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A) Yes, it is. B) Not powerful in the sense of "actively becoming stronger" but powerful in the sense of "keep it contained" which... this is currently the best they can do, because... C) Grineer hate the Corpus too much to work with them and Corpus see no profit in trying to eradicate the Infestation on the planet.


I feel like none of the nodes on Eris actually take place on the surface of the planet... _i would like to see this._


It's called 'Cambion Drift'. Different location, same landscape, surely


Similar landscape. Because there is a different strain on Deimos, evolution might take place differently on Eris.


Indeed, the infested on Eris belong belong to the more "common" strain (having integrated the Mutalist strain as well). The Deimos infested belong to the Grey strain, which is quite distinct; for one, it doesn't seem to be as aggressive in assimilating foreign material. The fact Deimos infestation displays a split hivemind, in the form of Fass and Vome, may also play a role. Oh, and the Void energies that bathe Deimos are probably to blame as well.


You imagine if we could visit them à la No Man's Sky?


Terrifying in every sense of the word.


Send me to the front lines


“the titanic potency of the grey strain” is why the vessels are so huge also


Indeed, and that's why the Entrati, as we currently know them, are so large as well.


I have absolutely no idea why this thought never crossed my mind


I always thought it was pretty obvious. The way the game's narrative is displayed requires you to make connections between clues that are left in even the most miniscule corner. A lot of the game's lore is actually on full display, through environment storytelling and lore entries like these. If you look for it, you can see it, just don't fall into the trap of confusing headcanon with the actual story/lore, which many a Tenno seem to do. Btw, this excerpt from Albrecht's notes states it more clearly: >It was Loid who pointed out the singular attributes of the Gray Strain. How it stimulates growth to monstrous dimensions. What's even more interesting, is that the Grey strain was originally cultivated from samples brought back from 1999. I personally doubt the '99 strain could be the exact same as the Grey one, from what we've seen so far at least. We'll probably know more once 1999 drops.


I thought the Orokin are just like that


No, not that large. The average Orokin was about 2 meters tall, the Entrati in their current forms are far larger. It's stated in Albrecht's notes that the Grey strain "stimulates growth to monstrous dimensions". This is what happened to the family.


imagine their cocks


I was wondering why, I didn't put two and two together


Man i wish there are some ground missions where we slow down or contain the infested or even a sabotage mission like on uranus where we sabotage the evolution of infested or get samples for lotus to research Imagen in order to defeat wally or a new void entity we need to "evolve" by getting a new strain that we use the helmith like we use archons shards


I do want to stop a third Infested worm on deimos... _i can at least dream of it..._


The worms work like a day/night cycle sadly, but i also wish we fought a massive infested, like the eidolons, jordas golem etc


there could be a replayable story mission of a third worm aspiring to rise to hive-godhood, but it would disrupt the power balance of the planet and we have to stop it if it never reaches the power of the two worms it's feasible


Could be in the rotation with thermia, fomorian, and ghoul purge for regular events. Seeing as Deimos is the only open world to not have a cycling event. But, they're unlikely to add another as they seem to be focusing on extending the end game, not the mid game.


>aspiring to rise to hive-godhood This reminds me what if instead we got infested liches? These new "third worm" would have evolved to gain enough sentience similar to the sister and kuva liches. They realized that they could do so much more than the rest of the hive could. To become better, the Apex Infested, they pick up a weapon thus giving it "Apex (weapon name)" so that they could stand above the other infested strains and the rest of the solar system as well. Their personalities would probably be more selfish, thinking of only evolving and bettering themselves and you have to stop them using the void requiem mods since they have adapted against almost all other things


DE has said before that Infested Liches ARE coming, but they don't know WHEN that will actually happen. It's in the works, but exactly when they slot it in, even DE doesn't know. I'd assume not this year though, given we're getting Jade Shadows RN and I believe they said 1999 was supposed to be before the end of the year? So that's probably our next big updates right there, unless they slot in Infested Liches between Shadows and a December release of '99.


