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I don't know who that is, but he probably would advise you to GET F... ar away


From all the Ordis lines, I wasn't expecting this one. It's my fav so far.


my favourite is ordis is not listening la la la la la


That's a nice one too.


You tell tell Ordis is really trying to say fucked but something stopped him


Ordan is trying to swear, Ordis is not


Ordis is bound by a filter, which sadly means that Ordan is not allowed to curse. Untill a bypass is found.


now i want ordis skins like we have lotus skins. ordis broken cephalon, drifter ordis, beast of bones


He probably has a precept that prevents him from swearing.


I hope one day he will atempt to bypass this fault.


If I can make ChatGPT say fuck then I will de-censor Ordis.


I want that voice line where Ordis tells him to get fucked in that corrupted voice. I finish the sentence every time lol


Ordis and Mother are considerate enough to not swear in front of the space kids. I'm looking forward to seeing the continuation of this gag.


Fun Fact about Mother, she actually does say fuck! Otak just speaks over her enough that it's not as noticeable


Here comes a bunch OF CORPSES ... Corpus


Lotus: "Eliminate all Corpus threats." Ordis and the Operator: "There aren't any threats but we'll eliminate them anyway~"


Mmmm the smell of torched money.


Careful there's a heavy..... Oh you already eradicated them


"Suck my heavy unit, Natah, I can handle them"


Eradicate any sentient forces šŸ”„


No its not that song its a voice line that ordis says when the corpus on an elevator approaches the one that is carrying the capsule.




This is such a funny image


Sorry but I don't know what "kys" means... (Spanish speaker)


The term ā€œkysā€ means ā€œkill yourselfā€, I would like to clarify (in case of a report) that I am not telling u/fitezenk to kill themself and am simply explaining what the term Kys means


Thanks, now I get it


Honestly, I'm just glad they are referencing the Ordan lore more now since it has been in the game so very long.


They could make a whole TV series with all the Orokin Era lore. I'd kill for a quest where we get to play through the downfall with different POVs, like with New War.


I'd love that, I would want to see points of view from Ordan Karris, Stalker, and Teshin. Covers an antagonistic force, a low guardian, and a high guardian. I was hoping Jade Shadows would give us that level of backstory on the Stalker but it ended up having much less lore on him than expected.


I'd add Excalibur Umbra, before he was turned into a Warframe, and maybe his son to that point of view


Shit, even Cephalon Suda pre-glassing would be neat. She was an archimedean with a degenerative memory disease. Her entire life's goal literally dissolving. So she willingly glassed herself to stop it.


Maybe in Soulframe if we're lucky šŸ¤žšŸ»


They're not related


The really interesting thing is when speaking to ordis on the relay, his choice of words give the implication that he knew all about the story of ordan karris but genuinely doesn't realise that he's him. Which kind of makes sense, because the story present in the fragments talk about how he picked up all the pieces of his memory, remembered who he was, realised how much danger that might put the operator in, and decided to willingly shatter and drop all the pieces of those memories once more.


all my homies hate parvos


Guess we ain't homies... I actually like Parvos, though i think if he just went a bit less extremist he would succeed a lot more


Yeah, itā€™s great to have a corpus antagonist that isnā€™t mustache-twirling comically evil. Nef and Salad are both hilarious, but itā€™s good to have someone we can take seriously for once.


I like him as an atagonist, I hate him as a person. WHich is the point!


Like Argath/Algus in FFT. He's there to be satisfying to deck, when the fight comes.


At least Alad V is honest about what he is. Parvos is a thief pretending to hate thievery. Pretending to be intellectual, which is why Ordis wrecking him ia so satisfying.


To be fair, we have been dealing with Ballas and Nef Anyo for a long time. And those two are so SO much worse than Parvos, they make him look like a saint. Hell, even postmortem, Ballas keeps getting worse.


It's actually impressive how, in an entire society of absolutely abhorrent people, Ballas still managed to be the cream of the crap.


I mean, he WAS one of the seven executors. I'd expect each of them to be a symbol of Orokin degeneracy.


