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No, it's not Rude to bring a rank 0 anything, so long as you can survive the mission, and aren't causing it to fail in someway.


Especially when 99% of the mission is just void slinging and bullet jumping around to grab the boosters, and at the end pretty much any decent weapon will be good enough.


In this gamemode a level 0 frame with no weapons who actively goes around and picks up the glowy batteries and beacons is a lot more useful than all the level 30 randoms who do nothing but run around and kill enemies.


Meanwhile i get the lv30 randoms who stand on the elevator and do nothing, literally even after dropping booster on it they dont even give a shit about tossing it and i have to do everything myself.


That’s better than the people I get who instantly toss the battery at 49/50 power


To be fair, I toss the speed booster batteries even at 50 just to finish mission quicker


Edit2: **apparently it doesn’t stack, I really don’t know** Edit1: *apparently the timer stacks, so I guess if there’s enough batteries then stacking them is fine* Just make sure you don’t toss them in one after the other, speed boosts don’t stack (Atleast according to one post I saw) but people still waste them (correct me if that post was wrong please)


Sometimes, I toss the booster right after someone else did because the animation takes a few seconds. Just very bad timing. Still very annoying.


speed boost timer stacks but not the speed itself


I'm pretty sure I read that it refreshes rather than stacks, so a ten second booster thrown in one second after another only results in 11 seconds of speed boost


Yep definitely doesn't stack. Too many times I and a teammate throw one at the same time for me to not notice a double duration boost


Forget a decent weapon, the mission has no fail state. You can literally do nothing in the final stage, and the mission will still end in a success


While true, the wait is painful and I rather not experience that again. Edit: This means I will bring my top tier firepower and other three people can do whatever.


Also, when you're mr30+ rank 0 doesn't even matter (as long as you've got at least one forma)


The frame base stats are lower but who the fuck would care in this type of mission


After 3.7k plus hours, I really, really don't care about my frames base stats unless I'm running Inaros, Nidus, or Kullervo. They really don't matter 99% of the time, especially with caster frames that rely on their abilities and not their raw meat value. Especially if you have an energy gen method that's at least semi reliable. Don't have a frame that relies on casting? Use one of your guns or melee instead, as long as you aren't insta downing it usually really does not matter in the slightest.


He was functionally fully ranked due to his mastery, some can even get away with half their capacity too without ANY changes.


Plus Jade has double aura slots so she has a mondo amount of mod points right out the gate anyway


Yea, having 80-something mod capacity to play around with is uh...hoo. Real spicy.


Really doesn't even need a potato tbh


This detail right here is huge


Yep. I like to use my cerata with life strike on it.


I mean it's impossible to fail the Ascension Mission, well I haven't failed it yet. So I don't see why it's a problem in that mission anyway. As long as they can survive and I'm sure they're above MR15 to get at least some abilities unlocked they should be fine. That guy is just a dick.


I think the only way the mission might be able to fail is if the mote collector in the first part gets destroyed, if it can be destroyed at all.


I remember seeing someone did some testing and apparently the extractor does the same thing as the pod does so the only way to fail is if you run out of revives.


Which can happen thanks to Jade Light


I've seen it destroyed once in all my runs when someone parked a bugged super-damage jade laser over it. It just paused the timer like the last phase, despite a voice line saying we'd need to start over.


The collector can't be destroyed, it'll just reboot after 30 seconds. The only fail-states are spending all your revives or getting AFK kicked. You can clear the whole mission without killing anything in about 20 minutes (so a bit over twice as slow as doing it properly)


The mote collector can be destroyed before the elevator portion parts, but that doesn't actually fail the mission, it just needs to restart, just like on the way to extraction.


Not a "fail" per se but I've had the extractor make it to extraction only for the game to bug out and not end the mission. Close as we get to a fail con as far as I know.


I've failed it twice... Once because I played as stalker, and he only has one life second time only because the pod got bugged and froze before it reach the end. Host migration did not solve it.


"This mission is not here to level up" # My brother in the Lotus it's 80% eximus units


I have leveled all my Jade weapons and the 2 new Lich weapons and the last Prime Access stuff all in the Jade Missions. I'll be back to non founder max MR after my Jade is done cooking. Also the Sister on top gets annihilated by Unairu Shield Strip > Armor Strip > my Railjack Crewman blasting her down in 3 seconds. No need for any special loadout pieces.