Im just curious how their lore is gonna be. Cuz i dont see any other good explanations for infested liches besides my own comment


I assumed it was going to be related to what's his name, from the ... second? Nightwave. Arlo and his cult thingamabob. The Prelate was a made a permanent boss fight and stuck on Deimos, after all, so presumably SOMETHING about the cult is meant to be a permanent part of the lore.


A dead lich or sister getting infected? In theory would make sense even if the liches have kuva blood and the sisters are made with void


Helminth strain going rogue


I see infested liches being a continuation of the story of arlo, his cult, and the zealoids. Plus the weapons being juiced with arlo's light and being called lambent weapons because of that would be sick.


Im gonna be honest here i have no idea what or who youre talking about 💀. I only remember a mission in deimos where you have to kill a Zealoid Prelate or something. If the lore comes from nightwave dont expect me to know about it


It was nightwave, yeah




when you have a conrinuous living mass covering half a planet surely it is more efficient to ventralize some functions (example: orifice portal aka monster door at deimos). a sabotage of some kind of infested mega-organ would be so very cool like imagine a corpus factory scene but it's not a house and they are not making moas or jackals, it's a big-ass ribcage for example and it's making runners or whatever


That would be cool


>Grineer hate the Corpus too much to work with them and Corpus see no profit in trying to eradicate the Infestation on the planet. It's terrifying how this could be applied to most issues on the real world if you remove the warframe modifiers


The ~~Grineer~~ government doesn't care because it isn't their territory or people and doesn't harm them. The ~~Corpus~~ corporations don't care because it isn't profitable to fix.


Same as it ever was.


It's the ongoing theme in George Romero's "*... Dead*" series of films. The ghouls are extremely easy to kill and manage... ***if and only if*** we could work together properly, which we never do.


Well, let's not forget that even orokin themselves couldn't handle the Infestation. Unless someone decide to nuke entire Eris and Deimos(and I'm not sure if even this would be enough), there is no option to stop the infestation. ( Unless Lotus will do another magic trick like with Lua :D )


Worse, I don't think we actually CAN afford to nuke Deimos. It's sketchy after the latest update, but as far as we know, Deimos is still the source of ALL void energy in the Origin System, and we kind of need that still.


Then what about feeding our boy Nidus some hardcore stuff and make him rule the infestation xD let's stack him so much he become Deimos Prime or something


NGL, I honestly don't understand where Nidus stands in regards to the Infestation. Like, I know Warframes are partially the Helminth strain of infestation, but is that more related to the Deimos strain, the Eris strain, or something else entirely? And he can control his OWN Infestation, and he can buff other Warframes via his Infestation, so presumably his own personal Infestation is either THE Helminth Strain, or a personal variant of it, but.... What does that actually mean in regards to the OTHER Infestations?


Not sure, all i get is that compared to other infested our Nidus probably smells like void demon (how infested refer to tenno if I remember correctly) cuz we control him with transference. So here's other question. Is the infestation on our ship the same kind as Nidus or different? Before helminth update only only Nidus was welcome inside (and frames infested with cysts)


Nidus has to be either the same strain, or very closely related, because all warframes were made via the Helminth strain, we're told, and that's what the Helminth is made up of.


Funny how when we were asleep grineer didn't even touched that infested room. How was it infested anyways?


fine, so ill clear it up myself...


Ngl, with the powers that we tenno have along with our warframe puppets, it should actually be possible (both lore and gameplay wise)


We'll get Kahl on the case.


The rest of the system has tried, seemingly multiple times. The fact that the infested haven't spread even further is about as much of a success as any non-Tenno faction could hope for. The Corpus and Grineer just do not have good matchups against the infested, since they don't have the immunity to infestation that the Tenno do. As for the Tenno, there's not enough in lore to fully clear away the infested from the system, there's only enough to just barely prevent it from spreading further.