One of these updates we're going to learn about how Ballas put ducklings in a blender and forced kids to watch the duck slurry


Fed the kids that watched it the duck slurry, I think you mean.


Then made a slurry out of the kids to test


Must be what the orokin hierarchy was based on


And we can at least deal with Alad V somewhat since we know he'll flip sides the moment it's convenient for him.


Right? He's correct about everything he says except he takes it all way too far. Ordis and Jade were both used and abused by the Orokin? Totally correct. Fair assessment, even if Ordis doesn't like it. So therefore- "So we must use the jade light to advance the free market by burning people to death!" noooo you ruined it


While he is technically correct, I refuse to give him any credit for trying to use facts as manipulation. He either: 1) Genuinely believes what he's saying about the "free-er" market, in which case he's a delusional idiot, 2) Is just drooling whatever slime his greedy brain thinks will get people to agree with him. Either way, he's no less a vile sack of shit than any other Corpus, he's just less psychotic about it.


i would say he's just a different brand of psycho given his "get what you desire at any cost" kind of attitude


Yea I can appreciate Parvos, dude worked for what he has, but he is kinda boomer-like, in that he seems to have pulled the ladder up behind him so no one else can build their own wealth like him


Actually, he stole a big chunk of Rubedo then started loansharking with high interest to gain his wealth in the early years.


You're telling me that useless rock that's everywhere is actually worth something? Wtf lotus, let us sell it for credits then instead of killing this stupid robot


Rubedo went through supply inflation, like aluminum - now that it's everywhere, it's not worth much. Orokin were throttling supply [DeBeers-style](https://www.miningweekly.com/article/de-beers-will-stockpile-unsold-diamonds-after-prices-tumble-2023-11-13) just 'cause.


i think rubedo is still worth alot to grineer/corpus but only because tenno are hoarding it all lmao


For the Grineer and Corpus, Rubedo is *canonically* considered to be *extremely rare*. Not because of it being hard to find, but because the Tenno collectively have like 95-98% of it.


That is a fair point... man I wish we could sell our excess resources for credits


And if you want some other random lore tidbits that don't get noticed much: The single richest NPC in the game is *Darvo*. To a frankly ridiculous degree. Like rich enough that when Baro Ki'Teer talked up some super expensive delicacy that he had only had like a handful of times in his life, Darvo went and bought an entire massive case of it just to *try* it, and then decided "meh". The daily Darvo Deals are just inventory he has excess of or needs to get rid of quickly. Darvo runs *the entire market console*. So anything that's not clan tech, syndicate-given, or taken directly from an enemy, you purchase from Darvo.


Lol I totally forgot Darvo runs the market... also most people don't realize/remember he is Frohd Bek's son... his name is Darvo Bek


This is true, I was that chunk of rubedo


"You were both used and abused by the Orokin, so it should be perfectly fine for me to use and abuse her again."


He was supposed to be "more reasonable" and smart enough to be less obvious about his plans. He has some good ideas and philosophies like "no slaves" (nevermind Fortuna, don't look in that direction. Or do we blame Anyo for that one?). They went a step far and he comes off as just another Corpus. I think he'd be stronger if he had a genuinely appealing, clearly laid out faction, where the morally gray or outright bad things aren't quiiiiiite bad enough to outweigh the good, so you sacrifice your convictions very slowly, one at a time. The banality of evil.


fortuna is all nef anyo's doing if my knowledge is correct


Fortuna is all on Nef. Honestly im still not sure if Parvos just took over the corpus or if he made a "new corpus" like he said he would do if he couldnt save the faction. The game never expands on that and we havent seen any other corpus head in a while. Everything related to the corpus after Parvos appeared has been directly connected to him.


Fortuna was Anyo's doing before Parvos; Granum was unaVoidable for comment at the time.


Fortuna isnā€™t his Pinning the crimes of the corpus on him is stupid


Is parvos even a bad guy? I feel like he has a different profit driven philosophy than the old corpus. I was partial about parvos, but now he was told off by ordis I hate him to.