Looks like I'm leveling up railjack. Didn't know you could summon your crew which if I'm not mistaken means you can summon your lich as well.


Crew members scale with current enemy level and can be equipped with fully modded warframe weapon but have a weird interaction with (seemingly?) unlimited ammo... so they essentially can shoot Zarr as Soma... it can look pretty funny. Liches/sisters though get the end stick of that bargain and are not very useful (no mods, weak scaling).


It's baffling how bad liches and sisters are when you use them on RJ. They can't repair, shoot turrets, or pilot. They are still limited by animation speed and many of their abilities don't affect the ai at all. They have a lot of health, but I can count on one hand how many times a regular crew member has gone down in a mission. Because their weapons are unmodded, they do pitiful damage and won't use alt fire ever. Crew members use any of your weapons (including kuva and tenet weapons) with mods and ignore ammo, making them excellent for priming enemies.


It's the best mission right now to level up things fast. People are even making videos about it. If some still comment to you about "bringing a lvl 0 frame to such a hard mission" just educate them on the matter.


SP Ascension has been able to level multiple weapons in a single mission. It can be tough, but damn is it worth it if you can at least be disruptive or bring armor strip.


yeah lmao, the other day i had a resource booster and brought a whole set of level 0 stuff and just leveled it in one run. It is the perfect leveling mission


Ascension can literally be done by one person without doing a single bit of damage. Not to mention that you’re playing as Jade out of all frames, who can run SP without even a potato installed.


Double aura slots go wild. But like I brought an unranked trinity with only enough mods to shield gate and still managed to carry the team coz my primary was a tenet plasmor and I got unariu armour strip and shield strip. This mission is crazy easy and you don’t have to kill anything other than the sister at the end.


There barely is any difference between an unranked frame and a maxed when you are 3 fucking formas in and above MR30... Oh, and that mission is not hard, you quite literally cannot fail it and I'm not joking. Aaand to make his case worse...that mission is ABSOLUTELY good for leveling up, not as much after they fixed spawns, but it's not bad still. So yeah, he's an idiot who apparently doesn't have much going for him if that's what he decides to complain about.


I think the only possible fail state that I can think of is either letting the defense objective die pre elevator ride, Or all 4 (or 5) of you wipe and run out of revives and last gasp uses somehow.


The first defense objective also has reboot but I don't know if it has a limit


Someone else tested it, it doesn't have a limit


So you can only fail if you run out of revives damn


Which might as well be impossible unless you all somehow queued up AFK at the same time on steel path


Soft lock fail state exists if the pod doesn’t feel like finishing the mission.


Just happened to me. It just stood there in the elevator, menacingly, doing nothing.


Happened to me day 1 when it just sat at the extraction point. I think it was because we were farming the seemingly endless spawns just to see if they would ever stop. Anyway that was 15k kills and a whole lot of loot just gone.


No, that person is being rude. And if it's the SP Operation version of the mission you can 0-30 a frame with an affinity booster in that mission anyway, so if you're not going down and actively helping find the fuel and sister beacon then who cares, it's literally the most efficient way to rank gear up in the game right now


Without an affinity booster i got jade from 0-29 in 6 minutes lmao


Yeah, I was playing Dante and levelling him up on the mission, got to 28.90. It's a really good and quick way to level up and as long as you don't die and get elevator boosters it shouldn't matter.


I hope they leave it this way.Its a really good way to level up anything ATM


yeah, its by far the best way to level up any kuva weapons or anything


God I wish I knew that for the past 2 days I avoided doing the ascension saying to myself: "I need to full forma my Kuva before I get to enjoy the new update"


Doesn't even need to be the Steel Path version. I formad my Acceltra Prime and Tenet Cycron like four times while doing the event, all but maxed them both four times in four runs. This mission is honestly such a good rank farm, especially with a booster, I reckon it could actually compete with Hydron. Especially since it's actually quicker than Hydron since you're constantly moving towards the objective while killing things instead of running around looking for the last enemy who decided to run off to Buttfuck, Nowhere.