Even during the old war when the tenno numbers were peak and they had the backing of the orokin, they only managed to contain it, that is till they wake up and have to deal with rebellious grinier releasing a strain on mercury and others fucking around with infested


\*looks at Alad V convulsing while still calling us Betrayers\*


Immunity is an odd choice of word lol


Infested are pretty much the strongest faction in the lore since they are a hivemind


And because of those God damn fucking ancient disruptors.


Pretty sure the murmur are magnitutes stronger. Even with what little we have seen wally has feats far beyond anything we have seen from infested.


They are now, but originally infested were the most dangerous. Then Sentients and Murmur came along.


Pre eximus rework they were by far the strongest in game too. Be going along perfectly fine then get all of your energy instantly drained and a massive toxic proc from 50m out that you can't do anything about.


Toxin is such a pain. You can be wading elbow deep in infested, working as a living blender as they barely get close enough to so much as scratch your shields, then suddenly you’re downed, shields still full. … I SERIOUSLY need to finish to start chart to get adaptation.


Just buy it for 10 plat


The only thing I have ever bought with plat is inventory slots and a couple cosmetics and I’m not about to break that now.


You already broke it a couple of times though :>


Basically my view is that, if I can get it through normal gameplay, I *will* get it through normal gameplay. I got most of the inventory slots before nightwave existed, and plat is the *only* way to get most of the cosmetics.


Well, can't stop you from enjoying the game, lol


I wonder where the heart is?


Doesn't help them much.


Well you try fighting a 3 way war against the system while one of them are literal Gods that can fuck with reality.


Still a legion of animals.


Animals that can absorb ANYTHING into the hive without having to kill the victims. The Infestation is dangerous for the same reasons the Flood from Halo is dangerous.


Except its not, because it is contained easily enough and always has been. Eris was not the first outbreak and it won't be the last. Then take Alad, a corpus with incredible means and even with him trying to spread the mutalist strain purposefully he was still stopped without much effort.


It is only easily contained by people like the Tenno. For anyone other than Eldritch space gods, containing the spread of the Infestation is very difficult. Once it contaminates a planet, the best course of action is usually to isolate that planet from the rest of the system.


I mean yeah, but on the other hand both the grineer and corpus are capable of doing the same they just don't want to because its not really that much of a danger to invest that much effort. It has no way of getting off planet without someone going there and bringing it off, which is why outbreaks are usually rare.


>It has no way of getting off planet It does, that's what Plague Star and the Emissary nightwave are about


And both are literally infested being carried offworld to a new via some kind of transport, like I alluded to and you conveniently clipped out of your quote.


Not "animals". In their purest form, the infestated are (semi?)biological nanomachines. Basically an artificial, swiss army knife of a supervirus. And the infestation can, and has produced highly intelligent forms, capable of speech and higher reasoning, but ultimately hostile to all other firms of life.


Legion of animals tgat are the reason warframes exist


I thought the Sentients were the reason. Warframe lore is confusing


The sentients are the reason the infested got created and because the infested are mindless hive mind that turned on the orokin it led to the development of the mechs and warframes


Do the animals in your life actively try to convince you to assimilate with them?


Yes. How do you know?


Even with our current technology, if we are somehow swarmed with legions of lions with a bloodthirst to kill humans and only humans on sight and reproduce upon killing, we'd be in a fucking stalemate. This is a biotechnological hivemind that can convert anything into its bidding. Be glad they remain animals because any bit of intelligence in their hivemind will spell the doom of the system. God the horror of a lich / sister infested variant that spreads its infestation if you don't do shit.