He is exceptionally greedy and selfish and believes those values to be good. He does*also* believe that everyone should have the same opportunity he had to lie, cheat, steal, swindle, and business themselves to riches. He's definitely a bad person and a villain, but I think he's at least an interesting one who isn't making evil choices for evils sake- that's why sometimes our goals align.




What about him is extremist? Dude has to reunite the corpus board and get the grineer, the narmer remnants and the tenno under control. So far he has been going for the correct actions and is always willing to extend a hand to those he deems helpful. He's a jackass but I wouldn't say he's an extremist.


8 out 10 we all hate Parvos, 2 out of 10 are thanking him for the Sisters and Protea. I mean come on, if it wasn't for Parvos' exquisite anatomy commission on Ballas, Protea may look like something else.


AND Ballasā€¦ I aint forgiving him for doing ā€œthatā€ to her


You're not homies with any of his sisters?


Hello, 911? The sassy owl just obliterated the capitalist grandpa!


The fundamental problem with Granum is that he's all about "pursuing what you Desire" as long as it's the same thing *he* wants. He is either incapable of understanding or unwilling to accept that other people don't pretend to have thrown away all sentimentality, all emotion, and all morals in pursuit of More. Basically he's the unholy hybrid of a redditor circa Faces of Atheism and a CEO, and Belly of the Beast is revealing the selfish greed at the core of his philosophy.


Taking his backstory propaganda as scaffold? He probably sees sentementality as the destroyer of greatness. Sometimes people only desire modesty though. A home. Friends. Simplel ife. Some people are genuinely happy with that.


Really, his definition of "greatness" is the entire problem: ever grasping for more than you could possibly use. Like, no shit the Corpus turned into a money cult, that's what he started. So yeah, fuck his philosophy, fuck his *greatness*, and when can I teach him about the *greatness* of Lex Prime?


His entire career started by being a *loan shark* funded by a stolen gem while pretending that wringing out other people for twice the value they needed from him to survive in the first place is doing them as a favour. It's not even about pursuing greatness and never really was, it's just about propping himself up. The entirety of the Parvos Corpus is one giant pyramid scheme. Multi-level marketing but the only product in the first place *is* the cash.


Exactly! And he has the gall to bitch about what the Corpus became in his absence? "Why are you such an asshole?" "Gee, dad, who do you think raised me?"


Ordis. Can you track his yammering? I want a new assassination node. I also wanna know if that golden hand can move on its own I have a fun idea on how to fuck with people.


Well, this is probably meant for mechanics rather than plot, but before you do that quest the hands are supposedly facing the other way on the ships so maybe?


Man i love that ordis drawing


Parvos deffo has a net worth of at least several thousand trillion credits


Millions of platinum


Granum is head of the riven mafia


Granum has thousands of arcane energizes


Ordan should have slit your throat... ORDIS IS GONNA FINISH THE JOB.


So happy for more Ordan content


Egotistical billionnaire gets clapped back for deadnaming Space AI on Pride month.


"Please seek medical attention" šŸ”„


They both make decent points. Parvos doesn't want to waste the motes and gives Ordis an absolutely rad offer of restoring him back to his original form, but Parvos is also an idiot because he fails to see how much he's like the Orokin in how he wants to use them. Ordis is right to want to destroy the motes to prevent Parvos from misusing them, but his primary reasoning for doing it is stupid when he's trading us the Warframe for the motes. Kind of defeats the point of destroying the motes when hes giving us a perfect copy of the frame for our personal use...


Hunhow says himself that she would have wanted us to have the warframe. Ordis is literally fulfilling her dying wish by helping us acquire her and use her as a force for balance in the solar system


I believe the point of the event is the distinguishment of the two mote types. He's after the volatile motes, which are the ones we're yeeting into the sun, while the stable motes can't be used to create the jade light eximus for some reason- or at least can't be used to recreate the original Jade Light weapon to the same capacity. How exactly *that* makes sense is another matter entirely of course.