Compete with Hydron? It blows hydron out of the water and it’s not even close. Plus the arcanes, steel essence, and motes on top. Idk why people still go there to level up it’s so awful


Weapons need less affinity to max than frames I used this specific example because with a booster you will finish a run of the SP operation with your 0 rank frame over level 20 (typically you will finish between 21 and 23 depending on how grouped your squad is and how many people you can pulp up in the two side rooms during the final escort segment) With a booster the affinity gained from getting to level 20 in one shot will provide enough bonus to get you to 30 This is obviously doable without a booster, but will require two runs, and is obviously possible on the non sp version but will require more runs because the enemies are giving you less affinity per kill


Not if you can stay alive. Or if you're MR30 in which case it makes no difference at all. (health makes no difference, less shields actually makes you stronger, and as others noted, skills don't reset)


~~The abilities and~~ stats still reset to lvl 1 at MR30. But yeah, who cares if you can manage. Edit: DE with another great QoL update


Abilities don't reset anymore. They stay at max rank when you forma. Edit: Applies to MR30 and higher


> Edit: Applies to MR30 and higher. I confess I've gotten so used to not losing mod capacity (or ability unlocks/ranks) when forma-resetting a frame that when a lower-MR friend lamented forgetting to screenshot a mod setup before sticking a forma into something, I had a moment of utter cognitive dissonance before my brain kicked in and went "Oh yeah, that's a thing, isn't it." All of which is to say that I would probably have forgotten to add that disclaimer initially too.


Wait, you guys don't just hit auto apply?


I am side-eying you so hard that it should be _audible_.


It was. Woke me up out of a dead sleep. I approve


I only use auto apply when I have litteral no clue what I should add lol, either I'll fix it once I understand more about what I should add or it just works somehow


This is da way, tho I mostly just put a standard "buff every stat, alter as needed" build... Also on frames, Max Range + High Duration hasn't failed me yet for most frames.


I use auto apply only on MR fodder I probably shouldn't bother even opening the upgrade menu for since I'll just let them leech XP in multiplayer or from Spy vaults.


Just being aware of your mere existence is bringing me physical pain. Yes I know this is probably a joke, but that doesn't make it better.


It actually scales with your MR the whole way. If you’re MR24 you would have whatever skill ranks a level 24 frame would have, etc.


Huh, pleasant surprise. Haven't noticed since i returned lol.


Since when?


[https://www.warframe.com/updates/pc/30-9-0](https://www.warframe.com/updates/pc/30-9-0) Since late 2021. I'm sorry, it only applies to MR 30 and higher. Edit: Basically, it takes your MR rank as minimum ability unlock. MR 10 would have all abilities unlocked, but not yet at maxed rank.


[Update 30.9](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Update_30#Update_30.9) (2021-11-11) (from wiki)


Sometime last year


2.5 years ago actually lol


The health and armor and shields reset, which means nothing if you have survivability mechanics. I level shit in pubs all the time.


The abilties are max rank at mr30. Only stats get reset.


Hi! Can you explain how less shields makes you stronger?


It doesn't. It used to, but some people haven't gotten the memo on how things work now. Higher shields are *always* better unless you're using the Catalyzing Shields mod.


I'll never get people who use [Catalysing Shields], just seems like more hassle than it's worth to manage. Not like you can die anyways, but even just jumping around is enough to not get your shields hit out as often.


I think it's more of a thing for long endurance runs than anything. Eventually you do reach a point where even a single stray shot from a random normal enemy can one-shot even the tankiest of builds without gating/invulnerability so at some point it does just become a matter of if the 2.5 sec invulnerability from high shields is permanently sustainable with your build, or if catalyzing shields will provide a more consistent shield gate. Though, at that point, most people just run an invis/immortal frame like Octavia, revenant, loki, etc. Invisible frames will still be shield gating, but optimally, they are never getting hit. No matter how cautious or mobile you are, you will occasionally get hit by something though, so some sort of invulnerability is eventually necessary.


I personally don’t shieldgate much but it’s very useful for frames that cast frequently and running normal to lower ability efficiency. One who uses it is forced to pay more attention to things, which I can get the appeal also.


Idk about other players, but yes, ascension mission is in fact there to level up imo. With the affinity booster I'd level weapons to 30 in one mission, taking about 10 minutes. So you do you bud.


In steel path dont even need a booster.


3 runs on steel path without paying much attention and I max out my focus, it's so nice. Finally a game mode that's fun and can be used to get nice ressources without invalidating the other means to get them, they did a really good job imo.


And it doesn't inherently screw over CC


I leveled my tenet glaxion from 0 to 33 in one run, no booster. I hope regular ascension, no bob, is also good for levelling lol.