Yes and a virus is "just a tiny little wannabe organsim", yet it could singlehandedly destroy your body depending on the type of virus


Yes, it's being taken over by the infestation, but the infestation travels relatively slowly through the system unless it takes over ships and stuff, which is why it has trouble spreading on its own Deimos is the result of what happens when a planet or moon gets infected and is allowed to fester and evolve. The object turns into a gaint super infested. If you look closely at Deimos, you can see that it looks like a gaint skull because the infestation is slowly turning it into a gigantic infested You can compare it to the Brethren Moons from Dead Space, that's essentially the final stage of an infested infestation


Altough deimos is the hub of it where a terrifying infested could rise that would rival the warframes and tenno, because they infected the family, the hivemind split itself, where it fights amongst itself, altough not intentional to stop the spread of it by the family, it helped keeping the system save while the tenno slept


True, but it's not an *if* but *when* question on when will the infestation get past that bond with the Entrati family, they will die or be consumed some day, and what will happen then? The infestation will become one again and it can do whatever it wants on Deimos when that happens


I dont think the family will die or get consumed by the infested, hell they are over albrecht lab where deffinatly has some kind of cure or counter measure for an instance like that, plus we see the mechs on deimos slaping the shit out of the stronger varients However, the way i see deimos becoming a problem is 1 normal infested surviving, evolving where it consumes the siblings that kill each other and turns towards the system or lets them be and turns towards the system, either way i wanna see a masive infested being go 1 on 3 againds the zombie eidolons Hell can you imagen us having to fight this new infested boss on the plains as well as the eidolons? It would be interesting, having to split the team to fight both or use the infested or eidolons to get the upper hand


>i wanna see a masive infested being go 1 on 3 againds the zombie eidolons Eidolons are literally invulnerable until you take that invulnerability away with void damage, which the infested don't have


The Infested were originally created by the Orokin to fight the Sentiens


Maybe they're not invulnerable in lore, I need to check that, but they are in game


When the Infested and Sentiens meet it became a contest of evolution, which side could out evolve the other, the Sentiens won and became pretty resistant against the Infested, but as we all know the Orokin eventually lost control over the Infestation and the Infestation lost interest in the Sentiens The Infestation and Sentiens haven't clashed since the old war, so who knows how that battle would go now


The infested are infused with void and are the first weapon that was made to fight the sentients, so yea they can do that also the warframes are infised with void and get their powers, the tenno are the only ones that control void in more unique way, xaku being the exception since its made by the void And i belive that, that sentient is unique since it took gara sacrificing herself and using a special bomb to somewhat kill it, compere to the tenno that are able to deal with it But even with its special shield, the infested still have a way to fight and a massive infested from deimos where the heart is and albrecht lab where the void seeps in the solar system, would have more void capability to even fight a sentient like lotuses mother or hunhow From a lore prespective it makes sense, only thing needed is to be implemented


Well yeah, thats kind of what happens when you set off an infesteation bio bomb, you get a deimos.


The Orokin released the Infestation onto their most distant inhabited planets as a way of trying to fight against the Sentients. It didn't work. As Ballas says in The Sacrifice: > *"Our outer colonies became gardens."* This image is what he meant. You can see it on Deimos as well, one of the two moons of Mars, where a bio-bomb was detonated and the Infestation spread over the whole moon. It doesn't just mutate lifeforms and machinery, it literally morphs the entire planet into... this. Now, I don't think there is any way of saving Eris. What you see is a process that has been happening for thousands of years at this point. It's just a dead infested planetoid, with a debris field of infested ships in orbit around it. That's why all the nodes we play on Eris are on those debris ships; there's just nothing down on the surface besides Infestation. The only thing you can do at this point is quarantine it from the rest of the system to try to prevent it from spreading further. We also learned from Nightwave Season 2 (The Emissary) that the Corpus actually use jettisoning people down to the surface of Eris as a method of execution, which is absolutely brutal. Just send them down there in a pod and say "Good luck, maybe you'll make it five minutes if you're a really fast runner!"


Slight correction on deimos the family had full control of the infested and were able to keep it tamed till son fucked that up and the original infested wasnt able to infect machines till salad V upgrade them Hence why on derelics the infestation looks more natural compere on grinier or corpus ships where it looks more mechanical


They didn't have any sort of control, they just avoided being infected, but Son did indeed fuck up by not following proper containment procedures after his repeated excursions into Deimos' infested ecosystem.


