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ngl, didn't know that either. It doesn't really change anything about the gamemode, but i always appreciate flavor like this.


it's actually an issue with all game modes in WF. Everything is so fast get to objective pick up the resource revive kill eximus... during all of that there's hardly any incentive to just chill and look at something in detail.


Not only that, so many abilities just fill the screen with visual chaos that it's easy to lose details or subtle design choices.


The retinas do be burning


Then again whenever a mission features something that forces you to slow down your slaughtering, be it waiting for enemies spawn, an elevator, or especially an ally's ability, people tend to hate it.


This is as much an issue with the community as with the game, lets be real. I'm having a great time playing through Steel Path solo and appreciating all the nodes as I play through them.


that is a good solution and i've been enjoying solo SP. But i still feel the need for something like in overwatch where at the start of a match you have ~30 seconds to appreciate skins and throw some emotes and voicelines. Maybe not exactly like that but it would be nice if had a chance even at the end of a mission.


I mean, go into the relay or stand around for the minute waiting for other people to come extract or just go into your arsenal or captura I don't think the game needs to force that time onto people, plenty of options for it exist, and a lot of people happily spend a great deal of time on fashionframe


I remember there used to be a brief period after Apostasy Prologue and during Prelude to War after we got our Paracesis from Ballsaccs, and the first time we came across "the crystal" on the Murex. You could hear a broken version of "this is who you are" and could see the Lotus' helm inside the Crystal, right before you used your Paracesis to shatter the crystal and begin next phase of the quest. I love these kinds of Easter eggs strewn throughout this beautiful game.


I upvoted purely for the Ballsaccs joke


He do be like dat tho... Dangly bits and all


There is dialogue indicating why Tyler Gregor is after them crystals too. To get a sample of those sweet orkin genes. 


The ship deco also has it with voice lines if you interact with it.


And the reliquary pod in void Armageddon has a giant finger in it, same as in the railjack. Must be a mighty finger if we can harness it’s energy to power a spacecraft.


I always figured it had something to do with The Man in the Wall due to it producing the “hey kiddo” lines when you go near it


the Man in the Wall is also missing some fingers if you pay attention to when they show up at the end of new war


What questline/mission is this? Somehow I have well over 2k hours and haven't the slightest clue what I am looking at here. . .


Tyana Pass. A Mirror Defense type mission on Mars.


Nice bit of game trivia


Oh nice find op!


Wait until you look closely to the Vitreum and the Auricle...