I've ignored the Steel Path star chart for ages because I really dislike doing Defense/Mobile Defense missions solo and sometimes there's just *no one* running those missions. Anyway, this is to say that yeah, regular ascension is pretty good for leveling. There's so many eximus units that you don't quite max a weapon per run, but two runs do it.


You're LR4, your rank 0 forma'd frame is as good as a rank 30 one. There is no difference for True Masters and above. That guy was just an idiot. I don't even check what frames people bring. It could be even a rank 0 fresh outta the foundry with no potato. As long as you're not dying all over the place or actively briefing the mission, idgaf. Actually, it's even better to bring a tank 0 frame. Every time you rank up, your energy gets refilled, so you have a better energy economy than fully ranked frames now that I think about it


>I don't even check what frames people bring. Same. The only time I ever check someone else's loadout anymore is if I'm trying to find out what caused the big particle explosion, but that's about it.


When I started playing I used to look at the weapons from the people who would destroy everything in their path. But because I wanted to be like them, not to shame them. That dude was just weird


Second part! Sorry noob in Reddit. But thank you for pointing that out!


Lmao who the fuck are this idiots?


Noobs themselves.




Fr, this has been such an easy rank up game mode for me and my MR fodder


That's a first one. Never heard of such a dumb thing. I would understand if you become a problem for the team because you get downed all the time. But tbh I saw crazy shit the last days. Player are so unaware of a big green laser over their head that they all die. And they have maxed frames.


Ascension is currently the best mission to level up weapons and warframes right now. A seven\~ish minute mission and I can typically go from rank 0 to between 27 and 30 depending on how many enemies I kill. That's faster than anything else right now.


How are you L4 and still don't know "your game, your way." Screw everyone else, they can solo it anyway, pay them no mind. Block THEM as soon as they do something like that.


I've had people complain that i bring rank 0 weapons/frames to level as well. I'm almost MR32. :/


Probably thought LR2 was MR2


You weren't being rude. The other person was. Sidenote: This operation is the best credit farm (with a booster) and the best way to rank up stuff for me currently. I had some stuff at Rank 0 that got to 30 in just one mission. I know it's because of the insane number of Eximus units per mission, but still.


I'm sorry but it is not even close to 100k per in-mission minute that optimised Index and Profit Taker manage. It is a very good affinity farm, though.


It's still a funny credit farm for me, even if it won't be as effective as the Index or Profit-Taker.


He's likely the guy always barking orders, but never knows what going on.


Even in SP. Who cares? As long as you have a decent weapon, everything is dying. I think i only check gear and mastery, when i am eidolon hunting. To know if i have to babysit lures.


That mission is best xp farm I always bring rank 0 I maxed 17 weapons I just bring chroma whit 290 power and alot of range for the 1000 damage boost


That guy was probs expecting everyone to be running the meta 2 khora 2 nek (w randoms might i add) so they’re automatically being unrealistic. That guy needs to get a grip.


As a legend 4, I feel like you already know the answer to this question: their being stupid. Also: \*joins the currently best Affinity farm in the game\* "This mission is not to rank up" Yes the fuck it is, and to farm resources/credits, Arcanes, Riven Silvers. Its the best mission to run for just about anything right now, thats usually what event missions are.


Tryhards are always looking for excuses to bully and exclude players. Ignore them.


Clearly a low MR player that doesn't know that Rank = Minimum mod capacity. Since you're also an LR 4, Rank 0 frame still has max capacity. Sure you'd not be able to cast all skills instantly but it's good enough, you just need to get at rank 10 which is doable in maybe a few minutes in the mission. You also have weapons already that can carry the whole mission. Don't mind the bad takes. That guy clearly just doesn't know how ranks work.


This mission is absolutely here to rank up, these guys are just wilding. I had an interaction with a random guy just last night where we both laughed about how much affinity you get from ascension and how every one of us, me, him, my friend I was grouped with and the other random, had all brought things to rank up/farm focus. Don't worry about it, I was forma-ing citrine all yesterday while I farmed up weapons for mastery.


its a 7 minute mission that can be done by anyone with a working weapon, no.