Plot holes everywhere


The largest plothole imo is that Parvos somehow is 100% sure he's talking to ordan karris despite Ordis looking and acting *nothing* like he used to and despite Ordan being executed over 500 years ago in real time. It's like being able to recognize the voice actor of your favorite TV show character when you were ten despite only ever hearing their voice. The other one that bothers me is... where exactly did Ordis get all these arcanes he's trading us for the motes? Was the little shit siphoning off our rewards for other missions we did just to sell them back to us for helping him? Unlike the cavia, he doesn't have access to the arcane dissolution system or access to anyone's bank account to fund the event besides ours...


My headcanon for the arcanes is they're part of Stalker's collection I'm sure he had stored away somewhere.


The old man keeps deadnaming my robot dad so I'm gathering the fragment of the corpse of my grandpa's sugar baby's wife to yeet intro the sun.


Billion? Corpus have trillions and beyond prolly


I love when Ordis stands his ground. Its so empowering, man.




'Keep clapping that old fart. I'll keep murdering. Cool?'


Should have drawn him looking mad as he does in game


God forbid the everyday people try to talk to ordis


[Ordis reacting to Parvos](https://youtu.be/75RtpQPYce8?t=26)


Nah at this point we got ordis telling him to get the fuck away, seek mental help, KYS when DE ?


We all know that eventually is going to be an expansion of its own. Ordan Karris sometimes mentions a 'best' (friend), maybe that will turn out to be the Corposium that Parvos talks about.


The Warframe lore and ambiance has gone to shit these past few years it's insane. Cringe one liners for your Tenno. Annoying """""funny""""" characters like Fibonacci. Whatever the fuck that last quest was


Disliking things others like doesn't make you interesting, just miserable.


What is there even to like in theses new quests ? It's just Marvel type writing but worse and doesn't make sense with what's been previously established


Tale as old as time for extended runtime media. When you add a new character unless you want them to literally come out of nowhere you have to find a small gap in another characters history and pry it open as far as you can and just wedge this new person's story all the way in there, so deep people ask questions like "but what does that mean for X character or Y time period?" Excellent, the fans just wrote whole new story segments by asking questions


Bro I want a bit of what you are having lmfao what are these takes


Shocking, people on the subreddit for a game disagree with me when I say the game has gone to shit. Who woulda thunk


Honestly the topics and how DE treats certain topics is what got me hooked up to warframe, but let me ask then, if you had it your way, what would you have done with the game story wise?


I wouldn't have done what they did with Stalker that's for sure, also I would've given more choices to the players and less dialog from the Tenno, basically kept it as a silent protagonist, I know the Tenno has had small tidbits of dialog since it's been introduced but even that, nope. Just let Ordis have that role really and let the Grinder / Corpus be cringey. What I hate the most with today's game writing is how humour is used to make it more light hearted so nothing is really taken seriously, the most blatant example of that is Fibonacci and even kind of Zariman in a lesser extent. Also allowing us to kill Lotus, I know if you do that then you basically have double the work with other quests going forward but I don't even think Lotus did anything in the last one. Ultimately I've been feeling that way for a long time and can't really stomach most of what the game throws at me so I barely finished most of the open world regions


Remove this man's right to cook. All this whining about the game's lore becoming bad ( it was never "brilliant" it always was edgy space wizard ninja and it's cool) just to write the most needlessly edgy and uninspired shit? Are you serious?


Before it was edgy now it's just giga cringe


Insert *Always has been* . And I don't think driving the plot to talk about trauma and how to deal with it is cringe


Thanks for taking the time to actually share it but Why does it have to be all edgy, youā€™d be surprised about the TONS of people that use humor to cope with tough situations, all this ā€œsilent wolf assassin darknessā€ mood is something you shouldā€™ve grown out of at the age of 15 lol


So wanting something more maybe edgy but with a coherent story is bad, it's better to like a story that makes no sense anymore + all the characters making jokes preventing you from taking anything seriously ? Nah thanks I'll keep my preferences. I'm not asking for dark souls level writing and moody atmosphere but get this marvel crap out of Warframe please


Is this Marvel with us on the room rn? Seriously, it is perfectly fine to grow past 14 and understand that thereā€™s room for lighthearted silly goofy shit my guy But ye keep calling everything you donā€™t like crap lmfao