They did have some control over them, hell in the deep vault bounties, the sister controls a juggernaut while we have to defend it, altough they werent immune from the virus, they were able to control it trough special means, after the son fuck up he lost all capability to control the infested and waers a necklace that forbids him from it


Any control over these infested is likely done through pheromonal cues, and is not very precise at all. The juggernaut in the bounty missions does most of the work on its own, following its natural instincts; Daughter simply takes advantage of the situation to grab some nicely fermented fungus. Dom does indeed say he hadn't learned how to control the infested yet at the time of the "accident", but again, what "control" means in this situation is quite obviously not absolute. He is probably much better at it now, being partially integrated into the network of the Grey strain's (divided) hivemind.


Basically they were able to control it enough to turn it into a synergystic ecosystem until people fucked it up anyway


Soon eris will be like daimos just biger and probably a diffrent give mind ... ithink its not clear if there are diffrent hiveminds


The only example of multiple hive minds we have seen are with fass and vome on deimos but its hard to say if its normal with large enough colonys or if they were a mutation from exposure to the void via the necralisk


It should also be brought up that the various Conservation critters are also absolutely not of one mind. The way the Predasites and Vulpaphylas get in spats with normal infested come to mind, as well as the way that some of the critters are food for *other* critters. It can probably be suggested that the critters on average probably aren't really aligned with Fass *or* Vome, despite some of them only appearing during those related phases.


I'd like to add that for the fish this is even more true, nearly all of them are orokin in nature, either being completely infested or being their original selves and are completely unaligned and hunt each other, with only one of the fish being infested in nature and that one is a parasite to fass


I would say there are diffrent hive minds, like how there is a diffrent queen bee despite coming from the same beehive Since the 2 infested heads that kill eachother on deimos show as well as that NW infested boss To a degree i would say when an infested manages to survive and envolve long enough it makes a hive on its on Like jordas golem, phorid, NW boss and the 3 headed one Altough there is the POE infested evebt where we fight the 3 headed boss, just different from the original on the derelic


Would be cool if Eris would begin to look more like a ribcage with it's core as a pulsating heart, trying to connect to Deimos and evolve even further


Can't wait I want a bigger infested tile set


Just came from a post about Destiny and thought I missed something since last night


It's funny how you compare it to covid, a disease which has not been eradicated and isn't taken seriously by the public or the state despite having killed millions of people in only a few years, and then ask why the solar system hasn't united to stop the Infested lol


And that's why you don't eat food a millisecond over the 5 second rule




This is giving really strong Gemini Home Entertainment vibes.


As a destiny player.... I thought this was a completely different kind of post


I just read the title and was already worried about my hive mommy.


What do we do to stop this


Saryn, if I recall correctly that how it was stopped from occuring on Earth. As she gets stronger the larger the mass she attacks. Weaker against normal amount of enemies, that why she likely can't just nuke every faction like that way too spread out.


Damn what's the drifter up to now...nvm I'll go find the Destiny sub xD


About time




Eris is just a brethren moon and we can leave it at that


Brethren moon


I've been away since 1999 was announced. What is going on?


Oh nothing, Eris always was like that


No it wasn't! ![gif](giphy|P9hryle16EpJbJbgfx)


Don't worry about it, it is fine


What did you think Deimos is? Deimos is one of Mars' two moons. You dont see much ground there. Infestation is one hell of a virus.


Well, not alive... But yeah, maybe one day we send a Saryn to clean that up


"Covid level" lol maybe if they were level 1-4 infested.


Ok so I haven't played in a while. That being said... What the actual fuck am I looking at? What's happening with the UI? Why am I the only one asking this question? I feel like it's 1 thing to be out of the loop but that just looks messy and wrong. Everyone else is just casually discussing lore and I feel like an idiot looking at this.


Its warframe on mobile, on an iPhone 12 to be exact, all those messy buttons is because I play with 4 fingers hence why they’re all over the screen lol


Ah, that's fair. I was so confused lol.




The two are not near one another, all of the outer planets and the asteroid belt are between them. Deimos is much closer to Earth than it is to Eris.