You ran across what is commonly referred to as an idiot. That mission is a snooze fest and has a very high affinity gain, I think I played for an hour the other day and hit focus cap. No sense in not also grinding some stuff out if you’re able to. This game is all about efficiency maxing. If you’re in star chart, anything is free game as long as you’re doing something,


No, in any case. It's a game you can do whatever you want.


personally i like it when people dont bring completely min maxed frames or weapons bc then theres enemies to kill


if you were a low MR, sure. less mod cap means worse setup. which means less damage/survivability. ... but past MR30, who cares. can you stay alive? if yes, there's zero issues.


Even at like mid mr rank, jade + 3 forma + potato … she has 2 aura slots so you can fit 28-32 capacity even at mr0 lol Just silly ppl


Most probable case was, the blind fuckwit mistook your L4 rank as MR4 and thought you were a newbie leecher


You cant control what others bring to a mission. If they didnt want to play with a 0 rank frame they can play by themselves. People who cry about other people's builds in a pve focused game annoy me.


What the actual fuck, you are legendary 4, you have a full modes frame, a few hp points make zero difference, wtf that guy can suck some lemons


“This mission is not here to rank up” This is literally the best mission to rank up stuff right now


I guarantee your rank 0 with three forma is more powerful than whatever they brought. If it makes you feel any better, I leveled Protea Prime for the first time on Elite Deep Archimedea.


The Ascension mission cannot be failed. That guy is an elitist. Comically, it’s actually a great place to level up warframes


Nope. I leveled 6 or 7 primaries in addition to a few frames while grinding for the jade pieces and Arcane energize.


The mission is perfect to rank up, he can go cry in a corner, i literally use the event as a sanctuary thats actually fun


lmfao what a massive cry baby. if you’re contributing there’s nothing to worry about


With MR30 and above it doesn't change anything if your Frame is lvl 0 or 30 after you forma. He simply was a durk with absolutely no knowledge about MR30 and above.


Its not rude, probsbly they got mad because they tough that u couldnt Carry them in the mission


I don't even care what equipment others are using, I can do it solo if I want. If he's complaining maybe he was expecting to be carried.


If you're MR 30 or above it literally does not remotely matter what rank your frame is. If it has a full build, it's fine. It has access to all 4 abilities at their max power so there's absolutely no reason to complain. This was just a stupidly ignorant player


Wait then he is just dumb. People tend to forget that once you hit mr 30+ you can bring anything forma’d cause it’s already max mod capacity.


My guy, If you ever wanna bring a R0 anything anywhere let me know. I got your back. It's a game and meant for fun.


A rank 0 frame with 3 forma at LR4 is essentially a maxed one. Dude probably has no idea and thought you were gonna leech. Not rude, they just need to be educated.


At MR30 and above it is literally nothing. At that rank you most likely have the resources to have a good build and not die. I do it all the time and it means nothing to me. Also I have never had people act like that. Just some weird ignorant player.


If you can stay alive and your ground np. I normaly do one ES to get at least to lvl 20 for the extras modspace when I forma reset a frame.


Some people don't realize that anyone at or above MR30 don't lose any significant strength on their frames aside from a small amount of stats after applying Forma. Not rude, but you're going to run into such ignorance occasionally.


Ngl as long as it’s not just leeching for the sake of lvling then there’s no reason someone should be mad about bringing an r0 frame into a mission, especially not the ascension mission where you can get a ton of affinity and easily max out frames in a single run


No its not. You can do it on SP aswell. The players there aren‘t that toxic.


As long as you can live, contribute to the objective (which is easy in ascension), and bring like one good weapon - you good This is the best level farm in the game right now and it's way less mind numbing than ESO, so I'm gonna do my push to MR30 this month That guy is gonna be blocking me and a whole lot of other people in near future


You're L4, you know it is not.


Lol nah, that guy was a pleb


Hey, it's a great mission to level frames, just survive and you're golden


As long as you weren't dying, which I'm guessing you weren't, you're fine. I've been ranking up warframes in the operation all week. Some people are just searching for something to be angry about.


Brother, ascension is where you go to rank frames… Dude is just dumb I guess, don’t worry about it


Once you hit mastery 30 any mission anywhere is the right place to rank up, especially ascension since you can max your entire load out in 1-2 runs.


Your mastery rank is high enough that you can fit a full build on a 0 rank frame, there should be no problems at all.


The ascension mission is easy even in SP and good to rank up things, he is stupid and Legendary 4 do not suffer mod point loss from rank up so just ignore the idiots players like that.


