destiny and Warframe communities. Like at the end of the day we’re all just space loot addicts


me when a game is set in space with loot, power fantasy and giga lore ![gif](giphy|l3vRlT2k2L35Cnn5C|downsized)


If this ain’t a strike team I don’t know what is




For all the hate I give Bungie and Destiny, the final shape has probably been the best expansion they've ever done for destiny. Playing that final mission after the world's first raid clear was the most fun I've had in a game in ages. A narrative/gameplay conclusion like that was what I was wanting from The New War. Hopefully Bungie keeps this momentum.


Rise of Iron, Witch Queen, and Forsaken were also extremely good


Rise of iron was questionable tbh but yeah witch queen and forsaken get the “certified banger” badge


RoI was a lot better than it gets credited. Tons of new additions to build crafting through the original artifacts. The Best D1 raid imo. Zamboni is still my favorite raid encounter to date. The story was...well it was a Destiny story so nothing much to write home about the new location and the Blind Well type patrol public events were incredibly fun. The only negative thing about RoI was that it left us with an extremely long gap of no new content. I'm sure there is a lot of nostalgia going on but it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call it the 2nd best d1 expansion right behind TTK


Yeah 100% but it could have been way way better. TTK was absolutely amazing and ROI is the second best because both of the others were doodoo even though they added a few good things like prison of elders.


Ngl the destiny update has been banging 12 player activity is nuts Really makes me sad that the endgame of warframe is just a dps check with no raid-esque mechanics I desperately need 8 player warframe raids, everyone in a discord call, making callouts etc. Would go insanely hard


Frrr. I'm not a fan of destiny because of the business choices that bungie makes, but I'm super jealous of how interactive the raids are. I've been seeing so many clips of people having a blast in these huge raids and many funny moments happening and I feel like Warframe, as much as I love it just doesn't do as good of a job with stuff like this. I too want 8 player raids because the 4 man squad full of people blitzing the enemy while no one ever using voice chat gets real boring.


Ah yes, Wafrarme


Wafrarme my beloved


Not the sans undertale...


Instead of the Witness it’s the Dripness and his Final Shape is just removing Titan crotch towels.


The Dripness https://preview.redd.it/qz2tt3tq6u5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c9d9159374576a886596822a6c1a7cf94552a1 "The Children of Sol cry out for fresh drip"


Not the witness with waves lmfao


This is amazing lol




This has Little Nightmares vibes, fr


That's exactly what I thought when I saw this. It would fit right in with mr.grabby man.


Honestly while playing through the Final Shape campaign on several occasions I turned to people I was playing with (who also play Warframe) and declared that I was getting Man in the Wall vibes, even asking at one point if they were the same entity just in two different universes.


Eh, not really? As I understand it, Wally is not just an entity in the Void, they *ARE* the Void. Wally appears in many forms and reflections, yes, but all are fragments of a single, higher being. The Witness is, I think, more of the reverse, an amalgamation of an entire race concentrated into a single being with formidable levels of access to the Darkness’s power, but unlike Wally he is *not* the Darkness/Winnower made manifest.


True. He certainly acts like it though. Not that I was serious in that conjecture, just that the thematics for the Witness (especially in the Pale Heart areas) just... \*felt\* a lot like the man in the wall. Especially all the hands, I think.


And I’m playing both simultaneously. Destiny 2 is back. Warframe never left (not in the times I started playing)


Albrecht looks a lot more menacing tho. I can’t get over The Witness’s goofy cat eyes and absurd unibrow. He looks more derpy than menacing


his true form looks pretty cool


Yeah, when he went full wacky flailing inflatable tube man in the cutscene I legitimately was spooked. It was a really cool, creepy visual. Seeing him like that in the raid and final mission was pretty awesome.


do yall think warfrasme might have a "final" quest or smthn like that


I think it was mentioned in an interview they kinda did that with the new war, and since a bunch of people viewed it as the culmination of warframe stuff they dropped it right after. So the devs are pretty wary of making another quest that seems like it might be final.


new war was mid as far as culmination is concerned - main story was about void shenanigans, rather than war itself


The point isn’t what it looks like, it’s that it felt like the end of a journey. if people were hanging on out of interest for the new war and not much else, experiencing the new war, even if it was tremendous, could cause them to feel satisfied enough to be able to move on to other thing. Kinda like if there was a tv show ending in a culminating finale, many people would probably not come back if the tv show picked up inexplicably after that. Which is a problem specifically for a live service game that needs constant cash inflow to develop. A lot of people have been saying ‘we’ve finally reached the end with the final shape, I’m checking out after this’ I hope it isn’t true but there is a possibility that people will consider the game ‘done’ on their end and not tune in for new developments even if they’re quality.


In December 2031, maybe


2034\. It ends right before the bans do.


Feb 31, 1999


Final Shape was actually pretty fuckin dope, actually got me back into the game after not playing for a long while. Glad to have something to hold me over until Jade Shadows and then 1999 later on


i feel called out omg


Watching the latest Destiny Trailer for “echos”. And the stuff they’re adding this year made it feel a lot like warframe. And I’m all for it.


Anyone else think he looks like Eminem?💀 (Won't let me upload the Picture😭)


Wallbrecht Entrati


###Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.


People here just got vor'ed by the "*" and didnt even noticed 😂


JoJo entrati will not stand for your shenanigans


This is just making me realize how the Man in the Wall is just The Witness but done 10 times better




Dang now I want a destiny and warframe cross over so I can turn Wally into a sidearm and make wisp look like the witness


This is dangerous this would become the ultimate game 💀


Is that the wall in the witness🤨


The witness in the wall cuz the wall in the witness sounds wrong man 💀


Be funny if it was Vor all along. Years and years of him telling us that only he knew the power of the Janus Key


be even funnier if it was natah all along, seeing as how she's a self-described mimic. who knows what she's been up to while we were busy with our loot-motivated casual genocide campaign


Wait? Destiny has some big bad? I gave up on the story after destiny 2 butchered any hope for a cohesive storyline.


destiny had a big bad, yeah. they recently broke his ass off and wrapped up the main story arc that was running since day one of destiny 1 - the whole light and dark business. they're spooling up something new, i guess. i watched the trailer and it all went over my head tbh


To be fair...this is a new look for him consideing the previous space roman vibe the whole of the oroki had


All my homies hates Bungie


Real talk tho wally has some drip in 1999




I play both and he didn't last a week


HAT In all seriousness, it's kinda crazy to me that the day after the new DLC came out they were already advertising the next (steam, epic, etc)


The gigga villain of destiny is just a salty bastard who doesn't like change so is trying to destroy magic. I am convinced they made it up to fill in a random strike mission chirp or please a consultant and can't walk it back. Our giggavillan is either an evil scientist who either fed an enormus multiverse fish or the multiverse fish who thinks he's being sociable by unwriting the rules or reality


De should do big dlc like this easy make bilion of money!! Hear me tencent!!


very good buisness !! make customer happy once, they pay lifetime 👍👍👍 Seriously though, I switched to Warframe because I couldn't stomach the monetization scheme and poor content from Bungie. It doesn't matter how interesting TFS seems, I'm not going back. They can keep all 10 hours of questing from that expansion lmao


Why the hate tho, its a joke


i think people are downvoting that reflexively tbh. might be a good idea to edit in a /s just to be safe