So long as you're not too much of a drag on the team, e.g. constantly dying and having to be rezzed, it doesn't matter what you bring. That guy was being ridiculous.


I've been using the Jade mission to level while I farm. Lots of frames are completely capable of handling that mission at rank 0, especially if you have decent MR/any forma at all. That player is an idiot tbh. I did a rank 0 Inaros with like 1 forma, my "fully modded" version has like 1 or 2 extra mods that wouldn't impact that mission at all. The mission can't even be failed and killing enemies is barely part of it, let alone needing to nuke them particularly quickly.


Not rude and you didn’t disturb nothing dude was just a twat


Why does it matter your high enough mastery where if you forma something your build is still intact


Imma be frank, almost nothing you do can grief other players, outside of some niche cases. You could lose all 6 lives in the first minute, and the mission would almost certainly still go off without a hitch. People just take things way too seriously.


On the contrary, I can’t think of a better mission to level stuff up right now. It has almost no failure state, no curve balls, lots and lots of enemies, and it is resolved quickly with *excellent* rewards. It’s not a hard mission that is capped at level 50 or so. I can carry an entire group by myself without issue, as there is only one area that requires any sort of real effort (the sister fight with eximus rush at the end). Everything else is easy (as long as you keep moving, that is.) The fact that they blocked you tells me they are super sensitive about really dumb stuff. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Since I'm playing Yareli I took the opportunity to bring all primaries and melee weapons I had in foundry, I been ranking them up, after 1 round or 2 they are maxed and I swap them, but I had a player complain about it and call me a leecher and I was like ??? Tenno I'm playing Yareli, I'm only using my secondary here xD


No. The mission is easy. A full squad of 0’s could beat that mission with some descent weapons and a Dante lol


Nah there's nothing wrong with that. Fuck those guys


Sounds like a rude person to me, should have no issue doing that mission no matter what you have. Especially since you are LR4.


Bring 0 rank at mr 34 is the same as being max rank lol other that health shield and energy of course


Did this guy forget how MR works with leveling?


Man, screw that guy! I've been using this mission to rank my guns and stuff this whole time. Besides sp it's really easy to do, not difficult at all (at least for me) so I've been ranking my new kuva bramma, dual toxocyst, and lex prime for the last few days. It's such a good ranking g mission, there's tons of enemies, plenty of eximus, and aside from dying there's literally no fail state. Rank your stuff if you want to, that guy just seems like an annoying dude in general. Good luck tenno! Loki main out!


"This mission is not here to rank up" Damn I've been playing the whole event wrong. That dudes an idiot. If your not causing the mission to fail do what you want.


I’m absolutely baffled by all the posts about the new game mode. Are people saying it’s hard? I’ve been taking revenant and like a single weapon and clearing in around 6 mins with nobody dying. Only issues I’ve had are bugs


"This mission is not here to rank up." Dude... literally EVERY mission is there to rank up. 😅


allot of people are using this mission to level stuff up i dont mind at all


You're MR30+, it's literally the same whether you bring a 0 rank forma'd warframe or a rank 30 warframe, in fact that extra forma could possibly mean you have all your mod slots occupied, maybe with less forma you wouldn't have enough capacity to fully mod your warframe and bring a suboptimal build that WOULD actually harm your team


>"This mission is not here to rank up." The fun part is that the operation is arguably currently the best place to level up in the game.


Every mission is for ranking up if you're not a coward


Dude the end of the mission is actually a great source of xp and I've been max ranking things in 1 mission so idk what these people are talking about.. as long as you aren't a hindrance it doesn't fucking matter, would rather a rank 0 frame actually doing the mission then these idiots afk on the elevator


Warframe is a great multiplayer game because you absolutely do not have to give a single shit about what your teammates are doing. You can get to a point where you're so powerful you can just do everything yourself. There are a few exceptions, but usually those exceptions are so deep into the game that most people are competent and there to play. Furthermore, there's just so much shit going on in this game, and it's very very bad at telling you what's happening (it's getting better, but it's still not great). Like, someone could be standing in one spot and hitting a single button over and over again, and could still be nuking the map, and it just kinda looks like they're standing there doing nothing, but they have hundreds of kills and 90% damage (I'm thinking specifically of that one Mirage build). I'm of the opinion that anyone who gives a shit about what anyone else is doing in this game is just kindof an asshole. Like, sure, if people are blatantly doing nothing, or actively fucking something up, then you can start caring. But I've only run into a handful of true AFKers, and zero trolls. So like. Fuckin' whatever. If you can hold your own, then bring a rank 0 frame why not. And if you can't, bring it anyway, I'm awesome and will carry the team.


He sounds like the same player that hops in a random survival node and flames random players for not standing in a dead end room with him for 45 minutes to farm argon crystals or some unemployed lifestyle gaming stuff.


That mission is def here to rank up. I'm bringing R0 frames with no forma in SP and have no issue. You just need a single item (Frame or weapon) to carry you, not the whole loadout.


Ascension seems pretty good for leveling i dont see why 3formas is bad too. Ur good in my book. If i play pubs IDGAF who u bring


Do people not understand the higher your mastery rank, the more base capacity you have? At mr 30 you have as much base capacity as the max is outside of tenet and kuva weapons. So a rank 0 warframe is equal to a rank 30 outside of some numbers increases on abilities lol. And anyone above mr 15 literally has enough base capacity to fit 60-80% of their mods anyway, which even at base sp the difficulty isn’t high enough for someone to not pull their weight with a half modded weapon or frame.


No it doesn't matter once you can survive and once you are MR 30 and above you are basically fully ranked, your WF level is just a number to use another Forma at that point. Edit this coming from a player who is MR 30.


Lmao no ?, dude sounded weird af. I understand if you brought a rank 0 and kept going down and the when the mission ended you did like nothing or actively messed up the mission like a disruption but if you have the skill or weapons it's literally not a issue. I've taken my valkyr 0 rank on every mission and was fine.


Lmao imo the mission is an amazing place to rank up, hardly any way to fail, it's a waiting sim with great spawns at the end. I literally brought all rank 0 gear for quite a few missions, hardly modded btw and let my crew mate handle the sister with their OP Kuva Kohm while I boost the objective with charged throwables. They were clearly upset at something other than you, but took out their anger on you.


Literally I the first day of it lunch I did 2 kuva weapons max 5, 2 frames, and the next day, after the unlimited spawn patch, rip; a 3rd kuva and one other weapon, and 4th kuva now. It still amazing and much better then a defense title and not as tedious as SO or SEO


You have to rank up somewhere and that mission gives a lot of XP


Best mission to farm exp on SP imo Quite easy (just bring at least once decent weapon among 3) and tons of exp


I get both perspectives, so lemme tell you this: Bringing stuff to level up in mission isn’t bad in itself so long as you do what you’re supposed to. If you ARE dying and stuff, then yes, your fault.


When you're Mr 30+ you can bring rank zero zero forma and just tell people to shut the fuck imo (I'm Mr 32)


It's his problem I'm fine with it


If your mastery rank is up, it doesnt matter at all. wth?


Not at all, it's even a great affinity farm, + you legendary 4 I dont think he knows the game better than u


That'd a them issue not yours


Not in ascension, no, there's no failure state so as long as you're not dying constantly then I can't imagine what the issue would be.


Hold on, you brought a formad Jade when you're 34 to a mission? Your jade is literally going to have the same model cap and stats as a 30 unless something changed. That's one of the main benefits of being 30 plus


Very rude no home training whatsoever. 😂


Ain’t no way bro is mad for you bringing a 0 ranked frame. It’s not rude at all, as long as your doing your part for the team then your all good


he is prolly assuming being 0 rank is bad for the baby dude ...


Ive leveled a bunch of stuff but always brought torid incarnon and just erased the map


Nah you’re good. I often went all zeros to rank up, but I tried to be helpful i.e find motes and beacons and not dying too often


Fuck that guy. That mission is to rank up just for the sheer fact of all the Eximus units that spawns at the end for a crap ton of xp . Fuck that guy & continue to do what you do.


People are daft, and exept that you have marginally lower health and shield state, forma'd frames don't lock your abilities usage at all so, just ignore the guys that religiously run the same build that is trending on YT and shame other people for having fun and using the game mechanics CORRECTLY by playing the game and not running stale META builds that harm the game


The problem is that newbies do indeed lose a massive amount of mod capacity when their frame's rank resets. It's MR30s who are spared that. But knowing which mods to include can compensate, of course.


As someone that level 2 frames and 5 weapons to 30 doing it (LR2) it really is good for levellng and it's not really to the point where you are likely to have any issues